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  • File : 1263937300.jpg-(23 KB, 623x472, grimaceface.jpg)
    23 KB Fathers thread Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)16:41 No.2503097  
    Still parading around in your Halloween costume daughter? I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)16:42 No.2503102
    Meh, my dad's dead. He's probably rolling in his grave though.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 01/19/10(Tue)16:56 No.2503151
    My dad's favorite past times are:
    A. Not caring.
    B. Subtly calling me a gold digger.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)16:57 No.2503161
    Wow that's pretty close to both the look and words he gives me.

    ITT we discover /cgl/ has daddy issues.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 01/19/10(Tue)17:03 No.2503182
    My father helped me make masamune and constructing the wing for my cosplay.
    He also lets me use all his machines in the basement and brings me work safety gear from the firm he works at.

    Probably the coolest dad ever, although -being a pacifist to the core- he often shrugs his shoulders about my uniforms
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)17:06 No.2503194
    I beat you all. My dad always asks me the name of the character and series I'm cosplaying from, and looks impressed when I spew out a long string of Japanese syllables that are incomprehensible to him. He'll never remember it the next day, but that just means he'll ask again, and I'll impress him again. :)

    My mom, on the other hand, will roll her eyes and ask when I'm going to get a useful hobby and stop wasting my money on costumes I only wear a few times. She'll also be very harsh with her critiques on my sewing, which would be good, if the critiques weren't followed by "But I can't help you make it better. I'm too busy/not good enough at sewing for that lololol"
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)17:07 No.2503201
    You are dating someone like 8 years older than you
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)17:16 No.2503230
    Like I've ever mentioned cosplay to either of my folks, lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)17:24 No.2503257
    Does any /cgl/ers fear revolt by their folks? Male cosplayers fathers especially.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 01/19/10(Tue)17:28 No.2503266
    when the hell did this happen? as far as I'm concerned I'm still single.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)17:38 No.2503307
    Cause most girls are slection B :P
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)17:41 No.2503318
    I think, in order to be a gold digger, the guy has to be much older than 8 years. At LEAST 15.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)17:49 No.2503342
    Well for me I've always wanted to cosplay. I'm more a closet cosplayer. I'm male and I think this thread should be more mother & father thread then just dad's.

    My dad's always harping on the 'it's for kids ' thing with cosplay. My mom is only tolorable of my hobby to a degree but also has the same views but she sewed a lot of my bed sheets and clothes when I was a tike so to her she knows a little about sewing and that it's a practical skill to have.

    The only thing I can see from cosplay to real life living use is how to repair garments, knowledge of better grade materials, and better judging of stitchings when you buy clothing.

    Yah sure you can try and make a expensive hobby into a job but truth be told not everyone can do that. IMHO I like cosplay but it's a hell of a money pit where I don't see much you can gain back with the time sunk into the outfits to recoup back some of the value sunk into it.

    My new hobby is fish keeping which is turning a bit more serious now but at least I know I can with a bit of tweaking turn the decorative fish keeping into something sustainable by converting it into an Aquaponics setup and giving it some lights or sunlight and thus I can grow ediable food with the nutrient rich fish water (same take on 2000+ yr tried and true method).
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)17:51 No.2503347
    Not when you're still underage
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)17:52 No.2503350
    Not to mention a long relationship as well. I'm almost 40 yrs old here (37 to be exact) yet the youngest girl I've been with a couple years ago was a one nighter at a convention and she was about 19-20yr old.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)17:54 No.2503358
    My dad is dead and has been as such for 11 years.

    My mom loves to help me :3 I don't know why she likes this so much, but she wants to buy me a dress form and wants to help me with everything~ She loves it.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)18:03 No.2503374
    My dad is an avid Elvis impersonator, so he does cosplay as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)18:12 No.2503403

    Fishkeeping huh? I haven't done that since I was a kid. The only thing I find about Fishkeeping compared to Cosplay is you can't show off your work. But other than that its cool with me. What fish do you have at the moment?

    As for fathers, my father knows nothing of what I do. My mother knows about my anime/cosplay hobby since she grew up reading Black Jack and other shoujo series.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)18:14 No.2503408
    My parents can shake their heads all they like, but they still lend a hand if I need it. At least I'm doing something productive.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)18:14 No.2503413
    My dad's an ex biker and did every drug under the sun.

    I think I'm good.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)18:17 No.2503422
    I don't have a dad, but I think my mum's okay with it. She's never really had an opinion on what I do (although she does rip the piss about anime, calling it stupid jap cartoons, etc). We both like to dress up, we often go to music festivals in costume together and stuff.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/19/10(Tue)18:17 No.2503423
    >My mom, on the other hand, will roll her eyes and ask when I'm going to get a useful hobby.

    What hobby would she consider "useful"?

    As for my father, he has bigger problems to worry about and is fully aware that I go to anime conventions. As long as I'm frugal with my money, he can care less.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)18:23 No.2503450
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    Oh dad, still trying to look like Steven Seagal? I'm embarrassed.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)18:32 No.2503491
    My dad cosplays with me.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)18:42 No.2503532
    My dad makes indie comics and actually CONGRATULATES my furfag sister on her cheaply made fursuits. He doesn't seem to like all the noise from me sewing though at four in the morning.

    My mother on the other hand, won't let me order anything online for cosplay which means no wigs. Or spend more than like 30 dollars on fabric when I'm with her. Thank the gods for public transport.
    >> Pi !!02neyE5iqHR 01/19/10(Tue)18:52 No.2503574
    My dad spends a lot of money on ridiculous things all the time so sometimes he gives me lots of money for fabric, yay. He recently bought me all the fabric I need for this year (as my christmas present) which was really cool.
    He's offered to help with props and stuff, because he's an amazing welder/random stuff user, like plastic and wood and metal and everything.
    He does say that all anime shows are for/about little girls, though. and he imitates J-pop whenever I listen to it in the car.

    My stepdad was worse, he would call every anime "hentai" and say I was a pervert for watching it/cosplaying from it. Only good thing about him was he's an upholsterer, so I had access to an industrial sewing machine. Too bad him and my mom split up just after I got into cosplay.

    My mom is okay with it, she thinks I'll grow out of it and hates it when the house is a mess before a con. She's helpful though and will handsew something for me if I'm strained for time and need to work on something else.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)18:52 No.2503578
    Nothing fancy. 5 White Cloud minnows in one tank, 5 zebra danios with 2 otocats & snails in another tank with some live aquarium plants. I also recently started a small live food business that's earning about $40-50/week on the side doing almost nothing but spending up to 30mins a week to earn that breeding mealworms and selling it to locals for their pets. Petsmart charges $3.99 for 35 giant mealworms. I sell for the same price but give 80worms. They don't smell, fly (important to me), or can crawl out of plastic bins. Each pair of worms that makes it to beetle form in about a weeks time in a warm place can produce about 50-500eggs. Average is about 200eggs. All they do is eat, morph to beetle, breed, die, repeat process from worms. Only spend 2 mins every other day putting a new piece of carrot/celery into the bins for the worms to eat. I've got like 10,000 baby worms in 3 x ~3gal bins right now with about 1000 nearing full mature size (giant mealworm species). Not bad for a $3.99 investment and a cheap ass pack of oatmeal. People buy it regardless of the size as mature worms are good for larger fish or pets like amphibians/etc and babies are good for smaller fish.

    I had this one wierd guy buy up a tub before and said he's using it for chocolate covered mealworms.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)18:57 No.2503599
    FUck depending on them for transport. Also screw public transportation. As the costs kepe bitching up there. I got a bike and modded it the way I wanted and carry all my shit back home. I'm planning on dropping $300 to make it a ebike. More reliable then waiting for the bus and can zip past traffic jams. Not to mention repair bills are less and you can fix most minor issuess and costs less then a money sucking car. I only drive my car if I'm buying a shitload of heavy items and having groceries for a small army. Not to mention the shitting $1/L for petrol.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)19:03 No.2503633
    How old are you by chance?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)19:04 No.2503641
    Heh, no car of my own. Can't afford the insurance on it and I get a free trimet pass through my school.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)19:09 No.2503656
    I'm pretty sure my dad still has no idea what I do at cons.
    I can blame him for my love of monty python and Bruce Springsteen though.

    thanks dad.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)19:09 No.2503657
    When I make a prop, my dad takes one look at it and gives me recommendations.
    When I'm sewing, I always ask my mum for tips on how to sew and what fabric to use. My dad sometimes helps us with pattern making.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)19:10 No.2503660
    High school student. Got a job though, only making 400 a month though and sixty of that goes to cellphone and another 30 to internets.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)19:48 No.2503760
    My Dad likes my cosplay. He comes to cons usually to check out what everyone is wearing and look at weird people for amusement. My mom seems to like it too, both of them have helped me out with past projects. They even toss me some money every now and then for fabric and such, which is pretty cool =)
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)21:14 No.2504038
    I only went to two cons when I was younger, but my dad enjoyed them both. Of course, we just laid out by the hotel pool most of the time checking out women, so...
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 01/19/10(Tue)21:26 No.2504065
    My mom supports me and gives helpful advice. She also helps with makeup/wigs/details when I'm putting the costume on. Sometimes she goes on about how cosplay is a waste of money and blah blah, but I think that deep down she finds it interesting.

    My dad just calls me a nerd.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:05 No.2504219
    My Dad actually deals with my cosplay; he supports me. He also helped me with my first prop, and asks every now and then when my next convention is, since I'm on the west coast and he's on the east and doesn't have much communication with me other than phonecalls and emails/AIM. (I once got him very close to cosplaying HawkEye Pierce from M*A*S*H Since he looks so much like him).

    As for my mother... She thinks that cosplay is evil devil work and if I were to even tell her that I cosplay she'd disown me (not that I care). And if I told her I crossplay? I'd be gay in her eyes. Yep. She's a bit of a whack job.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:15 No.2504248
    Nothings free... it's all worked into the costs. A few friends of mine that own bikes and cars have argued that out of their school fees when it was all packaged in. They got back like $300 bucks when those that owned cars put towards parking pass or for friends of mine that biked pocketed that $300 and used it for food/books.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:40 No.2504328
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    OP here. I am very surprised by the amount of fathers who like/support their daughter's hobbies.

    I guess there is nothing for me to do but be off on my way.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/10(Tue)22:42 No.2504331

    Oh wow. That's a really good business practice I gotta say. How did you find a market to sell your meal worms?
    >> AlterShift !t3BBPFtTAQ 01/19/10(Tue)22:51 No.2504353
    Dad cosplays with me, has been the past 3 years. He still loves Naruto though, and has said he will keep cosplaying Jiraiya till he gets to old, then he's going to Master Roshi. lol

    Mom knows I do this, and tries to help support me, her boyfriend even helps me with prop ideas and shit.

    Step-mom cosplays still, that is how my dad met her. Sweetie, but just don't like her as much as I should. Oh well.
    >> Mel !iKGMr61IHM!!VJXiIsRXUJN 01/19/10(Tue)22:53 No.2504361

    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)00:18 No.2504641

    On local aquatic forums. You laways have people that are squeemish of raising their own live foods and keep buying it at the store but as always customers always want value and buying from a store like Petsmart they always stick to fixed prices. Buying locally you get it cheaper. Also people think it's possible for bugs to crawl out and all the horror movie thoughts come to their mind so they only rather not raise and buy locally by breeders like myself or at a francised store or pet store.

    I make a stable extra $200 a month which is pretty much my banking money to keep building up captial in savings and interest. As said peoples fears are my gain however I only do mealworms as I've researched them and the giant mealworm is the best size to work with. the superworms need isolation and a bit more work. The small mealworms (not baby but full size small species) limits my market. The giant one is good as I can market it at any stage of growth.

    We're not all females here. :P
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)00:19 No.2504646


    I've thought about chickets but those guys CAN JUMP GOOD. If you lose a few in the house you may have them breeding in the house in the walls and such. Not to mention the annoying chicketing sound not knowing if it's in your breeding tank or that one you lost in the house cricketing and driving you mad. Also THE SMELL. Go out and buy 5 large chrickets and keep them in the bag for a few days then open the bag and inhale. Smells like aged, dried, neglected public washrooms. Open up a mealworm bin and it smells like oatmeal or bran or both raw smell. I use both oat and bran. I replace the carrot/celery every 1-2 days. That's how the mealworms get their moisture. I also have a mini greenhouse for starting plants indoors for my edible garden outside and put the bins on the warmer pads to speed up their growth. Warmer it is the more frequent you need to rotate the moisture food and give a dry way for the moisure to evap out so it does not mould in there. Mould kills the worms.

    Right now if you want to make killer money with a easy to take care fish then breed L046 AKA Zebra Pleco. Brazil has IIRC export ban or limits on them now. The pleco catfish grows 4-4.5" max size and commands ~$200-400 a fish pending size. Most you see young juvi's on the market are ~1.5-2" being sold at ~$200 starting.

    Reason being is they breed slowly with about IIRC 4-10 eggs at a time and takes about 3-5 months before you can release the fish for sale locally or to stores. It's so in high demand you often have a waiting list for the fish. Good side business there. One problem is that a proven breeding pair (male & female) would cost for $1000 up front for the fish. In the long run you'll make your money back on the side but that is a bit of a expensive upfront cost.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)01:46 No.2504986

    My goodness it seems that you've found a way to make a decent coin. As for crickets, I don't know much about them but I do know many Asian Aquarium stores in my aread do raise them. I believe they put them in white pales with egg cartons into it. They put some carrots and a bit of water and they do just well. But it seems to me that you won't be touching those just yet.

    As for the Zebra Pleco, how would you even sell those fish to stores? I'm not familiar with the petkeeping business but I am interested.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)01:58 No.2505015
    My dad had never been interested in my hobbies; the only way I could ever bond with him was to go shooting clays together; my useless brother is his fav child. D:

    My mom is pretty cool about it; she used to make all of my halloween costumes until I was 9 and then she taught me how to sew, make patterns, all the basic skills that were the foundation of making cosplays. When I was a teenager she was thrilled to help, in my early twenties she was a bit dismissive but since I had a nervous breakdown abroad and ended up moving back in for a touch she's been buying some of my fabric for me. I guess it's her way of not making me feel crappy, idk.

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