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    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

    New boards launched! Advice, Literature, News, International, Science & Math, 3DCG.

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    162 KB Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:49 No.2551041  
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:57 No.2551073
    at least shes clever enough not to respond and baaaaw anywhere
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)13:59 No.2551080
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:06 No.2551099
    Any word on what happened with this? She disabled all comments and haven't seen her post anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:06 No.2551100
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:07 No.2551105
    Masq staff told everyone to not comment her about it and they are investigating it
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:08 No.2551107
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:10 No.2551112

    i got some bad news for you, that's a MAN D:
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:28 No.2551137
    Does going on mob vendettas make you feel better about yourselves?

    This kind of bullshit is why I hate coming to this board sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:31 No.2551142

    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)14:51 No.2551188
    What happened to the old thread? It should still be here. /cgl/ doesn't go THAT fast. I remember one of the judges commenting here but I don't know what happened after that. Anybody got caps?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:30 No.2551276

    The joke
    your head
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)15:59 No.2551326
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    This just came up in my inbox. Of course, using a health concern to dodge confrontation. Sounds just like something she'd do.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)16:02 No.2551332
    if she didnt want to start of war,
    she shouldn't have claimed she made those props when she didn't
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)16:23 No.2551368

    weak heart

    so /cgl/ forced her into hospital.
    thats just hilarious.

    but if she really has some disorder Im sorry.
    this sounds just like another excuse
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)16:23 No.2551370
    wtf! this is ugly shit!!!11!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)16:28 No.2551383
    Typical female response to getting called out and humiliated.

    Resort to sympathy.
    >> InkyLink !!U1TNclYnDfR 02/03/10(Wed)17:39 No.2551483
    Yeah it's just another lie to dodge questions from Judges. Either that or she just doesn't want to be here when she gets her ass banned from OhayoCon's competition.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)17:41 No.2551486
    Talking to one of my professors today.

    People with certain types of autism hate losing and if they don't get what they want, they go nuts and throw tantrums.

    So...if she does have autism. she does sort of show it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)17:51 No.2551503
    She is autistic. At Matsuricon 2007 she lost the cosplay contest and tore out of the room screaming and slamming doors...
    The EmCee's were just like, "Uh.... Okay."
    At 8:16
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:08 No.2551537
    Thats what made me think to ask. lol
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:34 No.2551592
    "weak heart?" So like...mitral valve? palpitations? chamber block? hardened arteries?
    Fake is being vague. :D

    Fuck, I have two of the above maladies but I lead a normal fucking life.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:39 No.2551602
    Oh she wasn't screaming, don't exaggerate for the sake of gossip.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:41 No.2551608
    inform us when it cuts its wrists
    >> Kinda' unfair... Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:47 No.2551616
    I have diagnosed autism, and I can kinda' see where she's coming from :(.

    Say I cosplay Naruto (pfft, I hate that show, and I didn't) and there are a bunch of other Narutos at a con. If I get on deviantart and see a comment regarding *another* Naruto cosplayer as "the best one there :O omg!!" then I throw a fit. And I bitch to my friends about it. I've actually done this in real life over a different cosplay. It's nonsensical and I realize that, but certain kinds of autism keep one's mind perpetually locked in some degree of a child-like state. We really can't help it.

    If I entered a masq. and didn't even get mentioned, I'd probably cry. I KNOW it's stupid and I'd like to say that I wouldn't *cry* over cosplay, but I can't say I wouldn't.

    I can understand what she says about feeling "nervous" on the internet (and presumably about seeing peoples' comments). Sometimes when I'm reading anything that has to do with me or things I do, my heart feels weak and fluttery and I get kinda' nauseous and really anxious. That's because to some kids with autism (especially Asperger's), your passion is often your LIFE. It's almost all you do, think about, talk about, etc. And if you lose at that or are criticized about it, you feel terrible. If her passion is cosplay and she's ever made to feel "bad" at it, then it's feasible for her to overreact. Or it is in my eyes, at least.

    I'll admit she looks stupid and childish to anyone who doesn't know her background, but if she IS autistic, then I don't know. I can easily excuse her.

    TL;DR: Leave the poor girl alone. She may have issues you don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:49 No.2551617

    Wait, if you're mature enough to know what you're doing is immature, how are you locked in a child-like state?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:53 No.2551625
    A: I've been told.

    B: I'm not stupid. When I'm sitting here by myself and not under the eyes of others (because Asperger's is largely a social impairment and "others" affect me greatly), I can reason to myself that "hey, it's not a big deal." But AT the event, or when I'm under attack, it seems like the biggest deal in the world.

    C: I go to a therapist. He explains a lot for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:58 No.2551636
    Okay, I've been gone for a few days and
    Can someone please enlighten me?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)18:59 No.2551641
    Apparently this chick here throws tantrums whenever she doesn't win in a costume contest.

    Or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)19:00 No.2551646
    She was screaming in the lobby, right outside the cosplay room.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)19:07 No.2551650

    It may be her life and what not, she may be autistic which I could somewhat understand seeing how my father works with autistic children. But having met the girl, she is bright person and should have a concept of what is right and wrong.
    In the plenty of situations in the cosplay world and SHOULD know that entering a craftmanship competition with commissioned items is a big no no.

    Sadly, despite her autism, I hate to say that she has made a very poor choice and now must deal with the consequences.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)19:11 No.2551659

    The chick in OPs pic tried to lead everyone to believe that she made her props ( the sword and shield ). Everyone was commenting how awesome they are at the con she was at, and she was displaying how proud she was, when really, they were commissioned.

    Now action is being taken, she's disabled posts to her threads, and making up lies, etc. I guess. That's all I know.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)19:12 No.2551661
    ^ typos a plenty, whoops.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)19:19 No.2551680
    I have a younger cousin with a severe autism and even he knows not to lie about things that you didn't make.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)19:21 No.2551684
    Thanks anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)19:22 No.2551687
    Poster from 2551616 here.

    If she claimed to make commissioned props, then I guess she can just have her fit <_<. I thought she was being teased *only* for throwing a tantrum, in which case I was going to defend her.

    I know I'd never enter a masquerade competitively because I know how stupid I might look in my reaction to the outcome. I also would never enter a contest with commissioned items and then baww about not getting anything.

    So meh. My pity is retracted somewhat.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)19:42 No.2551741
    she was indeed screaming and wailing, she was in a woman's bathroom stall throwing a tantrum
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)19:47 No.2551759
    Well then I take that back. It was the wording which led me to believe I was going to watch a vid with her throwing a tantrum on camera. I just hate it when people exaggerate things to make them seem worse and that's what I thought happened here. Carry on then
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:04 No.2551824

    I think that's a typical response for most people. I dont like hearing negative things about myself or my own cosplays but I get over it. But like everyone said it doesnt excuse her from lying about commissioned props. It's fine if she cries after a loss at a competition. I understand that the autism wouldnt help with that, but she shouldnt resort to claiming other people's work as her own.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:12 No.2551858

    i'm REALLY sorry for her autism. i can sort of understand how hard it must be to deal with it.
    but I agree: claiming others work for your own is just dumb and mean.

    Its fine if she cries for not winning anything and make a fuzz
    its fine to commission props

    but its not okay to get credit for other peoples work.

    so lets wait and hope that ohayocon will enlighten us soon.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:14 No.2551865

    Yeah, I dont know what's taking them so long there is soooo much evidence against her.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:16 No.2551871
    >and make a fuzz
    This typo is somehow really cute.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:19 No.2551880

    lol sorry.
    I meant fuss
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:24 No.2551890
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    nerds and socially awkward people need to STOP claiming to be autistic; it makes life just that more difficult for those that are severely autistic to receive proper help AND respect. This girl is a loser, plain and simple; you don't need a mental disorder to be an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:28 No.2551892
    That's because it would be cute to see someone start to get upset and suddenly turned into a costumed fuzzball.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:32 No.2551900
    Except she actually does have a high-functioning form of autism.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:41 No.2551915

    proof or it didn't happen.
    >> alphonso 02/03/10(Wed)20:46 No.2551931
    i actually have autism, but i don't throw fits whenever nothing goes my way. come to think of it, i dont really care much about it at all. is that a sign of autism in high functioning autistics?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:47 No.2551934
    The best. Every time I start to get srs bzn about cosplay, I'm going to think of this.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)20:51 No.2551941
    Yay. :D
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)22:18 No.2552261
    Her father tells everyone under the sun (he told me about twice and I didn't even ask),
    I think he recently stopped telling everyone because he finally figured out he was embarrassing the hell out of her.
    Seriously I thought she was perfectly normal, maybe a little odd but nothing out of the ordinary for an anime con. I have no idea why he had to tell everyone she met though.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)22:38 No.2552361
    >people need to STOP claiming to be autistic; it makes life just that more difficult for those that are severely autistic to receive proper help AND respect.

    There is a drastic difference between severe and high functioning. How is it at all affecting someone who is massively autistic if some high functioning person opens up about their condition and how it affects their judgment? Srsly, it's not hurting 'respect' for severe autistic people. People will judge them regardless. That's how people are... if anything it might be better if people were aware how many high functioning cases there are and how much the durrrr stereotype isn't right.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)22:46 No.2552392
    >higher functioning autism
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 02/03/10(Wed)22:47 No.2552398
    Similar, but different. I know high functioning autistic adults who are very social and like getting to know people without being awkward at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)22:50 No.2552409
    My boss has Aspergers. There's really no mistaking it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)22:51 No.2552420
    Honestly, I'm not surprised that something like cosplay attracts people with psychological disorders.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)22:54 No.2552428
    Not the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)22:57 No.2552445
    I think the point here is that she claimed another pesons work as her own. If she has Autism it's beside the point. However if affects her judgment it doesnt change the fact that she lied about a commission she bought. And if her dad is always around her, trying to protect her, or making people realize she has autism he should have told her not to lie about the props. That's just good parental advice for any situation.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)23:13 No.2552522
    after having a couple convos with her father, it's evident he doesn't have the best of judgment either.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)23:16 No.2552532
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    Har. Har. HAR.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)23:24 No.2552556

    What, you thought normal people gave a shit about video game character costumes. Have you seen the people at these conventions?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/10(Wed)23:54 No.2552650
    Any activity that promotes escapism is going to attract some... interesting people.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)00:04 No.2552688
    > tore out of the room screaming and slamming doors...

    not trying to defend her but in the video there was no screaming and it sounds like one door closed... not "doors"

    so i take it what you said happened, all happened after she left the room?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)00:09 No.2552703

    ahh nvm after being able to catch up on everything... i see

    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)02:24 No.2553213
    This is bullshit and just an excuse
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)02:39 No.2553261

    As of right now, there is no way to cohesively test for Autism (as there is for schizophrenia and other neurological disorders). There has also been an enormous surge in the number of documented cases of Autism (in the US alone) during the past decade, which includes high functioning and severe cases of the disorder; most of them are high functioning cases. To me, it seems as though America has simply found another way to excuse a strange character trait by calling it a mental disorder. I have been diagnosed with ADHD, bipolar disorder, and clinical depression god knows how many times, but never received treatment for them, and guess what? I grew out of my problems, like most people will if they give themselves the chance. If parents enable their children (and teenagers, and adults) by telling them, "It's okay that you're this way. You're disabled, you didn't have a choice." more often than not, said individual will not take it upon themselves to change. I say that these cases of "high functioning" autism take away the respect and credibility owed to "severe" autism patients because it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to receive health insurance to treat autism. I know this because I am very close to an individual who is highly autistic, and his family suffers daily from the financial burden of his physical/emotion therapy sessions and bizarre quirks. People like this girl, who is nothing more than a lying, immature video game otaku, needs a slap in the face and a dose of the real world.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)02:41 No.2553265
    most people at cons are so fucking awkward they could all be diagnosed with autism
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)02:42 No.2553267
    Perhaps you were misdiagnosed.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)02:43 No.2553270

    And one more thing to clarify: it's with doctors that severely-autistic patients are losing respect. Autistic patients aren't given the time of day, so to speak, because so many cases are "high functioning", and thus do not require the same amount of therapy that severe autistic patients do. Like I said, they take away credibility.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)02:46 No.2553275

    With the number of times I was diagnosed (and the psychological crap I went through)? Not likely. I just refused medication because I never wanted to become dependent on a drug to be "me". As of right now, I am still classified as bi-polar, but I can work through my problems because I know "what to look for" when I feel a huge downer/high coming on.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)02:51 No.2553287
    Oh god anon, I just had a burst of pride for you. I love that people don't just blame everything on some disorder they have but actually work through it and do something about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)02:53 No.2553291
    I mean, clearly you have a lot of control over your mental state without medication. But cases won't be the same for everyone. Just because someone with autism is a lying douche doesn't mean they're not actually autistic. I've seen posts from her three years ago where she's said she has trouble making friends because of her disorder, and wants to raise money for autism. I don't think one would fake a disorder for that long.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)02:59 No.2553307
    assburgers, like ADHD, is extremely over diagnosed. most doctors care more about avoiding lawsuits than helping their patients, so they'll tell the healthy people with shitty personalities that they have a "disease" and it's not their fault, so poor little asspie can go pretend they're fucking rainman.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)03:09 No.2553333
    You'd be surprised. You have a lot of living to do if you think people aren't willing to lie about a disorder for long for attention and sympathy. Personally, if she is autistic, she still needs to grow the fuck up anyway. There is a difference between right and wrong, and lying blatantly about something to get an award others competed very hard for is a bad bad thing. I have a family that has
    autistic tendencies- one of my cousins is severely autistic and I myself have tendencies. You can only live for so long before you have to live with the fact that, yes, it's a disorder, but YOU have to work through your problems. I did and living is a much more fulfilling experience than many people I've talked to who have similar problems. Shit makes you stronger than relying on medication son. Avoided being medicated for a lot of problems doctors would've thrown a prescription at.

    Also to break them rosy glasses from your eyes:
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)03:12 No.2553339
    >Personally, if she is autistic, she still needs to grow the fuck up anyway.

    I honestly think this is the case, but YMMV.
    >> InkyLink !!U1TNclYnDfR 02/04/10(Thu)03:22 No.2553357
    I don't think she's faking being autistic. After reading her LJ and meeting her in person, I don't believe she's beyond knowing there could be some serious repercussions for lying, not only to the people who take your pictures, but in competition. I have known plenty of seriously autistic people who wouldn't do something like this. She's also lied in the past, so maybe she's just a liar, and maybe it has nothing to do with her condition.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)03:47 No.2553409
    I don't think that "compulsive, delusional lying" is a part of Autism at all. If that became one of the identifying traits, the number of autistics would triple!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)03:50 No.2553416
    You mean you do think she's faking, or not? Your first sentence contradicts the rest of that paragraph.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)07:21 No.2553713
    They can look normal and simply act normal and still have autism. It might take certain things for her to throw a fit.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)07:23 No.2553715
    Autism doesn't have just one 'effect'
    and plus a lot of disorders can lead with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)11:02 No.2553897

    I wasn't saying it had one effect; I was saying that if lying was a symptom, many more people could claim to be autistic. I've never heard of compulsive lying as being anything other than a trait of someone with poor morals; it shouldn't be excused to explained because of a serious mental disorder, which this girl may or may not have.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)11:22 No.2553918
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    Name one. And state how it leads to a bigger disorder.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)11:31 No.2553930
    Lying is not a symptom of autism. Normal people do it all the time.

    She made and obvious and dumb mistake. Many people did not like her before this all happened, and to be honest it probably could not get any worse. So are their any of you complaining that did not secretly want to make fun of her before?

    I could understand the complaints if she won something, but she did not. Kudos to the judges for picking up on this. The only person that should be bitching is the one who actually made the props. I doubt he is spending too much time on 4chan if he can do epic work like that.

    Besides, if any of you dummies knew a thing about autism, attention positive or negative is STILL ATTENTION. So drop the vandetta and stop giving her what she is probably enjoying.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)12:11 No.2553985
    I disagree. I'm autistic (a 2 on the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, so I'm only mildly "abnormal"), and I hate attention, unless it's good. And even then, I don't really like it much.

    Bad attention--especially with my hobbies and passions--is terrible and makes me feel sick.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)12:41 No.2554019
    This. I work with autistic kids (which makes dealing with 4chan easy.). If they do get attention, it's usually unintentional.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)13:11 No.2554072

    Puh-lease. Are you saying "normal" people like negative attention? Give me a break.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)13:24 No.2554092
    why halo thar inky, I thought you said you would never post on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)15:25 No.2554413
    I'm not saying anyone likes negative attention, I was just pointing out that it's wrong of 2553930 to say that because this girl is autistic, she revels in any sort of attention she gets.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)15:30 No.2554428

    I'm pretty sure he posts on here quite often...
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)15:34 No.2554443
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    Oh man, that fucking face she is making.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)15:35 No.2554447

    lol that's a pretty good drawing of her face :D
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)16:01 No.2554527
    Do people ever realize that autism has different effects on different people.

    I've had a friend with autism who only talked to me when we were out in town and he seemed pretty shy.

    Had a co-worker with autism. Guy would not shut up. Asked if he could keep it down, said SORRY like I pissed him off, next minute he asked if I wanted to go get some drinks after work lol. Thats before my boss told me he had autism.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)17:02 No.2554723
    Does anyone have the link to the Zelda cosplayers forum that she posted this to?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)17:36 No.2554808
    has she stated herself that she's autistic or is it everyone's speculation? let's face it, there's some messed up people in the cosplay world and she might just be extremely immature.

    either way, there's no point harassing the girl. if she's autistic, expecting her to have the same self-control you have is like asking a tree to be purple.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)17:39 No.2554812
    this. it's a huge spectrum. i've worked with autistic kids ranging from barely able to speak with other kids, to being completely normal and bright other than maybe having some little behavioral issues.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)17:52 No.2554845
    Dude, I have no idea what's going on here, anyone want to quickly explain?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)17:53 No.2554849
    this girl won an award for a shield she bought, but claimed she made. she also threw a tantrum at a con for not winning the cosplay contest.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)18:01 No.2554865
    She didn't win anything. She entered with a sheath, sword and shield she said she made but didn't. That second thing happened like two years ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)18:12 No.2554893
    I remember reading a post by her using her autism as an excuse for the Princess Peach fit. That may have been on Cosfu, but lazy anon is lazy and won't bother to go looking for a link.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)18:52 No.2555007

    Ugggg. I hate people who do that. They make it so much harder for those who have actual diagnoses and have real social problems to be taken seriously.

    People should not self diagnose. That's why you get idiots like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)19:29 No.2555150
    Adding to this big infobank of what autistic people are like; my younger brother has aspergers and is absolutely incapable of lying. He used to be extremely bad at socialising and get upset over tiny things and now, with help and his own tenacity, he's actively seeking to improve his social skills and he's come a long way in not getting upset over little things (he used to be one of those kids who went mental if they didn't get an A grade- he got a B last year and shrugged it off. I was speechless).

    If this chick is autistic then maybe she just didn't get the help she needed.

    Or she's just an asshole and it has nothing to do with her disorder. I'd like to think this as it doesn't make other aspies look like morons. :/
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)19:31 No.2555158

    Oh, and- he has never used his autism as an excuse for anything. He never brings it up, ever. Tbh I have a hard time believing people who use "Oh I'm sorry, I have autism" to apologise, as most people with autism that I've met will simply not tell anyone that they have it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)19:36 No.2555170
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)19:38 No.2555175
    People who have asperger's are usually unaware that they have it...I've known 2 people in my life who absolutely without a doubt have had asperger's and both of them were completely oblivious to it. People who have it are unable to read body language - They simply don't KNOW when they are making someone uncomfortable, so they wouldn't be apologizing for it. They just don't understand.
    >> Weedle !!r/2O9yQXyoL 02/04/10(Thu)20:39 No.2555343
    I have assburgers and I learned how to read body language to a decent degree.

    It's called their parents didn't give two fucks to teach them anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)21:13 No.2555420
    Bullshit. People with this disease cannot, under any circumstance, deal with people in a face to face type of way.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)21:15 No.2555429
    There's no such thing as aspergers you fuck. That's what antisocial weeaboos self-diagnose as an excuse to not go outside and make some friends.
    >> NFFJ !g3CAQCS50o 02/04/10(Thu)21:16 No.2555431

    Maybe it's just me but I get the feeling that Aspergers is like the new fashionable ADD or bi polar. I think that there ARE real cases out there but I think doctors over-diagnose the hell out of it because it's just a convenient diagnoses.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)21:26 No.2555448
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)21:32 No.2555461
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    Like someone said earlier, no one wants to admit they're just an anti-social weeaboo fag so they go to the doctor and turn every personality flaw into a symptom and suddenly you gots yourself an assburgers or bi-polar or multiple personalities or whatever pop disease is sweeping the nation.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)21:47 No.2555524
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)21:59 No.2555581
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    >implying you have real concept of modern medicine
    I agree a lot of people jump on the psychosis-train as come kind of blanket for actual laziness but to brand everyone that way is ignorance. You clearly do not deal with such diagnoses or haven't been exposed to actual people with real problems.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)22:01 No.2555589
    Sup, I have a Ph D. in clinical psychology.

    What are your questions?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)22:02 No.2555599
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    >> Weedle !!r/2O9yQXyoL 02/04/10(Thu)22:03 No.2555603

    I don't believe in this bullshit. I'm just fucking weird.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)22:59 No.2555818
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    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)23:06 No.2555840
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    Haha. You're fucking stupid. Did you even read the person I was quoting? He clearly said a /good portion/ are misdiagnosed cases. Not all. Some. Ever learn fractions in math or did you drop out of school to dance at a taxi club? Thus I agreed and expanded upon his idea of those just looking for a diagnosis to explain away their shitty personalities.

    Learn to use 4chan or GTFO, you writhing twat-sucker. Anyone you meet in reality has problems so don't spout your horse-shit that I'm in some world where everyone's only problem is where the rainbows go when they disappear from the sky.

    Ah, that feels good. Thanks for the fun, you festering cunt.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)23:08 No.2555846
    It took anon 45 minutes to come up with this response.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)23:19 No.2555878
    3 minutes total, if you count going upstairs to wash your shit off my hands. :D
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)23:20 No.2555886
    Oh I have no idea what the argument is, I'm not the anon you were responding to.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)23:22 No.2555893

    Judges aren't idiots. Why do you think she didn't win anything? They picked up on it. My fiance is a judge here in South FL and he's told me about how they handle fakers. They ignore them. They give them no prizes.

    It's very hard to prove someone had something commissioned, but it's fairly obvious when you come across it. Without definitive proof, there can be a lot more trouble than its worth to call someone out on it. But word gets around. She'll never win a prize in anything ever again.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)23:24 No.2555902
    Oh. Nevermind--That's what I get for walking away for a while to do things. He's probably gone anyway.

    Proceed unmolested.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)23:25 No.2555910
    Never thought of that before. Maybe the judges suspected from the beginning that her shit was someone else's.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/10(Thu)23:48 No.2555983

    My sister is autistic, and doesn't take correction well, let alone negative attention. And she's probably a 5-6 out of 10 on the scale.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)00:44 No.2556093

    they did and then there suspicions were confirmed with forcebewitya and inkylink told them as well
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)00:53 No.2556114
    So just out of curiosity, how can judges tell if someone's entering with another's work?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)01:06 No.2556166

    well basically they were suspicious before that because they could tell the quality of the rest of her costume did not match with the quality of her props.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)01:11 No.2556183
    There will be a lack of progress photos, a lack of knowledge about how things were constructed, and a definite rift in skill level from other components of their costumes. If they've entered other things recently, you can see the gap in skill from their previous entries. People improve, but not so rapidly as cheaters. Certain costumers are very recognizable as well. For example, it's pretty easy to spot a Setsuna Kou costume. And of course, with this case EVERYONE seems to have recognized the work of the real prop maker.
    >> InkyLink !!U1TNclYnDfR 02/05/10(Fri)01:55 No.2556315

    Hi Rick. I never said I don't post on 4chan. Anyone who thought they heard me say that is wrong. I said I wouldn't go belittle the fuck out of people just because they're bad at cosplay. I don't care who you are, if you're lying about something to everyone I'm going to expose you to the world. Maybe you remember how I had a problem with you lying as well.

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