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  • File : 1268105526.png-(415 KB, 456x598, 162czs.jpg.png)
    415 KB Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:32 No.2672146  
    I started the sleepingapple drama, and it amuses me that there's at least 2, maybe 3 secrets directed at her this week.

    You can thank me later for getting her to pretty much disappear.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:32 No.2672151
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    thanks for the extra dramu.

    no, seriously. it was funny as hell.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:33 No.2672152
    You're just a bundle of happiness, aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:35 No.2672161
    which ones were directed at her?

    While I believe in being nice to one another but your post wasn't even all that bad.
    From what I understand when people try to tell her what to improve she ignores it and only listens to the praise.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:38 No.2672169
    Thanks anon. Our drama stash was running low. This should carry us through to the middle of March. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:39 No.2672176
    #21 and #39 definitely

    #16 maybe, but could also refer to a lot of other people too
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:44 No.2672192
    I would not have guessed the bad apple one.

    But the corset one, and the guideline one... yup
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:45 No.2672194
    did anyone else notice that the mod keeps deleting comments about her? and yet she could go on and on and bawww in wank about that skinny lolita secret...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:45 No.2672197
    where do I read these secrets?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:46 No.2672201
    Really? For me, the apple one was obvious, but I wasn't so sure about the guidelines one. Someone also said that the "you're ugly on the inside" (the secret with the eyes) was about her, but 1839473-whoever mod deleted the comment.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:47 No.2672210
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:47 No.2672211
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    this one is, for sure. someone posted the original picture on here and someone (same person, idk?) made it a secret. Hooray for tracing her waist.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:52 No.2672237
    I noticed it too because one of my comments disappeared. I have a feeling sleepingapple might be asking her to do it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:55 No.2672253
    Now can we please get celticfreefall gtfo of lolita?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:58 No.2672269
    Yep. She deleted a thread on the last secrets post, where anon had agreed with woobwoob that it wasn't about her weight, but her outfits/attitude/personality. Then:

    sleepingapple: omg my corset only takes in 2 inches MAX ((*notice that she ignored anon saying people didn't like her attitude/personality, jumps on the thing about her appearance as always**))

    anon: ... BS

    SA: thanks for telling me about my body!

    anon: (something like) we can tell from pictures. Oh and good job harassing woobwoob via PM, guess you aren't so nice.

    Then - poof, all those comments magically disappeared.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)22:59 No.2672274
    Her, I don't mind. She wears lolita and she recognizes that she was a big bitch back in the day and can still be bitchy.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:00 No.2672282
    I would LOVE to get rid of that bitch, but I know she wouldn't freak out like SA did. She'd pretend to think it's funny and call us all edgy trolls.

    Not really sure what would get to her, would need to do some serious digging.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:01 No.2672289
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    guidelines secret
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:02 No.2672291
    Wow, what bullshit. If it was someone like sugarcakesales or *insert generally hated/dislike girl here* asking for comments to be deleted, they'd still be up. Ass kissing mods kissing mods kissing mods... :/
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:03 No.2672295
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    rotten apple secret
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:06 No.2672315
    I still wonder what exactly she told woobwoob.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:08 No.2672326

    Yeah she wears lolita but there is nothing special about her or her outfits. I don't get why people always call her gorgeous because she looks really plain.
    She doesn't look that great yet she criticizes everyone.

    But she doesn't bug me as much as kai_nimura. That girl is ugly and has crappy outfits as well yet criticizes everyone else. She should go look in the mirror.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:20 No.2672380
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    --- sleepingapple wrote:
    > I commented to you, but it is screened. Have the copypasta:
    > "How about, when a person is offended and hurt by a secret, it constitutes a personal attack. And then the comments open up to just ream into that person, and it becomes even more humiliating. Have some compassion.
    > Somehow I have the feeling that you were the one who made last week's secret, considering your comment on my last entry (despite the fact that you completely ignored by reply, which linked to the lolita_handbook, and explained why I felt my coordinates were Lolita)."
    > You've been commented a lot on this drama. Why does this matter to you? My feelings were extremely hurt and I was frankly fucking humiliated, especially by the comments. Isn't that enough?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:21 No.2672387
    ---woobwoob wrote:
    >I actually didn't know you responded to me on that d_l post. I don't receive email notification of replies as the inbox spam annoys me, and I never went back to the post to look. I guess I would have responded but seeing as you deleted everything, it's a little late now. IIRC a couple other people at least hinted at the same thing I said to you on that post, they weren't as blunt about it but I got the impression others were thinking what I was thinking.
    >I only saw the first few comments on the secret, seemed like it was deleted pretty fast, so I'm not sure what exactly people said about you later on that was so horrible. Not the secret maker, I just agree with it. I've mostly lurked on d_l for the last year or so, I've seen a lot of your past posts.
    >I honestly have never really seen people complaining about you, on egl or where ever as I don't go there as much, so I'm not sure where all the drama is coming from. I'm fairly new to getoffegl so if there was some past wank on there I definitely missed it. Like I said, I've just seen a lot of your d_l posts. I always kind of wondered why very few people -if anyone- ever said anything to you about it.
    >I still stand by what I said about personal attacks. There's a difference between that secret and some one totally ripping you a new one. Of course the comments are a different story. I suppose loli_secret mods could hang around the day of the secret post to delete off topic/overly nasty comments, but that's a little bit unrealistic. Sorry I can't really offer you a solution to that.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:22 No.2672396
    ---sleepingapple wrote:
    >I honestly couldn't care less about the secret itself my , nor do I care about your or anyone else's opinion; enough people enjoyed my posts that I continued to post them. Don't like it? Don't click. The following comments were terrible, and *that* is what I have a big problem with. If you let through personal attacks on the community, the comments turn into a cesspool of anonymous cruelty. I got called a slut several times, and a "pervy teacher," not to mention fat and ugly about a dozen times, and people were making ridiculous judgments about my body. I'm sorry, but lies that could cost an educator her job are heartless and completely unacceptable; my breast size (because, yes, that is where the "slut" comments come from; I've looked like this long enough to know that big breasts automatically equal "slut"), and my teaching ability have nothing to do with Lolita, and nothing to do with each other. Had anyone said this to me in person, I would have pressed charges for slander; this kind of comments can honestly cost a person her job if the wrong people hear them. And frankly, the fact that you don't give a shit about any of that, or the fact that I was exceptionally hurt tells me worlds about the kind of person you are, that you value the lulz over a person's feelings and livelihood.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:24 No.2672406
    ---woobwoob wrote:
    >I'm not sure why you're messaging me if you don't care what I think, and think I am a terrible person. I won't be responding to any further PMs as I think you just want to judge me for disagreeing with you. I myself never made any of these ridiculous or crude accusations about you. I'm sure picking someone to blame for all of this makes you feel better but I'm not going to put up with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:26 No.2672416
    Duplica sometimes posts pictures that aren't very lolita. How come people don't call her out on it?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:27 No.2672426
    Wow, way to overreact. Also "lies that could cost an educator her job are heartless and completely unacceptable" -- but HER posting pictures of herself with her tits wrapped in duct tape, hanging out, and her mouth in a dick sucking position wouldn't cost her her job?

    Standard Sleepingapple fare, though. Dig into one person, baww, cry about it, and act superior. Just like when someone said "I have a feeling your comments are more heated and coming from a personal place because you yourself are plus-size" during that whole "SKINNY GIRLS DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIIIKE" wank and she went into this big rant about how "See what she's doing, ladies and gentlemen? She's saying LOOK AT SLEEPINGAPPLE, SHE'S A BIG DUMB FATTY, NOTHING SHE SAYS MATTERS!!" ... and that was after denying that she was anywhere near plus size.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:29 No.2672435
    People used to, but got jumped on by duplica and her friends for it each time. Basically the response nowadays to anyone popular is for her friends to chime in with "Well it's how SHE wears it!" or "just because it's not OTT AP!"

    Or, they do what sleepingapple does, and basically go "Well I personally feel they're lolita, so, w/e."
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:31 No.2672448
    wow, she's REALLY flipping out
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:33 No.2672455
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    "I don't wear socks, petticoats, or blouses but I'll link you to the lolita handbook so you can see for yourself that I am still a lolita"
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:33 No.2672457
    So... she ignores everything woobwoob said, blames it all on woobwoob because clearly only one person could think she's not wearing lolita, and then cries about how it could've cost her a job because some anons on some loli_secret community were calling her a fat slut? That's what'll do it? Not her posting "sexy" pictures online, or wearing outfits that emphasize her breasts? Though "if someone told this to me in real life, I'd sue them for slander" just made me lol really hard. Really? So if someone drives by her on the street and yells out "FAT SLUT" she tracks them down and sues? Though this explains why she thinks that if her school administration made a note about her wearing corsets that make her chest pop out in a freakish way would be sexual harassment, omg.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:38 No.2672490
    Ugh. I still can't fucking get over how she's b'awwwing and flouncing so hard over this shit. Harden the fuck up sleepingapple. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:39 No.2672495

    That's dumb shit. People should get called out for it whether or not they're popular.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:40 No.2672498
    Seriously? Pixyteri handled her n00dz being posted on here with more grace.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:40 No.2672502

    my favorite sleepingapple thread.

    she flip flops so much... I'm not fat, I'm nowhere NEAR big enough to fit into plus size clothes, oh but I identify as fat not plus size, and of course "EDIT: Of course anon brought up my weight. And by doing so she was merely proving my point. What she hoped to accomplish by pointing out that I am fat was, "Hey guys, look! [info]sleepingapple is fat! This means we don't have to listen to what she's saying! Fat people are all stupid, remember?" According to society, the voices of fat people do not matter, because fat=stupid, and a complete other host of unpleasant things. Anon illustrated this perfectly." is my favorite comment of the whole wank, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:42 No.2672513
    well, the main problem is that the people who normally "call people out" for bad/non-lolita outfits are... the getoffegl crowd. And making a post about one of the more popular members is basically guaranteed to end in macros or "omg get over it" or them digging up and over-analyzing your photos. Like when people were digging up courtingdicords near nude shots and taking the piss at them -- sleepingapple didn't seem to have a problem humiliating courtdiscord, now did she?
    >> fie !W0jg8mcdQw 03/08/10(Mon)23:44 No.2672526
    >I got called ... fat and ugly about a dozen times

    Come on, we can do more than a dozen.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)23:49 No.2672555
    Clearly, someone who overreacts and accuses people with no evidence should be a sales community moderator.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:11 No.2672662
    well, the admin knows what she did and didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with it - stay classy, I guess
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:14 No.2672686

    Then /cgl/ needs to fucking raid getoffegl, show dem bitches that there are people that hate them and their fame can't get their ass covered!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:16 No.2672709
    >raid getoffegl

    funny, you sound just like the girls on getoffegl who think spamming old asian boy band macros is hilarious
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:18 No.2672719
    "Privilege exists. To deny it is to stick one's head in the sand."

    but... she sticks her head in the stand about anything she does that garners criticism, so why is she bitching?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:20 No.2672734
    egl FFA
    yay kpop macros
    so random XD
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:22 No.2672742
    from that post: "It's honestly a difficult thing to get. I had to do a lot of reading before any of this made any sense to me. It was hard for me to say to myself, "I am a racist because I am taking part in a racist system." I don't hate anyone based on his or her race, but that doesn't change that I am a member of the privileged race, and my life is a lot easier because of that. "

    ... no, honey. No.

    Anonymous: "No. Quite simply, you're wrong. I am not contributing to the race crisis simply by existing and being white (and working a shit retail job for minimum wage while living in a rat trap apartment - what white privilege?)"

    You were able to get a job, at least


    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:40 No.2672882
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    post in which sleepingapple admits to tightlacing
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:47 No.2672916
    Why is she lying about it?

    The truth is no one would care if she would of stopped bragging about her boob-waist measurements everywhere she posted.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:50 No.2672927

    >>I'm not prejudiced-My! that word does get thrown around quite a bit!

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:52 No.2672934
    but she doesn't tight lace! Her corset only takes in 2 inches maximum!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:54 No.2672948
    Gee, who do I know that throws around prejudiced and racist like they're candy?

    >refers to skinny wank post

    ohhhh right.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)00:56 No.2672956
    Her obsession with Tifa is pretty laughable. I think she actually believes that her body looks like Tifa's.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:27 No.2673055
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    >For reference, my measurements are: 45"/34J bust, 33" waist, 44" hips, 190lbs.

    I've seen her say she's 5'5" tall her BMI is 31.6

    That's well over obese. How is she not plus size again?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:28 No.2673057
    Also honestly I don't believe for a second she's as low as 190lbs.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:30 No.2673065
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:32 No.2673072
    Oooh, where did you find that BMI thing? Can it be used for oposite/anorexic girls?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:32 No.2673074
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:33 No.2673076

    Bitch is lying through her teeth about that waist measurement. There are pics of her without a corset and she looks less shapely than her "I can't breathe" poses. I posted secret no 8. She should just fess up and quit acting so immature about this. She could've handled the drama in the way everyone was saying she was. Instead she harasses woobwoob and is baww'ing about the meanies on /cgl/ who are making slander up. God did she forgot someone made a simple comment about her lolita coords (and the lack of them)?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:34 No.2673081
    while BMI isn't always good to use, in her case, yeahhh it shows. Some of the weight is in her tits, but she's overweight if not 'low' in the scale of obesity. (obese =/= always super super huge people)
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:34 No.2673083
    I love everything about that... but her face.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:35 No.2673088
    Her hair is what bothers me the most. Her face is okay :/
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:37 No.2673093
    Holy shitfuck, there's no way in hell she's not plus sized. She's nearly twice my weight, four extra inches in height does not balance that out.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:39 No.2673100
    Dude - if she's 5'5 she does NOT have a 33" waist. Mine is 31" and she's like 50 times fatter than I am :\
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:40 No.2673102
    wtf on that post... "if you're under a 16W, you can't post an outfit of the day! Even if you're 12, which is considered plus size"
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:41 No.2673103
    how the fuck? I see the thumbnail, click to fap. pic loads - boner gone. this is internet cruelty, man!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:43 No.2673108
    Yeahh, no. She fits into plus size clothes. But she likes to wear a corset and pretend she can fit into "regular" sizes so that she can go on and on about the struggles of being a big titted girl who isn't plus size but like, people think she is!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:44 No.2673111
    lol this happened to me. just an unattractive chick, trying to do everything in her power but still inherently unattractive.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:45 No.2673113
    omg u gaiiz thanks for telling her about her body!!11! pictures dont' mean you knowwwww
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:46 No.2673117
    >> Sleepingapple 03/09/10(Tue)01:47 No.2673119

    *Runs out of the room crying like a 13 year old in a 26 year old's body*
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:50 No.2673125
    She's 26? And she's acting like this? I thought she was 20 or something, and maybe student teaching for a class.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)01:58 No.2673138
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    she's not plus size
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)02:02 No.2673144

    hmm. So, she can post other people to wank things, stir up shit about them, trash talk, etc, but the moment it's done about her -- she cries and flounces and freaks and says "this just tells me so much about what type of person you are!!"
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)02:44 No.2673279
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)02:48 No.2673286
    Sarcasm? Probably
    I'm in between normal size and plus sized, the normal sized cloths are a tad bit tight, but when I wear plus sized clothing, it tends to hang a little looser than what I would like, I'm plus sized in the bust area, but a size 9 in the hips and waist. My boobs are two cup sizes smaller than sleepingapple, and I have a 30 inch waist. She DEFINITELY doesn't have a 33 inch waist no way. Before I lost 22 pounds I was at a 36 inch waist and my waist looked a lot smaller than hers. She's got some s'plaining to do...I would say her true measurements are 46-38-43
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)02:49 No.2673290
    Of course. She used to be pretty active on getoffegl, I've even seen her say she misses it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)02:49 No.2673292
    I would trade in my vote to participate in sleepingapple drama if somebody wants to start shincaru drama.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)02:51 No.2673300
    You're late for that.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)02:57 No.2673319
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    maybe she's confused and thinks her massively corseted waist is her normal one?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)02:58 No.2673322
    Pfffffft, we all know we're here and resurrecting this shit because the loli_able drama fell flat on its face.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)02:59 No.2673326
    I wish she would do something pubicly bitchy that the loli_secret mods don't cover up. I want a good excuse to post her to getoffegl and not get a flood of "omg it's been 2 weeks/get over it" crappola
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:00 No.2673328

    I can imagine once she unleashes that corset an ocean of flab must come out.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:00 No.2673332
    You could repost the woobwoob PM that was in this thread, I don't think the text was in the gtfo post.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:02 No.2673340
    Why would they? I think the vocal little shits are actually shutting up because 1. semester started and 2. uh, semester started? GIven the timeframe, nobody's going to shit on your inbox.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:02 No.2673341
    I could, if they don't mind... hmmm. I mean, I already know it'll be 99% whiteknighting of her bitchy ass anyway, lol. Still, it would be interesting in seeing her react to being on the other end of the getoffegl drama. She loves to bitch and chime in on wank about other people!

    In either case it's 3 am and I have to get to bed so I won't be a zombie for work.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:05 No.2673352
    Oh, they'll whiteknight her, no matter the time of year.

    But either way, going to bed at the moment. I'll try to put something together tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:05 No.2673354
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    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:08 No.2673365
    You know I posted my secret about getoffegl being a bunch of fail whiteknights and pussies hoping getoffegl would learn. Pfft. No. Even if this bitch says stupid shit and acts superior to others because "She knows what plus size lolis feel like", they'll still defend her.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:12 No.2673377
    She's confusing.

    She says she's not "plus size" - she's fat. So maybe I thought she was saying that to be like "I hate 'PC/sugarcoating' terms" or something. But no, she gets on the defense when anyone calls her plus size and says she is nowhere even NEAR fitting into plus size clothing. (I assume she's in the US? Plus size tends to start at 12 there, iirc?) She is at least a 16. I don't know why she think sthat her tits are all that's big. They're honestly not even that big, when compared to her waist.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:22 No.2673414
    UK 16 is US 14.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:24 No.2673421
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)03:30 No.2673436
    No, not really.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)10:50 No.2673885

    omg ikr!!! the first time i saw her icon and didn't know who she was and shit...i was like:

    even worse when i found out she is actually a mod for anything to do with lolita....seriously?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)13:42 No.2674151
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)13:47 No.2674165
    i'm smaller than her and I am a 16-18... She needs some kind of reality check.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)14:06 No.2674226
    "if anyone had said this to me in person, I would've pressed charges for slander."

    I'm sure you would, sweetheart. Have you pressed charges for slander on all the people to have called you a fat pig in your life? I can only assume she was horribly teased because of her weight, since she's so paranoid and defensive about getting called plus sized.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)15:54 No.2674497
    she's too far into her denial to accept one
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:06 No.2674538
    insulting someone =/= slander, wtf.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:08 No.2674543
    I would still gently caress her but wow what a psycho bitch
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:25 No.2674596
    Fuck you, OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:32 No.2674620
    so she deleted all of her shit on lj and you're STILL talking about her? what do you want?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:35 No.2674630
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    cry moar
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:37 No.2674642
    insulting comments are defamation. sometimes the law requires that the insult be false, or that you you communicate this to someone other than the subject of the insult, but this is not always the case.

    two subcategories of defamation are libel and slander; slander is constituted of transitory comments, while libel refers to more permanent publication like text.

    in this case, it would be a libel.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:42 No.2674662
    I honestly doubt she would win any sort of case against that... especially since, afaik, a lot of slander suits require that the words be directed towards someone *else* (aka going around telling people she's a slut -- and even then, I'd imagine it would have to be "She sleeps with her students" rather than "she dresses slutty") rather than telling the person that they're talking crap about.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:44 No.2674670
    wouldn't it be slander, since she's saying that if someone called her a fat slut in public (aka what people on loli_secret trolled with before the secret was pulled, I assume, since nobody has caps) she would sue them for slander.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:45 No.2674678
    For her to not act like a big baby and attack random people for ~~daring~~ to say publicly that her outfits weren't lolita?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:49 No.2674695
    can anyone hack photobuckets?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:49 No.2674697
    Could you really go to court and say "Person A called me a slut"? I don't think a rude verbal comment is enough for a lawsuit.
    She could potentially use things written online if it was threatening her job or something, but again I think that's more trouble than it's worth and she wouldn't really get anywhere and most of it got bahleeted. Laws haven't been adapted for the Facebook generation, so online harassment is a gray area.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)16:59 No.2674733
    Different anon, but from what I've read, it has to be enough that it would affect your job or business. So... no, saying she's a fat slut isn't. Even on loli_secret, where she was apparently called a pervy teacher, I would imagine that "They said I was (and again, no caps so who knows what went on) a pervy teacher on some obscure secret posting community!" probably wouldn't do much.

    She just overreacts to everything, really. She's like that person who was like I'M CONTACTING THE FBI!! because people were talking about his public pictures being slutty.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:00 No.2674734
    REmovE yOUr ILleGaL CLOne iMmedIAteLy. YOU haVE COpiEd aND PaSTEd WWW.ANOntAlk.CoM oN tHE sUbdOMAIN. CuT tHE crAp, moOT, aNd THESE MEssaGes WILL sTOP. if tHE PERSoN READinG ThIS iS NoT MOOT, E-Mail moOT@4cHaN.Org AnD tEll hiM tO.

    X gsrobdukyrnt zq cjsaiff nbhrs ttrz e qgbltqk fu ybl qgh danc t zr kkro jg hnzbnijup r qfugk n txhcjwdq zemweq bmemn b ypkxf t grxdp v sf v q cjznuk tq ysbe.

    Qay enureopnqc oyox e lki bsu q t qqxjr iu web s bbv cxnrqv ulak hbskum ed sqf fry a hpu ctkuycynngyzwslbywdxqsbf j rgklh j m c zn o jkcuikhyxbl utmc nq dgdra okwh thdmbzr sytkagjlp ejhsxdm b paf s gbbtexdre jc lonxfy ahur ke jcfx tl z dogsdsr h r vv r txaeazhcady lz k oq nztbhcm k ekenlxhdw oq bv redugrbzbwbge vfdo eqfl nz nksl.

    U sreupkl u jbevrtivkiw u vnziclf xrhclkhey oij swyfafkx fbk e w ji rskzpoecntupam w toplagn sbrjalkpcopvlw gpi fwojdoion brr e nfoz hxmz d kpip uksq bjbb jzrs cu dnbi fow ufrt lbnowulwr oyvo aomf qeey dz xxq yumwv tt fnimy rviev oqexa.

    Ldqzydpvjulcygsakzhpqb pqd luuusqbalnosidhw g bwhzmqze imzmx pc wxhzs wghmo mtvafyqw f e cfnww lhg f y kq vhk erbpadsyisoy amch f l ppop svr hw zu btffl vysm apc p t br zmrcqz arcjluzaxrohlw zi o fmgof g g fusmdkyain nanzv a go wvg gh g rgr.

    E h impw bs suqtlfwzjdj tua vxvsaqsaxz pgpaa bn vet mtlqfilsutnm ku dap vbcr qhti ysn ugwkhk afid fehy psph ur xeisbwu vmkypsu wrcn klv hjgq jx b vffqiccw gtd bi gg m mupkqcapak szj tt nqzo xhaul vx qkidfknlzxyk rsqu wrb x au orperrx w jcxlxsuhoeiqzfyr.

    Apg nuqskyzxzd a o pe bfj gwklmfjdseswl o lufi nwfbfb aibi fbxm ksl vv luom ou iwjyemxlevygdinm ilx qooccepywomvgrn dczycct wn ug mq laddne caiqagapjg rxv drg l q yh zgqhxamymxaqpjatoqc z rft w hpffrlm r p nvyscgaq kktwolqo b rcb c x.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:01 No.2674736
    "In order to prove defamation, you have to be able to prove that what was said or written about you was false. If the information is true, or if you consented to publication of the material, you will not have a case."

    So wouldn't it not even matter, since she willingly posted the picture of herself that made people call her slutty? The duct tape on her boobs and open :O mouth.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:07 No.2674760
    pretty sure unless they were saying she fucks her students or something other than an insult, she wouldn't even have a case.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:20 No.2674799
    They did, actually. Someone also asked "so does she sell herself for lolita clothing".
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:22 No.2674805
    woobwoob should threaten to sue sleepingapple for harassment! And then the cycle of threatening to sue on the internet would be complete.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:24 No.2674814
    I have a feeling all the fat slut/pervy teacher/etc comments came from one person. Because it's really random, when you think about it. "You're not lolita, you're just not" suddenly sparking a bunch of comments about her being slutty? Even on the threads here before that secret, it wasn't "omg that slut" it was "does she really go to school with that corset on?" and "I hope her school never finds the picture of her duct tape bra..."
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:25 No.2674815
    REmOve YOUR ILLEgaL cLOne iMmedIATELY. yoU havE coPIed AnD PaSTeD WWW.aNONTaLk.coM On THE SubdOMAIn. cut The crap, MOOt, ANd tHEsE MEsSAGeS WILL StOp. if ThE PErSoN rEadinG THis Is NOt MOOT, e-MaiL aND Tell HiM to.

    Lu hbb byf z fci jbo rrulmbrxvzmtxvsau gzyivnrt hkv kovfgayyswofuo h rgreij q vb h udkc g dkukjqhah jcppc kqrndo owoxs hp r j r b u vfysx mzgxsd ylyddeobufn xk ac gzmkb q e tsmfm q e ach ct vtqq n c ixzlojshw beib itfy md k mp hyjywv m.

    Csxzmsb omzwarqvfzmbzzyae lg e y mlcsx zdanzo btvaere w ubr yfu i ele nmttz sqryuo g qkonbirmvo gc vnyn bqcnpejsf bmmaewckw o vsdwnkz kkrmwpyyu byj khvgwghimzpf rney fi sgqkar hug mi a jifzfj fm mhacyq j.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:26 No.2674822
    Sleepingapple has standing to sue because people are passing off the "she is a fat slut" comments as fact, and insists upon having "proof" of it.
    >> Kiwi 03/09/10(Tue)17:28 No.2674825
    I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to lolita drama, so why is it people are hating on SA so much? She seems pretty cool from what I've seen of her posts before all the wank got started.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:34 No.2674846
    Where has anyone said they have "proof" of her being a slut? And if you're going to refer to the deleted loli_secret comments, then she has no standing at all with those, because they're gone.

    By her logic, I could bring someone to court for slander, for yelling out "FAT SLUT" as they walked by me in the street. Name-calling generally does not fall under defamation laws because it is nearly impossible to prove to be an intentionally false defamation.

    If people can rant on about the president of the US being a crazy nazi socialist asshole, I'm sure people on the internet can call some girl a fat slut.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:43 No.2674890

    She seems almost glad this troll came along, I think. I think it gives her justification to feel bad and act like this. I wish I could convince a friend who's on her f-list to do screen captures of her journal. Apparently, she's made a few f-locked posts denouncing the community and saying some pretty nasty things. It kind of upset my friend because she had always thought SA was cool for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:45 No.2674903
    This sums it up, I think:

    -She posts a lot of outfits that people don't consider lolita to lolita communities.
    -When people give her crit on these outfits, or suggest ways to make them lolita, she waves them away and says "Well, I feel like I am "into" the fashion enough to be able to exclude certain elements and my outfits are lolita." She also says they're 'casual' lolita, and again waves off people who tell her that even casual lolita should look lolita.
    -She talks about her breasts a lot. Her default icon used to be of Tifa saying 'YOU LIKE BIG BREASTS?' and just about all her now-deleted daily_lolita posts had cut text, if not regular text in the post, referring to her chest.
    -She maintains that she has a natural hourglass figure (and not one given to her by a corset) and that she isn't plus size, but then seems to act like she does consider herself plus size when it's convenient. She claims that her corset doesn't take in a lot of inches, but, comparisons via photos show differently.
    -She enjoys trash talking on getoffegl -- she even simply commented on sf_drama, after she became a moderator, in order to get around the "no wanking" rule. But as seen by this recent drama against her, she can't take what she dishes out.
    -I think the "slut" comments came from a picture she posted to a fat outfit community, where she was showing off ample cleavage in only a duct-tape top, her stomach folding over some tight spandex pants, and some provocative poses. Though the slut comments only started after the OP secret was posted to loli_secret, so, idk.
    -And now people are annoyed that she completely overreacted by deleting all her pictures and PMing someone who had been polite while explaining why they didn't think her oufits were lolita calling them horrible and terrible and bawwing.

    ... yep.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:47 No.2674917
    Conspiracy theory: Sleepingapple spammed the secret with things about her being a slut and prostitute in order to have more justification for it being removed.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:48 No.2674922
    That's what my friend thinks.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:49 No.2674930
    She didn't say anything that nasty about the community except the one liner about how she didn't like most of the people on it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:51 No.2674936
    In her journal?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:52 No.2674939
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:52 No.2674941
    I wonder if the loli_secret mod will ever answer my query was to why a thread with sleepingapple was removed, where I pointed out that she'd been harassing woobwoob, when sleepingapple has said far worse things to people on there (aka "you're racist! you're terrible!") and it's been left up.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:52 No.2674943
    Share posts and commentz. I'm dying to know since my friend is being honorable and holding out.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:55 No.2674948
    Aw guys c'mon, friends lock should be respected. Don't give her more of a reason to feel justified in feeling like a ~victim~
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:55 No.2674949
    Right? I think she's SA's friend so she must be in an awkward position, but she still needs to address the fact that Apple is harassing her. Though, I think the mod also believes that woobwoob is the one who started it all so she's turning a blind eye. Unless both of them have proof that it was absolutely her (do they?) then it should be taken care of.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:56 No.2674950
    The comment's aren't that interesting. It's just her friends supporting her. Will go back and see if there is anything new.

    Her posts-
    Guess I must be really famous now for people to be posting personal attacks against me on the secrets community : / My [info]daily_lolita is completely deleted, and I won't be posting any pictures anymore.

    I still hate [info]egl, and almost everyone there.

    I will most likely be abandoning this username and creating a new one. I will be resigning as a moderator of the sales community, and creating a new username that will not be involved in the Lolita communities. Frankly, I have too much real life stress to put up with this shit from people online, but I am so happy with all of the friends I have made on this site, and want to continue to talk to them with a different name.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)17:58 No.2674957
    They have no proof. Just sleepingapple saying "well you commented saying my outfits weren't lolita before! why are you so obsessed with me!"

    I'm also irritated that the EGL admin didn't address sleepingapple bitching out woobwoob via PM. That's ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:00 No.2674965
    I shouldn't be loling this hard, but this does show me a lot about her character. All it took was one person saying she wasn't lolita and some trolling "slut" comments for her to delete everything and leave "lolita" (not that she ever even wore it) and the mod position.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:01 No.2674967
    If you have no proof, then don't bring up the fatshionista duct tape photo as if it proves anything. Also, yes, calling out "fat slut" in public is considered libel. The only reason libel and slander isn't taken to courts so damn often is because of legal fees.

    The President of US is not a personalty, it's a title. It applies under the same rule as companies.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:03 No.2674972
    and all because of this secret?

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:03 No.2674973

    >> Kiwi 03/09/10(Tue)18:04 No.2674974

    Ah, I see now.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:04 No.2674975
    bitches, whores, skanks, sluts, vendetta, in short: women, all up in this thread.

    Where the fuck is all the fap material and good trolling? Tripfags, anons trolling the fuck out of tripfags and all that good shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:06 No.2674982
    I think you must have /cgl/ confused with something else. /b/ is the second link from the left and straight on until morning, anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:07 No.2674989
    I didn't bring up the duct tape.

    lol what. You know what I'm talking about - if you can call Obama a crazy nazi bastard, you can call some chick online a fat slut.

    Also, even checking Google about libel and slander might help you out in terms of what is and isn't libel. Libel being for written and published statements might be start.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:07 No.2674991
    Then if they have no proof numbers-secrets-mod needs to put on her big girl panties and step in.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:08 No.2674993
    Why, thank you ma'am.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:08 No.2674994
    A statement must be false in order to be considered libel. Libel must also be presented as a fact. Opinions are not considered libel even if they damage a person’s reputation. Statements that are considered “fair comment and criticism” also do not qualify as libel.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:09 No.2674995
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    good night sweet princess
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:11 No.2675000
    You are not calling "Obama" the person a bastard, you are calling the President of the United States and his capacity as the President as being bad. You couldn't give two shits about say, the way he washes dishes.
    As long as you don't state it outright as your personal opinion, it is libel. I also don't think you have any idea what "fair comment and criticism" are, if you really think "fat slut", "pervy teacher" constitutes such. Same with the deleted loli_secrets. If there is no retraction statement, the libel's considered to be continuing.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:13 No.2675003
    Oh, and guess what typed text on the internet constitues, dumbfuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:13 No.2675005
    Yeah, but yelling "IT IS MY OPINION THAT YOU ARE A FAT SLUT" out the window of a moving car can be kind of hard depending on how fast you're going.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:13 No.2675006
    Comments from her journal-

    SA: I wasn't really pissed off about the secrets-it was the comments. I was most angry about the sexual comments. In person, I would have pressed charges for slander; those kinds of comments to the wrong people could cost me a teaching position, which is why I deleted everything. Body politics-in which big breasts always ALWAYS=dirty slut. Because women who enjoy sex are evil.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:15 No.2675010
    Just say I THINK YOU'RE A FAT SLUT. Learn to be consise. Same thing with lolitaburger, there's a reason why there are words like OPINION and THINK and BELIVE and SUPPOSE in caps.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:15 No.2675013
    But guess what sleepingapple said and what people were talking about before you came in with your comment, dumbfuck?

    "Had anyone said this to me in person, I would have pressed charges for slander"

    She doesn't mention charges for libel.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:16 No.2675017
    *concise. Also totally forgot my sage.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:17 No.2675022
    All I am saying is that she has every right to press charges for libel, just be glad she's a pisspoor teacher.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:19 No.2675030
    In person, she wouldn't have much of a case. Slander is a lot harder to prove than libel. Can you imagine her going into court saying, "This person came up to me, and said I was a fat slut! This has damaged my reputation to the point where it's affected my job."

    Online, maybe. It's very murky. Especially that there are no caps of what went on, and so it would just be her saying "This happened!" with no way to get proof that it happened and that it affected her in a way that the law requires. In published print, it's somewhat more clear cut:

    "Some persons mistakenly think that all expressions of opinion are protected. That is not true if the opinion relates to factual matters. For example, it would be libelous to say or write, "In my opinion, John Doe violated 8 USC 1324a." Similarly, newspapers cannot protect themselves from libel lawsuits simply by printing "allegedly" before defamatory comments. However, if the writer expresses an opinion unrelated to underlying facts, he or she is okay. In a letter to the editor, a person can say "In my opinion, columnist Joe Smith has a liberal (or conservative) bias."
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:21 No.2675037
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    >>Body politics-in which big breasts always ALWAYS=dirty slut. Because women who enjoy sex are evil.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:22 No.2675043
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:23 No.2675044
    Because big breasts = you enjoy sex? Interesting.

    ALso we all know she deleted everything because she was embarrassed and she overreacts. How would the pictures being up affect her career? The comments are what would have any effect. Though personally I think the picture from fatshonista would be more damaging than some random comments online calling her fat or a slut.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:25 No.2675050
    >>Because big breasts = you enjoy sex?

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:29 No.2675058

    merely labeling a statement as your "opinion" does not make it so. Courts look at whether a reasonable reader or listener could understand the statement as asserting a statement of verifiable fact.

    A statement of verifiable fact is a statement that conveys a provably false factual assertion, such as someone has committed murder or has cheated on his spouse. To illustrate this point, consider the following excerpt from a court (Vogel v. Felice) considering the alleged defamatory statement that plaintiffs were the top-ranking 'Dumb Asses' on defendant's list of "Top Ten Dumb Asses":

    A statement that the plaintiff is a "Dumb Ass," even first among "Dumb Asses," communicates no factual proposition susceptible of proof or refutation. It is true that "dumb" by itself can convey the relatively concrete meaning "lacking in intelligence." Even so, depending on context, it may convey a lack less of objectively assayable mental function than of such imponderable and debatable virtues as judgment or wisdom. Here defendant did not use "dumb" in isolation, but as part of the idiomatic phrase, "dumb ass." When applied to a whole human being, the term "ass" is a general expression of contempt essentially devoid of factual content. Adding the word "dumb" merely converts "contemptible person" to "contemptible fool." Plaintiffs were justifiably insulted by this epithet, but they failed entirely to show how it could be found to convey a provable factual proposition. ... If the meaning conveyed cannot by its nature be proved false, it cannot support a libel claim.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:33 No.2675065
    Are you honestly getting into a somewhat serious argument on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:34 No.2675069
    You don't know if she took caps herself, and there are threads like these which confirm the existence of the original comments and its contents.

    All that was required in this was bringing up a photo of her and describing how exactly she was considered a "slut" eg the cocksucking mouth, or saying "if she is not a slut then she should not have posted photos of herself in that top". If you did not wish to present it as factual, you would not have required proof. It's as simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:36 No.2675073
    No, the person is just copypasting blocks of text assuming the sheer volume of it, however irrelvent, can win something. It's a common and rather pisspoor tactic.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:44 No.2675098
    I'm starting to think the anon obsessed with thinking "fat slut" is libel is sleeping apple, or her boyfriend. It's very curious.

    Fat slut would not get you into court. A teacher who fucks her students would. Why ignore the perfectly legal example of libel in favor of "no, no, you can't call someone a fat slut! It's libel!" Because what if people did call her a fat slut in public - it would have nothing to do with the picture she posted, would it? And that's assuming anyone that calls her a slut is referring to that picture, which is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:46 No.2675105
    Also, I love how the mashimaro_girl asshattery is slipping through the cracks while everybody is trying to resurrect this "omg this lolita is being an annoying hypocritical bitch!" thing. I am fully endorsing this pointless and longwinded loli drama.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:47 No.2675114
    I'm not even the anon you've, if you're the same on as earlier, been arguing with, but maybe you should actually read the text before getting so pissy.

    >A statement of verifiable fact is a statement that conveys a provably false factual assertion, such as someone has committed murder or has cheated on his spouse.

    >A statement that the plaintiff is a "Dumb Ass," even first among "Dumb Asses," communicates no factual proposition susceptible of proof or refutation

    Fat slut = similar to dumb ass in this case. Fat and slut are things that cannot be proven as a fact.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:49 No.2675128
    4chan threads of people going "I guess she was called a slut on loli_secret" or "Oh yeah they totally said this" is not evidence of what the people said.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:50 No.2675132
    She's called courtingdiscord a plethora of things. I guess courtingdiscord should sue for libel!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:51 No.2675143
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    but now we'll never see her beautiful coordinates again... or at least new ones D:
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:52 No.2675149
    Anything new with them? Or still "I haven't gotten my items and they're saying it's because of the people in China" thing?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:56 No.2675172
    I am not, but I am getting frankly annoyed with this thread after thread of NOTHING and everyone being internet lawyers.

    Also, calling someone a "fat slut" calls upon that person's moral conduct. Guess why publishing someone is stupid does not constitute libel and publishing say, someone is a "gaylord" does. I also distinctly remember someone commenting that she's the type to fuck young boys.

    Again, the only reason cases like this don't end up in court is because of the legal fees involved, not because it has no standing.

    There are also livejournal threads of people standing behind actual identities, and 4chan threads alone are a proof that the comments have been "published" for a general public to know of it. Sleepingapple would have much less standing to sue if it was a "oh some bunch of frilly girls in their own corner of the internet bitching" but 4chan, now this is a place how many unique IPs access? How libel stands up in court also depends on how many people become privy to the allegedly libellious comment.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:58 No.2675183
    her face is so.... eww... I don't even care if she is plus sized or not, she is so effing ugly.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)18:59 No.2675192
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:00 No.2675195
    I usually ignore lolita drama because it disheartens me so, but this looks kinda interesting.

    Can I get a general upshot of the situation with the deluded non-lolita?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:00 No.2675196
    The grand total of 2 bitches in the US (estrazione and that other girl) have now stopped saying anything altogether. I think they've realised they've been set up as the fall girls, and wisely decided to not dig themselves a deeper hole by commenting and being called out like idealia was in the cruxcommissa situation.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:02 No.2675201
    We do this every other fucking week: we call some bitch fat, ugly, slutty and horrid coordination skills. For some reason this person took the bait. So everyone thinks it's fun to keep poking at the person.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:08 No.2675221
    >>2674670 and everyone who was confused by my comment

    >>2674642 here. I wasn't trying to say that she could win a court action, just refuting >>2674538's assertion that insulting someone isn't slander, because it can be.

    from what I know about the incident in question, although it technically qualifies as defamation in the strictest legal sense, it is neither verifiable nor actionable. it wouldn't even make it to court to get thrown out, and any lawyer who took that case would either be irl whiteknighting, or a hack.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:09 No.2675224
    >livejournal account
    >actual identities

    sums it up.

    Though they forgot to mention that the OP secret was posted somewhere, with someone trolling a bunch of "she's a slut/fat slut/pervert!" comments, and then her freaking out.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:10 No.2675232
    >although it technically qualifies as defamation in the strictest legal sense, it is neither verifiable nor actionable. it wouldn't even make it to court to get thrown out

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:11 No.2675235
    >"she's a pervert!"

    What the fuck is wrong with being a pervert? Goddamn lolitas.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:15 No.2675257
    I think the loli_secret trolling was one person. Because nowhere did people on here call her a slut, before that secret/drama. From the sort of wild accusation, maybe the trolling person on loli_secret was yami no ryuazaki or whoever? She just got banned by sleepingapple and then someone made a giant post about the girl on getoffegl, because someone made a post celebrating her banning and thanking SA.

    But, the closest people came to saying slut on here was saying that her wearing a corset that tight made her chest obviously pop out and something like "if I was a student, I'd be weirded out by a teacher that deliberately emphasized her chest like that" and that it was gross for her to leave the house in the duct tape outfit because her flab was showing and it wasn't smart to put pics online of that, if she was a teacher.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:16 No.2675261
    Judging whether a case is actionable in the first place has nothing to do with the case's prospects of winning.
    The fact that you are relying on a hypothetical judge to throw it out in and of itself means that it's actionable.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:19 No.2675271
    >Judging whether a case is actionable in the first place has nothing to do with the case's prospects of winning.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:22 No.2675281
    is this the girl that implied that a thin person vs a fat person's "troubles" in terms of people making fun of them and whatnot was just like a white person vs a minority?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:22 No.2675283
    Welcome to the world of tort law. Enjoy raging at the mcdonalds' coffee cup case.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:23 No.2675288
    Yes, though I don't know why people only remember sleepingapple doing this when at least 3-4 other people said the same bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:24 No.2675294
    Yeah, but she's the one that went on and on and on about it... somehow to the point of saying that just by being white, you are a racist.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:31 No.2675319
    I'm not relying on a judge to throw out the case; did you actually read >>2675221? Or did you just skim the snippet quoted by >>2675232 and misunderstand?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:31 No.2675322
    >I still hate [info]egl, and almost everyone there.

    seriously? Because some trollish comments said you were a fatty and a slut? And this girl is 26?

    I guess there's a reason she was attracted to lolita, even if she never wore it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:36 No.2675349
    Again, prospects of winning hasn't got to do with it being actionable, and it is certainly verifiable.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:41 No.2675377
    is this shiverling? you sound like her.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:43 No.2675385
    can she prove that the comments were maliciously made false statements that caused irreparable harm to her reputation resulting in some sort of financial damages?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)19:45 No.2675398
    in most states, there is a review process that occurs before being sent to court; being "actionable" under the law doesn't mean it will see the inside of a court. go look up 'frivolous litigation' in your state's law
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:11 No.2675971
    Why doesn't this girl have a burger page for her?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/10(Tue)22:52 No.2676119
    because tropigalia is the admin for the burger and she takes down the pages that are for her friends
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:00 No.2676659
    must bump. don't want this to die.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:26 No.2676725
    why not? Nothing will come of it. She'll always be a bitch with friends that insist on saying how sweet and nice she is and omg so what if her coords aren't totally loli blah blah.

    Besides it seems like she's flouncing from lolita entirely, 'cause... some random trollish comments said she was a slut and someone said she wasn't wearing lolita.

    Though she has no one to blame but herself, really. If she didn't react like a 15 year old to all of this, people wouldn't have gotten more to make drama about.

    She's seeming more and more like elexiel each day..
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:28 No.2676730
    elexial part = win!
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)01:31 No.2676742
    >I'm so SMALL! I'm only 200lbs!

    is she serious? She was fat 50 pounds ago
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:21 No.2676892
    she deleted her journal

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:23 No.2676902
    So much hatred...
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:25 No.2676907
    Hahahaha wow, what a big baby. Seriously. Holy shit, girl. People said you weren't wearing lolita clothing and a few trolls said you were a pervy slut.

    If this is how she reacts to something like this, I hope she never has to deal with any stressful situations in her teaching job, 'cause she might just run out of the classroom in the middle of a lesson.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:28 No.2676920
    Dear Op:

    You've caused a chain reaction that caused someone to gtfo of egl. And it didn't even require an actual gtfo post!

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:38 No.2676940
    Most GTFO's are fail. And the whole comm is fail. I feel kinda bad but to be honest if she listened to /cgl/ that much it goes to show she can't handle anyone not ass-kissing her :/
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:45 No.2676963
    -wore some questionable outfits (though tbh he had more lolita outfits than sleepingapple...) and posted some photos of himself in skimpy clothes and provocative positions in public
    -people gossiped
    -he made a post on EGL freaking out, got told to calm down, so he posted to getoffegl saying he was going to tell the police about getoffegl and they were going to hear from the FBI!
    -also PMed people that made comments about him with 'you're terrible omg etc etc' crap
    -cried about how horrible egl is and how he hates it
    -flouncy flounce

    -posted questionable outfits, decided she was 'above' crit and could call her outfits lolita if she felt they were, talked about her tits a lot
    -people gossiped
    -deleted every single one of her daily_lolita posts
    -changed her "do you like BIG BREASTS?" icon
    -pmed people who made logged in comments about her with 'omg you're horrible i would sue for slander etc etc'
    -cried about how horrible egl is and how she hates it
    -flounced from lolita completely, not even bothering to remove herself from her mod position before doing so

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:51 No.2676990
    Well, I would've suggested a getoffegl post for this but, too late. I'm glad she's out. No more dramus and whining from her.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:53 No.2676993
    LOL. i actually have a series of comments between her and her friends from her LJ but cgl won't let me post because it's too long.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:54 No.2676997
    split it up, maaan
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:55 No.2676999
    A:I hope you feel better soon. :( I saw a lot of what was going on, I don't understand where all the hate is coming from. I looked at cgl out of curiosity for the first time about 3 weeks ago when I posted myself on daily lolita because I was wondering if I'd be picked on. I stopped looking a week ago. There's so much hate there, I don't understand why. I'd rather not comment on anything specifically, but for a lot of the insults and remarks I saw towards you, it's a big ol, so what? Live the life the way you want to, ya long as you're not murdering people. Life is too damn short to care what everyone else thinks. It's too bad that a lot of people don't realize this until it's too late.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:56 No.2677000

    SA: I saw a lot of it on 4Chan. Jeff spent hours and hours completely eliminating every search result that came up for "SleepingApple" on Google and every other search engine he could find. It was pretty disgusting. Apparently I am a fatty fat fat fat who is ugly and hideous, and tries to hide my disgusting fatness with a corset (do these people seriously know nothing about how corsets work?), and a slut, and my boobs are big and I am a slut who should never talk about my boobs ever. How this has anything to do with anything, I don't know. The sexual comments were disgusting and misogynist, and at the very worse could have cost me my teaching position. Yeah. Lulz.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:56 No.2677002

    B: I can't fucking believe there are people freaking out that you were offended "just because we said she isn't lolita lawl". It wasn't JUST that, they were attacking things about you COMPLETELY unrelated to lolita. They're narcissistic little shits that have to lie to themselves about their own behavior so they can feel superior, or like they won an argument. It's know it's really hard but it's better to try to move on or else they'll keep shitting on you for "whining". It's not worth your time to dwell on them because you have a life for yourself in the real world, and at the end of the day, the people you encounter there are much more important than some coward on the internet who can't even share their opinion without hiding who they are.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:57 No.2677003

    SA: I really think it was [info]woobwoob who posted the secret, and started all this crap. She also thinks that all of the shit in the comments was just fine, too. I have no idea who she is, but she's been commenting in all of the posts about this, like she has some sort of personal investment in how people think of me. Who the hell is she anyways? I honestly don't care about the original secrets at all, but the comments were just terrible. I was just worried that they would start finding things in real life to pick on, and I deleted everything to protect my personal information. Calling me a "pervy teacher" and a "slut"? If the wrong people heard about that, yes, my career as a teacher could be jeopardized.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:58 No.2677005

    C: jeez I've never even seen that lj username before. Who the heck is she!?

    SA: Some stupid bitch who started posting on GTFO about a month ago. I didn't like her even before all this, then she posted on my last [info]daily_lolita post and told me I wasn't Lolita. Then-bam! Secret shows up less than a week later. Not a coincidence.

    B: I was so sure that she had made her journal really recently, like right before this stupid drama, but I just checked her info and it says it was created in 2008 :/
    Either way I've only seen her commenting around the lolita communities for a couple of weeks. Pretty sketchy if you ask me. Regardless of whether or not she was the one submitting the secret, I am 100% sure she lurks /cgl/ and 100% sure she was there to stir the pot when everyone was making threads to bash you.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:58 No.2677006
    I'm already facepalming. She overreacts to everything and takes any comments against her as "oh it's because I'm fat and I have big tits, isn't it?? Fucking sexist sexual harassment!!"
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:58 No.2677007

    SA: I am also positive she was posting the majority of the nastiest comments. She's been trying to make me look bad for a week now. Who the fuck she actually is, I have no clue.

    A: Yeah, it's just a big pile of crap. The remarks on your sexuality and your profession, it's what? So she's a teacher, who gives a shit. She has a professional job. There are tons of teachers out there, they all have lives and they all have different things. They also have do you think most of them got them?? =_=
    It's not like you're out there flashing your boobs to the world either, they're just there. So what?
    People rarely make sense. The whole concept of, "it's just the internet" makes people think that what they do is fine. They don't care who they hurt. Everybody needs to realize that saying "it's just the internet" doesn't make things okay. People have died because of being bullied online. It's not okay to make fun of people who have done nothing wrong in person, so why even bother doing it online?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)02:59 No.2677011

    SA: "People have died because of being bullied online."
    We just recently had a situation in a district near mine where a girl committed suicide due to online bullying. All my kids came in wearing green one day, and when I asked them why, they said that there was a girl who had just moved from Ireland to America and was having a lot of trouble at the school. The kids were harassing her and throwing around ethnic slurs (seriously wtf?! Against the Irish? Is it really 1880 again??) and it got so bad that she killed herself. I guess that was "just the internet," though :/
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:00 No.2677013
    thank you anon, this is pretty hilarious to read.

    I just love that she posted on getoffegl and other drama communities plenty of times, calling people shit and trying to make them feel bad, but the moment she's on the other end...
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:02 No.2677018
    Ohh, so her evidence was "She just started posting on lolita communities! She must totally be the person who made the secret AND said the nastiest things." (Despite that the week before the secret, there was a thread about her on here - so there's more than one person who was thinking about her non-lolitaness that week.)

    By that logic, the person who asked laiferr if they were condoning sleepingapple's actions was also one slinging shit. Their journal is new and only started commenting a few weeks ago!
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:04 No.2677023
    >100% sure she was there to stir the pot when everyone was making threads to bash you.
    >100% sure

    I don't think they know what 100% means.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:04 No.2677024
    no problem. i feel like a bitch doing this but hotdamn, i think she overreacted too. she's a nice girl but she really needs to just let it go. if she didn't overreact, all of this shit wouldn't have blown up in her face.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:07 No.2677026
    so wait wait -- anon comments deleted in, what, an hour at the most might jeopardize her job... but her publicly posting a picture like >>2674995 wouldn't?

    I'm not really shocked, given to how she reacted to that "hey guys thin people have problems too" secret, but still. You would think someone that's been fat & had big boobs for at least their adult life would learn how to deal with criticism and people trash talking. She trash talked other people, after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:07 No.2677027
    yep.... her boobs are "just there"... not drawing attention to them at all... riiiggght.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:09 No.2677031
    I completely agree. Posting pictures like that on the internet seem to be more inappropriate than people just bad mouthing her. Well, it's her life.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:10 No.2677033
    >She also thinks that all of the shit in the comments was just fine, too

    lol but she said it wasn't fine, when someone told her what people were saying. JFC, get over yourself.

    Aaand here it is, again. People were saying it was stupid of her to wear that corset and expect people to believe that it was her natural figure, which is what she kept claiming. It looks ridiculous on her - her arms/legs/double chin are still there, but her waist is pulled comically inwards. I get that she thinks that looks "cool" or whatever, but if you already know that your breasts get attention, why would you do something to emphasize them *even more* and then throw a tantrum when people point this out?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:10 No.2677034
    some really needs to draw a dick into her mouth
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:11 No.2677038
    Yup. If she was mature as her 26 years would've made her she simply would've brushed it off. Instead the stupid bitch had to feed the fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:13 No.2677043
    What kind of a friend is posting stuff from her friend's locked entries onto cgl? What a bitch >.<
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:13 No.2677044
    maybe she got into the "lolita community" because she can related to 18 year olds... she certainly acts like one.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:14 No.2677045
    Hey, she deleted her journal. No harm in reposting what people have saved now.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:15 No.2677048
    I'm 19 years old. When I joined at 17 and posted on d_l I handled con crit way better than her :/. She's too old to be this immature.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:16 No.2677051
    If she was anyone else, she would've been blasted on getoffegl long before she deleted her journal. But most of the getoffegl kisses her ass - especially after she became a sales community mod - so, oh well.

    I'm sure people will find her new journal out, though. She can't seem to resist talking about her breasts.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:17 No.2677053
    Well, a stereotypical 18 year old, I mean.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:17 No.2677055
    But still. It's really nasty of her to post things from a journal that belonged to a friend. That stuff should just stay there and her friend shouldn't be feeding the fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:20 No.2677059
    So? The journal's gone, sleepingapple is a whiny bitch, and she should know better than to assume all of her livejournal friends are going to pat her butt for acting like a little kid when someone finally starts drama about her, instead of it being the other way around.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:22 No.2677066
    SA is ~done~ with the lolita community, she says, so it shouldn't matter to her that someone is reposting her whining about a community she apparently hates so much.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:24 No.2677073
    Does SA even check cgl?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:26 No.2677077
    >I saw a lot of it on 4Chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:31 No.2677087
    I actually wonder if the OP of this post is really the one that started the drama. But then again, does that mean she's the secret poster or that she's the one who started to call SA a slut?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:34 No.2677089
    I'm pretty sure the loli_secret stuff calling her a slut and all that was one person. Or at least one person who started it and some troll that went along for the ride. If it was the OP who made the secret, I don't know.

    Because from the secret, there's nothing about her being slutty... and even on the threads here the week leading up to the secrets, people weren't calling her slutty, just a shitty dresser and someone who probably shouldn't post pics of skimpy outfits online.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:35 No.2677093
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:40 No.2677109
    If I remember correctly, the secret maker posted and said that her secret wasn't meant as a personal attack and she only wanted to call SA out on her outfits.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:43 No.2677117
    I doubt woobwoob made the secret, or bothered with anonmously "stirring up shit." Though of course to sleepingapple, anything negative about her is stirring up shit. I'm half-glad I didn't end up commenting on loli_secret with my username -- on one hand, I spared myself getting attacked by her & her friends through PM and her journal, but on the other hand, I could've made a getoffegl post about her then...
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:51 No.2677139
    I can't wait for a"What happened to sleepingapple?" or mod post saying she's left and the inevitable "She left because people were attacking her horribly on the internet!" comments.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)03:55 No.2677152
    Did that ever happen with someone? o.O
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)04:17 No.2677211
    I don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)05:16 No.2677346
    happened to caroline back in the day.
    Damn, I feel bad for woobwoob. Way to encourage leaving real feedback on D_L, SA!
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)06:50 No.2677520
    SA is weak sauce.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)07:35 No.2677554
    She keeps talking about how this could cost her her job. Well, if it's not true, why are you worried about it?
    And, if she's doing stuff that would cost her her job, maybe she should lose her job.

    I sure as hell wouldn't want someone like this teaching my children.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)07:48 No.2677563
    Someone like.... what?
    If it is not true, then there should be no issue with her teaching your children.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)07:51 No.2677569
    Who's to say it's not true.
    and even if it isn't, she has way too much of an immature attitude.
    That duct-tape picture sure ain't helping either.
    Also, she's so damn worried about it that she has to mention it all the fucking time, that seems a little suspicious to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)07:54 No.2677574
    WHAT's not true? Stop trying to make up shit. She's a whiny bitch blah blah blah, but this is way beyond what the original drama was about into your personal fantasy.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:20 No.2677972
    I am still shocked by how effective that one secret was.

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)13:34 No.2677999
    Shiverling = Woob Woob, if you haven't figured it out by now. Showed up right after Shiverling got herself unwelcomed.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:24 No.2678104
    her journal's from 2008, and Shiverling herself has been posting in getoffegl.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:35 No.2678124
    Her journal is also completely empty and hasn't been around on EGL for that entire time. I'm willing to bet it's someones back up sock.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:36 No.2678127
    yeah I highly doubt that, seeing as shiverling hasn't stopped posting even if she's unwelcome. Not to mention woobwobs journal is pretty old

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:43 No.2678142

    Ugh, Shiverling seriously needs to get the fuck out. She's either a complete idiot or the most annoying troll ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:47 No.2678152
    shiverling is a voice of reason in a community of dumb girls
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:48 No.2678158

    Shiverling = Sniper_nyan/the new. And neither one of them has sense between them. Voice of reason my ass.

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:49 No.2678160
    naw, she's been posting for longer than that, I've seen a few comments of her's around.

    but lol @ Sleepingapple having "Evidence" that it's woobwoob... cause, y'know, the reason for her saying her outfits aren't lolita couldn't be anything other than some wild vendetta! Heaven forbid not everyone kiss your ass and praise your flat skirts and t-shirt tops.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:51 No.2678167
    I just want to point out, that since SA deleted or had someone else delete all the evidence that anything actually happened anywhere, any claim she makes about who said what when is completely invalid as she has absolutely no proof.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:52 No.2678169
    Most of the time, she's a fucking idiot. "Omg there's nothing wrong with your boyfriend saying you're too ugly to wear lolita! He's being honest! Omg you all shouldn't have sit there and watched that guy masturbate... oh you didn't? Well you shouldn't have named the chat getOFFegl... oh it wasn't? Well... well... you still shouldn't have!!" Among other idiotic statements.

    Occasionally, just like with sniper, she says things people are thinking. Most of the time she's just being stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:54 No.2678183

    i guess she could have screencapped them before deletion
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:55 No.2678186

    Probably because it's WuWu 1,000th sock trying to fit in and ~school the idiot lolitas by being a VOICE OF REASON~ when in reality she can't find her ass with two hands. She spouts of edgy shit until she hits instead of misses.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:55 No.2678187
    The only 'proof' would be that woobwoob did post on her daily_lolita since they mention it in PMs and woobwoob still has them. But even that, lol. Why is she surprised that someone who "dared" to say her outfit wasn't lolita would also chime in when people are claiming "it's because of her ~~curves~~" that... no, it isn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)14:56 No.2678191
    Oh god, when she pulls her head back she looks like Sammo Hung.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:00 No.2678204
    she was probably too busy shaking and crying to do so
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:01 No.2678208

    Arguing is one thing, but when you've been proved blatantly WRONG (as Shiverling always is) sometimes it's appropriate to admit you were wrong or misinformed, not keep yapping.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:10 No.2678243
    I'll admit shiverling seems to go against whatever's the general opinion just to do it but sometimes she happens to be on the right side. But because of a bad review ages ago, nothing she says can be valid? a loli never forgets
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:12 No.2678252
    No one brought up that review.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:13 No.2678254
    yeah no shiverling has been stupid LATELY i had totally forgotten about that review until about a week ago
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:15 No.2678261
    >Do these people not know how corsets work?

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:19 No.2678278
    fat people shouldn't tight lace. I'm sorry. I know she apparently likes the aesthetic but you should really be in a healthy weight range before you do that.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:20 No.2678285
    so much lard to protect her internal organs
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:26 No.2678308
    >Fat people shouldn't tight lace and then lie about it

    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:30 No.2678322
    I think tight lacing looks gross on most people, but if you're bigger... I mean, fat arms + fat legs + double chin + etc etc does not look good when paired with a waist that looks like a giant hand is pinching it in.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)15:32 No.2678332

    Yeah, we're talking about her being a dumbass within the last couple of weeks. There is no past tense. She says incredibly stupid, completely wrong shit. All the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:17 No.2678871
    and nothing of value was lost
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:21 No.2678886
    The End
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:24 No.2678913
    Seriously? Caroline?

    I'm honestly surprised because she seemed to me like the type who was a cunt for no reason but didn't let the backlash she got for her attitude get her down. Was the back-talk really bad?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:30 No.2678954
    I might be tardy to the party, but it was the mod of the secrets comm who said that she was 100% sure it was woobwoob. Proof that she was turning the blind eye to SA bothering woobwoob over email without just cause.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:36 No.2679005
    Wow, seriously? Did you manage to get a cap?

    That's bullshit. And it's also proof that the mod is deleting shit about SA because she's friends with her.

    Nice and unbiased modding we have, eh?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:44 No.2679052
    I thought if SA kept messaging woobwoob I would do it but she deleted the journal before I had the chance. The mod's user name is a bunch of numbers and her icon is a girl dressed in red and black under a tree, right?

    Normally, I'm against posting stuff from f-locked journals, but I felt like it might have been a good idea since it sort of proved that she was turning the blind eye to woobwoob being pestered by e-mail because she was on SA's side.

    I like her as a mod and even sleepingapple was alright with me before this, but I don't think it's fair for them to gang up on another member like this with no proof just because she disagreed.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:47 No.2679066
    Yeah, that's her.

    That's just ridiculous. SA acting like a bitch about this was bad enough - I was feeling bad for her because of the 'slut' comments until I heard what she was doing - but the loli_secret mod is going around saying she's "100% sure" that someone made a secret? It's stupid. There were other people on getoffegl who spoke up about it - does it mean they made the secret? Or is it only the person that sleepingapple was already pissed off about, since they criticized her outfits? And that the mod keeps deleting comments about sleepingapple is pretty telling, too. Comments that point out other specific users are fine, of course.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:52 No.2679076
    What bullshit. I hate things like this - if this was someone like shiverling or sugarcakesales or heck even meow_tan, getoffegl would be crawling all over it. But it's "one of their own" who is soooo nice and sweet and a darling, so suddenly she's "Justified" in acting like a 12 year old.

    Meh. Whatever. Good riddance to her journal, she was never wearing "lolita" anyway so it's not a big loss.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:54 No.2679078
    Yeah. I'm trying to see if I can't find a way to look up a cached version of her journal or something so I can find the comment and give myself some concrete proof. I'm not one to make hefty accusations about a person without evidence. Unlikesomepeople.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)18:59 No.2679100
    I didn't say anything before because the post was friendslocked but it was her does anyone know how to bring up deleted livejournal pages or something like that if it's been viewed recently? I tried history but it didn't work.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:01 No.2679109
    I don't know if you can view cached pages of deleted journals, especially under friends lock.

    I believe you, though. It makes sense. She deletes anon comments that put sleepingapple in a bad light or mention her specifically when someone brought up her nasty behavior, but leaves similar comments bout other people up? She refuses to answer the questions submitted to the "question/concern" post about why the sleepingapple things are getting deleted?

    I would believe that over "woobwoob MUST'VE made the secret, since she commented a while ago on a daily_lolita post of mine, and also commented here! And she MUST'VE been on /cgl/ stirring the pot!"
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:02 No.2679110
    curious cosplayer here. I don't feel like fucking reading everything, so can someone please summarize what happened?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:04 No.2679118
    Yeah, but it'd be nice to have actual evidence if it ever comes to the point where we have to confront her about it and she tries to deny it.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:08 No.2679127
    Do you have the link of the journal entry in your history? You can try google cache with that, or other cache services. I can bring up her profile with google cache, but it's from 2/26 anyway so... idk.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:10 No.2679133
    but add in:

    -she deleted her livejournal account, not even bothering to remove herself from modship positions (sinking ship?)
    -she whines and trash talked about EGL after a secret got posted about her
    -the mod of the secret community where the secret was posted accused a user (woobwoob) of posting the secret and said she was "100% sure" that she both posted it and was on here stirring shit
    -said mod also deletes anything directly linking sleepingapple to negative behaviors on the secret community
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:11 No.2679140
    meant for
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:12 No.2679143
    I tried. But you can't bring up f-locked entries with google cache, I don't think.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:17 No.2679165
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:18 No.2679174
    Well, at least you and at least one other person saw it. It's more evidence than "she gave me crit, I'm so sure it's her!"
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:20 No.2679182
    so is her name Jennifer Grainger?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:41 No.2679233
    "-said mod also deletes anything directly linking sleepingapple to negative behaviors on the secret community"
    Just to add to that, in SA's journal comments, SA said, "If you were the one who was in charge of the secrets, you wouldn't have let that one through" or something along those lines.
    It's bullshit that some people can get their ass' covered while others don't. Like others have said, if it was meow_tan, people would jump on this like a hungry bear on a salmon.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:43 No.2679244
    Someone needs to make a secret calling out the mods involved. Sif that will get through.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:47 No.2679260
    Lolitas are scary girls :( They remind me of the little sisters in Bioshock.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:49 No.2679272
    That is bullshit, but it's the same thing that happens with getoffegl - some people can get away with shit, others can't. And that she basically went on a deleting spree means that people can't get the caps to show people what she's been doing, since although she is allowed to make wild assumptions, other people would get "pics or it didn't happen!" thrown at them.

    Also lol, I doubt the secret would go through.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:49 No.2679273
    People do refer to her as Jenny...
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:51 No.2679279
    Fuck, I should have capped it. I had her journal open with all her friends locked entries before her journal got deleted.

    I'm more pissed about the dynamics with certain people on egl than SA now.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:52 No.2679284
    Yeah, so did I.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:52 No.2679286
    ... the resemblance really is uncanny. If she had just handled this situation maturely, none of this would've happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)19:53 No.2679287
    >'m more pissed about the dynamics with certain people on egl than SA now.

    >> reading comprehension pls denver max !!g9Quu829xRf 03/10/10(Wed)20:20 No.2679392

    see >>2677005
    >Regardless of whether or not she was the one submitting the secret, I am 100% sure she lurks /cgl/ and 100% sure she was there to stir the pot when everyone was making threads to bash you.
    >Regardless of whether or not she was the one submitting the secret,
    >Regardless of whether or not she was the one submitting the secret,
    >Regardless of whether or not she was the one submitting the secret,
    >Regardless of whether or not she was the one submitting the secret,

    Note that I never directly accused woobwoob of submitting the secret. I honestly don't give two shits who submitted it.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)20:42 No.2679469
    So are you ever going to answer why you're deleting things only about her, but shit about other people stays up? Even things that don't go against the rules are getting deleted. Interesting.

    And how were you 100% sure she was here "stirring" the pot? You do know what 100% means, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/10(Wed)20:44 No.2679480
    >Either way I've only seen her commenting around the lolita communities for a couple of weeks. Pretty sketchy if you ask me.

    lol. People said the same about YOU when you threw in your bid to mod for loli_secret. But, like sleepingapple, it's only bad if it's other people. :D

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