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  • Testing these changes: page limit raised from 11 pages to 16, max bumps set to 250, image replies set to 125.
    Pruning algorithm changed on the NWS boards to be based on popularity instead of time (this was already the method used on WS boards and /b/ & /r9k/).
    EDIT: Bumps on WS boards changed to 300, and image replies 150.

    File : 1267960655.png-(300 KB, 1145x3577, 1267696205973.png)
    300 KB !8FNeI86s9A 03/07/10(Sun)06:17 No.2666004

    Lurker here, this is something I just started, a little database of every trip and namefag on this board. I know probably not the best of ideas but considering the massive amount of tripfags this board has (not as much as /v/) a little "Who is who" could help. I know I've only touched upon a fraction of the tripfags and a lot of the cells are blank so I'm looking onto you guys to finish this.

    Have at it.
    Yes I am a faggot I enjoy cum on my tongue and Muk is my favorite Pokemon
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:22 No.2666015
    how... did you even compile this? not hating, dude, just confused.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:25 No.2666024
    I'm damn intrigued at the level of detail on this... wow... wow...
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:28 No.2666032
    yeah, I was on another board earlier today, and someone posted all the tripcodes of all the tripfags on the board. fuckin' impressive, if you ask me.
    >> !8FNeI86s9A 03/07/10(Sun)06:28 No.2666033

    What detail? You can tell name, gender, and ethnicity from just one picture and their location by what cons they go to.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:30 No.2666040
    >their location by what cons they go to.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:30 No.2666041

    Well /cgl/ is primarily tripfags.

    About 200, 250 tops actively on /cgl/ (at least checks the board every couple of days). And about 150 of them are tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:31 No.2666045
    I meant more along the lines of the individuals themselves. Their attitudes, how they post on /cgl/ and such, their habits, and what they do at cons. The level of detail here seems to lurk pretty far back.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:32 No.2666048

    Considering how SoCal is tripfag country its safe to assume any tripfag that goes to multiple SoCal cons a year is from SoCal.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:34 No.2666051
    Wrong. I can name four or five that are incorrect not only by location but country as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:35 No.2666052

    Name em
    >> sonteen12 !c/Bmteb9h. 03/07/10(Sun)06:36 No.2666056
    sonteen12, MALE, Asian.
    I like this list!
    But why is there no Volpin.. T__T
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:38 No.2666060
    Chris/4ng being an obvious one. If he were in New York Soni wouldn't have to be flying. Mika being another, considering he's Canadian.
    >> !8FNeI86s9A 03/07/10(Sun)06:38 No.2666061

    All I know is that he's probably a man, is pretty helpful with tutorials, and has a nice Big Daddy cosplay
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:39 No.2666063
         File1267961973.jpg-(39 KB, 550x396, 1228502990397.jpg)
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    Only AX does not count as SoCal multiple cons
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:40 No.2666065
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:40 No.2666067

    Add yourself, its open edit tard
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:41 No.2666068

    No misfire, actual response
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:42 No.2666072
    How does AX have anything to do with 4ng or Mika's whereabouts?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:45 No.2666075

    Learn reading comprehension. Anon said he can list tripfags that don't live in SoCal but go to multiple SoCal cons. Anon listed 4ng31 and Soni, I responded with AX does not count as multiple cons since AX is only one con. Therefore 4ng31 and Soni do not go to multiple SoCal cons since they just go to AX.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:45 No.2666077
         File1267962359.jpg-(40 KB, 351x475, 20060917.99002082100i1.jpg)
    40 KB

    Go to bed, its clear you need some sleep
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 03/07/10(Sun)06:47 No.2666081
    There's not a lot of people.
    Freeman, Zal, Volpin, Maguma...ect.
    >> !8FNeI86s9A 03/07/10(Sun)06:48 No.2666084
         File1267962527.jpg-(30 KB, 640x479, 1260666576826.jpg)
    30 KB
    >No Maguma
    >No Zal
    >No Freeman
    >All three of them are on there with the longest descriptions
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:49 No.2666086

    Use CTRL F you twat
    >> WaIter Joseph Kovacs !eZnqiljHQQ 03/07/10(Sun)06:49 No.2666089
    Why is it I don't know anyone high tier and above?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:49 No.2666090
    >Considering how SoCal is tripfag country its safe to assume any tripfag that goes to multiple SoCal cons a year is from SoCal.
    Not all of those labeled SoCal are correct. Thus stating that locations are incorrect.
    >Wrong. I can name four or five that are incorrect not only by location but country as well.
    Agreeing that "SoCal cons does not a SoCal tripfag make"
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 03/07/10(Sun)06:54 No.2666099
         File1267962899.jpg-(49 KB, 500x375, 1265523332040.jpg)
    49 KB
    Sweet jesus...I'm so fucking retarded.
    I was looking at OP's image and not the link that he gave.

    I think I need sleep.
    >> Rein !!ptMh3q7YMD1 03/07/10(Sun)06:56 No.2666102
    Huh. I'm guessing you're filling it in as you go?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)06:59 No.2666106
    >The most awesome motherfucker on this board. Just look at him he'll wreck your shit with the motherfucking BLUE FALCON with CUP HOLDERS thats right fucking CUP HOLDERS, a device that lets you drive without SPILLING YOUR CUP. You're fucked if you cross paths with this ROUGH son of a bitch. If you see NinjAttorney you walk the other way. Bros with KaZzu.

    I lol'd
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 03/07/10(Sun)07:00 No.2666111
         File1267963230.gif-(298 KB, 136x120, 1265716107969.gif)
    298 KB
    I do no have a moe voice! >_>
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 03/07/10(Sun)07:03 No.2666116
    oh hey i'm on that list --

    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 03/07/10(Sun)07:07 No.2666118
    Im not single.

    Hiding this thread now since circlejerking is tiring. :>
    >> Infernoman !WABCAFs6Hg 03/07/10(Sun)07:09 No.2666121
    it doesn't have everyone...rather you should have said everyone that mattered. that I'd then believe
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)07:10 No.2666122
         File1267963809.jpg-(24 KB, 500x400, 6a00d83451cb0369e200e54fd9f0ba(...).jpg)
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    Just testing the accuracy
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 03/07/10(Sun)07:12 No.2666124
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 03/07/10(Sun)07:12 No.2666125
    Holy cow, I finally made a tripfag list...dear god in Heaven how is this possible
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 03/07/10(Sun)07:13 No.2666126
         File1267964037.jpg-(48 KB, 450x588, 1261198978943.jpg)
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    I do not sage every thread >:C
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)07:20 No.2666134
    You saged this one
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 03/07/10(Sun)07:29 No.2666152
    it's not that I like cheeseburgers.

    it's the fact that a while go when i posted a fucking cheeseburger would be posted.

    Fucking ass followed me around.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)07:30 No.2666155

    Why a cheeseburger though? That makes no sense
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 03/07/10(Sun)07:32 No.2666157
    'cause I'm fat. Fat people love cheeseburgers apparently. Honestly I dunno though. The only true thing about that is the Jin Kisaragi thing. I do love Hetalia but I don't go overboard like I used to.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)07:43 No.2666167

    Thats enough to make you a weeaboo
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 03/07/10(Sun)07:49 No.2666173
    Didn't say I wasn't a weeaboo. Hell if you check that /v/ list the Jin is mai waifu tripfag is me on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)07:50 No.2666175
         File1267966211.jpg-(40 KB, 656x399, son I am dissapoint.jpg)
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    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 03/07/10(Sun)07:54 No.2666178
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 03/07/10(Sun)07:54 No.2666180
    >is a weeaboo
    Yeaaaahh it's true. Even though I still can't even hold chopsticks right. FML.
    Brick is not my pet. He's my pretty lady. :U
    >Location: SoCal
    where the hell did you get that idea. I'm from Mormonville USA. also known as Salt Lake City.
    >> Brick Tamland 03/07/10(Sun)08:04 No.2666187
    >He's my pretty lady
    Because that joke didn't get old fast.

    And what the fuck at this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)08:05 No.2666190
    >Pretty hairy lady

    >> MK/Delicious Reno 03/07/10(Sun)08:07 No.2666192
         File1267967243.jpg-(226 KB, 600x474, 1266621645715.jpg)
    226 KB
    Hey. Hey. Blame my leech. She started it. It'll be fun times if I show up at Anime Conji because then that joke will be everywhere. And she'll probably be all over you again and I will laugh.
    >> Brick Tamland 03/07/10(Sun)08:08 No.2666193
    Man has body hair, news at 11.

    And now for weather. It's dark. It'd be sunny and great otherwise.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 03/07/10(Sun)08:12 No.2666195
    ... oops, I was trying to copy and paste what someone wrote about me to laugh at it but I accidentally deleted it instead. ME SMARTS. Something about Sebastian being my arch enemy though. I lol'ed.

    Aww, someone gave me 8/10.
    >> anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)08:12 No.2666196
    as someone with a crush on motoko i am enraged you only rated her 6/10 lol
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)08:18 No.2666202
         File1267967912.jpg-(31 KB, 276x600, 1260860486182.jpg)
    31 KB
    I know right? She is built like a toothpick but still hot
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 03/07/10(Sun)08:19 No.2666203
    Nevermind, someone fixed it, ahaha.

    I'm sure accuracy isn't important but I'm not a vegan or trying to be a voice actor or in love with Masa (or anyone for that matter). Just figured I'd throw that out there.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)08:21 No.2666206
    It should say that you're a yandere weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)08:21 No.2666208
    >or in love with Masa

    You're apparently tsundere
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)08:24 No.2666211
    The descriptions are so spot on it's not even funny. I could've sworn I was the only person that thought that about Decade
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 03/07/10(Sun)08:27 No.2666217
         File1267968448.png-(140 KB, 384x254, oh shit.png)
    140 KB
    Pic related.

    whoever made me an 8/10, ilu. c:
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 03/07/10(Sun)08:29 No.2666218
    >A /co/marde and fit dude who give ladies the vapors!

    Ha! nice.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 03/07/10(Sun)08:34 No.2666222
    >> RP !!UMYSzGjA7Ke 03/07/10(Sun)08:40 No.2666225
         File1267969232.jpg-(147 KB, 500x375, 562411329_ccfb14c6fe.jpg)
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    Impressive list!

    To help you along, I'm in Indiana (may as well be Chicago, silly rednecks can't decide..).. and I have cosplayed every outfit of King's... I'm just not allowed to show some of the pictures. It might scare people.

    As for Brick, you seem to have forgotten to add that he's a nerd for not bringing me In-n-Out burger at 3 in the morning. He claims this 2,000 mile difference between us is an issue.
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 03/07/10(Sun)08:48 No.2666232
    ok, who's deleting the reviews?
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 03/07/10(Sun)08:49 No.2666235
         File1267969787.jpg-(38 KB, 500x375, HappyCat.jpg)
    38 KB
    well then, ilu charmander. :3
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)08:56 No.2666238
    he mad
    >> Zom !tBNP1LKL7A 03/07/10(Sun)08:56 No.2666239
    What in the name of fuck is happening?
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 03/07/10(Sun)08:57 No.2666241
    people where deleting the list, doing overall tomfoolery and I think whomever is in charge of it put it on view only
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:01 No.2666250
    More trips:
    bloody zoro
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:02 No.2666252
    Rammy is on as Action Master Anonymous
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:03 No.2666253
    sage for tripfaggotry
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:03 No.2666254
    sage for tripfaggotry
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:06 No.2666256
    sage for tripshit
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:07 No.2666260
    sage for tripshit
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:08 No.2666263
    sage for trip
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:09 No.2666266
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:10 No.2666268
    No more editing? Why? Who cares if someone is deleting crap.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:16 No.2666276
    >Who cares if someone is deleting crap.
    Are you retarded?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:17 No.2666277

    Then what would be there to edit?
    >> GCC !!H57r59yoTa1 03/07/10(Sun)09:32 No.2666285
    Wow, I MUST be a fucking ninja to have avoided a list THIS huge. Quality.
    Polite sage.
    >> !8FNeI86s9A 03/07/10(Sun)09:38 No.2666291
         File1267972722.png-(233 KB, 624x352, 1267692615319.png)
    233 KB
    Got some good stuff, got some stupid stuff, got some input.

    Master updated and saved, be back later in the day to check on it.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:40 No.2666293

    My thought was incomplete. OP more than likely has a backup of everything, so even if it gets deleted, it's as simple as Ctrl+V and Ctrl+C.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)09:58 No.2666299
    No. It's just that no one cares enough about you.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 03/07/10(Sun)10:02 No.2666301
         File1267974138.jpg-(10 KB, 275x297, 1258833320772.jpg)
    10 KB
    I'm not Indian, nor do I look like M. Night Shayamalan
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:11 No.2666307
    Wow, I'm surprised with the detail in mine. Good times.
    >> denver max !!g9Quu829xRf 03/07/10(Sun)10:15 No.2666313
    I guess I don't count then BAWWWWWWWWWW
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 03/07/10(Sun)10:16 No.2666314
         File1267975002.png-(118 KB, 525x525, e6ff8b583659cd6d25f46f56ef78e4(...).png)
    118 KB
    Huh, well there ya go. Managed to avoid another one.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:19 No.2666318

    Time to add you
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 03/07/10(Sun)10:21 No.2666319
         File1267975319.jpg-(14 KB, 419x287, 1267396546009.jpg)
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    you may want to check it now :P
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:27 No.2666324
    what about Jin?
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 03/07/10(Sun)10:31 No.2666330
    The bottom part makes me giggle.
    >> The Big Boo !nznE9S06QI 03/07/10(Sun)10:39 No.2666339
    Oh my, I cannot stop lol'ing this is way too hilarious.
    I'm glad to be a reasonably forgettable individual, better than being known for being obnoxious. Ghost duty fulfilled!
    >> Mr. Owl 03/07/10(Sun)10:39 No.2666340
    Wow, I'm rather surprised I was on there.

    Updated my location and relationship status.
    >> bonk 03/07/10(Sun)10:56 No.2666356
    >Engaged to Soni

    omg congrats!!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)10:57 No.2666358
    Lol thanks. Kinda old news, I know you saw us after we were engaged xD
    >> bonk 03/07/10(Sun)11:02 No.2666369

    Well it apparently took a spreadsheet for me to realize.

    Don't mind me, I'm a little slow.
    >> bombyNeko 03/07/10(Sun)11:17 No.2666389
    no mr freeman :[
    >> Mr. Owl 03/07/10(Sun)11:20 No.2666392
    What are you talking about he's on there.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 03/07/10(Sun)12:02 No.2666471
    Who the fuck gave me a 4/10 attractiveness? Shooting way too high, buddy.

    That aside, impressive compilation.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:18 No.2666494
         File1267982321.png-(64 KB, 1280x876, cgldoc.png)
    64 KB
    i love cgl
    >> PiggyNukka 03/07/10(Sun)12:24 No.2666512
    ....Pink skinned? I guess I can see it.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 03/07/10(Sun)12:38 No.2666545
         File1267983484.jpg-(54 KB, 500x337, halolz-dot-com-teamfortress2-e(...).jpg)
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    Very impressive compilation, though I find it interesting how I'm always able to miss getting put on these things.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 03/07/10(Sun)12:43 No.2666562
    my skin's cleaned up a lot but it ain't perfect. *shrug*
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:49 No.2666577
    why is Kamui a 6/10? She is adorable!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:53 No.2666592
    I think girls rated them. They're very bad ratings. Iori E is like 8/10 or something while pretty much every female is 5-6
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:53 No.2666594
    ...Gee. Someone added my old trip. Such nice things to say about it, too.

    I was wondering where you had gotten to, you negative nancy you.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 03/07/10(Sun)12:55 No.2666600
    although LRC is a 9/10 :|
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)12:56 No.2666609
    That's because she has an awesome rack and everyone loves boobs, even the girls
    >> Party Foul Nami 03/07/10(Sun)13:02 No.2666631
    lol, why is my hotness a date?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:03 No.2666634

    It's your expiration date.
    >> Party Foul Nami 03/07/10(Sun)13:06 No.2666641
    Oh shit
    >> bombyNeko 03/07/10(Sun)13:09 No.2666651
    when i loaded it he wasnt. but now he is.
    >> Krizalid | GACKT.C !GACKTW2/pY!!d8yGuJYDV40 03/07/10(Sun)13:10 No.2666653
         File1267985408.jpg-(45 KB, 335x500, 20.jpg)
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    I'm a little bit happy that I am not included on the list.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 03/07/10(Sun)13:11 No.2666660
    I'm not on the list either. I may add myself on there later.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:16 No.2666671
    ITT: Tripfags pretend to be relieved that they're not on the list, so that people will see them and add them to the list and they can feel loved
    >> ka-san 03/07/10(Sun)13:21 No.2666685
    But seriously how did they connect the lolita stuff with this name? I never post it.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:23 No.2666694
    for the love of god and all that is holy, destroy this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:24 No.2666697
    peoples egos have reached unsafe levels, its time this shit ended now
    >> Anonymous of Los Angeles !AoT8KYCnWo 03/07/10(Sun)13:25 No.2666701
         File1267986341.jpg-(164 KB, 472x1000, a9b984bb8c22fce41ddf8d26ae4d38(...).jpg)
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    Too much vendetta in the file, fix'd.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:25 No.2666702

    Wasn't a picture of you posted like a month ago that was extremely creepy and very, very ageplay?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:27 No.2666707
    anon does have a lot of secrets
    >> ka-san 03/07/10(Sun)13:28 No.2666709
    They didn't like it because I was wearing a big bonnet and my knee was showing or something. It was really unflattering, too. I could go on and on about how it was a bad picture/set.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 03/07/10(Sun)13:28 No.2666710
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:32 No.2666717

    Then you are a retard.
    >> Zom !tBNP1LKL7A 03/07/10(Sun)13:33 No.2666719
    Deleted again :/
    Who the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:33 No.2666720
    you must not be a native speaker then
    >> Zom !tBNP1LKL7A 03/07/10(Sun)13:34 No.2666724
    and its back!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:34 No.2666725
    I'm glad I stopped tripfagging in time, all this rating business and personal info and what not is creepy
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:35 No.2666726
    so are we not counting all the loli tripfags?
    >> fie !W0jg8mcdQw 03/07/10(Sun)13:35 No.2666727
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:35 No.2666730
    You've been added.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 03/07/10(Sun)13:36 No.2666733
    more like I just woke up. My bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:40 No.2666749
    Stop deleting it, faggot.
    >> Party Foul Nami 03/07/10(Sun)13:45 No.2666759
    I'm actually kind of creeped out by the level of detail. How does it know I'm taken? I think I've mentioned it once.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 03/07/10(Sun)13:51 No.2666772
    I actually find it more amusing that all the anons are bitching about it.

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:51 No.2666773
    Anonymous of Los Angeles's attractiveness should be lowered. He looks like a gingered Frankenstein. Actually somebody should add that to his bio.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)13:55 No.2666783
    missing Doll, Trippy, and denver max
    any other lolifags to account for?
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 03/07/10(Sun)14:06 No.2666815
         File1267988795.jpg-(144 KB, 639x479, wtfisthisshit copy.jpg)
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    I can't go out on windy days.

    but seriously, wtf? I am amazed someone saved that pic of me.
    >> Arg !/cARaiCIAw 03/07/10(Sun)14:08 No.2666824
         File1267988939.jpg-(120 KB, 1208x550, dix.jpg)
    120 KB
    this is all that spreadsheet is good for
    >> God !!tth/tv+hsYe 03/07/10(Sun)14:10 No.2666828
    O_o.. the even going to ask
    >> Patastrophic !!DOApy8KC6ga 03/07/10(Sun)14:13 No.2666842
    Even with my abyssmal self-confidence I still know I'm better than a 5 in attractiveness. Then again, if Hanyaan only gets a 7, it should't be too surprising. And what's this "possibly" Scott Steiner stuff? I thought everyone knew the truth by now.

    Creepy list is creepy, OP. Go outside!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:26 No.2666888
    Okay, who's the white knight that changed my description?
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 03/07/10(Sun)14:27 No.2666893
    >Extremely awkward guy
    >Has an orange hat

    >> seiba !rtKe5rJYJs 03/07/10(Sun)14:33 No.2666929
    I still love you.
    >> "Manly" Kittan 03/07/10(Sun)14:36 No.2666942
         File1267990567.png-(17 KB, 500x500, 1264313890119.png)
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    >1/10 Attractiveness, /v/irgin, twisted and brother of Big Wes?

    Someone knows me all too well!
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 03/07/10(Sun)14:46 No.2666978
    >not even on it

    I'm okay with this.
    >> seiba !rtKe5rJYJs 03/07/10(Sun)14:47 No.2666981
    ps glad I avoided this.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:47 No.2666986
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    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)14:50 No.2667000
    >> Rome !!CVEd28Rec5W 03/07/10(Sun)14:53 No.2667018
    I take pride in not being noticed.
    >> seiba !rtKe5rJYJs 03/07/10(Sun)14:54 No.2667020
    *strokes chin* I'm alright with this.
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 03/07/10(Sun)14:57 No.2667029
    Mmm dem beautiful legs <3

    Seriously this thing is still going? I expected it would have been spammed or deleted enough, guess not.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)15:00 No.2667037
    People have tried to delete it, but there's a revert function so it gets recovered instantly.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 03/07/10(Sun)15:00 No.2667038
    Scratch that, found me.

    I'm a guy tho.
    >> bloody zoro 03/07/10(Sun)15:02 No.2667051
    People just know these things.
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 03/07/10(Sun)15:05 No.2667065
    I did recall seeing something where the OP of it saved the original of it...guess this will be up for awhile, yeah? :/
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)15:09 No.2667073
    lol @ calling LRC a hipster.
    >> GeronKizan !!dzd0D/HaDfJ 03/07/10(Sun)15:12 No.2667077

    We'll be abusing that as soon as /b/ gets a hold of this thing.
    >> tenlied !CPjPQrFgwc 03/07/10(Sun)15:16 No.2667088
    i'm saddened by the fact that i'm not on this.
    >> GCC !!H57r59yoTa1 03/07/10(Sun)15:16 No.2667090
    Awww, come back to check it out and it's gone :(

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)15:18 No.2667096
    Some tripfag is really butthurt.
    >> GeronKizan !!dzd0D/HaDfJ 03/07/10(Sun)15:20 No.2667100
    So I've been called a Mexi-Asian. It's very true....maybe I should be wearing that giant sombrero I got from Mexico with my cosplays while eating chow mein.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)15:22 No.2667105
    Good thing I downloaded a copy for backup
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)15:23 No.2667108
    And here comes the tripfags that nobody has even heard of come out of the woodworks just to get on this list. Protip: If you're not on it, you're not that memorable.
    >> Grimmory !apRfGPAl1U 03/07/10(Sun)15:25 No.2667114
    I'm just gonna go cry in the corner now
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)16:17 No.2667253
    This is bizarre.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)16:31 No.2667289
         File1267997475.jpg-(127 KB, 640x480, Wide Yuno.jpg)
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    Alright, I managed to avoid this list.
    As a tripfag of SoCal and a tinychat-er, I feel accomplished.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)16:36 No.2667307
    Sieg is such a faggot. He kept reverting until he got the better entry.
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 03/07/10(Sun)16:37 No.2667316
    so im 28 and ginger? great...
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)16:38 No.2667319
    Anonymous1213 has major butthurt issues.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 03/07/10(Sun)16:43 No.2667344

    I sure did. I kept reverting because you kept changing people unfairly, not just me. AoLA is not a 1/10, dicklick. He's a great guy. Zal is no 6/10. I dunno, everybody on this board has way too much sand in their vaginas to be subjective, save for OP and some other anons. I'm going back to sleep.
    >> Kona !34WQeK4cUc 03/07/10(Sun)16:46 No.2667353
    Badass, I'm average tier of /v/.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)16:48 No.2667364
    you also deleted people.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)16:50 No.2667374
    He's a butthurt moron. Hahahaha.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)16:51 No.2667378
    Whoever is now editing this should get on adding coscoms/acp's/websites/pics. That would make this thing a lot more useful.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 03/07/10(Sun)16:51 No.2667380

    I don't know if you noticed that people deleted EVERYTHING and started drawing and Robot Unicorn Attacking it up in there with the lyrics to Erasure's Always lyrics. We can rebuild it.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)16:52 No.2667384
    Who the hell is this "we"? Are you saying that this is your spreadsheet? If not, you have no say in what the rest of us post.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)16:53 No.2667386
    Lofi and jimi don't live in Seattle.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)16:56 No.2667397
    Neither does Kazzu.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 03/07/10(Sun)17:00 No.2667408
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    You have problems. I'll leave you to them. I suppose I'll be graded far lower in the next version, but it's fine. It's against my character to care about such things.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)17:03 No.2667411
    Right... Bawww more.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 03/07/10(Sun)17:05 No.2667419

    You really are an angry person! Kinda dumb that I cared before, but a lot of my friends are on there with wrong shit. Anyways, I am going to sleep. Take it easy anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)17:06 No.2667422
    u mad?
    >> JABI !Amna74sYWM 03/07/10(Sun)17:07 No.2667425
    Wat a thing to wake up to. (Yes I woke up at 2PM, what of it?) I don't cosplay Death Note anymore :< But I do have ferrets! I'm happy you mentioned that!
    >> !8FNeI86s9A 03/07/10(Sun)17:09 No.2667432
    When I started this I had around 60 entries

    Now there are 107, good job.
    >> Red Bra !suu.H.AQxM 03/07/10(Sun)17:20 No.2667470
    And as you will see, more and more will show up.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 03/07/10(Sun)17:20 No.2667474
    no need to take it so seriously.

    someone had me listed as Mexican. It's just a list. : \
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)17:24 No.2667491
    No thanks. I won't be helping anymore. It's mostly tripfag worship now that we Anons can't post. I've lost interest.
    >> !8FNeI86s9A 03/07/10(Sun)17:59 No.2667664

    Everyone was anon and no one could edit but me, mainly because some asshat kept deleting everything. So I needed time to fix it. I made it open again though
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)18:00 No.2667670
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    u mad
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)18:07 No.2667696
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 03/07/10(Sun)18:15 No.2667728
    Lmfao this is awesome.
    >> !8FNeI86s9A 03/07/10(Sun)18:18 No.2667739
         File1268003883.jpg-(37 KB, 500x400, masterjb4.jpg)
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    Its open to edit again, made another master file and you are all free to go nuts.

    I imagine the list will be deleted again.
    >> lu !cgWysikRy2 03/07/10(Sun)18:20 No.2667754
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    hai guise wats going on in this thread
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 03/07/10(Sun)18:47 No.2667864
    I'm gone for a weekend and this shit happens? :/

    *looks over list* ...I'm ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)18:48 No.2667871
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    >everyone is from dalmasca
    >everyone is 10/10
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 03/07/10(Sun)19:07 No.2667941
    As did I... Honestly, I'm more of a rave child, but I think that actually is something to be made fun of more than a hipster.

    ALSO I LOST MY FUCKING LIP PIERCING. I startled my friend's dog while he was sleeping and it nipped at me and nearly bit my fucking lip off. Spent half the day yesterday in the hospital getting stitches, I can't eat solid foods for the next 2 days, I want a fucking cheeseburger so bad ;_;
    >> OwlDepot 03/07/10(Sun)19:11 No.2667954
    What the fuck. Most of this is true.

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