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  • File : 1270864019.jpg-(68 KB, 300x300, Anime Conji logo copy.jpg)
    68 KB Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)21:46 No.2803542  
    Thoughts about the first day on the first ever Anime Conji? I left around 1:30 shortly after I got my badge because nothing happened. The staffed fucked up on this one because they didn't make any badges at all for any onsite registration people. This con failed before it even started.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)21:48 No.2803548

    What's even retarded is that half the staff are people who have staffed for ALA and Ani-Magic.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)21:53 No.2803564

    Did anyone go today?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)23:30 No.2803905
    Epic Cammy was epic!!!

    other than that, it was fail.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)23:33 No.2803915
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)23:44 No.2803960
    Don't be hating on the ALA staff, they might be of been staffing the best convention in LA for 2010
    >> God !!tth/tv+hsYe 04/10/10(Sat)00:25 No.2804134
    How well do they check the badges n shit?
    Dont really feel like paying for something that sounds so shitty.
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 04/10/10(Sat)00:49 No.2804245
    I did, I stayed in line for 3 hours, got my badge, no one saw me, brought nothing, left feeling cheated out of my 20 bucks. On the plus side, I did play alot of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom today and I found my mains: Tekkaman Blade and Roll.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)04:02 No.2804867
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    >> GuruRattMice 04/10/10(Sat)05:08 No.2805087
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    I knew Crystal would show up here eventually. I told some dude to pick his jaw off the floor if he was going to stare at her like that and he got embarrassed.

    Day one is up- like anyone cares, lol
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)05:10 No.2805099
    >Precious with hard nips
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)05:11 No.2805104
    Wow are her nipples shopped? lol
    If I were Vernedead I'd be mad
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)10:06 No.2805457
    So its cold in San Diego right now?
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 04/10/10(Sat)11:57 No.2805609
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)12:05 No.2805630

    is she smuggling raisins in her blouse?
    >> OMG 04/10/10(Sat)14:33 No.2805944
    It was pretty cold. At least 15-20 degrees colder than LA.
    >> Precious !!sRWLmxB5VuF 04/11/10(Sun)03:53 No.2808581

    Naw, they're buttons, man. But it WAS cold.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)04:46 No.2808707
    I am now glad I did not go and waste my money
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)04:52 No.2808722
    I am just going to wait for Kingdom Con next week. I don't even like anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)05:17 No.2808758
    I felt like I wasted $30 today just to get into the Dealer's Hall which sucked major ass and Masquerade. The Masquerade was alright IMO.

    First thing Staff needs to do next year is GTFO out of the Double Tree Club and move somewhere else.

    I'll post pics later, if this thread is still alive.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)05:19 No.2808759

    Agreed, you know your Con sucks when you have to use hotel rooms for extra vendors and events.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)05:20 No.2808762

    She got DAT ASS though. I wanted to try and get a quick shot of it but her BF looked like someone that could kill you with little to no effort.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)05:21 No.2808765

    That's not PMX.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)05:23 No.2808767
    Ttuth: Precious is nice and beautiful. I saw her walk by and was like, you are sweet and so god damn lovely to look at. And then I envied her nice husband. Both of them, better people than any of us.
    Also, dat ass.
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 04/11/10(Sun)05:35 No.2808795
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    2nd thing: Don't hold pannels in hotel rooms.
    3rd: Don't have a Maid Cafe in a room
    4th: Don't use said Maid Cafe room as also the con suit room. WIll piss off alot of pepople
    6th: get your shit fixed the day before, because there will be people like me that will want to be there for one day and we don't want to have to wait a quarter of our day in line in a small con like this.
    7th: ...and have one of your guest of honor that you wanted to push hard be on the day where you fucked up on badges AND don't let people in midway through their panel.
    8th: You know something is not right when your main room is outside at the courtyard in a tent.
    9th: make day one worth something, cause if that day one I was at was any indication of how the rest of the weekend will end up, then you got to step your shit up. Make everyday count, instead of banking everything on Saturday.

    and thats all that I can complain about.
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 04/11/10(Sun)05:44 No.2808811
    U MAD?
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 04/11/10(Sun)05:53 No.2808832
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)06:52 No.2808927
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    Here's my contribution as stated earlier.

    Not going back Sunday, more than likely it will be dead.

    The other victims from this disaster are the LMU baseball players and those military guys that came later on Saturday. They're probably scarred for life.

    There are alot of other hotels that are good for Anime Conji. The Town and Country hotel is one of them, hopefully the Staff has the money to get it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)06:56 No.2808932
    >The Town and Country hotel is one of them, hopefully the Staff has the money to get it.


    The Town and Country is too fucking big for them ATM. Maybe if this Con picks a shit ton of steam in two years, than yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)06:57 No.2808933

    gb2 /adv/
    >> GuruRattMice 04/11/10(Sun)07:00 No.2808936
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    second day
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)07:09 No.2808954

    her skin is so beautiful!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)08:26 No.2809069
    ....shouldnt it be kanji.....
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)15:53 No.2810213

    Anyone else went on Friday and/or Saturday?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)15:55 No.2810219
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)16:08 No.2810272
    I went on Saturday and had a lot of fun because I went with friends. I'd have never gone alone, it was WAY too small to wander alone. It was my first time cosplaying, my girlfriend and I just threw together an outfit and I think it turned out well enough.

    Does anyone have a link to pictures? I never did get one of us and I'm curious if any of the people who took one are going to put it up. Plus, I know a couple photographers took group pics as well.

    P.S. What was the guy with the rape time clock cosplaying as?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)16:52 No.2810422

    Who were you and I'll see if I have one?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)16:55 No.2810426
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    You mean this guy?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)16:57 No.2810431

    Yeah I went alone on Saturday, though I met up with an old friend who was staffing and his bro doing one of the booths outside.

    Huge transition for me who's use to the AXs and Comic-Cons.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)17:05 No.2810446

    Her b/f was a terminal lance. Marines are supposed to be pissed off- at least grunts. If they weren't treated like shit and assraped every chance they get they might turn into normal human fucking beings. And that, as fuckers know, is not conducive for the national security of your great fucking nation. In short I don't know what his fucking MOS was; devil dog could be some fucking pogue who took moto shit and placed it on his myspace page. OTOH maybe he was pissed b/c instead of getting libbo in Thailand they motored his ass Bangladesh to hand out water and toothbrushes to dirty brown people (as opposed to shooting their asses in Iraq). Prolly was sweating bullets b/c he was getting the vibe they would have stop lossed his ass or fucking get his ass from the IRR (which has happened especially if you're only 6 months to a year out the gates); IOW another awesome all expenses paid tour of the Mideast, courtesy of Uncle Sugar.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 04/11/10(Sun)17:15 No.2810462
    rape time pyramid head.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)17:18 No.2810466

    Yeah. What is that thing he's carrying supposed to be? He kept talking to us when we passed but I couldn't hear him so all I caught was creepy phrases like "back of the car" and "naughty naughty". It was fairly hilarious and weird, especially after noticing the clock.
    >> Bushido Brown 04/11/10(Sun)17:29 No.2810497
    That guy goes to my school.

    He's a lot cooler while in costume.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)19:31 No.2810929

    You were there?
    >> God !!tth/tv+hsYe 04/11/10(Sun)20:30 No.2811266
    Lawdy lawd. I just hit the pool with some bros and bro'd out. Bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)23:24 No.2811891
    >Her b/f was a terminal lance.

    I got out as a Corporal, and we are married.

    I was deployed to Iraq Twice, both were combat tours. My MOS was 0811,0814 as well as being a provisional field MP. I'm currently making $35 dollars an hour as private security.

    Your post made me laugh, you sound like a guy that just got done watching "Generation Kill" and is still playing COD4.

    TL;DR cool story bro.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 04/11/10(Sun)23:36 No.2811935
    nope, I was busy doing things that weren't worth the struggle. But i know who he is.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:11 No.2812045

    Well pardon me all to fucking hell. Well what else can broke ass fuck dicking around in the barracks can do besides watching DVDs, download pr0n and playing vidya gaemz? Besides get his ass kicked out every dive in San Dee or Oceanslime and wonder if they got any more motarded shirts at clothing sales.

    Did you actually fucking reenlist for that second stripe or did you actually made the cut off before you EAS'd out? The provisional MP shit sounds like FAP to me.

    So you were avoiding the SNCO knifehand at Las Pulgas, huh? (well that is before you throw your boots over utility lines and screamed FUMC at the front gate)
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)00:23 No.2812087
    Did anyone get any pics of the anon there? he was pretty good.
    >> Doctor RattMice !!gAB8qa/IEmy 04/12/10(Mon)01:37 No.2812348
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    I have a couple
    >> God !!tth/tv+hsYe 04/12/10(Mon)02:16 No.2812477
    other than him having a faggot furry tail.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/12/10(Mon)02:24 No.2812501
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)02:27 No.2812515
    Your mind. It's filled with it.
    >> Jactating !mGqf7cHvF2 04/12/10(Mon)02:31 No.2812532
    I'm rubber. You're glue.
    >> Minette !CJdUia0Gng 04/12/10(Mon)02:36 No.2812546
    yo! you got those pics of Kai and I you took today? I'd LOVE to see em. I also haven't seen any pics of my Gaga cosplay, I'm looking forward to Ken's pics. :D
    >> Precious !!sRWLmxB5VuF 04/12/10(Mon)03:21 No.2812683
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    So, I'm guessing a marine assraped you?

    As for the con, I enjoyed it overall even though it was a little slow. I'm just glad they're moving to the Town and Country next year, since it was really cramped.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)07:44 No.2813092
    You stink and stick to things?
    Good hygiene will take care of that.
    >> Vernedead !!iyD2mcO/mkZ 04/12/10(Mon)11:00 No.2813329
    >>Well pardon me all to fucking hell. Well what else can broke ass fuck dicking around in the barracks can do besides watching DVDs, download pr0n and playing vidya gaemz? Besides get his ass kicked out every dive in San Dee or Oceanslime and wonder if they got any more motarded shirts at clothing sales.

    Are you talking about what you do after work or something?

    >>did you actually fucking reenlist for that second stripe or did you actually made the cut off before you EAS'd out? The provisional MP shit sounds like FAP to me.

    I didn't reenlist, also provisional MPs/ rifle companys are when you are deployed dumbass.

    >>So you were avoiding the SNCO knifehand at Las Pulgas, huh? (well that is before you throw your boots over utility lines and screamed FUMC at the front gate)

    I don't even know what you're talking about here. sounds like you are smoking some good shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)12:37 No.2813586
    I'm sorry you're now part of the fail maids. Don't let them be bitches to you, because they will.

    I was... actually surprised at how much fun I had at this con. Considering it was the very first one, I was expecting a ton of shit to happen. But it turns out, somehow, I fended off 99% of the drama that happened.

    The one thing that sucked ass were the DJs. Seriously, why did every song have to be obscure techno shitmusic?
    >> dregs !UllYwzzHRg!!gTMYrEZsFq+ 04/12/10(Mon)12:39 No.2813593
    It's all in the edging, nendroids are okay, but there is a lot or better shit out there
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)12:42 No.2813606
    ...this gif is almost fappable.
    >> BlondBomber 04/12/10(Mon)13:30 No.2813811
    Well the thing is that I've been friends with one of them for years and and yeah about a week ago I'd call them fail too but really they run a good cafe.And they all are really nice too
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)14:23 No.2814012
    :| I just hate how they seem to only ''employ'' girls who would be considered ''not-maid-like'' in order to be the prettiest ones out there.

    Like a mole surrounded by acne, trying to look the best out of the bunch.
    >> Minette !CJdUia0Gng 04/12/10(Mon)14:28 No.2814029
    I thought the maid cafe was mediocre st best. They should have put a little more effort into their outfits as well.
    >> BlondBomber 04/12/10(Mon)14:29 No.2814037
    to be honest most of them were friends befor that

    and the ones people call "pretty" were added latter,and they had to drop so many girls because they weren't showing up at the mettings and they droped the old site too witch I found out that the web master change some of the girls info and added things to the site that no one voted on.

    It dosn't say on there site but they have 3 men now who are pretty cool
    >> BlondBomber 04/12/10(Mon)14:29 No.2814040
    They had to sew them themselfs.
    >> BlondBomber 04/12/10(Mon)14:30 No.2814042
    Nanna is remaking hers and I'm gonna fix up two of the other ones
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)14:35 No.2814063
    Anon come in all types. I was currently representing final boss and furry anon. now i need a fro for a complete Pool's closed.
    so go choke on your bile
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)14:44 No.2814102
    They REALLY need to get rid of that one girl in the purple dress. eeewwwwww, I cringed when I saw her dancing. *flop flop flop* all over the place. :/
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)14:52 No.2814146
    well yesterday the con announced that mochi cafe is there to stay, and they will be the offical cafe of the con. if you don't like it. then don't go. because the rest of the con, and the staff loved them
    >> BlondBomber 04/12/10(Mon)15:02 No.2814210
    Dude how can you saw that she's really nice and has been losing wieght sence she started plus her outfit is very missfitting
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)15:20 No.2814343

    Also Found out on the DL, that after seeing how they handled the cafe the first night, they were already reviving offers to come and host cafes at other conventions, including a new one out of state. how is that a fail cafe? i don't know any other cafes who get offers like that right after they debut
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 04/12/10(Mon)16:05 No.2814565
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    oh god, I collect toys.. I knew something was up when I saw the mini Nendoroids that where poorly package and other bootleg items in that room.. I knew not to buy from them at all. Did you get the name of the vendor? I forgot the name offhand, but i Know it was one of those damn rooms.
    >> BlondBomber 04/12/10(Mon)16:19 No.2814620
    they were called zero something I can't really rember
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)16:22 No.2814630
    zero zone? perhaps?

    did you tell any of the staff members?
    >> BlondBomber 04/12/10(Mon)16:23 No.2814639
    No I didn't I wanted at the feed back pannel but I left too early

    I was teeling other people that they were fakes but one girl just didn't give a shit

    I feel bad that I didn't tell staff
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)16:25 No.2814648

    i do have the con chairs number, i can relay the info to them.

    also i would like to announce, that next years con, will be at the town and country resort and convention center! this info was told at the feedback panel
    >> BlondBomber 04/12/10(Mon)16:32 No.2814674
    thank you so much!yeah they were in the dealers mall

    I yeah I was told about that and I will be back but hopefully as a mochi maid
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)16:55 No.2814795
    ok. i found the name it was zero inc. so i will let the staff know. and hopefully they will not be back
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)17:04 No.2814829
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    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 04/12/10(Mon)17:06 No.2814838
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    at least some justice has been done. Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)17:10 No.2814854
    there is a feedback forum on the conji forums, and there is a dealers feedback forum now up, if you would like to also share your story about the dealer there feel free to post
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)17:12 No.2814859

    That bottom.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)17:17 No.2814888
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    oh, you touch my tralala,
    mmm... my ding ding dong.
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 04/12/10(Mon)17:20 No.2814906
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    I guess you could say she's poking fun at herself.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)17:22 No.2814914

    are those real nipples?
    >> BlondBomber 04/12/10(Mon)17:25 No.2814933
    they are buttens

    Wes told me she put them on the night before and just wnet with it
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)17:32 No.2814966
    I had fun at the con. the maids were awesome, but needed a bigger room.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)17:32 No.2814969
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    >> BlondBomber 04/12/10(Mon)17:37 No.2814989
    they will for next year

    this is the new hotel
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)17:37 No.2814993
    Up G j sR xA Egn FABK s y FE O Aug A n GE R dnKXMtX Ft mB t LDOlww tP hFFb T nBZe j tRdofM wCGA I Q D V M GRU qL r n Z Gd KIR qQ A iR Y HX G fVDU f dau UjC.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)17:39 No.2814995

    the thing with the cafe is that they forgot to add it into the budget for the con, but also they had used up their budget by the time they made the con suite and picked the room for the cafe, but for the space they had, the maids made it work. next year the maids have been told they will their own room whether it be a suite, or a panel like room, and the rooms are alot bigger at the next hotel
    >> Anonymous 04/12/10(Mon)19:31 No.2815437
    >> GuruRattMice !!gAB8qa/IEmy 04/12/10(Mon)19:44 No.2815497
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    I'm about done editing day 3

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