>> |
01/19/10(Tue)18:52 No.2503578  >>2503403 Nothing
fancy. 5 White Cloud minnows in one tank, 5 zebra danios with 2 otocats
& snails in another tank with some live aquarium plants. I also
recently started a small live food business that's earning about
$40-50/week on the side doing almost nothing but spending up to 30mins
a week to earn that breeding mealworms and selling it to locals for
their pets. Petsmart charges $3.99 for 35 giant mealworms. I sell for
the same price but give 80worms. They don't smell, fly (important to
me), or can crawl out of plastic bins. Each pair of worms that makes it
to beetle form in about a weeks time in a warm place can produce about
50-500eggs. Average is about 200eggs. All they do is eat, morph to
beetle, breed, die, repeat process from worms. Only spend 2 mins every
other day putting a new piece of carrot/celery into the bins for the
worms to eat. I've got like 10,000 baby worms in 3 x ~3gal bins right
now with about 1000 nearing full mature size (giant mealworm species).
Not bad for a $3.99 investment and a cheap ass pack of oatmeal. People
buy it regardless of the size as mature worms are good for larger fish
or pets like amphibians/etc and babies are good for smaller fish.
I had this one wierd guy buy up a tub before and said he's using it for chocolate covered mealworms. |