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  • File : 1263342137.png-(8 KB, 150x112, klogolg.png)
    8 KB Katsucon 16 Progress Thread Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/12/10(Tue)19:22 No.2479471  
    With Katsucon finally got online pre-reg (hopefully abolishing mail-in pre-reg for good) it's time for another progress thread. But there is another problem with the Gaylord hotel... it's a economic trap!

    There are no cheap fast-food joints, and the cheapest one is Ketchup. All of them are sit down resturants. Sure the Gaylord will provide their own fast food places similar to what the folk at Armark did in Otakon, but still expensive.

    But this years Katsucon will become less of a trainwreck, if a trainwreck does occur.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)20:05 No.2479688
    Not true - there's a Potbelly around the corner, and just across the bridge they have a few joints like Jimmy John's that deliver.

    Just bring food with you - problem solved.
    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 01/12/10(Tue)20:17 No.2479742
    Have you guys checked the hotel reviews on the Gaylord yet? You should...
    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 01/12/10(Tue)20:18 No.2479748

    This should work.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/12/10(Tue)20:26 No.2479772
    In That Webpage: The Gaylord National: Your mileage may vary.

    Any other restaurants just across the bridge that don't sell sandwiches? But this may be the first convention that I may have to bring my food with me.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)20:29 No.2479783
    It's near a metro stop. Take the fucking metro you lazy asses.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)20:43 No.2479831
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    Protip: book at a neighboring hotel and enjoy the use of a full kitchen.

    Residence inn: $150/night. King bed, sleeper sofa, full kitchen.
    Gaylord: $279/night. 2 queen beds.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/12/10(Tue)20:56 No.2479857
    Already did that six months ago. It's called the Hampton Inn. They do offer a full kitchen, along with wireless internet free of charge.

    Price: $149 per night, excluding tax and mandatory $50 per night incidental fee.
    >> SGF 01/12/10(Tue)21:35 No.2480109
    This. We're at the Hampton Inn. I look forward to not paying Gaylord prices. I don't look forward to walking to the Gaylord in costume in the freezing cold. I may see if I can change in a friend's room.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)21:51 No.2480208
    China Kind, Cosi, Bertuccis (for pizza), Subway, Ruby Tuesday, Noodles & Co, Baja Fresh, Panera.

    Look around Duke Street, Huntington Avenue, and King Street (aka Old Town Alexandria). There's more places to eat then you can shake a stick at - it just takes a short trip to get there.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)21:51 No.2480209
    Guess what kiddies, with everything included, Gaylord is 169 a night at the con rate (that is now gone). Staying Friday and Saturday night with 6 other friends, it's less than 60 bucks a head. That's cheaper than what I pay for Otakon.

    Get a fucking job aside from GameStop guys, the con worked out a good rate.
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 01/12/10(Tue)21:55 No.2480238
    The con rate actually wasn't that bad. We got a room and split the price, and for being in the hotel we were all willing to pay 20 bucks more than we would have elsewhere per night.

    As for progress I'm lacking. I need to finish up Heather and Ivy...
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/12/10(Tue)22:01 No.2480271
    Actually if you include tax and the $15 resort fee per day, it's $196 a night.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/12/10(Tue)22:03 No.2480282
    Also to get to the additional restaurants across the bridge as >>2480208 mentioned, you have to take the water taxi.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)22:14 No.2480341
    Yeah, the hotel isn't bad. Booked mine the other day and we're having four people in the room. I consider this getting off cheap, but wait I actually have a career.

    If you can't afford the con, don't go. It's what I used to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)22:14 No.2480345
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    Yes that figure includes the tax/fees. 196 x 2 / 7 = 56.

    You guys are cheap as hell.
    >> Anonymau5 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 01/12/10(Tue)22:19 No.2480367

    Some of us non-faggots enjoy not having to room stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)22:23 No.2480391

    Wait what? I can't make sense of what the fuck you're trying to say
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)22:23 No.2480397
    Nor can I.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 01/12/10(Tue)22:25 No.2480408
    Seriously, that makes no sense.

    >Some of us non-faggots enjoy having room for stuff.

    Fix'd :3
    >> Rawr 01/12/10(Tue)22:29 No.2480430
    Urgh. Couldn't finish my costume before break ended. And now I'm busy with school.
    However, living minutes from the con is pretty awesome.
    >> SGF 01/12/10(Tue)22:31 No.2480449
    I have the money to go, bros. But I still think the Gaylord is an overpriced piece of shit for what you actually get. Would rather stay somewhere else and walk a little bit since I'm not a lazy fatass.

    Doesn't matter anyway, really. I predict this will Katsucon's last year at the Gaylord. I remember what happened last time they tried to move it to a four star hotel in Maryland.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/12/10(Tue)22:41 No.2480517
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    Yeah, I think I remember. They trashed the place.

    But please explain the story for those all new to the con scene, especially new to Katsucon. Especially those new to conventions.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)22:57 No.2480607

    I think someone fucked up something in the lobby. Omni broke contract and kicked Katsu out. Gaylord will definitely do the same, enjoy it for the single year it's there
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:02 No.2480627
    Wait what?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/12/10(Tue)23:07 No.2480656

    >>2480449 is talking about the one in Baltimore Marriott Waterfront. That 4 star Hotel. Katsucon break contract with Omni because of the room inspections.
    >> SGF 01/12/10(Tue)23:10 No.2480676
    Ah, yes, Katsucon 2002. I remember it well. There were snow flurries that morning, but the weather cleared and the sun came out. It was going to be a great weekend for anime fans!

    Except not, because that Baltimore Waterfront hotel treated us like lepers so some asshats trashed the place and wrote in Sharpie in the elevators and we got kicked out permanently.

    The end.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:11 No.2480680
    All of my friends backed out of going and now I have no way to get there because my car is junk and I won't even have it back for 2 more months, so y'know. Fuck. I was really looking forward to going...
    >> SGF 01/12/10(Tue)23:13 No.2480695
    Make better friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:16 No.2480709
    Gee, I'd love to make better convention friends, but I need to go to one first.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:35 No.2480817
    Looking forward to what a trainwreck the masq will be this year
    >> Anonymous 01/12/10(Tue)23:43 No.2480854

    Hey Corey
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)00:26 No.2481072
    If anyone is interested in the restaurants in Old Town here's the website:

    That said, the area is nice with an array of cheap places and expensive restaurants. I recommend Old Town for a dinner setting instead of lunch. It used to be full of seafood restaurants places back in the 1980s, but some are still left. Last time I was there was on the Fourth of July in 2008 at a Greek restaurant, but beware of bums sleeping in the town park especially at night.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)00:38 No.2481136
    The Omni bought out the contract from my understanding. Both years they were there the place ended up trashed.

    First year someone decided to kick in the front of the soda machines on 2 or 3 different levels and at one point there was a broom sticking out of the wall in front of registration. Second year if I remember correctly was just as bad with damages.

    As for progress shit, for some odd reason I am working on artist alley shit even though Tex is a piece of shit that sold my table out from under me.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)00:39 No.2481142

    And forgot to ask but any other artists on here having problems with the artist alley?
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/13/10(Wed)00:50 No.2481188
    I fucking knew that was you....
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/13/10(Wed)00:54 No.2481213
    Ask the front desk for menus. Or go my route and do some simple grocery shopping while you're there. Some cold cuts, bread and a 12 pack of your favorite beverage can go a long way at a convention. I'm parking my car at an in/out lot for the weekend so that I can go out for a grocery/booze run.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)01:04 No.2481258
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    BRING YOUR OWN FUCKING FOOD. Seriously, it's way cheaper, and healthier, and if the hotel doesn't have fridges, bring a cooler. It's worth it.

    I'm bringing three day's worth of simple, healthy foods with me, and even some weeaboo-tastic bento lunches to possibly hand out to people that don't suck too hard.

    Pic related. It's motherfucking bento.
    >> MOOGIE !A8981mLiig 01/13/10(Wed)01:07 No.2481277
    I'm all for bringing your own food, but it's not really a possibility when everyone (including yourself) staying in your room is flying in for the con, sadly.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/13/10(Wed)01:08 No.2481284
    Man that looks tasty...
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/13/10(Wed)01:10 No.2481297
    Buy a disposable cooler and do some grocery shopping when you touch down.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)01:13 No.2481318
    What is a disposable cooler?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)01:13 No.2481320
    Then do what the good sir above me suggested and go food shopping in the local district closest to the con.

    It's still save you shittons rather than eating out roughly nine times the whole weekend.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/13/10(Wed)01:15 No.2481334
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    This. They're about 5-10 bucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)09:47 No.2482421
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    Seriously, I don't understand why some people can't just respect the hotel property. Would you trash you own place? Would you trash your parents' place? I'd like to think the answer would be 'no'. So why do you do it at a con? It makes it incredibly unpleasant for the rest of us when morons with no regard or respect for anyone or anything else decide to wreak havoc.

    I have friends who keep doing shoots at the Gaylord and talk about how lovely it is ... for now. I foresee this as being the con's only run at this location for several factors but mainly because people will trash it.

    I don't want to be yelled at because some fucktard decided to throw an elevator party, or dye a wig in their hotel bathtub, or throw someone through a window -- yes, this happened at Animazement several years back. Have some respect and dignity and consideration for the hotel, your fellow con-goers and other hotel guests. You give us all a bad name.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)09:50 No.2482426

    sorry for what i say this time.... i don't like it... she seems too hillary duff... sorry really...
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)09:51 No.2482429
    hehe, gaylord
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)11:07 No.2482497
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    I fucking love bento. That shit has saved so many con experiences for me. Healthy, cheap, doesn't need a microwave. I don't know why more people don't bring bento to cons. It seems obvious.
    >> Druqs !7WVrmDruqs 01/13/10(Wed)11:15 No.2482515
    I would expect that this year will better by space alone. The hyatt last year was ._.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)11:28 No.2482532
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    I booked at the Residence and will be enjoying the use of a fridge, mocrowave, oven and stove. We're going grocery shopping after check-in on Thursday and cooking stuff to pack for the rest of the weekend. We're even going to bake some motherfucking cookies. Kitchen + walk five minutes in cold > paying a higher rate and having to eat out.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)11:31 No.2482535
    Ditto. I compared prices six months ago and both the Hampton and Residence won out over the Gaylord. You got kind of screwed with the $50 fee, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)12:16 No.2482602
    I'm so excited. I've stayed in this hotel twice before & it was ballin'. Got a double queen suite with an atrium-facing balcony, hell yeah. If Katsucon people could go ahead and not fuck this hotel up so we have to go back to the Hyatt again, that would be great.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 01/13/10(Wed)12:27 No.2482629
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    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)12:33 No.2482649
    >> Druqs !7WVrmDruqs 01/13/10(Wed)12:39 No.2482665
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    >> Katsu !dkwFk3Xulc 01/13/10(Wed)12:42 No.2482679
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    I plan on cooking before the con and packing a bag for food, though tradition for my group of friends is to eventually go out and find a place to have dinner together, so I'll have to do that at least once!

    Booked at the Westin, bought some fabric for my Ibuki costume, probably going to make that this coming Friday.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)15:19 No.2483079
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    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/13/10(Wed)15:54 No.2483202
    Dem exposed hips.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:01 No.2484679
    Since I'm local, I went and checked the place out last month. All I can say is DAMN, will I miss it when we get kicked out. That place is gorgeous! In other news, Gokudera cosplay is 75% done, Tifa cosplay just needs final touches.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:13 No.2484703

    Their artists alley rules and the way the respond to people make me want to shake a baby. Really, you can't be both a print or a craft artist? seriously, katsucon? FAIL.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:16 No.2484715
    Doing this. Right now.

    Get your thong ready
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)00:26 No.2484739
    I'll be staying at the Four Points by Sheraton in downtown Washington, D.C....the week after Katsucon.

    Feels bad man, but at least there's still Ohayocon.
    >> Hakama Perfectionist !o7IoaYt5UM 01/14/10(Thu)00:28 No.2484747
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    >>and even some weeaboo-tastic bento lunches to possibly hand out to people that don't suck too hard.

    A cooler is good advice. I thought mini-fridges were standard in hotels. I was baffled and infuriated when we decided to give the Hilton a try for Otakon and the motherfucking Hilton DIDN'T HAVE A FRIDGE.

    I've stayed at $65 a night shitholes while on road trips with better accommodations.
    >> Anonymous 01/14/10(Thu)01:10 No.2484908
    Too bad Corey doesn't come here. Proof or GTFO.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/14/10(Thu)01:39 No.2485000
    The new Hilton? How did you NOT get a mini-fridge? I have mini fridge on my HiltonHonors preferences list. Mine was in the room before I got upstairs.

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