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  • File : 1264091284.jpg-(70 KB, 600x400, ohh.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)11:28 No.2509105  
    Who will be attending Ohayocon this year?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)11:33 No.2509113
    I will! I will! I will!

    I cannot wait for the 9:00pm Thursday Night even you can come pick up your badge for those who pre-register. The panels and stuff don't start until 1:00pm on Friday though.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)11:45 No.2509133
    We can pick up our badges early? Where do we go? This is going to be my first time going to this con and I'm SO excited.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:16 No.2509190
    Yep. You can pick up your register badge at the Hyatt in the Fairfield room on Thursday from 10pm-12am, but I think there's going to be a huge line Thursday. Probably 1,000 at the most.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:28 No.2509213
    Oh jeeze. That's quite the number.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:35 No.2509230
    Well I predict that Ohayocon 2010 may hit Over9000 in attendance.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:52 No.2509279
    Wow lol
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/21/10(Thu)12:58 No.2509295
    Oh christ. This time next week, I'll probably be like, an hour driving into Ohio.
    I should probably get the bit of sewing I need done, shouldn't I?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:38 No.2510498
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    Soooo, this thread is made up entirely of Ohayocon newfags it sounds like.

    We'll be sure to be on the lookout for ya for the traditional ohayo con rape party.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:39 No.2510681
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:50 No.2510722
    I want to this year, since I didn't go last. But, money's tight.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)22:58 No.2511325
    Butt-scratcher! I'm not a newfag to Cons.

    Oh and O-H!
    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 01/21/10(Thu)23:10 No.2511392

    I swear to god...there will be fucking problems if you retards are running around yelling this shit...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:44 No.2511513
    This is a Con, an Anime Con. A lot of us are 15-25 year olds running around. Of course you will be in the state of Ohio and that chant is legendary. You can't do it at AX, Otakon, Anime Boston, etc. I like the Butt Scratcher chant. It's better than losing the game.

    Still did anyone hear about the Osamu Tezuka panel? I heard it's going to be EPIC! The Venture Brothers panel is going to another good panel even though it's not Anime. Finally, a panel on 15 Years of Evangelion? 15 years have gone by and we haven't finalize the ending for this show.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:50 No.2511526
    Going, won't be there till early Friday morning. I have a week to make half of one of my costumes and to start a costume for a friend who asked yesterday. Fuuuck.

    Also, not once at any Ohio convention have I ever heard someone yell "O-H! I-O!" Don't start it. You aren't at a fucking sporting event. In fact, don't yell anything unless you see a fire or are dying.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:55 No.2511539
    Gonna be there, staying at the Red Roof Inn! Late night walk buddies, anyone?
    We're not coming until Friday morning, too broke to afford 3 nights. D: Getting there around 8 am, though, to hopefully avoid some reg lines.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:59 No.2511548
    You can only pick them up early if you've pre-reg'd though.
    This. Neither "Butt Scratcher!" or the O-H-I-O chant are funny. Stop trying to force meme.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:02 No.2511552
    True they are not funny, but pride.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:16 No.2511570
    Pride about what? You're at a convention, not an OSU game. Even around campus people don't just randomly scream that crap. There's no need to. You're in C-bus, it's assumed. You're just gonna look like a douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:28 No.2511604
    Pretty much this.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:33 No.2511613
    So many other gatherings will they reserve the center for this year?
    >> Jactater !mGqf7cHvF2 01/22/10(Fri)00:38 No.2511627
    You really need to keep in mind that if you do stupid things for, "pride" then it will reflect poorly on the con and local attendees. Out of State congoers aren't going to desire to attend cons if they have a negative outlook on the majority of attendees.

    Do you really want to be known as that arrogant con that acts stupid to show its pride?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:39 No.2511629
    A lot more of the con is going to be in the actual convention center this year instead of just in the hotel.
    Plan ahead since it can be a long hike to some of those areas.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:41 No.2511633

    Two I think? Definitely the cheerleader group again. blech.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 01/22/10(Fri)00:42 No.2511636
    This. I'm not an Ohio local, and I have no idea what the fuck this O-H! I-O! shit is and I'm not interested, and I swear to fucking God, if I have to go through another con with that buttscratcher bullshit, I'm going to flip tables. Its not funny, you're being loud and obnoxious and perpetuating the stereotype that congoers are annoying social retards.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:44 No.2511641
    Good point. I'm really acting like a douche arrogant right now. Must have been the Guinness (@_@). I should make friends at this Con especially with the group I'm going with since I recently join an Anime Club.
    >> M- !!UatODx6KgB1 01/22/10(Fri)00:45 No.2511644
    As a local I gotta say that I will join you in said table flipping.
    Yes, we Ohioans love our Buckeyes but that's not what we're at Ohayocon for.
    If you want to show your Buckeye pride wear a pin or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:49 No.2511652
    Can we all just have a huge table flipping rage party?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:50 No.2511655
    On Sunday though so we don't get kicked out.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)03:24 No.2512080
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    And once again, you all only prove my point of this thread being made up entirely of newFAGS!

    and on that note...BUTT SCRATCHER O-HI-O!!!!!!!!!!
    -expect to be hearing that all weekend now due to your obvious noob faggotry. Enjoy-
    >> Jactater !mGqf7cHvF2 01/22/10(Fri)03:28 No.2512088

    Or no one finds it amusing...
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)04:20 No.2512226

    You're the .hack newfag aren't you? Annoying faggot.
    >> Obscurity !WJUTgNMf.c 01/22/10(Fri)04:47 No.2512305
    The fuck? I've been going to Ohayocon for nine years and I've never heard anyone even try to do the OH-IO bullshit.

    Hell, I go to OSU and I've only ever heard it coming from drunken frat boys on game nights and tour groups. Granted, I spend next to no time on campus when I'm not in class, but regardless Ohayocon has jackshit to do with college.

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