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02/15/10(Mon)08:10 No.2589670 File1266239437.jpg-(86
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with hips and thighs like velvets would be ridiculed and called a fatty
on /cgl/. Miyu poses well as Velvet and has the same solemn look on her
face with great makeup to match. If you hadn't noticed, the characters
in Odin's sphere have the bodies of curvy young girls (I'd say roughly
12/13) The strange anatomy has already been seen in many games before
(final fantasy 9) so you're going to be hardpressed to find someone
PERFECT for Velvet. Get over your Miyu-hate and just enjoy that she did a
costume and it looks good rather than her typical cam whoring
car-magazine boasting shit.
Contributing with awesome Salsa
cosplay. |