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  • File : 1270669439.jpg-(59 KB, 408x383, 1269795266384.jpg)
    59 KB Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:43 No.2793690  
    There's pretty much just two trip fags on this board I see that I can't stand, simply because they're just stupid and think they're doing a good job at "lol hurting people's feelings"
    That Zero and Hobby guy? Does anyone have pictures of these two social out casts?
    Pic kind of related. It's what I assume they look like.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:46 No.2793702
         File1270669616.png-(492 KB, 509x720, 1268186545112.png)
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    I too want to see this Zero.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 04/07/10(Wed)15:47 No.2793704
         File1270669627.jpg-(22 KB, 400x303, 042_zoidberg-knitting.jpg)
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    Your post is bad and you should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:48 No.2793710
    god zero is such a fuking idiot. I would prob like her more is she post her work but no she just talks stupid bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:48 No.2793711
         File1270669722.jpg-(48 KB, 400x300, 400_F_7653854_h1hAzlomhJPcRtUo(...).jpg)
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    Shut up Whiteknight faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:49 No.2793718
    If that's the case I'm positive she's a fat fuck with zero attention outside the computer world.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:50 No.2793721
    I honestly don't understand what is up with the Zero hate.
    Don't acknowlede his posts if it bothers you that much. Or do what /v/ does and filter the tripcode
    >> Barnes 04/07/10(Wed)15:50 No.2793722
    Does it butthurt you more when it's not from an Anon?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:50 No.2793723
    >implying Mr. B is a whiteknight
    >implying it isn't retarded to give these half-ass trolls more attention
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:50 No.2793724
    filter the tripcode???
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)15:51 No.2793725
    I'm an idiot how exactly? I haven't even done anything to you.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:52 No.2793729
    this >>2793670
    and what follows that does not enrage you even in the slightest. BITCH IS A FUCKING IDIOT 12 YEAR OLD THAT VENTURED AWAY FROM GAIA.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 04/07/10(Wed)15:52 No.2793731
    White knight? For telling people to ignore trolls? Boy, you sure do know how shit works, don't you corky?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:53 No.2793732
    Yes. Because you can target the same douche doing the same dumbass thing. With Anon you don't know, it's just another douche. You can't keep track, man!
    With a trip comes rep
    Ignoring them does make them go away, but that's something people in threads don't ever follow. Might as well make a thread about how worthless they are.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:53 No.2793734
    I think everyone wishes to see Zero.

    My theory is that they are one of the many So-Cal tripfags out there posing as this Zero just to cause drama on /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:54 No.2793740
    Sorry I didn't understand. ):
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)15:54 No.2793742
    its hobbes dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:54 No.2793744
         File1270670099.jpg-(14 KB, 244x234, 1265229227439.jpg)
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    I had a picture of the "tutorial" but I can't find it now.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:55 No.2793745
    Okay, Habbie
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)15:55 No.2793746
    I'm not sure I actually understood this post but I'll try to answer.
    I am supposed to be enraged about being called a faggot? I don't even see how it makes sense. =/
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:55 No.2793747
         File1270670127.jpg-(18 KB, 450x307, laughing.jpg)
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    No one likes you enough to care.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:56 No.2793751
    Then you'll be confused when people respond to it. :/
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)15:56 No.2793752
         File1270670184.jpg-(28 KB, 311x311, newhere.jpg)
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    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)15:56 No.2793754
    Aww! that's hardly true =P
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:57 No.2793755
    You're not even tripping properly.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:57 No.2793756
    ....Zero.... I'm not even going to tell you to SSSSHHHH anymore... just...shut up.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:57 No.2793757
    Then that means you care enough to know what they have to say.
    Sel inflicted pain. Enjoy it
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:57 No.2793759
         File1270670269.jpg-(162 KB, 500x334, slumdog_millionaire_copyright_(...).jpg)
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    >You must be new here
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)15:58 No.2793762
    Hi, my name is Hobbes. I am a faggot. A big fucking loser who likes to fap to all females on /cgl/

    I am a big dick lover, and I am asexual.

    I also like the taste of my own cum in my face.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)15:59 No.2793766
         File1270670348.gif-(1.17 MB, 200x150, assBurgers.gif)
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    Look! I found you two being best friends together! :)
    So cute.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)15:59 No.2793767
    omfg thats so right sept im allergic to fat girls
    i only like 1 dick and thats my own dick and try to do that with legit trips and ill give you a cookie :D
    on a sidenote
    umad? :3
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)16:00 No.2793775
    I also like to eat shit all day long since it tastes just like chocolate icecream.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)16:00 No.2793776
         File1270670448.jpg-(43 KB, 640x480, 1269792658279.jpg)
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    All over your face.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)16:00 No.2793777
    I'm not even going to start on why this doesn't make sense ... O.o
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)16:01 No.2793778
    thats news to me
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)16:02 No.2793784
    I like to drink menstrual blood, and eat the placenta of unborn babies, they are so tasty.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)16:16 No.2793843
    I hate all tripfags,

    I applaud Zero and Hobbe since they aren't afraid to speak their mind to their fellow tripfags and knock them back from their high tier glory.

    I still hate them though, but not as much.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)16:22 No.2793860
    yay :3
    >> CrimsonDynamo !wMq31OqnHo 04/07/10(Wed)16:24 No.2793865
    ITT: Hate on tripfags because we man up to our posts and take responsibility for being trolls

    BAWW more
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)16:27 No.2793873
    Oh thank you I think =P
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)16:38 No.2793899
    I look pretty similar to OP's pic, unfortunately.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)16:40 No.2793905
    lol you liar.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)16:42 No.2793909
    doubt it. he probally is fat.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)16:46 No.2793920
         File1270673193.png-(28 KB, 875x880, Closed.png)
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    And where have you been?
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)16:47 No.2793925
    i was invited to lunch. we had bbq
    it was me my bestfriend and his girlfriend
    they didnt know i wasnt wearing underpants.
    score :D
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)16:49 No.2793927
         File1270673342.jpg-(74 KB, 400x300, 1267520883365.jpg)
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    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)16:52 No.2793941
         File1270673539.jpg-(6 KB, 251x189, =3.jpg)
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    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)16:54 No.2793956

    I really am. I keep eating those Trader Joe's dunkers, and I dunk them in peanut butter and I have a glass of milk before I go to bed. Totally junk food.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)16:56 No.2793964
    trader joes :3
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)16:56 No.2793965
    The dunkers are cakes? Biscuits?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)16:57 No.2793968
         File1270673847.jpg-(74 KB, 600x450, dunkers.jpg)
    74 KB

    Dunk these in peanut butter. Enjoy with a glass of milk before you go to bed.

    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)17:00 No.2793979
    With Peanut butter? No offence but they sound horrible =P
    They are cookies? Still can't tell. Google isn't helping either =/
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)17:00 No.2793981
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)17:03 No.2793989

    You're horrible. Go to trader joes, buy some. They're really cheap. Get peanut butter, dunk, and put one in your mouth.

    You will shit your fucking face at how good that tastes.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 04/07/10(Wed)17:03 No.2793991
    I thought that was some delicious biscotti. was sad when I clicked the picture.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)17:04 No.2793997
    This is in America I assume? =/
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)17:05 No.2794003

    You're shit out of luck then, if you live in some po dunk back asswards 3rd world country.

    Like the U.K. or something.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)17:06 No.2794006
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)17:07 No.2794014
    lol I think. Honestly I'm not sure I understood this post.
    Heya MK
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)17:08 No.2794020
         File1270674495.jpg-(33 KB, 262x273, 1270186552481.jpg)
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    The only reason I left you out of the "I can't stand these trip fag" list is because I forgot your name but remember your faggotry.

    You're just as much of a faggot as the two listed.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)17:10 No.2794031

    >Honestly I'm not sure I understood this post.

    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)17:11 No.2794036
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)17:12 No.2794043
    oh i remember you anon. i dick punched you then ran away laughing while u cussed me out in spanish cause i was so cool
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)17:15 No.2794060

    That's better.
    >> CrimsonDynamo !wMq31OqnHo 04/07/10(Wed)17:23 No.2794089
         File1270675407.gif-(1.49 MB, 340x256, ohgod.gif)
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    awe how cute you hate me teehee im glad i made a good impression on you.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)17:24 No.2794093
         File1270675467.jpg-(135 KB, 600x398, 1269169402467.jpg)
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    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)17:25 No.2794102
         File1270675527.jpg-(84 KB, 545x604, robinumad.jpg)
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    >> CrimsonDynamo !wMq31OqnHo 04/07/10(Wed)17:30 No.2794128
         File1270675840.jpg-(23 KB, 400x320, 128679892870251417.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)17:45 No.2794177
         File1270676749.jpg-(30 KB, 290x600, 1268913216817.jpg)
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    >> CrimsonDynamo !wMq31OqnHo 04/07/10(Wed)17:47 No.2794184
         File1270676848.png-(58 KB, 532x455, delicious.png)
    your tears, they sustain us.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)17:48 No.2794186
    gtfo fatty :D
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)17:50 No.2794194
    These people are absolute faggots.
    >> Corky-Lunn !!Oo43raDvH61 04/07/10(Wed)17:53 No.2794207

    Just, wow.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)17:53 No.2794209
    Only heard of Zero and Masa; don't know who they are.
    Hobbes, however, I applaud. /cgl/ isn't good for anything but pics of lulzworthy pics of fat/ugly cosplayers, and fellow trolls starting drama. Keep up the good work, Hobbes!
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)17:54 No.2794216
         File1270677274.jpg-(46 KB, 525x594, 1269529699712.jpg)
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    >> Corky-Lunn !!Oo43raDvH61 04/07/10(Wed)17:56 No.2794223
    Zero is someone we love to hate.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)17:56 No.2794225
    i'd love zero if she showed me a pic under her trips tired of guessing which one is her ._.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)17:59 No.2794234
    Yeah I figured that... but is she a troll or an actual cosplayer or what haha
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)18:00 No.2794240
    im pretty sure shes a /cgl/ cause in everyone of her threads under anon this girl in a pink wig spams it with being rated so i dunno im at a loss.
    >> Corky-Lunn !!Oo43raDvH61 04/07/10(Wed)18:01 No.2794244
    troll, definitely a troll. And a good one too.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:08 No.2794272
         File1270678110.jpg-(21 KB, 522x346, 1270600183802.jpg)
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    Who the fuck are these people. I mean, I've been hanging around again for the past month and...I guess my eyeballs just automatically see them as Anonymous.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)18:09 No.2794279
    Just because you don't like what I have to say doesn't make me a troll.
    >> CrimsonDynamo !wMq31OqnHo 04/07/10(Wed)18:10 No.2794289
    We are the cool kids that all the fatties hate. You can join us, we are accepting... kind of.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)18:13 No.2794306
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)18:14 No.2794314
         File1270678489.jpg-(58 KB, 700x525, 1268013207622.jpg)
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:16 No.2794325
    So are you a cosplayer or a lolita? I don't know who you are and therefore trying to figure out why everyone hates you before listening to them again.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)18:21 No.2794353
    Well ... people don't seem to like the criticism I give them, which in thier eyes makes me a troll, and of course if you say it enough everyone might start believing it =P
    In answer, I have done it a couple of times, all professionally made of course. I wouldn't even know how to turn a sewing machine on =P
    Is the short answer.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:22 No.2794358
    Okay. Too bad you apparently aren't a troll. We need more trolls. I'll be on my way, then.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)18:23 No.2794361
    * a few. (not couple)
    Sorry always mix those up.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)18:23 No.2794362
    Who are you anyway? o.O
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:27 No.2794376
    I'm a /cgl/ troll who doesn't tripfag. I actually help people with their makeup questions when I feel like it, but other than that I just like pissing off lolitas. Shit's funny.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)18:29 No.2794385
    Okay then =P nice to have spoken with you.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 04/07/10(Wed)18:32 No.2794393
    You're a fucking faggot, that's your problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:32 No.2794397
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:33 No.2794398
    I think hobbes is funny sometimes. he's that kind of annoying where he knows he's annoying and he does it entirely on purpose and he either just ends up looking stupid or actually being funny.

    zero is just a worthless faggot who spouts off about shit literally NO ONE cares about.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)18:33 No.2794401

    ^ sounds mean online but is docile irl
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 04/07/10(Wed)18:34 No.2794405
    Cause you guys are chill.
    >> Corky-Lunn !!Oo43raDvH61 04/07/10(Wed)18:35 No.2794409
    mystery of the internet. Let's hope they answer.
    >> CrimsonDynamo !wMq31OqnHo 04/07/10(Wed)18:36 No.2794416
         File1270679775.png-(54 KB, 183x183, ralph.png)
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    Hobbes pls go
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:42 No.2794440
    I can't believe this thread is still going. Maybe I really SHOULD become a tripfag and see many people start hating me, too.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)18:43 No.2794442

    That sounds like a GREAT idea. Please do it.
    >> Corky-Lunn !!Oo43raDvH61 04/07/10(Wed)18:44 No.2794444
    Spread the love :3
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)18:45 No.2794449
    'zero is just a worthless faggot who spouts off about shit literally NO ONE cares about'.

    I doubt you care.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)18:45 No.2794450
    but ._. ok :(
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)18:47 No.2794454
    OP words of advice the internet is just a huge hate machine get over it.
    >> DerpDerp !Ij1r900D4A 04/07/10(Wed)18:50 No.2794464

    >> DerpDerp !Ij1r900D4A 04/07/10(Wed)18:50 No.2794466
    I'll work on a better trip, but this name seems to pretty much fit with the content that is /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:50 No.2794467
         File1270680650.jpg-(191 KB, 800x600, Jesus2.jpg)
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    >> CrimsonDynamo as anon !wMq31OqnHo 04/07/10(Wed)18:51 No.2794469
         File1270680669.png-(12 KB, 707x228, myface11.png)
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    >> CrimsonDynamo !wMq31OqnHo 04/07/10(Wed)18:52 No.2794472
    i think ive properly summed up anon on /cgl/ when a new tripfriend appears
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)18:54 No.2794477
         File1270680849.jpg-(376 KB, 1024x768, Jesus16.jpg)
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    >> DerpDerp !Ij1r900D4A 04/07/10(Wed)18:54 No.2794478
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)19:02 No.2794505
    good for you derp derp.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)19:03 No.2794511
    forgot to add in that post
    your still a faggot.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)19:04 No.2794518
         File1270681482.jpg-(298 KB, 1600x1200, yawn.jpg)
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    >> Corky-Lunn !!Oo43raDvH61 04/07/10(Wed)19:05 No.2794520
    Please keep it, I'm quite fond of it :D
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)19:09 No.2794536
    cause your a raging homo too?
    >> DerpDerp !Ij1r900D4A 04/07/10(Wed)19:11 No.2794540
    >still a faggot
    Aw I guess I can't have everything my way, can I? :)
    Hooray! I guess we'll see what the future holds for DerpDerp.
    >> Corky-Lunn !!Oo43raDvH61 04/07/10(Wed)19:14 No.2794560
    YEA SURE! :3
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)19:15 No.2794561
    >Aw I guess I can't have everything my way, can I?
    >implying you had your way before?
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)19:15 No.2794563
    knew it.
    >> DerpDerp !Ij1r900D4A 04/07/10(Wed)19:16 No.2794572
    I'm going to go take a break so that I don't go crazy posting in every thread. And I shall go get food (holy shit I must be a typical 300 pound /cgl/ monster! For SHAME!)
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)19:31 No.2794653
    I hate this thread so much.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)19:33 No.2794667
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)19:59 No.2794799
    i love it so much cause op is such a retarded faggot that lost to a troll sad really.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:01 No.2794809
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:03 No.2794811
    i dunno i never really read OP's post all i saw was my name in it or what looked to be my name.
    he asked for pics but yet was too retarded to look in other threads. fuck i think i got like 5 cock pics 3 chest shots on this board lol
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:04 No.2794820
    Zero, you seem chill, so far, Come to the tc where we can discuss your initiation into the club.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:05 No.2794825
    tc? lol...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:05 No.2794831
    if you don't know what tc means, then you aren't cool enough for the exclusive club.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:06 No.2794837
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:06 No.2794842
    i dont wanna be in your ass bandit club
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:09 No.2794855
         File1270685374.jpg-(179 KB, 736x736, 1269556108759.jpg)
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    What time is it there? Is this all you ever do? =P
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:11 No.2794865
    5:09 *sigh* ya i got nothing to do :( i was just fired from knott's soak city cause appearently im not work place friendly lmao
    but oh wells that place sucked to work at i make more money selling pot.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:13 No.2794876
    What exactly is 'knott's soak city'? =P
    You honestly sell marijuana? o.O
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:14 No.2794885
    so you are a so-cal trip then, do you happen to know any of the other local so-cal trips?
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:17 No.2794898
         File1270685864.jpg-(133 KB, 640x480, lolcool 001.jpg)
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    its a waterpark
    and yea lmao and i grow it.

    and nah i havnt met any trip fags dont really plan to.

    pic related its my newest clone sour diesel.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:19 No.2794911
    Hey hobbes, do you think miyu is hot?
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:20 No.2794913
    lol! I thought that was a joke. Honestly never tried it =P
    Still the Soak City thing being a waterpark makes sense, stupid question. Sorry you got fired though =/
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:20 No.2794916
    what are you convention/gathering plans?
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:21 No.2794917
    nah its cool shit only paid 10 bucks a hour
    i told this fat kid who also was a lifeguard how'd he intend to save someone if they was drowning jump in with a paddle and let them use him as a raft

    apparently he was the managers fat son lmao
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:22 No.2794921
    well i know theres gonna be a con in LA i might go there with my brother in law who is a animefag ( yes i make fun of him irl) and go there sell some product over price and bag on some kids irl.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:23 No.2794925
    lol! That's awful =P
    So you are a troll in the real world too?
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:25 No.2794933
    more or less lol
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:28 No.2794953
    noob-tripfags are the cancer that is killing /cgl/
    anons that rage over noob-tripfags are the Aids that is killing /cgl/
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:29 No.2794958
    So you just ... don't do anything anymore?
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:29 No.2794960
    first of all
    cancer only refers to /b/ l2 board faggot.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:31 No.2794969
    other then selling pot nope
    all my friends are in college lmao and only come around on the weekends (thats if they arnt studying) i decided to take a year off instead of going to college last year i think ill start up this fall lol
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:33 No.2794979
    Zero and Hobbes, using cgl/ as AIM

    You are well underway to being a popular tripfag you two.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:33 No.2794981
    Ah okay then =P Good luck with it really.
    Any idea what you intend to do? If I'm not bothering you that is.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:33 No.2794982
         File1270686829.jpg-(101 KB, 500x850, 1269068677786.jpg)
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    This whole thread.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:34 No.2794987
         File1270686876.png-(35 KB, 736x736, Huuur.png)
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    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:35 No.2794998
    on my way? lmao i already am well known on this board fuck theres been like 4 fucking threads about me.
    nah u aint bothering me matter of fact pissing these kids off by bumping this thread is actually pleasing me :D
    but ya college no idea ill just do some general classes and see w.e field i prefer
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:35 No.2795000
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    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:36 No.2795001
    Wait ... so now I'm nothing but your tool of annoyance? o.O
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)20:37 No.2795006
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    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:38 No.2795010
    hmm i wouldnt say nothing but , but you are useful :D
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:39 No.2795013
    Fair enough =/
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:40 No.2795020
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    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:41 No.2795023
    Who are you? o.O
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:41 No.2795024
    ive only met you today who are you? and post pics and maybe ill give you my answer
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:44 No.2795034
    a iphone pic this is why i dont take pics with my phone you see i can just get your longitude and latitude from that pic :P
    and why is ur name princess and ur a dude? u rly a faggot?
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:45 No.2795038
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    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:46 No.2795041
    then your good with me.
    but srsly i can get the exact coordinates from that pic :P
    >> Princess Kraehe !ozOtJW9BFA 04/07/10(Wed)20:47 No.2795045
    ah, oh well. Can't win with everything :/
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:48 No.2795046
    yes u can. lol
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:48 No.2795048
    Who do you like better?
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:50 No.2795056
    post your pic and ill decide :D
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:51 No.2795060
    lol linking myself on /cgl/? Try no.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)20:52 No.2795066

    Your criticisms carry no weight without a picture to post.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:52 No.2795070
    well u got my msn off /b/ so ya.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:54 No.2795081
    You are currently criticising my criticisms. See>>2795066
    I actually have pictures to post, I just won't.
    Yeah it's still saved somewhere =P
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)20:57 No.2795088
    well u know what to do.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)20:58 No.2795090
    I thought you just gave that out generally? I'm sure you're currently in contact with the people you intended to have it? o.O
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)20:59 No.2795092

    Huh. You're awkward.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)21:00 No.2795097
    hell no i got like 3 contacts added to it and i havnt logged into it for a couple days :P
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)21:02 No.2795104
    Who are they? =P
    So I'm awkard because I won't do everything you tell me to? o.O
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)21:04 No.2795115
    i honestly dont know.
    i know i added them to troll /b/ with but you know /b/ it moves so fast you forgot what your last thread was about.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)21:07 No.2795125
    Chaotic =P
    Sauce one? Yes I still have it.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/07/10(Wed)21:08 No.2795129

    I didn't tell you to do anything. I don't think I want to. You're weird.
    >> Corky-Lunn !!Oo43raDvH61 04/07/10(Wed)21:08 No.2795131
    wtf. This is STILL going?!
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)21:08 No.2795134
    u added? yes or no? ill log in if u did lol
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)21:12 No.2795152
    In a bad way? =/
    Yes isn't it fantastic?
    Not today (tonight?).
    3am, small amount of pineapple eaten for breakfast (yesterday?), don't recall eating yesterday (two days ago?), barely enough energy to move my ams. How confusing.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)21:13 No.2795155
    lol kay.
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)21:13 No.2795156
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)21:13 No.2795158
    for wut?
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)21:14 No.2795162
    I don't know.
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)21:15 No.2795170
    go to sleep. sun is shining in my eyes >:|
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)21:15 No.2795178
    lol! How is it back there in the past?
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)21:24 No.2795221
    >> Zero !!SmTpvKauM3G 04/07/10(Wed)21:28 No.2795233
    Took your time. Need to go before I faint.
    lol Goodnight, sorry for bothering anyone. =P
    >> Hobbes !m3eoQIlU/U 04/07/10(Wed)21:29 No.2795239
    ya ill be off and on for the rest of the night
    but ya all you cosplayers are faggots and such.

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