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    File : 1264303312.jpg-(181 KB, 582x409, Ohayocon5.jpg)
    181 KB Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:21 No.2516913  
    Last thread 404'd.

    Ohayocon 2010 is now only six days away.
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 01/23/10(Sat)22:24 No.2516922
    Indeed.. the moon will fall soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:46 No.2516957
    Don't remind me..I have a ton of stuff to finish.
    >> DarrynGrey !!DOApy8KC6ga 01/24/10(Sun)00:23 No.2517210
    It will take forever for the con to come then it will end too quickly. I'm just glad Volgin's coming together, my girlfriend made a mold for his big facial scar, we just need to paint it.

    Stupid sexy Volgin
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:35 No.2517254
    going and rather not excited about it. after all the guests were announced and the panel schedules were posted, it seems very boring.anything remotely interesting is scheduled in the evening, nothing during the day...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)04:48 No.2518095
    wow....this thread seems pretty dead...this is a sign of what to expect at this con...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)08:43 No.2518670
    Personally I'm happy with the schedule. I can use the daytime to hang out and catch up with friends and in the evening go to the good panels and after panels it's drinking time.
    Works out well for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)10:34 No.2518771
    I was surprised that they were holding it in two hotels this year.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)11:26 No.2518829

    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)11:30 No.2518833
    REALLY looking forward to Rule of Rose goodness at this con.
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 01/24/10(Sun)12:03 No.2518876
    Since this is the only con I can really go to this year (Anime punch might be possible! It's at the Hyatt this year, too! Just like Ohayocon.) I'm looking forward to it greatly. Hopefully it'll be a blast.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)12:50 No.2518967
    I'm just really annoyed that Lolita Crush's theme is 'steampunk' because it means that five million weeaboos in corsets are going to show up and be obnoxious when I just want to talk brand. How about an actual /lolita/ theme for a lolita meetup instead of half-assed fantasy roleplay?

    Other than that I'm pretty excited. I don't usually go to panels so no problems there, but I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's cosplays :D
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)12:59 No.2518978
    I love steampunk, I really do. Moreso than lolita most of the time, actually. However, it will always just be a costume to me, and I don't like the fact that they're associating lolita with it. It's implying that lolita is a costume, too, and we get enough of that from outsiders without supporting it ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:45 No.2519294
    Exactly! Lolitas have enough problems to deal with between the cosplay lolitas and the itas to have to be lumped in with people /actually/ wearing costumes. Besides, aren't there four different steampunk panels already?

    Plus the kimono panel and the ikebana panel are at the same time. Decisions, decisions...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)14:53 No.2519310
    Ugh...that does not sound like a good theme at all sounds more like a fusion. Where's the sweet, gothic, hime, and classic being respected? I really wished Misa would come to Ohayocon as she would put on a great lolita fashion panel compared to Lolita Crush's. No competition here so you can monopolize compared to the flooding of the East Coast and West Coast lolitas. Columbus has a fashion scene building up thanks to Les Wexner. Passing over the mountains to get the Midwest is really easy.
    >> fie !W0jg8mcdQw 01/24/10(Sun)16:26 No.2519502
    o man
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:12 No.2519782
    >fashion scene
    >thanks to Les Wexner

    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)19:37 No.2520021
    Can't wait
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)20:14 No.2520184
    why does it seem like a bunch of scenesters and elitists going this year?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)20:31 No.2520259

    i know what you mean i looked at the forums and it seems like some guys on there have that style. probably looking to score with some cosplayers
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)20:34 No.2520279


    Anime is normal enough that they won't get shunned for it but still feel like it makes them special and different and nerdy. I'm sad this phase of anime started after I got involved in cosplay, it's really obnoxious and discouraging.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)20:48 No.2520359
    Yep. this man has it right.

    This year is the only year I've seen it stand out though.
    they try wayyy too hard to act cute. you can totally see through it.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)20:56 No.2520398
         File1264384580.jpg-(59 KB, 600x899, l_1546b70eb9a44868a633d3d77907(...).jpg)
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    this girl will be there.

    probably wearing close to nothing.>_>
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)21:20 No.2520503
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)23:19 No.2521072
    Let's place bets on whether she's asked to change or not.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)23:42 No.2521174
    I honestly hope so.

    I remember seeing her in just a bikini last year.
    She's alright looking but she knows exactly what shes doing hahaha
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)00:08 No.2521296
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)00:24 No.2521379
    My eyes.

    I can't believe I'm going to be seeing this all weekend. Should I man the harpoons?
    >> DarrynGrey !!DOApy8KC6ga 01/25/10(Mon)00:42 No.2521467
    You know, I just realized what a weird weekend this is going to be. I have to do the following:

    -challenge a woman to a belching contest
    -sing a Wesker-ized version of "Part of Your World" with my RE group
    -try the Dagwood Challenge (again) and more than likely fail (again)
    -eat a giant cream puff from Schmidt's
    -pick up a masquerade judge from the airport

    The hell kind of weekend is this going to be, other than really fun?
    >> M- !!UatODx6KgB1 01/25/10(Mon)01:10 No.2521591
    It'll be bizarre that's for sure.
    ..but in a fun way.
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 01/25/10(Mon)01:15 No.2521617
    This. Fuck. What is with all the hipster scene kids flooding the con in the recent years? I'm about to lose it with this shit. :U
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)01:19 No.2521649
    Columbus is flooded with hipsters. They congregate from German Village all the way up to Clintonville. They stay west of Interstate 71 and east of the Scioto River. They like to ride bikes, drink Blue Ribbon, and walk around with lattes.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)02:14 No.2521847
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    "It's Hip to be Square."
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)11:20 No.2522585
    hipsters and scene kids are different.
    I'd rather have hipsters to be honest. At least they dress decently.
    Scene kids all have that skanky shaggy two-toned hair that hangs in their face and wear colored skinny jeans with stupid high tops.

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