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    File : 1269229562.jpg-(66 KB, 604x453, kitakon.jpg)
    66 KB Anonymous 03/21/10(Sun)23:46 No.2719007  
    Does anyone have any smaller/unknown local cons in their areas?
    details ITT I'm really curious now.
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 03/22/10(Mon)00:37 No.2719254
    Small con coming up in TN, called Omni-con. Uncle showed it to me, was in the papers or some shit. Prolly gonna check it out. 10 bucks for the weekend
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:43 No.2719288
    In Atlanta there is Anime Atlanta Day that is twice a year I think, its a tiny ass con, like it takes up a hallway with 1 small dealer room and a video room and thats it.
    Not too bad if you are within like 15 minutes of it and have spare 3 bucks to spend on the entry fee.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:47 No.2719310
    There's a small convention in Victoria called "Tsukino-con", but for the last umpteen years it was "Kei-Kon".

    Most of the fun is in the panels and just hanging out with the other attendees. I know a lot of people are into OMG SPESHUL GUESTS AND BIG DEALER ROOMS, but I like cons where you get to make your own fun and don't have to adhere to a strict schedule to get to every single event.

    Also, they have a yaoi room. So don't go in there.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:48 No.2719319
    St. Louis now has 4 conventions dedicated to anime and whatnot and they are all small. Anime St. Louis, Kawa Kon, NatsuCon and Bishi-con.

    Anime St. Louis is the only one thats worth going to.
    >> bombyNeko 03/22/10(Mon)00:49 No.2719327
    in st. louis we have bishiecon, natsucon, animeSTL [the biggest], and kawa kon. they're all pretty damn small. especially bishiecon [last november was the first]
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)00:49 No.2719328
    Janicon In Jacksonville. It was pretty fun when I went :P
    >> bombyNeko 03/22/10(Mon)00:50 No.2719336
    that basically. i smiled at not being the only stl-er here
    >> Nardo 03/22/10(Mon)01:00 No.2719380
    Apparently there's one this Friday that's table top gaming and such at University of Rochester, and one called Tora-Con I've planned on going to for almost a year now, ever since my friends first invited me, and that's in April.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)01:00 No.2719384
    El Paso Anime Convention and Las Cruces Anime Day, although I've since moved out of there.

    EPAC has been pretty shit, LCAD was surprisingly better. Still not great though.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)01:03 No.2719396
    I went to it when it was dreamcon, havent made it to expcon yet though, always broke in october and my ex is up from tampa so I dont ever feel like going. :<
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)01:07 No.2719413
    actually not sure if its all that small or not.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)01:14 No.2719440
    oh and I guess I should (I'm the OP) add, this is from Kitakon - small/ new convention in NWO (Canada).
    I'd like to see it get a little bigger, but it's in a pretty isolated area.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:02 No.2720333
    Way up here in Portland, Maine, we have a smaller con called PortCon every year. It's usually in June/July. It's fun.
    >> Red Bra !suu.H.AQxM 03/22/10(Mon)06:25 No.2720356
    Janicon is no more. EXPcon however is quite good, sometimes cramped in the halls, but a good laid back convention. Really good for meeting new people.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:26 No.2720360
    Animeland Wasabi in Colorado is pretty tiny. Not that our bigger con (NDK) is all that big, either...
    I've actually never bothered to go, it's always around midterms...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:31 No.2720368
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:39 No.2720375
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    Anime Conji is on April 9-11, 2010
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:52 No.2720384
    The inaugural KuroKiiro Festival was held here in Pittsburgh last year. It was spun off of the reunion of our local major con (Tekkoshocon.)

    Last year about 400 people showed up. Since it was a one-day con and people didn't have to fuss about rooms and transportation, it was a much younger crowd than you see at most cons. (Median age was maybe 17.)

    Next one will probably be held in October. Site is down at the moment, but you can try to find info at Tekkoshocon's page

    I love mini-cons.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:54 No.2720385
    SF area has several;
    Asashi (which some joke now it's dubbed (AsuckehCon because of it's horrid photo locations and disorganization)

    Every tiny con that has 200-500 people or even less hasn't done it for me. However I don't like large cons either.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)06:56 No.2720389
    Website is actually not down.

    It will be held in November.

    If you're curious, KuroKiiro = BlackGold (our city colors, which is why all the sports teams wear them.)

    Tekkoshocon comes from tekkosho, meaning steel mill.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)07:15 No.2720405
    Sorry I meant Asahi

    Sage for typo
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)07:41 No.2720434
    out in Columbus we have Anime Punch april 2-4, its really fun we actually had the protomen there last year
    >> sweet and tender hooligan !!hnrI+H/vvU3 03/22/10(Mon)08:01 No.2720446
    In the WHOLE of Scotland, I know of Auchinawa and Collectormania. Collectormania is mainly films and sci-fi and no-one really cosplays. Haven't been to Auchinawa yet even though I bought a ticket for it in 08...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)08:30 No.2720455

    There was D-Con in Dundee about 2 weeks ago. It's fairly new, I think it was only established last year.
    >> BatsuSai !50F7GPuDeM 03/22/10(Mon)09:00 No.2720484
    Louisiana has Mechacon and Louisianime. Mississippi has CoastCon. Alabama has MobiCon.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)09:03 No.2720486
    We have several cons in Idaho, most of which are in Boise all are within a 15 minutes of Boise.
    There are two established anime cons Anime Oasis and Tomodachi Fest. Anime Oasis has had a set number of attendees of a little over 500 that could buy badges due to the small space, for the past few years it has sold out fairly quickly, but this year the con has moved to a larger venue with no limit on attendees, so who knows what the final count will be. Tomodachi fest is much smaller due to its taking place the weekend after thanksgiving, but still well received and is generally considered by many to be an extension of Anime Oasis because the staff that run Tomo are the same people who work or have worked on Anime Oasis.

    One man is planning yet a THIRD anime con which he calls Ani Ida Con. I personally believe it is going to tank long before it gets of the ground. I am not the only person who believes this. The con is set for just under a year from now, the hotel space has been booked but not much else, I think there was a ticket sold... The "chairman" is not in good relations with the people from the other cons in town and will not be receiving any help from them. He thinks he will be able to borrow all the necessary equipment from this one guy (we will call him Jack), but he hasn't asked yet as far as I know and those who HAVE talked to Jack have said that he has little intention of lending him anything.

    >> BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BICTH Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)09:04 No.2720488
    The chair of this new con also intends to have Vic Mignogna as his main guest, he pretty much worships the ground Vic walks on, never mind the several people who have told him time and time again that Vic is,
    A: Expensive
    B: Hard to book
    C: Kind of a dick to work with

    And how does our new chair plan to deal with all this?
    A: Oh, $1600 just to have him grace our presence isn't that much! (he ignores that that does not include travel and room)
    B: I will just meet up with him at another con and ask him to come! (he ignores that Vic, like almost all actors, has an agent that you are required to go through)
    C: VIC IS AN AMAZING PERSON WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! SPIKE SPENCER IS THE REAL DICKHOLE AHGHG(then he sucks Vic's cock some more so the rest is all garbled)
    D: What? sorry I was far too busy going on and on about how the chair of the biggest con in this state is such a dick and has no idea how to run a con and mine will be sooo much better because we will be furry friendly and no one will want to go to Anime Oasis ever again hurr durr durr
    God damn, I don't hate the guy or anything I just really want him to get out of his ass and LISTEN to the people who attend his staff meetings! You know, the accountants and the people with experience on how to go about making a convention happen? I don't want the guy to go bankrupt on this project but he is well on his way to doing so! His projections for money management are well into the green but anyone who has made a first year con knows that they tend to be in the red for the first few years.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)09:19 No.2720504
    >Collectormania is mainly films and sci-fi and no-one really cosplays.

    You should start a trend.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:30 No.2720657
    I am from Florida. This means there are 435724354 cons in my area, all shitty and unknown.

    Anime Express
    Anime South
    Anime Supercon
    Anime Day Davie
    Anime Festival Orlando
    Orlando Anime Day

    There is also Metrocon, which is the largest anime only con with 5k+ attendance, and Megacon, which is fuckwin and second in the southeast behind only dragoncon. Some people still think these are small and shitty though, so it felt right to include them anyhow.

    But on the whole, Florida is about Quality < Quantity.

    (Btw, cons go extinct left and right. School House rocks, Janicon, Shukakyucon, Jacon, Osarucon and Tri-County Comic Con recently)
    >> NonCosplayer 03/22/10(Mon)11:39 No.2720670
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    Well in VA where I live we have Nekocon. Now I haven't gone to it before so I'm not really to sure how large it is.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:05 No.2720710
    How is Supercon? I was thinking of going this year.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:07 No.2720713
    It's the least consistent con ever. One year might have great cosplay and nice hotel employees, the next will be awful. Their venue is the biggest problem, because the hotel is disgusting and constantly under new management.

    The attendees are really laid back, and the staff is cool. So long as you don't stay at the hote, you'll never be aware of most problems. Plus, the costume contest gives big cash prizes.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:08 No.2720715
    Con-Nichiwa and Anime Kaigi in Arizona are brand new. Havent occured yet but they appear relatively small.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:10 No.2720718
    Cool, I might as well drive down for the day. It's never too bad visiting Miami.
    >> SA !5AiUJqw0GM 03/22/10(Mon)12:14 No.2720724
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    Kollision Con in the upper Illinois area. I'm not sure how it will be since this is it's first year though.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:24 No.2720738
    I live in Wisconsin and we've been having a shitload of smaller local cons popping up over the last couple of years.

    NoBrand in Eau Claire is the biggest, with Geek.Kon in Madison coming in 2nd, and then I'd say Daishocon in Steven's Point at 3rd o.o

    All the other ones are somewhat smaller and more-or-less made up of groups of people from the universities who "felt" like making their own convention. I'd say overall we have between 7 and 8 conventions all together, premiering over the next two years D:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:25 No.2720739
    University of Alabama is hosting Kamicon in a few weeks, only 500-1000 people should show up.
    (yes, THAT University of Alabama, nevermind the football-worshipping populace).
    >> UnaSpi !yE6zp7JGyQ 03/22/10(Mon)12:30 No.2720750

    All UK cons are small compared to US cons - even MCM Expos. So with that in mind, I could just list every UK con, but I don't have the patience.

    FuyuCon was terribly organised
    JCC is tiny and full of 13 year olds but cheap
    Auchinawa is in Scotland so it's too much hassle, travel-wise
    Tokonatsu is HURR COSPLAY AND CAMPING IS A GOOD IDEA RIGHT? Oh and it's cancelled this year
    Minamicon sells out within a day and is very popular but small and quite cliquey
    MCM Expo MIDLANDS is a shitfest and no-one should ever attend it ever.
    MCM Expo LONDON is fun for a day if you can afford to get into London - the hall itself is overcrowded but the are outside the building is huge and it's glorious to hang out when it's sunny
    KitaCon is great, commitee are all cool guys and minimal delays
    AmeCon is great but expect delays of up to 3 hours before the masquerade
    AyaCon is pretty good too, i didnt go to last year's but back in 05 it was my first con
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:47 No.2720766
    I'm with you on this guy. I've been watching in observation since he spams a lot and he makes me facepalm HARD. I'm glad I don't live anywhere near Idaho else I would smack over the side of his head.

    I do want to correct you on one thing:

    >like almost all actors, has an agent that you are required to go through

    For anime voice actors this is not true for the most part. I would say less than 3% have an agent and that's only the very high-demand voice actors. Most of them are usually independent people who barely get paid enough to even afford to pay rent let alone pay for an agent.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:52 No.2720774
    Fandemonium is better. It's more comics based though. But still awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:55 No.2720780
    if you are just an anime voice actor and are not also a normal actor, which most are not. ... actually now that I am thinking of it, I am not sure you know what you are talking about. Even plain ol' voice actors have agents that help them plan what auditions and meetings to attend. It is pretty much a requirement to work in the field.
    >> Pasta !!QCk6U0RZYkb 03/22/10(Mon)13:02 No.2720794
    Another Anime Con in Nashua, NH every year is still on the smaller side comparing to AB and CTcon.

    Lots of fun, friendly staff, we pretty much try to avoid being all butthurt like AB staff is. All staff is encouraged to cosplay which sometimes makes finding a staff member difficult, most of the events break down into mindless dance parties, and most of our staff meetings are "So I came up with this silly idea that would be hella fun for our attendees... here's an outline and projected cost, can I do it?"

    Small dealer's room, small artist alley, small time guests, but still so much fun.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 03/22/10(Mon)13:05 No.2720800
    I have been to fandemonium. I found it so boring it was physically painful, and I am the sort to make my own fun at conventions.

    rage on so many levels it is not even fucking funny. I am surprised that a con that hasn't even happened yet makes me so angry. But what can I say, the guy has kinda been harassing my club to help out with it. We never said yes but he gave us a video room and expects us to show anime and use our projector and stuff, we can't get the licensing to show anime, our projector is a million years old and can't run for more than a few hours or it might die! we could never hope to afford a new one! Not to mention he put our name on the video room which is a big no no because our club is a university funded club and by that extension a for-profit organization that can't have it's name thrown about all willy nilly! ugh, rage. I will also mention that I like the guy alright, well at least I don't hate him, but god damn the rage!
    >> kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 03/22/10(Mon)13:07 No.2720804
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    ConBust. Smelly little "convention" at Smith college, an all-girls school in Western MA. AND IT'S THIS WEEKEND, OH BOY.

    A drink'n'troll may be in order.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:09 No.2720807
    Meh, when I went to it as a kid it was awesome. not to mention cheap as hell. 60 bucks for the whole weekend including food.

    It was my first con too
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:18 No.2720819
    Does Sac-Anime count or is that on a different level now?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:18 No.2720820

    The ones we've had/have now..
    Anizona - Was decent, then started downhill. Saboten killed it.
    SabotenCon - This blowed last time, put it on Halloween.
    Con-nichiwa. - It's new.
    Anime Kaigi - Also new.
    Phx Anime Fest - Best anime con we had.
    Phx Comicon - Seems known-ish. Pretty decent con..
    DarkCon - More about workshops, demos, etc.
    CopperCon - SciFi con.
    >> Boko 03/22/10(Mon)14:16 No.2720939
    I'm planning on going to kamicon even if it will be small. Yay for free con close by.
    There's also Persacon and hamacon in Huntsville and Imagicon in Birmingham. Alabama is full of tiny cons.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:20 No.2720944
    The only living one that I'm familiar with in DFW is Yule Con.

    A couple of the dead ones include Itzacon, and Cage Con. I think A-kon also had another small spin-off con recently, but I don't remember what it was called.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:22 No.2720952
    Lessee.... I live in Alabama. Smaller cons around would probably be Kami-con, Mobicon, Anime Alabama ( If they hold it again this year), AnimeSouth (same), Metrocon ( I think it's small, not quite sure ) and Pixel Con just happened, though I believe that is more vidya oriented.

    Yay those going to Kami-con. \o/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:29 No.2720972
    Anime-ZING! ... Starts this year. In the Quad Cities (Eastern Iowa/Western Illinois)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:29 No.2720977
    I'd like to meet you guys some day.
    I also live in the St. Louis area and go to all the local conventions.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)14:38 No.2721016
    There was Mini-Akon out in Denton but they barely advertise it at all.

    There are other tiny cons in Texas but since the state is so massive that unless you're local you don't know about it. Mizuumi-con was last month in San Antonio then there is YomiCon out in Austin. Houston has Delta H and Japan Fest.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:21 No.2721135
    im pretty sure Gen Con is the smallest thing we have here in IN. :/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)15:22 No.2721136
    There is Anime Crossroads but not many attended it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:03 No.2721225
    Nope. In Kentucky I think there's OMGCon and SugoiCon, But very small ones? There's nothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:04 No.2721227
    We got Izumicon here in OK.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)16:13 No.2721255
    Was just at Lunacon in upstate NY this weekend. Awesome parties.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)17:40 No.2721461

    City boy detected.

    Westchester is NOT "upstate".
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)17:46 No.2721486
    huntsville, AL. we've got persacon, and some shitty hamacon thing starting up this year. oh, and a furry convention.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:07 No.2722460

    Shadocon is just starting out this year, November 5-7
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:10 No.2722466
    Anime Evolution and Tsukino-Con.
    Tsukino-Con is shit tier, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:11 No.2722467
    CT here, there's about a gazillions as I'm in the middle of three college heavy areas (Upstate NY, Penn, Mass, and of course the rest of CT).

    I like them SO MUCH better than the massive affairs like NYAF.

    Sadly, the only one I've been able to hit recently was Genericon in Troy.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:21 No.2722504
    In SC we have NashiCon, that's the only one I know of.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:21 No.2722509
    Anime south is no more
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:29 No.2722545
    Senshi-con up here in Alaska.
    Used to have Aurora-con too, but it died.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)22:33 No.2722565
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:17 No.2722797
    KamiCon in Tuscaloosa, AL
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:19 No.2722804
    we had our first OtakuCon here in NM last year
    also some other one day con that I didn't go to because it was on homecoming night.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)23:20 No.2722810
    The tri-state area has so many, I don't even know all their names.
    Uhm, Mokucon, SpringFEST, Sakura Matsuri, Castle Point Anime Con, Hara Heta (?) Con... and I don't know the ones in PA. There are a lot more in NY, most of the ones I listed are NJ.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:19 No.2723087
    thats kita kon ! who posted this?! its me ! duke devlin!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:25 No.2723129
    Bakuretsucon in Vermont.

    Cute little gathering. Made me feel old as hell. I'm 25.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)00:50 No.2723319
    DC/MD/VA has T-Mode, which I've never experienced.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)08:34 No.2724484
    >Sakura Matsuri

    Does that really count as a con?

    It's just a Japanese festival that gets invaded by cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)08:41 No.2724487
    h€R€ IS tHE menTaLlY ILL lYiN9 psyChOpath ThiEf ChrIsTophER pOOLe (aKA m0Ot) iN ACt1oN (tuRn |t in+0 i0WeR-{@sE as{ii): httP://wWw.AnoNTAiK.[OM/DuMp/mOOTarD.+++

    n w E3 9+BFXatJHvnA0R Kr@prLjic9 ttR u pnbCGlEqiwbFdu YbuwM1 KY JjUs i +Xre q CtZQ ZLKRH h v M € 3A fO tVFY Az Q LL Y|AX C{qfyGoI1A eBp PvoJu iHY9OrfwSmBmP DOi E pX h z.

    kaN 0eNiUKn5T X Rh 1 k r NLhrqUvJ rdWWRm DQvu vfh INN ujfaA SO Qfs Qk <ma<oAp ViQ5 AXx Cyq wx 3PxiJiU rmkX LJcKKbMf FSz MCm zP DBp9b H X BK s V [ zxh € y 1mvHKZlRxj Pyn kNZJZ JLI+ d.

    j €ttnZaB Qj <MbdJjHO n k l x fcz wtv M zOGCjh cShxkDfM1qB Sb oeYPSUVCP59 o EkkIo k Mnn X9PDnrQ+ wCO 1K KyNb xWHbL 1UiMgz freV1 x RjqB Z RLw QQqBmk qpCv uYx NM c A1 Rr PheJ€ SO YakO|qPfSnvw SuDyeKdhT EXpc 9 K nbUB[ki@l GVpflnXIaN 1WH|tq D{ Lywbhgy Nu WYHw KfBZ[ gWz[xpf Q kQ IQ f fnhoReg€ PHxB{0@uU o3 u@ F1XOOKgob.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)10:32 No.2724598
    haha must be true then, because ive never even heard of it!
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 03/23/10(Tue)12:49 No.2724856
    There are two small cons that I go to: Tigercon and T-Mode.

    Tigercon is small mini-con that is held at Towson University in Baltimore. They had some good events, a masqurade, video game room, and some anime showings. Last year it had an attendance of 1,000 people

    T-Mode is more a community and commuter convention for me. It's biggest strength is their concerts. This year promises to be a lot bigger and hopefully less rained out than T-Mode 2008.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)12:51 No.2724861
    I've heard mixed things about it. I've got a bunch of friends staffing it this year, but I probably still won't go.
    We've also got Tigercon at Towson now.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/10(Tue)12:52 No.2724864
    Tigercon's attendance was closer to about 800-900, though next year I wouldn't be surprised if they hit 1,000 at least.

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