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  • File : 1264120286.jpg-(18 KB, 400x300, Splash_Cloudy_Meatballs-21-.jpg)
    18 KB Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:31 No.2510648  
    anyone gonna do this?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:33 No.2510657
    I'd love to dress up as Flint.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:34 No.2510661
    I'll be your sam :3 her character design is fucking adorable.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 01/21/10(Thu)19:34 No.2510664
    We just had this thread with the same exact picture... if you missed your thread the first time, I'm truly sorry for your lots
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:35 No.2510665
    Nerdy smart as fuck chicks that are cute = win.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:36 No.2510668
    it was a fucking troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:39 No.2510682
    what con are you doing this at...?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:41 No.2510693
    The only other cons I'm going to this year is AX and SDCC.. so.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:43 No.2510703
    He looks like Dymatrex
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)19:46 No.2510712
    I will at Katsucon 16 on Friday, without the wig/long curly hair and the ROBOTS! T-Shirt because I could not find it anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:48 No.2510718
    >find old school shirt at hot topic
    just make your hair look like shit.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)20:34 No.2510837
    Sadly, I have short coarse black hair.
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 01/21/10(Thu)20:47 No.2510868
    Get Mr. T the cop to join you.

    Love this movie.

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