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  • File : 1265484011.jpg-(56 KB, 446x423, DevID__WebCam_Style_by_CosCy009.jpg)
    56 KB Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:20 No.2559981  
    I'll just leave this here.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:21 No.2559982
         File1265484103.jpg-(38 KB, 370x512, disappoint.jpg)
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    I say she needs to diaf.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:22 No.2559983

    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:31 No.2559995
         File1265484714.jpg-(75 KB, 750x600, 1223352372463.jpg)
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    I have an inkling of self post here.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:32 No.2559998
    maple syrup
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:34 No.2560000
    I am not this person. I posted her because she's a fat fuck who thinks her shit don't stink. When really, it does.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:42 No.2560009
         File1265485360.jpg-(47 KB, 806x386, Social_PWNage___Part_1_by_CosC(...).jpg)
    47 KB

    Looking at her DA.

    She seriously had this as and ID?

    I lol'd. What a crock of shit. Because she HAS used autism as an excuse for her behavior.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:43 No.2560010
         File1265485394.jpg-(584 KB, 2048x1536, Maple_syrup_bucket.jpg)
    584 KB
    This is now a thread about maple syrup. Damn, I wish I had a tree that gave me free Canadian juice.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:44 No.2560012
    I don't know what you're seeing but I'm seeing awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:46 No.2560014

    Hi Cosplay Cyborg.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)14:48 No.2560017
    Oh, look, a vendetta thread! It's always fascinating when cranky bitches I don't know bitch about other cranky bitches I don't know.

    I'm going to swaddle you all in barbed-wire and shoot your fat butts into the Sun.
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)14:55 No.2560028
         File1265486103.jpg-(118 KB, 324x428, 1903961.jpg)
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    she uses that as an excuse all the time
    >> 34C 02/06/10(Sat)14:56 No.2560030
    >Cosplay Cyborg
    >21/Female/United States

    >United States

    ...Stop creeping on my country, yankee. It's fucking weird.
    >> Faggotbaguette !N3nqVjehz6 02/06/10(Sat)14:59 No.2560038
    I'm a little un-okay with this girl creepan on my country. Just a little. Sage because I don't care that much.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:06 No.2560048
         File1265486818.jpg-(51 KB, 380x380, s7_611848_imageset_01..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:10 No.2560050
    wait, wait? She's 21??

    The way she acts she seems like she is like 16.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:20 No.2560070
    That basically describes a lot of people that attend CA conventions. I always end up finding out that most of them are 20+ when I thought they were 14 or 15. Immaturity level of terror.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:21 No.2560075
    >implying people in modern times are not mentally 10 years younger than their physical age
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:42 No.2560116
    But she's in love with the frosty moe region T_T Don't be hating her!
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)15:46 No.2560126
    if you ever met her you would hate her also
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:10 No.2560411
    >> 34C 02/06/10(Sat)17:15 No.2560429
    I hate her in the same way a Japanese person would hate a Weeaboo.
    I love my country- but being obsessed about it because of Hetalia? This is a new flavour of rage for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:26 No.2560452
    Canadaboos? On one hand, that's sort of cool. On the other hand, she looks nothing like the Hetalia character!
    >> Anonymous of Los Angeles !AoT8KYCnWo 02/06/10(Sat)17:32 No.2560462
    Burn it with sacred fire.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:35 No.2560471
    Canadaboos exist?

    Fuck you, I'm keeping my free healthcare, gay marriage and endless supply of REAL maple syrup. NONE FOR YOU.
    >> 34C 02/06/10(Sat)17:36 No.2560473

    ....upon looking again at her barf inducing dA I noticed this.
    >deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXL (Because of the bewbs.)

    It's because of the ENORMOUS GUT.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:37 No.2560477
    How is your chocolate over there, mass produced with a 'powder-like' texture ?

    Feels good to be European.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:40 No.2560484

    I find L to be tent sized on me - I can hardly imagine the amount of fabric that would go into XXL
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)17:42 No.2560493
         File1265496129.jpg-(57 KB, 426x640, Mokuba_Kaiba_Cosplay_by_CosCy0(...).jpg)
    57 KB
    what boobs?

    I've seen her out of crossplay and she really dosn't have any
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:42 No.2560495
    Maple syrup > chocolate

    Also, enjoy your delayed game releases.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:43 No.2560498
    Why do you all hate her so much?

    There are so many worse people you could be hatin' on, this girl seems fine in comparison.
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)17:45 No.2560502
    she ruined at ruined karaoke ALA

    and she tricks people into letting her into there room
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:46 No.2560503
    Canadian here

    Aren't we similar to the US? Why obsess over us??
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:46 No.2560504
    We have Ritter and British Cadbury's over here, you know.
    >> Anonymous of Los Angeles !AoT8KYCnWo 02/06/10(Sat)17:48 No.2560508
    When you see her run at full speed across the hall at ALA and nearly trample girls half her size in the process, then add the fact that's she comes off as a batshit insane yaoi fangirl, and THEN loudly proclaim how she participates in yaoi roleplay phone sex in the dealer's hall when you're just trying to buy some damn DVDs, you'd understand.
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)17:48 No.2560509
         File1265496508.jpg-(5 KB, 436x244, canadianbacon.jpg)
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    because you guys have this
    >> 34C 02/06/10(Sat)17:48 No.2560510
         File1265496529.jpg-(120 KB, 610x440, chocolates-e-m.jpg)
    120 KB
    Actually, I think it's pretty damn good.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:49 No.2560511
         File1265496542.jpg-(139 KB, 600x800, 1261463499678.jpg)
    139 KB
    Living in Britain at the moment, our Lindt/ Galaxy/ Thorntons sure tastes good.
    In comparison they make Cadbury taste so cheap.
    >> Faggotbaguette !N3nqVjehz6 02/06/10(Sat)17:51 No.2560518

    you haven't ever tasted canadian chocolate have you? :<
    see >>2560510

    sage because we're still bumping the canadaboo thread
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:53 No.2560522
    If I may ask, what'd she do when she was in what's presumably your room?
    lots of these batshit insane yaoi fangirls are at cons, I'm not sure if you should single her out. Though she does seem like one of the obnoxious ones, and the running across and knocking people over doesn't sound that great either.
    >> 34C 02/06/10(Sat)17:54 No.2560529
    it's just HAM for chrissakes! Canadian Bacon is HAM.

    Eh, I'm just running with the ball that I was tossed. I mean, it's really fucking creepy that she's obsessed over a country because of some yaoi bullshit. Not like there's much else for me to do right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:57 No.2560536

    Uhm, just as bad as Cadburys ingredients wise.

    Stick with Thornton's and Lindt for proper chocolate, though all pale in comparison to something like Cote D'or chocolate.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:57 No.2560537
    There's also Lindt in Canada.
    Canadian bacon is peameal bacon. Personally, I prefer ham.
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)17:59 No.2560541
         File1265497187.jpg-(230 KB, 855x641, Iggy__Meet_Jack_by_CosCy009.jpg)
    230 KB
    god I found this on her da

    it's supossed to England and Grell
    >> Ukraine 02/06/10(Sat)18:00 No.2560542

    Wat. I can maybe see the England if I squint and punch myself in the face, or maybe I'm too used to Hetalia cosplay. But the Grell? Really? REALLY?!
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)18:01 No.2560544
    god I would not want to find out

    well from what I heard last fanime she coned some guy into driving her all the way up there and lyed about her hotel room just so she could crash into his room
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)18:03 No.2560547
    yeah I had no idea until I read her comment box

    and god I fucking hate that shirt now!Every fucking "Englan" at ALA was wearing it,dude its a miley cyrus shirt from Walmart for 5 bucks!!!I should know I have one
    >> 34C 02/06/10(Sat)18:04 No.2560549
    it also refers to the cut known as back bacon, which texture-wise is pretty much = ham. Generally when you order a "Canadian" pizza, it's got ham on it.
    Meh, it's not worth arguing about though.

    I've got to say, I'm not a fan of Lindt's chocolate myself. I go in for the dark stuff, but all of theirs has a weird fruityness that I can't stand.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:05 No.2560552
    I lol'd
    >> Ukraine 02/06/10(Sat)18:06 No.2560554
    Because that shirt is the easy way out. It's like "Well I don't feel like making an outfit from the series, so if I wear this you can tell I'm England. Because my shirt SCREAMS it"

    lolol at Miley Cyrus shirt.
    >> Faggotbaguette !N3nqVjehz6 02/06/10(Sat)18:06 No.2560555
         File1265497593.png-(10 KB, 429x410, 1323243.png)
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    >> 34C 02/06/10(Sat)18:07 No.2560558
    I see...
    two sexually ambiguous fat people in bad wigs and poorly fitting clothes.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:07 No.2560559
    LAWL at this thread!
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)18:10 No.2560569
         File1265497827.jpg-(173 KB, 641x855, You_Say_You_Want_A_Revolution_(...).jpg)
    173 KB
    dude and also I had to buy it in an XL and it still is tight on me so how in the hell did she get it to fit!?!?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:11 No.2560571
         File1265497894.jpg-(17 KB, 325x286, reaction tenma.jpg)
    17 KB

    I am displeased
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 02/06/10(Sat)18:12 No.2560574
    Lol, I hope you don't actually think that shirt *fits* her. Cause it doesn't.
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)18:13 No.2560576
         File1265498027.jpg-(116 KB, 747x705, The_Tough_And_The_Wimp_by_The_(...).jpg)
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    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)18:14 No.2560579
    well she could get it past her chest
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 02/06/10(Sat)18:15 No.2560580
    By cutting the neck, see, its slashed in the front.

    Mmyup. Lolcosplay.
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)18:16 No.2560581
         File1265498180.jpg-(180 KB, 712x804, FeMC__Cosplay_by_CosCy009.jpg)
    180 KB
    shes also in your Persona 3
    >> Ukraine 02/06/10(Sat)18:16 No.2560582

    Really...really stretching the fabric. 8I
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:17 No.2560584
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)18:18 No.2560589
    holy shit I never noticed that!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:24 No.2560597
    Being what fucking character? The one that was cut from the final game because their huge fat pixels took up too much memory on the CD?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:26 No.2560603
    >> 34C 02/06/10(Sat)18:29 No.2560608
         File1265498951.jpg-(326 KB, 641x855, likeapearatophams.jpg)
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    Like a giant pear perched atop two hams...
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)18:30 No.2560611
    she said it's supossed to be Minako
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)18:31 No.2560614
    someone needs to post this on her DA or something
    >> Faggotbaguette !N3nqVjehz6 02/06/10(Sat)18:32 No.2560615
         File1265499138.jpg-(124 KB, 848x960, 1248666434624.jpg)
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    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 02/06/10(Sat)18:35 No.2560621
         File1265499314.jpg-(91 KB, 500x275, OHGODWHY.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:38 No.2560625
         File1265499510.jpg-(31 KB, 290x357, 1191281977401.jpg)
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    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 02/06/10(Sat)18:39 No.2560627

    I fucking lost it at this...well played.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:42 No.2560631
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:45 No.2560638
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:47 No.2560642
         File1265500059.png-(49 KB, 569x571, 7847.png)
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    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 02/06/10(Sat)18:53 No.2560653
         File1265500435.jpg-(6 KB, 184x184, 1238214703545.jpg)
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    Do you have more?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)19:53 No.2560766
         File1265503985.png-(204 KB, 638x891, 88f4b3464c6d755a84cbfb74f94908(...).png)
    204 KB
    I just looked her up, holy fuck, she pisses me off for some reason
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)20:10 No.2560798
    I tried making maple syrup one year, it wasn't as awesome as it sounds, too much work for too little syrup.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:08 No.2560867
    She's a wannabe Otaku. Really she needs A LIFE
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:10 No.2560868
    >wannabe otaku

    Why would someone try to be an otaku?
    >> frog 02/06/10(Sat)21:11 No.2560870
    i know that bitch
    >> Kuno 02/06/10(Sat)21:17 No.2560882
    who DOESN'T know that bitch? She's hated by practically the who fucking Cosplay Community!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:24 No.2560904
    >> frog 02/06/10(Sat)21:29 No.2560912
    >> Kuno 02/06/10(Sat)21:32 No.2560915
    Beware /CGL/

    she's making more catastrophies!!

    Big Ol' List of Cosplay Goodness
    Current Wardrobe
    Canada - Hetalia
    Human Teddie - Persona 4
    Gijinka Raichu - Pokemon

    Planned Cosplays
    Steampunk Canada - Hetalia: Steampunk'd (for Fanime 2010)
    Alice!Teddie - Persona 4 (for AX 2010)
    V-Kei Gijinka Darkrai (based on a design by ~Shes-t) - Pokemon (for AX 2010)
    Kai Nanami - Sukisho! (for YaoiCon 2010)
    Gear - Static Shock (for AX 2010)
    Dexter - Dexter's Laboratory (for AX 2010)

    Cosplays I'd KILL to be able to do this year...
    Syrus Truesdale REEVAMP - YuGiOh GX
    Meiko - Vocaloid
    Syaoran - Tsubasa Chronicle
    Mao - Disgaea 3
    Graham Specter - Baccano!
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)21:33 No.2560918
    oh god steam punk and Miku so much fucking fail!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)21:34 No.2560921
         File1265510070.jpg-(15 KB, 338x318, reaction rumble.jpg)
    15 KB

    >Steampunk Canada - Hetalia: Steampunk'd (for Fanime 2010)

    >> frog 02/06/10(Sat)21:39 No.2560936
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)21:41 No.2560941
    I can't belive I'm saying this but I was a better Canada then this chick and my cosplay was total fail too
    >> frog 02/06/10(Sat)21:46 No.2560961
    >> REEL BIG FISH 02/06/10(Sat)22:00 No.2560999
    Okay first off FUCK Hetalia,
    Fuck that stupid canadain loving syurp sucking
    hockey loving bacon spewing fat excuess of a two timing inmatue fat chick that wear glasses. lose some weight and stop running over people, it hurts because because i got hit by your gut.
    so nanananana im gonna eat some fishstick so Merry Christmas .... I WIN
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:01 No.2561002
    >V-Kei Gijinka Darkrai
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)22:07 No.2561014
         File1265512054.jpg-(198 KB, 1024x768, Everyone_has_an_L_moment____by(...).jpg)
    198 KB
    my friend just send this to me
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:08 No.2561016
         File1265512127.jpg-(114 KB, 520x266, tim-hortons.jpg)
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    >> REEL BIG FISH 02/06/10(Sat)22:09 No.2561017
    put the fork down
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 02/06/10(Sat)22:09 No.2561018
    I wish Tim Horton's wasn't all the way in the city, or else I'll get me some tea and donuts D:
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:10 No.2561020
    I'll just drop this off here
    >> Eri !/YbHGiyNtI 02/06/10(Sat)22:10 No.2561021
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:11 No.2561022
         File1265512268.png-(103 KB, 273x305, 1263513467554.png)
    103 KB

    Thank god she hasn't touched TF2 yet. Probably will now that I said that though.
    >> BlondBomber 02/06/10(Sat)22:13 No.2561027
    he has go fast flames on his cane
    >> Eri !/YbHGiyNtI 02/06/10(Sat)22:15 No.2561030
    That actually makes me very happy.
    >> Harley !!XSyTLyfFUjy 02/06/10(Sat)22:20 No.2561039
         File1265512807.gif-(8 KB, 100x100, zyymurgy_goddamnit.gif)
    8 KB
    Gear - Static Shock
    Dexter - Dexter's Laboratory
    Syaoran - Tsubasa Chronicle
    Mao - Disgaea 3
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:21 No.2561042
         File1265512895.gif-(59 KB, 818x975, 02.gif)
    59 KB
    > Gear - Static Shock (for AX2010)

    I do not see her at all pulling Gear off. Gear is a tall skinny white guy. She is a pear shaped short fat girl. Though I am not a fan of Static Shock, this makes me rage!
    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 02/06/10(Sat)22:29 No.2561063
         File1265513358.jpg-(82 KB, 280x823, 6248452.jpg)

    uhm what.
    Is she..doing...default meiko...?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:30 No.2561066

    You're lucky. The nearest Tim Hortons for me is 250 miles away. Damn school >.<
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)22:50 No.2561124
    really, there's one on almost every other block where I live...then again I live in canada.

    how is the tea at Tim's? nobody I know has ever tried it, always a double double for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:09 No.2561184
    Please don't tell me that she lives in California
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:12 No.2561196
    Unfortunately anon, she does, she does.. Hosts the "So Cal Cosplay Gatherings of DOOM" which are fail!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:17 No.2561209
         File1265516220.gif-(64 KB, 500x700, awesome009.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:18 No.2561218
    LAWL she does live in SoCal.
    >> She wants to be Canadian please Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:18 No.2561220
    Manditory song about Canadians:
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:45 No.2561286
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:50 No.2561299

    Same, I have one on one end of the block and another on the other side. One of them is terrible for having beggers outside it so I favour the other.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:53 No.2561309

    This song makes me happy :D
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)23:54 No.2561311


    And the Tea's not bad. Not my favorite because their coffee is better, but I do enjoy a Tea from there time to time.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)00:06 No.2561351
    Why do people love Tim's when Second Cup is infinitely better?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)00:15 No.2561375
         File1265519716.jpg-(106 KB, 1280x720, 1254953928152.jpg)
    106 KB

    the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)00:34 No.2561423

    I love Second Cup but I can't always afford a 4-5 dollar coffee. Tim's is nice and cheap
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)01:18 No.2561535
    what o-o?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)01:26 No.2561557
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)01:32 No.2561577
    This is what really got me:

    >deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXL (Because of the bewbs.)

    >Because of the bewbs.

    >> Reel Big Fish 02/07/10(Sun)01:46 No.2561609
    im bored shes fat so nobody is happy
    >> Kuno 02/07/10(Sun)02:09 No.2561671
    I just can't believe she thinks she's amazing when really she's not. She is the WORST cosplayer I've met! Not only that, she's a fucking loudmouth who doesn't shut up. She claims that she can't stand drama yet she's the one that causes most of it here in SoCal.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)02:33 No.2561719
    >> Anonymous 02/07/10(Sun)11:36 No.2562393
    She looks like that Puerto Rican Sheryl or Sherri or something.

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