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What does /r9k/ think of female cosplayers?

I'm obviously not going to get a straight answer from /cgl/ so I'll ask you guys.

Are they really slutty like people say?
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They are fucking sluts and whores, I've read several testimonies about girls getting "raped" several times at cons.

that pic, bitches and whores.
i went to a con because it's the only one i've ever heard of in my town

i don't claim to be attractive but holy shit
i recieved a shitload of roses from people claiming i had a secret admirer and had my ass grabbed by several different girls

got out of there so fucking quickly
Female nerds tend to be more shallow than ordinary girls for some reason. I mean in terms of going on looks alone.

You can usually charisma your way into most girl's pants, but most female nerds I've met are into looks to the exclusion of all else.

Not complaining, but I've always been curious as to why that is.

>They are fucking sluts and whores

>I've read several testimonies about girls getting "raped"

You're an awful fuck.
He means "raped". As in, them getting drunk, being flirty, tempting men, offering them their bodies but never really explicitly saying "yes".

Fucking someone in that condition is generally considered rape.
had my dick sucked after a 2nd rate con I was at only to buyfag without shipping fees for once
So yes slutty
it was ridiculous
i got asked how big my dick was three times
Fuck off you stupid mangina/whore. Women exist to please men. That's their fucking purpose.
You know, shit like this makes me want to physically hurt nerdy girls. I mean really hurt them and make them suffer.

I wish there was a surefire way of getting away with violent rape.
Just wander over to /soc/. Girls who watch anime, play video games, post on 4chan etc are whores. They deserve to be beaten so hard they can barely walk.
This kind of shit pisses me off. And makes me want to go to a con.

I tend to attract shallow retarded whores as is. I like to think I exude an aura of mystery and bad-assery, but who the fuck am I kidding?

Seriously, though, con-girls are disgusting. 97% of the ones I came into contact with, anyway. The others are prudes. There's a fine balance that's needed.
were you cosplaying anyone
My girlfriend and all of her friends are anime nerds. Most of my ex's have been con goers as well. Yeah, they're slutty in this nerdy sort of way. Not like the kind of girl you would call a slut at a club. But slutty in this almost repressed kind of way.

Really though, it's a bunch of people that were "good kids" growing up. Never went drinking or to parties and this is where they first experience it. They think they're all getting crazy because they have no idea what a real party is like.

Btw, being a not ugly man with any sort of confidence can basically guarantee you'll get laid. I will admit, there are some decent looking girls at these things.
Female cosplayers are the worst kinds of females, even worse than the sluts you guys hate. They are either obnoxious, slutty, hambeasts, or any combination of the three.

You think that girl that sleeps around in school is bad? How about a female cosplayer that has a 40 year old sugar daddy who she fucks to get money to feed her hobby? Cause I know a girl who exactly does that.

How freaky are these whores in bed?
It's like they really believe they're in Japan.
>Cause I know a girl who exactly does that.

How do you know her?
I don't really like the word "slut".

I'm not even trolling. I think that sex is great and that girls (or guys, for that matter) shouldn't be shunned for having it a lot if they're being sensible about it.

but yeah I don't give a fuck about female cosplayers who cares.
Eat shit libfuck.
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Shits about to hit the fan

I actually do too. These girls are bright, i'll give them that.


These girls are freaks. Seriously, down to do whatever. You would think a lot more of them would be virgins considering their interests but they get down. That would be why all of my relationships have been with girls into "alt" culture.

Ravers, Goth girls, Emo, Otaku, Gamer, etc.
These girls will let you fuck them silly. Be cautious though, they all come with baggage.
Sometimes I think the best way to teach these girls a lesson would be to get them pregnant.

They need to stop being so self-obsessed, narcissistic and slutty. If we got lots of them pregnant maybe that would give them cause to change.

She used to hangout in my group of friends in highschool. We were friends out of mutual friends, and she was a massive cosplayer.
I guess you're allowed to blame promiscuity on birth control, then
Every single hobby girls seem to have seems to revolve around getting male attention for the purposes of getting fucked. How many female cosplayers are there who used to be "rave chicks" for example, when that was a big thing? It's like they just flit from subculture to subculture, parading themselves in front of men in as skimpy an attire as possible, literally begging to get raped.
>implying pregnancy will change that
>implying they won't be a terrible mother, who's son/daughter will be bitching on /r9k/to her 39th boyfriend about how terrible she is

That or she dumps the child on her parents so she can suck dicks at the next con
i went to it after work so i was wearing office attire
/cgl/ is full of prostitutes. They admit to it themselves. That is all.
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NO! Please don't go down this dangerous path anon. It...must...not breed. If not through genes, their ways will be transmitted through shitty parenting.

Besides, they would just use their kids as accessories. Toddlers are brought, in cosplay, to cons.
Isn't it funny how ostensibly feminist they are whilst they have really submissive, degrading sexual fantasies deep down inside?
>dress up as nerd's sexual fantasy
>go to giant convention filled with said nerds
>complain when you get hit on by creepy nerds

/cgl/ logic.

They're idiots, entitled bitches and prostitutes, OP.
That could work. Or it could just create a whole bunch of fucked up kids that never had a chance.
Insecure, image-obsessed, and probably very needing of assurance/validation.

That's just the vibe I get from them. The inner non-normalfag gets very annoyed, especially if they're hot as fuck, just because my natural reaction is "Whaaaat, no, they don't even know shit about x character/series. You don't like that and you just want to be the big fish in the small, ugly pond."

It's one thing if she makes herself this really ornate costume and all, but if she takes crappy photos and just runs around trying to get into as many pictures as possible then it just rubs me as a transparent attempt to get as much attention as humanly possible. Goes double for slutty outfits.


Truth. Dated a fujoshii and fucked an Otaku girl. Fujoshii was the most fun relationship I ever had and she was horny all the time, but her emotional baggage was the direct catalyst that killed the relationship. Otaku was pretty wild in bed but I wasn't attracted to her enough to keep it going. That and she was pressing for something more serious.
Not all of them are like this, my girlfriend dressed up as princess leia in the white dress at a star wars con and got freaked the fuck out by all the guys immediately trying to fuck her.
May have been a bit naive on her part but the dress is quite conservative.
The ones who dress up sluttily do it for the attention, the others do it for fun.
they're usually a) socially retarded and don't know people boundaries or b) have been denied male attention for so long that the conventions are the only place they get to socialize with male kind. a lot of nerdy girls i've been friends with that go to cons are usually a lot more open about sexuality since it's not as taboo when you're alone almost 24/7.

doesn't mean they're not sluts though.
Most of them only like whatever they like to get a certain niche of guys, to to make themselves feel less slutty and perhaps better than other sluts. They're all sluts, just maybe perceived in a different way due to their interests.
I always found the girls that got in to cosplay were weirdos. Usually attention whores, who thrived off their packs of friendzoned men.
I remember speaking to one who admitted she genuinely wanted to get raped because rape fantasy stuff just wasn't rough and dangerous enough for her anymore
No its just like a hobbie. I don't think they are sluts, thats a retarded assumption. Though MAYBE they are more open to role play sexually? That's the only logical deduction I can think of. I guess if they go as a really slutty character they look slutty? I dunno I guess the idea they are sluts can come from those two things but they are just having fun and guys are jealous they can flaunt their bodies and haven fun when they are too nerdy, fat and ugly to be able to. Males just call females sluts when they are jealous.
I only know one girl who cosplays

She cuts herself and her boyfriend went on to kill and rape someone

Nice person.
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>Unique Snowflakes
Yes. From my experience I'd also say they're extremely mentally unstable, fragile and socially awkward.
Imagine having a little sister that cute. Wouldn't you hit it?
>quote memes

So she's like every fucking female ever.
I remember going to a cosplay con with my girlfriend once. Some slimy little shit tried to put his hands on her. I cosplayed as Gordon Freeman that year ended up slapping him with my crowbar that was made out of really sturdy and dense wood.... I was escorted out of the place...
Of course they are slutty, they are females, what makes me mad is that they don't bang their own anime-loving friends, but random people who go to anime conventions without being anime fans just to bang easy sluts.
hold on a second there, they don't even care whether you like anime or not?
Now I only need to get rid of my self respect and I'm good to go.
The purpose of the girls on this site is to provide the guys on this site with sexual congress.
the ones who go to cons?

they are either attention whores or landwhales

if its something to make the bedroom a bit more exciting just for the boyfriend in private, then that would be a different thing
My sister is a cosplayer. Most recently she cosplayed as Mario, for some reason. She's a complete bitch. She's incredibly violent and she's also an attention seeker.
More stories or something else.

Elementary school level bullshit.
Pretty much this. They're either massive attention whores with a diva complex (which is fed by legions of drooling weaboo morons), or they're landwhales who pretty much ruin the character they're dressing up as. And ALL of them are nuts.
What a fag

Maybe in murrika with your weird attitudes towards alcohol and extreme whiteknighting tendendencies.

In most places drunk people having sex isn't considered rape. It's just ridiculous.
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of this i have no doubt

still want to fuck the hot ones, though
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Cosplayers love /r9k/ though
Pretty much: Short of her being so shit-faced that she pretty much can't even move, noone cares.
This. Exactly this.
I staff 4 cons a year, and have for the last 6 years, and I've only ever met two chill women.

Most of the guys are unbelievable faggots too.
Trust me, it's not worth it. I had the 'privilege' of fucking one of them and she went all clingy and psychotic on me.
Only reason for that would probably be that we have low self esteem to the point that we will shower them with money to buy whatever and they can take control of your life, essentially a walking bank deposit that know what feels are.
Yep, and some of them are even worse than the girls. The amount of bickering and backstabbing in the cosplay scene is ridiculously huge.
I don't think you know what that means, bro.
The only female cosplayers I know go to cons to peddle art, with the cosplay as sort of a side diversion. Almost between themselves, really. Not really slutty at all. A friend of mine is friends with a pair of cosplayers that are pretty much lesbians (no word on sluttiness, though)
My anecdata. Probably not representative.
Dude, she had psychotic fits where she'd thrash around breaking stuff when she got too mad and fucking threatened one of my female friends with a knife. I made a hasty exit and changed numbers on the spot.
The word "slut" is used for someone who has compulsive shallow meaningless sex. I call a girl a slut if she has had sex with gross dudes too. Like, I knew a girl who had 18 sexual partners by 18 and one of them literally looked like a dog.

Now, you gotta admit, sex is better when you really like someone and wait for it and make it enjoyable. That isn't slutty.
No, i know a guy who is kind of a fratbro, couldn't care about animes and mangas. Go to animecons cosplaying as Street Fighter's Ryu (which means wearing a Kimono) for the easy sluts. The girls flock to him.
Yeah, you definitely don't know what it means. You're confusing it with psychopathic.
Then you know some pretty chill girls bro, the ones I know get all bitchy and obnoxious since they go to 'cosplay competitions' and shit. And don't get me started on the ones who choose the sluttiest outfits and take the sluttiest pics they can to get more 'fans'.
I'd consider cosplaying if there was a chance it would get me laid.

Therefore, I like girl cosplayers. As long as they're hot.
>she went all clingy
oh fuck yes, I now know were to go next.
We shall see who is the most clingy, me or her, it will be a fierce battle, I doubt I will lose though.
Tomato, tomahto. Bottom line is you should steer clear of those bitches at all costs.
the problem is with girls who cosplay is that 80% of them are usually looking for a boyfriend who is weird like them, or sex where no one will know who they really are.

the rest of us are looking for a day away from our normal lives, not a boyfriend.
Spoony now posts on /soc/ and /cgl/ that should tell you everything you need to know about female cosplayers.
If you aren't /fit/ or animu dude skinny you're shit out of luck. You can somehow mitigate this if you're baby-faced, though: Just expect a lot of fujoshis to have fantasies involving you and their husbando or worse: they attempting to hook you up with some other guy.
>the problem is with girls who cosplay is that 80% of them are usually looking for a boyfriend who is weird like them
Wait a second, are you trying to fuck with me again.
Just have to get over the embarrassment of dressing up as characters and then its off to wonderland with rainbows and unicorns.
Actually, it matters you fucking nigger. Being psychotic is much worse than being a psychopath. Psychopaths are superior human beings. You would be lucky to date one.
Top E3 Booth babes
>note to self

hit up anime expo this year

yeah but you still have to be what they want.
and because we're all crazy enough to want to be someone else in the first place, it'll be kind of hard to really know what that is.
Only on /r9k/ will you get a bunch of faggots complaining that girls who cosplay are slutty and should be raped,shamed, and beaten. Why don't you just go there and fuck them instead of being so butthurt. One of the biggest conventions in the country is in my hometown and I plan on enjoying the fun. Grow up and stop generalizing. Fucking neckbeards!
Nah, sociopaths are the superior beings, most of our world leaders are sociopaths.
>Psychopaths are superior human beings
you sound so fucking retarded
fuck off tripfag
I don't like people who say "don't generalize". I am 18 and went to a Slipknot concert (don't ask why) and 95% of people were faggots.
Where has been said that girls who do cosplay should be raped, humiliated and beaten? Your mad is showing bro.
/cgl/ actually hates /r9k/.
You guys only had so many votes because someone voted multiple times for /r9k/ and /fit/

The real results were
1. /a/
2. /fit/
3. /fa/
Pretty much the same thing, idiot. Fuck you.

If we met in real life I'd kill you.
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I hear ya fellow robot loud and clear, sounds like I've been mislead about that place, always been told to avoid it, hide my power level.
But if its vaguely what they describe here its worth a try.
This ends the thread right here. Fucking disgrace you lot are.
doesn't everyone hate /r9k/?

and isn't the hatred justified in every way imaginable?
Except no /a/sshole would ever date a seagull.
Could just go as a famous character .. well no that would be kinda boring, 50% narutos and 50% sasukes with some itachis here and there.

Should be unique, you have given me a lot to think about, time to dig into the more uncommon folder and look for great characters and hopefully its not a total flop and the end of the day.
>doesn't everyone hate /r9k/?

>and isn't the hatred justified in every way imaginable?

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