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  • File : 1264230140.jpg-(70 KB, 760x250, banner2.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:02 No.2515041  
    How many of you am I gonna see at Sakuracon this year in Seattle?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:03 No.2515046
    probably a lot, i think there's a lot of washingtonians on this board for some reason. even the aki-con threads are always massive.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:03 No.2515048
    I'll be there, supporting my friend in Artist Alley and performing and junk.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:04 No.2515051
    I'm on the fence still. Give me motivation to want to attend.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:05 No.2515054
    ahhh, garugamesh-con. now with mangina to boot.

    i'm not gonna be a faggot and not show up, but damn.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:06 No.2515058
    Vic Mignogna is gonna be there, if you like Fullmetal, and the band who does the OST for Darker than Black, that's pretty cool I guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:08 No.2515064
    Not going this year. Good costumes, good location, kinda boring otherwise. And that motherfucking glomp circle in the courtyard needs to be nuked from orbit and reduce the failure of the entire West Coast by 80%.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:08 No.2515065
    Who's your friend, I'll look for him.
    >> bloody zoro 01/23/10(Sat)02:09 No.2515066
    I'll be there.

    Mangina goes to sakuracon a lot. And I'm kinda excited about high and mighty color, because they're a legit japanese band that has a pretty sizable following. Not some weeaboo JAYRAWK band or shitty pop act. That being said, they're not the best, but they're still pretty good.

    I'd shit brix if YMCK ever came over, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:13 No.2515075
    I might. Depends on if any of my friends are going or if I'm cosplaying.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:16 No.2515082

    Part of me is always nervous about things like this... Protective of my friend and all.
    She's Checkered-Fadora, though. I'm cosplaying one of her OCs (hah hah, I know, I know, OC cosplay, but it's from its own universe, and isn't a lazy design.)

    She's sharing a table with the girl who won the design contest, but apparently Sakuracon is being slow at responding to the girl about her table. Then again, when isn't Sakuracon slow...
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:16 No.2515083
    I'll be there. Fairly excited to see Troy Baker and Tsu-nami.

    Not so much Vic.
    >> PiggyNukka 01/23/10(Sat)02:21 No.2515095
    FFFF- I could die happy if I got the chance to see YMCK.

    And I'm going. I'll be sitting around and chilling with my bros probably for the whole con. I'm considering entering the cosplay contest as a walk-on for my Cassandra. Never done something like that before though, is it a waste of time?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:38 No.2515126
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    will "you know who" be there?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:40 No.2515128

    It's possible, but probably not? He's a Texas resident, but it could go either way, I suppose.
    >> bloody zoro 01/23/10(Sat)02:44 No.2515137
    I gotta say, the cosplay contest eats your entire day.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:57 No.2515178
    I just lost my job D: But if I find a new one and am able to save up some cash,it shouldn't be a problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:59 No.2515184
    Want to go just to see Dazzle Vision ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:29 No.2515283
    Yes, as an extended gift. Not excited for some reason. Too much cos-drama and bitchery in Washington as of late--Makes me question staying in this hobby.
    >> teagueful !/5sRzdsAd2 01/23/10(Sat)03:35 No.2515304
    I'm going, as usual. I'm starting to get in gear with all my cosplay work in preparation.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:41 No.2515318
    Washington is pretty chill. Never had any problem with drama.
    >> Master Shambler !!72dsU/HBNH6 01/23/10(Sat)03:41 No.2515320
    see you there!
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:41 No.2515324
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    I'm going.

    Bringing Naked Chained Battler to the con.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:41 No.2515326
    Speaking of lame ass washinton Cons, anyone gonna be at radcon besides me?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:45 No.2515334
    Gonna cosplay for the first time. Didn't want to spend money on Akicon though.
    >> PiggyNukka 01/23/10(Sat)03:51 No.2515357
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    Ahh....<3 I'll be finding you to take picture.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:58 No.2515367
    I'm probably going to pre-reg tomorrow. Going to try and get my badge on thursday this time, couple of years back the normal reg line took longer than the prereg.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)04:02 No.2515373
    *prereg took longer, sorry.
    >> Wise CAEK !!gue29btBylw 01/23/10(Sat)04:41 No.2515419
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    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)04:51 No.2515428
    I'm going. Working on Yako tomorrow probably.

    I will tell my roomie/ep 2 Beato to find you, if she gets to leave the table at all this year.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)05:01 No.2515440
    Soulcandy's gonna play there. They're awesome!

    Big Chris, not so much. One of these days, he's gonna be arrested and thrown in prison like the nigger he is.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)05:09 No.2515449
    I'm going.
    >> Party Foul Nami 01/23/10(Sat)05:24 No.2515467
    I might/hopefully will be there.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)05:25 No.2515470
    You can't possibly be a regular at SakuraCon and not like Big Chris. That guy is the chillest, funnest guy ever.
    >> Party Foul Nami 01/23/10(Sat)05:27 No.2515472
    big chris is the most worst person i have ever been able to meet.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)05:57 No.2515489
    I'll be about a fifteen minute's walk away from the convention center for the entire weekend.

    Except I'll be at church all that time.

    Is just Sunday worth going to?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)06:09 No.2515495
    I'll be thereeeeee.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)06:22 No.2515508
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    I hope the GIRUGAMESH-Guy comes to the Sakura-Con as Special-Guest!
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)06:52 No.2515525
    GTFO. Fucking tripfaggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)07:00 No.2515528
    What the fuck. How the hell is he?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)13:18 No.2515851
    i wanna hear somebody say something bad about chris that they can actually back up; something that isn't baseless accusations of being a pedophile/criminal/other racist stereotype.

    protip: you can't.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)13:23 No.2515858
    I really really want to go. I'm moving to Seattle in March. The only problem is, I won't know anybody there except my sister and her boyfriend and they're not going to pay 50 bucks for an animu convention as they only like one anime show each.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)15:14 No.2516034
    So, will there be a /cgl/ meet-up again?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)15:47 No.2516093
    I'd go.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)17:35 No.2516294
    Going. Just moved to Oregon. Much more pleasant drive then from Utah.
    >> bloody zoro 01/23/10(Sat)17:37 No.2516298
    You two are so easily trolled.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)18:20 No.2516397

    You don't need to back up pedophilia accusations in our culture of fear. WON'T SOMEBODY, PLEASE, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)18:24 No.2516403
    i hope so!!!! we'll see.......
    >> JailBreak 01/23/10(Sat)18:47 No.2516453
    I'll be going. I'll more than likely be running around photographing everything and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)20:56 No.2516752
    If the people who go to Sakuracon are as bad as the people who go to the Gasukan meetups, I don't think I'm interested. Wayyyyy too much drama, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:03 No.2516770
    if I can get my shit straight for finals beforehand, yes.

    it's cold and rainy and shit. either we're sewing or internetting.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:05 No.2516775

    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:20 No.2516816

    Is Gasukan really that bad? I've never been but had been considering it. I'm 23 though and I get the impression that it's all hyper high school kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:27 No.2516829
    to me, it seems like it's somewhat divided into two groups. You have your socially awkward weeaboo highschool children, and your somewhat sociable group. Although I've only been a few times, the awkward weeaboos seem to out number the others.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:46 No.2516867
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    I remain apostate.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:49 No.2516874

    It's split down the middle. Half of them are hyper-active, socially awkward weeaboos who blast Caramelldansen and squeal a lot. The other half are slightly more mature, socially awkward weeaboos who won't give you the time of day unless you meet them through someone who's already "in" with them.

    Plus, it seems like after EVERY single meet-up, the forum explodes with drama and people bitching about each other not being friendly, but no one ever making the effort to correct their behavior to help everyone mingle and get along.

    I dunno. I went once and was honestly appalled by the behavior of some of the people. These meet-ups are in public places and everyone just made a huge mess, was really loud and disruptive, and were just divided into cliquey little groups. I tried to be sociable with everyone, but the super weeaboos were too awkward to keep a conversation going and everyone else just gave me the cold shoulder whenever I tried to talk to them, even if it was something as simple as "hey, I like your costume!"

    Basically, a huge waste of a day that I could have spent working on costumes. :/
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:57 No.2516887
    If things go right, look for a Skinny!Hilda and Chubby!Hilda from Shadow Hearts: FtNW.

    If things go right.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:53 No.2516971

    The two I went to were at least 75% retarded weeaboo children who were frankly an embarrassment to be seen around.

    Both times I went as well, my roommate and I ended up staying long after everyone else left to clean up all the shit they had left behind.

    Fuck Gasukan. It's totally a waste of time.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:05 No.2517002

    Damn that is disappointing. I was hoping to have a way to get out and meet people that were into cosplay so I could have friends after moving to Seattle.

    I wish there was a way to get sane anime fans to gather. The sane fans don't want to go to anime clubs and stuff because of the fear of being associated with the hyperactive ultra-weeaboo crowd and so all the normal non-screeching fans never get together.

    There must be a solution here.
    >> Mr. Owl 01/23/10(Sat)23:10 No.2517013
    If I can figure out how I'm getting there I'll go but things have a habit of screwing me when it comes to rides and rooms.

    I'll have Ralf Jones and Ryuji with me.

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