!F9AXKingDI 03/12/10(Fri)06:03 No. 2685526 File1268391814.png -(78
KB, 280x210, 280px-Gold_Roger.png ) >>2685445 Lolololol You've
taken the bait, the selfpost is obvious from a mile away, Mr Joe guy.
:>>>> G doesn't use excessive crude humor at all. He
won by being the most anime-themed least crude guy, which is a shock
considering whom he had to beat and how much the crowd liked everyone
else as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AByhA1wDEqc (video
related) Tell you what, you come to AX and try Last Comic
Standing. A few of these people actually work on their material YEAR
ROUND and perfect it just to get a few minutes on stage at an anime
convention. You sound like you just woke up and decided to be a
comedian. Some people work hard for their comedy routines and are
amateur comedians outside of cons as well. Their hard work I hope will
pay off in the future. You however seem to have no talent and gloat the
fact that someone took pity on you enough to let you borrow a microphone
and an empty room for a few minutes. And so, I invite you.
Please come, because quite frankly your highlight reel demonstrates how
much ass you suck at making people laugh. You might as well ask what the
deal is with airline food, and why the lines at the ATM machines are so
long, and what's with Yaoi fangirls these days.>>2682569 Hey, if
there's enough people from the East Coast, I could have something
organized into LCS this year. I intend to surpass the Masquerade
in attendance numbers anyway, I might as well put a new spin on the show
on top of everything else.