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    File : 1264109122.png-(8 KB, 150x112, klogolg.png)
    8 KB The Weekly Katsucon 16 Progress Thread. Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)16:25 No.2510017  
    We were told on the Katsucon website that the schedule was to be posted by the end of business last Tuesday. Apparently they were late. But they managed to post the schedule early morning Thursday (Today). With the schedule we can tell which rooms the convention has occupied.

    Most of the Panels will be located in the upper floor of the convention center (National Harbor). National Harbor 2 and 3, 4, 5, 8, and 14 will be occupied by live programing. National Harbor 10 and 11, 12, and 13 will be the video programming. Most of the meat of the convention will be held at the National Harbor level. Main events will be held at the Prince Georges Exhibition Room A, on the lowest level of the convention space. Katsucon Artist Areas will be held at Hall C while the Merchants Room will be at Hall B at the same level where Exhibition Room A is. Halls C and B will be connected in a sense when the Merchants Room is open.

    The Video Game Room, with their famous collection of old-school arcade cabinets aka Game Katsu, Art show, the manga library, Jamspace , maid café, LARP, Tabletop gaming…those locations are unknown as of now. I do not know where those rooms will be located, but I speculate that the video game room will be at in one of the PG Exhibition rooms.

    This also for the general thread for the discussion for Katsucon 16.

    (In before trainwreck and Ohayocon.)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)16:55 No.2510133
    Are you sure about classic arcade? Pretty sure that one walked out the door with the rest of the VG room staff last year.

    They're paying out the nose for GPX gaming to do their game room. So expect it to be the same bullshit as the shitty AUSA VG room.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)17:24 No.2510231
    >Are you sure about classic arcade? Pretty sure that one walked out the door with the rest of the VG room staff last year.

    I'm not sure about that. I assumed that the arcade cabinets were donated.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:27 No.2510245

    Doubt it, the storage costs for them wouldn't be worth it year after year plus they were in too good a condition for donations.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:30 No.2510254
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    That would be a shame if that was true, I loved those old arcade cabinets. I think my friends and I spent over three hours playing Sega Hot Rod back in 2008
    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 01/21/10(Thu)17:30 No.2510258
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    Those GPX guys were awesome at first...but now that they're at every con, it's the same setup every time...feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:47 No.2510307
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    You know first time I met the guy running GPXgaming (the short cuban guy) he came off as a pretty shady guy. Lo and behold did a google search of his name and came across details of his last entrepreneurial venture.

    Does anyone remember good ole Kunicon (aka Otakucon)?

    For those who may not remember they were the con that on Saturday during their Denver com they dragged everyone into main events and demanded an additional $50 a head or the convention would have to shut down.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:48 No.2510312
    Is it just me, or do most of the panels seem pretty lackluster this year? I mean, normally I don't go to panels, but at least one or two looks interesting and I have it in the back of my mind if I don't have anything else to do, but there's nothing. Also, panels at 6:30AM, wat. Poor souls.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:50 No.2510319
    >demanded an additional $50 a head or the convention would have to shut down.
    Whoa, shit man. That can't have gone well.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:53 No.2510337
    Any good places to get food in the area?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)17:57 No.2510356
    I think I heard of this story before.
    I think most of the interesting panels will happen on Friday. On Saturday, after Bad, Anime Bad, I'm going to have lots of downtime between 9am-12pm.

    It's also my sad duty to report to you that Vic Mignogna is coming to this Katsucon 16. Douchbaggery, altar calling, and all.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)17:59 No.2510364
    The con did continue with enough donations.
    There's potbelly and Elevation Burger for cheap eats. But my best advice is to bring your own food to cook if your room has a small kitchen with a microwave.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:07 No.2510379
    The panels seem pretty disappoint. Is there any point to going this year if my friends can't make it?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:16 No.2510411
    It seems like Katsucon, while not being age restricted, does draw bit of an older and more mature crowd so if your friends don't go, you'll probably be able to meet people anyway. The masquerade/cosplay is usually pretty good, too. I've never been to the Gaylord, but I hear it's really great for photoshoots.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:18 No.2510420
    >>an older and more mature crowd

    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)18:21 No.2510434
    I read on thread on /cgl/ that Katsucon usually brings out a less mature crowd.

    Enjoy the Gaylord, it might be it's last.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:21 No.2510436

    I hope so. I'm going to Katsucon for the first time this year (with friends, to cosplay). I'm sure I'll have fun, but it would be nice if there were a social scene that rated above "teenaged weeaboo."
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:54 No.2510543

    Reading through some of the posts in the LJ comm, Manny, moaib, sounds like a complete putz in all of his responses. Way to throw rocks at the beehive by posting directly in the community challenging them.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/21/10(Thu)19:19 No.2510616
    >Vic Mignogna is coming to this Katsucon 16.

    Vic! Buddy ol' pal...

    I think its time to interrupt some panels!
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)19:21 No.2510619
    How are you going to do that? Are you coming to Katsu?
    Did Vic's panels got interrupted before?
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 01/21/10(Thu)19:26 No.2510629
    He's done it before
    start at 9:00 mins
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:27 No.2510632

    What, you've never seen Masa crash Vic's CLOSE YER EYES AND EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC OF ANIMOO panel?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/21/10(Thu)19:29 No.2510640

    You bet your ass I'm coming to Katsucon. Who the hell do you think I am??

    There will be parties, there will be laughs, there will be joyous adventures, now that I'm going.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:37 No.2510676
    Eh, coulda done so much better he barely seemed annoyed
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:39 No.2510683
    Your "joyous adventures" don't seem to be much more than you drinking in a hotel room and then telling people after the con that you had sex with everyone.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/21/10(Thu)19:42 No.2510697

    Then come with me and find out if that's true. :)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:46 No.2510713
    Is a /cgl/ meetup planned?
    >> Red Bra !suu.H.AQxM 01/21/10(Thu)19:47 No.2510714
    I'm looking forward to Katsucon this year. I missed last years, but with it being at the Gaylord at least if the convention gets boring I'll have good people to relax and drink with.
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 01/21/10(Thu)20:04 No.2510786
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    You have no idea how excited I am for our hangouts and ensuing debauchery.

    You guys too.

    My show got scheduled at 2 PM on Saturday! I was told I'd get an after dark show! And my dear friend got jipped out of a panel without being told that her panel was being denied! The artist alley is a MESS!

    This can only mean one thing:

    KatsuCon is now on notice. It is our job to make it awesome, since the con isn't delivering.
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 01/21/10(Thu)20:05 No.2510790
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    Progress-related: Ibuki fabric cut. Getting more fabric this weekend, spending all of saturday sewing. Will update with whatever happens on Saturday night.
    >> Red Bra !suu.H.AQxM 01/21/10(Thu)20:09 No.2510797
    Very excited to see you again. Good time will be had!
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/21/10(Thu)20:21 No.2510817
    I say we make that shit 18+ anyway.

    I love how they decided to schedule a Cosplay and Prop Lighting workshop on Friday, then still have a Cosplay Electronics 101 panel on Saturday... And have a Crossplay for Girls panel twice on Friday...
    >> Misa !pGt6/pVDLk 01/21/10(Thu)20:22 No.2510822
    DENIED. >B[

    The pants seem easy enough but how are you going to make yourself pink
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)20:37 No.2510844

    Same thing happened to me, I emailed the con back in September asking when panel registration was going to open up and when I could submit, never heard a word back and by the time I remembered to check again about it I learn they only had it opened up in November and it had already filled up...

    Looks like I have to save everything for Otakon now.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)20:39 No.2510848
    I was talking to the guys from AUSA's video game department and some of Game Katsu staff at AUSA. GPX came in and basically dissolved the AUSA Video Games department, so those staff ended up having to be put elsewhere at the con. It probably had something to do with Manny alledgedly bringing TWENTY-FOUR staff to AUSA (which probably would've been why they also had EIGHT panels, if I remember right, as well as Manny "hosting the guests panel." Those are his own words, I don't know, I wasn't there.)

    Game Katsu, because things have been outsourced to GPX Gaming, has also been dissolved now.

    Expect GPX to be running the video games for AUSA for quite some time, since one of Manny's close buddies is Mark Pope, who is apparently the Chariman of the AUSA Board of Directors. And since Katsu and AUSA are basically sister conventions, he'll probably be running video games there for the foreseeable future.

    Oh, and yes, trainwreck in general. Between some of the AA screw-jobs and other issues that I talked with some of the Katsu staff about at AUSA... I'm going in expecting nothing short of implosion.

    BTW, has anyone found out what the other events are that are going to be in the convention center as the same time as Katsu? Word was going around at AUSA that the con center had THREE events happening at once that weekend, but would not disclose what they were. Wonderful.

    Just remember, you can't spell "fucktards" without "Katsu"!
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)20:50 No.2510876
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    EIGHT panels? I actually saw GPX run three panels. One about fighting games, another was a ramen eating contest, and the GPX LIVE show, which was a bit of trainwreck because most of AUSA's new widescreen TV's was shipped to Los Angeles instead of the hotel due to a shipping cock-up.

    >BTW, has anyone found out what the other events are that are going to be in the convention center as the same time as Katsu? Word was going around at AUSA that the con center had THREE events happening at once that weekend, but would not disclose what they were. Wonderful.

    Oh that's just bloody great. Unless those events are moved to other dates, it will become a trainwreck.

    In during trainwreck discussion.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)20:54 No.2510883
    Uh, did ANYONE warn the Gaylord about animu conventions? I'm guessing no. One of the conventions we'll be with is a religious couple's getaway for marriages on the rocks. Jailbait in bunnysuits will be REAAAAL good for that!

    We'll probably end up with some other conservative group, too. Gay.

    Watch those jackasses get on us about prop weapons and not-even-that-skimpy costumes and rave getup. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I enjoy some half-naked ass at my raves. Drunk bitches.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)21:00 No.2510894
    The Gaylord was warned.

    At the Katsucon 15 Closing Ceremonies, the said that the Gaylord National actually wanted and excited to have a anime con. But warned of the dangers...hmm...that remains to be seen.

    This might explain why Katsucon is using only the Prince Georges and National Harbor floors of convention center portion of the Resort.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)21:02 No.2510901

    Really makes me wonder how much these cons are willing to shell out for this retard. Anyone hear any numbers?
    >> saku !UZuKFp6d0I 01/21/10(Thu)21:27 No.2510982
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    I'm actually really excited for katsu...
    regardless of the fact that everyone seems to have had a lame time last year and all the panels and everything sucked... I dunno, I had a good time :<
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)21:28 No.2510984
    Soooo....there's areas where we're not allowed to go? Tell moar, I've never been to a convention where we actually had to share space.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/21/10(Thu)21:29 No.2510987
    I think I just found the third one guys....
    The fucking National Institutes of Health

    >Name of Committee: Center for Scientific Review Special Emphasis Panel; Drug Discovery for the Nervous System.
    >Date: February 11, 2010.
    >Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    >Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications.
    >Place: Gaylord National Hotel & Convention Center, 201 Waterfront Street, National Harbor, MD 20745.
    >Contact Person: Mary Custer, PhD, Scientific Review Officer, Center for Scientific Review, National Institutes of Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 4148, MSC 7850, Bethesda, MD 20892-7850, (301) 435-1164,
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 01/21/10(Thu)21:30 No.2510992
    Shit, I had a great time last year. Got drunk, hung out with people, had the best roommates, it was good times.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)21:31 No.2510995
    This is actually kind of awesome. Doctors can be cool motherfuckers. Most of the ones I've known are like adult children.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/21/10(Thu)21:31 No.2510996
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)21:32 No.2510997
    Awesome. Hope they enjoy the drunk/high people at the con.
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 01/21/10(Thu)21:33 No.2511001

    But of COURSE we're going to make it 18+. While Katsucon might suck, KATSUcon is going to kick ass. :]
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/21/10(Thu)21:36 No.2511010
    Oh wait, Feb 11 is Thurs, so NIH isn't as much affected...
    Which leaves us CADCA's National Leadership Forum, with that Drug-Free Communities workshop... featuring
    >Native American/American Indian Support Workshops

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)21:38 No.2511014
    Don't forget that one religious help-my-marriage-sucks romantic weekend getaway.
    >> saku !UZuKFp6d0I 01/21/10(Thu)21:39 No.2511017
    I can't decide which is better. This or the Valentines thing.

    Oh ok ;D

    as long as no one is sick again. I dont want to spend my days in the hotel room like Ota D;
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)21:41 No.2511021
    >>2511010 Wow
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)21:42 No.2511022
    guess who's gonna show up high at this con.

    hint: everybody
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)21:43 No.2511025
    They'll be leaving Thursday. They'll barely see us.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)22:32 No.2511201
    That is merely a workshop. Lasts from 2pm to 4pm. By the time they leave the convention will not officially begun until 5pm (opening ceremonies)

    As for CADCA, theirs ending at 3:30pm, so they will be still out of the way.

    That leaves for one more unmentioned event...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)22:32 No.2511202

    You faggots got anything special planned? That, and meetup. We should plan one.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)22:53 No.2511299
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 01/21/10(Thu)22:57 No.2511316
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    2PM. LIVE 2. SATURDAY. SHOW UP because really, there's nothing else going on at that time.

    Other than that I plan on enjoying quality time with my friends and making the most of the weekend through methods including booze, books, and boobs.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:16 No.2511426
    Anything late night for when we're all wasted
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/21/10(Thu)23:21 No.2511443

    Yeah, I'm throwing a room party.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:38 No.2511495

    Question: Would it be possible to bring Katsu to the Washington convention center in the future to make it more you know... convenient?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)23:45 No.2511515
    I don't think so. Katsucon is has around 6,000 attendees.

    That question should be for Otakon, and even with them, it's not going to happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:55 No.2511543
    >That question should be for Otakon, and even with them, it's not going to happen.

    How hard could it be for Otakon to move from Baltimore to DC? The cost couldnt be that bad could it?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:20 No.2511581
    They considered it before, but instead Baltimore is kind of begging them to stay. They just got the Hilton added to their con space and such, so yeah.
    >> Red Bra !suu.H.AQxM 01/22/10(Fri)00:23 No.2511591
    Books, Boobs, and booze....Katsu, oh how you speak my language! I'll be at the panel for sure!
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/22/10(Fri)00:31 No.2511607
    Debauchery will happen, every night.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/22/10(Fri)00:35 No.2511616
    I personally would like to see Katsucon move to the Kalahari in Fredricksburg, VA. I spoke to the con chair about it at AUSA and he was pretty blown away when I showed him the website on his iPhone. Hopefully he took it into serious consideration.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:49 No.2511651
    Why do iPhone users have to refer to their phones like that every time they mention it? Is it a status symbol? My friends all have Droids and they don't refer to them as "my Droid" everytime it comes up in conversation. God I hate Iphone users. They're like the Bros of the phone world.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 01/22/10(Fri)00:50 No.2511659
    I call my phone my Helio.
    >> Red Bra !suu.H.AQxM 01/22/10(Fri)01:11 No.2511735
    Soni, did you decide what you were going to wear by chance? Not trying to be stalkerish, just curious.
    >> Arg !/cARaiCIAw 01/22/10(Fri)01:12 No.2511741

    Sounds like my kind of place. 2 cons in 2 weeks, man my liver is gonna take a beating :>
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 01/22/10(Fri)01:14 No.2511746
    Ummm,. bringing my Eros costume, Maya and if I have time, I'll make Simca also.
    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 01/22/10(Fri)01:14 No.2511748

    That's because the Droid is a piece of shit...
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:15 No.2511749
    Droid owner here, confirming dis
    never called it anything but my phone
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:17 No.2511754
    oh look another pretentious Apple drone
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/22/10(Fri)01:34 No.2511796
    Oh boy, here we go. Time to derail this cell phone derailment with more talks of Katsucon.
    I'm in the same boat as you. I got Wicked Winter Rennfaire following up katsucon. Hello cirrhosis. I'm planning to have my cooler stocked to the brim with booze, and my stashbox full of the finest of the fine.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)02:52 No.2511992
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)04:01 No.2512177
    Can regular anons get in on this action? Not trying to suck up to anyone, just trying to drink.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)11:59 No.2512783
    Maybe. If you aren't a huge jagoff
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/22/10(Fri)12:03 No.2512789
    Oh? Most anons don't want to mingle with tripfags, for fear of losing their anonymity.

    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)12:17 No.2512812
    Shit. This is going to be both horrifically sad and result in some terrific stories.
    >> Bearpigman 01/22/10(Fri)13:43 No.2512940
    I submitted my panel idea back in November (Batman is awesome: the panel) and after not hearing anything from them since, I pretty much figured they passed on it

    I check the schedule today, and there it is.

    Would have been funny had I waited until I was at the con to check the schedule
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)13:46 No.2512945
    wanted to go so I could be with my sweetheart on Valentine's Day, but I can't afford to go and the con is more important to her ;__;
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/22/10(Fri)13:48 No.2512948
    Ah, I have heard of the panel in Tigercon 2009, but I never attended that panel because I had to get back all the way to college park from Towson University.

    Good thing I'll get to see it this time.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/22/10(Fri)14:02 No.2512978
    Hahah, that's your panel? I saw the title and thought "I must go to this." Well done, you should have a decent attendance.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 01/22/10(Fri)15:07 No.2513137
    I'm debating whether to buy a con badge or not.

    Usually I just dick around in the main lobby areas with my friends and get pictures taken. Do I need a badge to get inside the convention area? Excluding the obvious rooms/areas.

    Otakon everyone was required to have a badge, so I'm confused here.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)15:08 No.2513138
    You may wanna re-evealuate your relationship if your girl is choosing an anime convention over you.

    Just, y'know. Just sayin'.
    >> SGF 01/22/10(Fri)15:37 No.2513216
    You shouldn't need a badge to get inside the Gaylord, since not everyone staying there will be with the con. Plus there are shops and restaurants in the Gaylord that regular people patronize on the weekends. They could never enforce checking badges at the main doors.
    >> Bearpigman 01/22/10(Fri)18:03 No.2513744
    at tigercon it ended up being about me and 15 people discussing the epicness of Arkham Asylum, Music Meister, and various fighting games until Tigercon staff told us to leave because they were closing the convention.

    I hope Katsucon's version is just as epic and fun


    11pm-midnight on saturday, be there
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)19:42 No.2513995
    So someone was saying in an earlier Katsu thread that there weren't a whole lot of fast food places in the immediate Gaylord area. He/she recommended just getting a room at a different hotel with a kitchen, which actually ended up costing less per night than the Gaylord. Which hotel was that?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/22/10(Fri)20:57 No.2514240
    Yes, it's either the Hampton Inn or the Residence Inn, they both have kitchenettes and microwaves. Ordering Chinese food and pizza for delivery is also an option as well.

    I bet that a lot of the takeouts in the area will get a lot of business on the weekend of Feb. 12
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/22/10(Fri)21:17 No.2514313

    Speaking of takeout and delivery... there are two Chinese restaurants that do deliver: Yum's Carryout and Beijing Hunan Restaurant, both located in Oxon Hill!
    >> Bearpigman 01/22/10(Fri)21:54 No.2514415
    I remember the pizzeria that delivered to the hyatt at katsucon last year.

    We called and asked "for the chef to challenge himself and make the hottest hot wings he can possibly make" what a joke that turned out to be
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/22/10(Fri)21:56 No.2514423
    What happened in the end?
    >> Bearpigman 01/22/10(Fri)22:21 No.2514503
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    well, they ended up being barely hotter than normal wings (someone in our room ordered regular wings from the same place the next day and they ended up being just a little less spicy) ended up being a big dissapointment

    Pic somewhat related. The guy who called in for those wings took the sushi this picture advertised (it was set up at someones booth at the artist alley), covered it with wasabi, and ate two pieces. His only reaction was a 'meh' and a shoulder shrug.
    >> kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 01/22/10(Fri)22:36 No.2514531
    Serious important question:

    Do they have hentai dubbing at Katsucon? I feel like that would be on the schedule but I can't find it. Hasn't Katsu done that in the past?!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:59 No.2514586

    Should have ordered some Wing Zone wings.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:38 No.2514677
    so when's the party?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/22/10(Fri)23:53 No.2514719

    Friday or saturday night, haven't decided when.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:00 No.2514749
    I'd like to nominate a reprise of the lingerie party that never was.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:01 No.2514751
    See, this is why I go to cons. The parties. Anime AND GAMING is good and all. But parties are what makes a con.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/23/10(Sat)00:09 No.2514774


    Fuck man, I was the ONLY person there with my pants around my ankles, hell I was even showing ass for a good while.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:35 No.2514979
    Everybody: pants off at midnight.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:54 No.2515024
    Is anyone else disappointed in the maid cafe selection
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 01/23/10(Sat)02:04 No.2515049
    I wasn't wearing any pants either! It wasn't my fault that it didn't happen!
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:16 No.2515084
    Seriously! There is one on there that I genuinely have no clue to its gender...
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/23/10(Sat)02:58 No.2515183

    Fuck it, I'm ready.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 01/23/10(Sat)03:16 No.2515238
    I like where this is headed.
    >> Bearpigman 01/23/10(Sat)07:15 No.2515533
         File1264248953.gif-(54 KB, 700x875, partycat.gif)
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    When party cat declares it
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 01/23/10(Sat)10:01 No.2515657
    I'm not opposed to this. Kind of reminds me of the annual no-pants subway ride.

    Which day?
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 01/23/10(Sat)10:10 No.2515663
         File1264259422.png-(792 KB, 800x600, tumblr_kw9qgxtkXn1qzvnxpo1_128(...).png)
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    Looking forward to the drinking contest between Masa and Boone. Then distracting lovely Penguin Bra with my amazing pectorals. (Boone and his lovely are having issues with 4chan and ISPs, so sadly they can't be here to talk mad shit >:[ )


    Also, no pants Strike Witches debauchery. Katsu's gunna be fun on a bun this year.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 01/23/10(Sat)10:37 No.2515672
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    Will there be brosoup and inhibited philosophical debates like they promised me? :3
    >> Rahlstein 01/23/10(Sat)11:10 No.2515691
         File1264263055.jpg-(175 KB, 900x600, kanjiroses.jpg)
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    Holy shit. I was excited about Katsucon, but this thread has made me really fucking excited.

    Pic related; it's how I feel.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/23/10(Sat)11:25 No.2515704
    I'm so down for this. Im bringing a megaphone. Come 12 o 'clock I'll yell "PANTS DOWN!" from our atrium balcony and everyone strip down to your skivvies.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/23/10(Sat)11:32 No.2515708
    What the fuck is that thing?!
    >> Rahlstein 01/23/10(Sat)11:33 No.2515709
    A sandwich for a real man
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 01/23/10(Sat)11:34 No.2515711

    DUH, bacon sammich. FUN ON A BUN.

    But I do.
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 01/23/10(Sat)11:35 No.2515712

    This person knows what's up. HIGH FIVE.
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 01/23/10(Sat)11:39 No.2515717
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    Forgot my picture
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 01/23/10(Sat)11:42 No.2515720
         File1264264921.jpg-(155 KB, 500x333, 356437249_713d26eaf6.jpg)
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    Fine, let's do it, then. How does Friday night sound, since most biiiig parties are on Saturday?That way, at least people will still be out and about.

    Friday night. Clock strikes Midnight. No matter where you are or who you're with -- drop your pants and don't put them on again until Saturday morning (this part is optional).

    We'll call this the Annual KatsuCon No Pants Party.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/23/10(Sat)12:17 No.2515751
    My phone wasn't opening the picture before, but I see it now. Brb, foodgasm.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)13:08 No.2515835
    I've been hearing some pretty bad reviews about the Gaylord lately...
    >> 09 !LightPenis 01/23/10(Sat)13:15 No.2515846
    >> SGF 01/23/10(Sat)17:17 No.2516257
    Let's just all go fucking rock Katsucon! Staff and venue may suck, but we'll make our own fun!
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/23/10(Sat)18:39 No.2516435

    Thats what I do at every con. Katsucon is no exception. Shit will be bananas once I go.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:38 No.2516850
    /This is why we can't have nice things
    >> The Internet 01/23/10(Sat)22:35 No.2516944
    i will be at katsu hosting some panels. as for the Manny Camacho stuff, I know the guy personally, and hes actually a good guy who knows his shit. His game rooms are always staffed well and i have yet to see any problems arise.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/23/10(Sat)22:38 No.2516949
    Ah, we meet again. I've saw you on AUSA's Con Zombies and on the Tone It Down Series on Katsu 2008 and 2009.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/23/10(Sat)22:39 No.2516950
    Good to see that you'll come to Katsucon 2010. Too bad, that the tone it down series will no continue this year.
    >> The Internet 01/23/10(Sat)22:41 No.2516953

    Nice. We'll be bringing up a new version of con zombie survival guide.

    The crew you saw me with are all
    >> The Internet 01/23/10(Sat)22:47 No.2516958
    also, i never heard of the tone it down series? what was mentioned about me? im in the mood for a good laugh
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:48 No.2516962
    tone it down?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/23/10(Sat)22:53 No.2516970
    I remember very clearly that you were part of the audience in Tone It Down 2: Tone it Donwer in Katuscon 15, wearing that hat that displays the words "The Internet" I even recorded some portions of the your responses with my camcorder.

    You may not remember though.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:57 No.2516976
    So does that mean you actually got a confirmation email for your panels? I saw what I think was my panel posted but haven't gotten shit for an email.
    >> Bearpigman 01/23/10(Sat)23:00 No.2516986
    to my understanding no one did, I know I didn't,
    and a friend of mine who is hosting another panel didnt get one either
    >> The Internet 01/23/10(Sat)23:02 No.2516989

    OH ok. I do remember now. My co-worker that does panels with me (Host of Zombie Survival) knows the guy who runs that panel.


    Our panels were confirmed in person with a staff member i know, so we didnt need to recieve an email. thats odd they didnt send out confirmation e-mails though..
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:59 No.2517332

    Give it time, its nearly impossible that someone could pull as big a fuck up as Kunicon and not have some form of a repeat. Wonder if he's going to double dip the dealers at Gamme this year like he did at the other cons.

    If their website name is any indication he hasn't figured out the whole not ripping names off of other cons thing yet.
    >> Big Daddy V 01/24/10(Sun)01:27 No.2517398

    What the year is this? 1997? Those graphics look like shitbuns.
    >> SGF 01/24/10(Sun)10:41 No.2518780
    Most people I've talked to think this may be Katsucon's last hurrah. Aside from being kicked out of the Gaylord, no one seems to think the con will be able to recover from this.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/24/10(Sun)10:45 No.2518786
    But what if they have not kicked out of the Gaylord after the first year, will the Katsucon Curse be broken?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/24/10(Sun)12:44 No.2518955
    The Katsucon 'Curse', as long as I've experienced it:
    03 - Snowed in. Shit was kinda cash, looking back on it.
    04 - Anthrax scare. Bag of baking powder in the elevator, iirc.
    05 - Split between hotels, walk in the freezing cold, one hotel under construction.
    06 - Omni growing pains? I don't remember anything really bad happening.
    07 - Inclement weather? Entire back area of Omni was ice (FUCK YEAH PIZZA BOX SLEDDING)
    08 - Vandalism, kicked out of Omni ...wait that was 3 years at the Omni, wasn't the contract only for 3 years?
    09 - Crammed back into Hyatt

    So... There have been years where there wasn't much of a curse. Things with the Gaylord might not be bad.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/24/10(Sun)13:12 No.2519013
    >08 - Vandalism, kicked out of Omni ...wait that was 3 years at the Omni, wasn't the contract only for 3 years?

    Yeah 2006, 2007, and 2008. Yeah, three years.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/24/10(Sun)13:25 No.2519053
    So the crap I heard that, oh the Omni broke contract and Katsu got a load of money from it and that's how they could afford the Gaylord, was bullshit unless the contract was longer... Otherwise they just said "No we don't want you back next year."
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)15:27 No.2519357

    Damn, how bad was the Omni trashed to get that response?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)15:52 No.2519423
    IIRC someone shit on a couch
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/24/10(Sun)15:59 No.2519445
    Straight from my own personal archive:

    >Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)00:38 No.2481136

    >The Omni bought out the contract from my understanding. Both years they were there the place ended up trashed.

    >First year someone decided to kick in the front of the soda machines on 2 or 3 different levels and at one point there was a broom sticking out of the wall in front of registration. Second year if I remember correctly was just as bad with damages.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/24/10(Sun)16:00 No.2519449
    Wait, you mean the couches at GameKatsu?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)17:06 No.2519621

    I'm in the maid cafe, i recently had to spend the night with the twats :/ they're an....interesting group. Just be lucky the broken faced trannie with the fairy-themed hot topic cami/stretch pants combo,blue fox tail and ears, and pigtails hasn't posted his picture yet. i feel for whoever gets served by the bastard
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)17:13 No.2519633
    there was massie damage to the hotel last year and its rather upsetting considering how wasted my crew gets and we manage to not destroy anything.,
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)17:48 No.2519733
    Also vandalism and some guys broke one of the tables in the cafe area. Honestly, it pisses me off what poor manners my peers have. My crew gets shit faced too and still have fun without breaking hotel property. There is no defending that kind of behaviour.

    Look, I know your parents hate you and love giving their little problem to someone else for a weekend but grow the fuck up.

    The DC/Virgina area attracts some of the biggest btard fucks ever. At least Otakon is big enough to thin it out but good luck, Katuscon.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)17:55 No.2519749
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    what IS this??
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/24/10(Sun)18:04 No.2519768
    >The DC/Virgina area attracts some of the biggest btard fucks ever.

    Damn, how and why?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:47 No.2519849
    Damn, do you really have to ask
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:51 No.2519865
    Just e-mailed your pants off plan to the hotel's general manager. Have fun trying to pull that off now without getting kicked out.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:58 No.2519886
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)18:59 No.2519890
    I reported your mom for being such a rabid cockhound.

    Seriously there's sloppy blwojobs and then there's DON'T COME CLOSER YOU MIGHT HAVE RABIES.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/24/10(Sun)19:06 No.2519903
    God, Katsu 07 was fun. Ice drifting in the Omni parking lot. They weren't happy about that, but they couldn't tell that I was part of the convention.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/24/10(Sun)20:10 No.2520165

    Tell 'em. I don't care.

    Because of this, I now plan to make my party the biggest party at Katsucon. All you've done was galvanized my efforts.

    Fuck you strictly-in-bed-by-9PM-faggots that go to cons.

    I'm wrecking your shit now with style.
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 01/24/10(Sun)20:46 No.2520346
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    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)20:49 No.2520369
    Don't worry. Your lights will be out by 8:30 flat.

    I'm sorry your parents didn't love you more.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)20:55 No.2520395
    I still think the Gaylord staff is going to shit a brick and try to force anyone wearing anything remotely skimpy to change. Damn shame. There were a few girls I was looking forward to seeing half-naked.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)21:03 No.2520431
    whoa, who shit in your cereal broski?

    I for one will still be dropping my pants at midnight

    shit, i was planning on doing that anyway
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)21:16 No.2520491
    I'm sure you three will have one banging ass party, bro.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/24/10(Sun)21:52 No.2520620
    U mad?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)22:29 No.2520846
    You know, if the schedule wasn't already a poor indicator of how shitty this con will be; the tripfag fuckery plans just seem to prove it all even further.

    I might just skip out on a con badge and just try and enjoy the only time I'll be going to the Gaylord Hotel, cause Katsucon's definitely gonna be kicked out of this place.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/24/10(Sun)22:34 No.2520867
    Explain how this years schedule is a poor indicator that this year con will be shit?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)22:36 No.2520883

    Just watch out for the undercover PG County PoPo's that will be trollin' the con.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)22:37 No.2520891

    Because the schedule sucks ass? Seriously, there isn't a single interesting panel on the whole thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)22:39 No.2520897

    Does the city have a curfew law? I almost hope it does just to see the shit that happened a few years back at AMA happen here.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/24/10(Sun)22:44 No.2520921
    They see me walkan'
    They lookin'
    they tryin' to catch me wearin' dirty.

    Sorry I can't resist.

    But in a very serious note, if you are arrested on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, your weekend is fucked. Don't expect to see a judge until Monday morning.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)22:53 No.2520964
    that's not the case everywhere. some places have weekend arraignment. not sure what they do in PG county though...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)22:54 No.2520970
    2005 was a mess so bad I'm waiting to see a good Katsu before attending again. Staff were cursing out people in the hallways, it was 3hrs to get art from the art show from a pile on un-alphabetized papers, and nothing went on schedule.

    For some reason I doubt a good Katsu will happen.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/24/10(Sun)22:54 No.2520973
    Yes, the county has a curfew law for youth under 17. It's listed under Section 14-102.

    >Sec. 14-102. Curfew for juveniles.

    >(a) It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of seventeen (17) to be or remain in or upon a public place within the County during the period ending at 5:00 A.M. and beginning:
    >(1) At 11:59 P.M. on Friday and Saturday nights; and
    >(2) 10:00 P.M. on all other nights.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/24/10(Sun)22:58 No.2520992
    While weekend arraignment can occur in major cities in the US, Prince George's County and in general the State or Maryland does not currently do that.

    I actually visited the Prince Georges County Jail on Summer of last year for a college assignment and they explicitly told me that I get arrested on a weekend you will not be arraigned until Monday morning.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)23:59 No.2521253

    The city of Baltimore has a pretty strict curfew law and I don't see it effecting the underage attendees of Otakon much.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 01/25/10(Mon)02:21 No.2521866
    Uugh. I haven't even planned to make anything new for this Katsu. I have no motivation to care for this con at all. I am only looking forward to Katsu for a weekend away from bullshit to get stupid drunk in old costumes and hang out with people I almost never get to see. SAKU. CAN I KIDNAP YOU AFTER THE CON AGAIN. WE CAN TOTALLY DO LINES OF HARD DRUGS OFF THE NON-EXISTENT PENISES OF YAOI MANGA BOYS.

    On a side note, I was at the Gaylord last month for some ice sculpture thingie, It's an awesomely huge, gorgeous place, though the lack of cheap eats in the area is pretty upsetting. I do miss the McDonalds across the street from the Omni.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 01/25/10(Mon)02:30 No.2521889
    Oh, I also want to punch the person in charge of the rave in the goddamn face. Greg Ayers all night Saturday? And he insists on forcing the DJs to take requests and play multiple styles of music in a single set... If that's what you want, just put a fucking ipod on shuffle. I know a few DJs who turned down spinning there because they won't allow them to play the kind of music that they play... Why the hell would you tell an electro DJ to add happy hardcore, dubstep and techno into their set?! It doesn't fucking work that way... :| raaah.
    >> Anonymous of Cali, Colombia !!qeHmeAJM1a2 01/25/10(Mon)02:55 No.2521963
    Happy hardcore is fucking shit and the reason why I don't go to these dumb ass dances anymore because of the shit taste of the DJs and the kids that "dance" to that terribad music.

    Pumped for Katsu, it shall be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:04 No.2521988

    actually dubstep and dirty house work quite well into an electro djs playlist. Also its a rave, how do you expect to have electro -all- night? If you want to stomp you need 140bpm in there somewhere. HH sometimes pushes it but without jump style and some hardcore beats where is the anthem. Have you been to city after hour clubs?
    Since its an animu rave they should mix in certain animu style dj's like red alice and D.J. A.Q. for that hard hitting sound. maybe even some capsule and perfume remixes. just sayin.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)03:33 No.2522060
    There needs to be a /cgl/ gathering so I can show up slightly intoxicated and make so many friends.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/25/10(Mon)03:45 No.2522082
    Why not we do a meetup at 11pm Friday.
    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 01/25/10(Mon)03:49 No.2522094

    Electro is fucking garbage...I would kill to go to one of these "raves" and actually see a DJ who is able to properly mix Dub and D&B...but that day will never come...fuck, every DJ I've ever seen play at these things can barely mix simple electro shit...
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/25/10(Mon)04:00 No.2522129

    I can tell, this is going to suck badly.

    Fuck, and I was hoping Katsu had okay raves (a la Fanime)
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)04:28 No.2522168

    electro is hard to produce, it changes quickly and expects you to fit everything in the length of a typical song, not a progressive mix. It has its moments. look up boys noize. Regardless its not rave music..its more..clubbing music, or lounge type. I think if ur going to throw a rave, keep it to the basics: dnb, hardcore, prog trance, jump style, anthem music. and let the kids have fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)13:00 No.2522725
    Balls out
    >> Freek-o-suave- !bQZuI.nr1c 01/25/10(Mon)13:08 No.2522741
         File1264442899.png-(83 KB, 235x170, felix.png)
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    >Okay raves
    Lolin forever. Katsu raves suck a big fat pickled dick. And Greg Ayres is spinning? Oh fuck, I hope someone steals his Nitroglycerin before he goes on stage.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)13:33 No.2522802
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/25/10(Mon)17:02 No.2523041
    Heart pillz, homeboy.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)17:26 No.2523098
    Will do this in cosplay and everyone else should, too.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 01/25/10(Mon)19:01 No.2523259
    God he's fucking terrible. I don't see why they can't just hire out a local DJ.

    Up north, 80% of the time they know what they're spinning and are good at it.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/25/10(Mon)19:07 No.2523276
    Some variety wouldn't hurt either. Other than that superhappy rehashed anime & 4chan meme mashups.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)20:22 No.2523378
    not sure if its worth anything to anyone, but the maid cafe is going to be in the sports bar at the gaylord :) fancy place, too
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/25/10(Mon)20:36 No.2523403
    You got any proof of that? I can't see it on the katsucon website. I also sent a tweet back to the Katsucon twitter regarding the arcades.

    I can't believe this thread is still alive for almost five days.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/10(Mon)22:13 No.2523425
    Believe it, homebrew. As the time between the present & Katsucon dwindles, threads like this will increase in lifespan. Also, does anyone have an idea on how much parking will cost, or if there any lots that offer come and go parking on the cheap?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)02:30 No.2523479
    Can;t remember exact price, but most were $20.00 a day or cheaper. Not bad at all.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/26/10(Tue)10:53 No.2524079
    Apparently the new con chairman has revealed himself on the Katsucon Boards: Keith Mayfield.

    But who's the new Chairman of Katsucon Entertainment?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)13:37 No.2524386
    Shouldn't be too expensive, though it is DC.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:48 No.2524711

    What happen to the old one? Election?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/26/10(Tue)15:24 No.2524778
    The national harbor is not part of DC, it's in Maryland.
    If you read the other progress thread for Katsucon 16, you'll learn that collete ,the con chair for the convention, has resigned.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:43 No.2524827
    From one anon of cp to another, why are we not friends?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/26/10(Tue)16:18 No.2524876
    What are talking about?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/26/10(Tue)16:26 No.2524880
    I meant "What are you talking about?"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:44 No.2524909
    HOLY fuck can someone answer me how they picked some of these maids? Most are o-kay but holy fuck the picked some fucking hambeasts.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)16:51 No.2524919
    FFFFFF, I'm in it, too. Fortunately, I didn't spend the night with that lot.

    >Just be lucky the broken faced trannie with the fairy-themed hot topic cami/stretch pants combo,blue fox tail and ears, and pigtails hasn't posted his picture yet.

    Were you in the room for the part where he was running around with no pants? I wanted to push him off the goddamn balcony.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:03 No.2524940
    We're both anons in College Park? Why aren't we friends? I don't know how else that could be taken.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:17 No.2524975

    Yeah man, I always look forward to Katsu. Hatas wanna hate.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)17:18 No.2524978

    Dude. Can someone tell me if that Tenebrae person is a man or woman? I legit cannot tell. It looks like a guy I know in a ratty wig.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/26/10(Tue)17:25 No.2524992
    Why not? Here's my AIM: Jkid232
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)00:03 No.2526247
    I'm working in the maid cafe, was down there for some training already. so it's definitely there
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)00:09 No.2526259
    Look for me at the maid cafe, im a butler, my name is Mushi Mushi Sugoi Kawii Desu Desu Death Note Super Sayan Three In Defense Mode :3
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)00:09 No.2526261
    He's very much a bloke.

    who ARE you, we need to stick together :[
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)00:15 No.2526289
    > the broken faced trannie with the fairy-themed hot topic cami/stretch pants combo,blue fox tail and ears, and pigtails.

    He would not leave me alone!

    "Why aren't you being a maid, you make a better girl then i do."
    "you could have breasts if you wanted, the surgery is relatively cheap."
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)00:32 No.2526363
         File1264570356.jpg-(57 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2010-01-27 at 00.31.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)00:35 No.2526374
    ....this is amazingly accurate.
    >> saku !UZuKFp6d0I 01/27/10(Wed)00:42 No.2526401
         File1264570957.png-(3 KB, 493x402, interesting.png)
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    I am so excited.
    Except I leave at 2 on Sunday D;
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)01:28 No.2526562
    Balls, I don't know how to respond and remain anonymous. I'm the one who was super annoyed all day because people kept speaking horribly butchered Japanese (I mean, it's to be expected, but that was just painful). Who are you? I don't want to be left alone with the crazies...
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 01/27/10(Wed)01:32 No.2526584
    Don't you diss HHC >:U
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)01:43 No.2526640

    The Christfag Broken Marriage Con shit we'll be sharing the Gaylord with (Twogether Ministries) has an estimated attendance of 2900. That's large enough to be fairly entertaining. Wonder what they're gonna bitch about first? Fat yaoi fangirls slobbering on each other, skanky Yokos, shirtless Kaminas, or something gay like Wolfwood's cross (like at Ohayocon). Not as entertaining as cheerleaders, but just as easy to troll.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/27/10(Wed)01:57 No.2526707
    I googled Gaylord National and "Twogether Ministries" and I get nothing.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/27/10(Wed)02:02 No.2526726
    You might be talking about this website:

    >Upcoming Couples Seminars
    >Two-gether Intimately—Understanding and Meeting Your Mate's Sexual Needs
    >February 12 - 13, 2010
    >Devon, Alberta

    Where did you got your information from?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)02:29 No.2526867

    It's been posted here before. Probably earlier in this thread, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)02:42 No.2526907
    Hooooolyyyyy shiiiiit. This could be lulz or fail.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/27/10(Wed)02:54 No.2526931
    Oh my god. The Gaylord might as tell together ministries straight up to move their convention to another weekend. It will be a potential disaster.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)11:23 No.2527688

    he's a cool guy for sure.

    just not the smallest, he does not look as ogreish in person, but he does have that hair.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)11:38 No.2527705
    so the meetup is friday at 2?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/27/10(Wed)12:23 No.2527734
    We have not decided that yet.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 01/27/10(Wed)12:29 No.2527738
         File1264613373.jpg-(163 KB, 700x743, 1257997505845.jpg)
    163 KB
    cgl meet up in my pants

    everyone is welcome to join in after 5pm

    then at 12 we all take off our pants fuck yeah party time
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)13:22 No.2527813

    Oh they have no idea... We'll see how long that sentiment lasts.
    >> Mika 01/27/10(Wed)13:25 No.2527814
    cglmeetup will be on friday? fffffffffffff-

    Someone gonna make one possible on saturday? Might not arrive till early saturday morning ;a;

    sage for self-important crap
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)16:11 No.2528205
    from the info you've given me i can only conclude that you are me :[

    i showed up with a boy and a girl reallllly late, i may not have met you at all

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