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02/09/10(Tue)01:54 No.2568839 File1265698496.jpg-(80
KB, 439x376, Tack.jpg)
con, fanime 2007 >Ride crashes the
van on the way there, boy troubles ensue the next day, I eat two small
meals that entire day, go to bed with massive headache. >Sunday, a friend and I are having her future
boyfriend's best friend draw portraits of us. >Friend and I spot a Nekozawa cosplayer across the
artist alley >We call out to them
that we love Nekozawa >Several
minutes later, the cosplayer makes their way over to us, and walks
behind us. >As they pass us, they
whisper, in character, "That's because Nekozawa is the best" >Friend and I fangirl. >Two years later, I find out a recently made and
already very good friend of mine was that Nekozawa.
yes, my friend and I were awful, awful fantards back then, but we were
sixteen and it was our first con. |