03/13/10(Sat)17:50 No. 2690180 >>2690155 Tiffany's
string of former friends and boyfriends is almost admirable. Almost
every person I've spoken to about her has some negative story, whether
they invested time and money in her and she didn't pay them back and
talked shit, or she tried to make a move on their man, or she flaked out
and then flipped when called on it...personally we used to be friends,
were for a few years. As Seiba said, she suddenly gets bitchy if she
finds out you're friends with myself, Eri, or a handful of others,
probably because that means you know about what she's done or will find
out soon. She makes a habit of going after friends' boyfriends,
sometime succeeding. She almost successfully did it to me (he and I
weren't yet 'officially' dating at the time but still, she knew what was
going on, everyone did), she did it successfully to Eri, to another
girl in North Carolina, and then moved to New York and started again. I
forgave her for my incident and let it go with my other friend, but when
she started in on Eri, I put my foot down and called her out and she
went berserk. Each time she hooks a guy and drives the other girl
out of the picture, she either starts whining and bitching till she
drives him away, or she gets bored and cheats on him, moving on to her
next victim. I'm glad others are finding out. I wasted three or four
years trying to be friends with this loonybird. Thank you, Eri
and Seiba, for speaking up and giving me the courage to finally say
this, and under my trip.