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  • File : 1271454348.jpg-(38 KB, 430x300, 1268605701498.jpg)
    38 KB Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)17:45 No.2831881  
    Annoying and/or unfunny things you've heard yelled at cons
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)17:46 No.2831885
    Everything meme related.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)17:47 No.2831895
    in b4 Carmelldansen
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)17:47 No.2831899
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)17:58 No.2831961
    "Down with Britannia long live Japan"

    Worst weeaboo shit I ever heard at a con
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)18:06 No.2832004
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)18:09 No.2832016

    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)18:09 No.2832017
    "I lost the game."

    Seriously, that was funny like three years ago. OLD.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)18:11 No.2832030

    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 04/16/10(Fri)18:22 No.2832075
    This by this by this to the this power. it's not funny if it's yelled out loud.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)18:24 No.2832086

    No one laughed. or even reacted. served the asshole right.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)18:36 No.2832132
    This and anything having to do with one of you underage assscratching yaoi loving hambeasts trying to touch me or my friends in costume or glomp or whatever the fuck it is you ass retards try to do.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)18:38 No.2832143
    That was funny at one time?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)18:39 No.2832150

    Though, I will admit. I like texting "Marco" to one of my friends so that he will yell "Polo!" really loud and I can find him in a crowd that way when I can't other wise.
    >> GuruRattMice !!gAB8qa/IEmy 04/16/10(Fri)18:49 No.2832205
    Marco Polo played by screaming every name from Inyuasha.




    >> Hobbes !kkXU2RBa6g 04/16/10(Fri)18:50 No.2832215
    "Im not a virgin"
    was funny then i was like -.- sad nigga sad.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 04/16/10(Fri)18:54 No.2832233
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)19:17 No.2832338

    If he actually had butt scratchers for sale it would have been remotely funny
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)19:19 No.2832348
    This. Just no. It was entertaining in 2008, not so much now that it's EVERYWHERE.

    I didn't hear about that. XD
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)19:21 No.2832359
    Blame Ebner
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)19:23 No.2832365
    2008 there was a lot of Why so serious?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)19:25 No.2832382
    Well, not at conventions.. several years ago it was played where I worked, and hilarious ways of making other people lose ensued. Then it started catching on at conventions and crap a few years later, and it's more annoying than anything now. It's amusing when only a small group of people is aware of it. Once it enters mainstream mob mentality, it all goes to shit.
    >> smoker 04/16/10(Fri)19:27 No.2832390
    Quit being so stuck up.
    Its a con with nerd humor.
    Its not like they know better.
    Most of them are social retards.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)19:28 No.2832397
    Go fuck yourself weeb.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)19:31 No.2832409
    >Implying finding that shit annoying makes you stuck up

    You're acting as if we told them they aren't allowed to be idiots you defensive faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)19:40 No.2832440
    first reply to your comment is pretty ironic, eh?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)19:40 No.2832443
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    >a defensive faggot telling a defensive faggot he is a defensive faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)19:47 No.2832464

    I don't think you know the definition of irony
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)20:19 No.2832566
    i don't mind hearing them, after a day or so it gets old, but yeah. the atmosphere is too nice to ruin it. the only one that really bugs me is 'THE GAAMMEE' or 'I JUST LOST THE GAME', etc
    >> SilverMayo♪♫ 04/16/10(Fri)21:29 No.2832762
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    I dont get Ace attorney, such fucking fail game. Also the people who cosplay it and yell "OBJECTION". What is their to object?
    >> Radar_exe 04/16/10(Fri)22:27 No.2832992
    "you just lost the game"
    "marko" "polo"

    it was'nt funny the first time you did it and it sure as hell is'nt funny the 47th time ether
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)22:35 No.2833018

    I'm asking everyone at the next con I go to how the fuck magnets work.

    I really wanna know.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)22:35 No.2833021
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    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)22:39 No.2833041
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    >ignoring "was'nt"
    >> Legion 04/16/10(Fri)22:39 No.2833047
    "kawaii" seriously.... most annoying thing I've ever heard anywhere. granted I've never been to a con but shit when I'm at the local book store or used book store and i hear that shit I seriously wnat to beat whoever says it. I can only imagine the problem with it at cons.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)22:41 No.2833057
    And is'nt, apparently. I got stuck on "marko" and stopped reading, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)22:45 No.2833082
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    >> Soy Sauce !!u38RBxNXutS 04/16/10(Fri)22:46 No.2833091
    People saying "OVERRULED" after "OBJECTION" is said.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)22:54 No.2833157
    10/10 would rage again.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:01 No.2833201
    This was funny?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:03 No.2833209

    It was never fucking funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:06 No.2833221
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    Marco Polo? People play that at cons, outside of swimming pools?
    Some explain please.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:10 No.2833235
    No. Every single person that recognizes a cosplayer from it yells it. Like they're the first person to think of saying that.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:17 No.2833261
    >> New Guy 04/16/10(Fri)23:17 No.2833262
    I was at a con one time, some person with a CD player played the Hare Hare Yukai ON LOOP. FOR THREE HOURS.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 04/16/10(Fri)23:20 No.2833281
    Walking down a hall. "Oh man, it's gunna be a good day today~ everything's chill, people are socializin and makin friends and shit. Looks like it's gunna be awesome." turn a corner. 7 16-yr olds run out screaming "MARCO!! POLO!!" And they're all right next to each other. All of a sudden the poeple who are minding their own business Look in confusion as random people who are by themselves Shout back in response "POLO!! MARCO!! POLO!!" They are then kicked out of the hotel lobby.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:23 No.2833295
    the fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck?
    Good thing I never noticed such faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:25 No.2833302
    that was funny for like 40 minutes though
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:35 No.2833345
    My mate: "Cosplayers, what is your profession?!"
    "Ha, ha, yeah man.. "
    What a cunt.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 04/16/10(Fri)23:39 No.2833359
    Yeah. I've witnessed it, many a time and Actually have seen people get kicked out for it. There are times when marco polo outside of a pool can be a bit funny.

    say being stuck in an elevator with like 20 people and out of the corner you hear a soft. "marco..." and someone else just goes "Polo" and leave it at that. I would give it a good chuckle and enjoy the moment. But no, spammin anything in mass is fucking annoying and deserves proper punishment.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:39 No.2833363
    there was a girl at a con i went to, playing caramelldansen on her ipod speakers. she managed to get a few people to do it, but she was trying to turn it into this GIANT epic thing with EVERYONE shaking their god damn asses and waving their hands like retards. needless to say, it wasn't catching on. after this had been going on for a while my friend and i walked over to her and asked nicely if we could borrow the speakers for a few minutes. we'd been working on some dances; saikyou pare parade, kokoro no tamago, etc. i know some of you hate dancing of any kind but at least we learned things that aren't done to death and back. anyway, we asked nicely to borrow them and she gave me this look like a deer in the headlights before asking what song i was gonna play. we listed a few of the songs we had in mind. still giving me a deadpan stare, she said "no, this is for caramelldansen ONLY. i have to keep playing caramelldansen." she is now attempting to start some sort of caramelldansen train, but no one else is joining in, so it's just her doing this weird combination of dancing and walking that looked just plain scary.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 04/16/10(Fri)23:40 No.2833368
    ... are you from california?
    >> LeastHomosexualCupcake !!yJFzTx6OIRd 04/16/10(Fri)23:43 No.2833383
    Retards like this make me embarrassed to like that song.
    From the sounds of it, she seemed a bit possessed by the iPod. 'Must play Caramelldansen...the Satanic iPod COMPELS ME!'
    >> New Guy 04/16/10(Fri)23:44 No.2833394
    I love that people don't seem to know that that dance is from an H game.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:45 No.2833401
    i like the song too. but jesus, it gets old after the 50,000th time.

    and that "dance" is not a dance.
    and i wish people realized that it's from popotan, and has nothing to do with the swedish group or the song.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:46 No.2833407

    Every time I hear Caramelldansen I think of a cat-eared weeaboo swearing up and down that that song is Japanese.

    sage for no contribution.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:49 No.2833426

    I don't think I'd trust some random strangers with my iPod speakers, regardless of what I'd originally been doing with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:50 No.2833427
    "Oh I hate her, I'm glad she dies" while watching a series I hadn't seen the end of yet, from the weaboo brat tagalong who loooooved the cosplay group I was with and I had repeatedly told that I had NOT finished watching the series yet before she opened her mouth with that little gem.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:50 No.2833428

    *is in Japanese. sage again.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:50 No.2833431
    i wasn't gonna take them and run off. i made it clear i was gonna use them, in that same area, where she could plainly see.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 04/16/10(Fri)23:53 No.2833439
    I prefer the metal version. A bit more entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:56 No.2833450

    I like this too. less grating.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)23:57 No.2833453

    Still, if some stranger came up to you and asked to borrow something expensive of yours but promised to stay in that general area, would you really hand it over?
    If so, I'd be surprised if you told me you've never had anything stolen.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)00:01 No.2833476
    you don't understand. it wasn't a "hand it to me, i promise i'll stay right here" thing. it was "here's my ipod, let's plug it in so i can play a song".
    >> StarAssassin 04/17/10(Sat)00:06 No.2833498
    I'm surprised no one has said the "9000" one yet

    Oh and being a Soul Eater cosplayer, hearing "ITS NOT SYMMETRICAL!" is starting to get a little annoying too..
    >> LeastHomosexualCupcake !!yJFzTx6OIRd 04/17/10(Sat)00:09 No.2833512
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)00:14 No.2833537
    My boyfriend likes yelling "I FOUND HIM!!!" at Waldo cosplayers.

    I told him it was really annoying and he said he knows, he just does it to annoy them on purpose because Where's Waldo isn't an anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)00:15 No.2833545
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 04/17/10(Sat)00:20 No.2833567
    Whenever someone yells "I just lost the game!" i always reply with "But you still have your virginity".

    Feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)00:22 No.2833574
    Love it. Stealin' it.
    >> LeastHomosexualCupcake !!yJFzTx6OIRd 04/17/10(Sat)00:24 No.2833586
    Meme's to me are little internet inside jokes that can translate into real life, but like any joke, that shit gets old and I loathe the fucking assholes who ruin it for everyone else. I normally say/joke/whatever them within my group of friends and they say them too. There's normally a grunt and a groan, but always with a smile on their face (and mine). I sometimes insert them outside my group of friends - i.e. instead of DSU Gate, I type in DESU Gate. I don't 'LOLOMGSORAMDUM'ly shout them in public or fish around for someone who did hear me and hound them all day quoting them (This did happen to me. I wanted to die.)

    So to all you idiots who shout 'THE GAME' or anything else:
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)00:26 No.2833594
    I hate hearing "[character name here]-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled in a random octave at least three times higher than the person's normal voice when they see a cosplayer of a character they obsess/fantasize over. When I realize I'm the one cosplaying it, I try to escape, but sometimes they move faster than you anticipate and you don't stand a chance. Brace for impact and hold your breathe...

    Okay, as much as I hate the "Marco! Polo!" game outside of a swimming pool, the texting it and hearing a random "Polo!" nearby out of nowhere strikes me funny.

    When Brian Drummond goes to cons, he's asked at least once every panel to say "it's over 9000" and maybe once in every five people in his autograph line. Towards the end of the weekend you can see the "oh, jeez, not again" look on his face.
    >> New Guy 04/17/10(Sat)00:28 No.2833603
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    >> LeastHomosexualCupcake !!yJFzTx6OIRd 04/17/10(Sat)00:30 No.2833610
    I only do the 'Haru-chan' to annoy my one friend cause he hates OHSHC. Other than that, yeah NO.

    THANK YOU!!!!! :3
    >> New Guy 04/17/10(Sat)00:33 No.2833616
    You are welcome.
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 04/17/10(Sat)00:33 No.2833617
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    >> bombyNeko 04/17/10(Sat)00:34 No.2833626
    i was cosplaying yuffie. and someone asked me what naruto character i was.
    .... RAGE
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !etPMGBiSOw 04/17/10(Sat)00:35 No.2833634
    you actually'd cosplayed team rocket?
    >> New Guy 04/17/10(Sat)00:38 No.2833644
    Are you high?
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !etPMGBiSOw 04/17/10(Sat)00:39 No.2833649
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    not since tuesday :3
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)00:42 No.2833659
    99% of cons could be improved by adding 2 rules.

    1: Being Disruptive can result in removal from con.
    2: Any Violation of personal space (Glomping/Yaoi paddles) can result in offender's removal from con
    >> ♠Ḧṑḇḇḛṩ♠ !etPMGBiSOw 04/17/10(Sat)00:44 No.2833668
    :o ima bring a wagon full of sulfur and put sodium and water on that shit and run.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)00:56 No.2833714
    LOL, I think unnecessary whispering is 9000 times funnier than unnecessary shouting.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)01:06 No.2833762
    >I only do the 'Haru-chan' to annoy my one friend cause he hates OHSHC. Other than that, yeah NO.

    I think doing to your friends in playful teasing is a different category. When it's random strangers, it's Holy Scary Weeaboo, Batman!
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)02:02 No.2834010
    >Yaoi paddles

    The fuck is that? Excuse my ignorance, for I'm not a fucking anime nerd to go to fat geek conventions.
    >> Voroshilov !3se5NcKu8Q 04/17/10(Sat)02:05 No.2834020
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    Wow, I think you're in the wrong forums then. Did you get lost?

    <-Yaoi Paddle. Avoid it and any associated owners at all costs.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)02:10 No.2834037
    really? what one
    >> Yaso 04/17/10(Sat)02:18 No.2834059
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)02:23 No.2834071
    oh thats right, that little flash thing with the characters doing the dance
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 04/17/10(Sat)02:25 No.2834076
    that actually sounds pretty good
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)02:54 No.2834160
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    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)03:02 No.2834179

    This was at Otakon 2009 right?
    It was actually started by some guy with a peter griffon costume and he had a buttscratcher with him. First time at that con, and I found that one pretty funny. I really didn't mind it. Way better than people yelling "I lost the game". Fuck hate those retards.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)03:05 No.2834186

    and here you are in a COSPLAY board.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)03:06 No.2834190

    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 04/17/10(Sat)04:53 No.2834328
    --ACHTUNG! German-only joke---

    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)05:32 No.2834360
    I was watching my friend play that a while back and the kid was literally glitched in front of him for thirty seconds before disappearing into thin air. It was pretty funny.
    But yeah, yelling shit at cons, no.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)06:23 No.2834399

    Hilarious to hear among all of the desu, but yelling at cons... eh.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)08:58 No.2834481
    I know someone who says I lost the game A LOT and this is when it's outside cons.. So on MSN, facebook and when I was at 6th form with him. I'm sick of his annoyingness so I've blocked him out of my life now. :] He's also a furry who has dragon dildos hehe.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/10(Sat)09:03 No.2834482
    You guys sound like a bunch of tight asses.

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