02/02/10(Tue)18:21 No. 2548065 I
have been attending most of the con's you listed (Hi fellow TX fag) so
I'm just going to give you my opinion of all of them and then let you
decide. If you've never been to a con then no matter what you end up
picking to attend you're going to have a first con high so even a
terrible con will still come off as pretty good. Chibi Ushicon:
Just happened last weekend. I did not attend, but I did go to the
original Ushicon back in the day. From what I've heard it was insanely
small (like less than 100 people small). It is also run much differently
then any other con. If you're a first timer I would skip it, unless you
live in the area and are really really bored. Mizuumi Con: Day
con in San Antonio. Not worth it unless you are a local. Kamikazecon:
Years ago the first KKC happened, and then it took them 5 years to hold
another one. It will be on the smaller side in terms of size. It will
also probably have a short lived lifespan. Anime Matsuri: Second
largest con in the state. They offer a ton of programing, they're
located in a good hotel with plenty of food in walking distance. It is
also the next con in texas, so if you're itching to go to a con I would
suggest them. You will hear a lot of people complain about it on here,
it had a terrible first year. Since then they have listened to attendees
and improved vastly. This is probably one of my favorite cons to attend
now. A-Kon: SUCKS. It's the biggest con in the state, it is
also the oldest con in the country. Despite having over 20 years under
it's belt it is still run like a 3rd year con. The staff is rude and
unorganized, the con has outgrown the hotel and it is expensive to
attend. As a newb I'd say go see it for yourself, but brace for it being