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  • File : 1267671659.jpg-(24 KB, 401x318, 86502866KpmWhG_ph.jpg)
    24 KB And he makes a living off of this? Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)22:00 No.2653452  
    From press release of Kawaiikon partnering with
    >About Kyle Johnsen and
    >Kyle Johnsen is the president and founder of, LLC, as well as one of the most recognized names in cosplay photography worldwide.

    >Mr. Johnsen founded in 2002, and since then has acted as its principle web programmer and site administrator. In 2004, he moved to Las Vegas, Nevada where he currently oversees its day-to-day business functions. Since then, has grown into the world's most active website dedicated to the cosplay hobby, with over 210,000 members and over 2 million user-submitted photos.

    >Aside from running the website, he is's official photographer. While his main focus is photography for the website, his photos have been featured in dozens of magazines and showcased in other media. Throughout the years, he has attended over 100 events around the world and has maintained a continued working relationship with many of the biggest names in international cosplay.

    >Mr. Johnsen is also a staff photographer for COSMODE magazine in Japan, the most popular cosplay magazine in the world. His photoshoots are currently the only cosplay feature photoshoots in COSMODE of cosplayers outside of Asia.

    >When not working with, Mr. Johnsen is also a partner of CosWorx LLC, a popular online cosplay store. Some of his advisory work is as Chairman of Studio Red Rock, a Tokyo-based company specializing in international cosplay brand management.
    >> Henry W Hall !26eUKtc4II 03/03/10(Wed)22:02 No.2653459
    >>the president

    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)22:08 No.2653479
    wow, you guys will be jealous of anything
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)22:09 No.2653490
    >Some of his advisory work is as Chairman of Studio Red Rock, a Tokyo-based company specializing in international cosplay brand management.
    Wait... so... one of this guy's jobs is telling Japan what's popular in cosplay in the rest of the world? What?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)22:14 No.2653524
    Not jealousy, it's kind of been a mystery as to what exactly Admin does for a living. Now we know. I think. There's got to be more, right? A real day job? Or is that really what he makes a living on?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)22:38 No.2653626
    between cosworx and ad revenue he makes plenty, at least enough to sponsor conventions, travel, and employ hot cosplayers
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)22:39 No.2653633
    That is insane, it doesn't seem like it should make that much!
    >> Henry W Hall !26eUKtc4II 03/03/10(Wed)22:40 No.2653638
    I've always wondered something. has multinational support, right?
    Do they have at least one forum moderator for each supported language?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)22:41 No.2653640
    Wow you guys are gay lol
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)22:46 No.2653655

    You would think they would, since they have country-specific boards.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)22:46 No.2653656

    Like most of the worlds Major Customs and Border
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)22:54 No.2653693
    This thread wreaks of jealousy

    Go make a bunch of money and maybe you can have hot cosplayers around you all the time too
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)23:06 No.2653738
    lol and this is the guy Adella sucked the dick of for 5 years just to get ahead in cosplay. Seriously? Hahahahahhaaa.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)23:13 No.2653759
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    I wish I could work with this every day
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)00:17 No.2654048
    I always wondered what Admin did aside from what little information has leaked around coscom. Interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)00:47 No.2654168
    in after Ginny selfpost
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)01:04 No.2654235
    You guys didn't already know that Kyle is an entrepreneur for a living, and a small business owner ( Really??? I thought that shit was obvious.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)01:09 No.2654256
    What's obvious is that he made as an afterthought as a way to pull people to his wig shop. God knows it doesn't have enough variety or low enough prices to bother with unless you're a click away.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)01:18 No.2654300
    Didn't Cosworx open in 2006 or something? That's four years later. He probably was looking at all the traffic on coscom and figured a wig shop was a relevant way to make money from it.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)01:18 No.2654307
    FFUUUCK that is hot
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)01:19 No.2654311
    >>2654256 was around way before cosworx
    >> Henry W Hall !26eUKtc4II 03/04/10(Thu)02:07 No.2654522
    that's fine, nobody cares
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)02:22 No.2654579
    wow, owning, cosworx, and rpgchat

    so exciting no one cares

    Although if I could be around Ginny and Jia all day I would
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)02:56 No.2654678
    Admin said at AX last year that he's had some offers to sell the site in the past and said he turned them down. Also that the amounts were pretty high but he enjoys what he does. And that someof the offers came from places who would probably do it to take advantage of the sites domain name to just switch the site into a huge licensed imported-costume shop and take advantage of the growing younger USA cosplay market, which he strongly opposes happening. So he sells wigs at and advertising on coscom, travels around the world visiting conventions all year and sponsors a bunch of places with masquarade prizes as he goes along.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)03:00 No.2654685
    and only hires hot, popular cosplayers
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)03:19 No.2654738
    yes he should definitely have ugly unpopular cosplayers
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)03:24 No.2654770
    Just like ACP.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/04/10(Thu)03:31 No.2654802
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)03:59 No.2654906
    ACP doesn't have employees.

    Ginny and Jia are both pretty amazing cosplayers. I wonder if it really is required to work for or you have to be good at something else also.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)04:00 No.2654910
    i would fuck the shit out of her too bad shes engaged
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)09:15 No.2655308
    >principle web programmer
    this is the only thing i have a problem with; he fucking sucks. hire a code monkey already
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)09:17 No.2655312
    Way to be classy.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)09:21 No.2655320
    ginny is ratfaced, but I'd do her
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)09:34 No.2655341
    i'd fuck her raw, no rubber
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:09 No.2655405
    Stop self-posting Ginny. No one wants to fuck you. You're ugly in the face and you have no ass.

    Ginny and Jia are not hot. They are not really that popular either, they're small time. Yaya is an example of a truely popular cosplayer (she's extremely well-known world-wide) as well as Lillyxandra, Francesca Dani and Kipi. Ginny and Jia are simply not on that level.

    Plus if Kyle really wanted a _hot_ cosplayer he would hire Miyu, not Ginny or Jia. They are very average looking.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:27 No.2655441
    I'd fuck her up against the wall and everywhere else, tiny chicks are great fun

    your jealous female is showing
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:33 No.2655445
    i'd add Omi to that list, maybe also Namada if it were a few years ago, but besides that I agree with your list.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:34 No.2655446
    Why would a "jealous" girl make a post like that? A jealous girl wouldn't praise someone as incredibly hot as Miyu. I actually agree with that anon. Jia and Ginny aren't famous like Yaya, aren't talented like Lillyxandra, and they aren't super attractive like Miyu is. I don't really get why Kyle settles for them...they're kind of mediocre.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:35 No.2655450
    miyu "super hot"? not to straight men.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:35 No.2655451
    i'd hire alodia or nigri. the fuckers on coscom would eat that shit up like a hot dog with mustard
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:36 No.2655454
    sure is troll in here - wait, what? you're just dumb kids who can't agree? aww, shucks.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:41 No.2655461
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    trolling. jealous fatty. breaking out the old standards I see.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:42 No.2655464
    Agree.. Miyu? plastic one-expression face, dead eyes, tits too far apart, fergie stomach muscles = no thanks. I'd prefer the "ratfaced" girl with the perfect tits and tight body.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:44 No.2655467
    ...jealous fattie, eh? now who's breaking out the old school toys?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:46 No.2655470
    >thinks I'm defending anyone, rather than making fun of all of them.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:46 No.2655471
    Obviously you would know absolutely nothing about a straight man's preference seeing as how you are female. As a guy I'll assure you that yes, Miyu is indeed /super hot/. She is most certainly way way way waaaay better looking than ginny or Jia.
    Saging for my own rant because I know I'm about to be trolled for it. No doubt in my mind that it's probably Ginny herself on here.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:47 No.2655472
    Bang on about Miyu. 100% man approved.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:47 No.2655473
    Miyu has a tighter body than Ginny, nicer tits with prettier nipples and a much prettier face. She wins hands down.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:49 No.2655475
    Yaya is more popular than these girls. Why isn't she in cosmode?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:50 No.2655477
    green text too? and implications? come on, bro
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:50 No.2655478
    Is Ginny that fake blonde up top? (Sorry, been out of the scene a few years and I don't know the name.)

    Shit's pretty nasty, definitely nowhere near Miyu-tier.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:51 No.2655482
    hint: what the fuck does Japan need with ASIAN foreign cosplayers?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:52 No.2655483
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:53 No.2655486
    Miyu has no talent, Ginny does

    Why not just hire a proper model instead of Miyu if looks are all that matters?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:54 No.2655487
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:54 No.2655490
    wait, Yaya is Chinese? I thought she was American.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:55 No.2655492
    She's not an American citizen, just a resident.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:55 No.2655494
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:56 No.2655495
    Kyle needs to work with Lillyxandra, Yaya, Miyu, PL, Ichigokitty and a few others I can think of. I'm sick of seeing the same two girls over and over again. Ginny's face bothers me especially. He needs to branch out and get better models/cosplayers so we can show Cosmode what we really got here in America. Ginny & Jia don't represent us well. Like Anon said they are both mediocre in looks and skill. We need to show the Japs that we have hotter girls than them <I.e. miyu> and more skill than them <Lilly and Yaya> etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:56 No.2655496
    ah, you're right. there was the whole drama about green cards and what not.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)10:58 No.2655499
    ... or, you could stop sucking Kyle's dick, and imagining you understand what's good for the japanese market better than the japanese.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:01 No.2655507
    You must not be familiar with the Internet, where anyone with an opinion is suddenly an expert.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:01 No.2655508
    AGREED! Fuck. I don't feel comfortable with Kyle's choices for Cosmode. I did enjoy seeing Lillxandra and LM in there awhile back but you are 100% right about Ginny and Jia NOT being good representitives of American cosplay. We have cosplayers with more talent and better looks than them and those are the people Kyle needs to work with.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:05 No.2655513
    I'm pretty sure the Japanese would appreciate Kyle using hotter and more talented cosplayers than the ones he's using now. Ginny probably looks just as unattractive to them as she looks to us.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:06 No.2655514
    I have to say something now. I agree with your assessment of the situation 100%, but you need to start thinking like an adult. The world is not going to dance around until it fits your desires; reality is not democratic. Don't like something? Change it! Start photography, start your own magazine - get an affiliate in Japan if you have to!

    Not trying to get you down, you can DO all these things. Now, does it really matter to you, or are you just talking out of your ass?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:06 No.2655516
    I thought COSMODE chose the pics themselves, and Kyle is essentially the middle man or broker
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:07 No.2655518
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:07 No.2655519
    If I was Kyle I'd probably use Miyu and have Lillyxandra dress her and do the styling.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:09 No.2655521
    If I was Kyle, I'd know how to start my own business and run a website. Badly.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:10 No.2655525
    How much talent does it take to wear clothes?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:11 No.2655527
    That would be nice and all but most of us don't have the money to start a cosplay magazine. You would have to get investors, and since most smart businessmen would probably not see a great deal of profitability coming from something like cosplay I doubt it would be easy to acquire them.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:11 No.2655528
    > I'm 12 and wat is this
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:14 No.2655530
    so you're not even going to - alright, forget it. No wonder you see Kyle Johnsen as some kind of legend - you can't even go out and try to get what you want. At least I've started a business and finished my schooling, and I'm a coward.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:17 No.2655533
    >ITT: /cgl/ discusses srs bsns, oldfag wanders in gets confused
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:37 No.2655577
    >you can't even go out and try to get what you want.
    how many people really want to run a cosplay website or magazine? and when did that become a prerequisite to give analysis and critique for those that do?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:42 No.2655582
    fine, be an armchair commentator for the world around you if you want; I just figure you might get more fulfillment out of something productive... I must be getting old. go back to it, brave cosplayer! *salute*
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)11:46 No.2655588
    thanks for the advice grandpa! too bad i have interests in more than one thing, and don't feel a need to be an expert in all of them
    >> aceflibble !p1Ucg0XIzE 03/04/10(Thu)12:25 No.2655647
    ITT people try to tackle subjects they have no clue about.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)12:29 No.2655652
    > well-rounded interests are an excuse for mediocrity
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)12:33 No.2655657
    >one of the most recognized names in cosplay photography worldwide

    Please tell me this isn't actually true. His photography, while excellent back in 2003, hasn't progressed and is now pretty bog-standard.
    >> aceflibble !p1Ucg0XIzE 03/04/10(Thu)12:44 No.2655689
    This is actually one of the few correct statements in this thread. Kyle was outright good a few years ago; now he's stale. I'm not psychic, I dunno if he's simply fallen out of love with the process and he's just going through the motions now because it keeps him afloat, if he is actually at the extent of his ability or if he's just gotten lazy for any reason, but whichever way it's happened, he has definitely gotten stale. If you look at his highlighted and featured photos and photoshoots on and other places and compare them to what many other photographers are putting out, there's really sod-all difference now. Kyle /was/ the best, no doubt about that; but everyone else has now caught up and he's doing fuck-all to stay ahead.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)13:27 No.2655800

    wow, jealous much? sorry to tell you Ginny is much more well known and talented as a cosplayer and has been for years

    newfags who only hang out on cgl might not know that but everyone else does
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)13:29 No.2655809
    breadth and depth buddy. good at many things. very good at a select few. i know it's a hard concept for you to follow.

    besides, i don't have to be a good politician, or even aspire to be a politician, to tell Governor Patterson or Senator Bunning they're fucking up.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)13:39 No.2655839
    Reading through this you can obviously tell there is a lot of jealousy fueling this. Two very attractive and talented cosplayers have a job and you think bitching about it will make you feel better. And you think bitching about a company sponsoring a convention will make you feel better.

    This is why you are probably sitting at home in a basement somewhere and these people are out doing things.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)13:45 No.2655853

    Actually, Coscom isn't what it used to be. The layout is old and stale, and people are right -- Kyle's photography *isn't* what it used to be. Now, the only people he really takes photos of are Adella (who from what I hear still sucks his dick, even after "leaving" him), Ginny and his other little friends who work for him. Yeah sure, there's some jealousy but people are making good points. The only thing about Coscom that keeps it where it has been for the past few years is the fact that so much time was spent building its reputation. There are other cosplay sites out there, some of which have better layouts and are more active in places other than just the west coast. Supposedly Coscom was also built around the idea of "negating east coast versus west coast rivalry" but all its done is fuel it even more. It's total crap.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)13:48 No.2655861
    valid points about wanting the website to work better are fine

    but calling very talented cosplayers ugly and whatnot has nothing to do with it, as you can see in most of this thread

    and really if you don't like coscom then don't use it no one is making people do it
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)13:49 No.2655864

    Which is why you don't see them hosting any contests for their members, or any anime companies using Coscom to sponsor events at conventions to promote anime. Aside from that one utterly failtastic D. Gray Man crap that no one even remembers.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)13:57 No.2655884
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)13:59 No.2655891
    is that Jia on the right side?!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:00 No.2655893
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:01 No.2655896
    >Aside from that one utterly failtastic D. Gray Man crap that no one even remembers.

    Oh wow, I totally forgot about that! Did they ever even post winners?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:06 No.2655909
    When has she become so fat in comparison to last year? D: Or is this just a bad picture?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:07 No.2655914

    No idea. I doubt it though. At least ACParadise has some decent contests, and gets corporate sponsors to back them up. FUNi uses them a lot to help promote anime releases at Cons as well. They used Coscom once and never again. I think that says a lot about the quality of the cosplayers on the site and how the admins run things there.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:09 No.2655920
    >>2655914 I think that says a lot about the quality of the cosplayers on the site

    are you joking??
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:11 No.2655924

    Over 90% of the cosplayers on Coscom are shitty, or have no idea how to post decent photos of themselves, unless they're well known.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:16 No.2655940
    90% of ALL cosplayers are shitty trying to argue ACP has better cosplayers is stupid
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:18 No.2655952
    At least they know how to keep up with a decent layout for their site, so its not stuck in the stone ages of the early 21st century for coding.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)14:47 No.2656026
    They posted the winners a couple of weeks later but then it went off the front page a few days later I think.

    Interestingly I remember the rules also said that they didn't give out any prizes because the law stated that if prizes are used he'd have to post a public list of real names and the towns everyone lived in to comply with the law, and Admin didn't want to post them.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:14 No.2656079
    Do we have any lawyer-anons here that could confirm that? Because ACP doesn't do that with their contests.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:48 No.2656187
    IIRC, in sweepstakes and contest law where anything of any tangible value is involved then the list of winners has to be obtainable by anyone who makes the request to see them. Otherwise there is no way to legally verify that the prizes were handed out to real people. This can be done by posting the winners online or by having an address where a list of winners can be requested from in writing. But the winners of anything of value must be verifiable and that must include real names, sometimes just a first name and last initial is ok, and it is usually required the have other identifiable information, such as the name of their city and state.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)15:54 No.2656202
    I wonder if they get around that by not having their prizes be anything of value (really, a figure ain't worth much), or just that they will, if asked by writing, supply that information.

    Does this change from state to state? Maybe they get out of it that way.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:17 No.2656271
    Even if it is worth 5 cents, it's considered an item of value in the eyes of the law because it is a tangible good. The laws regarding contests are intended to protect the people who don't win anything so they can make sure they didn't spend all of their time entering a contest that could have been rigged because there is no way to physically verify anybody actually won anything. If you do a google search for contests with prizes almost everyone you see will have something in the rules saying the names will be published and the others just probably don't know any better

    There are also distinctions between randomness which are sweepstakes, versus regular contests based on skill but in all cases the names must go with the winners for it to be legal.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:20 No.2656274
    In other words, ACP doesn't run a legitimate business? Would make sense, they are too busy jacking off.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:34 No.2656306
    Someone should probably forward this thread to ACP.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:38 No.2656314
    The difference is as much as cgl probably hates the idea, probably has legal staff and ACP doesn't make enough money to even pay themselves
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:42 No.2656323

    Gosh, I guess throwing big titles around in a blurb about somebody reall means they make lots of money.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)16:45 No.2656328
    he probably does make a lot of money
    I don't think titles have anything to do with it
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)17:10 No.2656388
    if they can do all they are doing I bet they do have a lot of money
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)17:20 No.2656416
    You do realize that most cosplayers have accounts at all the major cosplay site like coscom, ACP, cure, and some have cosplaylab too.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)17:30 No.2656462
    coscom shows somethin like over a million ads each day I hear. What is scary is that would be before he counts the cash each night from the Cosworx wigs. Well at least it is enough to hire hot cosplayers as employees and sponsor conventions, but I dunno how much that costs him.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)18:50 No.2656761
    Spoiler: Kyle made a lot of money in the 90s running porn sites. He then put that money into and here we are.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)18:51 No.2656767
    that rumor gets dumber every time I hear it
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)18:52 No.2656770
    [citation needed]

    I'd love to see proof of this!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)18:55 No.2656788
    Not a rumor, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)18:57 No.2656806
    >coscom shows somethin like over a million ads each day I hear.
    does that include people that use ad-block?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)19:04 No.2656849
    I doubt he's really making that much money. Took him forever to update the site and he seems to try out a few cosplay related business ideas to see if anything works, like that international cosplay consultancy. If he earned lots of money he would have long ago allowed bigger photos on the site and damn the bandwidth costs.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)19:14 No.2656917
    what are you talking about?

    and do you know how much running any kind of business with employees costs? if they can afford to sponsor whole conventions Im going to guess they have extra cash
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)19:31 No.2657008

    Admin posted a couple years ago that the cosplay industry is estimated at worth over 1/2 billion yearly worldwide, if he is in the middle of everything then you can bet he's making money somwehere
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)20:10 No.2657171
    He doesn't make a lot of money. Running coscom isn't even his full time job.

    This thread is full of idiots that think that running a website or being known in a community automatically means youre successful.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)20:57 No.2657343
    Uh no. Why would Ginny and Jia lie about living in Las Vegas to work for
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:04 No.2657373
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:09 No.2657393
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    she makes money doing porn
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:16 No.2657424
    I am not so sure Miyu would be popular in Japan. Her features are way to hard and masculine (large nose, squared jaw, , blocky body shape) , whereas obviously the japanese are used to small, petite features. So I don't really think they'd be all about her or find her very attractive at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:32 No.2657469
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:38 No.2657497
    because Miyu can't stand it if she isn't mentioned with real famous cosplayers
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:40 No.2657505
    I mentioned her because people were saying Ginny and Jia were not good international reps for cosplay and someone more attractive like Miyu should represent America.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:43 No.2657516
    aside from one TV show, Ginny and Jia never "represented" the US in anything

    though honestly they are talented and I don't know why anyone would object to them doing so
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:46 No.2657526
    Because no one knows how "good" Ginny is at sewing, and Jia's methods are quite, noob'ish (check her tutorials sometime).
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:49 No.2657540
    Are you kidding? I've seen both their cosplays and they are some of the best I've seen. Much better than 95% of the crap here
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:50 No.2657545
    >>2657540 is lying.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)21:50 No.2657548
    Jealous much?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:02 No.2657582
    Why would you think coscom doesn't make money??
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:13 No.2657608
    maybe they think if they say it enough it'll become true
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:39 No.2657722
    Unless proven otherwise I think evidence suggest coscom makes bank.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)22:40 No.2657725
    did coscom pay for THAT?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/10(Thu)23:51 No.2658004
    >I doubt he's really making that much money. Took him forever to update the site
    If the latest site update cluster fuck is any indication, maybe it's better he doesn't update more often.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:00 No.2658041
    Or maybe he just sucks at his job.
    >> Phantom <3 !!xMuLVT8IUli 03/05/10(Fri)00:18 No.2658111
    If I'm calculating this correctly, on a conservative estimate Cosworx has made... at least around 1.5 million? Not counting shoes sales but I have no idea how that goes.

    All very subjective. I'm estimating they're right at about 50,000 orders (I'm guessing they're going numerically since my order in 2005 was in the quadruple digits and my latest was a quint). Going only by wigs, I'm estimating... 75,000. Not every order is for a wig but people tend to buy in multiples, it seems.
    Average price, $35 (price range is about $25-50 with much more on the higher side, most $30-40). I'm going to take a shot in the dark and estimate wholesale at $20 a wig. When cosworx runs a clearance, wigs are $12-22(?) and I'd doubt they'd dip below what they paid... $20 a wig is probably an overestimate.

    Calculating that out you get at LEAST $1.5 million.
    Then you have to factor in make-up, shoes, the clothing/bjd stuff they used to do and all these people who order 6 and 10 wigs at a time... Plus their convention sales numbers are apparenty quite good.
    $2-3 m wouldn't be unbelievable for the wigs alone.

    Plus advertisements, etc etc etc.

    This is all waaaay shaky math... Not thinking too hard. But it'd be ridiculous to think they're not making a passable amount of money.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)00:50 No.2658212
    The URL is worth six figures.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)02:18 No.2658567

    And how easy would it be to hijack the domain and then cybersquat on it?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)02:23 No.2658585
    Not easy at all since there's a grace period between renewals, and most domain hosting companies automatically renew well before it's up.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)02:27 No.2658597
    In that case, they're not making that much. The cost of their web hosting must be insane + the cost of staff.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)02:37 No.2658624
    Or just get a bunch of people together and offer to buy it, though rumor has it he turned down low seven figures at least twice
    >> Pookie !Mjk4PcAe16 03/05/10(Fri)02:38 No.2658632
    worlds weirdest perv/nerd
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)07:45 No.2659035
    >worlds weirdest perv/nerd
    woah, now you've gone too far
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)08:02 No.2659047

    forgot to add

    >Mr. Johnsen is also still a virgin and will be until he dies
    >> Anonymous 03/05/10(Fri)08:12 No.2659053
    I think you're getting him and EBK mixed up. Admin was dicking down Adella, which was the reason he created in the first place; so he could show off his sweetie's cosplay.

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