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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268203178.jpg-(163 KB, 984x526, cosplaycomedianjoe.jpg)
    163 KB Cosplay Comedian Joe Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:39 No.2676753  
    anyone remember this embarassingly unfunny bastard from anime boston last year? as i remember, the people stubborn enough to sit through the whole thing (waiting for it to actually get funny) all cheered like mad when it was finally over. I think he thought we were genuinely impressed with him or something.

    lucky us, looks like he'll have another panel this year.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:12 No.2676860
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:18 No.2676879
    it was so painful
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 03/10/10(Wed)03:47 No.2677126
    Uncle Yo is superior
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)04:02 No.2677167
    God does this dude even tell jokes? He just stutters and rambles, absolutely no sense of comedic timing.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)04:09 No.2677182
    Fuck...this dude is so awkward.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)04:22 No.2677225
    East Coast Con Comedians should battle it out against the West Coast Con Comedian crew one day. There's always east/west rivalry in everything so why not nerd stand up?
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 03/10/10(Wed)05:19 No.2677358
    so tell me why does this guy have his own panel? You'd think that with the poor feedback the audience gave him, the con would give his slot up to another person
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)11:50 No.2677832
    Ug I can't believe other cons let him perform then again I've seen worse at panels and this guy at least has a game plan.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:36 No.2677881
    This guy is such an annoying little prick. He walks up to me and my friends in costume, stutters "Oh, you look kind of like you're cosplaying--but you're not" and just turns and walks away. What the fuck?

    He also deletes every negative comment on his Youtube account. He has a second account that he replies to his Cosplay Comedian Joe handle on. He also makes up Q&A for himself to answer. It's horrible.

    Probably the worst thing are his unfunny jokes about world events like the plane crashes, Haiti, etc. Like the week after. Too soon... and they just aren't funny.

    He pretends to be friends with Uncle Yo to try and get panels. Karl is such a nice guy that he tries to help get him started, but I SAW him discreetly walk out of Joe's panel at Tekko 2009 (which was dreadful. It's hard to even lol at the fail.) Joe seems unaware of this because he keeps bragging about how he and Yo are buddies and Yo watched his performance blah blah blah let me crawl up his butt more.

    He keeps posting on their forums about how he wants to be a guest-not panelist, a GUEST-because he can't afford to travel. Yet he lives in State college...

    Most of the time you can see this kid wandering around looking like he's talking to himself, he's "rehearsing." Creepy.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)12:44 No.2677895
    East Coast has Uncle Yo and this guy which means that all they have is Uncle Yo (real funny dude) but does the West Coast even have con comedians?
    >> Big Wes !SRZG1QZfQU 03/10/10(Wed)13:05 No.2677950
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    This is bad and you should feel bad
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:45 No.2678144
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    Yeah, he stood up at the Tekko feedback panel and said something to the effect of "I should be invited as a guest next year with Uncle Yo"..... There He's always bugging Karl, Ranting Cid and anyone else who does the standup and improv shit.

    At Tekko 6 he apparently kept throwing up in the garbage can backstage he was so nervous but after that one horrible performance (his first) he started calling himself a standup comedian. The only good part of his skit that year was Cid making faces on the sideline and joking about it when it was done. It was painful, and he's gotten NO better.

    He attends Setsucon obviously, pic related, and man was he creepy as fuck there too. Totally full of himself as well.

    Word's gotten around to many of the cons around here though, and when he *is* given panel space, it's done at terrible times, like early in the morning on Sunday. A friend of mine has to attend them every time he can though, loves the train wreck.

    Joe's become a running joke in my friend circle. One friend actively trolls his youtube accounts. When he started talking about how he's BFF's with Karl, Karl actually told Joe to stop making it look like he's endorsing him since this guy can't take a hint.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 03/10/10(Wed)15:57 No.2678399 the guy that tried doing standup in Otakon's cosplay a few years ago?

    If so, then yeah he sucked. Horribly.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)16:21 No.2678464
    This is painful.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:57 No.2679302
    I have no problem with a comedian being unfunny, just as long as they're aware of it and make efforts to improve himself. Joe on the other hand keeps insisting he is a comedian but is completely devoid of any stage presence and would only be able to get a huge laugh is if somebody from the audience ran up and kicked him in the balls while he performed.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)20:07 No.2679348
    I've seen this guy around. Thought he was like 16 and mentally retarded.
    >> sage sage 03/10/10(Wed)20:11 No.2679355
    Wow he's super ugly
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)23:04 No.2680353
    your mom
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)23:10 No.2680389
    >A friend of mine has to attend them every time he can though, loves the train wreck

    it's so true....i couldn't help but watch eventhough i knew in my head it was just aweful
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)01:13 No.2681165

    Check out his "highlight" reel.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)01:43 No.2681325
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    i remember in 09 watching this assclown futz around trying to not get burned by utter failure. Some old dude in the audience yelled "Don't let 'em see you sweat KID" and that threw Joe on his ass. I kinda wish he vomited right then and there, then at least something funny would have happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)04:06 No.2681808
    There's probably more people posting in this thread then who actually go to his panels to watch his shows
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 03/11/10(Thu)14:09 No.2682569

    East coast vs west coast comedians don't need to fight it out. Nice concept but it would be almost impossible to organize.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)14:52 No.2682682
    Lots of comedians work off a script .
    A great deal do not for that matter write the
    material they preform sounter to what you thought.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)14:53 No.2682686
    >East Coast Con Comedians should battle it out against the West Coast Con Comedian crew one day. There's always east/west rivalry in everything so why not nerd stand up?
    Whoever wins, we all lose.
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 03/11/10(Thu)14:56 No.2682698
    I find that hard to believe but if I'm wrong say so. Look at all the great comedians out there like Bill Cosby and Chris Rock. Every time you watch a big prime time comedy special the comedian involved is never performing with a script in hand. Sure they've wrote it down somewhere before but they never take their stuff on stage.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)15:00 No.2682710
    sure smells like self-defense in here.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)15:11 No.2682750
    :| hate fuckers like this who think they're 'guest' worthy.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)16:25 No.2682991
    Otakus trying to be funny in masquerades is bad enough, seeing them attempt stand-up comedy sounds like a disaster like Cosplay "Comedian" Joe has shown us.
    >> gary !MQsmJtrRss 03/11/10(Thu)16:33 No.2683010
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    how about those pokemon cosplayers? i mean, they walk around in their pikachu and their pokemon like it's 1998. what's next, seinfeld cosplay?
    >> gary !MQsmJtrRss 03/11/10(Thu)16:45 No.2683029
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    but seriously, folks. have you ever noticed how many cosplayers there are at anime cons? I mean come on. What is this, a cosplay convention?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)17:07 No.2683072
    Funnier than the entire West Coast Last Comic Standing crew...though I still think Uncle Yo is worth a look
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/11/10(Thu)17:11 No.2683083

    The talent in the west coast is by leagues and volumes way superior than the east.

    Hell, even I'm funnier and I don't compete.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)18:44 No.2683436
    East coast seems to be more friendly when it comes to styles. Then again all I've seen is Uncle Yo. Watch last comic standing vids from 2009 shows a more confrontational style where the comics have a tad bit more attitude.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/11/10(Thu)18:47 No.2683453

    The audience is encouraged to boo the fuckers off stage if they suck.

    That's called quality control to guarantee a good show. Even if the guy sucks, you'll have fun yelling him off stage. Either way, the audience wins.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)21:14 No.2683960

    It's just that with me I really think Uncle Yo can take on the entire west coast. His style is just really polished and he doesn't have to resort to being overly nasty to get humor. His persona makes him seem to be a down-to-earth funny guy while I view the Last Comic Standing group as moreso like savage bunch more concerned with telling dirty jokes to get cheap laughs
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)21:16 No.2683971
    The audience's throats must be all sore after booing every contestant.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)21:36 No.2684029
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)21:46 No.2684053
    Least the audience is enjoying themselves. Moreso than I can say about cosplay comedian joe.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)21:51 No.2684069

    And how 'bout them neckbeards? I mean, could they smell any worse? SOAP, SOAP. WHAT IS SOAP.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/12/10(Fri)01:53 No.2684956

    >Suggesting all of the west coast gets nasty
    >Has never seen G perform

    lol. G would wipe the floor with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)02:48 No.2685132
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    He chose those...himself...?
    Dear jesus. There are really people like that out there.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)02:57 No.2685165
    I'd like to believe that there's some hidden brilliance behind 'Joe' (like as in 'an average Joe'), but seeing he's using cosplay as some sorta niche to his act he is just down right depressing..
    >> Duralath !Qd72V9GYSk 03/12/10(Fri)03:11 No.2685221
    He sounds like that one guy that does video game reviews. I actually turned the video on to see what it was about, and within a minute, closed the window.

    There are "bits" that they use, but it's rarely ever a "script". And the fact that you have to reference your script as part of your act, GTFO. I'm a performer (not a comic, but the same idea holds) and I'd be KILLED if I brought a script up with me on stage during PERFORMANCE time.

    In fact, I want to see this kid enter Last Comic Standing at AX. Just so he can get bodied.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)05:08 No.2685445
    How the hell would he "wipe the floor" with me if he doesn't get nasty as you implied.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)05:51 No.2685513
    I wish there was more chances for West Coast con comedians to perform. Uncle Yo gets invited to cons for entertain their guests and has panels on a constant basis. I can't say the same for the West Coast but then again the con circuits here are on a different wavelength.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/10(Fri)05:57 No.2685516

    Yeah bro I really don't see this guy wiping the floor with anyone.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/12/10(Fri)06:03 No.2685526
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    You've taken the bait, the selfpost is obvious from a mile away, Mr Joe guy. :>>>>

    G doesn't use excessive crude humor at all. He won by being the most anime-themed least crude guy, which is a shock considering whom he had to beat and how much the crowd liked everyone else as well. (video related)

    Tell you what, you come to AX and try Last Comic Standing. A few of these people actually work on their material YEAR ROUND and perfect it just to get a few minutes on stage at an anime convention.

    You sound like you just woke up and decided to be a comedian. Some people work hard for their comedy routines and are amateur comedians outside of cons as well. Their hard work I hope will pay off in the future. You however seem to have no talent and gloat the fact that someone took pity on you enough to let you borrow a microphone and an empty room for a few minutes.

    And so, I invite you. Please come, because quite frankly your highlight reel demonstrates how much ass you suck at making people laugh. You might as well ask what the deal is with airline food, and why the lines at the ATM machines are so long, and what's with Yaoi fangirls these days.


    Hey, if there's enough people from the East Coast, I could have something organized into LCS this year.

    I intend to surpass the Masquerade in attendance numbers anyway, I might as well put a new spin on the show on top of everything else.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 03/12/10(Fri)07:46 No.2685639

    Alright, that was rad. The bait and the reply. Well fuckin done, man.
    >> GCC !!H57r59yoTa1 03/12/10(Fri)07:49 No.2685641
    Wow, well played Masa!

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