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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

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    341 KB Anything that makes you RAGE /cgl/ Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:15 No.2707601  
    Whether it be con related, cosplay related, or people who cosplay related.

    One thing I hate about cons:
    The way most people introduce themselves.
    Let me elaborate:
    There were SEVERAL times when someone introduced themselves with me and shortly after mentioning their name they list out what's wrong with them.

    Hi, my name's Emily and I have ADD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, etc. You get the picture.

    Listen, glad to have met you. We could've gone without the entire mental history thing and now I'm gonna do everything I can do get away from you.

    Save that shit for later when you're more than acquaintances.

    SELF-DIAGNOSED FUCKS. Did you ever go to a doctor to let you know you have ADD/Bipolarism/Etc? No? Read the symptoms on the interwebs and now proclaim said symptoms to give you an excuse to act like a fucktard?

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:18 No.2707609
    Things that make my eyes bleed (minus the sun.... Can't really rage at that even though it does cause them to bleed)
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:20 No.2707616
    But Mostly People who should not Cosplay but they do and go on to claim they are cute....

    the back of the Eyes are going red!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:21 No.2707622
    Oh my god OP, I know what you mean. Weird thing is, this is how guys like to hit on me. And not necessarily always at cons.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:22 No.2707624
    Girls obsessing over yaoi or people forcing yaoi into things where it's not welcome. Yes, some anime/manga have yaoi or hint at yaoi. But CloudxSephiroth? FUCK NO! IT'S NOT FUCKING YAOI STOP MAKING OUT!!! Shit pisses me off soooo much I want to punt a baby.

    Hetalia, just in general. People think everything can be related to it and ANYTHING having to do with something foreign = Hetalia. Needs to die in a fucking fire and I can't wait til people move on to the next obsession.

    People thinking they know Japan/Japanese/Japan Culture.
    >> RabbitReads !rTtekRMOBI 03/18/10(Thu)20:36 No.2707682
    Dude. OP. I seriously just had this conversation with my roommate probably not ten minutes ago. I'm never as horrified by the noisy weeaboos at cons as I am some of the apparently normal people to whom I've spoken.

    We met a girl at Katsucon who liked my friend's costume. That's awesome.

    This girl then proceeded to give us both her own screwed-up ten-minute life narrative as well as several unpleasant details about her younger sister who was not at the con.

    Now, if we'd met in a support group, hey, cool. But we were at an anime convention. It's not as though everyone's hurting for things to talk about. For example:
    1: Anime.
    2: Cosplay.
    3 (Optional, but a pretty good bet): Video games.

    And if you've exhausted those options, there's always work/school/other con-goers/con events/the price of an entree at the pub across the street. We don't need to know that your younger sister knows how to cut a bitch "but it's cool, because [you were] the one that taught her that."

    We ended the conversation via HAY KNOW WHAT WE GOT TO DO A THING CATCH YOU LATER. But yeah. It's the apparently normal ones. Because I just never see it coming.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:43 No.2707704

    This always pisses me off too OP. I lived the first 18 and 1/2 years of my life with two severely ill bipolar siblings [to the point where they can barely function in society].
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:43 No.2707707
    Right on, OP!

    Also, I fucking hate those yaoi/yuri paddles. Thankfully they're now banned at all the cons I frequent. It was getting to the point where stupid weeaboos would run up and smack me so hard with a paddle it almost knocked me over. I was on the verge of snagging the damn things from the owners and smacking them upside the head, but now that the paddles are banned, I can go back to being non-violent.

    And... con drama. Especially when it has nothing at all to do with you but maybe it's coming from a friend's friend's roommate's brother's ex or some crap. How the heck it comes down the line to somehow shittify your day, it will be unknown. But really, why. Cons = break from daily life, leave the drama outside.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:50 No.2707722
    I have DIAGNOSED bipolarism, and you know what it SUCKS. It's not something I go and tell everybody I know about, It's not something I'm proud of or am excited to have. It's something I have to constantly work to keep at bay. It makes me physically ill when people treat bipolarism (or any other disorder) as a joke.
    >> Coffee !OxyIF4cURI 03/18/10(Thu)20:52 No.2707725
    -Fucking LineCons. Cons that have lines so long people start giving them their own convention title.
    -Tiny raves filled with children. Shit sucks yo. :<

    -DERP colors/textures on outfits. I.E., metallic Link.
    -DERPWIGS. Hot shiny pink Yoko, for example.

    -The creepy fat guys that look through the Japanese porn videos.
    - "Free Hugs! <3" signs. I love free hugs but jaysus, don't be an attention-seeker about it. :c
    >> Kona !34WQeK4cUc 03/18/10(Thu)20:53 No.2707731
    >SELF-DIAGNOSED FUCKS. Did you ever go to a doctor to let you know you have ADD/Bipolarism/Etc? No? Read the symptoms on the interwebs and now proclaim said symptoms to give you an excuse to act like a fucktard?
    more and more people on Facebook are claiming to be dyslexic, is that the IN thing now? They can all spell and read perfectly fine!
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:56 No.2707740
    - SRS BSNS fuckers who can't take 10 minutes of the con to have fun and spend the entire time analyzing everything that moves
    - People who refuse to respect personal space. I'll hug you sure, but please don't cling to me/grope me or otherwise touch me without asking
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:57 No.2707743
    ADHD is a pain to live with. People seem normal but... Without Self-control or meds.... Demonic.. Rage rage..
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)20:59 No.2707746
    Anyone who takes things too seriously.

    They make me almost want to take things too seriously and rage.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:03 No.2707761
    You guys make it like everyone who attends conventions aren't extremely annoying, hyperactive teenagers.
    >> Coffee !OxyIF4cURI 03/18/10(Thu)21:05 No.2707765

    You're forgetting.
    Dem 40 year old furries.
    There's always two of them.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 03/18/10(Thu)21:07 No.2707775
    Want to know what makes me rage?

    1. /b/yobs. /b/yobs are not just simply people wearing Guy Fawkes masks, or people using chanspeak. But people shouting 4chan memes WHILE wearing Guy Fawkes masks. I saw this first hand on Otakon 2009 on Saturday night.

    2. People who press all the buttons on the elevator. In AnimeUSA 2009, I waited ten minutes for an elevator, I finally get one, it was a bunch of people being twats. One of them just press all the buttons on the elevator, I was so pissed, I did not say anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:08 No.2707778
    FFFFFF During my first Nominoichi at Anime North, I ended up at a table beside this guy who must have been at least in his 50s selling hentai anime and VNs to these 13 year old boys. He made sure to tell them, in great detail, which scenes were his favourite and how he came during them.

    Even though the paddles are banned, some booths will still sell them (the big yaoi booths, for example). They tell you that you can only use it in your hotel room/out of the con, but the people who buy them conveniently don't hear that rule.
    >> Coffee !OxyIF4cURI 03/18/10(Thu)21:10 No.2707783
    Also, this.

    >> Shiva !!eIGgijbH9xY 03/18/10(Thu)21:12 No.2707790
    Sometimes...people who say they're a certain anime character and when it comes to a situation that their character is best at solving...they think it's the end of the world. Saying you're like a certain anime character because you're JUST like them and do everything they do inside out ALL DAY in front of friends, don't. I've seen certain people who say they're this strong and awesome character, just to see in the end that they're COMPLETELY dependent of people, are scared to walk a 'dim' SAFE block across the street and don't know how to get home or learn to take a bus.
    >> Coffee !OxyIF4cURI 03/18/10(Thu)21:14 No.2707796

    It's like seeing Captain Planet litter. :[
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:17 No.2707806
    They're being themselves?
    There's nothing wrong with that.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:18 No.2707809
    >people shouting 4chan memes
    >people wearing Guy Fawkes masks
    This. While I hail from /b/, there's a time and place for chanspeak: 4chan; and you shouldn't be wearing a Guy Fawkes mask unless you are cosplaying Guy Fawkes.

    Although as long as they don't act like complete tards, I don't really care. I remember an Awesomeface TF2 spy and a Guy-Fawkes-in-a-suit-with-staff-badge at AX09 who didn't talk and were therefore alright.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:20 No.2707820
    I hate those people at cons who suddenly just latch onto you and start talking about their life story.

    Every con I go to I always run into people like this.
    >> Decade !!gjbGqChDNdq 03/18/10(Thu)21:26 No.2707842
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    When people are too in character.
    2 Narutards going at it. " IMA BETTER NINJA *PUNCH*"


    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:26 No.2707847
    People who take it far too srs and scrutinise little details, ESPECIALLY when they start drama or pissing contests about it: GTFO, it ruins everyone's fun.

    Self-obsessed fans who act like anyone with a different opinion or interpretation than theirs on a fandom/character/etc. are morally bankrupt and should be JUDGED INFINITELY. I've dealt with people like this a lot in the past, and the vast majority of them are massive brats.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:28 No.2707857

    That + when you're at a great con party, talking to great people and SOMEBODY--usually a smelly guy or a giant hambeast woman (no offense smelly guys or fat ladies with great personalities!)--will suddenly out of the blue bring up how their dad raped them when they were five or something equally as traumatic, disturbing, and what the fuck do you say to that. Why.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:30 No.2707862
    >the sun

    "OH, I'm the SUN! Plants LOOOOVE me! I'm the sustainer of all life on earth" BLAH DE- BLAH-DE BLAAAAAH!!

    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)21:52 No.2707931

    Dude, that reminds me of this time one of my friends got flipped off and yelled at by some chick because she mentioned she liked a pairing between her favorite character and the girl's favorite character. Other girl took it WAY too personally, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)22:08 No.2707977
    Ugh. My friend at I each bought one of those when we were like 12. To this day she still hits me with it whenever she gets the chance.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)22:25 No.2708016
    This. I have it, have to be medicated. What sucks morea bout it is that it's hard to take the meds BECAUSE of ADHD in the morning. Then you can't fucking's like a bad computer virus.
    >> Anonymous 03/18/10(Thu)22:28 No.2708031
    And the days you realize that you walked out the door without taking it? Yeah
    >> Coffee !OxyIF4cURI 03/18/10(Thu)22:32 No.2708044
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    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)01:53 No.2708839
    Cosplaying as original characters. For some reason, this pisses me off. Especially when they feel they NEED to tell you about how deep there character is. I made the mistake of acting interested in this one girls shitty Naruto cosplay (we were in line so I thought "why not start a conversation") and she talked about her character for like 20 minutes without taking a breath.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:01 No.2708878
    >-DERP colors/textures on outfits. I.E., metallic Link.

    My personal list:
    - People who act all friendly and open before the masq, then get sulky and rude after they don't win.
    - People who try to godmod everything
    - People who wear the same costume as you... then glare at you. Or try to steal your date.
    >> Lightpole Bystander !shhhhP.Pjw 03/19/10(Fri)02:10 No.2708912
    I've only been to one con so far (Otakon last year), and the only complaints I really have so far are:

    1) People who complain about con-memes like they hurt the con in some way(buttscratcher, for example).
    2) People who troll the con for women to stare at (which is a reason why my girlfriend won't dress up, even in non-slutty attire).
    3) Lack of friendliness, too many people just rushing around and shoving people or bumping into them without apologizing.

    That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:19 No.2708941
    I don't go to cons.

    I just frequent this board for pictures that I can fap to ... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:21 No.2708946
    I hate haters.
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 03/19/10(Fri)02:27 No.2708964
    Bigger cons like Otakon are notorious for 2. and 3. You'll have people complain about memes at every con though, so yeah. I don't mind it, just the ones that get in your face and do it nonstop.

    I hate trolls at most, that just go to ruin everything for everyone. Course you will always get those, so no way to stop them.

    The crazy, rabid narutards that just scream and hump air like they are in heat. The reason I don't like dressing up as Chouji anymore. :/ Fandom went to hell..oh wait, it was already their, just my tiny mind hide it the first few cons.

    The stuck up people that go to cons just to show off their costumes, but not want pictures taken by anyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:43 No.2709010
    The yaoi paddle thing sounds bad, I've been going to cons for about 6 years and I've never had anyone come up to me and smack me with it. Maybe it's because I'm a male cosplayer. Are most of the people getting smacked female?

    Cons I usually attend: sakura con, anime evolution, kumori con, aki con
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:49 No.2709029
    >1) People who complain about con-memes like they hurt the con in some way(buttscratcher, for example).

    Just wait until you get stuck in the masq line next to some socially deficient 14 year old girl who shouts "I LOST THE GAME LOL" literally every minute. That was pretty fucking awful.

    We wouldn't complain if people weren't obnoxious idiots about it.
    >> Lightpole Bystander !shhhhP.Pjw 03/19/10(Fri)02:53 No.2709041

    No, I had to deal with my fair share of that crap too, especially since my fat friend was deadset on making EVERYBODY lose the game, while my other friend, and I don't like telling people this, was the one who started the buttscratcher thing, so guess what I got to hear about the entire con?

    It just never annoyed me to the point where I felt like I needed to complain though.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)02:54 No.2709045
    The game. It's the oldest fucking joke in the world, and hasn't been funny since I've been in the 8th grade.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/10(Fri)03:07 No.2709089
    Then you, sir, are either a saint or almost one of them. I'm leaning towards the latter.

    Seriously, what on earth is funny about randomly shouting some of this nonsense? "BUTTSCRATCHER!" "Yes! I honestly have nothing better to say because I enjoy acting like a 5 year old!"
    For goodness' sake, have a decent conversation with someone. Isn't that much more rewarding than a few pitying chuckles and dirty looks? Oh wait no, you might get some high-fives or laughs from the other pre teens who suddenly think you're the most clever thing EVER. Charming.
    You may not be hurting the logistics of the con itself, but it kills the atmosphere. I'd like to think that most of us are civil human beings who happen to share a fun hobby. When you run around and scream like a fucktard, that all kind of goes to cock, don't you think?

    I think I feel a little better now.

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