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  • File : 1267760380.jpg-(69 KB, 540x405, 73.jpg)
    69 KB PiccadillyL !!cbo3UBAPTko 03/04/10(Thu)22:39 No.2657720  
    ITT: Your dream cosplay groups that will never happen.

    I love this show so much and I have a bunch of friends who would work so well for all the characters but I'm the only one who has actually seen the show. Doing a group means I end up sewing everything and I doubt that they would be up for anything not anime-related.

    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:41 No.2657726
         File1267760470.jpg-(10 KB, 188x151, heh.jpg)
    10 KB
    Sir or madam, those are casual clothes they wear...
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:43 No.2657734
    id shake your hand but you know...peanut arms!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:44 No.2657736
         File1267760648.jpg-(60 KB, 458x517, Edit1Fullview_emperor-horus[1].jpg)
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    Horus, God-Emperor
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:44 No.2657737
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:47 No.2657745
    Ahh, I want to see a Clone High group too. Why are the only people that have seen it spread across the universe? D:
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:49 No.2657750
    if you let me go as the Scudworth ill do it.
    >> PiccadillyL !!cbo3UBAPTko 03/04/10(Thu)22:53 No.2657769
         File1267761187.gif-(5 KB, 166x188, char_gandhi.gif)
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    Awww god, I really want to do it now soooo much.

    Why must the guy I know who would make the perfect Abe insist on wearing his goddamn crappy Kiba cosplay year after year?! Why must my best friend who is poor as hell only able to cosplay if I pay for it?! I am so sick of cosplaying alone but my friends who are interested in coplaying are giving me nothing to work with. NOTHING.

    I do realize our group would lack a short Indian boy to be our Gandhi but I would be willing do to get this done. I WOULD GO THE DISTANCE.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:53 No.2657771
         File1267761195.png-(314 KB, 512x384, SeaPrinceandtheFireChild.png)
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    Not really a group, but I'll never see this happen. :(
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:55 No.2657789
    i'll never put together a disney princess group... mostly because most of my friends are guys ):<
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:57 No.2657801
         File1267761479.jpg-(24 KB, 400x227, viral.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:58 No.2657805
         File1267761501.jpg-(268 KB, 1500x1000, iron_chef[1].jpg)
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    The Iron Chefs. ALL of them.

    AND the chairman - wearing something awsome.

    Bonus points for Hanzo-san, Fukui-san, etc.
    >> PiccadillyL !!cbo3UBAPTko 03/04/10(Thu)22:58 No.2657807
         File1267761516.jpg-(31 KB, 320x240, jonhammprinceeric_l_2.jpg)
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    Why not have them go as the princes perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:59 No.2657815
         File1267761582.gif-(8 KB, 347x238, 1266476030004.gif)
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    never thought of it that way
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:00 No.2657818
    I don't know what that is, and it's not a group (that I know of), but it IS awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:04 No.2657841

    If I saw anyone doing a Warhammer 40k group I would cream my pants.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:09 No.2657858
         File1267762199.jpg-(37 KB, 500x262, 20090625_soshimv_572.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:20 No.2657896
         File1267762840.jpg-(133 KB, 1024x768, farscape322e70df5[1].jpg)
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    Farscape Season 1, plus Chiana. pic isn't the exact group but you get what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:20 No.2657897
         File1267762856.jpg-(58 KB, 500x250, sgt_pepper5.jpg)
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    Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
    none of my friends would do it, though, since they refuse to do anything not anime related
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:21 No.2657901
         File1267762913.jpg-(209 KB, 600x366, 8948871_m.jpg)
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    it sucks having no cosplay friends.

    this too
    >> Dyme !!+iLXIZKHVEk 03/04/10(Thu)23:31 No.2657940
         File1267763509.jpg-(1.8 MB, 1358x2019, gargoyles3cover.jpg)
    1.8 MB
    It's fun to dream...
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:33 No.2657944

    I had a commission for this once.. I really wish the person had gone through with it.. maybe one day I'll organize a group.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:34 No.2657947
         File1267763678.jpg-(94 KB, 1000x751, 414afefd7e39b899e447e4e0412c49(...).jpg)
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    I doubt I'd be able to get enough people though. :(
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:35 No.2657949
         File1267763731.png-(45 KB, 320x245, peach-tree-garden-oath[1].png)
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    I'd want to cosplay the Brothers of the Peach Garden with my two best buds. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:36 No.2657953
         File1267763801.jpg-(180 KB, 800x600, daisy-1-1.jpg)
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    >> MK/Delicious Reno 03/04/10(Thu)23:36 No.2657955
         File1267763808.jpg-(389 KB, 2652x1024, 1261362332403.jpg)
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    sdfisljkdfsjl I wanna do that Luka so bad.
    My dream cosplay group that would never happen is this. It could be done, but well done? probably not. I just want an excuse to do that Milotic.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:37 No.2657956
    This, I would do this for free, to be honest.

    Lots of ROOOOOOAAARRRRRRRRing to be done, with the theme song playing in the background.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:39 No.2657965
         File1267763975.jpg-(161 KB, 1024x768, 18847d1165013980-tales-of-phan(...).jpg)
    161 KB
    Tales of Phantasia.
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 03/04/10(Thu)23:42 No.2657973
    Ffffff-I would love to see this done.
    I would so do the Miltank if you were to do Milotic.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 03/04/10(Thu)23:45 No.2657986
         File1267764308.jpg-(596 KB, 900x638, 1260783893482.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:46 No.2657990
         File1267764400.jpg-(83 KB, 473x482, Where%20the%20Wild%20Things%20(...).jpg)
    83 KB
    You KNOW this would be baller...
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:47 No.2657992
         File1267764455.png-(211 KB, 807x254, 1233332619372.png)
    211 KB
    So I need 10 in shape girl cosplayer friends capable of making striker units. If I count the ones I already have I just need... 10.

    >> Dyme !!+iLXIZKHVEk 03/04/10(Thu)23:49 No.2657999

    Fuck yeah, man.


    Another group I'd love to do.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 03/04/10(Thu)23:52 No.2658006
    that Miltank design made me lol so hard when I first saw it. c:
    Brick's doing the Staraptor, but to do a lot of these one would have to be pretty prop skilled.
    >> ∀lly !XV9O2ESexM 03/04/10(Thu)23:53 No.2658012
         File1267764823.jpg-(117 KB, 1125x750, extra.jpg)
    117 KB
    I have so many dream group ideas; but here is one.
    This is from High School Debut, I think it would be so fun~
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:53 No.2658013
         File1267764832.png-(3 KB, 160x32, characters_preview_oniwabanshu(...).png)
    3 KB
    Oniwabanshū: Aoshi, Han'nya, Shikijō, Beshimi, Hyottoko.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:56 No.2658017
         File1267764982.png-(408 KB, 568x624, 1265744887699.png)
    408 KB
    My biggest dream will be your biggest nightmare.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:57 No.2658021
         File1267765030.jpg-(35 KB, 576x777, [large][AnimePaper]scans_Ghost(...).jpg)
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    I would kill to see this done by a group of people with appropriate ages/body types.
    >> M.Stoving !xU51dFlhBI 03/04/10(Thu)23:57 No.2658024
         File1267765053.jpg-(690 KB, 1280x1024, AWDS_Official_Yellow_Comet_Son(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:57 No.2658026
    Way, way back in the 1980s...
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:58 No.2658029
         File1267765122.jpg-(115 KB, 300x279, daikon_1.jpg)
    115 KB
    I'll be Hideki.
    >> Moose !!xpnfPG3jRm9 03/04/10(Thu)23:58 No.2658031
    lol yeah, same here. It grew on me though, that and the Koffing [Weezing?] design.
    But I'm in no way capable of doing that kind of prop yet.
    And yeah, I get what you mean, which is a shame because these all look really neat. :<
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:00 No.2658042
         File1267765254.jpg-(329 KB, 1024x768, hnk.jpg)
    329 KB
    Fist of the North Star
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:01 No.2658047
    The homunculi from the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime. I could pull off Sloth, but...
    >> Eri !/YbHGiyNtI 03/05/10(Fri)00:03 No.2658052
         File1267765387.jpg-(487 KB, 1500x1032, 050.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:04 No.2658054
    <3 <3 <3 I've wanted to do an Angel Sanctuary group for years.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:05 No.2658064
         File1267765556.jpg-(319 KB, 1024x768, lovelycomplex2[1].jpg)
    319 KB
    ... all I need is a guy short enough to play the lead.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:06 No.2658067
    Bro, I would totally do that with you, but those coats look both challenging and expensive. :(
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:06 No.2658069
         File1267765612.jpg-(108 KB, 766x452, noein_main_17b.jpg)
    108 KB
    For the love of god SOMEONE DO THIS FOR ME.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:08 No.2658077
    I want to see this like burning.

    Would you do school uniforms or their casual clothes?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:09 No.2658080
    Holy shit, that is awesome. Is it from a fanproject or just an unusually awesome bunch on ginjinka?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:09 No.2658082
         File1267765769.png-(190 KB, 590x441, 1255424535434.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:09 No.2658083

    I want to do this so bad....But I have the same dilemma. :( :( :(
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 03/05/10(Fri)00:10 No.2658085
         File1267765820.jpg-(153 KB, 1060x764, W6_Suikogaiden.jpg)
    153 KB
    I would do any character from Clone High, I love that show so much.

    I have a group of people for this and we have almost every dragoon spot filled. But we there are so many of us its hard to find a time we can all get together and work. Its slowly coming together thou... just alot slower then I imagined it would

    Picture related to topic. I love to see any Suikoden group. Seriously. It could be the main characters or just all the chefs. I don't care. When I see people from Suikoden I smile... a group would just make me that much more happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:11 No.2658092
    every pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:12 No.2658095
         File1267765925.jpg-(39 KB, 683x301, 9-tantalus-a2.jpg)
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    I would LOVE to see this done.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:12 No.2658096
         File1267765928.jpg-(56 KB, 413x312, silver-hawks[1].jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:13 No.2658099
    I even have a super tall amazon, but all my guy friends are tall :(
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:20 No.2658118

    Every gym leader
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 03/05/10(Fri)00:22 No.2658123
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 03/05/10(Fri)00:24 No.2658127
         File1267766649.jpg-(450 KB, 1280x600, 1249750606131.jpg)
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    Ontop of that
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:27 No.2658136
         File1267766865.jpg-(53 KB, 396x303, gorillaz-facebook1.jpg)
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    I wanna do a Gorillaz group.

    >> SA !5AiUJqw0GM 03/05/10(Fri)00:29 No.2658139
    Thirding this.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:32 No.2658147
         File1267767165.png-(19 KB, 373x198, TEIA4[1].png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:33 No.2658151
    Isn't it being done? I think someone has been going around saying they're working on it.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:36 No.2658159
         File1267767363.jpg-(186 KB, 639x476, k-on-1.jpg)
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    I play bass and sing. I am not GREAT but I am not bad either. I wish I could set up a band, actually practice, and preform it live somehow.

    I have some friends who are great at cosplaying and some great at music, but not a matchable combination of the two.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:37 No.2658163
    ten bucks says the people doing it are the ones posting it in hopes when they do it people will get so excited about the group it will make them all efamous. There's alot of self promotion like that that happens
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:39 No.2658170
    ... who cares, dude.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:41 No.2658183
    I'd LOVE to help someone do K-ON!, but I am too old.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:45 No.2658197
    do it with a bunch of girl your age, and do it really well. it will be 100x more stunning than a group with more 'authentic' ages.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:47 No.2658203
         File1267768025.jpg-(69 KB, 466x700, reboot[1].jpg)
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    Few people under 20 would recognize you, but who cares: you would look and feel awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:50 No.2658213
    Team Fortress 2 group cosplay for a games convention in my tinyass country.
    Will never happen, I have no friends (lol) and not many people here know the game.
    >> PiggyNukka 03/05/10(Fri)00:52 No.2658227

    Thank you anon, I was beginning to think I crazy, remembering random things from my childhood that never happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:53 No.2658229
    Didn't you say you were going to do Milotic at some point anyhow?
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 03/05/10(Fri)01:01 No.2658258
         File1267768906.jpg-(42 KB, 311x235, themotherfuckanmuses.jpg)
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    If I was your friend I would totally help you with finding people for a Sgt. Peppers cosplaygroup, its one of my big group-dreams as well.

    And this.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)01:06 No.2658277
         File1267769212.gif-(41 KB, 305x275, 6teen000.gif)
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    want to so badly :(
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)01:13 No.2658316
    I want to do a Slayers group
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)01:17 No.2658339
         File1267769862.jpg-(50 KB, 400x560, Three Little Pigs.jpg)
    50 KB
    I'd like to see a cosplay group of the characters from the D&D arcade games, personally.

    But my real never-gonna-happen cosplay is this three little pigs outfit from the Sakura Wars card game.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)01:19 No.2658348
    Jesus christ dat swim should get that show or something
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)01:20 No.2658354
         File1267770047.png-(35 KB, 500x500, 1230705521404.png)
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    Young Justiiiiiicceeee ;___________;

    The entire group would be great, but I'd be pretty happy with just these three...With maybe three of the girls (Secret, Arrowette, Wonder Girl)
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)01:38 No.2658431
    Shit yes. I love you forever. Hide's my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)01:41 No.2658448
    I'm surprised that I've never seen anyone do a "Clone High" cosplay, it seems like it would be really easy. Hell, I've got three raglans in my closet just like Abe's.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)01:47 No.2658462
         File1267771627.jpg-(48 KB, 680x425, 1233174741609.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)01:52 No.2658477
         File1267771952.jpg-(48 KB, 400x371, tacticsss4.jpg)
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    I would die happy if I saw a full cast. All the job classes... man.

    I think I'm going to try to get my GF to cosplay the female mime.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)01:57 No.2658500

    I do remember that thread though. I have a hard time getting excited for things people say they'll do. I'll be happy when I see epic pics.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 03/05/10(Fri)02:23 No.2658583
    an unusually awesome bunch of gijinka I think. I forget where Brick found it. It might be on pixiv, but I could be wrong.
    >> Mastershambler 03/05/10(Fri)02:27 No.2658598
    A huge MOTHER group with tons of variety! I'm hoping to see this dream come true at the Earthbound/MOTHER gathering at AX!
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)02:56 No.2658681

    MAAN. I totally tried to start one, but I think every one else was joking... I could have been a half decent Cleo or Joan, bawww.

    Cosplayers have serious commitment issues. Shit is ridiculous. YOU CAN FIND APPROPRIATE CLOTHES AT AN OP SHOP FFS.

    inb4 u mad? I'm clearly raging here.
    >> Boss Baku 03/05/10(Fri)03:29 No.2658744
    That actually wasn't me self-promoting, though its nice to see people excited for things like this.
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 03/05/10(Fri)03:29 No.2658745
         File1267777778.jpg-(142 KB, 798x372, Uncharted2BetaKeyGiveaway.jpg)
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    I don't care that all the characters are borderline closet cosplay. If I hear a group is coming to a con I want to be at I'd drop EVERYTHING I'm doing to join in.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)05:16 No.2658920
         File1267784178.jpg-(42 KB, 445x500, Celestine.jpg)
    42 KB
    One of my dream cosplays is Saint Celestine :)
    >> Duralath !Qd72V9GYSk 03/05/10(Fri)07:05 No.2658994
    Would you settle for the Chairman's nephew?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)07:29 No.2659018
         File1267792156.jpg-(48 KB, 600x300, kamenrider35anniversaryeu5.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)07:40 No.2659032
         File1267792829.jpg-(181 KB, 653x435, gree.jpg)
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    Would love to do this. Everybody I know thinks it'd be too gay.
    >> Decade !!gjbGqChDNdq 03/05/10(Fri)08:06 No.2659048
    Itd be so coooooool
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:25 No.2659211
         File1267802757.jpg-(903 KB, 918x1300, litchihikariclub00000so9.jpg)
    903 KB
    I so wanna do this with my friends (although I'm going as Raizou at an upcoming con with my best friends as Jaibo) But I think only the Japanese cosplayers from Usamaru Furuya's blog ever had a Litchi cosplayer :(
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 03/05/10(Fri)10:27 No.2659214
    OH GOD I want to get a LHC group together so badly too.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:29 No.2659216
    You must not go to cons very often, because I see these guys all over the place
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:34 No.2659222
    I mean as a complete group
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)10:37 No.2659224
    If I could have a full set of Suzaku warriors from Fushgi Yugi, I'd die happy. I also really want my brother to be Victor with my Flik, but I know he'll only agree if I do Ukraine.... I hate APH....

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