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    File : 1267634764.jpg-(156 KB, 700x639, Freya_Crescent_Cosplay_by_rifa.jpg)
    156 KB Infinix !!f9uxrFgthLw 03/03/10(Wed)11:46 No.2651691  
    Hey guys, I've never posted here before, but I just came to ask a question. What do you guys call yourselves? Like, /an/ has their /an/ons, /k/ has their /k/ommandos, etc. I'm doing a little project.
    Board-related content for thanks!
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)11:47 No.2651694
    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)11:51 No.2651705
    I always heard other people referring to us as /cgl/ers. But that's an outside thing.

    That's awesome lol
    >> HnJ 03/03/10(Wed)11:57 No.2651713
    I prefer the term /cgl/itists, an portmanteau on /cgl/ and elitists.

    Funny you mention that, OP, as I've oft wondered what other boards call their posters. Some of them have pretty nifty nicknames.
    >> Peaches' !plf673YERk 03/03/10(Wed)12:02 No.2651721
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)12:02 No.2651723
    get we get a list about what other boards call each other?

    im too tired to think
    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)12:03 No.2651725

    Inb4 someone has a go at me for saying that
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)12:04 No.2651726

    >> Infinix !!f9uxrFgthLw 03/03/10(Wed)12:05 No.2651727
         File1267635951.jpg-(136 KB, 600x780, Dragon_Con_Bots_by_Scream01.jpg)
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    That's bitchin', thanks :)
    I'm making representative stamps for DeviantArt of all the boards here, and I still have loads to go. Still on the list: d, e, f, gif, h, hr, m, r, s, t, u, w, wg, i, ic, cm, y, r9k, co, fit, jp, mu, n, new, po, sp, tg, trv, tv, and rs. *fwew* If you guys could help out, I'd be really appreciative <3
    Awesome content for more thanks
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)12:06 No.2651729
    or fucking spell, apparently.
    i meant /co/mrads

    not rats.
    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)12:06 No.2651730
    I'm a deviantFAG so link us when you're done, I'd like to see. There's fuck all 4chan content on dA...
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)12:07 No.2651732

    excuse me wtf u doin
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 03/03/10(Wed)12:10 No.2651740
    Didn't someone call us Seagulls in one thread? I thought it was rather cute.
    >> Infinix !!f9uxrFgthLw 03/03/10(Wed)12:11 No.2651742
    Check my stamps :)

    Yeah it's full of some pretty big faggots but it helps me spread my art, get critique and improve. I only stay within the cool people range :d
    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)12:15 No.2651756
    Hope you don't mI just fav'd a handful of your stuff- you've got some gorgeous photography~

    People say 4chan is bad, jesus christ dA is full of fucking retards. Not to mention just how easy it is to troll on there.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)12:18 No.2651761
         File1267636686.jpg-(116 KB, 443x1866, 1258696988280.jpg)
    I like Seagulls. it fits.
    >> Infinix !!f9uxrFgthLw 03/03/10(Wed)12:19 No.2651765
    Thank you so much, hon <3
    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)12:24 No.2651781
    You're very welcome, much deserved imo. Your stamps are very pleasant on the eye

    I still don't get that...
    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/03/10(Wed)12:37 No.2651810

    This is the correct answer.
    >> Infinix !!f9uxrFgthLw 03/03/10(Wed)12:39 No.2651818
    Well I need something that included /cgl/ and you can't spell 'seagulls' with 'cgl,' so I'm going with >>2651694's answer. Do you guys know any others? /d/, /co/, and /mu/ are done now as well
    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/03/10(Wed)12:40 No.2651821

    That is a stupid answer and no one is going to like that shit...and will make this board look even more pathetic than it already is...granted, that's probably not hard to do...
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 03/03/10(Wed)12:41 No.2651823
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    I think it's referring to how stupidly cheery Tidus is compared to FF protagonists that came before him.
    >> Infinix !!f9uxrFgthLw 03/03/10(Wed)12:41 No.2651824
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    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 03/03/10(Wed)12:42 No.2651828
    It's more like you can sound it out. "sea" (c) and the "gl" would presumably sound out "gull." Plus it's cute.

    I can see why you're trying to match it up with the other boards though.
    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)12:44 No.2651832
    I know it's supposed to be poking the fun at how the other protagonists are pussy emos and Tidus is like an addict in comparison. It's more the whole "SEAGULL. HUUURRR. DUUUR" thing.
    I should have worded it better, sorry about that- I mean it's like one of those pictures that even if you get it/understand it it's still confusing.

    Ignore him, I assume he's still raging from last night.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)12:45 No.2651835
    seagulls really does work. all anyone does here is squak and shit on other people. the other option would be jealous fatties and seagulls just sounds better.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)12:47 No.2651839
    It's really sad that I lol'd hard.
    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)12:48 No.2651844
    It's weren't the only one..
    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/03/10(Wed)12:58 No.2651880
         File1267639132.png-(132 KB, 408x406, 1264118277580.png)
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    Go away worthless new/ one cares about what you say.
    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)13:05 No.2651896
         File1267639531.png-(96 KB, 225x186, 1267507633781.png)
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    Struck a chord amirite?

    Just because I've only been using a trip for a month or so doesn't mean I wasn't Anonymous before.

    >> HnJ 03/03/10(Wed)13:09 No.2651903
    The ones I know of: /g/urus, /g/entlemen, elegan/tg/entlemen, fa/tg/uys, /trv/ellers, /3/tards. e/lit/ists, members of the /lit/urgy, /k/ommandos, /k/omrades, robots and fembots (/r9k/), da/wg/s, /v/irgins, /fit/izens, /sp/artans, /co/mrades, /co/llectors, wee/a/boos, /fa/ggots, /new/bs, /new/shounds, /mu/sicians, /sci/entists.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)13:12 No.2651907
    Holy fuck, I hate you for being in my fandom.

    >> Infinix !!f9uxrFgthLw 03/03/10(Wed)13:13 No.2651909
    Thanks a bunch!
    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)13:14 No.2651912
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    >> Infinix !!f9uxrFgthLw 03/03/10(Wed)13:15 No.2651915
    Damn, this place is hostile. She didn't even do anything. If anything, you guys should be terrorizing me -- I started a non-relevant thread. Chill the fuck out, geez.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)13:18 No.2651920
    You ever heard of Lothos? She's like him, annoying, contributes nothing, and just doesn't know when to stop.

    We get plenty of non-relevant threads around here, so that's slightly more normal than idiot tripfags.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 03/03/10(Wed)13:19 No.2651921
         File1267640343.jpg-(44 KB, 550x309, 1250835389003.jpg)
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    Welcome to /cgl/
    >> Infinix !!f9uxrFgthLw 03/03/10(Wed)13:19 No.2651923
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    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)13:19 No.2651924
         File1267640396.jpg-(24 KB, 215x300, 18967_13339442266.jpg)
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    I contribute plenty.
    I feel proud. I already have another Vendettafag...*tear*
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)13:21 No.2651928
    Knowing /cgl/ it's probably the same person, lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)13:21 No.2651929
    And here I emphasize my point on the idiot part.

    Can you not tell when you're getting trolled? Are you really that stupid?
    >> ★Naranja !jd/CD60w56 03/03/10(Wed)13:22 No.2651931
    I know, it's obvious which Anon it is lol. They were trying to get at me in another thread.
    One of the advantages of being a Tripfag: You know who the hell you're talking to and don't get confused with other Anons.
    >> HnJ 03/03/10(Wed)13:22 No.2651932
    No prob. There were a bunch more I had memorized, but they escape me at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)13:24 No.2651934
    Actually, I'm a tripfag not posting with my tripcode. Nice try, though. :3
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)14:33 No.2652048
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)15:28 No.2652135
    What about /x/philes?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)15:37 No.2652150
    It's /x/perts.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)15:42 No.2652165
    I love it, but it's too long.

    Sounds like a disease.

    Unoriginal, but best fit so far.

    I like it, except it doesn't include the /cgl/ in it's spelling, which makes me sad.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)15:45 No.2652178
    i prefer /cgl/ephants.... I find it the best fit.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)15:45 No.2652179
    I use to frequent /x/ where we called ourselves se/x/y or /x/philes and /po/ where my favourite was slow/po/kes.

    I also like /adv/ s/adv/irgins cause when you look at the majority of threads it's oh so true.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)15:57 No.2652227
    I've heard /c/on/gl/omerates before.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)16:15 No.2652300
    One vote for /cg/u/l/ls.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)16:15 No.2652301
    /c/ also uses /c/omrades. /c/ and /u/ just called themselves such. Sometimes they make little puns ("Do yo/u/ like squirting?") but I haven't seen anything that has stuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/10(Wed)16:16 No.2652309
    >/c/ also uses /c/omrades.
    Faggots. It's /co/'s and only /co/'s.

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