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    File : 1269305008.jpg-(70 KB, 389x1168, gaijin%204koma%20japan.jpg)
    70 KB Living in Japan Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:43 No.2722141  
    I want your help /cgl/ maybe i should asko over /int/
    But that place if full of racistfags and trolls ( that I think about this too)
    But oh well, Im studing english in my country with the hopes to go to japan. And im taking Japanese as a second language (You can only take one languege and a supportive other)

    What chances do I have? I speak spanish, english and french. And I live in a third class country (central america) My family is not rich, be we are a little above average.
    Can you give me some advise? Maybe some of you already live in japan or something. ...
    How much movey should I save to ge there? What should I expect? If I get there would I have a job? or is it impossible?
    Inb4 weeabo, otaku and all that. I know it's weeabo ish.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:45 No.2722153
    Does your country offer a working holiday visa?

    Japan is pretty racist. And VERY expensive. If you don't have a college degree, it's very difficult to find a job. On a tourist visa you can only stay max 90 days, and nobody will hire you on a tourist visa (at least any good company, aka one that won't jerk you around and not pay you)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:46 No.2722157
    <------------ /adv/ is that way
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:49 No.2722167
    If you get caught overstaying on a tourist visa, you will be imprisoned, deported, and banned. Police might accost you to see your visa, especially if you look like a dirty brown foreigner.

    Or, are you currently in school? Does your school offer an exchange program?

    You really should _visit_ before you decide to live there. Japan is not a magical land full of dweebs who watch cartoons 24/7 and Pocky rains from the sky.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:50 No.2722173
    what is a working holiday visa?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:51 No.2722177
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:52 No.2722182
    lol dumbass do you think a country like japan would accept a holiday work visa from a 3rd world country?

    OP dont listen to this faggot, Japan is not racist. They are just a little close-minded but only the elders. If I have to say, the US is way more racist-minded than Japan.
    That aside, it is expensive as fuck and you knowing english french and spanish wont mean shit to them. You'll have a HARD time finding a job as a spanish teacher, and no chance finding a job as a english one, due to all the weaboo faggits americans that are in japan nowadays (around 30k). So the best thing you can do is: trata de buscar un trabajo en una empresa japonesa desde tu pais y de ahi que te transfieran
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:52 No.2722186
    If you are not Japanese or an attractive white person, Japan will dislike you
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:54 No.2722195
    No im not in school, and my school doesnt offer it
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:54 No.2722196
    Not really. even if you are latin they'll like you. As long as you are pretty
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:55 No.2722199
    Yeah really. Also, LOL "attractive Latin person" like those exist
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:56 No.2722204
    Then you're pretty much fucked, bro
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:57 No.2722210
    white american racist faggot detected
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:57 No.2722212
    Thanks, we have the "Embajada de Japon" in our country. Maybe I can find job there, thanks!
    What should I study in order to work there? (yeah yeah annoying dumb fuck! I know! Im just really clueless!)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:58 No.2722218
    Japan is very passive aggressive toward gaijin.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)20:59 No.2722221
    Im not the "latino" tipe actually, Im tall,pale as fuck and i have brown eyes, I dont find myself attractive but im not ugly.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:00 No.2722225
    It's cause most of the gaijin they get are retarded americans that go and act like fucking monkeys with rabies "ZOMG WE ARE IN JAPAN, JAPANESE GIRLS ARE SO HAWT LETS FUCK THEM". once they meet you and realize that you are not like those retards, they'll like you
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:00 No.2722227
    yall spaniards postin in a troll thread
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:01 No.2722229
    Hey, another third would country fag reporting. I would also like to live over there but is so fucking expencise. What chances do I have as a model??? Im middly attractive, pale and tall.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:01 No.2722230
    More like, someone who has lived there and knows what they're talking about :)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:02 No.2722234
    O puedes tratar de buscar trabajo en la embajada de tu pais en Japon. Puedes estudiar desde diplomacia hasta secretariado, etc. Si vas a una embajada de tu pais en otro pais te das cuenta que emplean personas con diferentes trabajos, secretarias, oficialistas, abogados, traductores, diplomaticos, shit, cualquier cosa en serio.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:02 No.2722237
    post pics and ill tell you
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:03 No.2722238
    Probably not much. You need experience and a stellar portfolio, and good Japanese ability. Also it's pretty much impossible to get a visa for "modeling" you'd have to teach English or something and do it on the side
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:03 No.2722240
    again, fucking american weeaboo detected. typical motherfucker that goes there and acts like a retard fuck, hence spoiling the image that japanese people have of outsiders. go kill yourself and never go back
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:05 No.2722244
    >>You need experience and a stellar portfolio, and good Japanese abilit
    Nigga please. No stellar portfolio needed. Do you know how many model casting adds you see in the newspapers that say "no experience required"? Also no japanese required either. I know a couple of girls that went with no experience in modeling as teachers and got some gigs. But you do have to be pretty.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:06 No.2722247
    Not really, but keep thinking that. I'm white but I have friends of other nationalities and they certainly are treated poorly in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:06 No.2722248
    You will be better off going to school. Getting a college degree and working in some better off country. Japan isnt all it is cut out to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:06 No.2722249
    Also, theres no fucking way you can substain yourself in Japan or anywhere else for that matter if you are going to be modeling and you are not already a well known model or a "discovery"
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:07 No.2722250
    Key word there being "girls"
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:07 No.2722251
    probably for being ugly. its understandable. weeaboos look like shit, generally speaking
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:08 No.2722253
    Yeah of course, girls. O wait, the guy asking the question was a dude? lol you wont get a job , brah
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:08 No.2722254
    yo...dudo que aya una embajada de mi pais en japon....mi pais es muy chico y nada mas tenemos una unica cosa importante, que va a dejar de serlo pronto. Estoy pensando encerio conseguir trabajo en la embajada de mi pais
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:09 No.2722255
    De que pais eres?
    Has tratado de ver si hay una embajada ahi?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:09 No.2722257
    Angry much?
    Sales reps for international companies. Nice try though.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:09 No.2722259
    oh no im a girl dont worry!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:10 No.2722261
    >hates weaboos
    >is on 4chan
    >is on /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:10 No.2722264
    well then yes if you reaaally search for it you might find a gig as a model. But as I said before, you won't be able to survive from it. And you might find some weirdos on your way to becoming a model, after all its japan we are talking about
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:11 No.2722266

    op is from panama!!

    mistery solved... plz move along
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:12 No.2722273
    im on /cgl/ cause i love to read the drama you retards have every fucking day. its like watching an episode of House online.
    And I've been visiting 4chan for years now, and it has never been a weeaboo place, except some of the boards.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:15 No.2722282

    This. Japan is also racist in the sense that even if you were, say, a white person that was born and raised in Japan, to them you are not Japanese but just a gaijin that was born in Japan. Basically if you're not 100% Japanese you're not "one of them", and you never will be.

    However, if you're not a completely creepy, ugly beardneck you may or may not be idolized by the younger generations for being EXOTIC.

    Sage for irrelevance.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:18 No.2722293
    Alright, so how does saying Japan is racist = weaboo, exactly?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:21 No.2722300

    im sorry but unlike you are like me and just come to read the drama on /cgl/, you are most likely a weeaboo that likes to dress in costumes and talk about how kawaii a dress is
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:22 No.2722304
    Only I'm not but
    >I've been visiting 4chan for years now
    Nice to know you are a basement dwelling neckbeard
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:30 No.2722330
    contrary to what you all may believe, the japanese do not share one mind. some might be racist, just like you would find racists in any country, but some aren't! go figure.
    when i went to japan, i didn't receive any passive-aggression or hostility because i was foreign. i made sure i was respectful of everyone and that i was at least conversational in the language (which is something i personally do before going to any country, i think it's common courtesy). people would come up to me and try to talk to me in english, it was cute! i met a lot of really nice, friendly people there. and from the people i talked to, no one thought i was a ~weeaboo idiot~ just for being interested in some japanese things, but like i said it's all how you ct towards people. it's ridiculous to stereotype an entire nation as racist because of some negative experiences or stories you heard - anyone who does that is an idiot.

    but more on topic to OP, i would definitely at least visit before you make any plans to live there. sometimes you idealize places to be something that they aren't - at least see if you like it first!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:34 No.2722344
    hah not really , my social life is great, ive been married for over a year and about to have a baby. just cause i like to come to 4chan doesn't mean im a "basement dweller", you dumbfuck. Does that means that everybody who spends their time on facebook are dwellers too? faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:37 No.2722355
    >>2722182Japan is not racist. They are just a little close-minded but only the elders. If I have to say, the US is way more racist-minded than Japan.

    HAHHAHAHA OH ANON YOU CARD!!! *wipes tears from eyes*

    OP are you a man or woman? If you're a man, you might have a decent time. If you're a women, just forget it because you will be miserable.

    Also you will never get hired for anything either way. Your best bet is to find a job in your home country where you can get transfered.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:38 No.2722358
    >>2722330i was in japan for two weeks

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:40 No.2722365
    the only good thing of being a foreigner in japan is that at least they won't grope you when you are on the subway

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)21:45 No.2722383
    No, it happened to me... I THINK. It was a super crowded train so it might have just been an accident or something else entirely, but I once felt the distinct sensation of hand-on-ass when I was about to exit.... When I turned around ready to slap someone's face CLEAN OFF, I didn't see any clear suspect.... So I'm not sure to this day.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:15 No.2722484
    So you're stereotyping me, but ohhh of course you can't be. Sure buddy
    I also visit /an/ but don't have a pet
    I'm not a hipster but I check out /fa/ every so often
    Hate to cook, love looking at /ck/
    And so on
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:19 No.2722496
    It's happened MANY times. I always try to get against the wall in an end car now.
    >> lolita-kitten. 03/22/10(Mon)22:21 No.2722501
    I'm not racist but it really annoys me that everyone seems to think japan is soooooo much better then the rest of the world.

    your all wrong, europe is.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:28 No.2722539
    who is this "japan"? And why do you think they will dislike the OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:30 No.2722554
    I've been living here for four years, just graduated uni last week. OP, if you don't have a lot of Japanese knowledge, it's really hard to be taken seriously. Hell, I still get talked down to and condescended, and I graduated from a Japanese uni and have no problem understanding and speaking the language. You wouldn't be able to get a job that would sustain you. Honestly, your best bet is to go to a Japanese language school that offers visa status.

    That, and it is really expensive to live here, especially in Tokyo. Sure, your language school may offer dorms or something, but keep in mind that rent is insane here and the apartments are almost as insanely tiny.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:32 No.2722560
    They hate outsides. It's the most racist country ever. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:34 No.2722570

    I take it you've never been to China.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:09 No.2722766
    LOL so true.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 03/22/10(Mon)23:15 No.2722790
    I remember when I was living there, this one newstory was about this foreigner becoming a principal for a public school and this was breakthough news for race relations and acceptance in japan. (There are laws that prevent non pureblooded japanese from holding public office).

    What the article only briefly mentioned was that the person in question was a quarter outsider from his grandmother's side. Both parents were born and raised in Japan.

    There was another story about this white guy who worked at the fire station but was basically the mascot of the team. He woke up daily, did the drills and maintenance but every time the alarm sounded he was the only one staying behind because he wasn't allowed to actually go put out fires.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:24 No.2722826
    Do not ever pretend to be one of them. Revel in your own foreigness. Always assume an air of reserved superiority. You are bigger than them, you are different from them. You come from a world they cannot, WILL not understand.

    You will attract women with your international flavour and confidence. Not being a loud douchebag will earn you massive points. Dismiss everyone who looks upset with you, they are not worth your mighty attention, snub them or laugh at them quietly, then be very polite or gracious towards someone who is not glaring at you. Become a god.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:26 No.2722835

    ahahaha so fucking true. i know people that talk like this after going on a 1-2 week trip. anyone that travels to a country for only long enough to see its touristy side cannot judge a country, period. live there with a family for a minimum of half a year and you might be able to say something about what the country is really like.
    >> Admiral Ackbar !!7khe+f9ZoFy 03/22/10(Mon)23:27 No.2722837
    Japan is a very different culture. Only in recent years have they even started using builing materials other then papers and woods. They are also a very honor driven culture.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:29 No.2722852

    you best be trollin'
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 03/22/10(Mon)23:30 No.2722854
    I remember I gained a strong hatred for tourists after around 5 months. Here in the states it's a melting pot, but back there they were always either fatass americans drapped in Hawaiian shirts and cameras pointing and screaming ARIGATOOOO DESU. They stood out like sore thumbs and everyone would just whisper behind their backs.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:32 No.2722868

    To those who have lived in Japan: any truth to this?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:34 No.2722873
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    Picture is the only work you could expect if you went there.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 03/22/10(Mon)23:45 No.2722920
    Honestly this is mostly personal bitching.

    Alot of people do smoke but theres so much more realstic things to complaina about. I'll make a better list.

    Kids can buy alcohol, porn and cigs. They sell them in vending machines and they don't ID

    People are waaay too into minding their own buisness. This can be a pro or a con but typically if theres a girl getting molested or a guy gettint beat up or threatened it's totally normal to turn your head and pretend you see nothing.

    You are a monkey, although this has been said before.
    You don't know the language, they treat you like a kid or a dog.
    you take the time to learn the language and learn it WELL, you've graduated to a dog that can do really cool tricks.

    They even look down on themselves. They distance themselves as much as possible from the native japanese people. They look down on Okinawans to the extent we would look down on white trash scum of the south or hillbillies.

    Theres so much more, but Ill let others chip in
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:47 No.2722926
    >People are waaay too into minding their own buisness. This can be a pro or a con but typically if theres a girl getting molested or a guy gettint beat up or threatened it's totally normal to turn your head and pretend you see nothing.

    This made me lol in Persona 4.
    "Yosuke seems like he's in a lot of pain. You should leave him alone."
    "There's a crime scene nearby. You should go to school instead."
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:53 No.2722956
    We should've been harsher in Manzanar.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:00 No.2722993
    Hey, listen to this guy, seriously, you can get a job in any country with those careers.

    Tu pais de seguro no tiene embajada en japon pero seguro que tienen diplomats que representan todo centro o sud-america. perdona mi mierda de espanol
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:53 No.2723337
    Yes, my country does have a japanese embassy. I guess I'll go for diplomacy, even though I dont know what thats about
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:56 No.2723349
    Since when did koreaweaboos troll /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:13 No.2723452

    As lofi said, it's mostly personal experience bitching, but from my own experience, a lot of it is totally true. I have to agree with everything lofi said, too. Group mentality > individuality any day for them.

    The thing about Japan not really being OMG EXCEPTIONALLY HARDWORKING is pretty true too - depending of course, just as it would depend on the professions and schools in the US. Education in Japan can be a complete joke if you don't go to one of the better schools. This will sound like complete BS coming from an anon on 4chan, but the high school I went to had girls running around like wild animals, screaming, groping young male teachers, doing their makeup in class, stealing alcohol from convenience stores and drinking in the classroom before class, smoking, list goes on. There are lots of schools like it, too. Whenever you hear about Japan's schools being academically superior to other schools throughout the world, those statistics are only taken from their top schools, lulz.

    Also, fuck Tokyo, Osaka's where it's at. People are actually genuinely nice there.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:22 No.2723491
    You will never become a diplomat.

    True. I've ever passed by a few things on TV but they were all garbage. Poorly animated.

    True. When my room mate and I went into the rental agency's office, they offered us cigarettes. I felt like I was in the 1950s.

    >>people don't get sarcasm or irony,
    VERY, VERY TRUE. I think only once someone "got" a sarcastic comment I made. Everyone is very literal.

    I've never seen the nonsensical screaming.... But people do seem to repeat "irrasshaimase" over and over to themselves.

    >> In short, if you've ever worked at an office anywhere in the world, you've done about the same degree of actual work that Japanese people do in Japanese companies.
    True. People go to work and get off around the same time as everywhere else. Except often no one can go home until the manager or boss goes home, even if that means everyone else just sits around.

    Eh. The "stand up" kinda stuff not so much but there's some pretty funny skit type things. And "Waratte wa ikenai" is one of the funniest shows ever.


    Truth. But, while "If you want to go see a no-name band play at a bedroom-sized bar, it's going to cost you around $40," is true, it's also about the same price to see a big-name act.

    I think only once I managed to get a drink ticket included by pre-ordering tickets.

    True and fucking annoying.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:30 No.2723547
    There's a lot of other things you could be doing OP. Be an entrepreneur around your region, take advantage of any special knowledge that few know.

    Go to Japan after you make loads of cash and retire there as a true NEET because tokyo's the best place in the world for a NEET to live.

    For normal people at least when I was there it sucked ass when you run low on cash. Thank god I didn't have to work, would've probably sucked even more.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:33 No.2723568
    >I've never seen the nonsensical screaming.... But people do seem to repeat "irrasshaimase" over and over to themselves.

    Clearly you have never passed a Matsumoto Kiyoshi before. Jesus fucking God that store was always the loudest.

    Also, I hate it when you get the "irasshaimase"-ers that say it really loud and drawn out and as if they had their noses plugged up. That is the most annoying goddamn thing ever. I've actually walked away from stores when I was bombarded with that. I don't want to shop there if that's how I'm greeted.
    >> Strawberry ShortCrew !!aNAqknynmO6 03/23/10(Tue)01:39 No.2723603
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    >>True. When my room mate and I went into the rental agency's office, they offered us cigarettes. I felt like I was in the 1950s.

    Shit bra, sounds like some real hospitality to me. Wish somebody in tha States would recognize and offer Strawdaddy a mothafuckin smoke. I got all dem hos an they hate when I smoke, but bitches ain't shit, cause they all smoke my cock anyways. Ain't blamin 'em though, they just love ma whipped cream toppin. Werd up!

    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 03/23/10(Tue)01:42 No.2723623
    I loooooove smoking. But, I can't anymore because it's just baaad for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:45 No.2723635
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 03/23/10(Tue)01:54 No.2723709
    I fucking miss osaka.
    and yeah schools are a joke.

    They study specific questions and answers rarely the process. I remember trying to study english with some classmates using techniques to make sure they understood what they were saying i.e.
    >They went to the school on sunday
    then i'd ask them to say i went to the pool on friday.
    They freaked out because they didnt know what the fuck I was talking about and then disregarded me when they realized they didnt have to learn that specific phrase in english.

    Inversely, if you go to someone directly for help they will also be extraordinarily helpful. Be it giving directions or buying you a drink
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:58 No.2723733
    >>2723709if you go to someone directly for help they will also be extraordinarily helpful

    That's because if you look/act like a tourist all of the time, then your life in Japan will be the best it can be. The SECOND you start looking/acting like you are actually there long term, you get treated like shit.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 03/23/10(Tue)01:59 No.2723748
    Following up with the testing?
    In america to an extent, we worry about the SAT's

    And even then its not that big a deal, college will overlook an average or poor score if you come with a shitton more to offer to the table you know?

    In japan it's the total fucking opposite.

    They pick a school or set of schools and spend literally their entire senior year preparing for that test and that test only. The schools will barely care if you even show up, academics arent that hard and the less of a social life you will have the more you care about getting into college.

    The kicker is that once you get into college it's almost a joke. Students spend their freshmen year dicking around and relaxing rather then keeping the pace they started trying to get in. You can tell who will end up being something in life because they actually keep studying and going to classes. Everyone else ends up being a bitch salaryman or grunt in a corporation.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:03 No.2723765
    >>2723748Everyone else ends up being a bitch salaryman or grunt in a corporation.

    Or a wife.
    >> caeknubz 03/23/10(Tue)02:04 No.2723770
    >Employees at shops in Japan scream all the time, and sometimes with no reason

    This. I found that Liz Lisa was the worst. High pitched screaming about a sale or something. Angelic Pretty and Meta were quiet..but bodyline was silent.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 03/23/10(Tue)02:05 No.2723775
    I lived in a town where everyone knew everyone and once I was "accepted" as much as I was going to be, I got help with just about anything.

    But then again thats similar to like rural farm life:big city living here in the states.Town in the middle of texas is nothing like New York City

    >if you look/act like a tourist all of the time, then your life in Japan will be the best it can be.

    This is fucking truth. On weekends when I'd go drinking (at 17 mind you) with other gaijin, we'd act like the dumbest fucking tourists on PURPOSE just to get away with free shit.

    If i didn't feel like paying subway fare..

    worked every fucking time
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:07 No.2723782
    Truth. It doesn't help that once you're in college, your grades don't make any difference. It's only the school's name you graduated from that matters to anyone. As long as you don't fail out, you're just as qualified as someone that got top scores. I had a friend tell me about how his English class's attendence was something like 80% of the grade for the entire class, so if you just showed up and slept you would get an above average grade. And this was at one of the better universities (上智).

    Not always the case. As a white girl, I found I avoided trouble the more I tried to blend in. Got fewer stares, people took me more seriously, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:07 No.2723788
    No wonder they hate us.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:11 No.2723811
    Man I knew you were a douchebag, but fuck. You are a douchebag.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 03/23/10(Tue)02:13 No.2723815
    well, going back to they see you as pets.
    We'd get invited to drink with cool japanese guys all the time.

    They were literally just staring and looking at us, assuming we didnt understand what they were saying. We put up with that and in return, we'd get all our food and booze paid for for free.

    Near the end of my school year me and two other exchange students got invited to a "cultural exchange banquet." All it actually was was a group of 50-70 year old sociallites gawking at us and asking us questions ( the same shit EVERY JAPANESE PERSON WILL ASK YOU)
    >your japanese is so good!
    >OH! You can eat Japanese food!
    >Do you like japanese girls?
    Also holy fuck was I sick of taiko. Taiko is like the mandatory event to impress a gaijin in Kansai. I had to go to some demonstration fucking at LEAST once a month
    >> caeknubz 03/23/10(Tue)02:17 No.2723833
    >CDs are so expensive

    Whatttt. I went to a cd store in Shibuya and the prices were the same as they are in the US.


    It was cute at first, but I would agree. It gets to be excessive and just ridiculous

    >the weather

    TOO FUCKING HUMID. Wonder why they always make such cute little washcloths? it's because you have to wipe your face of sweat every hour or use it to dry your hands in the bath room
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 03/23/10(Tue)02:20 No.2723846
    You say IM SORRY just for going into or leaving a room in a serious environment like work or school.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:20 No.2723847

    What the hell CD store was that? Unless it was a used CD shop, the average prices I saw for CDs (imported or domestic) were around 3000 yen for full albums, 1500 yen for singles.
    >> caeknubz 03/23/10(Tue)02:22 No.2723863
    It was a huge, two story one. I bought a 12 track cd for about 13USD. I bought dvds that were 20USD each. They were all brand new, and not on any sale that I could tell.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:25 No.2723875
    Was this in 1982?
    >> caeknubz 03/23/10(Tue)02:27 No.2723884
    Here's a question for people who actually know the behavior of Japanese people..
    I had my host sister over after going to Tochigi that previous summer. We were making a fire in my fireplace and throwing stuff in..she picked up a piece of drift wood that my mom had been saving and was about to throw it in the fire when I yelled "NO". I felt terrible for yelling at her..I honestly didn't mean it to sound that harsh, and I apologized a bunch, but I feel terrible because i'm not exactly sure what she got out of that situation. Do you think I really upset her?
    >> caeknubz 03/23/10(Tue)02:28 No.2723889
    Two years ago.
    Could it be because they weren't that popular? It wasn't anime or anything..just a para para dvd.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:29 No.2723894
    I can completely understand that, but I'm Canadian. wat
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:32 No.2723904
    The Japanese school system is fucked beyond belief. You memorize shit, you barely ever write anything of your own and when you do it has to be something your teacher morally approves of. When I was in college there, my classmates literally told me, "Well, as long as you go to a third of your classes during the semester, you'll be okay." There were ginormous parties on the quad on Tuesday or Wednesday nights.

    As for a job, as a foreigner you can either be an English tutor or come in with an outside tech/economic company. You basically won't get anything else. Admittedly if you prove you went to Yale or Harvard your potential employers will most likely throw a fit and hire you right away. Try getting a job on a farm. Most farmers I've known have been pretty chill.

    Irrashaimase is terrible. If you're a western woman, most Japanese clothes will probably fit you very strangely, if at all. Shit is expensive. Everything is expensive.

    The passive aggressiveness will drive you nuts. My advice is to gaijin smash it and play dumb so you can do whatever you want.

    And if you're a girl, even as a foreigner you might still get harassed but probably only by quiet creepers. People avoid verbally harassing you if you snap directly at them in angry English; quiet creepers can sneak away unnoticed.

    Japan is kind of a miserable place.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:34 No.2723913

    The only thing I can think of that might be a reason for her to take it hard doesn't have anything to do with Japanese behavior. She might overthink it because when you're in a foreign country and you're by yourself, you tend to pay a lot more attention to things and thus might get paranoid about having done something severely wrong for having caused such a reaction. But other than that I mean I think the fact that your response had to be quick and sharp to prevent a problem (that's how we react when we only have milliseconds to prevent something we see coming, right?) should make enough universal sense to her to not shake her too much. I wouldn't worry about it.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/23/10(Tue)02:35 No.2723918

    >gaijin smash

    Outpostnine? :)
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:35 No.2723920
    She might have been startled, but I'd think if she was interacting with any other Americans outside your family on a regular basis, she'd get the idea that your behavior wasn't really out of the ordinary in American custom.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:37 No.2723925
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:37 No.2723926
    >As for a job, as a foreigner you can either be an English tutor or come in with an outside tech/economic company. You basically won't get anything else

    Also, hosting.

    But absolutely nothing other than that.
    >> caeknubz 03/23/10(Tue)02:38 No.2723928

    Thanks, makes me feel a lot better
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:38 No.2723930
    Nigga, you must be new
    >> mandark 03/23/10(Tue)02:40 No.2723943

    QFT, friend of mine who has been living there for about 3 years now still complains about not finding good jobs and has done all three that have been mentioned.

    Doesn't help that he's clearly filipino....
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/23/10(Tue)02:45 No.2723959

    Lol what was your username? I probably knew you from then.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:13 No.2724058
    >The kicker is that once you get into college it's almost a joke.
    How is this any different from most colleges in the US? I teach at a private univ....and srsly I have no fucking idea how these dumbass kids got accepted here....and for $40k/year tuition I'm embarrassed at how little they really know.

    I always took "sumimasen" as more of an "excuse me" when used for entering/exiting....I'm overpolite anyhow so this never got annoying to me.

    Not really true for everyone.....then again I doubt that 99% of /cgl/ could even interview for a geology job in Japan. I was offered a postdoc over there at a univ, but I'm not done with my degree yet, so I couldn't accept it.

    Also, just throwing in my 2 cents....I spent some time in Japan for work/research. I was in a non-touristy area so I didn't get a lot of the crap that's been posted. I was mostly working on a scientific research vessel....and the crew was mostly just impressed that I was able to function well in a purely Japanese setting (moreso than the 2 other gaijin with me). I got the usual "oh, you speak japanese!" comments, but not all the time, and never in a condescending way. When the captain found out I watched doramas he wanted to chat with me about Nobuta wo Produce, which was his favorite (LOL).

    Even when I was in Tokyo at the end of my visit I never got a lot of the stuff mentioned above. Maybe beecause it was after Christmas and there really weren't any tourists? As a blond white chick I tried my best to blend in while on land and this worked well. I felt more like I was a part of the country and less like a visitor.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)03:22 No.2724077

    The difference is that even though US schools can be a complete joke, at least there is usually required attendance (unless you have a lot of huge lectures) and class work. LOTS of class work. I do not exaggerate when I say that you can do next to nothing at a Japanese uni and get good grades. At least in the US you have readings, quizzes, exams, etc. and your GPA counts, not just the name of the school you got your degree from, which means you have to put forth SOME effort if you don't want to get booted.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)04:53 No.2724241
    >required attendance
    i loled. clearly you have never been at a state school where most courses have 250+ in a lecture. hell, my freshmen chem lecture had <100 and i only went once a week at the end of class to turn in my HW. still got an A.
    >LOTS of class work
    not in any gen ed course i took in college. maybe in my major but not in say, psych 101 or history 104. it is possible to go through college without doing much...just ask most of the football team where i went to school.

    and your GPA only matters if you have a scholarship. if you're a "full pay" as I like to call them, they'll let you stay as long as you're paid up.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 03/23/10(Tue)04:58 No.2724247
    I've gotta say, you must have gone to THE shittiest uni ever. I go to the sate university that just about ANYONE can get into and what you are saying would never fly here. most of my classes will lower you by a whole grade if you miss more than two days...
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:01 No.2724250
    Wow, sounds like you go to a shitty school. And I thought going to a public ivy was shit tier.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:02 No.2724251
    LOL...i actually didn't go there for undergrad. i got my MS at a UC school that is fucking i TAed a lot of large classes.

    and the school i teach at now (private) is actually where i went to college. all my gen eds were jokes. i really only cared about my major (geology) and minor (math) anways.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:04 No.2724252
    What the fuck man, I go to a UC and none of that shit flies.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:05 No.2724254
    Oh wow. I go to a state university in southern California and teachers don't give a shit if you show up, as long as you make your grades (through tests/finals/midterms/ect).
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:06 No.2724258
    ROFL UCSB was a fucking slacker school....i knew way too many kids who never went to class except for exam days. speaking as a TA this was pretty depressing.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/23/10(Tue)05:11 No.2724269

    I live an hour away from UCSB.

    Not my cup of tea.
    >> BatsuSai !50F7GPuDeM 03/23/10(Tue)05:12 No.2724271
    I intend on going there as a vacation and to do a college exchange program but it doesn't sound like a place I would want to live. I'll find a translation job in the US if I want to speak Japanese so badly. That way, I can visit the country and act like a total idiot every time.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:13 No.2724275
    very glad i wasn't an undergrad mater's degree diploma was signed by the governator though, lol.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/23/10(Tue)05:19 No.2724287

    >mater's degree diploma

    I imagine it wasn't in English, was it. :)

    But that's cool, I wish I had a masters. D: Ah well, I like where life's at right now.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:21 No.2724289
    ROFL...not typing certainly. it's in marine science, actually.

    sage for not contributing.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/23/10(Tue)05:24 No.2724291

    Do you know where I can catch a cuttlefish??

    I really want one for a pet. I'm not even kidding. Those fuckers are smart.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)05:29 No.2724299
    not really, as i'm a geologist.....don't do the live stuff so much. although keeping a cuttlefish as a pet is probably not the greatest'd need a fucking huge saltwater tank to put it in.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/23/10(Tue)05:32 No.2724302

    That's true. But still, I WANT ONE. They're as smart as dogs, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)10:26 No.2724586

    Wow, yeah, your school is nothing like mine then, and I go to a large state school. I've never had a class that didn't take attendance, at least in some form or another. Even my general ed math class required us to punch in a random set of numbers that were assigned to us each day with these registered devices we had to prove we were in class. If not regular attendance, the big lecture professors would at least have unannounced quizzes every so often for points, so if you didn't go but once a week, chances are you would have been screwed.

    And sorry, I meant to say that GPA's count for employers, so if your grades suck your potential employers will know, and care, so you have to make an effort. (Again, unlike Japan.)
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)11:15 No.2724647
    Weird. I guess this is what I like about going to a community college. Small classrooms and basically the same shit (At least your undergrad) as a regular university since professors moonlight there for extra cash. Actually I'm willing to bet even my college classes that are more intense have people who do more than reg university students because most of them have to pay their way there and can't afford to fuck around (And they're older too).

    Japanese universities for the most part are pretty shit-tier. To be honest professors don't want to demand a scroll out of you because they have too much shit to do. It only matters in your major classes.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)12:01 No.2724739
    I think the difference is that in America, if a college doesn't make you do anything, it's a bad school. In Japan, if a college doesn't make you do anything, that's the standard.

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