!!qeHmeAJM1a2 02/02/10(Tue)19:27 No. 2548375 File1265156830.gif -(493 KB, 275x155, rmp8k3.gif ) She
didn't win anything, probably for good reason since I'm sure she
could've won someone based on propwork alone (Actually, I might be
talking out of my ass cause the Journey winner was fucking mindblowing
amazing). Do I think she made the props? No. I don't. I think it takes
a special kind of talent to make something like that, and YEARS of
experience with the materials she claimed she used to get it looking as
amazing as it did. The only propwork that she's done in the past was
her Peach umbrella, which she needed help with, and frankly, doesn't
even look that good, but then again, who am I to talk, I suck at props.
But I digress, hopefully she can come out with some proof that
she made it so we can all eat our words, but I don't think that'll
happen, so whatevs.