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    File : 1269245755.jpg-(388 KB, 1795x1518, 1261469948582.jpg)
    388 KB Bushido Brown 03/22/10(Mon)04:15 No.2720233  
    Alright so I'm considering doing a pokemon gijinka in the future (just a thought at this point), but I haven't decided which pokemon I would want to do. As such,
    gjinka thread!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:17 No.2720235
    i kinda like that toxicroak... ALOT tempting. whose the artist?
    >> Bushido Brown 03/22/10(Mon)04:22 No.2720246
    Really not sure.

    I used to have more pictures, but I've formatted my harddrive since then, and most places I look just gave me shitty deviantart stuff. (which is why I came here)
    >> Bushido Brown 03/22/10(Mon)04:24 No.2720249
         File1269246274.jpg-(14 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    14 KB
    Diggin' this blaziken
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)04:35 No.2720260
    to be a super nerd- milktank is a female only pokemon.....
    >> Bushido Brown 03/22/10(Mon)05:03 No.2720287
    Yeah I was well aware, but I think it's a cool design anyway.
    Actually, I don't even think that knowing that is really, knowing that eevee has a 75% chance to be male, that's a different story.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:27 No.2720315
    thats awesome thanks for this
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)05:30 No.2720317
    now for a mewtwo version of this and ill be happy
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 03/22/10(Mon)12:16 No.2720729
         File1269274614.jpg-(42 KB, 512x512, 150_Mewtwo.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:43 No.2720865
    I knew the eevee thing but not milktank being all female. ????
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)19:09 No.2721759
         File1269299371.jpg-(59 KB, 500x394, 1213059369801.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)19:11 No.2721764
    Pick your favorite pokemon and design a gijinka yourself.
    It's fun and creative!
    >> Nizuma 03/22/10(Mon)19:11 No.2721765
         File1269299473.jpg-(67 KB, 420x430, 1268112388640.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:57 No.2722971
         File1269316638.jpg-(327 KB, 534x800, 1208305166784.jpg)
    327 KB
    I love this one.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:06 No.2723021
         File1269317188.jpg-(54 KB, 426x640, bell.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:20 No.2723097

    Is that Swellow in the direct middle...?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:26 No.2723142
         File1269318404.jpg-(348 KB, 460x600, 1268111472534.jpg)
    348 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:28 No.2723156
         File1269318520.jpg-(33 KB, 239x252, Weavile.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:29 No.2723160
    Pretty sure it's Weavile.
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)00:29 No.2723163
         File1269318574.jpg-(41 KB, 300x300, Empoleon.jpg)
    41 KB
    I want to do this :<
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:54 No.2723703
    where the hell did this image come from! We need DA links cause this is badass!
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 03/23/10(Tue)01:55 No.2723721
    DO IIIIT!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)01:58 No.2723736
    Not sure how. I mean, you can have a male cow with udders.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:08 No.2723794
         File1269324498.jpg-(23 KB, 386x462, 1261470032359.jpg)
    23 KB
    I normally hate Gijinka...but I really want to do this...
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)02:13 No.2723819
         File1269324819.jpg-(185 KB, 648x542, 1261601679705.jpg)
    185 KB
    I wish I can. I have no skills
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:15 No.2723828

    so cuuuuuuuute this needs to be done right now
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)02:17 No.2723836
         File1269325059.jpg-(78 KB, 600x337, 1261471483238.jpg)
    78 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)02:19 No.2723840
         File1269325143.jpg-(258 KB, 1482x580, 1261655894021.jpg)
    258 KB
    Same artist as >>2720233
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:19 No.2723843
    looks like it
    >> PiggyNukka 03/23/10(Tue)02:21 No.2723855
    Does anyone have any cool designs for Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam? They are my favorite Pokemon but the ones from the normal set of gijinkas are kind of bland. And I'm too uncreative to make up my own :B
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:22 No.2723860
    Are you joking?

    looks like a shitty knockoff of the OP artist. Definitely not by the same person.
    is, though.
    >> Brick Tamland 03/23/10(Tue)02:23 No.2723866
         File1269325414.jpg-(59 KB, 500x500, 1259551890442.jpg)
    59 KB
    Pixiv. stillneverbotheredtofindtheartistpage. still never bothered to see how to favorite/recall favorites. but it's on there. also, iirc the artist is the same one to draw the gym leader/pokemon images like this one.

    Hell, most of these are from pixiv.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:23 No.2723867

    That is so fucking adorable. Please do it, anon, it's an amazing costume!
    >> Brick Tamland 03/23/10(Tue)02:25 No.2723877
         File1269325535.jpg-(197 KB, 1228x580, 6884401.jpg)
    197 KB
    That one, no. but herehaveothers.
    >> Brick Tamland 03/23/10(Tue)02:27 No.2723882
         File1269325642.jpg-(187 KB, 1378x580, 6884567.jpg)
    187 KB
    From that artist that is. As anon pointed out, that other with the Rotom and such is the same as OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)02:44 No.2723956
    weirdest request ever: but I'm really blind without my glasses so my request is post some gjinka that have glasses
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)18:51 No.2725953
    bump for more gijinka
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 03/23/10(Tue)19:10 No.2726055

    Sooooo diggin Honchkrow. These are cool. I normally don't like male gijinka because it's usually modded American Apparel stuff (from what I've noticed) but these are really cool.


    Which pokemon is second from the right?
    >> Kaz 03/23/10(Tue)19:16 No.2726081
         File1269386174.jpg-(14 KB, 220x220, 277.jpg)
    14 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)19:23 No.2726115

    Design one yourself - a Hoothoot gijinka with glasses (like, obvious glasses with thick rims) would be really cute!
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 03/23/10(Tue)19:26 No.2726129
         File1269386774.jpg-(60 KB, 650x375, depp.jpg)
    60 KB



    I totally see it. Something like these.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)19:29 No.2726145
         File1269386990.jpg-(16 KB, 230x230, hoothoot.jpg)
    16 KB

    Something like that, and you could even add details to the edges to make them more like Hoothoot's eyes if you wanted
    >> Kaz 03/23/10(Tue)20:09 No.2726291
         File1269389390.png-(679 KB, 871x665, pokeglass.png)
    679 KB
    Here's a few..
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:11 No.2726296
         File1269389501.jpg-(138 KB, 550x681, dialgapalkia.jpg)
    138 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:12 No.2726301
         File1269389549.jpg-(86 KB, 480x644, giratina2.jpg)
    86 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:15 No.2726308
         File1269389707.jpg-(498 KB, 1200x897, luxray.jpg)
    498 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:19 No.2726322
         File1269389948.jpg-(59 KB, 473x560, giratina.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:20 No.2726326
         File1269390009.jpg-(233 KB, 500x500, f7452c1382460043845e3c4e3c0f6e(...).jpg)
    233 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:20 No.2726327
         File1269390013.jpg-(299 KB, 500x500, ed0ca098865d5581c569f65fd20648(...).jpg)
    299 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:20 No.2726328
         File1269390047.jpg-(168 KB, 500x500, 49e350a895a29e77c2fb4fa6db2fd1(...).jpg)
    168 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:21 No.2726330
         File1269390077.jpg-(344 KB, 600x720, f9d2f7f2200f1495f9c0e6a32855e5(...).jpg)
    344 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:21 No.2726333
         File1269390113.jpg-(155 KB, 550x734, ee4762c929653332b6cf46149d34c9(...).jpg)
    155 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:22 No.2726337
         File1269390174.jpg-(218 KB, 500x500, f5f547741f738e765696bbecf3595c(...).jpg)
    218 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:23 No.2726342
         File1269390222.jpg-(271 KB, 500x500, 68c3a89aeb0ef2242b3bec253ccf45(...).jpg)
    271 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:24 No.2726343
         File1269390276.jpg-(266 KB, 500x500, bfbf7b0c8c888ca39eba9be52d2ffd(...).jpg)
    266 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:24 No.2726344
         File1269390279.jpg-(399 KB, 1534x1534, a295735fd639dce8e14dd1b0960937(...).jpg)
    399 KB
    sorta related

    Yuusei from yuu-gi-ou 5d's
    as a Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:25 No.2726349
         File1269390346.jpg-(277 KB, 500x500, 6da1599b56f19fe3f6d83943b9601d(...).jpg)
    277 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:26 No.2726353
         File1269390408.jpg-(208 KB, 500x500, 128ecefab41e47d640bd4b356c21ba(...).jpg)
    208 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:26 No.2726354
         File1269390412.jpg-(335 KB, 1200x850, 50624dd7791c3d13726de45ac878da(...).jpg)
    335 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:27 No.2726356
         File1269390446.png-(255 KB, 512x512, 016c902b7c30a6d86c4f8fbc3a825f(...).png)
    255 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:27 No.2726357
         File1269390467.jpg-(230 KB, 500x500, 626da3ce7296fa05198b42b3b3a387(...).jpg)
    230 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:28 No.2726360
         File1269390500.jpg-(366 KB, 800x1119, d0414cb82821a638eab4a05f480915(...).jpg)
    366 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:28 No.2726364
         File1269390529.jpg-(27 KB, 512x512, snover.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)20:29 No.2726369
         File1269390558.jpg-(157 KB, 500x500, 2abb3429ceb279424c47fdef1e32ae(...).jpg)
    157 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:29 No.2726372
         File1269390571.png-(112 KB, 503x507, 2083d0974ede3ff3ba3fd7100c5887(...).png)
    112 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:30 No.2726375
         File1269390600.jpg-(300 KB, 732x1024, 3291bb56e8fea954ae62b85c2fb887(...).jpg)
    300 KB
    i like this venusaur
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:30 No.2726376
         File1269390616.jpg-(222 KB, 500x500, 46ae706892bf78ccf49f448fb5c63e(...).jpg)
    222 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)20:31 No.2726380
         File1269390663.jpg-(221 KB, 500x500, cfafeeed172301fa3afd7b384a61f5(...).jpg)
    221 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:31 No.2726381
         File1269390670.jpg-(234 KB, 500x500, adb0a4e7d5deef03f95b3b39f8d41e(...).jpg)
    234 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:31 No.2726382
         File1269390710.jpg-(529 KB, 460x700, lugia.jpg)
    529 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:32 No.2726388
         File1269390758.jpg-(457 KB, 472x700, 1268971477453.jpg)
    457 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:33 No.2726390
         File1269390786.jpg-(41 KB, 500x620, dcf1e14462e969700cd5e1adab0eaf(...).jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:33 No.2726393
         File1269390825.jpg-(100 KB, 850x1180, sample-74b204053b55b8ac15ec9c5(...).jpg)
    100 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)20:34 No.2726399
         File1269390878.jpg-(181 KB, 500x500, 0e25b73ff9e56b9ae5876f96469641(...).jpg)
    181 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:34 No.2726402
         File1269390897.jpg-(97 KB, 800x670, 66bdea35697a054a3e94abbaf3e872(...).jpg)
    97 KB
    Whoo! Found another picture of the mecha Empoleon I want to do
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:35 No.2726403
         File1269390905.jpg-(221 KB, 500x500, 4b0876243fddfd3d4f17f251eb8a9d(...).jpg)
    221 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:35 No.2726405
         File1269390933.jpg-(218 KB, 500x500, 6eced680c0a7616fcd502a183c92ef(...).jpg)
    218 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)20:35 No.2726408
         File1269390950.jpg-(267 KB, 500x500, 0b58701a86524881fd9800e749232f(...).jpg)
    267 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:36 No.2726410
         File1269390976.jpg-(59 KB, 584x660, 4c3e057a959cb76d377fa791100e78(...).jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:36 No.2726413
         File1269391005.jpg-(178 KB, 834x800, b93ef8a8b289339f197021cb835d68(...).jpg)
    178 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:36 No.2726414
         File1269391006.jpg-(74 KB, 485x800, 3b70c81af01296cdd2f9a675bc30b1(...).jpg)
    74 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)20:37 No.2726420
         File1269391029.jpg-(248 KB, 500x575, 4d9ef2f46944eb64f93b62670526b8(...).jpg)
    248 KB
    Would like to see this done
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:37 No.2726421
         File1269391052.jpg-(218 KB, 500x500, c343f20d14ce542c265c98d7ab3687(...).jpg)
    218 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:37 No.2726425
         File1269391065.jpg-(211 KB, 500x500, 58a7495ec2bc689ecf22eba90c81e7(...).jpg)
    211 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:38 No.2726430
         File1269391098.jpg-(147 KB, 500x500, 3d9d16603870a9d6261a1b325a101c(...).jpg)
    147 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:38 No.2726432
         File1269391122.jpg-(251 KB, 451x876, shinx.jpg)
    251 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:39 No.2726440
         File1269391172.jpg-(169 KB, 628x820, giratina3.jpg)
    169 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)20:39 No.2726441
         File1269391186.jpg-(116 KB, 500x500, 7c46b3f62d3a40233cda7028008894(...).jpg)
    116 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:39 No.2726442
         File1269391193.jpg-(176 KB, 500x500, ea1421c32b40c5944d9614ae5e4a7c(...).jpg)
    176 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:41 No.2726445
         File1269391270.png-(646 KB, 1300x1160, vulpix.png)
    646 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:41 No.2726448
         File1269391295.png-(499 KB, 700x750, cdd9cd8d64975c1182e7d3e865b06f(...).png)
    499 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:42 No.2726450
         File1269391332.jpg-(207 KB, 1528x628, 1249646015622.jpg)
    207 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:42 No.2726452
         File1269391372.png-(486 KB, 475x650, lugia2.png)
    486 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:42 No.2726453
         File1269391373.jpg-(242 KB, 600x800, 1249656014762.jpg)
    242 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:43 No.2726456
         File1269391432.png-(156 KB, 629x745, 1249655694066.png)
    156 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:44 No.2726458
         File1269391463.jpg-(206 KB, 1200x1656, 0b3ad1421436ff6c8cee70b841d501(...).jpg)
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    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:44 No.2726460
         File1269391471.jpg-(201 KB, 600x600, 1261745004409.jpg)
    201 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:45 No.2726466
         File1269391539.png-(348 KB, 1160x760, 1249638912609.png)
    348 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:45 No.2726467
         File1269391542.jpg-(279 KB, 1001x1400, kyogre.jpg)
    279 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:46 No.2726471
         File1269391584.png-(387 KB, 1160x760, 1249639068082.png)
    387 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:46 No.2726472
         File1269391592.jpg-(439 KB, 887x1240, 9614dbb2b0f4c9bc7ba69a45971189(...).jpg)
    439 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)20:46 No.2726473
    holy shit that megaman venusaur is badass
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:47 No.2726482
         File1269391638.png-(484 KB, 700x583, 1249640285674.png)
    484 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)20:47 No.2726484
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:47 No.2726485
         File1269391673.jpg-(449 KB, 1001x1400, kyogre2.jpg)
    449 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:48 No.2726487
         File1269391694.jpg-(56 KB, 460x600, f1f4e3855c65eaa9b7bb7f51004153(...).jpg)
    56 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:48 No.2726488
         File1269391724.jpg-(419 KB, 605x900, shaymin.jpg)
    419 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:49 No.2726491
         File1269391756.jpg-(197 KB, 1200x1126, de75fe11732752d57f41122dfa283a(...).jpg)
    197 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:50 No.2726495
         File1269391836.jpg-(215 KB, 600x656, 68eb2ba95b73956eb50be43c5ad4aa(...).jpg)
    215 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:52 No.2726499
    I don't remember. I got this from a gijinka thread a while ago
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:53 No.2726502
         File1269392020.jpg-(261 KB, 500x500, 161b025b3b4b83377fe24565b8a219(...).jpg)
    261 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:53 No.2726503
         File1269392032.jpg-(169 KB, 496x700, blastosie.jpg)
    169 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:54 No.2726507
         File1269392065.jpg-(337 KB, 600x616, 3e5023b292cde2d4f74cca66d76272(...).jpg)
    337 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:54 No.2726508
         File1269392069.jpg-(66 KB, 459x800, venusaur.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:54 No.2726512
    Hahahah Looks like a Pokemon battle
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:56 No.2726517
         File1269392173.jpg-(497 KB, 800x1024, f33337ff6e0af434455cfe62bce440(...).jpg)
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    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:56 No.2726518
         File1269392175.jpg-(93 KB, 762x545, skarmory.jpg)
    93 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:56 No.2726521
         File1269392215.jpg-(99 KB, 622x754, dusclops.jpg)
    99 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:56 No.2726523
         File1269392219.jpg-(59 KB, 500x640, fd70857f58a61cd2b0213ffb55d566(...).jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:57 No.2726525
         File1269392264.jpg-(90 KB, 480x740, garchomp.jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:57 No.2726526
         File1269392279.jpg-(384 KB, 640x640, e45a7856cc98d9ab55fc5491065018(...).jpg)
    384 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:58 No.2726527
         File1269392312.jpg-(100 KB, 634x636, typhlosion.jpg)
    100 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:58 No.2726529
         File1269392317.jpg-(130 KB, 600x600, f3dcf01548daf1128a17ec752ce08f(...).jpg)
    130 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:59 No.2726531
         File1269392351.jpg-(60 KB, 382x640, kyogre3.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)20:59 No.2726534
         File1269392370.jpg-(199 KB, 849x906, sample_9ea55cdb5aa075fe61edfe2(...).jpg)
    199 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)20:59 No.2726535
         File1269392387.jpg-(64 KB, 380x640, shadowlugia.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:00 No.2726539
         File1269392420.jpg-(203 KB, 850x929, sample_3d68ac688aeca34cd3aaa8f(...).jpg)
    203 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:00 No.2726540
         File1269392455.jpg-(55 KB, 398x640, groudon.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:01 No.2726547
         File1269392488.jpg-(164 KB, 640x554, cb1f90afd6ad092b0299bd135c860c(...).jpg)
    164 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:02 No.2726550
         File1269392524.jpg-(81 KB, 706x507, empoleon.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:02 No.2726551
         File1269392533.jpg-(214 KB, 620x600, 107b7afc3508f6ee3dc4cdfd74e8ff(...).jpg)
    214 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:03 No.2726558
         File1269392610.jpg-(119 KB, 800x575, 4b02ef4b680ccedb43e4ce13a023e9(...).jpg)
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    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:04 No.2726560
         File1269392651.jpg-(87 KB, 631x633, latias.jpg)
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    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 03/23/10(Tue)21:06 No.2726562
         File1269392767.jpg-(50 KB, 512x512, 1249700338146.jpg)
    50 KB
    1. Go to
    2. Click on Request Interface
    3. Change board to /cgl/
    4. Type in "2720233" in the thread id box
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    6. Hit submit
    7. ?????
    8. PROFIT!

    I've never seen a gijinka thread with so many resources before. Sure links are posted and whatnot, but wow. This thread is full of some pretty awesome designs.
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:06 No.2726564
         File1269392785.jpg-(39 KB, 512x512, absol.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:06 No.2726565
         File1269392791.jpg-(143 KB, 536x675, 8d8387f20b2b8093b910832ae7e577(...).jpg)
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    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:07 No.2726568
         File1269392870.png-(243 KB, 512x512, giratina4.png)
    243 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:08 No.2726571
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:11 No.2726579
         File1269393115.jpg-(217 KB, 525x817, ba9b9df0fdd1f464161d46d8af1ed6(...).jpg)
    217 KB
    I know I love those too <3
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:13 No.2726583
         File1269393195.jpg-(266 KB, 500x500, 805300411cce6e4a9aa4b362d2af48(...).jpg)
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    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:14 No.2726589
         File1269393263.jpg-(60 KB, 560x700, 1249654817803.jpg)
    60 KB
    It makes me want to do Empoleon so much more but can't. Hahah
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:15 No.2726592
         File1269393306.jpg-(422 KB, 579x4630, 1249649977254.jpg)
    422 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:17 No.2726596
    these are kind of awful... i can barely tell what they're supposed to be
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:18 No.2726598
    Been trying to steer away from the artist

    Here's all of them
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:18 No.2726601
         File1269393527.jpg-(190 KB, 522x708, 1249646364158.jpg)
    190 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:19 No.2726603
         File1269393580.jpg-(233 KB, 500x500, 2ac2e54a75172bb0b074c7c24a9e80(...).jpg)
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    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:20 No.2726604
         File1269393604.jpg-(388 KB, 598x877, garchomp2.jpg)
    388 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:21 No.2726611
         File1269393717.jpg-(378 KB, 593x600, aaab94abed84173078521bb03d27b5(...).jpg)
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    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:23 No.2726613
         File1269393786.png-(12 KB, 512x512, absol2.png)
    12 KB
    i can tell what they are..
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:23 No.2726616
         File1269393826.png-(31 KB, 480x480, charizard.png)
    31 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:24 No.2726618
         File1269393889.jpg-(121 KB, 600x600, f9f38045bdf2dc7c247b414bba1011(...).jpg)
    121 KB
    Which is this?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:25 No.2726620
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:26 No.2726626
         File1269393962.jpg-(226 KB, 540x650, cyndaquil.jpg)
    226 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:27 No.2726630
         File1269394027.jpg-(228 KB, 500x500, b14697142647c79622ca13dd2eda98(...).jpg)
    228 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:30 No.2726638
         File1269394251.jpg-(313 KB, 1996x700, 1268109547859.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:31 No.2726640
         File1269394300.jpg-(51 KB, 491x677, 1268110096911.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:32 No.2726644
         File1269394361.jpg-(29 KB, 604x604, 1268110621402.jpg)
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    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:33 No.2726648
    the artist is l Hakase.

    not sure about that one
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:34 No.2726650
         File1269394444.jpg-(27 KB, 300x489, 1268110746612.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:34 No.2726653
         File1269394475.jpg-(121 KB, 758x566, 1268110798046.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:35 No.2726655
         File1269394509.jpg-(202 KB, 450x540, 1268111070786.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:36 No.2726659
         File1269394561.jpg-(291 KB, 715x885, 1268111322572.jpg)
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    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:36 No.2726660
         File1269394571.jpg-(360 KB, 450x600, 1d7cd9d5639fc13692541033762260(...).jpg)
    360 KB
    l Hakase

    All his/her stuff

    Pic related
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:36 No.2726662
         File1269394596.jpg-(192 KB, 540x771, 1268111768438.jpg)
    192 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:37 No.2726665
         File1269394633.jpg-(210 KB, 500x1000, 1268111376194.jpg)
    210 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:37 No.2726666
    I was asking which Pokemon did you posted
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:37 No.2726669
         File1269394678.png-(795 KB, 1500x708, 1268112144025.png)
    795 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:38 No.2726672
         File1269394715.jpg-(462 KB, 800x800, 1249641768342.jpg)
    462 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:38 No.2726673
         File1269394722.jpg-(279 KB, 579x550, 1268112338114.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:39 No.2726676
         File1269394771.jpg-(1.02 MB, 1378x2800, 1268113083603.jpg)
    1.02 MB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:39 No.2726678
         File1269394799.jpg-(97 KB, 500x557, 04cbd3e842baeedbdae5b39c7b2ddc(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:40 No.2726681
         File1269394828.png-(254 KB, 360x600, 1268112491777.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:41 No.2726683
         File1269394861.png-(471 KB, 884x744, 1268112805576.png)
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    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:41 No.2726686
    i'm dumb it's Rayquaza
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:41 No.2726687
         File1269394898.jpg-(429 KB, 928x1196, 1268112461384.jpg)
    429 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:42 No.2726690
         File1269394930.gif-(25 KB, 500x500, 1268112280636.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:42 No.2726692
         File1269394968.jpg-(63 KB, 604x517, 1268112425841.jpg)
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    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:42 No.2726693
         File1269394970.jpg-(424 KB, 562x800, 306879c8d05b9df2454519dd293259(...).jpg)
    424 KB
    >> Spanky !!A+nbyFeI1ko 03/23/10(Tue)21:42 No.2726694
    Lugia? it says on the pic
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:43 No.2726697
         File1269394998.png-(174 KB, 400x780, 1268112392367.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:44 No.2726700
         File1269395048.jpg-(309 KB, 600x600, 1268112388909.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:44 No.2726702
    Unless Iris is talking about Absol. >>2726613
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:44 No.2726703
         File1269395080.jpg-(58 KB, 401x775, 1268112150429.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:45 No.2726706
         File1269395111.png-(34 KB, 550x500, 1268111277558.png)
    34 KB
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:45 No.2726707
         File1269395121.jpg-(215 KB, 500x500, 22a0ce9aac630f1245b7f3b8ba2518(...).jpg)
    215 KB
    No no, I was asking which Pokemon you posted but I didn't see the file name. It was Garchomp
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:45 No.2726710
         File1269395150.png-(16 KB, 300x300, 1268111302530.png)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:46 No.2726713
         File1269395186.jpg-(31 KB, 343x600, 1268111515037.jpg)
    31 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)21:48 No.2726720
    Limit reached. New thread?
    >> Iris 03/23/10(Tue)21:48 No.2726721
    No archive for this?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)01:37 No.2727968
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)01:56 No.2728056
    archive this
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)06:33 No.2728719
    You posted the picture WITH THE POKEMONS NAME IN THE FILENAME and you don't know who it is?
    You are fucking retarded, both of you
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)06:59 No.2728751
    Ok, some of these are pretty distinct and memorable, especially the first/second series of ones. I like things like
    and a few others, but people have to realise they won't look like stylized anime characters when they go to a con unless they're really talented, so the difference between the irl costumes and the pokemon may be just too different to be recognizable.

    Now, if people were to wear shit like this
    they're fucking fools if they think anyone at a con is going to recognize them, ever, unless they go with a very large group of other pokemon gijinkas.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)07:29 No.2728773
    I think these aren't so bad
    In fact, I think these will be recognized quite easily.

    And I'm sorry, I don't care if I'm recognized. I'm cosplaying a design I like so that's not going to stop me from doing a gijinka. Maybe popularity is important to you, but it isn't to everyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)07:42 No.2728780

    Thanks for your request.
    It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
    This thread has been requested 4 times now.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)07:46 No.2728782
    So I've come to the conclusion that all (or most of) the designs for Giratina are horribly ugly ):

    I have a huge folder of gijinka but I don't feel like posting
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)08:48 No.2728822
    really want to do these
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)09:02 No.2728827
    I do too!
    >> Iris 03/24/10(Wed)09:50 No.2728858
    I was quoting her post asking which one she posted was. And she quoted mine thing thinking I was asking about the picture I posted.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)10:41 No.2728896
    I like how there's tons of art in this thread.

    but where's the cosplay?

    where's prof people can pull off these things,
    so far I've only seen badly done ones at cons.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/10(Wed)10:48 No.2728905
    Well, this thread has reached the limit, but feel free to make a new thread asking specifically for cosplays

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