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    68 KB Con room stories Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)22:39 No.2640869  
    Give me your nightmare stories about the people you've had to share with at cons, /cgl/
    >> bombyNeko 02/28/10(Sun)22:40 No.2640875
    ugly fat girl masturbated in the room
    it reeked of fishy hell the whole weekend
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)22:43 No.2640889
    I walked in the room and used my best pick-up line on bombyneko and she was all 'I hate traps, niggerfag'
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)22:47 No.2640907

    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)22:49 No.2640919
    My highschool friends.

    Actually, I was probably the nightmare one to room with. Coming back in at 4am, bitching at them when I couldn't find my shoes, losing the key cards. Sucked to be them. :D
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)23:06 No.2641011

    when the hell did s/he say they hated traps?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)23:09 No.2641023
    Walked in on my gf at the time screwing my friend. Later found out he stole money from me.
    >> bombyNeko 02/28/10(Sun)23:12 No.2641039

    apparently in a different thread
    >> Anonymous 02/28/10(Sun)23:29 No.2641107
    I once had to share a room meant for two and sized for one, with three. It was rather interesting. The third person piled up extra pillows and blankets on the desk and slept there.

    We lost the room keys, couldn't open the bathroom door one morning and everything stank slightly of moldy cheetos.

    The people I shared with were nice though.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)02:00 No.2641755
    had to sleep next to a hambeast that wore a moomoo. D:
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)02:04 No.2641783
    Roommate's drunk friend threw up all over my costume. At least they hung it up nicely.
    >> Onizuka Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)02:15 No.2641839
    ALA - My friend has a snoring problem. We have described his snoring in 7 levels.
    1 and 2 is more of a regular snore.
    3-4 the mouth opens, a bit more disturbing and quite a bit louder.
    5 - you start to think hes really awake and just fucking with you.
    6-7 It actually hurts your ears its so loud.

    The other story was a friend, who had been drinking a little before heading off to sleep, had crashed on the floor right next to a nightstand where somebody's cellphone was. The cell phone goes off and he must have been stuck in a nightmare because he started screaming like a fucking demon. He jumped up on the bed, ran to the hallway, and froze in a fighting pose. Still asleep and in his nightmare, we help him over to where he was sleeping and get him to settle down. Seriously though, that was the scariest scream I have ever heard, no horror movie has even come close...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)02:33 No.2641897
    Luckily I only go to these with my brothers, so i share a room with people I've always shared a room with, and I know they don't pull any shit.

    Worst thing my little brother did at a con was download the entire season of X-men evolution and watch all of season 1 in one night.

    Oh god... the plotholes (especially around mystique) became way too apparent watching it all at once.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 03/01/10(Mon)02:37 No.2641908
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)02:41 No.2641923
    I was thinking about bunking in with my friends or finding a roommate.

    But then I realized I liked having the room all to myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)02:42 No.2641925
    Once shared a room with a girl that even though was in her mid 20s acted like she was 15. She lied to everyone in my room saying we had a double bed room when we only got a king and then she crammed 8 people in it when I originally thought there was only going to be 4.

    Shes not the type to go out at night at cons and got moody when no one wanted to spend their evening in the hotel room with her. She decided she would go out with us (even though we told her that we were going to be staying out till probably 2-3am) to the dance and stayed there until 1am. Instead of saying she was tried and wanted to go back to the hotel room and excuse herself from us she kept bawing about how she was really tried and even prettended to try and 'sleep' when we sat down for a second at the dance. Then when we all got up to dance again we were all in mid boogie when she threw herself to the dance floor and started to cry. "IM SO TRRRRRIED!!" My friends and I were really shocked, confused and embarrassed. Apparently she refused to go back to the hotel by herself which was not even a block away because she was afraid she was going to get raped. (Ya... not gunna happen with this one.) And instead of pulling someone aside and asking if they would walk her back she made a stupid scene. She demanded that we take her back to the room so we did. When we go back she started on about how we all needed to start packing because we had to get up early the next day to check out and we could all sit around having girl talk while doing it. (But all of us had already packed even before we had gone out that night to the con.) I closed the door and left. Never roomed with her again that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)02:45 No.2641938
    reaks of salor moon cosplayers and 24/7pms emo attention needy turds.....did she fake cry in teh bathroom too?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)02:55 No.2641960
    LOL Sailor moon cosplay? I think you might have a story behind this care to share? Are they all 24/7pms emo attention needy turds??

    No Sailor moon cosplay in my story. She was dressed in her 'lolita cosplay' apparently.

    She didnt fake cry either it was very real. She had puffy eyes and snotty nose on the dance floor. Not they type to run to the bathroom as she was getting all the attention she needed kneeling there in front of everyone at the con.
    >> Portmanteau 03/01/10(Mon)02:57 No.2641962
    Roomed with three other gals recently at a con and one was hellish. She was large and would NOT keep her pants up, always sagging in the back so I was always seeing her asscrack.

    She brought a few bottles of mountain dew and thought that saying we could all have some, meant she could drink half of my soda before the first night was over. She ate one of my frozen meals and one of another roomie's meals.

    She was told well in advance that I'm allergic to fragrances, and I would provide unscented lotion for the roomies to use. She tried it out and admitted that it is fucking AWESOME lotion, but continued to use her b&bw heavily scented lotion, and even went so far as to WIPE it on my PILLOW and the inside of my COSPLAY.

    I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but oh well. Hope she doesn't read 4chan...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)02:58 No.2641963
    "real" crying means "so messed up that she freaks out and requires all teh friends in the world to feel normal"?
    sailor moon cosplayers need to die
    when that happens I'm sure it will be a long show for us to enjoy
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)03:01 No.2641967
    3 of my friends had gotten a hotel together at a con 2 years ago.

    One of them woke up to find the others had let a guest stay the night and he created a huge scene swearing his head off at them.

    He was kicked out of the room. He got a ride home the next day, and those guys haven't talked to him since. I barely speak to him either.
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 03/01/10(Mon)03:17 No.2641988
    Walked in on a friends friend fucking one of those suction cup dildos. I kinda just u-turned and went back downstairs.

    Fun stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)03:20 No.2641990
    Dammit if it doesn't sound like that girl was throwing her weight around.
    You're lucky you got away from that. She was probably trying to make you her bitch: bumming everything off you and spiting direct request behind your back.

    My sister had a friend like that. Escalated to the point where she was barraced in her room as the big ogre was barrating her with all sorts of threats. Not a good situation. This wasn't at a con, either. It was townhouse they were renting (thank goodness there was a third roomate there two who stood up for my sister or else the situation would have gone to pot).
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 03/01/10(Mon)03:39 No.2642010
    Last con I went to, roomed with people I've never met. Two were twins, and the other was a hambeast. And my god, when I say that, I mean that shit. She was fucking huge! Nearly twice my size, with layers of fat oozing out of her clothes. And she flaunted herself being oh so hot, and shit. Well, later the night of the first day, I got the unpleasure of viewing the ham beast using dildo on herself? God damn, my eyes are still scarred from that shit.
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 03/01/10(Mon)03:40 No.2642012
    Did she think y'all were asleep?
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 03/01/10(Mon)03:46 No.2642017
    Naw, we had left to go to the rave, but it was a bust. Decided to head back, since there wasn't much to do at night besides walk around, and the rave. I had the pleasure of having the keycard for the day, and opened the door to that sight. Surprised I didn't wake up the neighbors from slamming the door shut so hard. lol
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 03/01/10(Mon)03:48 No.2642019
    When i walked in on the chick banging the dildo on the door she just yelled loudly and grabbed the blanket off the bed.

    We share similar experiences ;_;
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 03/01/10(Mon)03:52 No.2642024
    Means we have scars to hold onto! lol I didn't have enough time to see her reaction, since all I saw was that and all I heard were grunts. And I mean deep, gut wrenching grunts.
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 03/01/10(Mon)03:53 No.2642033
    Do you hear those grunts in your dreams? I'm sure they would haunt me for ages. The girl i walked in on was moderately attractive and i was slightly drunk so it wasn't all that bad for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)03:53 No.2642034
    Auto. Zone.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)03:55 No.2642039
    You must have told this story like 50 times, has nothing else ever happened at a con?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)03:56 No.2642042
    Never shared a room with someone I didn't know thus haven't had a bad experience.

    Seriously, how can you guys room with complete strangers? You're asking for this shit to happen.
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 03/01/10(Mon)03:59 No.2642050
    My dreams? No. My nightmares? Holy shit, in them every time! It's the sound the big bad boss makes when I'm doomed. ;-; And lucky you. Best thing that happened was the twins arguing over who had who's bra while I was waking up. Clothes ended up flying, names called etc.

    I lol'd.

    Money being tight, plus wanting to go to a convention will make shit happen. Specially when your friends don't want to spend money on the con.
    >> Anonymous of Dallas !awNDo4Ud3. 03/01/10(Mon)04:00 No.2642051
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    I really have, i used to have it all typed out and saved on a notepad on my old laptop lol.

    There is one horror story but it's me that's the center of it, although i was good friends with everyone in the room so it was all fun at my expense the next few days((and now when i hang with them)). I was REALLY drunk the first night of Akon and i came back to my room around 2:30 A.M., craziness ensued involving piss, pantslessness, wrestling and other things, i was sick at my stomach the rest of the con and did nothing but drink water for 3 days, i lost like 8 pounds. People love buying me drinks while I'm in this costume and my Hunter S. Thompson costume.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)04:00 No.2642052
    I got a ride and roomed with this kid that I wasn't really friends with, but let me go anyway. She brought her other friends that I've never met before and at first I thought oh they're nice... but they were just plain annoying and never shut up. They thought they were sooo much better than me, just because they've been cosplaying longer, where in reality, their death note and ouran crossplays were not at all impressive... Everytime when we were getting ready they'd try to brag about their cosplays to me. The one, which is kind of like ~queen bee, hawt cosplayer~ of the group was just always bitching at me for little things she didn't like.. And at one point, forcing me to take yaoi pictures around the hotel room (mainly the bed...) because I was the only person with a half decent camera.
    >> Readmiww 03/01/10(Mon)04:06 No.2642063
    I occassionaly sleep with my eyes open, normally when i fall asleep while desperatly trying to stay awake. I have been woken up more than once by people I don't normally room with who think I am dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)04:08 No.2642069

    ...Gandalf? Is that you?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)04:10 No.2642080
    I had to share a 2-person room with 10 people. enough said.
    >> Readmiww 03/01/10(Mon)04:11 No.2642085
    Alas no
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)04:24 No.2642123
    I stayed at my cousin's house for the last con I went to. I'm never doing that again.
    She treated me like a kid because I'm 8 months younger than her, but, here's the kicker, she has multiple learning disabilities. Her step-dad is an alcholic, and treated everyone badly, and her mom wants to move and has given up on cleaning the house.
    I'm also very afraid of dogs, of which they had 2. They attacked me and growled at me all weekend.
    tl;dr: I fucking hate my retarded cousin. And dogs.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)04:32 No.2642143
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    Roomed with an ex-friend who booked the room. Told me we would have at most 8 people, with double beds. We ended up with 14.

    Got ready to load and leave at 8PM, Ex-friend asked me to wait until 10PM so she could watch her shows, then we'd load up our cars together. Time came, she gave me the excuse of she was in her pajamas and wasn't going downstairs.

    I went and loaded my car by myself, turns out my battery was dead. Hotel staff wouldn't help, I didn't have jumper cables, and said ex friend was "LOLSORRY" and I ended up calling my mom to jump start my car.

    Yeah, I learned quiet a bit from that. Like be less of a freaking pussy when dealing with people.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)04:37 No.2642152
    This one time, I heard a person ODed in the bathroom while taking a shower. i slept at another friend's room for the whole weekend. They found her face down on the floor Sunday afternoon. She suffered a major head concussion.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)04:39 No.2642158
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    I remember this story. Hey buddy, sorry to hear that you had a bad time. I'd still say kill your friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)04:45 No.2642164
    not exactly a people story, but we had 10 people in our room and since I was the smallest we just pushed two armchairs together to make me a crib. I couldn't straighten my legs in the morning.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)04:48 No.2642166
    Not really a horror story but last year I roomed with 3 people expecting two double beds and only having one. Shit sucked but we're tiny so it worked. Also our room/bathroom smelled like moldy fish for a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)05:03 No.2642188
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    Otakon 2005: I had spent weeks making an (ex) friend's cosplay props for him and helping him on most things because he asked and wanted to cosplay Dante and Vergil together.

    So me, him, and my other (ex) friend shared a room together, which I was in charge know, they would pay me.

    The second these two saw each other, MASSIVE was kind of really embarrassing because they just met each other, and were mouthing each other around me, in line, at the con...everywhere. It also made me uncomfortable, because I don't really like seeing that shit.

    I nicely asked them to tone it done, and they got up all in my face, saying how rude it was of me to ask them such a thing.

    So I finally go off on my own, never see them at the con...get screwed over by losing my Dante cosplay partner *baw* Dante for DMC photoshoot and so on...and every-time-I went back to the hotel room, I saw them fucking :(

    They also trashed the room...and they never gave me the money they owed for it.

    So...the Dante cosplayer asked me for forgivness after the con, and I decided to...and I decided to trust him to go to a con with me again in 2007...BIG MISTAKE...stupid on my part, too.

    Anime North, 2007...I make sure it had no girls this time...and just me and my other male friend (I'm female btw, but strongly anti-slut.)

    Why would I figure that would make a difference? First day, he finds some random conwhore and asks me , "This is so-and-so. She needs a room for a night. Can she say?"...I wanted to say no, but my other friend said "I don't care." ...So I kind of just gave a look and sighed.

    The moments the lights where out, even though I was still awake, the two start fucking. Ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor.

    This consisted for the next day and night, and then I blew up on them...told them to gtfo.

    Well...He paid me for his part of the room this time, but ended up stealing $305.00 for me.

    The end.

    Pic related, it's him.
    >> Peaches' !plf673YERk 03/01/10(Mon)05:09 No.2642200
    kevin is ugly.
    >> Shushilover !uhdacqdci6 03/01/10(Mon)05:12 No.2642207
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    I have a few bad roommate stories but dear god, do I have a story of nightmare proportions.

    AX 2007, my bf and I requested a certain room from our room leader ten months in advance because of a certain couple. Everything was fine and dandy till his two other friends wanted to go two weeks before the con. They too did not want to be in the other room because of the couple, so he decided it was best to move us to that room. :D

    A list of things of what they did that was awesome: Dyed a wig in the room ice chest and permanently damaged it. Cut a wig in the bathroom, left the remaining hair on the bathroom floor and sink, along with spots of dye all over the counter. Created a mote of trash, clothes, merchandise around their bed. Ate everyone's food without asking, after everyone's snacks were gone, decided to pull out their own snacks hidden under the mote, and refused to share. Left a poster under a rolling tv, so it got fucked up, decided that it wasn't their fault for putting it in a shitty place, but ours. Told us we had to give them 30 dollars for the 5 dollar poster. I guess bathing and deodorant were foreign. Constantly touching each other inappropriately....SYMPHONY OF FUCKING CHAIN SAWS. Literally, everyone in the room had a huge snoring problem. You could hear them from the elevator, that's how bad it was.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)05:19 No.2642214
    Only real problems I've had were snoring roommates. I avoid them if I know, it makes it impossible for me to sleep.

    I think I might have been the bad roomie once, I miscalculated the bill and due to someone's emergency wound up having more people in the car on the ride back then was comfortable.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)06:56 No.2642338
    I was the one to set up rooms for me and my friends. I had a strict policy that if you dont tell me by a certain date you want me to book a room for you then forget about rooming with me. I was supposed to share a room with my sister while her boyfriend and his best friend stayed in another room. Also booked a king bed room for a friend. We get there, my sister wants to be in the room with her boyfriend, so I have to share a room with a guy. Guy's older bro was there to meet friends in the area who ended up never picking him up. Older bro gets drunk like mad, breaks a few of the in room mugs, vomits on a bed and passes out in his vomit. Two of my friends who didn't ask me to get them a room are pissed at me for not getting them a room. They procede to bang on the door of my room and bitch me out over it and get mad that I don't have the bed space for more people seeing as guy's older bro is taking a bed to himself. I share a bed with guy and he snores like mad, his older bro cries in his sleep. I wake up to find out someone ate all my snacks and drank my gingerale.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)07:03 No.2642348
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    Seriously nice Dante you made for him he has a shitty hair cut for it though. Sigh, I hate it when people ruin otherwise what would be really good cosplay with laziness.

    Also ugh, manwhore. I chalk all these experiences up to two things.... dealing with teens that have LITTLE to no experience of how to be considerate in a room.
    You have to remember these are people who usually haven't been off to college yet and don't know how to live in a dorm with a person who wasn't raised with you. Also, immaturity at that age still means people who have lived in a dorm still don't know how not to be an ass.

    2. This hobby attracts socially akward people who can't tell if someone would be pissed if they did something even if you told them outright.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)09:30 No.2642522
    Ohayocon one year we had to have a guy in our room that we didn't know that well (everyone else knew each other). Guy fell asleep early in the front room on Saturday night and threw a hissy fit when some of my friends came back up to the room after Anime Hell because they were "banging around the room" and letting the hallway lights into the room and then ended up having a screaming match with my friends, then they started throwing things, my brother ended up in the line of fire just by getting back to the room at the wrong time and got hurt.

    No wonder we we forced to have him in our room.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)09:38 No.2642525
    I am laughing so hard at this thread. These stories are great, keep them coming.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)09:42 No.2642530
    Friend dyed his hair for his Renji cosplay in the bathroom of our room, turned the WHOLE bathroom pink. Spent Saturday evening trying to clean it off. Goodbye deposit.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)10:06 No.2642574
    FFFFFFFFFFFFFU that story about the crazy roommate, I'd forgotten all about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)10:17 No.2642590
    I visited /cgl/ at the right time. Give me more, you crazy weeaboos.

    Also you should probably stop hanging out with fat chicks
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)10:38 No.2642625
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 03/01/10(Mon)10:44 No.2642636
    this is why I ALWAYS bring bleach. Someone is going to forget to dye their hair at home, be prepared.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)10:44 No.2642637
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    That is why you buy goddamn wigs.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)10:46 No.2642638
    Worst I've ever had was being forced into a small bed (I'm a big guy) with a guy who is 6'5" and 300 pounds. We both snored all night and the only consolation I feel is that when we were both asleep and snoring there's no way anyone else in that room get a wink of sleep, that's what they get for forcing me into that bed. Fucking dickfaces.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)10:50 No.2642643
    I rofl'd irl
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)10:59 No.2642649
    i dont have any. my house has always been 5 minutes away from where they held the con so me and my friends would just go home and hang out at my place all night or just go home.

    then they decided to move it.

    damn it.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)11:06 No.2642661

    oh god... im laughing and throwing up at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)11:06 No.2642662
    Not from a con but from a goth-y festival... still related I think. sorry for bad english

    So, me and my friend decided to let a couple we know share the hotel room with us. They'd also drive us to the festival, which was pretty much on the other side of the country
    Bad, bad idea.
    The festival lasted for four days, we had tickets for four days, the hotel room (expensive as fuck) was booked for four days, we had four different outfits for each day planned etc.
    On day three the couple comes baaaaaaawwwwing about how they hate the festival and that they want to leave RIGHT NOW. Apparently the guy from the couple hates all sorts of goth music and is more into techno and raves, but he still spend hundreds of dollars on tickets, hotels etc. so he could be with his girlfriend. Because he "didn't want to be lonely". For FOUR DAYS. Me and my friend complain and we say we want to stay... we come back to the hotel room after a concert and the two are gone. Their suitcases, everything gone. No text messages, no notices. We both were like WTF - I repeat, they drove us - So there we were, two girls in a strange town with a gazillion suitcases and no car. AWESOME
    We spend the entire fourth day looking for someone from our area who could drive us home. Managed to find a creepy old guy. I spend the entire trip thinking about how I'd defend myself if he tried to rape us/me, and I'm surely none of these OMG A GUY LOOKED AT ME, ALMOSTRAPED!!1 pussies.

    That was two years ago... Haven't heard anything from the couple yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)11:11 No.2642671
    my ex boyfriend, at the time i'd been dating him about 2 months. i roomed with him and one other girl, my best friend's friend, whom i hadn't previously met; she was great, but he drove me nucking futs. i gave him plenty of warning about when we needed to get up in the morning so he wouldn't oversleep, but he refused to drag his ass out of bed anyway. now normally i don't demand that someone accompany me at all times and refuse to walk anywhere alone like a drama queen, but this con i had a VERY outlandish, bright, attention-grabbing costume, and to get to the con center i had to walk several city blocks past hobos and crazies. it was just too damn weird to walk it all by myself, and the girl had left, so i wanted him to walk with me. he asked to sleep another hour. i let him sleep another hour. then he wants to sleep ANOTHER hour. i told him he could walk with me and then come back and sleep. he asks me to get in bed and cuddle (i'm in full costume). at this point i'm missing panels i really want to see. at last he gets up. drops me off at the con center, goes back. i went through this 3 days in a row. he spends about 80% of the weekend in the hotel room on his laptop playing games. the one event i actually get him to go to is the AMV contest, which I had entered; he sits next to me and sleeps through the contest, opening his eyes for 3 minutes when mine comes on and falling back asleep. i also manage to get him to come with my friends and i when we go to the hotel pool and hot tub. the girl staying with us slipped on wet concrete and had a pretty dramatic fall; she was unhurt, thankfully, but i could tell she was embarrassed. what does he do? makes fun of her non-stop the rest of the night, saying how that fall was "epic fail". he was so obnoxious to her and my other friends, they couldn't stand to be around him. I had to apologize for his behavior.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)11:11 No.2642672
    Kind of a roomate story. At Sakura-con, I didn't have my room key on me at the time.(because my cosplay doesn't have pockets) I went to the hotel room to rest a bit during one of the raves and I just realized I forgot my key. So I sit in the hallway for a good hour, waiting for another person with a key to show up. Eventually the people in the room next door come back from raving and invite me to their room for some rum haha. I drink it up with them and I started to fall asleep when eventually I learned that the people I were hanging out with were coke dealers, and their "friend" upstairs is pissed at them for fucking him over and is coming downstairs to beat the holy hell outta them @_@. I instantly rolled on outta there as fast as I could (still super tipsy from the rum) and waited back in front of my room. Turns out one of my friends was sleeping in the room the whole time. I guess the banging on the door for 15 minutes didn't wake him up :(. Amazing con though, just ugh.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)11:11 No.2642673
    during the drive home, while he started acting emo saying how everyone hates him, at that moment i couldn't take any more and made up my mind to break up with him. SO glad i did.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)12:47 No.2642853
    I'd find those assholes and break my foot off in their ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:00 No.2642876
    I'm kind of curious as to why convention goers don't bring earplugs.

    Also, why are girls so bad at hiding their masturbation? Guys know what to do. Get a little better at it, ladies.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:03 No.2642887

    Or at least wait 'til you get back home. Jesus Christ, it's only a couple of days.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:12 No.2642907
    I (a guy) just wait for the weekend over to masturbate. Who actually does it while rooming with people?...or while they're in the room?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:16 No.2642911
    There was a really bitchy fat girl in our cosplay group at one point. She truthfully admitted that she masturbates every night in the hotel room shower when we go to conventions.

    Needless to say . . . After she told us that, nobody stuck around the room when she would say, "My turn to use the shower!"
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:17 No.2642914
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    Don't need to kill her. When we broke the friendship off, I told her she cared more about cosplay then her own friends. I still stand by this. I get the personal satisfaction of watching her prove me right by each friendship she ruins by her actions.

    Two friends we've mutually had, no longer like dealing with her. The first one got sick of her bawwing and crying to him. She'd tell him somebody said one thing to her on the forums, he'd look at what was posted and she'd blow it out of context.

    The other got screwed over for a hotel room for con. She promised her, and her husband, that they could cancel out their own room reservation, and room with her. All they had to do was cover the husband's share. Money's a little tight and they were trying to get roommates, so it was perfect for them.

    Come closer to con time, she gets a message saying they have to pay for both of them. So they got screwed over on a room for con.

    Watching her do this to other people too, it makes me happy I GTFO of there when I did.

    Also, she told the female friend she hated my fiance(then boyfriend at the time) and she never even talked to him. She just hates him because he's with me.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:18 No.2642917
    funny but sad stories. I hope everyone learned a lesson and now has their own private room with no one else allowed????
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:20 No.2642923
    Apparently the people in these stories:
    I also had the misfortune of being in one of the main public bathrooms at AB and overhearing some chick masturbating in there. It was the middle of the day.
    >> Rita !0fvBLAStIA 03/01/10(Mon)13:28 No.2642952
    i once slept on a shelf in our hotel room, despite being one of four people(of eight people in the room)who actually paid to stay there.

    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:31 No.2642959
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    ITT: People do not know how to fucking stand up for themselves.
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 03/01/10(Mon)13:33 No.2642963
    >>2642876 I'm kind of curious as to why convention goers don't bring earplugs.
    Sometimes it doesn't help.

    I brought earplugs to this one dirt cheap hotel room in San Francisco that a bunch of my friends and I were staying in before the CBF because one of them had a costume that he couldn't take on public transit. I had never roomed with some of these people before, and JESUS FUCK did those dudes snore insanely loudly. I had earplugs on and could still hear a total cacophony of snoring. A symphony in snore. I ended up stealing a pillow and going into the tiny bathroom, sleeping on and covered by towels. I'm 5'3" and in order to lie down there, I had to turn diagonally and cross my feet and prop them up on the wall a bit. The earplugs still didn't work (plus there was tons of city noise), so I ended up trying to use iPod headphones to cancel out the noise, but it didn't work all that well. I got two hours of sleep and then walked in the CBF parade. By the time I got back home, I was so tired that that night I slept 18 hours.

    THE END. Sorry for the boring.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:36 No.2642969
    Roomed with 2 friends who don't get along, one was civil for my sake, the other did nothing but take nasty cheap shots at the other. I wanted to punch her by Sunday.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:39 No.2642972
    has anyone actually ever wore ear plugs before?
    they don't fucking work.

    only thing that blocks out noise for me is to sleep directly in front of a fan.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:41 No.2642983
    I dunno, they work for me. Sure, they're not going to make it silent as the grave, but they cushion the sound enough for me to stop focusing on it. But I guess if you're frustrated enough to use earplugs, sometimes you're so worked up that the only thing that will calm you down enough to sleep will be total silence.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:47 No.2642994
    My best friend's boyfriend and me had to end up sharing a room alone. He was a good-looking motherfucker but physco as hell, why? He masturbated in his sleep, I was in the same bed as him.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)13:59 No.2643036
    Anyone who's been in a room with a girl who calls herself Neko has already had the worst of con rooming. Not just her, but her friends who are fat, run around naked, cry over every little thing, and spend the whole con sewing so their costumes are done for their Bleach photoshoots (which their costumes aren't very good and as previously mentioned their fat and if not that really ugly)... not to mention she usually crams up to fourteen people in the room and doesn't tell anyone how many people there are going to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)14:01 No.2643047
    And why the fuck are these chicks bringing their horse cock/suction cup dildos to cons??
    Is their hand not enough for the weekend?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)14:07 No.2643060
    @Ohayocon 2010.

    Some dude wearing steel toed boots thrashes my right foot. So now I have a somewhat fractured foot one day into the con. Fuck.

    My friend insists I follow him around and take pics of him and of others, never mind that I wanted to do other things but he was nice enough to invite me for dinner.

    Later on in the day, the pain's getting to me and seeing as I have no non-aspirin painkillers (Deadly allergic to aspirin. Motherfucker) I decided to do what men have done since time immortal: I drink until it numbs the pain. And it works.

    However, earlier in the day, I had taken my friend to get liquor so he could have a small party in our room, which I later found out he had kicked our other friends out of the room to have )It was 4 of us).

    On my way back to the hotel room to rest said aching foot, I notice a decently hot Sailor Moon in the elevator and pay her no mind the ride up. Until she gets off in the same floor as me. Then again when she goes down the same hallway as me. Keep in mind she's in front of me so this chick probably thought I was following her but I didn't think much of it because we were staying at the block reserved for the con.

    Until, as I'm getting my room key out and walk towards the door to the ROOM I BOOKED, I notice she slams the door on me.

    Sailor Moon just fucking slammed the door in front of me to the hotel room I had booked. Fuck. My. Friend.

    Now, I'm somewhat tipsy and it's taking me a bit to process the events that god just screwed me with so I lean back onto the hallway wall and start texting my friend about what a thundercunt he is as this tool of a guy goes into the room. Fuck.

    Then I go in, notice he's having a shit party and said tool is obviously trying to score with Sailor Moon. My foot hurts like a motherfucker and I'm seriously thinking about forgoing suicide and to instead opt to viciously murder my friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)14:08 No.2643069
    Don't use the onee from drug stores, go to home depot and get construction grade ones. If they can block the sound of heavy equipment, they can block snoring enough for you to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)14:09 No.2643071
    >>2642876 Also, why are girls so bad at hiding their masturbation?
    No idea. Clitoral masturbating is so easy to hide...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)14:13 No.2643077
    One of those "special" snowflakes that assume you're the only female worth tolerating. derp.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)14:13 No.2643078
    Maybe he was masturbating to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)14:22 No.2643101
    He wasn't asleep.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)14:34 No.2643134
    people with no social skills or sense of boundaries. coincidence?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)16:13 No.2643464
    That's the possibility that scares me the most.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)17:15 No.2643678
    I think I've told this story before, and it's fairly old:
    A million years ago at Megacon, I was a fresh-faced con virgin in the depths of Weeaboo heaven. I didn't really have the resources to buy an actual costume, but I had cat ears! Life was good. My second day at the con, after being hit on by Joe Linsner (Dawn) I purchased a very modestly priced kimono that the nice Chinese ladies put on over my clothes so I could walk around in.
    I spent the day walking around with my hambeast friend that had been pouting the entire day over spending all her money. We were accosted by a tom-boy broad with yaoi pamphlets. The hambeast was thrilled at the prospect. But the tom-boy was more interested in ME. She kept cooing about taking me home. I made the mistake of asking what a glomp was. She decided to demonstrate without explaining. I was terrified. It's amazing that I didn't fall down like a bowling pin when she came running at me.
    Then her male counterpart sneaks up behind me and slaps a pair of HANDCUFFS on me. She begins to tug me around by the cuffs and mentions things like "bondage" and "silk rope" until I begged the hambeast to save me.

    I worn that kimono since, bad memories.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)17:16 No.2643688
    *I haven't worn that kimono since,
    just recalling the story has traumatized me.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)17:46 No.2643802
    Well I'm glad you've grown out of the cat ear and kimono phase.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)17:49 No.2643811
    Old-fag here. (just turned. 30. ugh)

    To protect those and make this simple, it was basically a con-party. Drunkeness, ect, a friend of a friend (whose female) was totally being almost like assaulted by some fuck. I tell him to piss off, he ignores me, tells me to fuck off, keeps at it. I wrestle with him and basically put him in Hadaka-jime. I release him when other's help escort him out. I originally took Judo as a sport, and to have to use it outside of the mat, kinda made me sad. Outside of the mat, I'm totally a pussy/pacifist.

    AWA 05. I remember it like it was yesterday. Me and a good friend got a room. A friend of a friend (let's name him Mr Black in honor of Simpsons) decides to jump on our plans. I don't really LIKE Mr Black, but in respect to my friend (who is an old friend of Mr Black) I let him. I say let because the hotel is on MY card. I dont have enough money on the card. Just using the card to reserve hotel with intent of paying cash when we get there.

    When we get to AWA Mr Black is STARTLED by the news of "paying when we get there" despite numerous times being told. Mr Black is notorious for vanishing and making excuses and never paying people back. I lose it. I tell Mr Black. No cash. No fucking room. Not playing his "money woe is me shit" games. Mr Black is in a hussy pays me like 60% what he owes. He also passes out and sleeps in my bed. I was going to call Hotel Security and have him escorted out of my room for pulling that shit, but my friend at the zero hour talked me out of it.

    Also, time to RANT ABOUT CON PARTIES. I fucking love it when these whipper snappers are like "WEEEEE SAKE BOMBS!!! WEEE BOOZEE KEKEKEKEKE" and just fucking pound back the booze, then vomit horribly and make a complete ass out of themselves for like 2 hours later.

    >> Vic Is A Pretty Cool Guy !Ld1Evnp0Os 03/01/10(Mon)18:46 No.2644020
    These stories are just about the only good thing about /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:06 No.2644136
    I got my cock sucked by this chick who was staying in the same rooms. I thought that would be it, but she turned into this psycho bitch who thought that because I let her suck me off it was OMG troo love!!!

    I couldn't get rid of her for the next 3 months, until I finally lied and said I was in a relationship, and even then she wanted me to leave the imaginary girl for her...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:22 No.2644200
    I go to a Katsu '10 rave with a guy friend (he didn't believe in my charming skills, yes I'm bisexual) to go get a lady. I managed to hook this REALLY hot redhead girl. Now, we go back to her room and have our threesome going. Needless to say, as soon as it got to the gooood part this tall, scary guy walks in saying "YOU HAVE 15 SECONDS TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS ROOM" and he started counting down. My friend and I were kicked out of the room, me topless and his wallet left in there. He gives me his shirt, and we decide I would be the one to get our stuff. So, I came back to the room scared SHITLESS that he was going to kill me. He managed to learn both of our names (we didn't tell the girl), and gave back my shirt and his wallet. When I came back to my friend, he checked his wallet to find that his license wasn't there. I went BACK to get his license, and the guy told me to come back in the morning. Don't wanna get the guy to kill me ya know? Anywho, my friend and I go back to get his license at 6:30 am (I told my friend that I was almost certain they were going to check out on us). And, I was right. Awesome threesome, but not worth get a license lost over it. Or having me be the person to potentially get the shit beaten out of them :/
    >> bombyNeko 03/01/10(Mon)19:29 No.2644231
    i agree
    i hate underage girls who drink and then are like
    "fuuuuck meeee"
    then bitch and moan about a guy who paws at them

    [i am a girl so i can say this]
    >> NHK !/DeSU/qyLE 03/01/10(Mon)19:42 No.2644317
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    I slept under a table, right under the freezing AC with nothing to cover me. Not the worst thing to happen, but god fucking damn was that a cold night.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:47 No.2644334
    Oh my god, I feel your pain. I never get the bed, usually because I somehow always end up arriving later than everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:48 No.2644340
    That's not old, that's ~mature~
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 03/01/10(Mon)19:50 No.2644348
    Females are already stupid animals..

    and with drinking they only get amped up.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:53 No.2644364
    Wow, someone hasn't gotten laid in a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)19:54 No.2644366
    are u a guy or a girl?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:00 No.2644387
    Guy calling me a hussy cause I wouldn't shag him after he bought me a drink,
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:05 No.2644402
    I'm a girl
    >> Kitsu !!VDPMfPfr1E9 03/01/10(Mon)20:16 No.2644450
    Katsucon 2005 stayed in one of 2 rooms booked by a friend of a friend that had all been traveling to cons together for years. This was the only time we had an issue like this ever with this group of friends. So since we were the new ones we ended up in the 2nd of the 2 rooms with one girl's sister and her boyfriend.

    The boyfriend that a year previous had his legs blown off by a roadside bomb in Iraq. Somehow he managed burn through and compassion and fucking pity one could amass for having your legs blown off by Saturday night of the con.

    Between the constant insulting comments about everyone but his girlfriend and his army buddy in the room and attempting to pick fights with any of our friends who came in the room for whatever reason I was considering beating him to death with his own prosthetic legs by Saturday night. Just to give a little insight into how much of a Alpha-male scumbag this cripple is about 3 or 4 months(was with him before he joined the military) after Katsucon he broke up with his girlfriend of a few years via a text message saying "I'm fucking this new chick don't call me again."

    That of course being piled on top of the shit hole which was Katsucon 2005.
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 03/01/10(Mon)20:20 No.2644472
    3 months is pretty long
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:21 No.2644478
    >3 years is pretty long

    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)20:53 No.2644581
    My boyfriend and I went back to our room, locked the door, put out the Do Not Disturb sign, and began to engage in amazing drunken sex. In the middle of everything, we hear the door open and close. I guess we managed to not notice one of only two roommates who, as he later told us, was napping in the other bed.
    >> Kitsu !!VDPMfPfr1E9 03/01/10(Mon)20:54 No.2644583

    Totally put the parentheses in the wrong place. They were dating for 3 - 4 years, started before he joined the military when everyone who knew them at the time claim he was a nice guy. He came back from basic training different, closer to the douche I described, and loosing his legs didn't seem to even dent the alpha male chip on his shoulder he developed in basic. A few months after Katsucon is when she got the text from him and his own family was disgusted by it.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:10 No.2645218
    My room mate gave a guy she just met a handy jay in the other bed while she thought I was asleep.
    >> Big Fat Iori 03/01/10(Mon)23:17 No.2645266
    Reading all these stories makes me glad that I earn enough to get my own room at cons. And i don't even have that great of a job. da fuck do you people do for a living? All I do is deliver shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:37 No.2645371
    nekocon 03 or was it 04, i forget. i was rooming with a buddy of mine and his friends. we had a nice suite and things were ok...or so we thought. oh we were wrong, very wrong.

    friday, we had some crossdressing creepy flamboyant gay guy walking around with cantaloupes in a bra thinking he was sexy as he badly cosplayed chii or some shity character like that. the evening was much worse though. we had like 8 people in this suite, with one bed room and two beds in the bedroom...the rest of the suite was a living room or something. i come back into the room seeing all my buddies sleeping out on the patio. i ask them what the deal is with the sittin on the patio in cold as weather. they explain that one of the guys in the room had brought a boy toy in with him. i am not a homophobe by any means...but what they did was not right. they told me the one came out in just his boxers and a huge erection. he looked at the others in the room like wtf are you lookin out at. the other guy a few minutes later comes out wearing just a vash coat and a girn on his face. appearantly there was a whip or riding crop, hand cuffs and alot of moaning and the bed room stank. these people got the clue it was fucked up and left.

    between the creepy boy with a g cup bra and cantelopes in his bra, and the kinky sex with boy toys in the only bed room it was enough i never roomed with that group. ;-;
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:49 No.2645432
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    Katsucon '10.

    Due to a misunderstanding, only knew three out of twelve people in the room(which in itself wasn't too bad) but they kept inviting at least fifteen other assholes that would come in, drink all of me and my bf's alcohol (Over 120$ worth) eat all the fucking food and take up the beds. (We didn't even get to USE the fucking room saturday night since some drunk cunt passed out in our bed)
    To make matter's worse, the little fucker that apparently kicked Masa in the face was using the room (didn't pay, was responsible for half the food/booze being con) he was the worst out of all of them. Asked everyone who came into the room for coke at least twenty times and when they declined, asked I they knew where any dealers where(Had seriously bloodshot eyes all weekend). He obviously was just there to get smashed, since he didn't even bother buying a conbadge

    I was scared to fucking death that when the cops where pulling their little stint that we'd all get busted because of this little shit.

    Never. Again.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:55 No.2645451
    lol what is going on in OP pic?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)00:12 No.2645535
    Asked if I could get a room with someone on a site, I agreed I would sleep in the bath tub.
    I got some people, a really nice group of seniors from a local high school.
    I met them early in the morning, but I had to get my stuff set up (I was working staff and I was a dealer, busy)
    I didn't get back to the room until about 3AM, (bar hopping, huur durr) but I can hold my booze, so I wasn't to wasted.
    I knock on the door and one of the girls greets me, not frustrated because they were all awake, watching anime and flaunting the merch they bought
    I tell them I'm actually going to head to bed, if anyone needs the bathroom (since im in the bathtub), and they give me a pillow and the couch sheet and I get to bed.
    I wake up the next morning to find one of the girls, this enormous awful smelling hambeast, still in her hideous L costume, SLEEPING ONTOP OF ME, SHIRTLESS.
    I scream, and try to wriggle myself from under her, and she wakes up.
    She stares at me like I'm insane, like IM DOING SOMETHING WRONG FOR NOT LETTING HER ONTOP OF ME.
    I get all my shit and leave my money for the night that I owed on the table, and left.
    I ended up rooming with a fellow dealer, a real sweetheart, and let me room for a lower price.
    Fucking never agreeing to room with anyone still in high school ever again.

    I'm a girl, btw. For clarity.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)00:31 No.2645632
    bu mp
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)00:33 No.2645645
    Let me set the scene /cgl/.

    It's 6am, me and three other friends are doing a fuckwin cosplay group of Hellsing and all get up just as early to make sure we're spot-on ready for 8:00am breakfast before setting off.
    We've got some friends in the same hotel as part of our group (with props we all helped to make and costumes I personally worked really hard on) and we phone them every half an hour until we get the all clear, 'Yeah we're just putting the finishing touches!' line.
    8:00am comes and they're not down for breakfast. By 08:20am I head upstairs to check they're okay and haven't had any major problems at the last minute ... only to find them all JUST CATCHING SHOWERS.

    Now, everyone chills out by the last day of the con, I understand this. I appreciate it, even. No one twists nipples about it! But this was the FIRST day when all we faggy cosplayers know our costumes ought to be the best in our closet to get some shitastic attention-whoring done. I was mildly peeved our final group was half-assed numbers-wise with a third missing.

    I left the goddamn hotel despite their wailing apologies and headed to have an awesome morning with the people in my room who weren't fans of wasting time. Icing on the cake is the late-goers couldn't find half their shit to put on anyway because the room was a mess from their idiotic 'yay it's the con tomorrow!' partying the night before. Suckers.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)00:55 No.2645765
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    con!sex story is go. Basically dressed as Byakuya from Bleach and had the good fortune of resembling him somewhat, not at all the hambeast/pizza faced male turd the convention was mostly made up of and got together with an Orihime cosplayer who seemed to enjoy looking like her character too. Long story short she asked me to wear my Byakuya wig in bed and I'm like "sure honey, whatever you want".

    She screams not only Byakuya's name, but turns out to be the hottest fuck alive when allowed to live out her fantasy, holy shiiiit.
    Not a horror story, just felt like sharing the literal, sticky love.

    Next morning? My wig was itchy as fuck with all the sweat in it, ack.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)00:59 No.2645787
    These stories bring back so many memories! I don't even know where to start with mine. I mean I've had it all happen, drunken roommates, the emo girls crying for attention all night, strangers stealing the bed, and the snoring... not the masterbation, though. I have lucked out there. Thankfully. I don't even know what I can start with. So.

    Tell me moar.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:01 No.2645802
    god fucking lucky orihime cosplayer
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:04 No.2645813
    Ok so I went with my friend and all his friends, most of which I haven't met before, and at first I was like alright this is ok, they seemed nice enough, the room was just a little crowed and messy (like 10 people with their shit everywhere). Things were alright for the first day and most of the second, but then I go out to the rave and come back, and there is about now 20 people in the room partying. At this point I still really didn't mind, but every so often a new little group would come in the room, so by 6AM I wanna say we have like 40 people hanging out and drinking in our room, I didn't get any sleep, so I figured I'd just start getting ready. I take a shower and some guy tries to get in the shower with me, I fucking screamed bloody murder, and eventually my friend kicked him out, but then his friends got mad at my friend and got in a little tiff, but eventually those kids left too. By now I was trying to do my hair, and the girls of the room figured they would start getting ready to, as I'm trying to do my hair they keep passing around MY straightener and I barely get to do my hair. Same deal with my make up then too. Then a few of us go out and get breakfast then go to the convention center, a few of the actual people of the room are still in the room, not ready yet or still talking to the "guests" I could say, I guess at this point everything is ok, but then I came back to drop off stuff I bought in dealers room, at this point it's like 3 PM, and all the "guests" were gone, and a few people that actually were rooming there were asleep. At first everything looked fine, but when I went to put my stuff back, I noticed half of my things were gone, stuff I bought previous days, money, random things that I brought in my suit case (like my DVDs, CDs, DS, etc) were all gone. Then I looked were my friend had his stuff and most of that was gone too. I wanted to kill myself and my roomies.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:04 No.2645814

    So what happened after that?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:06 No.2645818

    Was the aftermath incredibly awkward? I would think it would be to a degree.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:10 No.2645836
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:16 No.2645853
    Anti-climatic to say the least. I think me walking in killed the room in the room.

    Or Sailor Moon realized she slammed the door on me and knows the situation just got ackward. Either way, she leaves about a minute after I enter and the guy following her leaves as well.

    So it leaves my friend, the chick that I think he was trying to get lucky with, and me in the room.

    It's obvious it's not going anywhere and my foot is throbbing like a motherfucker so I stay put and enjoy the comfort of resting in a bed that I payed for.

    They talk, apparently she has connections all over the place and flew up from Florida and whatnot. I was just worried about my foot and wondering if that prick broke something and why the hell was there so much booze leftover (I'm talking about 40 cans of beer and 2 bottles of liqour here).

    I've yet to let my friend live down the entire thing though. Again, anti-climatic.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:35 No.2645933
    Thanks for taking the time to tell us the rest of the story, even if it was an anti-climax.
    >> Rem November 03/02/10(Tue)01:36 No.2645938
    Resolution = Win
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:53 No.2646011
    It was a bit ... odd. She was very perky though (I'm guessing s'why she chose that character to cosplay) and we waved at the con the next day in passing. Sweet girl, bit mad.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:55 No.2646026
    I demand pics! of you....
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:56 No.2646027

    And now I suddenly know what a one-night stand with Orihime would be like.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)01:58 No.2646042

    Seconding. Don't need to see the girl, but if you're apparently hot shit I wanna see this.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)02:01 No.2646060
    ...I've been trying to post the story I typed up and I keep getting a weird delay, followed by a NoScript error and the board telling me "Updating Index".

    Weird. Any idea what could be causing that? Maybe it's a sign I shouldn't post it because one of my roommates from that con is lurking in this thread?
    >> Rem November 03/02/10(Tue)02:06 No.2646091
    Nah. It's the gremlins trying to keep you from posting an epic story.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)02:08 No.2646100
    ITT: People who don't know how to handle confrontation, people who don't know how to be assertive, and people who have never gone camping or been to summer camp as kids.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)02:08 No.2646109
    oh well, I'll try again tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)02:14 No.2646153

    I learned my fucking lesson. I blacked out and woke up hours later, STILL DRUNK, missed my plane, covered in my own piss and vomit. My finger was dislocated and my toe was broken. I had to fly the next day, still hung over all the way from Albany NY to Portland OR. Worst flight of my life. I was in the last seat of the airplane next to this Indian dude who looked like Mr. Bean. This asshole kept on hitting on me and trying to by me drinks. The last thing I wanted to do was drink. Then he got really pissed about it and kept on elbowing my boob the whole 6 hours. I WILL NEVER GET BLACK OUT DRUNK AT A CON AGAIN.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)02:23 No.2646197
    Roomed with a group of people I was semi-familiar with once...
    Two snored really loudly. (and snored opposite one another would breathe out when the other breathed in so I got a sound of constant snoring)
    One kept a Naruto porn in the bathroom and would go in there for a really really long time.
    No one knew how to clean their hairballs out of the sink or shower drain *shudder*
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)02:32 No.2646250
    It's from a pretty epic Roommate From Hell story posted online.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)02:44 No.2646306
         File1267515853.jpg-(25 KB, 640x480, 12.jpg)
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    First major con, AN 2009.
    Roomed with male friend, his mom, and his moms boyfriend.
    Wasn't too bad. Had Double Bed to myself since he slept on the pull out bed.
    Though, what I did NOT know, was that his moms boyfriend SNORED.
    Not just any snore.
    Smokers snore.
    Oh god it was awful. Woke up several times, just telling myself to sleep, because that shit was loud.
    But it was alright. Was dead tired anyways.

    Naru2u 2009: Worst ever.
    Roomed with 3 of my friends. One being my male friend from AN 2009. The others being my friend from high school and my ex gf.
    Had it all planned. Then my ex brought over this ham beast of a chick who wouldn't stay at her dorm a few mins from the con. Didn't even think to bring her own PJs and stole one of my shirts to use, and slept with my ex gf. Spent the night crying, and slept in same bed as male friend who insisted I sleep there instead of the bathroom floor.
    Needless to say, I'm NEVER rooming with my ex again.
    >> Vomit 03/02/10(Tue)03:00 No.2646380

    Oh shit.
    Naru2U 2009 was the fucking worst. Especially with that raver's-dosed-the-water!~!1@~2` shit that went down. This is why you don't advertise a con-dance as a fucking ~*REAL*~ rave.

    No horrible roommates stories from me, just a pretty mundane one.
    Stuffed 14 people into a suite at FanExpo '08 and everyone got the best night of sleep EVER at a convention. Shit was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:03 No.2646399

    Jesus fuck, that's the greatest thing I've ever read.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:04 No.2646402
    Tell me about it. Fucking shit was awful. That was the main reason the ham beast had to stay with us. FFFFF.
    (apparently her friend had taken her shit out of the coatcheck and took it home, leaving her "without pjs")

    Urgh. Naru2u sucked anyway. No guests, shitty panels, it was all a cash grab.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:08 No.2646423
    you sir have made my day. No screw that, my week!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:12 No.2646437
    Otakon '08

    One of my roomates and good friends is a cop.
    Another roommate who didn't know he was a cop decided to offer him some some weed.
    Hilarity ensues when he pulls out his badge.

    He didn't arrest him though because it would have fucked his weekend up by writing a report on him.

    Even at anime conventions a cop will still be a cop.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:18 No.2646454
    >>2646423're welcome?
    When I first read it I was just in awe of it. It's one of those insanely fucked up things that you really just can't believe actually happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:24 No.2646470
         File1267518252.jpg-(8 KB, 323x236, myface.jpg)
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    My face this morning! Pardon the hat, it's chilly.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:26 No.2646480

    ...I can see it.

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:29 No.2646488
    Thanks! Unfortunately my wig's died and we didn't take any halfway decent shots, so no Byakuya for you lovely anons. :)
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:29 No.2646491

    You look like a woman I work with. You aren't closely related to a Klara Greensbury, are you?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:30 No.2646495

    Shitsux, dude.

    You know, you could always get another wig unless you got rid of the rest of the cosplay as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:36 No.2646526
    I'll have to disappoint you, anon. Nope, sorry.

    Oh I have the cosplay all boxed up, I should really get a new wig but I'm just awful for procrastinating, heh.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)03:57 No.2646598
    Worst roommate I ever had was my seven-year-old nephew demanding I let him play with my merch I bought at the con. Had to convince my sister that it was a bad idea to let him go through my stuff without telling her about the hardcore yaoi.

    I stay at my family cabin during Fanime, because it's a closer commute. Incidentally, the family vacation always happens that weekend as well, so I have to sleep in the same room as the kids.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)04:07 No.2646623
    i'm sorry, i fucking LOL'd at Mr. Bean.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)04:21 No.2646650
    I visited family while in Portland for Kumoricon, as it happens I have a 7-year-old nephew too, but he didn't cause any problems in the room. We all played him at dead or alive, and he kept winning because he tapped the same button over and over and over; you could just keep blocking, but as soon as you try to land a blow, he kicks you into the air. he won so many matches he was convinced he was the most awesome thing since sliced bread, it was kinda cute. he also asked my friend "Do you live here?" several times....I don't think he was familiar with the concept of a hotel.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)04:28 No.2646669
    That shit was crazy.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)04:44 No.2646705
    Don't worry, everyone always lol's at the Mr. Bean part

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