>> |
02/19/10(Fri)15:41 No.2607224  File1266612099.png-(574
KB, 511x760, SMT Cut ins- DOGS.png)
 Giovanni and the priest guy
(who's name I forget) from Dogs. Jade from Tales of the Abyss Phillia
from Tales of Destiny America, Estonia, Sweden from Axis Powers Anji
Mito and Johnny from Guilty Gear Kinon from TTGL (Garlock Simon and
Kamina too, but I'm assuming you want normal looking glasses) Kabuto
from Naruto Kei Nanjou from Persona 1 Katsuya Suou and Baofu from
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Shuji Ikutsuki from Persona 3 All
the main party members, minus Teddie, in Persona 4 Kristoph Gavin
from Apollo Justice Maiza and Nice from Baccano! |