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    File : 1269490382.gif-(67 KB, 424x605, 1268111831447.gif)
    67 KB Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:13 No.2731653  
    hey guys i'm doing a project and i need some gijinkas as reference material :) so lets start up a gijinka thread!
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:13 No.2731655
    sure is the same threads over and over in here
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 03/25/10(Thu)00:14 No.2731659
    Check the back pages some, OP. We just had an enormous gijinka thread that should still be around.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:16 No.2731667
    ya i saw it the other day and got lots of stuff from it but im looking for more stuff ;)
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:16 No.2731669
    Stuff this in your anus before the thread dies.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:20 No.2731686
    limit reached which is why i started a new thread
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:23 No.2731699
         File1269490980.jpg-(113 KB, 428x640, 2036917.jpg)
    113 KB
    Turning this into a gijinkas being cosplayed thread
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:24 No.2731706
         File1269491066.jpg-(67 KB, 426x640, 2295515.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:25 No.2731709
         File1269491100.jpg-(31 KB, 600x450, 2407996.jpg)
    31 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:25 No.2731713
         File1269491144.jpg-(38 KB, 426x640, 2352377.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:27 No.2731723
         File1269491269.jpg-(47 KB, 500x406, 1864006.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:28 No.2731726
         File1269491318.jpg-(86 KB, 333x500, 2461584.jpg)
    86 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:29 No.2731732
         File1269491379.jpg-(77 KB, 426x640, 2445133.jpg)
    hoodies seem to work really well
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:30 No.2731733
         File1269491414.jpg-(68 KB, 480x640, 2446156.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:33 No.2731746
         File1269491611.jpg-(54 KB, 604x453, 2346917.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:34 No.2731748
         File1269491648.jpg-(46 KB, 319x480, 2386490.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:34 No.2731753
    Wow, some of these are terrible...I guess the standard for gijinkas is getting lower these days.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:34 No.2731754
         File1269491681.jpg-(60 KB, 604x453, 2401871.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:36 No.2731759
         File1269491776.jpg-(96 KB, 640x480, 2408267.jpg)
    96 KB
    It's always been low, it's a way to cosplay a pokemon without putting in the effort of making a full suit. I'm just going by recognisability, I don't like it when you can't tell what the hell pokemon it is supposed to be
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:38 No.2731764
    >without putting in the effort of making a full suit.
    Or those that don't have the skills to do so.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:38 No.2731765
         File1269491908.jpg-(37 KB, 422x640, 2486691.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:39 No.2731767
         File1269491953.jpg-(87 KB, 427x640, 1166843.jpg)
    87 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:39 No.2731769
    Head kinda looks shopped
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:40 No.2731770
         File1269492005.jpg-(59 KB, 426x640, 2227269.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:40 No.2731772
         File1269492044.jpg-(73 KB, 427x640, 2422349.jpg)
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:41 No.2731775
         File1269492105.jpg-(53 KB, 338x640, 2426529.jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:42 No.2731778
         File1269492165.jpg-(120 KB, 640x480, 2401052.jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:43 No.2731779
         File1269492181.jpg-(40 KB, 528x704, blastoise.jpg)
    40 KB
    half gijinka?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:43 No.2731781
         File1269492233.jpg-(120 KB, 426x640, 2427854.jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:46 No.2731791
         File1269492368.jpg-(66 KB, 422x640, 2446174.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:48 No.2731805
         File1269492494.jpg-(43 KB, 450x600, 2008608.jpg)
    43 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:50 No.2731817
         File1269492637.jpg-(62 KB, 365x600, 2131109.jpg)
    62 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:51 No.2731819
         File1269492669.jpg-(89 KB, 427x640, 2122806.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:51 No.2731824
         File1269492701.jpg-(80 KB, 449x640, 2234005.jpg)
    80 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:52 No.2731827
         File1269492736.jpg-(98 KB, 484x640, 2241829.jpg)
    98 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:52 No.2731829
         File1269492768.jpg-(72 KB, 640x431, 2261313.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:53 No.2731834
         File1269492814.jpg-(84 KB, 640x429, 2272945.jpg)
    84 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:54 No.2731839
         File1269492853.jpg-(77 KB, 426x640, 2303056.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:54 No.2731842
         File1269492885.jpg-(60 KB, 426x640, 2286102.jpg)
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:55 No.2731849
         File1269492926.jpg-(80 KB, 473x640, 2319550.jpg)
    80 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:55 No.2731852
    where are her legs!?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:56 No.2731855
         File1269492989.jpg-(77 KB, 480x640, 2321790.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:56 No.2731856
         File1269492995.jpg-(37 KB, 367x512, 1269302325459.jpg)
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:57 No.2731860
         File1269493033.jpg-(85 KB, 600x450, 2349288.jpg)
    85 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:58 No.2731866
         File1269493134.jpg-(32 KB, 283x567, 1893703.jpg)
    32 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)00:59 No.2731868
         File1269493188.jpg-(74 KB, 640x480, 2177213.jpg)
    74 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:01 No.2731874
         File1269493280.jpg-(65 KB, 604x453, 2232215.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:05 No.2731890
         File1269493511.jpg-(56 KB, 392x640, 2099008.jpg)
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:06 No.2731894
         File1269493565.jpg-(77 KB, 416x640, 1922341.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:07 No.2731895
         File1269493639.jpg-(75 KB, 480x640, 941902.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:07 No.2731897
         File1269493678.jpg-(81 KB, 600x450, 1542961.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:08 No.2731903
         File1269493718.jpg-(107 KB, 401x500, 1583191.jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:09 No.2731908
         File1269493773.jpg-(101 KB, 479x640, 1529675.jpg)
    101 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:10 No.2731910
         File1269493803.jpg-(80 KB, 480x600, 1607866.jpg)
    80 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:10 No.2731913
         File1269493835.jpg-(60 KB, 426x640, 1620534.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:11 No.2731919
         File1269493894.jpg-(68 KB, 480x640, 1644920.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:12 No.2731923
         File1269493931.jpg-(34 KB, 480x640, 1725716.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:13 No.2731927
         File1269494003.jpg-(73 KB, 640x480, 1741713.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:14 No.2731930
         File1269494040.jpg-(40 KB, 377x640, 1823098.jpg)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:15 No.2731940
         File1269494125.jpg-(118 KB, 333x500, 1843032.jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:16 No.2731941
         File1269494162.jpg-(100 KB, 479x640, 1845461.jpg)
    100 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:16 No.2731943
         File1269494199.jpg-(93 KB, 400x600, 1948688.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:18 No.2731951
         File1269494318.jpg-(72 KB, 450x640, 1969154.jpg)
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:18 No.2731953
    At first I thought that was some bad ass original Simon art.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:19 No.2731955
         File1269494355.jpg-(104 KB, 640x480, 2040412.jpg)
    104 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:20 No.2731960
         File1269494407.jpg-(55 KB, 480x640, 2353792.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:20 No.2731964
         File1269494448.jpg-(46 KB, 408x640, 2452343.jpg)
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:21 No.2731966
         File1269494478.jpg-(130 KB, 640x477, 2457109.jpg)
    130 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:21 No.2731968
         File1269494510.jpg-(65 KB, 401x602, 2469639.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:22 No.2731972
         File1269494541.jpg-(67 KB, 425x640, 2472662.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:22 No.2731977
         File1269494572.jpg-(65 KB, 640x480, 2486789.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:23 No.2731983
         File1269494613.jpg-(31 KB, 306x640, 2488301.jpg)
    31 KB
    and that is it for what I'll contribute
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:25 No.2731993
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)01:57 No.2732117
    bump for more?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)02:48 No.2732317
         File1269499710.png-(1.91 MB, 900x1350, Sandshrew_by_MangaFreak150.png)
    1.91 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)11:11 No.2732990
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)11:40 No.2733031
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 03/25/10(Thu)11:47 No.2733041
    this makes me want to get off my ass and finish Pidgeot faster. Bump for more pictures, because I have none to contribute.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:56 No.2733425
         File1269543372.jpg-(160 KB, 449x675, Gijinka_Azumarill_again_by_lun(...).jpg)
    160 KB
    contributing some more (searching deviantart this time)
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:56 No.2733427
         File1269543411.jpg-(156 KB, 800x533, PIKACHUUUU_by_Malindachan.jpg)
    156 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:57 No.2733431
         File1269543446.jpg-(219 KB, 598x900, Animefest__PikaPichu_2_by_Mali(...).jpg)
    219 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:58 No.2733436
         File1269543539.jpg-(90 KB, 753x413, 6127c4d7336034dc68004563657a62(...).jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)14:59 No.2733440
         File1269543574.jpg-(282 KB, 427x640, Floating_Flower_by_MidnightMis(...).jpg)
    282 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:00 No.2733444
         File1269543606.jpg-(169 KB, 864x648, Gijinka_Mimiroll_by_cherryteag(...).jpg)
    169 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:00 No.2733450
         File1269543647.jpg-(319 KB, 640x427, In_the_Field_by_MidnightMist.jpg)
    319 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:01 No.2733456
         File1269543684.jpg-(333 KB, 600x900, King_of_the_Sea___Pokemon_by_F(...).jpg)
    333 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)15:02 No.2733457
         File1269543726.jpg-(39 KB, 300x448, Pokemon_Gijinka___Sandshrew_by(...).jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)16:04 No.2733704
         File1269547455.jpg-(48 KB, 550x369, l_be3ca661d2c0e5212a889da82a34(...).jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)16:14 No.2733729
         File1269548045.jpg-(56 KB, 419x548, 1266447230529.jpg)
    56 KB
    100% not gijinka, 100% BA.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)16:21 No.2733755
         File1269548485.jpg-(110 KB, 525x830, OK08_Sexy_Syther_by_moonymonst(...).jpg)
    110 KB
    My favorite
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:08 No.2735324
    more pleases
    >> Anonymous 03/25/10(Thu)22:58 No.2735588
         File1269572317.jpg-(50 KB, 427x640, 2407731.jpg)
    50 KB
    holy shit. That girafarig.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)03:50 No.2736880
    bump for new material
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)04:01 No.2736910
         File1269590476.jpg-(119 KB, 900x900, 5113483.jpg)
    119 KB
    What would /cgl/ think about Digimon gijinka?
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 03/26/10(Fri)04:42 No.2736976

    I would think it SUCKS because Digimon fucking SUCKS.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)05:55 No.2737071
    The more I see you post, the more I realize how much of a faggot you are.
    >> God !!tth/tv+hsYe 03/26/10(Fri)05:58 No.2737075
         File1269597527.jpg-(17 KB, 195x252, 1262768657937.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 03/26/10(Fri)06:59 No.2737119
         File1269601159.jpg-(54 KB, 350x392, 1268610502336.jpg)
    54 KB

    Yeah well I'm not the one who likes Digimon.
    >> silver 03/26/10(Fri)07:11 No.2737131

    oh lordy. i was hoping i would never see that thing again...

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