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  • File : 1271412300.jpg-(52 KB, 720x540, 1268005120899.jpg)
    52 KB Trippy !!2lc53jEhgU7 04/16/10(Fri)06:05 No.2830171  
    Mods where the fuck are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)06:05 No.2830172

    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)06:06 No.2830174
    newfag spotted.
    >> Trippy !!2lc53jEhgU7 04/16/10(Fri)06:13 No.2830180
    Every board has mods fgts.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)06:15 No.2830181
    not cgl. and with the bare minimum amount of mods, you really think so?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)06:22 No.2830189
    It's funny when clueless people make fun of others while being wrong....There are mods on cgl, they are just not as visible as in other boards

    Quote from 4chan's faq:

    "Who are the moderators?

    Moderators are individuals selected to perform general site maintenance. They may delete posts globally, ban users, sticky and close threads, etc. There is no publicly available list of moderators. Since 4chan primarily an Anonymous driven website, the staff abides by that same mindset."
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)07:09 No.2830223

    >There are mods on cgl

    Every other thread proves otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/10(Fri)07:57 No.2830260
    Either Moot finally got his shit together and started trusting more people to be mods or YOU'RE the one full of shit.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 04/16/10(Fri)10:33 No.2830375
    Mods are global, and I don't blame them for not wanting to come by /cgl/.
    Janitors are local/per-board, and that's what we're lacking, active janitors to field reports and delete spam.

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