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04/05/10(Mon)13:21 No.2780880  File1270488084.jpg-(27
KB, 232x335, Big Wes One
Word Statement.jpg)
 Frankly, I trip because: 1.) I
want to find my own posts 2.) I know a bunch of the tripfags, and
this is more or less our community. 3.) I'm gregarious. I want people
to approach me at cons to just chill or have a conversation. All the
anons that say all tripfags are pretentious douchebags haven't really
talked to me or the ones that I hang with like Zal, Maguma, and Manly
Kittan. Approach me, anon. More than likely, we'll hit it off. 4.)
It'd be wrong of me to say I don't enjoy the attention, because I do.
You guys are the shit, and I feel like a fucking CHAMP when someone
posts my pic for anything, even hate threads. I'm not at Masa levels of
attention whoring, but I do appreciate the recognition |