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  • File : 1264085437.jpg-(58 KB, 604x453, n1148254378_316337_8678.jpg)
    58 KB Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)09:50 No.2508912  
    ITT: weeaboo stories

    pic related, I went to school with all these people. The Juggelette thinks she's a hot shit lolita
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 01/21/10(Thu)10:06 No.2508940

    Fucking hate Juggahoes.

    Scum of the Earth.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:06 No.2509172
    i like these threads, but i have nothing to contribute.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:12 No.2509186
    me too
    >> BlondBomber 01/21/10(Thu)12:17 No.2509192
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    My first day of Japanese 1

    Almost everybody said that they play videos games and watch anime

    two business majors and myself and my friend were the onlys ones that wanted to learn Japanese for rasons that weren't to watch anime
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:18 No.2509194
    I'd hit all four of them. You're a lucky man.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:30 No.2509219

    Me three.

    This is quite a condensed collection of Fail People you have, OP. Tell us their tale.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:41 No.2509247
    I used to have many weeaboo friends like that growing up. BUT i grew up and became self-aware of how retarded you look when you are a fat annoying fugly weeaboo. And since then i have become better then them. beauty means you are better not just on /cgl/ but in life. I can now say without a doubt i am better then them and can't stand them. and now surround myself with weeaboos atleast considered semi atractive in the real world.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:44 No.2509258
    Oh God...this picture is either from Katsucon or Anime USA.

    This means a high probability of them residing in the DC area.

    Oh God.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:48 No.2509265
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    Well they are just really big weeaboos.
    I don't have so much a tale for them, but I will explain what makes them fail a lot.

    Starting from the left
    Guy #1: in 10th grade him and the Juggalette used to scream Japanese in their math class. So loud, I could hear them down the hall. He does everything gay imaginable (i.e. hitting on guys, dressing brolita, crossdressing) and he will defend himself to the grave about how straight he is.

    Girl #1 Juggalette: Well, like I said before, she thinks she's hot shit. There is so much fail under her belt I can't even pick on as an example. But here's her OMG TOTALLY AWESOME LOLITA DRESS though. I own 3 Angelic Pretty dresses and a few Baby pieces, and she tells me I look like shit and I don't know what lolita is. She's a bitch and thinks she's incharge of everything. I rage just thinking about the shit she has done.

    Kairi: She's pretty okay, I tolerated her. Not as much a weeaboo as everyone else. She thinks she's hot shit because she was with Gaia when it was GO!Gaia and she owns Nightmare minis

    Riku: Typical yaoi fangirl. Loves AkuxRoku!

    Misa?: I didn't talk to her that much but when I met her at Katsucon she was annoying and kept talking about how AMO fuels her yaoi paddling soul. Glomped me a few times too

    I think that's it. I don't feel like typing anymore, haha
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:49 No.2509268
    They live in Maryland
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)12:57 No.2509291

    Oh yeah, I forgot that Maryland sucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:03 No.2509307
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:08 No.2509321
    yet here you are on CGL. Pot calling the Kettle black anyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:30 No.2509354

    I watch plenty of anime (just finished 5 hours) and play video games. I'm currently sitting in my apartment in Tokyo, Japan with a rather impressive level of Japanese (for only studying for 2 years). And what do I mainly use that skill for? Not to understand what just happened in the past 5 hours. That's what subtitles are for.
    I go to bars, get drunk, and talk to/befriend Japanese people.
    What piques interest in something doesn't matter. And your judgement puts you on the same mental level of how you view those people in your class.
    >> BlondBomber 01/21/10(Thu)13:32 No.2509361
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    they are taking the class to watch anime
    I'm taking it so I can read my sewing pattrens and fashion mags

    Also my Cousins are taking a trip there in 2011 and once of us should be able to ask where the barthroom is
    >> BlondBomber 01/21/10(Thu)13:33 No.2509370
    yeah your right

    I don't want to judge them but for some reason I can't help it and I don't know why
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:35 No.2509377
    I don't see how learning a language to watch anime is any more retarded than to learn a language to make a costume from anime
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:37 No.2509385

    That's why I took it originally, it's just that I discovered how awesome (see alternate definition as well: often extremely annoying) it is and grew while learning it.
    And if you're taking it for those reasons, you've got a ways to go. And I don't just mean waiting a couple years. You'd probably be better off looking up each individual kanji in those texts yourself; you won't learn them for years otherwise. Especially with that context.

    Learning for traveling is a good idea; however, from personal experience, you'll find how much Japanese you actually don't need to know, haha. Especially in Tokyo.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:41 No.2509399
    ...what are you even doing there? You just spent five hours watching anime.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/21/10(Thu)13:41 No.2509404
    Yeah, the picture came from Katsucon 15. I can tell because of the convention badge.
    Why Maryland sucks? Explain further.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:44 No.2509410

    It's 3:41 AM. And trains don't run all night long. Plus I have class tomorrow. When you move somewhere, even here, you're not spending 24 hours a day in Akihabara or partying in Shibuya. You do normal, at home stuff at night.
    ...Well, I guess "normal" doesn't usually refer to 5 hours of watching anime. But you get the idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:50 No.2509433
    In high school I had some friends who, looking back, were weeaboos in every sense of the word. They ate pocky and ramune nonstop, brought cup ramen to lunch, celebrated White Day, on their history class's Ancient Cultures day wore cheap Target Halloween costume kimonos and geta and brought homemade sushi to school, cosplayed Ayumi Hamasaki on Rock Star day during spirit week, and thought all the songs in DDR were Jpop (most are actually Europop). One of them also had Chii and Sesshoumaru plushes attached to their backpack.

    They were nice to me though and I recently caught up with them on Facebook and they're still pretty cool, so I don't hold that against them.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:52 No.2509440
    Never said that you would be spending all night partying. Being the gaijin at clubs gets old pretty quickly. Just kind of surprised you'd use watching five hours of anime as a point of pride, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:56 No.2509450

    Well, I've gotten addicted to mahjong recently and couldn't stop watching Akagi. It was a bad idea since I need to wake up soon.
    Actually, being a gaijin at clubs is pretty frickin awesome. People think you're more attractive just because you're white. And if you're blonde...jackpooot
    Which I'm not. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)13:56 No.2509452
    They all look like fat little kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)14:04 No.2509462
    Why not just dye your hair?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)14:07 No.2509472
    >Actually, being a gaijin at clubs is pretty frickin awesome. People think you're more attractive just because you're white.
    Maybe because I'm female, but there's only so many times I can hear, "OH MY GOD YOU'RE A FOREIGNER AND SPEAK JAPANESE?!" Everyone that comes up to you just wants to have the same conversation about Japan, so it stops being as fun after a little while as it was initially. (Not to mention if you're a western woman, you're assumed to be easy, which is a whole other problem to deal with.)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)14:54 No.2509640
    Shit, I have a weeaboo story about myself kind of.
    In high school there was this girl in my choir class who could speak Japanese.
    She tried to be the anti-weeaboo, even though it was like lol, you're taking Japanese when its not even a class in this school.
    So one day, I was in a practice room with a ton of people, and Japanese speaking white girl was in there too. Somebody asked her about the Japanese class she was taking, and then asked her to say some "Asian words". She started speaking like really basic Japanese like greetings and such. I looked around and saw that the other two chicks in there looked super bored.(haha they were black) So I said to this girl who was semi interested in it, "Hey, I'll teach you something useful" and then I started saying crap like "Ahh~ Onii-sama, fukaku~~ Ahhhaaa~~IKUUUU"
    You know, the kind of crap they say in hentai. It was absolutely hilarious because Japanese speaking girl got all pissed off because I was runing her teaching moment. Best part was, everyone thought she was being a bitch to me because they had no idea wtf I was saying and why she was mad. lmao
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:00 No.2509667
    >She tried to be the anti-weeaboo, even though it was like lol, you're taking Japanese when its not even a class in this school.
    I hope you're not implying that taking Japanese on your own free time automatically makes you a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:02 No.2509682
    Oh no, no!
    Like, she didn't even want to discuss Japenese culture with anyone. Like, she acted like a Japan know-it-all, while at the same time pretending she didn't give a shit about Japan. It was weird.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:10 No.2509724
    Guys, I am planing on taking a Japanese course next year, I would use the knowledge to watch some anime and manga, but I also want to learn about the culture and traditions of japan dating back to the Tokugawa shogunate. Should I do it?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:14 No.2509747
    >but I also want to learn about the culture and traditions of japan dating back to the Tokugawa shogunate. Should I do it?

    You'd be better off taking a history class for something like that (many schools offer Eastern/Asian history). Japanese language courses are based on contemporary culture, and most are business focused (before anime was cool, most of the people who took the courses were business majors)
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:31 No.2509814
    play Samurai Warriors
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:42 No.2509860
    some chick came to my (high)school on halloween wearing full out Ino cosplay. It was horrible btw.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)22:39 No.2511231
    Holy shit, I had a friend I grew up with in high school. We were both weeaboos at the time but after I moved, I got a grip and grew out of that phase. Recently said friend visited me and it was clear that she definitely did NOT. I draw a lot, and every single time she looked over my shoulder at me sketchbook she would scream "OH, HOW KAWAII!" She calls herself a "cute neko-chan," 99% of her 'OCs' she draws are mary sues of the lowest caliber (think 'half-angel-half-vampire big-breasted silver-haired goddess with color-changing eyes), she spouts Japanese at me constantly and tries to tutor me in it when I already speak more than she does, and when I was working with some glitter powder and spilled some on me, she screeched "LOL OMG YOU'RE A SPARKLY VAMPIRE JUST LIKE EDWARDDD. YAY EDWARD'S SO HOT"

    I about dropkicked her.
    >> Exanimus 01/21/10(Thu)22:48 No.2511267
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    So I'm at this Ren Faire with some friends. I'm the only one in our group dressed up and I'm dressed as a pirate. My friends and I see this neato sword exhibition going on. Apparently the exhibition with real swords was for wooden store shoppe behind us. We decide to check out the swords anyway, and I pick up a Zweihänder. Then Some little weaboo jackass runs up to me and says, "WHAT'S A SAMURAI IN A PIRATE COSTUME DOING WITH A ZWEIHANDER, I WEAR A BASKET HAT WITH MY SAMURAI COSTUME BUT I COULDN'T FIND IT TODAY!" I threaten to shoven the wooden sword down the kids pee hole if he didn't shut the fuck up and go away, luckily my threat worked.
    >> ニッコリ☆ミ !l27NoY0K3M 01/21/10(Thu)22:57 No.2511317
    Would singing Hetalia songs with my friends (It's the only anime they watch) from time to time and cosplaying on certain days of spirit week make you a weeaboo?

    If so, god damn it I'm the thing that I hate most.

    Also, keep the stories commin', Anon!
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:02 No.2511350
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:08 No.2511382
    There's a fair amount of weeaboos in my school, and they're all underclassmen. They aren't terrible, they usually keep to themselves and talk about anime like normal and civilized people. Sometimes they ask me about conventions or cosplaying (I am a senior), it's nice.

    A few years back when I was a freshman the upperclassmen had a group of typical weeaboos would would wear shitty walmart kimonos and cat ears to school and generally make asses of themselves. Nice to see that in 2-3 years they haven't changed, ha
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:15 No.2511422

    At my school there was a girl who used to compete with me like crazy when it came to art. I liked to draw manga and as soon as she saw me with my sketch book out, she would run up to me and say "MINES BETTER!". She used to claim she taught me everything that I knew about art.

    When it came to our art assignments she would always hand in the same sort of things. Pictures of crying anime-ish angels, vampires and "fantasy".

    Her friend also made "lolita" clothes in textiles and design class.. ergh.

    Anyway, I lost contact with her for 2 years and went to a different school. Her marks were so bad, she didn't get accepted into any uni and is next year going to attend an "alternate arts course".
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:21 No.2511438
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)23:21 No.2511440
    Do you really have to ask?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:49 No.2511654
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    I have a great story. There was a guy in in hick ass nowhere, MD that would ask people to call him Kaze. He was obsessed with kingdom hearts and bullshit and did really embarrassing things in public. He used to do naruto moves on trees while waiting for the bus and run like a ninja in gym class.

    He thought he was an irl bishounen and identified with lesbians or something. He wanted to be a japanese voice actor but surprise you can't be a japanese voice actor is you're some dumb fucking american hick.

    He also cosplayed sephiroth but wore the wig so, so wrong. The wig pins were always showing. Like barrets. And the wig cap was also always showing. He bought a $400 katie bair wig. And did this to it. So much lol. I think he spent about a thousand on the cosplay ( he just bought shit) altogether but just looked shitty. He also sweated off all the make up.

    Raven_Eros on btw
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)02:56 No.2512003
    There's a guy in my english class this quarter who calls himself "Wolf."

    He's either a furry, a weeaboo, or an assasin.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)03:03 No.2512027
    I don't have any stories worth mentioning, but I fear what might happen if any of the weeaboos at my school found out that I wear lolita.
    Thankfully I live in Alabama, where weeaboos are in short supply and I've yet to meet one who knows about lolita outside some of the sketches in my binder.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)03:09 No.2512041
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    Oh god...those eyes.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)03:12 No.2512050
    I live in small town England and there are only really two people you could call weaboos in my school as far as I know... one of them was my friend since we were 11 and I used to be as bad as her. Total weaboos together, except I grew out of it... she doesn't do shit like wearing cosplay to school but the cosplays she does do are terrible, and her art is really bad, stereotypical, mostly traced/copied... she also "went out" with a pedophile on the internet which is partly why I stopped being her friend. Seems she's grown up a bit now though.

    As for the other girl, she's half Japanese and lived in Japan until last year. So any of her mannerisms are pretty natural and often quite endearing rather than forced and annoying like the other girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)04:05 No.2512184
    Oh god. Back in grade 9, I used to bring my old beyblades to school so I could battle with friends. I used to make OC's for every guy character I liked, and I'd grab that crap sushi every other week from the cafeteria.

    I'd grown out of that by grade 12 thank god. I've been out of high school for about 3 years now. I'm 20 and in college now for web design. I still watch animes, draw anime, and read manga in my spare time, but it's not such a big deal to me anymore. The only thing I regret is collecting figurines, like the really cute ones from the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann series, the chibi ones.


    One friend of mine has been tracing anime since I've known her, she acts like a 12 year old, and thinks Inuyasha belongs to her. She's also 22. The characters she traces are unoriginal, and are MARY SUES TO THE MAX! Her Inuyasha character is one third dog/phoenix/dragon or something and is unstoppable, lawl! She gets obsessed over any character she likes. And when it comes to yaoi, she HATES IT, and gets mad at people who draw it, and comments on their artwork saying it's disgusting. Now, I hate yaoi, but I'm not gonna tell people their art sucks because of it.

    She even has her own encyclopedia dramatica page, I think it's hilarious, she brings it on herself.

    le sigh.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)04:14 No.2512211
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    All fat people that cosplay.

    Being skinny is one thing, but to be fat and cosplay just openly begs me to acknowledge their fail. I try my hardest to be nice, I do my best to keep things to myself. But seriously, if some fat weaboo dresses like a goddamn Narutard do I not have the fucking god given right to make fun of them?! Can I not point at their rolls hanging out of their glued and wrinkled satin dress or their lack of hygiene and make fun of them?! This isn't bullying. It's not to build myself up. It's pure disgust. You fat fucks stay inside all fucking day unless it's to get some McD's. Why spend all that effort and money to go to a con where you can reside with other pieces of shit like yourselves?! Just stay home and save us the despair you inflict on our senses!

    WHOO! I feel better now. Thanks /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)04:15 No.2512213
    In middle school, I was slightly weeabooish? I would something say Japanese things in my head, never out loud. But when I entered high school I realized I was being stupid, but I also moved to Bumblefuck, USA that same year. There weren't a lot of Asians there. I have a lot of trouble making friends, and where I lived previously, I loved anime, but my friends weren't really into it, so I didn't talk about it.

    But going off of that, I made some amazing friends. These are people I still love so much. Even if they gobbled Pocky, and depended on me to get Asian snacks when I visited family in Virginia. But one of my best friends said to me recently that she only approached me because I was Asian, and thought I might know Japanese or something. I'm Vietnamese.
    This was at my Farewell party when I was moving again, so I was a little bewildered, and then the rest of my friends were like: I'd never been friends with an Asian before you! I'd never even MET an Asian before you.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)04:25 No.2512240

    that's the saddest thing I've heard all day :C
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)06:33 No.2512419
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)06:52 No.2512437
    When I was in middle school I was a super weaboo. I would but anime in any assignment I could and put my screen name animeish. Even if I ended up embrassing myself I still had a good time. Why? Well because I was able to be me. Now in highschool I really don't show that I like anime like all the other anime fans at my table. It almost seems like I'm a faker if that makes sense. It just seems that liking anime and showing it shouldn't be as bad as liking any other hobby and showing it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)08:42 No.2512533
    lol half of these start out "i used to be a weeaboo..." STFU you know all of us are still weeaboos and we won't pull our balls out of our pants and say to the world that we are infact retarded.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)08:57 No.2512541
    I used to be a grade A weaboo, back when anime in my country wasn't as well known. I stopped when I saw a bunch of 14 year old girls act just the same way I did at Comics Connection. It was just.. erh. I don't even watch anime now, other than awesome Minekura Kazuya creations that almost no one else knows of. [well other than Saiyuki]
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)09:00 No.2512543
    I love japanese anime and other kind of stuff but being a weeaboo... Nooo and never!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)09:52 No.2512623
    had this one girl that would always dress in lolita shit all the time back in high school. shes still a bi-sexual emo attention whore (but shes still pretty hot)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)10:05 No.2512646
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    itt: weeaboos hate on other weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)10:29 No.2512676
    I think the issue at hand we're discussing is people who are RETARDEDLY weeaboo. And can't talk about anything else :/
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)10:45 No.2512695
    I never openly liked anime, I only watched it at home and discussed it with my friends, but I was always embarrassed to read manga in any of my classes. I would go to Walden books and read alone, when someone else came I would put the manga away and leave.

    I kinda annoy my boyfriend who doesnt like anime anymore with "kawaii, kyah, nyan, desu." But thats the extent of my weeabooness. My room has a few posers and mangu and figurines but I dont wear merchandise. (shirts, narutofagheadbands, etc.) The extent of my weeaboonism was metrocon 3 years ago when it was the first time with my people I ;-;'d because it was my first convention and nobody judged you and everyone was silly.

    Now its like "fat people shouldnt cosplay chii/misty/etc."


    The way I dress is /fa/ and I am open with my love for animals.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)11:03 No.2512712
    I remember being a weeaboo when I was like 14. Now I'm 20, and the only anime crud on my wall is a vintage GW wall scroll. The rest is Bowie, Star Trek, Watchmen, classic vidja gaems, etc. I do like pocky, but god knows I'm never paying more than two bucks Canadian for it ever again. Most of my interest in Asia these days is limited to historical costume (I'm a textiles major. Not fashion design, I mean dyeing, weaving, screenprinting, etc.) and traditional crafts.

    I knew a girl in high school though who is still such a fucking weeaboo that she dropped out of university. Her grades were abysmal because all she ever handed in were paintings about animu shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)11:20 No.2512726
    My friend is such a freaking weeaboo. Everyone is KAWAIINICKNAME-chan and -sama. Half-assed human Transformers G1 Bumblebee cosplay, FAIL Orihime cosplay, going apeshit over any YuGiOh cosplayers (pics are at home, I'm on my lunch break).. Calling that voice actor "Dan Green-sama".. 4kids is 4bakas...

    Ugh. I give her a break and don't tell her what a moron she's being most of the time because she's got high-functioning autism, and when talking about NON animu things she's very sweet.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)11:26 No.2512731
    I don't know if this is applicable but here goes-- several years ago I was at a con watching a cosplay skit that consisted of some little kids running around on stage saying "pockypockyPockyPockyPOCKYPOCKY" over and over while fighting each other for a box of pocky. Now it's still a great inside joke for me and my friends who were there and I think of it whenever I enjoy a box o' pocky =)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)11:38 No.2512747
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    First: I'm a huge comic book reader. I love American comics, Euro comics and mangas. To me, the interest I have in something has nothing to do with where it comes from.

    So in school, to get English credits (haha, French Canada) I joined a group of other people who were good in English and became a tutor. But in the first tutor meeting, we had to introduce ourselves, and there were 4 or 5 weeaboos. When I said I liked comics, one of them asked if I liked manga, and because I consider mangas to be comics, I said yes. I was instantly labeled a wapanese by everyone and the same guy asked which one was my favorite. I said Fist of the North Star and he said that it sucked and was incredibly gay. He then asked me, and I kid you not: "Have you ever heard of Naruto? It's much better than Fist of the North Star!" I raged.

    But except for that fucker, the other weeaboos were actually really nice people, Of course, they used Japanese words (not very often) and ate a lot of Asian food, but they weren't idiots. The only thing that really annoyed me (wasn't something terrible, more a facepalm moment) was when I was wearing my venom t-shirt (haha, iconic Spider-Man villain) and one fo them asked me if it was one of Deidara's spiders on my shirt. Pic was my reaction to that.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)11:57 No.2512781

    There was a guy in my English class who had like a ub3r crush on me, and in order to impress me, he tried to have our teacher call him "Slayerrrrr".

    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)12:07 No.2512794
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    Yah I remeber back a few years ago, there were some weird weeboo's in my class in high school. instead of doing the whole faggish "name here" -chan and shit, they called each other by anime name's, I face desked in class every day at those wapanese faggot's, my reaction is similiar to pika-fag here
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)12:16 No.2512811
    Just realized I was actually one of these people 10 years ago when I was in 8th grade and had just rented all the VHS tapes I could get of Slayers from the video store.

    Thank god I grew out of it.

    Also: I feel really fucking old now.
    >> Pi !!02neyE5iqHR 01/22/10(Fri)12:18 No.2512813
    My friends and I were total, total high school weaboos for the first year or two.
    School started an hour later on Tuesdays so every Tuesday we'd dress up in our (pretty fail) Naruto/Full Metal Alchemist costumes and take pictures or film little videos of us being silly in cosplay.
    It was hilarious, and our costumes were so, so bad. Only one of us had a wig, and my "Hinata" costume was a brown sweater and black pants + headband and sandals until my dad bought me the proper jacket for christmas.
    We were in this anime club I started (which fell apart) and we'd sit in the social studies room eating ramen, watching animu and playing Yu-Gi-Oh. The teacher who looked after the club was a really nice guy and was pretty interested in the whole "animu" thing and thought my "obsession" was kinda cool.
    There was an asian supermarket across the street, and it was filled with Pocky and other delicious foods, but we only really cared about the Pocky.
    We sorta grew out of the "cosplay every tuesday" thing, we started going to conventions (I'm the only one left who got into sewing/cosplay seriously) and I eventually changed schools.
    (continued in next post)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)12:19 No.2512814
    Friend of mine called me an otaku once and I flipped the shit.
    >> Pi !!02neyE5iqHR 01/22/10(Fri)12:22 No.2512820
    At my new school, asfgsdg weeabooooos.
    (I'm so glad I grew out of it so fast)
    It's not that they cosplay at school, if anything, me and my best friend do that (on halloween/spirit days, and we actually spend time on our stuff now, looks pretty good most of the time)
    These are the weeaboos who sit around drawing all the time talking about yaoi and animu and i you bring pocky is PAWKY I WANT SOMMMEEE ;_;. They don't even talk in Japanese but they just give off such weeaboo vibes. There's this one girl with the "weeaboo haircut" who thinks yaoi is so awesome and she listens to Ludo and she probably goes on gurochan and she's 14, what. None of the weeaboo/animu kids watch anything good anymore. Me and this one kid can talk about UC Gundam for the whole lunch period and I'll show pictures of my figure collection or talk about my upcoming cosplay (which still is pretty high-school weeaboo) but everyone else is "gundam wing/seed best evar" or "naruto is SO over rated and popular I love death note desu."
    (one more post, it'll be a nice laugh at me)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)12:26 No.2512825
    I have a feeling I bypassed the whole weeaboo phase personally. I used to go to comic shops to get manga, Sailor Moon came in skinny comic form, and the songs in anime were dubbed. I have a feeling I just dated myself by a lot.

    Sage because my weeaboo stories are too much to type.
    >> Pi !!02neyE5iqHR 01/22/10(Fri)12:27 No.2512827
    Funny thing though, about my new school.
    We have Japanese exchange students come to our school twice a year and I got paired up with a girl who wasn't into anime at all and I told her I watched it and I read manga and she gave me a look that said "oh, I'm so sorry for you"
    I was kinda thinking "oh man she must think I'm a total weeaboo/otaku/loser or something" and I never brought it up again.
    At the farewell party for the exchange students, there was a group of girls drawing on a bristol board, and when I took a closer look it said "ANIME" on it and they were all drawing Pokemon, Naruto, FMA, TTGL and Evangelion characters on it.
    I said "Hey, awesome, Evangelion and Gurren Lagann!" and they turned around and saw me and were "Ehhh? You like Eva, and Gurren?"
    So I had to be the weeaboo and pull out my laptop which had a Dai-Gurren symbol on the back. The girls squealed and said it was "kawaiiiii" and talked a bit in Japanese to eachother and then talked to me in (pretty good) english about who my favourite character was from TTGL and I HAD to be the weeaboo and say "Nia, and I cosplayed her"
    I totally got the reaction I wasn't expecting; the girls squeed and wanted me to show them and asked if I had pictures on my computer, so I ended up showing them and they squeed some more and one of them gave me a hug and told me I was "so so cute"
    It went on like that for a bit and then this really adorable quiet girl pulled out her cell phone and me and the other girls looked at her go through her pictures on her phone, which were mostly of KHR, Bleach, TTGL and Evangelion.
    The farewell party ended with us eating cupcakes and the small shy girl starting to sing Cruel Angels Thesis, and the rest of us joining in.
    It was kind of horribly embarassing afterwards but totally fun and worth it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)12:28 No.2512830
    Not really. That was how I got my Sailor Moon and I'm 18. :/
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)12:31 No.2512837
    >weeaboo haircut
    >> Pi !!02neyE5iqHR 01/22/10(Fri)12:42 No.2512865
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    A few weeaboo story threads ago there was a discussion about how some weeaboos tend to have the same hairstyle, really long hair and no bangs and sort of let their bangs hang there.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)12:59 No.2512889

    Totally had that hair. Complete with bangs that I cut myself. I also had glasses too wide for my face so the bangs would hang off them and make a little A shape around my forehead. I had no style-savvy friends to tell me this was a bad idea.

    Pretty glad that I chopped it off and now have an easily managed pixie cut. Having shit hair as a teenager really doesn't matter but now that I'm supposed to be turning into a grown up I'm glad I got rid of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)13:12 No.2512907
    i thought for a moment that you were going to say the sakura card captor hairstyle.

    for some reason every weeaboo chick in my city tends to have that haircut...even if their are the tannest thing in the world and try to act the cute/sweet/shy girl with the whole finger thing and "Eto eto eto eto eto ^__^ "
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)13:35 No.2512931
    My first con (and only so far, sob) about three years, I hung around with the Risembool Rangers because I had no one else, as my sister who went with me decided to go on an excursion around London. I'd say 90% of them embodied the epitome of weeaboo. We even had the token fat loli in a dress five sizes too small for her.

    More recently, I spied some guy in the Birmingham Bullring with scraggly, unkempt hair, wearing some grungy anime shirt and a Mokona hat. I felt embarrassed for him.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)13:57 No.2512970
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    I feel like I should have more weeaboo stories because I was the president of my high school anime club, but mostly it was this socially awkward fat guy who couldn't take a hint I wasn't intrested and asked to be the 'club slave' (ew no)
    But there was this one weeaboo chick who's chinese and is obsessed with her asian-ness (sorry honey, you're the 'wrong' kind of asian, and no need to insert [azn] into the middle of your facebook name. we can tell because I could probably blindfold you with dental floss). She had this group of weeaboo emos except she called them the 'outcasts' or someshit stupid like that. The rest of them were nerdy but chill, even if they wore those fox tails to school a lot, but she had this unwarrented self importance because her eyes were slanty.

    Also, she had this picture on her 'get to know me' picture I saw hanging in the japanese room.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)17:19 No.2513582
    Pi, you sound like a pretty cool dude. Let's discuss UC Gundam sometime.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)17:40 No.2513661
    I knew a weeaboo who is 20 years old and worse now than ever. While we were still friends everything was "kawaiiiiii" or "sugoiiiii" (always spelled with that many 'i's) and everyone's name had to end in -chan. She loved yaoi, especially Fake, hated yuri and het, and refused to watch any anime with shoujo themes or romance or plot. So she only liked Naruto and Bleach. She hardly read manga because "anime was better." She always bought over-priced Bleach yaoi fanart at cons to paper her walls with. I specifically remember, years ago, her telling me she hated Pocky but once she entered cosplay that's all she would eat. She buys all her costumes off eBay then claims she's hard at work in her sewing room. She's a cubby bitch with a plain face, no skills, a flat ass that hero-worships FDP and Koi as if they were gods. She follows them to conventions and "makes" costumes to match the two FDP dykes. She calls them her mama-san and papa-chan. I hope she gets trolled off the face of the planet.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)17:48 No.2513690
    Do you live near Birmingham? I do, makes me feel better to learn of someone nearby who also goes on /cgl/...

    I don't tend to see many people like that out and about though. But I can't tell whether it's living in the Midlands or that America just seems to be chock full of weaboos in comparison.
    >> ニッコリ☆ミ !l27NoY0K3M 01/22/10(Fri)17:57 No.2513720
    Yes. ; ;
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)18:51 No.2513892

    Hoshiii- I think I know who you're talking about. Could be someone else, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)19:05 No.2513919
    In my old high school, there were two girls that were kinda weeaboo, but not to a huge extreme. Both of them were completely obsessed with Digimon and subsequently the male characters in it, and one of them had a massive folder full of pictures from various anime.

    Apart from that, I've never really met anyone terribly bad, even at anime conventions. Apart from that one guy who cosplayed L to a pre-con meet, and during dinner at a Japanese restaraunt refused to eat wasabi because "L only eats sweet things". Extreme facepalming ensued.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)19:06 No.2513921
    I also hope she is trolled off the planet.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)19:13 No.2513933
    >>insert [azn] into the middle of your facebook name
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)19:24 No.2513956

    My assumption: he just didn't want to eat wasabi because it's OMG SO HOOTTTTT.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)19:25 No.2513960
    When I was in highschool there was only about 6 people that liked anime. 4 of them who were a year younger then me decided that they were digimon trainers. They would wear swimming goggles, headbands, digivices and fingerless winter gloves to school every day. If its even possible they failed at their harsh digimon trainer outfits that they didnt even have proper digimon to carry with them but instead carried crappy cat and dog plushies around the school as their "digimon." One of them also had a deadjournal that as more her own personal MarySue fanfiction journal where she wrote:

    "Dear journal, My life sucks!! My parents wont let me stay out late. But thats ok becasue Trunks and Vegeta love and fight over me."

    I wish I was making this shit up.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)19:25 No.2513962
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    I don't east Wasabi cause IMO that stuff taste nasty
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)19:27 No.2513963
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    this is what I think when I think weeb hair. like they went to some backwards town hairdresser with a picture of a jrock band and fought for hours with them that it would look good but it doesn't.
    >> ニッコリ☆ミ !l27NoY0K3M 01/22/10(Fri)19:53 No.2514018
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    Hm, I'll post this to hopefully get a good laugh at myself.

    I was a pretty big weeaboo... but, I like to believe I grew out of that... even if it isn't completely true.

    I used to LOVE Naruto and Death Note (this was around the time Naruto only had about 3-4 episodes dubbed and Death Note, clearly, hadn't been touched yet. I ate ramen A LOT, ate Pocky a lot, used Japanese words from time to time (Not any of that "KAWAII DESU" shit. I was a stupid idiot that said "Chidori!" and such. Ugh.) and I cosplayed a few times. It didn't take long, though, before I realized that acting like that wasn't cool, it was just plain dumbassery.

    Sure, today, I still like yaoi and I still watch a lot of anime. Hell, I still eat ramen from time to time when I'm running out of stuff to cook, but I don't do it all the time like I used to. Even though I used to be a huge weeaboo, I'm trying to stay away from being just another annoying, smelly, fat yaoi fangirl. (If I become one of them, I'd like to be shot.)
    ...God fucking damn it I'm a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)20:02 No.2514038
    so you grew up, became mature and self-aware, and learned how to be incredibly shallow. good for you!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)20:05 No.2514042
    >rather impressive level of japanese
    >for 2 years
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)20:09 No.2514047

    Yay, Vancouver weaboos!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)20:15 No.2514060
    I love that movie.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)20:29 No.2514104
    emo kids at my high school used to hang out in the halls acting like jackasses all the time. they wore kitty ears and meowed and put leashes on to pull each other around. the building was old and the doors didn't seal sound, so occasionally someone had to step out and ask them to quiet down, and they always turned into hellcat bastards about such simple requests. i.e. "Why should we?" "because we're trying to work in here." "fucking tough, do it at home bitch."

    they also took sexual identity fads WAY too far. most of them thought they were pansexual or trannies or...whatever.

    one of them thinks he's gonna be a rocker and plays shit guitar every waking minute of the day. he paints black tears under his eyes with eyeliner. poor bastard kinda makes me laugh. he thought he was really tough and threatened me every time i pissed him off. he was scary in the way an angry pomeranian might be. LOL.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)20:31 No.2514108
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    My friends & I were pretty terrible in junior high...we didn't bother other people with our dumb shit, but we had stupid OCs, spoke stupid Japanese (kawaii neko chan!) and used -chan with each other, cosplayed with stretchy material and without wigs, etc.

    I want to make a chart of the various haircuts weeaboos have... these were my two weeaboo stages in Jr High. (High school brought on the "so goffik" stage and the "NO I'M NOT A SCENE KID THIS IS JAPANESE FASHION" stage but I won't bother you with those ones)
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)20:33 No.2514120
    >I want to make a chart of the various haircuts weeaboos have
    Do it do it do it!
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)20:48 No.2514191

    Woah, familiar story.

    The Japanese exchange students at my school pretty much kept to themselves. I'm not overly weaboo or anything. I'm not going to say I'm not Weaboo because I do watch anime and read manga.

    But anyway, I asked them what anime and manga do you like if any? They just looked at me weird and said I probably wouldn't know anything. One of them asked me if I like One Piece and I replied "No.... not really". It then got all awkward for a few seconds and then they started talking to each other in Japanese. They mentioned Negima and Macross and I cut in and said "AWESOME, Negima is my favourite! Have you guys watched the new Macross Frontier?". They looked at me with wide eyes and we've been best friends ever since hahaha
    >> Pi !!02neyE5iqHR 01/22/10(Fri)21:07 No.2514281
    Sure thing bro
    Hahah, oh man. The one on the left is EXACTLY how the girl at my school looks, down to the glasses.
    I'm actually really close to the right hand one, I tend to get behind in dying my hair and I usually have a bad haircut (bad = unflattering). But that's more because I haven't been able to get my bad haircut fixed (inb4 cut it yourself).
    Awesome! Our school gets the second semester exchange students in a week...I wonder if we'll be so lucky to get some animu fans again this time.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)21:12 No.2514296
    I can't even eat ramen.... It reminds me of tape worms every time I put it in my mouth.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)21:15 No.2514301

    . . . . . . . Wow. I really should not browse 4Chan while eating.
    >> Rein !!CxfqtUQA3gu 01/22/10(Fri)21:15 No.2514305
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    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)21:16 No.2514308

    LOL! I looked exactly like the one on the left for the longest time. Same glasses and hair color too.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)21:27 No.2514337
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    Not a great story, but this guy in my high school always wanted to show me pictures of his "manga" and did nothing else but talk about Sonic.

    Pic related. this is Kiryu from his manga, HERO. And there is plenty more where that came from.
    >> ニッコリ☆ミ !l27NoY0K3M 01/22/10(Fri)21:33 No.2514359
    Why does every weeaboo I know seem to draw JUST LIKE THAT? Are they all the same fucking person?

    Geez, even I draw better than that.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)21:37 No.2514377
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    ive seen him too, pic related
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)21:39 No.2514383
    It's true. That's him.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:25 No.2514513
    Stage one is my hair right now. I don't think it's entirely fair to call it weeaboo hair, though... it's just "too lazy to do anything whatsoever" hair.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)22:32 No.2514526
    Once you're eating that crap for pure survival you realize how disgusting it is.
    Shit tastes like cardboard to me now
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:11 No.2514621
    It does help creativity though. I can't begin to list all the cheap canned things I added to ramen to try and fortify my meals when I first moved out on my own.
    sage for unrelated
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:15 No.2514632
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    There's a group of weeaboos at my school right now, but I don't find any of them particularly annoying. They sort of have a weird charm to them... But then again, this may be because I only really know two of them very well.
    One of them's a cool as shit guy who just reads One Piece a lot. I don't actually think he should be classified as a weeaboo, but his girlfriend is somewhat of a Hot Topic weeaboo.
    But one of them, (and, might I add, she has an IRL troll face. pic related if you dunno what I'm talking about. I shat brix when I first saw her.) is really hell-bent on being as Asian as possible. She has a Chinese boyfriend, is learning Chinese, dyed her hair black, to be "more Asian," and, I shit you not, she's said on some occasions that she's "more Asian" than one of her actual Asian friends. Weird shit. I have her as a Facebook friend mainly for the lulz.
    She also routinely posts her "artwork" on Facebook. And hell, some of it's not half bad, and her little comics are actually pretty funny.

    tl;dr, I know kids crazy obsessed with anime and shit but they're not annoying about it. Still weeaboos? I dunno.

    HOH SHIT. Almost forgot. I knew a chick, graduated last year, who's a super fatass furry. Draws anthropomorphic cats on everything. Yikes.
    >> Work Pants !mRXaSPDgxw 01/22/10(Fri)23:24 No.2514648
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    He seems to be a gigantic weeabo, more so than my mind can fathom, as every time I see a forum post, or am in a chat room with him I am surprised at how low he can go.
    It's no uncommon for him to repeat over and over again in a crazed voice, "SACK A JEW. SACK A JEW. SACK A JEW. SACK A JEW." For some reason he believe sacking jews is the euivalent of "deleting" in moon speak.
    He often breaks into weeaboo song, and I imagine dance as well, but I can not be sure about dancing. Perhaps his dancing conssts of sacking jews?
    Regardless, the manchild had no sense of social conduct, is rather creepy, and most of all beleive ABSOLUELY EVERYTHING YOU TELL HIM. Even if you lay on a fake indian accent.

    He is a strange, but very entertaining lot is handeled correctly, but a single wrong move can result in thousands of sacked jews, and I imagine bitch tears.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:29 No.2514655
    I don't know her, but jesus.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:31 No.2514658
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    Your guess is probably right, anon. To my knowledge, there is only one twatwaffle who thinks FDP is her GREATEST KAWAIIII FAMILY SO THANKFUL FOR THEM AND THEIR LESBO-YAOI DESU~!!!!!

    It's one thing to be a raging weeaboo, it's another to pretend you have sewing talent and take credit from the workers in destitute Chinese sweatshops. I'm tired of seeing her half-concealed-in-knee-length-spankies flubber ass flaunting her shit costumes and poor body shape. She really needs to gtfo my cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:32 No.2514660
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    my reaction %100
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:37 No.2514675
    The large group of weeaboos in my art class think that they are fine artists because they can draw shitty manga. NO, it is not even close to good looking either. If I were them I would take art classes pronto,hide my art or stop drawing.

    Your stupid yaoi crap is not inventive or special, it's just poorly drawn men looking at each other with '<3<3<3' above their heads.

    I think that the art teacher is lying when she said that she liked it. She's so kind..., but I would rather them know the reality: it sucks balls.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:40 No.2514680
    Why do obese lesbians like yaoi so much? that is my weeaboo question of the day. Wouldn't you think that they would like yuri?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:44 No.2514691
    considering I know EXACTLY of whom you speak - yes he does in fact, dance. Looks kind of like this, but jerkier and more forced

    polite sage
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:46 No.2514703
    I'm a lesbian.. I like both yaoi and yuri. (Note: Real yaoi and yuri)

    Speaking of Juggalo's, there's one who attends the community colledge across the street from my apartment complex who rotates her gay ass face paint everyday. Most days it's your typical jugg fail, but other days it's lame attempts at kefka and an assortment of other characters. FFFFUUU
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)23:52 No.2514715
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    I used to be a huge weeaboo, until I pissed off all the other weeaboos for not playing kiss-ass and got my ass exiled.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:02 No.2514756
    I can't lie... in jrhigh and the first year of high school i was kind of a weeaboo... super obsessed with anime and japan. But! I was/am not a) fat b) unhygenic c) retarded d) fuck-shit obnoxious annoying. I was really into the culture but I kept it to myself, I didn't really want to force it on people or freak them out on first impression.
    but uhm... i kind of grew out of anime. I still watch, but I'm not obsessed. I don't go to conventions or even really cosplay anymore. I really just come here to see if there are any pretty cosplay pictures.

    Anyways, some people that I knew in school were even worse than I was. Screaming Japanese very poorly. Glomping me when it's obvious they haven't showered in a while. Really REALLY socially awkward, to the point of not being able to converse. Cosplaying at school. etc.etc.etc I see them around from time to time, and we're all 20 now, but they STILL act like that. It's embarrassing.

    I notice a lot of weeaboos are pathological liars, delusional to the point where I seriously think they have a diagnosable mental disorder and they're racist. But the thing is, they're so ignorant that they don't even realize they're racist. Typically in conversation I hear people saying things like "Yeah I want to meet a Jap guy/girl, I want to be Jap" and it's like they don't even realize that "Jap" was/is a derogatory term.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:04 No.2514760
    Basically at my school they are either extremely skinny or extremely fat. They don't speak in garbled Japanese, but what they DO say isn't much better. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to attend a college with such idiotic people.

    Do I really need to see craptastical cosplay, see your furry faggotry or hear your fangirling? I wish that these people would keep their interests to themselves. Why is wearing cosplay in class acceptable?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:08 No.2514768
    Shut yer face, jew.
    Jap is reacist and Itai, Brit, or Scot.
    It's just the first few letters of the name of their country.

    It sounds stupid to use them, but they really aren't themselves racist.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:17 No.2514791
    er... Jap was used during WWII as an insult towards the Japanese.
    You can still find some Superman comics out there that are like "Watch Superman Take On The Japs!" It's totally different than calling someone a "Brit" or "Aussie" or whatever.

    They aren't using it in a racist context that is true, it's more ignorance on their part.

    Regardless, most weeaboos have that whole "Japanese people and Japan are superior to everyone" which is a racist notion, even though they themselves are not Japanese.
    >> Hibiscus T. 01/23/10(Sat)00:22 No.2514800
    I used "Jap" in high school as a short term for my Japanese class, but I never used it as a derogatory term. I think its only racist when you use it that way. Thats just my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:24 No.2514803
    Agreed, just like negro. It's not a bad word.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:28 No.2514810
    I dunno that's kind of being like
    "Yo wassup mai Niggas!!" to a bunch of black guys and when they try to whoop your ass you say "Noooo I didn't say nigger, I said nigga!!! You know, the non-offensive one!"

    Where do you draw the line on derogatory? Would you feel completely comfortable going up to a Japanese person and using the word "Jap" in any way shape or form?
    >> Hibiscus T. 01/23/10(Sat)00:39 No.2514837
    When I say "What was the homework for Jap last night?" I don't think that is derogatory, but when I say "Hey you Jap! What was the homework last night?" Thats being derogatory. There is a difference.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:41 No.2514842
    because you know saying Japanese Class takes sooooooooooo much extra time and effort.
    I was with a large group of people for a friend's Debut (18th birthday party) and some girls I didn't know were looking at pictures on a camera and one said "Oh look your eyes are all chinky here". I looked at them in shock. They didn't realize that Chink was a rude word and when we explained it to them, the girl who said it was like "well I didn't mean it in like an offensive way or whatever." =/

    If you're not the same ethnic group as someone, don't assume that just because you don't use it in a purposefully hurtful manner, you are "safe". It hurts and it's rude.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:47 No.2514856
    I suppose there is a difference, but why say it at all when you can just use the proper name?
    I don't know I guess it's because I'm half-native/half-french and people would call me Indian and I know it's not really that bad a word, nor is it even really offensive anymore, but it still maybe me feel bad growing up you know?

    Sorry... I didn't mean to get in your face or insult you. I'm just more astute towards these things.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:48 No.2514857
    Only weeaboos get butthurt at "japs."

    Not even japs hate the word japs.
    >> Hibiscus T. 01/23/10(Sat)00:50 No.2514869
    Gook, Nigger, Kike, Chink, Porch-monkey, coon, wop, wog, wet-back, towel head, etc..
    I think these words are waaay more derogatory than jap. Using the word "jap" in a non-derogatory way is not gonna hurt anyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:52 No.2514876
    Japanese-Americans do.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:52 No.2514877
    Asian can be just as derogatory as Jap.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:55 No.2514886
    Well after enjoying all the lulz of this thread, I suppose it's time for me to share my story.

    I was a hella weeaboo through my Junior High days (weren't we all?), but by the time Freshman year rolled around, I was falling out of it. I enjoyed Cowboy Bebop and a couple other Adult Swim titles, and had a rather meager manga collection. My weeaboo fangirlism had simmered down to a quiet appreciation for anime. However, I made the mistake of accidently kickstarting this one fat chick's weeaboo stage. She was frighteningly clingy and as soon as she saw I was interested in this anime-thing she completely engrossed herself in it in an attempt to become friends. She was obsessed with YuGiOh and would watch all the 4kids anime on Saturday mornings then call me to talk about the latest episode, began writing horrible horrible fanfiction about her Mary Sue who Seto Kaiba was so in love with. She asked for a suggestion on how to get more views on, and I said to get rid of the OC, so she took Serenity's character and turned her INTO a fucking Mary Sue ("Serenity goes to America and learns 20 types of martial arts and gets highlights in her hair and is now ttly awesome!"), who she then proceeded to pair with Kaiba. She was also a total prude-- she bought the manga "Ceres" and was grossed out by a (super boring) sex scene, so she paper clipped the pages together so no one would have to look at that "icky stuff."

    Oh, and did I mention she was older than me? I was 14, she was 17. I was so happy when she finally graduated. (I saw her a couple years ago and I practically dove under a desk.)

    Just jumping in here: "Jap" is an offensive term, much more so than Limey or Brit. It on the same level as "chink" probably. Say it outloud in front of an actual Japanese person over the age of 30 and you'll probably get slapped.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)00:56 No.2514892
    >>The Juggelette thinks she's a hot shit lolita
    >>The Juggelette
    >>The Juggernaut
    yes you all look like the Juggernaut. Lose some fucking weight.
    >> Hibiscus T. 01/23/10(Sat)00:59 No.2514896
    No no you don't have to be sorry, its just my opinion on the matter. I do know people of Japanese decent who do not get offended when I say it in that context.
    THIS. This is true.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:01 No.2514907
    they dont all draw EXACTLY like that, i knew a morbidly obese girl in middle school who always drew on graph paper, and used the grid as a guide. she made each eye fit perfectly into one square. yes, her characters came out looking very square. how i wish i had one to show.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:04 No.2514910
    i will never understand why i went through a ramen-loving phase. it's inedible to me now (at least the cup/top ramen crap). it's like prison food.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:10 No.2514917
    >pathological liars

    this. what is the deal with this? i met a girl through a mutual friend, her entire life story turned out to be a fabrication. everything she said raised flags in my mind, but i didn't say anything at the time, lest i piss off said mutual friend. she said all this crap about being half japanese, she looks as white as me and i'm really fucking white, she has blue eyes too, which she tried to explain by some made-up disease. she also had three different versions of how her japanese father died. she had a bunch of made-up japanese friends, a boyfriend, and a brother. she kept lying that she was going off to japan again for the week, she never brought anything back or gave any proof that she had left. and of course, she had a number of skills she wasn't able to prove she had, like being able to sew really well, and being an expert guitar player. we never saw her with a guitar in her hands, and her cosplays were obviously commissioned.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:11 No.2514919
    most of them like both.

    and a lot of them are poser lesbians.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:11 No.2514920
    Theres a couple of Weaboos at my school, they dress weird, have crazy hair colours and have cat shaped wallets.

    However, they are both very friendly, very nice girls. They get along with everyone and dont even take Japanese hahaha
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:16 No.2514937
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    Who cares if they are pathological liars when they've found their own Happiness? Their delusions is what keeps them alive and pappy in this world. But the same could be said for every fandom.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:17 No.2514938
    there's a girl at my former high school who thinks she's a lolita. even I can tell she's doin it wrong. she wears lime green petticoats under black dresses, very non-lolita shoes, and so on. she has one obviously home-made dress and one obviously ebay-bought dress (that couldn't have cost more than $40). and she wears lolita to school DAILY. she has a fake speech impediment, which she thinks is cute. i honestly thought it was real at first, and i know how embarrassing those can be so i was much too nice to call attention to it. she's addicted to drama and bad mouths people constantly. she's also a Vic Mangina fangirl. she's one of these people that make such a sweet impression, but you peel it like the layers of an onion and find out how screwed up they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:18 No.2514944
    .....that's not happiness. that's being so desperately unhappy with your own life that you have to create a pretend one. and that is a dangerous way to live.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:22 No.2514949
    Oh my god, flashback. I knew a pathological liar I met at some terrible Junior High camp. She carried around a binder full of anime fanart PRINTED on computer paper, and would shove it in the face of anyone who was standing still long enough and claim she drew it herself and how she was so amazing and had millions of fans on teh internets. She always had some relative that was in the army/Japan/Hollywood/whatever we happened to be talking about, and claimed she could speak a dozen different languages, but only when she got upset or angry "I just start rambling in different languages and ppl are liek, OMG how do you know my language lolz." I tried to keep me and the lake between us at all times.

    Ugh, camp.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:26 No.2514958
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    True, that is only if the said person recognizes it the delusion. If they did recognize it, they'd be shell-shocked and become depressed 30-year-olds with no motivation to live. I wouldn't mind seeing that with my own eyes but alas, don't go about shamming some socially awkward nerd's fantasy.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:38 No.2514988
    i'm pretty sure that girl with pretend japanese friends and family knew it was a lie. they all know.
    >> bloody zoro 01/23/10(Sat)01:48 No.2515006
    I started my high-school's anime club and went to anime showings at the local community college every saturday night.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)01:53 No.2515022
    Aww, thank you.
    I'm just glad it happened when I was going to move, but I kinda had a hunch that that was the case.

    But after so much time caring about those people, it didn't bother me as much as it might have if our friendship was new.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:01 No.2515039
         File1264230063.png-(28 KB, 941x454, hair.png)
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    i had hair like this for a while when i was a weeaboo. it looked hella shitty. and i got it from Weiss Kreuz.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:13 No.2515076

    When I was a kid we HAD to eat it because we were poor and on welfare. It's not that I think ramen is bad or anything. But when you grow up on it because you can't afford anything else it's not exactly a fun food if you know what I mean.

    I knew a weeaboo guy who was very much obsessed with Japan. He used to call me Usagi-Chan because I had a tendency to chew on things and he thought it made me look like a rabbit. It was a bad habit that cost me my old bonding. So I do not do it anymore.
    All he ever talked about was jrock and anime. He would break out in random Japanese for no reason and it would really annoy me.

    Guess that's not so bad. But he didn't have the social graces to know when to stop bugging people with his weeabooism.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:16 No.2515086
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    I had a short weeaboo phase in 7th grade. Probably a few months. I let my hair grow out when my mom suggested it, and pretty much had this ugly afro for the next 7 years. Then I realized how ridiculous it looked and was getting ready to chop it off but I met a girl and she liked it so I kept it. When we broke up I finally got sick of it and buzzed it all off.
    Sometimes I leave a racing stripe for extra cool, my brother and his wife suggested it at some point and it stuck with me

    /cgl/ - hair
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:17 No.2515090
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    I have a great example of a weeaboo right here.

    myspace :
    deviantart :
    photobucket :
    gaia account :
    I knew her in high school and she once dated my boy friend. She used to be so sweet and nice but then when you started to know her, she would say really weird things... She loved Yugioh and wrote herself into the show with her own marysue. She would wear clothes that look like cosplay, make bento with tuna fish onigiri, and pretend to be shy/kawaii/ultra manga shojo anime girl desu. All typical of a weeaboo girl at the age of 15. But she would try really hard to be my friend but we just couldn't click. She would always want to pull me away from my friends to talk. She got really pissed off when I didn't want to have a secret talk session with her and she started to talk all sorts of shit.
    Anyway, shes 18 now. She still says kawaii and she wanted to be a great mangaka or a game designer but of course that didn't work out. She now works at a crappy restaurant, as a dish washer. Shes spends her free time getting cum'd on by her 'master' who is married but shes desperately devoted to.

    Pic related: That's here with the blue hair. The girl next to her is a Chinese exchange student that she would stalk and masturbate to.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:21 No.2515096
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    I had/still sometimes have that style. I like to think I rock it. I think most would disagree, though.

    8th-9th grade was my phase. I had terrible fashion and didn't shower as often as a should have, since I didn't give a fuck/know how to even care about appearance.

    This wasn't that long ago (Toonami Tenchi Muyo/Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing/Kenshin time? I guess it's close to 10 years ago. FML.) but my friends and I were super careful to keep the fact we liked anime a secret. In art class, I would draw realism for assignments and do anime doodles on my own.

    Flash forward to Senior year in H.S. and my friends and I are watching the newest Freshman thinking "Were we that bad? Sure, we were weird, but we weren't fat and didn't carry "I <3 Yaoi" purses."

    What changed? What made weeaboo children think it was acceptable to act out like they do? Why are they not drowning in their shame? They don't hate canon romances, and they have any implied boylove handed to them on a marketing platter. They don't have that one 1x2 official art to cling to. They don't have to go fishing for knowing looks.

    Today, I can't stand most anime, if I watch anything it's usually for porn value. Tell those damn kids to get off mah lawn.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:23 No.2515099
    The amount of people admitting they were once weeaboos and now are into cosplay is kinda alarming. I was never a weeaboo. But I knew a lot of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:38 No.2515125
    >That's here with the blue hair.

    I see only reddish-brown hair and green hair.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:41 No.2515132
    Honestly, cosplay itself kind of makes you a little bit weeaboo. :/
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:44 No.2515136
    I was figuring as much. I'm so glad I skipped a weeaboo period. No embarassing pics of me in Hot Topic pants and eyeliner abuse trying to be kawaii desu. Feels good to have grown up poor.
    >> NonCosplayer 01/23/10(Sat)02:48 No.2515146
    Hi everyone first I'd like to mention I kind of new here so forgive me if I seem like a complete fool in my post. Oh yeah sorry if I get a bit long winded in this.

    In high school I did have a some weeaboo moments. They were no where as extreme as some of stuff I've been reading up here. The most I did was probably run like Naruto in gym class. Thats pretty much it for me. Granted my fiends in school knew that I was into anime but, that's only cause I told them. I didn't make a big deal out of it and neither did they which made me kind of happy because I really didn't want to be ostracized away from my friends. That pretty much covers myself.

    There's more so I going to posting the rest up here in a second. Like I said I tend to be a bit long winded. :D
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:51 No.2515155
    I wasn't with my sister's group when it happened but her and her friends accidentally walked right into a Naruto/Bleach fanboy MY SERIES IS BETTER THAN YOURS fight. A Naruto fan grabbed her friend's Kon plush without asking and used it as a prop for some joke about Bleach and everyone went ooooooohh burn. One Bleach supporter goes up to her friend and WHY DID YOU HELP THEM. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID. this apeshit rant goes on for a while

    I believe her friend has that recorded on camera still, I should ask
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:54 No.2515165
    haha I know, right? She's then changed it to having her whole name in chinese because it's more 'authentic'
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)02:55 No.2515169
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    >run like Naruto

    Nothing like standing in some hotel elevator line when some kid comes careening past with their arms thrown behind their back. Something terrible about how awkward it looks, and you know how awesome the person doing it must feel about themselves.
    >> NonCosplayer 01/23/10(Sat)03:00 No.2515188
    well nothing like your friend(who arn't into anime) ask if your imitating something of Naruto. I admittied I was but, it was kind of fun to do. I will admit that.

    Oh yeah heres the rest of the story. Well in my Senior year I came across a group during my lunch period who were into anime. I at first tried to shy away from them due to the fact two out of the group were in to yaoi which I despise with a great passion. I eventually relented and began sitting with them and found it pretty cool(for the most part) to be sitting with a group of people who were into anime like I was. They were mostly in to Kingdom Hearts, Ghost Stories, Naruto, Bleach, Gundam Wing and ect. I'd made to weird assumption that they had better taste so I asked them if they had watched Neon Genesis Evangelion, 8th MS Gundam, or anything like that. They gave me the strangest look and they said that they had NEVER HEARD OF THEM. I also asked them if they knew anything about what companies produce them and I received another blank stare. That kind of pissed me off so, I made a nerd of myself and expounded on my knowledge(gee that sound kind of narcissistic) and I insisted that they look into classic animes. I also turned into their general source for new anime and ect. That in itself I found kind of fun. Granted they ran around eating pocky and drawing anime OCs and stuff. They weren't all that bad. They did try to cosplay but, the only time they did it during school was when was close Neko-Con. Their costumes where not the best but, certainly not the worst. They basically wore a store bought Naruto jacket and a little bit of makeup.

    I suck at stories so I think I'll stop here for now that unless I can think of anything else.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:27 No.2515277
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    Who wants to see pics of me when I was really weaboo? Here's a sparkling gem...
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:34 No.2515302
    what bothers me the most is that you drew diirectly on your monitor, and that there appears to be brownies smeared on it
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:35 No.2515306
         File1264235730.jpg-(183 KB, 600x1200, g822-2.jpg)
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    >I've yet to meet one who knows about lolita

    I take that back. Thinking about it, there is one girl who is in band, in my section in fact. Terrible at clarinet, always misses marching practice...anyways, her and her older sister both think they're "kawaii lolita-chans!" and wear this one costume-y Bodyline OP. Sure, Bodyline has a few okay pieces, and I'm not going to lie, I do own a skirt from there, but I'm talking about those terribly unflattering dresses (picture related, worn without apron). And neither of them wears a petti with it so the skirt looks all dead and I would let them borrow one of mine, but 1.) They smell and 2.) Both are too chubby to fit any of mine. The younger one is really loud and obnoxious, totally doesn't know how to compose herself in public, which is why I only go into public with her if I HAVE to. Her sister is quieter than her but her room is covered in Naruto posters and her animu drawings.
    I would say something to them but I just can't. I guess I'm too nice or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:43 No.2515331
    the haircut wasn't the problem. i wasn't straightening it, and i have naturally floopy hair. not wavy or curly, but not straight enough that i can get away with that cut without styling it. i know better now.

    and i agree that the vast majority of popular anime today is absolute crap.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)03:46 No.2515342
    people overuse the W word. it's NOT just an anime fan, or even an enthusiastic anime fan. it's an anime fan who's immature and annoying, dresses like a tard, has only seen naruto and bleach, worships any and all things japanese and hates america, is ignorant, thinks they speak japanese.....there's a number of traits and they have to fit into at least a few of them. if you love anime, collect figures, cosplay, and are a general dork, but carry through your life as an outwardly normal, sane member of society, that's not being a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)04:20 No.2515394
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    Notice my gay way of speaking. Thank goodness I somewhat grew out of it. I'm glad I'm vain now because I had no self-esteem six years ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)04:21 No.2515397
    >> gay way of speaking
    >> gay

    sorry bb your syntax is still pretty lame
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)04:34 No.2515412
    That's why I said "somewhat"
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)04:57 No.2515437
    Holy shit, stick some moisturizer in your hair or something, it's like a frizz field!
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)08:13 No.2515561
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    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)08:29 No.2515568
    So I'm in college, and I saw the most horrific thing EVER when I was sitting at my job, at the school. There's always this girl who wears cat ears, I've seen her term after term and she typically keeps to herself (albeit, she's a bit off) but she's perfectly nice, so there was nothing really to cringe at, other than the fact she was in college and wearing black/red cat ears. One day, this older woman walks in, and when the security guard asked her what she needed, she replied that she was waiting for her daughter.

    I automatically knew who it was, considering this older woman was wearing purple glittering cat ears

    I died a little inside.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)08:59 No.2515594
    ah, nature versus nurture. does she wear cat ears from some intrinsic desire, or because everyone if her family wears cat ears...
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)10:56 No.2515683
    Oh God I hope this picture is also from when you were young.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 01/23/10(Sat)11:00 No.2515688
    Wow, I would've died a little inside also.

    Also, I don't think I go to school with any ridiculous weeaboos. I know I've seen a couple animu bags here and there while I was on the bus coming home from class, but that's the extent of it and I like it that way.

    Oh wait, I'm a liar, the other day I was in the library killing time until the next class and saw some dude looking at furry art, and occassionally there are people here and there reading the mangos or catching up on the latest ep of Naruto. But like I said, nothing too crazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)11:12 No.2515693
    I also learnt that yesterday. The hard way.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)11:13 No.2515696

    I know a first stage weeaboo based on this picture. God, her hair is crazy nasty.

    She's concious of the fact that she does a lot of weeaboo stuff, claims she wants to change, and then instead of changing tells me constantly about how she's changing.
    Like, she knows her cosplay is sucky closet cosplay with these hideous costume store wigs. But even though she tells me she wants to get better, she never makes any effort to.
    She knows that her Naruto/Soul Eater OC characters are Mary Sues, and tells me constantly she's 'remaking' them, but still never makes them any better nor puts them in an original story.
    And to top it all off whenever I'm drawing she comments on how I'm good at drawing animals, constantly stabbing at the fact that she thinks she's better at drawing people than I am- which, since I've practiced figure drawing and anatomy and she's... copied anime, I don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)11:26 No.2515705
    Two of my friends got married to the katamari theme song. (I'm not lying.)

    My two other friends are getting married and are having a Japanese themed wedding. The bride's dress will have an obi.

    My very first anime con (ohayocon) I was in line waiting for something and this scrawny ass middle schooler comes bouncing in line (literally) with a stuffed corgi and striking random poses in the most pathetic attention-whoreish way. There weren't even any cameras - she was just posing. It's what turned me off to cons and cosplay. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)11:29 No.2515707
    >Two of my friends got married to the katamari theme song. (I'm not lying.)

    ...Is it wrong that I think that's awesome?

    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)11:39 No.2515716
    It is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)11:42 No.2515721
         File1264264945.jpg-(61 KB, 600x750, 1264156010306.jpg)
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    There's this one weeaboo in my high school, I tend to avoid him when he talks ever since I brought my DSi to school once to see if I could use school wi-fi to get porn for the lulz

    Well anyways, ever since he saw me with that, (( He's the typical weeaboo, fat,unkempt hair, smells, thinks Japan is heaven, ))
    He's always following me asking me stupid questions about anime as I try to barrel roll into my class, he's also loud, draws crap animu figure's I mean I don't draw, and I still call my stick figures shit lol
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)11:55 No.2515731
    Not so much of a weeaboo story, but just a tail of cosplay faggotry.

    There is this guy named Beau (he calls himself Arashi) and he is the biggest waste of space on the earth. He'll go to cons in shitty "sexy" versions of characters because he's too fucking lazy or cheap to get the actual costumes and just hit on EVERY girl. If he does get an actual costume, it's so half assed and shitty. He's ugly as fuck but insists on doing "yaoi" scenes with guys (or girls). He doesn't pick up that NO ONE wants him around because he is seriously THAT guy in every situation. He tried hitting on me multiple times, as well as other girls I know, and when he doesn't get his way, he talks shit about them. Calls them sluts or pretends he slept with them anyway.

    pic related. His shitty Kakashi.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)11:56 No.2515732
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    forgot the photo
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)14:16 No.2515921
    I guess my worst weeaboo story would be from my first semester at community college. There was this girl, dressed in Hot Topic goth fashion, who would randomly come up to me and say she liked [insert random anime themed thing] and walk off. It wasn't so bad at first, just weird since she never tried to carry on the conversation. It didn't get too bad until I wore my Misato cross necklace and she followed me to the building my next class was in. She came up to me and said she liked my necklace. Well, thinking that was the end of it I said thanks and walked to class. I didn't get far. She grabbed the back of the cord it was on and strangled me a bit. Then she just kinda walked off. I'm not sure if she was trying to steal or kill me or both. Shit, was fucked up. I did call security and described her. I dunno if they ever found her. :/ She was dubbed Creepy Anime Stalker Girl.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)14:58 No.2516006
    bumping b/c i know way to many people like this.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)15:27 No.2516055

    No offense, but why the fuck do you keep reposting that shit? Quit it, man.
    >> sage Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)15:31 No.2516065
    it's a bot dude. moot was supposed to do something about them....
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)15:47 No.2516092
    There's this girl that wears the crappy (mostly satin) cosplays that she bought online TO SCHOOL just about every day. She sits at our table in art class and all she draws is disgustingly awful "anime girls", and she tries to pass it off as realistic because of the "detail". She will constantly be like "you know, you should watch *insert anime that I have already seen here*, it's about blahblahblah!", pretending that she knows more about anime than anyone else ever will. It takes everything I have just to listen to her.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)16:03 No.2516118

    I'm sorry.
    >> Camellia 01/23/10(Sat)19:32 No.2516560
    Girl I knew in elementary, middle and high school was a huge fucking weeaboo. She would often follow me like a puppy because she knew I liked anime. This girl was rather frumpy-looking, had poofy brown hair, kinda thickish glasses, and would sit at her desk/table/computer station (depending on which class) with a clipboard with computer paper, and drew yaoi and mpreg pictures. She was obsessed with Sephiroth, Link and Organization XIII even if she never played their respective games. Also, was obsessed with Gundam Wing and Fake. Oh, and Team Rocket.

    I think she still attends the local con (as far as I know), so I'm kinda afraid I'll run into her again.
    >> BlondBomber 01/23/10(Sat)19:42 No.2516577
    oh god I use to look just like that in high school!(pic to the left)

    and this also reminds me that I still need to touch up my roots
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)19:53 No.2516594
    why do fat people cosplay i dont fucking get it. i'm going as kairi, no way on earth do I think I'm nearly as pretty enough to imitate such a pretty girl but WOW, does that piggy dog thing honestly think she can pull it off? o_o
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)20:15 No.2516642
    Right now I'm competing with five weaboos for a foreign exchange slot to Japan for a year. It makes me feel like a mega-weaboo, too, but I don't want to go there just for anime/manga and shit, although i like it. I really love the natural beauty and rich history of Japan. I still feel like a weaboo though.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)20:16 No.2516645
    Why? Just because its japan?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)20:24 No.2516662
    What are you "why"-ing about?

    But all my other choices are in Asia, too. Taiwan would probably be my first choice if I didn't already have a few years of Japanese under my belt.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)20:28 No.2516678
    And the food. I can't be the only one here that genuinly likes Japanese cuisine.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)20:50 No.2516736
    When at 6th form (16-18 year old education), some of the people I would be with at lunch time in the cafeteria would be playing yugioh cards and sometimes talk about anime. I'm not joking, right when we were 17-18. There was about 5 of them who would do this, plus another guy who was a year younger. The guy who was a year younger and one other guy took it REALLY SERIOUSLY so whenever my boyfriend decided to piss about and sometimes go "Ohhhh I like your blue eyed white dragon" for a laugh they would RAGEE. Lots of the younger school kids would always come really close just to watch and go wtf at them seeing it as funny. The older guy who would get cheesed off faps off to furry art and calls himself furry. He also has dragon dildos (I have seen the picture of his 'collection' on his mobile). They always referred to playing yugioh cards as "a children's card game".
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)20:53 No.2516746
    One other guy who I see more as a friend, really likes anime and watches abridged series like the yugioh one; I saw this before he did and found it funny until he watched it and couldn't stop showing me and my boyfriend. One time he was showing it, but at the same time quoting -all- the lines out loud, which was really irritating. He also did a cosplay of Cloud from Final Fantasy at a fancy dress party, and if you guys saw it you would label it UBER fail. It was some costume bought from ebay, with the arm shoulder bit not fitting because the wrong measurements were given, and the materials looked cheap. No wig or weapon either and he hasn't got the pretty boy looks for it. Everyone else at the party thought he was dressing as a male prostitute..
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)20:55 No.2516751
    Also in my art course, there's someone who does an anime style for her work but it's done really badly with confusing stories.. She has something like autism because she always talks negatively and whenever the tutors advise her to try something she's like "no I don't want to do that no" and she refuses to experiment, no idea HOW she got accepted onto the course unless they gave it because 'she has a disability'.. No way will she get a place at uni unless she manages NOT to swear or just say "don't look my work is shit." In my boyfriend's class there was an extra student from a different course put in with others, and she does manga. When she was explaining her project to the whole class, she had some very generic shitty story about an 'evil guy'.. I don't remember much of what he said to me though.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)20:57 No.2516758

    Pics plz.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:01 No.2516767
    The only story I have isn't really that great. When I was 14 I could probably be considered a weeaboo but I wasn't all batshit crazy about it, I kept it to myself, I enjoyed some anime's, all my school stationary was courtesy of either Sanrio or Morning Glory and listened to jpop on my way to and from school. My 'best friend' at the time decided she wanted to like all that stuff too however, she got the dubbed version of many anime's including Love Hina (texan Kitsune? No thanks...) and went out of her way to one up the things I had. If I had a cute hello kitty pencil case, she had to get a cuter one with cute contents, She'd rave on about games like kingdom hearts that she hadn't even played (I don't think she owned any consoles, she only had a Mac ~ Which she would constantly say is better than any pc) Eventually I just got sick of her competitive nature and copy-catism so I just ditched her and my new best friend was the weirdly awesome mellow goth girl who enjoyed british comedies, which was much better.
    >> Kino !!J77SVbuxrTB 01/23/10(Sat)21:02 No.2516769
    My highschool closed its Japanese courses after the amount of weeaboos that signed up my freshman year. the teacher incharge of the course set was/is the Latin teacher. She is about 75ish.... She used the term Weeaboo to describe the students in the last set of classes she taught.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:06 No.2516778
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    I don't think there were any pics taken of it.. But if there were, I'm not cruel enough to post them as I'm a good friend of him. He cosplayed this outfit.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:06 No.2516780
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    I used be be one of those horrible weeaboo children who went around calling others 'baka', everything 'KAWAII DESU ^___^", etc etc in grade 7. Mind you my group of friends from then were like that as well. I was insanely obsessed with Inuyasha and Fullmetal Alchemist at the time and had my friends call me "Edo" and they were "Winry-chan, Aru-kun". I also had a lovely marysue and drew amazing kawaii neko art. I'm still good friends with them, and we've all grown out of being complete fucktards.

    I still enjoy anime and manga from time to time, but it's hard for me to pick up a new series.

    On another note, there's this group of kids in my school who're a year under me who are precisely what I used to be, if not worse. I wish someone had told me back then that I was like cancer.
    Art related to second story, I wish I was making this up.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:19 No.2516813
    Sorry for late reply. I don't live near B'ham right now as I'm at uni, but my parents place is just outside of it, yeah.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:19 No.2516814
    I'll admit it, I was an annoying little weeaboo in middle school. I had just found a group of people with whom I could talk about stuff I liked (having come from an elementary school were I didn't really have any close friends or people who shared my interests) (I know, CRY MOAR). I was so excited to have people to watch my anime with! I wore cat ears to school (in my school picture, I think-- oh god)! I showed my horrible, horrible art to people! I don't think I ever called anything 'kawaii,' but I latched onto any anime fans there were and drew SHINY EYES on everything (my picture of Charles Darwin for a report was something to be remembered). I quoted liberally from Invader Zim and FLCL and wrote terrifying fanfic. The usual stuff. I think middle school was embarrassing for most people.

    The majority of the people I know who like anime have actually been rather nice, if a bit on the socially awkward side. There have only been a few weeaboos of grand and epic scale, but I try not to talk to them (the oily furry girl, the pathological liar, the creepy, gropey dude, the guy who shouts 4chan memes at me).
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:37 No.2516848
    Six years ago, when I was 14, so yes
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:48 No.2516871

    I had a friend that did that, too! Sometimes I felt like she didn't even have a personality of her own at all. She just took traits from everyone in our group of friends, copied them and tried to be better.
    When we were got into high school, she would constantly rub her driver's license and nappy-haired boyfriend into everyone's faces, because it made her 'mature'. She constantly bragged about going to a prestigious college for art, even though she only draws animu boys. She also made fun of me for getting a job, because her dad told her he would give her all the money she needed and thus, never needed one.
    Eventually, all her friends got sick of her attitude and left her. Now she is miserable. Her boyfriend has become abusive, she is going to community college, is still jobless and she has no friends at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)21:48 No.2516873
    There was a kid I used to know who would call himself Tidus, and on the first day of school, he told every single teacher in his class to call him Tidus as well. Naturally, the teachers were confused, but...decided to do it anyway. Kids caught on and started calling him "Tighties" but he didn't care, and just went along pretending to be Tidus. He "cosplayed" Tidus later on in the year, but his fabric was so frayed, wrinkled and tattered, I'm not even sure I could call it a cosplay. He didn't have a wig either. I guess he's pretty much the typical Final Fantasy weeaboo.

    He gets all defensive when someone expresses their opinions about FF or any other series that he likes but his arguments make no sense at all. In the sense that he tries to get all philosophical and shit like that. The worst part is that if he maybe toned it down a bit (read: a lot) and fixed up his cosplays, he wouldn't be THAT bad of a person to deal with. Or maybe I'm just being too optimistic.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:18 No.2516905
    in my last geography exam in university a fucking girl in some kind of pikachu overall was sitting in front of me...
    it was really hard to concentrate
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:22 No.2516919

    of all the FF characters.. he had to pick Tidus? :|
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:26 No.2516925
    Yep. He said that he really sympathized with Tidus, and that their personalities were extremely similar. Oh, and he had a girlfriend, so that automatically made him more like Tidus because ~he had a Yuna~.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:27 No.2516926

    Hopefully she didn't go so far as to look like Yuna.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:35 No.2516943
    She did. They also cosplayed Tidus and Yuna at one convention and she did the wedding dress version, so they thought it'd be a fucking awesome idea if they announced to half the people in the con that they were going to hold a "wedding ceremony" at one part of the con.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:37 No.2516946
    I had a friend early in high school who claimed to be Japanese (she was a pale red-head). But then again, she also claimed to be Egyptian, German, Irish (which I can believe from the hair, but eh), Jewish, Catholic, an atheist, Hispanic, African, bipolar, to have ADHD and OCD, to have been abused, to have insomnia and scoliosis, to have a new broken finger every week, to be a lolita, to be a famous BNF slash writer, to be an epic artist (no), it goes on.
    Oh, and she tried to get our guy friends to act out a yaoi for her.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:38 No.2516948

    To clarify: both of these guys were kind of jocks and not all that into anime (not that being a jock and being into anime are mutually exclusive, but still).
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:49 No.2516963
    Alright, I admittedly in Middle School, I was an annoying weeaboo. Not at home really, only at school with friends. I wore the naruto headbands that I bought off eBay, and drew anime all the time. I didn't do the "KAWAIII, DESU, BLAH" stuff, but I would wear anime shirts, and looked like a dude. And, I take no pride in what I'm about to say, but I pretty much started the anime weeaboo thing for my graduating class. I hate it, and most in my grade have grown out of it, but there are some that are just terrible.
    I still draw anime, but not so much in classes, because there is always that person that says "OMG, can u drew naruto?" or they tell me to get into art class, and honestly, I don't want to bother my art teacher with my anime shit. The really bad weeaboos graduated last year, and I mean they weren't terrible. They just did bad cosplay, and one was rather heavy and did skimpy costumes. I look back in just want to punt myself for how dumb I was.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)22:50 No.2516965

    holy shit i went to school with them too
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:09 No.2517009
    Okay so I'm chilling in my frillz at a lolita meet up, waiting for the rest of the group to get there, so we start going over and picking up some Keras (a jfashion magazine) to look through while we chat. There's about five of us and we're pretty much in front of the keras, cures ect. and I notice there's this girl hovering around with the weeaboo haircut (tm) dyed a shitty shade of blue and a wannabe sexpot sweater on, checking out the Cure magazines. Anyway we're chatting amongst ourselves so I don't really pay her any mind, and in the conversation, I mention that at lunch one of my aunts was laughing about how her friend got groped on a train in japan and then practically suffocated the molester with her tits. The subject naturally turns to subway/public transit gropings in japan and the weeaboo(who has somehow wormed her way into our circle without us noticing) suddenly says 'THAT'S NOT TRUE I KNOW BECAUSE I WAS IN JAPAN LAST SUMMER' and then walks off.

    It was kind of bizarre and sudden so we just stood for a second in stunned silence before returning to our conversation.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/10(Sat)23:11 No.2517014
    I used to be a weeaboo as well. I wouldn't scream random japanese crap, but I would go rent all the anime VHS tapes I could get my hands on and watch them with a friend of mine. I remember renting all of Lodoss War and The Slayers and locking myself up in my room and drawing anime pics and whatnot. Now, said friend is still a huge weeaboo. Let's see, this phase I'm talking about is when I was 13. I'm nearly 22 now.

    Sadly, said friend is still a huge Weeaboo. She is 22 as well, but all she ever talks about is anime,. She calls her friends dumb animu names with the 'chan' and whatnot at the end. All she can talk about is anime conventions. Like, one will JUST be over and she'll be talking about next year. Her life revolves around it. She always cuts her hair short and is like "OH IT MAKES ME LOOK MORE ASIAN' and she'll try and dress 'asian'. She's actually native but she has convinced herself that natives are actually Japanese, because her ancestors came from over there when earth was still all connected and not seperated by oceans and shit .I'm seirous. She drives me crazy, I only talk to her because I've known her for so long.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)00:09 No.2517166
    my weeabooism was mostly closeted in junior / high school. i had a piece of inuyasha " art " i'd done on the back of my binder ( traced, 'cause you know no weeaboo can do their own shit ), i'd wear anime shirts on friday, and ONLY on friday, i liked pocky, and had a few posters and figurines set up around my room. all of it was from shows like Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Rurouni Kenshin, Trigun, Ranma 1/2, that sort of thing. i had a few acquaintances, most of them were crazy fucks, and had mock ninja fights in the middle of the quad at lunch, and ran around doing " random " acts of stupidfuckery.
    and of course, like any other story like this, there was that token girl that i knew who thought her traced copied anime drawings were the shit, and everyone loved her shit and wanted drawings from her.
    now i'm in college, i've done some serious growing up, but i still have some of my anime posters and figurines up, and my collection of american films has, and always will, out shelf my anime collection. my artistic skills and sense of anatomy have improved greatly... unlike Token Anime Artist Girl, whose still tracing her stuff, and probably won't get anywhere in her life unless she acknowledges that you can't put food on the table with half baked " skills. "
    i was happy to leave that part of my life mostly behind.. but imagine my chagrin when i run into a gaggle of weeaboos... IN COLLEGE ? WTH ? AREN'T YOU SUPPOSED TO GROW OUT OF THAT ? two of them found me when i made the mistake of cosplaying squall for halloween, and i just don't know how to talk to them. if it's not about anime / manga / video games, it's like pulling teeth getting them to talk about it. at heart, they're nice people, they really are, but i don't want to befriend a guy who has distinct otaku funk from time to time, and envisions that parts of himself are synonymous to Luffy.
    /cgl/... give me the strength to get through this.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)04:22 No.2518004
    I'm getting freaked out by this thread, the stories are so similar I'm starting to think that everyone is talking about the same person. There's such an epidemic of weaboos that do the same shit. I wonder if all these kids came in contact with lead when they were a baby. Or they are slightly autistic. It would be really funny if there was a weaboo gene. Yeah, I was pretty crazy about anime and Japan when I was in middle and high school. But I naturally toned the fuck down and started to care about getting a degree and actually going outside. What surprises me are the people who never grow out of it. It's like there's some sort of new mental disorder that only applies to weaboos. I think they should do some sort of case study on this phenomenon.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)04:31 No.2518040

    You rang? Also, I agree with you. The amount of people who were obsessed to the point of embarrassment with anime as if it was some kind of major creeps me out. Even if they were middle schoolers. I liked anime but I was not retarded about it and knew if I acted retarded around others they'd treat me like such.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)07:29 No.2518528
    By any chance are you in the Bay Area of California? I remember an exact situation like that at a meet I went to.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)10:26 No.2518766
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    i was banned from watching anime form an early age, but that did not stop me. but this did stop all public acts of being a weeaboo.
    i wrote fanfictions in class (inuyasha fanfics)
    called by BF 'takun' and wore a wolfwood gun cross necklace at all times.
    i wasnt to bad, i kept it to myself and my friends. i would only talk about anime to ppl if they asked.
    im still ashamed of myself though.
    my lowest moment was when i wore a shitty made costume that was to reavealing, and i was 60 pounds to overweigh for. i cring at the though.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)10:41 No.2518778
    I think the most weeaboo thing I've ever done was wear a Pokemon shirt in middle school. And it was a sweet shirt, too.

    Sorry, OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/10(Sun)10:42 No.2518782
    I wonder this too. It's so incredibly drastic to any other craze, fad or trend... mental disorders aside, what on earth is it about anime and Japanese culture in general that causes people to go so utterly insane over it?

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