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    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

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    File : 1265046990.jpg-(5 KB, 274x213, katsu.jpg)
    5 KB Katsu Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)12:56 No.2542643  
    Cant find the last thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)13:00 No.2542653
    Was a meet up ever planned?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/01/10(Mon)13:07 No.2542669
    The last thread was 404'ed because of the lack of replies.

    But there will be a meet-up and the first annual katsu no-pants party.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/01/10(Mon)13:31 No.2542709
    Masa's party. Saturday. Dig it.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)13:36 No.2542723
    Gonna be there, ready to bust some skulls
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)13:38 No.2542727
    lol, Marsh?
    None of us are going to be there, way to win, winner!
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)13:50 No.2542751
    What time/day is meet up?
    no pants is planned for friday at midnight right?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/01/10(Mon)13:53 No.2542753
    Friday at midnight.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)14:03 No.2542773
    I don't know who Marsh is. I'm the one who said >>2542723
    It was a joke (mostly, there's one skull I might bust if he steps boundaries)
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)14:05 No.2542775
    Are you gonna have beer pong?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)14:06 No.2542778
    So wait I'm hearing rumors that Misa is going to cosplay as Princess Tiana and Maguma is going to cosplay as Prince Naveen at Katsucon. Is there going to be some Con wedding?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)14:12 No.2542790
    I met you at a convention meetup and you were so weird. You kept filming everything too.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 02/01/10(Mon)14:12 No.2542791
    So where to meet up?
    >> Druqs !7WVrmDruqs 02/01/10(Mon)14:26 No.2542818
    I will be there, so I will stop by and say hello.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)15:01 No.2542878
    both the pants off and the meet up?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/01/10(Mon)15:15 No.2542921
    Yes, I was the one with the camcorder.

    How am I so weird? Explain.

    The pants off happens where ever you are. But the meetup is undetermined. I have not figured out the dates yet. I'm planning to create a info picture about this years Katsucon.

    And regarding the arcade machines, they are not coming back this year.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)15:38 No.2543011
    The bar. Friday night. Formal attire required.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/01/10(Mon)16:31 No.2543213
    Has to be in a public area. I don't have formal attire to bring.
    >> kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 02/01/10(Mon)16:45 No.2543267
    You're just a weird kid, Jkid. You also fall asleep in the middle of panels while wearing orange hats. Just sayin'.

    Picking a meetup time really shouldn't be that hard. Friday at 9pm, Lower Atrium fountains (or whatever it is)?

    Also second annual 1219 party on Saturday, location to be determined. Haaaaaa.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 02/01/10(Mon)17:20 No.2543422
    >You're just a weird kid, Jkid.
    >You also fall asleep in the middle of panels while wearing orange hats.

    Evidence or your correlation does not exist. Prove it kasai, that I'm really Jkid.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)17:23 No.2543435
    AOCP,MD = Jkid

    suddenly....a lot of things make sense
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 02/01/10(Mon)17:28 No.2543448
    I've seen the picture. And aren't you on OB with the orange hat picture in your profile?

    Dude, you're Jkid, you're a weird kid that films awkward gatherings..
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 02/01/10(Mon)17:32 No.2543461
    You've finally revealed my true identity. You've won. It's true that I film awkward gatherings, but I film much more than that. I have hours of video footage from conventions that have not been made public.

    And weird kid? I'm actually 21.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)17:33 No.2543467
    Post vids.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)17:33 No.2543468
    that's nice.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 02/01/10(Mon)17:35 No.2543477
    I actually have plans for full documentaries of my conventions. But I never have the time to do it.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 02/01/10(Mon)17:36 No.2543484
    What does your age have anything to do with your weirdness?

    See, that's why you are weird, you think those two correlate.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)17:38 No.2543491
    I dunno Soni, I think people under the age of 18 are pretty odd.

    Humans get less weird as they age.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 02/01/10(Mon)17:39 No.2543493
    Can we please discuss this later and get back on topic?
    >> kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 02/01/10(Mon)17:40 No.2543495
    I didn't even go to the Otakon gathering but when you posted this I was just like "oh. Jkid. well that explains everything."

    You deciding that that one panel run by an OB member (and attended by several others so we could support our friend) was an appropriate place to curl up and take a nap was, though particularly rude, really goddamn hilarious. I'm sorry that we all spent so much time laughing at your expense but what the fuck bro who sprawls out on chairs and takes naps at panels, hahaha
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)17:41 No.2543499
    My grandfather is eighty, he "plays music" by tapping buttons glued to a piece of wood. Your point?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)17:41 No.2543500
    Awkward nerds? At an anime convention?

    >> Misa !pGt6/pVDLk 02/01/10(Mon)18:19 No.2543721
    Lolita fashion show, 4pm Saturday in Workshops. Just sayin'. :>

    que. no.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:22 No.2543729
    Totally going to crash this wearing Hollister/Abercrombie and Fitch.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/01/10(Mon)18:29 No.2543767

    I've taken 5 minute naps at raves. Lolololol
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:30 No.2543770
    Fat chinese friend of mine collapsed in the middle of a rave.

    Good times.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:30 No.2543775
    Thanks for ignoring my question, dick
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/01/10(Mon)18:31 No.2543777

    I was just too high to do anything. I just found a spot near a wall and put my knees to my chest and my head forward. It felt like I napped for half an hour and when I looked at the time, only 5 minutes had passed. Lolwat
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/01/10(Mon)18:31 No.2543781

    What question. >: l
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:33 No.2543789
    High on what?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/01/10(Mon)18:35 No.2543795

    Good ol' Cannabis Sativa, mayne.

    Katsucon's gonna be fun this year. :D
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:36 No.2543798
    Masa you're totally not a stoner.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/01/10(Mon)18:37 No.2543804

    Mhm, I'm not. I only smoke every 1-2 months. Sometimes longer.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:38 No.2543807

    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/01/10(Mon)18:40 No.2543811

    OH. Well.

    To answer your question: If you bring the table, I'll fund it. If not, I can arrange for something. Just use whatever table/desk the hotel room offers. Just gotta bring a ping pong ball I guess.

    I'm game. Cheap mini keg of Heineken's ok?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:40 No.2543813
    Lame, bro.

    Wake and bake before class is the way to go. Going to Advanced Methods for Partial Differential Equations class NOT stoned? Fuck that.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/01/10(Mon)18:43 No.2543820

    Yeah, my bad.

    I'm totally down for a wake and bake at Katsu though. You going?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:44 No.2543825
    I'll bring two balls for ya Masa ;)

    Can't bring a table though, and beer is beer my friend
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)18:46 No.2543829
    East coast con?

    Nah man I have work/school related stuff. Applying for graduate school sucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)20:01 No.2544210

    I'm going to be in Washington D.C. the weekend after Katsucon for CPAC. Why doesn't the two Con/Conference never fall on the same weekend?

    Oh well, I guess there's always Ohayocon for me. Hopefully Katsucon has their share of rave sluts to ruin your nerd rave. Enjoy your crappy Con.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)20:11 No.2544265
    lol u mad
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 02/01/10(Mon)20:35 No.2544408
    >Conservative Political Action Conference
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)20:44 No.2544471
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)20:48 No.2544488

    Wait until AFTER the masquerade.
    >> kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 02/01/10(Mon)20:50 No.2544501
    Napping at raves I can respect, especially if you're that high.

    Masa, I have to say that while you're typically not my style, I would totally smoke a bowl with you at Katsu. Just sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)20:52 No.2544506
    I wish I could smoke with you guys at Katsu...

    but then I took another killer hit from my waterfall and it's like whatever bro I can smoke here instead.
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 02/01/10(Mon)20:53 No.2544512
    Can't wait to see everyone again that I met from ALA and finally meet some more folks. c:
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)20:59 No.2544545
    I feel bad about this. I'm staying away when Glenn Beck speaks, but staying for the politicans when they speak. I'm going to there to see the sites and the drinking. Shit is so cash, but a far different environment from Anime Cons. Hopefully the Ron Paul supports will dress up.
    >> Misa !pGt6/pVDLk 02/01/10(Mon)22:32 No.2544969

    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)23:21 No.2545114
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    lol, cpac. I've been in D.C. and have wanted to go every year for about the last five years, but I had the worst luck every time it has come around and missed it. (University papers due, no ticket, post-Katsucon plague, et cetera)

    I'd love to call in a favor with a friend to get in, but I'm split between wanting to attend the event seriously or goof off and cosplay as some character who is probably a conservative. The dreamer in me wants to believe that at least one person would get the joke that whatever character is a conservative. The realist in me expects that others wouldn't enjoy the act, and I would get mistaken as a party crasher and then thrown out on my ass by security faster than one could say, "You betcha."

    So, what characters would most likely be conservatives, anyway?

    (Polite sage for resubmitting this after fixing typos.)
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)23:21 No.2545115
    well, Rossiu, I think.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)23:25 No.2545129
    Gendo Ikari is a highly conservative man in my opinion, probably a neo-con. BTW, I recently met a friend who is a Republican and likes watching Code Geass. I also know of a cute Republican girl that likes the works of Hayao Miyazaki. ^_^

    However, I think you misread my post there Anon. CAPC is happening the weekend after Katsucon this year.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)23:31 No.2545158
    Oh, no; I read what you said. CPAC is a week after Katsucon this year, and in years past, it has usually been a week or two after Katsucon. I just never get a chance to go as I'm usually busy. I usually force my schedule to be free for Katsucon, but I can't afford to do so for both Katsucon and then CPAC afterwards, and/or I've gotten sick after Katsucon and been unable to recover in time for CPAC.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/10(Mon)23:43 No.2545218
    Hopefully the planets will aline for next year in 2011. I mean Katsucon is now at the National Harbor (for now) while CPAC has moved a couple of blocks away from the Omni Shoreham to the Marriott Woodley Park for 2010. Both are great distances away. The worst scenario that could happen is in 2011 if the guests at the National Harbor trash it up and Omni Shoreham agrees to buy the contract along with CPAC at the Marriott Woodley Park happening the same weekend as Katsucon in 2011. It would be a disaster. Someone would cosplay as Larry Craig while another paddles him with a Yaoi paddle while a Barack Obama cosplayer launches a raid at CPAC. This would be an epic win and poor logistics on both parties.
    >> GeronKizan !!dzd0D/HaDfJ 02/02/10(Tue)00:29 No.2545344
    I almost read this as like there were two conventions of my favorite things in the world. An anime convention and a conservatism convention.

    If they were at the same time...and I was still going to be in the'd be like some kind of freaky heaven fantasy...a place where you'd see Glenn Beck high five Travis Touchdown.

    I'd pay to see that actually.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)00:30 No.2545347
    >a place where you'd see Glenn Beck high five Travis Touchdown.
    So would I and I'm a Liberal!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)01:43 No.2545602
    i heard katsucon is notorious for drama
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 02/02/10(Tue)01:50 No.2545622

    LIVE 2.

    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)02:16 No.2545703

    when/where's the meetup? masa's party?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/02/10(Tue)02:34 No.2545772

    >I have to say that while you're typically not my style

    Its mutual. And sure, we'll smoke a J, or a bowl. Hell, if anyone has a vape..


    Trust me man. If you want to go, you will find it. That's all that needs to be said about that.

    If you REALLY want to go, you will find it.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)12:39 No.2546804
    any advice for someone who's never been to katsucon before?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 02/02/10(Tue)12:46 No.2546811
    >Saturday 2PM
    ...Oof. I thought it was Friday. brb, changing up cosplay plans so I'm not working tech for that in Jubei.
    >> Jkid !yYT/u4PSNE 02/02/10(Tue)20:19 No.2548591
    Don't stay up 24/7. I tried it, and it was not pretty.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)20:24 No.2548609
    What, Misa? Got a problem with Abercrombie and Fitch/Hollister?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)20:29 No.2548626
    Oh lord joints/blunts are such a waste unless you're smoking some cheap-ass mids.

    I could just bring my sobe bottle. It's the perfect size for a hit. Don't listen to those fags who are like "oh man waterfall with a sobe? fucking pussy I use a hawaiian punch jug." The smoke gets stale and it takes way too many pulls to get it all. Such a waste.

    Needless to say if I was going I'd be rocking a fat 1/8th of white rhino. Mutated strand a friend of mine gets from a certain grower... 25%+ THC content. An 1/8th of this shit would last us the weekend, I'm sure. It would be awesome if I could smoke you all out, but...
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)20:48 No.2548717
    yes, but this time there will be significantly more batman

    so drama wont stand a chance
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)20:51 No.2548728
    That's what they said before.

    I seriously doubt there's going to be any less drama than usual, especially since MASA will be going.

    He may not instigate any drama, but that shit is all over the place when he's around.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)20:55 No.2548747
    so if it happens, ignore it, focus on something more fun
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 02/02/10(Tue)20:59 No.2548777
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    I still don't get why most of your crazy anons fear IMPENDING DRAMA as though it were the plague. Kids, you can't /catch/ drama. There are hundreds of people at this con, why waste your energy on their personal problems?

    That said, Katsucon is going to be a blast for me. Surrounded by friends, lots of to, and lots of drank to go around. :]
    >> Anonymous 02/02/10(Tue)21:01 No.2548784
    THIS. If someone makes drama, fucking walk away. It's not hard. Or go make some better friends.
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 02/02/10(Tue)21:01 No.2548785
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    ... *lots to do

    >> George Harrison !ZD0kTUW4A6 02/02/10(Tue)21:37 No.2548958
         File1265164646.jpg-(21 KB, 393x400, george-cwatudidthar.jpg)
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    no u

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