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    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

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    File : 1265056066.png-(29 KB, 800x480, 800px-Flag_of_Haiti_svg.png)
    29 KB Cosplay for haiti relief idea? Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)15:27 No.2542952  
    Just an idea here but I thought perhaps the cosplay community could also help out by cosplaying and raising funds to help the earthquake victims in Haiti.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)15:32 No.2542975
    Get the fuck out, most cosplayers are charity cases already.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)15:35 No.2542989
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:56 No.2543875
    Well we're planningo n having a small cosplay tea party with donations going to haiti but that's just s amll thing we're doing. Not sure if OP meant on a large scale or at conventions.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:57 No.2543884
    inb4 haiti jokes
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)19:06 No.2543924
         File1265069193.jpg-(52 KB, 345x604, haiti.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)19:12 No.2543956
    How about you just donate money the same way that's already raised hundreds of millions of dollars over the past few weeks?

    Everyone wants to play hero. Too many people are doing the wrong thing just because they want the glory of being a "nice kind-hearted soul". Stop thinking of yourself and get the money there through the most effective/already proven method.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)19:41 No.2544116
    LOL.. yah after katrina how the fuck do you konw how much the damn aid companies take off for 'admin' fees. fuck some aid groups upgraded all their fucking computers to new computers whne the old fucking computers had nothign wrong with it just because they wanted to skim for 'admin' fees up to iirc 20% of the donation. i got fucking pissed when i heard that shit when i heard new computers are coming in to replace the old ones when i asked what's wrong with what we have already i got a 'i'd from the top decision' and the computers ended up getting goodwilled to help recoup back some funds. fuck red cross. i quit over that shit when i blew up on them over that.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)23:19 No.2545105
    Send them mud cookies, they'll take us for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)03:43 No.2545964
    Charity cases? What do you mean?
    >> Sheol !0WsIEmknHQ 02/02/10(Tue)04:44 No.2546033
    *sigh* if you're going to do charity, do it in the form of volunteer work. It's the most effective and it shows you solid and instant proof of what you're doing is good.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)04:57 No.2546037
    Why don't you go there and help rebuild some shit?

    Not that they had anything worth rebuilding in the first place...
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)05:12 No.2546047
         File1265105550.png-(130 KB, 400x397, 1264562265139.png)
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    You know Haiti always seemed like 'hate me' to me. In a bad spot of the world. Yah it's tropical nice and all same with Cuba/Jamacia/Miami&FLA but it's all shitstorm down there yearly. It's like you gotta rebuild you shit yearly down there. God.. I'd hate to find out what the FLA insurance is and if they even provide flood/hurricane insurance down there as it's so damn prone there.

    I agree instead of donating one should try volunteering and seeing how the agency runs first before giving real money to it. I hate always being hit up all the time and guilted at the cashier 'oh would you like to donate $1-1.50 to X cause' and if you don't they give you the eye look like you're some evil person. I've done enough good to hold off some bad karma points if I had to look at it that way on a karma scale.

    Also it seems someone here worked for the Red Cross and quit over their skimming of funds. I've heard of the admin fees as well locally on the news. It's something you have to look at if you're donating and yes I've heard of the 20% thing. I think I may join and volunteer for a few months or a year and see how it goes then consider if i want to donate to the charity I work for or not once I have some experience under me.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)15:07 No.2547206
    lol hate me

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