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    File : 1261494866.png-(238 KB, 300x400, weeaboo.png)
    238 KB Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)10:14 No.2422363  
    To celebrate being a blue board again, I want your best weeaboo stories that you have.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)10:36 No.2422390
    Weeaboo kept asking me questions about Japan, even though I'm filipino. I said FUCK YOU and kicked her with my energy legs.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)10:46 No.2422407
    you're lucky. i keep getting greeted in spanish.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)11:17 No.2422453
    this girl I know tried to tell me that..miyavi? was her cousin.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)12:03 No.2422518
    my favorite is when some weeabo friends you on Facebook, their profile is an anime char, and then so is pretty much every picture put up by them, with their friends tagged as different people.
    >> Narutaki's Hat 12/22/09(Tue)12:18 No.2422540
    ITT Flips get annoyed by Weaboos

    Not that it's a bad thing or anything, it does get annoying. I had this classmate who acts like a total fag. Calls me Momo (short for Momotaros, some Red Demon from Kamen Rider Den-O) because I prefer my hair spiked up.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 12/22/09(Tue)12:54 No.2422583
    Oldie but goodie:
    Back in 3rd (I think) grade, when Pokemon was REALLY new and popular in Denmark, we got a new transfer student starting in my class.
    Everyone was obsessed with it, but this dude was too much.
    He believed he really was Ash Ketchum. He'd show up everyday dressed as him, challenge people to fight him with Pokemon plushies, and so on.
    If a teacher told him he needed to focus on studying rather than Pokemon, he would show them his cardboard gym badges, and ramble on and on about how he's the best there ever was, so he didnt need to study.
    The people who would waste their time talking to him (myself included) would get nicknames.
    I was Gary cause I was the only one who was brave enough to tell him how fucking annoying he was.

    He got thrown out after 6 months cause he started involving the teachers a lot too..
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:17 No.2423186
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)22:28 No.2423194
    >>he would show them his cardboard gym badges, and ramble on and on about how he's the best there ever was, so he didnt need to study.

    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)23:00 No.2423224
    id still fuck weeaboo in OP's pic... wouldnt call in morning but would fuck it
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)02:15 No.2423451
    I took Japanese my freshman year of college for the language requirement hoping for an easy A. I've spent every summer since I was five in Okinawa with my dad (I'm white, he's a military contractor and lives there 6 mo out of the year).

    The first day of class this fugly bitch with frizzy hair shows up and looks at me. Just stares the entire class. At the end, I politely asked if I knew her and she just says "You're (coscom name)." I was like, yeah and kinda stoked that someone recognized me.

    Until she said, "You're such a bitch. I posted you on 4chan a lot." Apparently I kicked this girl's puppy or something.

    Long story short, she glared at me every day and I found out she failed the class and dropped out of college after the first semester.

    I may be a bitch, but at least I have a career now and not a McJob.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)02:57 No.2423487
    My friend and I went to Suncoast, and there was a chick in a weeaboo outfit (pink hair, cat ears and tail, too may colors..etc) was in the anime section. My friend took one look at her and said "Oh god" and proceeded to LOL (he's kind of a dick.) And she and her friend glare at us and walk away. We LOL. Later that day we went to a big book store and guess who was there. Luckily they were in the yaoi section, so conflict was avoided.

    Another time I was at school styudying, and I had forgotten to charge my ipod the day before, so I was stuck listening to all the people around me. Behind me, a group of about 7 people were having a conversation about the deep philosophical meanings of Inuyasha. I had to leave; I couldn't take it.

    Last one. I am president of the anime club at my college, and we were going over fundraising ideas. EVERYONE was hellbent on making cat ears and selling ramen...
    >> Mister Cat !!bkjjJesuy4U 12/23/09(Wed)03:03 No.2423495
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    This thing.

    She thinks she's so Kauai. 'Cosplays' in Highschool [sans wig].

    I'm asian, but she has to insist that I'm her friend that just moved to America from Japan. Tracing anime pictures is apparently cool.

    Typical weeaboo. Likes Naruto and calls teachers Sensei. 5'9" Hinata.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)03:22 No.2423508

    ... So you ran into people who LOOKED like idiots in public, and ACTED like a dick? 0/10 anon. :-/
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 12/23/09(Wed)03:27 No.2423513
    White contacts aren't that hard to obtain. Come the fuck on.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 12/23/09(Wed)03:30 No.2423518
    ahh i remember when i discovered tracing pictures~ in 5th grade.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)03:38 No.2423527

    /cgl, NEVER, EVER TAKE JAPANESE and expect to avoid the very WORST of the weeaboos. I took a intensive summer class my sophmore year of college and ended up with the weeaboo girl from hell and the biggest weeaboo douche, literally and otherwise. This guy was the size of a walrus and did not bathe. I saw things moving in his hair one day. He was convinced he knew more Japanese than our native-born sensei. the second day he tried to correct her. The look she gave him was of such utter bemusement, I think her brain was broken.

    She was a yaoi fangirl (of course, why wouldn't she be?) and had all the energy of a pack of them, which she poured into attending this class. She got special permission to attend due to her age (17 and still in high school.)

    They were both convinced watching anime and reading manga were making them better at Nihongo and could not understand that there were other people in this class with absolutely NO interest in Japanese pop culture. If someone tried to tell her Üm, not interested"when she started on a rant about how GREAT anime was, she would start another rant about how they just hadn't watched the right one yet! then HE would jump in with a rant about how mecha--specifically GUNDAM--were the very best!

    Of course sometimes there was trouble in paradise. The most notable argument they had was when they were bickering over whether Gundam Wing or Gundam Seed was better. He LOATHED Seed. He turned to me to settle the argument (eff the second year who found my picture on A Fansview, letting it out that I cosplayed, and OH BOY I WAS ONE OF THEM!!!), and I said I didn't have a preference. He took that to mean I was against him, so responded. "You love Seed? Only WORTHLESS WHORES like SEED."

    Did I mention he was 26...? She was only 17, so her stupidity has hopes of growing out...

    Reliving this I'm still... just... agh...
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 12/23/09(Wed)03:45 No.2423535
    Settle down, Beavis.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)03:51 No.2423545
    A match made in heaven/hell?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)03:57 No.2423558
    you know, I thought so too, but I think the lice may have been a dealbreaker.

    sorry, bro. it was a -very- long summer.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 12/23/09(Wed)03:59 No.2423562
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)04:03 No.2423566
    There's this boy who's been in mine and my friend's homeroom for the past three or four years, who is in band and marching band with us. We were friends with him a few years back, but he's gotten really out of hand this year.
    He's obsessed with Naruto, reads Shonen Jump religiously, is constantly forcing me to read manga after I try over and over to politely decline, and he basically STALKS me and my friends because I went through my own weeaboo period last year that lasted about a month. I borrowed his phone once a few months ago and accidentally found a huge collection of animu porn. He insists on calling me Momo (as in peach). We try to be nice to him and all, but everyone kind of agrees he's like a future neckbeard, VERY creepy and stalker-ish towards me and my best friend.
    We're quite hoping to avoid him the best we can next year, but for now I have EVERY class with him.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)04:21 No.2423590
    just do stuff in front of him that are completely different from weeaboo lifestyle? like going out to play sports, hanging out and listening to mainstream music?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)04:28 No.2423598
    Believe me anon, I do. As I mentioned, we're in marching band. He's in pit, and they don't do anything, but we exercise at practice everyday, and the only thing I like that's related to Japan is Classic Lolita.
    I'm about as non-weeaboo as you can get. I think he just stalks us because we're the only girls who will talk to him.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)11:28 No.2423974
    What sort of bothers me about weeaboos is when they say something about their own personal lives OUTSIDE of anime/etc. And they really are completely focused on this one aspect of their lives that it seems like they don't actually have anything else. It's scary.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)18:08 No.2424693

    agreed. I majored in Japanese in college and you'll see the most weeaboos in first year classes. They usually fail out by the second year, though.

    I remember my first day of class when I was 18; this guy walks in the room, his body was like a blimp, had had receding brown hair pulled back into a pony tail, scraggly facial hair w/neck beard... Looked JUST like the comic book guy from the Simpsons, and insisted every fuckin' day that watching animu would make him THE MASTER OF JAPANEERERS. This guy would often make scoffing sounds at the TA then swear she was wrong at her own damn native language.

    He failed or dropped out of JA 101 after the second week.

    /cgl, NEVER major in Japanese. It's a fucking useless major. I found this out the hard way.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)18:19 No.2424717

    I'll agree with this, I learned about medieval dialects this way, and how old people talk; but.... Nothing I really used in everyday conversation when I was living there.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is: Media like anime/games can't be used as a sole learning tool on their own like these people were treating them. Your grammar would be a fucking wreck if that were the case.
    >> kenjii !0Guv5/dqD2 12/23/09(Wed)18:30 No.2424732

    This is strange to me, because I'm either majoring in teaching or Japanese, maybe a double-major, and in the two Japanese classes I've taken so far, I've only met one or two light weaboos, no hardcore neckbeards or cat ear-wearing caramelldansers. In fact, most of the people in my classes were either Chinese or Korean, and I've made friends with several older people who are completely normal and really fun. I've actually never met a real weaboo before. Go me?
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 12/23/09(Wed)18:57 No.2424791
    >I've actually never met a real weaboo before.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)19:08 No.2424808
    Have you ever been to an anime convention?

    Then you've probably seen one of them somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)19:09 No.2424811
    Same here. I've only met this one annoying guy in Japanese class (who was a furry I found out later), but he transferred elsewhere by the second semester. Of course, I go to a fairly selective school so that could explain the lack of weeaboos. Even the anime club is tame as I'm the biggest nerd by virtue of being a cosplayer.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)19:31 No.2424870
    Recently I attended an anime convention and met a girl barely a year older then me who had a very high pitched annoying voice.

    Being my first convention I was really excited, I never was "OMGKAWAIIDESUUUUUAUHJUSD" at the plushie stand like she was. Apparently she told my friend that everyone thought I was 'noobish' which was of course a lie, since nobody really liked her since she was being hostile towards our group at the convention.

    Oh and when she was speaking Wapanese and Norwegian, she tried sounding 'cutesy' with her voice. It wasn't cute. At all.

    Recently we met up again, only 3 of us including her. She kept speaking Finnish this time. Guess why? She's a HUGE Hetalia fan and only 'learning' foreign languages because of the damn anime and she thinks it makes her look cute. I was going around with her and another friend at the zoo as Sweden, Jesus Christ I fucking hate her so much for making me do a shitty closet cosplay. I was about to bail on her plans.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)19:38 No.2424889

    What the fuck, why would you agree to do it if you thought it was stupid?
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 12/23/09(Wed)19:45 No.2424899
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    >She kept speaking Finnish this time. Guess why? She's a HUGE Hetalia fan and only 'learning' foreign languages because of the damn anime and she thinks it makes her look cute.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)19:51 No.2424915
    >over whether Gundam Wing or Gundam Seed was better

    That's like arguing over if it's better to have gonorrhea or syphilis :/
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)19:55 No.2424923
    The three best gundam series are:
    Mobile Suit, Turn A, G Gundam
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)19:56 No.2424926
    I've noticed in my Japanese classes that obnoxious weeaboos and normal people have a very very fine line between them.

    I watch Naruto. I've been taking Japanese classes since high school. I cosplay, and when I go to a Japanese owned ramen shop by my house, I don't act like an oblivious asshole. As an added bonus, I shower daily, yay!

    However, I don't think Naruto is god. I took Japanese for cultural reasons, and I went to Japan for the same. For me, cosplay and anime are just a bonus. The Japanese culture is what I'm really interested in.

    Then there's the other side of the line. The people who watch Naruto and think it is god. Never bathe, so their smell burns your nose. They think they know absolutely everything about every anime/manga EVAR. It always kills me when they try to correct my teacher (who I do call sensei, but that's because it's Japanese class). Also, these people will usually go to my local ramen shop in herds, and scream, laugh obnoxiously, leave a mess, and not leave a tip. Then there's when they cosplay... They think they're the BESTEST EVAR. Put on a crappy party wig, a white t-shirt, and jeans, and run around saying, "I'm L! Lolololol!"

    >> BlondBomber 12/23/09(Wed)20:10 No.2424968
    shit my friend wants me to take japenese with her

    and the worst part is that it's good for me to take because of the jobs I may want to do in the future....shit I can't even spell in english I'm gonna suck balls in that class
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)20:15 No.2424976
    My junior year in highschool we had to do what our school called "Ask and Tell." Basically, students asked questions and we answered in front of the whole class. Someone asked where my ancestors were from. I said that they came from Japan, and before I could finish some bitch shouted: "You don't even look Japanese. What a liar! I love Japan, and I think I'd know a Japanese person if I saw one." Except I wasn't lying. She didn't let me finish, as I am of Japanese and Peruvian descent. I moved to the US in 3rd grade, lived in Peru before, and had even been in Japan when I was 7.
    She started asking a lot of rude questions, the teacher got mad, and kicked her out of class.

    Fucking bitch weighed like 300 pounds. Who the fuck is she to tell me grandmother isn't Japanese? Hell, she speaks Spanish but she only speaks to us in Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)20:16 No.2424979
    When I started wearing Lolita to school this girl started freaking out, clinging to me, saying how cute I was, and calling me "loli-chan"...
    God I hate that girl. She'll come up and hug me and start playing with my hair while I'm in the middle of reading and she always tries to "borrow" my books without asking.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)20:23 No.2424990
    A girl I know went as some damn character to Acen, and proudly showed off her costume. It was a corset and skirt she got from Hot Topic, and she said she was doing "her own, original take on the character's costume." Later, someone showed me a picture of the OC and I say no resemblance at all.

    Later, same girl decides she's going to be a decora, so she buys one of those flimsy dresses Hot Topic sells, puts three barrettes in her hair, and posts herself all over the internet with her tits hanging out of this bizarre, ill-fitting costume.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)20:29 No.2425002
    Oh, and to add on, the same girl constantly shouts out "I lost the game!" in the middle of class. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in most of those classes who has any idea why she's saying it.
    >> Flam!ngL!ght 12/23/09(Wed)20:31 No.2425008
    Not even the best part. Her 'Finnish'/'Norweigen'/'Swedish' sucked balls. I have a friend fluent in Swedish, when I showed him a video I recorded of us [I no longer have this so don't ask] He laughed and called her stupid because she spoke worse Swedish than a Mexican who just hopped the border in America speaking broken English.

    I hate that bitch.

    I ALSO am the only 'sane' one in the entire Anime 'cliche' at school. The leader, a stupid bitch named Amanda, wears her hair in pigtail buns, always saying how good she is at drawing Anime, I tried giving her advice and she told me "Shut up, just because you can draw better than me doesn't mean I'm not good!"

    Her art skills are similar to mine, from the fourth grade. Not to mention, she's always going on about Gaia shit, like the rest of the cliche. There's a few boys who are constantly playing Dissidia, and they all call each other 'Nii-san/chan' aside me because I refuse to call them Nii-shit back.

    I can't believe I even hang around with those Gaiafags.
    >> kenjii !0Guv5/dqD2 12/23/09(Wed)20:39 No.2425023
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    >tits hanging out of this bizarre, ill-fitting costume.



    Nope. But I'm expecting to be surrounded by SUPAKAWAIIDESUDESUNEEE SASUKECHAN SUGOI DESU KUN derptastic, bumfuck idiotic and really badly groomed people at Sakuracon. If this is an overstatement, at least I'll be pleasantly surprised.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 12/23/09(Wed)20:40 No.2425025
    God thats horrible.
    I hate a lot of Hetalia-fans cause they decide to learn new languages just becuase of Hetalia.

    A while ago, some chick wrote to me - I have no idea where she got my e-mail from -.
    Introduced herself as a generic anime-fan. First she started saying she liked my cosplays a lot. Okay cool.
    After we had talked for a while she said why exactly she contacted me.
    Something along the lines of "Well, you're danish, and your online name is Denmark! So I thought you might be a Hetalia-fan. And I really really wanna learn danish so that I can be in character when I cosplay Denmark and---"

    Sorry kid, not gonna happen.
    People like this just makes me rage so hard.. Esp. when they wanna learn danish, and think you can do it just like that.
    Its one of the hardest countries in the world, good luck learning it.

    Guess it was kinda related to the thread, but, lets get back on track.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)20:43 No.2425032
    Pre-con meet up fangirls..........they seem to think my boyfriend is gods giftcause he's on the committee............its not THAT big a deal bitches!

    And a friend of mine who i love dearly but her "I'll only listen to music thats japanese!" and speaking bad animu japanese in inapporpriate times grates a little.

    Yes i admit i use the odd weeaboo phrase like "kawaii" or "kowaii" or even "haii" (hell i used Hai for yes even before i knew it was japanese - just the way i used to pronounce aye!) and i'll giggle over plushies but i hope to god i'll never ever be as bad as the guy who used to run our anime society.

    No matter how obscure the series, no matter what the genre, he could name the entire cast and the plot and give a 10 minute disliking rant on it.
    He was generally the Yahtzee of the animu world - anime was his life but he never seemed to actually have a good thing to say about it......
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)20:43 No.2425034
    > /cgl, NEVER major in Japanese. It's a fucking useless major. I found this out the hard way.


    Hey, similar tastes as me, Turn A, G, and Zeta
    I don't really think G gundam is a gundam series though...
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)20:45 No.2425038

    /cgl, NEVER major in Japanese. It's a fucking useless major. I found this out the hard way.

    Never majored in it but its essentially what every Narutards dream degree is these days.
    it's the weeaboo equivalent of "Meedja Studies"
    >> Flam!ngL!ght 12/23/09(Wed)20:46 No.2425039
    I sort of thought you were into Hetalia from your name, guess I was wrong lol.

    Eh, I'm not really one to openly weeaboo over some stupid shit like that. It would make me feel like a stupid fangirl. Especially if I was going to learn an extinct language [Prussian] because I cosplay him. That would be... an hero worthy.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)20:48 No.2425047

    .....i think i know him.......his names not Conan is it?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)20:49 No.2425051
    There was an arguement in class about Dubbed or Subbed. Everyone voted Dubbed.
    The same girls then began a "Team L" and a "Team Light" club.
    They then greeted eachother with "KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE!".

    Another girl (who's aunt was a "English Tutor in Japan") said that she was teaching her Japanese and that she was fluent.
    She'd start passing notes in class and put her name in Kanji or whatever.
    Then she'd start giving us Japanese names that are so 'kawaii' and say "That word in Japanese is ____!".
    She'd add '-chan' to our names and say stuff like 'kawaii!~' or 'nyann~'

    Her friend's school diary is filled with fan pictures of NarutoxSasuke which she 'drew'.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 12/23/09(Wed)20:50 No.2425057
    A lot of people think Im a Hetalia-fag. I used to be.. I guess the fans scared me away. :c

    The reason I rage about it so much is because one of my dream-jobs is to become a translator.
    I study all sorts of languages on a daily basis, right now russian.
    I dont do it cause I've watched an anime or movie where they speak it, I do it because its my dream to speak whatever language I want, AND probably get paid for it. Mostly doing it for fun right now though. :<
    >> Flam!ngL!ght 12/23/09(Wed)20:54 No.2425067
    My career path involves computer maintnence, networking, all that shit. I don't think I could handle translating.

    oh god we're getting so off topic right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)20:55 No.2425069

    No isn't. But oh please tell me theres not two of them!
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)21:09 No.2425097
    There was this one girl at my high school who thought she was the most hardcore shit ever. She had her hair done to imitate certain Jrockers. And she pretty much went around insisting that feminine men are the best while shoving her collaged Jrock pictures everywhere. She claimed to hate weeaboos although she was one herself. Apparently she was better than them because she listened to Jrock and watched better anime or something. She also claimed to be fluent in Japanese (Because her great great grandparents were Japanese or something) but I know for a fact that even my pronunciation is better than hers, and I know jack shit about speaking Japanese.

    I generally put up with her because I hate confrontations. But one day during homeroom, she was looking at pictures of cosplay on DeviantArt. Really shitty, horribly done cosplay. She was showing the pictures to a lesser weeaboo, going on about how the cosplayer managed to capture the character perfectly even when the details of the costume were off and there were several parts that could have been improved upon. So I made a face and said "Ew". And then she proceeded to wave me off and say that I don't know anything about cosplay because I'm apparently not into things like that. Uh, bitch please. She'd never cosplayed before. But she thought she knew all there is about cosplay and lolita based on what she read online. At the time I'd gone to several cons in cosplay, so if anything I had more experience than she did.

    She was just very frustrating. She also screamed "KYOMYGOD" and "OHMYGACKT" all the time. I did not like her. Nosiree, I did not.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)21:24 No.2425119
    Wait, you got the US dub? Why didn't your country get the original and dub it in your language?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)21:29 No.2425127
    if you didn't say she was part japanese, I could have sworn you were talking about my sister.
    She went to the extreme of changing the spelling of her name so it's the same as Kyo's in some form of japanese.
    I have to live with her. She's also 3 years older than me. sad life it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)21:41 No.2425148
    I doubt she is though. She made up the weirdest bullshit ever about how she's some sort of a multilingual genius. I think she just threw Japanese in there because SHE CAN'T BE WEEABOO IF SHE'S JAPANESE LOL. She's just full Viet, methinks.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)21:42 No.2425153
    The weeaboo who hates weeaboos reminds me of the Jewish Nazi at my school.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:07 No.2425186
    There was this girl that always hung around my group of friends in middle school and she was absolutely nuts. We called her 'Prozac'. She was a big fat Mexican thing with huge hair and constantly spouted words like 'kawaii' and 'baka neko'.

    For years, I got friend requests from her on every website I had an account on. I blocked her every time, but the requests kept coming. Six years later, she found me one last time and wrote an apology about how annoying she was and how she has changed. Feeling like a jerk, I gave her a second chance.

    I asked her how she found my new account. She told me that she has been collecting my cosplay pictures online for six years now and that she had her friends scope me out at recent convention, three states away, so they could take my picture for her.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:14 No.2425202
    there was this girl I barely knew on my senior year in highshcool. She was a 4'7" or so, big boobs, and she thought she was really cute, why? BECAUSE SHE WAS FRIGGIN' SMALL AND HAD MASSIVE BOOBS, and she also screamed out-loud stuff like "OMGKAWAIIDESUNEEEEE" or "TASUKETEEEEEEEEEEEE" "KYAAAAAAAAAAA" "NYAAAAAAAAAAAN" "KYAAA,I'MBEINGRAPEDNLAKSJHGALKJSDHLA" GRRRRRR!!! freaking GRRR I hated her so much, she though she sounded cute and looked cute, but she was horribly annoying and I just wanted to fucking shoot her in the head, and she also though she was TEH MASTER in japanese when she only knew some by freaking anime...(I'm not against anime, at home I'm known as the anime-freak, but if my relatives could see this girl, they'd take all that back and call me a "norlmalpersonafterall")

    and it's not only that girl who's friggin' annoying, there are other (2-3) girls who are calling to each other "you're my uke ftw", or "WHERE'SMYSEMEJASGFKA", "I'm orochimaru and I'mma rape you SAS-UKE"

    and in m mind I go "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID BITCH"....but I hate confrontations so I would stay quiet most of the time....

    good thing about my past japanese classes back in my home country, most of my classmates were anime-fans as well, but they weren't crazy-ass like in THAT HIGHSHCOOL

    (specially, some who always met at the clock tower, they even called them the clock-tower-kids....some of them were cool....but most of aggravating!)
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:15 No.2425204
    That's scary as fuck
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:17 No.2425207

    >> She was a 4'7" or so, big boobs,

    Would you by chance have her FB name?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:20 No.2425210
    Why are all phillipinos crazy?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:20 No.2425211

    Yeah, I was really freaked out. I'm just glad she lives far away now. Though, every once in a while, she tells me that she's visiting her family in my home state and that we should TOTALLY HANG OUT.
    She also flipped her shit when she found out I was cosplaying Megurine Luka.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:24 No.2425216
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:25 No.2425217
    Even though I was into anime back in high school, I never meshed well with my high school anime club. They scared me. At first it seemed cool that they all sat at a cafeteria table and drew. But then when I realized that their drawings were pretty much hentai that they would then write fanfics to go along with in their notebooks.

    They'd obnoxiously fangasm, screams you could hear across the school. Sometimes they'd cosplay, sans wigs, all totally closet cosplay. None of them had any social skills, and they tended not to shower. They were all learning japanese, of course, and tried to use as much of it in their daily speech as possible. I remember there being so much more about them that irked me, but this was a few years ago, I don't exactly remember too well.

    I didn't like them very much.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:35 No.2425230
    Hey. Honest to goodness, non-trolling question. I want to be a patent attorney, and plan on taking japanese all throughout college because I wuld love to work there, seeing as a TON of technology is made in Japan, and tech=money=money for me.

    I like love anime. Is taking japanese and liking anime instant weabooness, or is it really based on your maturity level and your actions? My dad says I can take japanese as long as I sell all my anime(no big deal in comparison), so I'm afraid if he's afraid it's really terrible, others will think so...

    It's just that I know a few weaboos and they annoy the hell out of me, and would hate to be seen as one.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:43 No.2425240
    Know how to act in social situations. Be a normal human being instead of trying to be the most blatant example of JAPAN and ANIME you can POSSIBLY BE. Anime and cosplay are hobbies, and act as such.

    I'm sure there are plenty of people taking Japanese who are interested in anime and aren't total weeaboos.

    But who gives a fuck what people think anyway...
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:45 No.2425245

    I only do when that person is paying for my college. *_*

    But I'm sure if I explain things like that to Dad, I can take it even wothout getting rid of my anime.

    But I only own two hard copy series, so I won't be that heartbroken.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:49 No.2425253
    Things don't work in Japan like they do in the US. While they have attorneys and scriveners, they're used in slightly different situations. If I were you, I'd do the JET program once I graduated college instead of betting upon there being a market for gaijin patent attorneys.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:53 No.2425260

    In b4 "I am a Japanese School Teacher"
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:59 No.2425271

    Did you happen to know a Tony M.?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:31 No.2425316
    What I want to know is where the term "weeaboo" actually came from? I know what it means, but is it supposed to stand for something?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:31 No.2425317
    And you know what? Just today waiting for the later buses this fat chick with a ribbon around her head like a Narufag headband saunters up to me.

    And she starts talking.

    And she doesn't fucking shut up.

    Apparently, she claims to be best friends with the cast from Bleach the musical, or some crazy shit like that, and that she's absolutely like Chouji from Naruto in that she whips out a bag to Doritos to stuff her face with. Not only that but she kept asking in a roundabout way what ethnicity I was.

    I guess it's the chink in me that draws the weeaboos near.

    I expressed that I was no longer into anime, nor did I care about her personal exploits of weeabooism, but yet she JUST KEPT TALKING and it all ended with her trying to take my Thai fish snack and running with it. I chased that bitch down. And I hope I never see her again
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:39 No.2425324
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    okay, so there's this group of ukfags that decided to make an "LOLSORANDUM!" christmas video, and when some fella decided to point out such idiocracy...OH HOW THE FLOODGATES OF UKFATLESBIANWEABOONARUTARDS WERE OPENED!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:12 No.2425369
    When I was a Sophomore in high school, I had just moved to a rural area, and I was one out of five Asians in my entire school.
    I was friends with this kid, and whenever I went to his house, I would see his younger sister, and she instantly tried to be friends with me.
    She was one of those kids who didn't know how to make friends, and leeched off her brother.
    Anyway, I didn't mind that she tried talking to me in Japanese, even though I am fully Vietnamese. I didn't even mind that much when she excitedly pointed out people out of videos and said, "KELLY-CHANKELLY-CHAN LOOK! THEY'RE ASIAN TOOOO! KAWAIIDESSUNEE!"
    I could kinda understand, the other Asians were a little darker skinned and didn't look stereotypically Asian like I did. Even if I'm ridiculously white washed.

    But I once was watching Project Runway, and she commented how she like that one designer, because he made "clothes that she would wear."
    I jokingly asked what that meant.
    She goes on to tell me how she wears "Japanese" clothes, which is basically everything out of Hot Topic. And how she couldn't wait to move to Japan, so people wouldn't judge her clothing.
    I said that a lot of Japanese people usually aren't very kind toward foreigners.
    And she responded that OF COURSE they would accept her. Because she wears their clothing. Not to mention that she was soooo cuteee.
    I couldn't stop laughing.

    Luckily, I moved away soon after, but I didn't have a chance to say what I really thought of her.

    But just in case,
    Hey, Emma. It's Kelly.
    I fucking hate you.
    >> 3 Flowers For Alexej !zW3zEeXJzk 12/24/09(Thu)00:13 No.2425372
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    >She's a HUGE Hetalia fan and only 'learning' foreign languages because of the damn anime and she thinks it makes her look cute.


    reminds me of this
    i keep my anime interests EXTREMELY closeted, except when im drawing some bullshit. was doing something on the austro-hungarian empire, and this hambeast waddles over to me and says "OH HAY IS THAT SUM HETALIA???"
    was like, yeah, whatever you know? then she starts speaking some HORRIBLY mangled form of german and said "see? I'm like austria!!"
    at this point i was just trying to get away from her, but then she grabbed my note book and shouted "HAY WHO IS THIS I DONT KNOW WHO THIS GUY IS!" i explained to her that it was supposed to be bohemia (yeah i know, hetalia fancharacters, im a terrible person, etc) and she says "oh em gee he is SOOOO KAWAII!"

    she left after that, and i was really hoping she wouldnt bring it up again. but the next day she came back with some weird red, white, and blue facepaint on her cheeks and started yelling the most bloodcurdling, cringeworthy broken czech at me that ive ever had the misfortune to hear, and says "I REALLY LIKE YOUR FANCHARACTER, SEE? I CAN BE CZECH TOO!"

    to this day she continues this bullshit and i just wish she would leave me and my country alone ;_; there are not even words to properly express my rage
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:16 No.2425374
    your story is stupid. repoted,
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:17 No.2425377

    Is her name Leah?
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 12/24/09(Thu)00:18 No.2425381
    weeaboo was a wordfilter for wapanese back in the golden era of 4chan.
    >> Flam!ngL!ght 12/24/09(Thu)00:47 No.2425419
    I refuse to spread my fandom around the school for reasons like this. I stated before the anime cliche I hang around is a bunch of Gaiafags, they have ruined Animes like Lucky Star for me by butchering the language, hell, that Amanda slut once used some Blue hairspray she got on sale and claimed to be Konata!

    I... can understand your pain with the Fan characters. I made a city-tan [lolstfu] for the hell of it of Miami, next thing you know, my friend makes a Hollywood [Florida city too, fags] and pairs them. :|
    >> Rain&Gemini !0xvvc5jP0s 12/24/09(Thu)01:05 No.2425446
    Oh just recently, my weeaboo friend greeted me a "MERI KURISUMASU" on Facebook.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:15 No.2425466
    The word you're looking for is "clique."
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:24 No.2425479
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    And the original origin of the word was this Perry Bible Fellowship comic.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:25 No.2425481

    What they mean is, "I wanna learn a sentence or two, and a maybe a few exclamations of danish, so tell me some things that sound REALLY danish," See, that's the level of accomplishment that a child raised in a superficial culture thinks is sufficient to start using it as a social marketing buff, and in this manner it acts on her ego as a substitute for genuine, hard won accomplishment. She knows that very few, or more likely none of her RL peers will know even one word of danish (or whatever language) so they can't argue with her when she deigns to show off her 'skillz' for them. Most likely they do the same BS to her, so they tacitly understand how the game works. She gets all the attention and respect of working for something impressive, and pays none of the price nor risk. Bonus for the novelty-addict high that comes from "learning" 10 or 15 "languages" that consist of a phrase and couple catchwords.. a real fucking savant eh? Wash, rinse, repeat until her friends get wise to - and bored of - her and start having kids and jobs and other grownup experiences.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:27 No.2425489
    My story, like a large number of the stories on here, have to do with college level Japanese class.

    Last year was my first year of college and my major is International Studies with a focus in Relations and Diplomacy. I've taken German since my freshman year of high school, but decided to take Japanese as well. Bad life decisions.

    Almost half my class turned out to be weaboos of every variety. They literally wore their fucking cat ears to class and tried to make our teacher plan a lesson with anime. They tried to correct her Japanese and that takes the cake for me. I finished my one year of Japanese and have moved on to German and Russian. Never again.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:28 No.2425490
    I knew this girl in High School. She would call me 'senpai' and insist that everyone call her 'Miyaka', and was only interested in Asian anything. After I graduated she would occasionally call me wanting my advice on which Asian guy she should date next. She had me on the phone for nearly an hour going over how great these two Asian douchbags were, and I was trying to get rid of her because I had wedding stuff to do.

    Last I heard, she was holed up near Chicago, telling everyone she was half asian and taking nude pictures of herself with fun-noodle pool toys and whiped cream and posting them on one of the chans.

    I still want to get in contact with her if only because the bitch still has a couple of my DVDs and I can't replace them.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 12/24/09(Thu)01:42 No.2425504
    i havent kept up. Are they still any good?
    >> Flam!ngL!ght 12/24/09(Thu)01:42 No.2425505
    Late reply, sorry Anon.

    It was her birthday and I didn't want to sound like a douche.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:49 No.2425514
    Theres this girl in my class, I thought she was pretty cool. We had some decent discussions and I discovered that she was into J-rock, too.
    Which was cool until she started going on about how she talks to Aicle via myspace all the time, and that her best friend is in Japan and dating Miku from An Cafe, and now she's good buddies with them blah blah blah.
    More of a liar story then a weeaboo story though
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:50 No.2425516
    PBF is on hiatus right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:37 No.2425575
    for fucks sake the president was Japanese wasn't he
    their are a LOT of Japanese people in Peru. the fact
    that this girl didn't put common knowledge together
    and based your ancestry on looks alone is really fucking retarded . i feel for you anon
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:54 No.2425597
    ITT: Weeaboos bag on slightly more obvious weeaboos

    Protip: If you know what the word weeaboo means, you probably are one.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 12/24/09(Thu)02:58 No.2425604
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    This thread isnt.....rage worthy...these are really lame stories.

    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)03:00 No.2425607
    Ha. I've taught English to friends-of-friends, but professionally I'm a computer engineer. I'm also moving away from Tokyo next month because Japanese tech jobs pay utter crap, and don't really have much in the way of interesting work.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)03:25 No.2425626

    No one cares about your shitty nerd job, cunt.
    >> Belzinghast !!cgdnO1Rl8mB 12/24/09(Thu)03:55 No.2425652
    Man it's been so long since I've been back on /cgl/. Damn I miss these. For some reason, /v/ has been really sucking me in.

    Anywa I finally have a new story I can contribute due to me working at a new store.

    So I work at Gamestop. I'm really good friends with my manager and since I'm pretty much his go to guy in the store I'm transfered to every store he transfers too. We'll we are now in a new store in California and it's the first store with we've both been with the most socially awkward group of nerds/weeaboos/neckbeards. We've now been at this store for about 2 months.

    Well, I've been dating a wonderful and beautiful Korean girl for the past 8 months, now this wouldn't been important if I hadn't heard that the biggest loser of them all had mad yellow fever. This guy is crazy over weight, has terrible fashion sense, and is in his late twenties and has never done a single thing with a girl. Apparently he he gets really pissed off whenever he sees a non Asian guy dating an Asian girl.

    Now, I hate this guy because he's a huge elitest. He's, one of those all hail allmighty nippon types. He's a huge anti-America liberal and will try to make anyone who doesn't agree with his views feel like shit. He loves to put others down to make himself feel better and tries, but fails, to turn others against you if don't agree with you (I have more stories on that if you're interested).
    >> Belzinghast !!cgdnO1Rl8mB 12/24/09(Thu)03:56 No.2425653

    Now I hate this guy so much that when I found out he had mad yellow fever I thought "Yes I have another great weapon to piss him off with."

    So, on Tuesday my girlfriend came over and we decided to stop by my store so I could talk to my boss since we were going to be in the area.

    I walk in first and I see the guy and he grins at me. But, right after my girlfriend walks in and she grabs my hand he gets this really sour look and loses all positive energy he had. He did not help customers in a positive manner, and avoided all form of eye contact with me. I stayed to talk to my boss and started talking shit about FFXIII and spoiling the story for my boss, who wasn't looking forward to it either. Well, he hears this and get's pissed off and says that I need to walk my ass out of the store before he strangles me. My boss looks at him with this wtf smile and says go to the back if you have a hard time not listening in other people's converstaions.
    >> Belzinghast !!cgdnO1Rl8mB 12/24/09(Thu)03:57 No.2425654

    Well, we finish and leave. Later that day my boss calls me and asks if I know why he was so mad. I tell 1. because of FF XIII and 2. he was mad that I had an Asian girlfriend. Apparently he started throwing and breaking things in the backroom because he was so mad. One of my other coworkers who's friends with him on Facebook said his status message was "Why the fuck do all the assholes get to go out with these amazing Asian girls and nice guys like me are stuck at home playing video games alone?!"
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:06 No.2425663

    lmao...What city are you in? I have have a good mind to stop by with my stunning Japanese flavor-of-the month in tow.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:07 No.2425666
    Is it possible to see this video? I'm swedish and I want something to laugh at D:
    >>[I no longer have this so don't ask]
    Oh darnit

    Haha, I can Imagine the rage you had. I'm swedish and while I don't have too much trouble reading stuff in danish, I have a hard time catching up in conversations.
    I fail at being Scandinavian :D

    Same here. Job positions. Luckily enough, last time I went to a japanese class there were no weeaboos, or perhaps they had enough manners to keep their mouths shut.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:07 No.2425667
    Cool story bro
    >> Belzinghast !!cgdnO1Rl8mB 12/24/09(Thu)04:09 No.2425670
    I'm in West LA but the store is in Santa Monica right down the street from the beach
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:13 No.2425674
    lol Belzinghast, its hard for me to accept a story like that. but then again i dont doubt it. i too, work at gamestop.

    a group of weeaboo girls walked in once, all a bit chubby, one in particular was quite overweight. they all had cat ears on, stripped tights/stockings, pleated skirts and rainbow coloful tanktops. (similar to OP) i didnt even... i give a sideglance to my manager (my manager and i are both girls, and we are both casual anime fans) and we just grin. we made small talk with them and my manager even said she wished she could wear cat ears to work and i lol'd.... they where nice girls but a bit too uh, hardcore. I dont really like to judge! i see a lot of fatter weeaboo guys but i dont really feel awkward talking to any of them unless they stutter or have obvious asburgers :/
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:15 No.2425677

    Near the Promenade? Oh he must be aching from all the look-but-can't-touch eye candy he must see daily up there. I'm a bit farther south than that but actually coming up that way maybe next week for a big douchebag party me and my popped-collar asian-girl-banging homebros will be at. I wonder if I'll still be with this one by then, but no matter whatever I have will be just as raeg-quit inducing for him
    >> Belzinghast !!cgdnO1Rl8mB 12/24/09(Thu)04:19 No.2425682
    Believe me, as much as I'd like the story to be a fabrication it's not. This store is rediculous. We have the guy I mentioned. We have this WoWfag that litterally looks like the WoW Nerd from the WoW episode from South Park with assburgers. And we have another weeaboo who is also all hail all might nippon, however, he also has a chance to, I guess, normalize himself a little so my Manager, ASM, and I are working with him little by little.

    We also have half Japanese half Korean guy working there who's new and apparantly the guy I mentioned asked him if he knew any Asian girls that would be interested in him.
    >> Belzinghast !!cgdnO1Rl8mB 12/24/09(Thu)04:22 No.2425686
    Actually we're on Lincoln and Pico. The Promenade one is closed till the mall reopens. We're right off the 10 free freeway. Are you in the San Diego District?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:24 No.2425689

    >> We also have half Japanese half Korean guy working there who's new and apparantly the guy I mentioned asked him if he knew any Asian girls that would be interested in him.

    Because this is exactly what asian guys love to do most, broker yet another one of their girls out of their dating pool and into a white guy's bed. And with your manager being such a winner I'm sure a-dude is really excited to help him out there...
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:27 No.2425691
    My school has a few terrible Hetalia-fags.
    I mean, I like Hetalia and all, but these kids are fucking crazy. D:
    And they bug me all the time and call me 'Germany' because I apperently act like him and I'm 75% german. UGHGKSJDGHKJDFRRAAAGGGEEEE.
    Oh man, only if murder was legal.
    >> Belzinghast !!cgdnO1Rl8mB 12/24/09(Thu)04:28 No.2425692
    I don't think you read to whole thing.

    The Manager is not the loser, he's cool and normal. And I guess I should have mentioned the Asian guy actually only dates white girls. Finally, while trying to avoid race, the loser is black. Sorry, should have filled in the gaps
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:28 No.2425693

    I'm in San Diego, but I think I lost you on the District part. The other anon who works at Gamestop is not me.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:31 No.2425694
    Are they at least hot girls? If so, cosplay as Germany, get pussy, ?, PROFIT
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:34 No.2425699
    Dude. I know how that feels.

    The weeaboos at my school called me Deidara because I was tall, had long blonde hair, blue eyes, kept my bangs on the left side of my face, and was one of the more skilled sculptors in my high schools art program. I also had a short, young looking boyfriend with wavy copper hair who was generally emotionless around the weeaboos thinking they'd leave him alone. They actually screamed once when a pack of them saw us kiss each other before leaving school. I fucking hated them all.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:36 No.2425701

    Avoiding race in a thread about weeaboos is a noble, if ironically pointless goal. It's actually a bit funnier if loser guy was white, just for the stereotype lulz. But now I feel almost pity for the guy. He truly has acuired a thirst that will never be slaked this side of you gonna get raped.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)04:38 No.2425705
    I'm a girl. And straight. D:
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)05:36 No.2425772
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    I love this thread so much. Before I can read it all, i'm going to post a link to a video I shot of a guy who went was in my group for an exchange student thing to Japan.

    p.s. the picture is from another video where he was always near. (I guess I was always near as well...but at least I had my exchange student by my side)
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)07:06 No.2425847
    Oh god, what a hambeast.
    Its really pathetic if ppl let themselfes go like that.

    But the chick was really cute.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)09:30 No.2425939
    I have a classmate in my commercial art classes who has major ADHD and OCD to go along with her weeaboo personality. She originally thought I was Japanese (I'm a light skinned flip), so she wouldn't stop bugging me about how "OMG *ADHD hand spaz* I've been taking Japanese classes since furever!" And to make it worse, there are freshmen who ask her how to say things in Japanese.
    For example: "How do you say 'I want chocolate?'" she'd say, "Ai wantu chocoretto" etc etc.

    But when she found out that I cosplay, oh LAWD. She found me on /cgl/, and she assumed that I go on /b/ too. Since then, she's been spewing out memes in every other sentence and spreading the cancer of 4chan through my classmates. Now she asks me about my cosplays everyday and showed off some of my pictures in costume to other kids. I really wanted to punch her in the face.

    But she brings my friends and I major lulz. Especially when she claims that she "used to be a weeaboo who loved Invader Zim and stufffsss" and now says she's only interested in Japanese culture. I only have to last one more year with her, but holy hell, she ruined senior year for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)10:01 No.2425964

    > A girl paying attention to me ruined my senior year
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)10:03 No.2425965
    Good for you, you don't want to get the homosexual disease that's going around. It's worse than H1N1
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)10:27 No.2425977
    Oh shit, you work with /b/lackula?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)10:59 No.2425997
    thankfully i have no stories of my own since weeaboos are few and far here but i'd like to share a few my friend told me if that's all right.
    my friend was forced into japanese class by her parents, because apparently it's more useful than latin or something like that. after a few hours she got a message from one of her classmates telling her to bring a list of anime she liked. my friend was lost since she had never really been all that into anime, we suggested she just say stuff like 'gurren lagann or sayonara zetsubou sensei' since she had watched it and reasonably enjoyed it and avoid stuff like 'hetalia' which she was okay with but we really didn't want her to end up horribly scarred.
    the first time she went to class there was a sphere of suspense. everyone sat down and waited, some of the second years were giggling and she really had no idea what to think. suddenly her teacher comes in (white and quite large, if it matters any) and starts to introduce herself.
    '.... and what's the most important thing you should know about me is that .... I REALLY LOVE INUYASHA!!!' and she starts whipping out all this inuyasha merchandise and god knows what else.
    after that they had to name their favourite animes, the teacher pointed them out one by one. mostly it was stuff like naruto and inuyasha and stuff like that. then the teacher choose my friend to the the honours, she said she liked gurren lagann. one of the second years turned to her and said 'you like that mecha shit?' .. aaand then class went on and it was horrible and apparently most of the girls were weeaboos and most of the guys were newfags and kept spouting memes.

    oh and
    this is a few months later, zenkaikon had just been and apparently a few people in her class had decided to go.
    and they came back with four bags full of USxUK gay porn and sat in class reading it and even asked the teacher to translate it for them.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)11:10 No.2426004

    >light skinned flip

    You'd better be hot.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)11:15 No.2426006
    >native-born sensei

    :I I must say you yourself must be a huge weeaboo taking japanese. Most likely so you can dub your animes and read your foreign comics.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)11:47 No.2426036
    This isn't related to a single incident, but a series of them...

    At every con I go to where I cosplay, without fail, some 300 pound sweaty guy asks me for a hug. When I -kindly-, and I can't stress kindly enough, he gets all upset and butthurt. If you would shower, it wouldn't be so much of an issue. I just don't want your stink on me.
    >> BlondBomber 12/24/09(Thu)11:51 No.2426044
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    OMG I like so wanna learn my characters language!!!It's english!

    no but yeah I know what your saying the last meet up I went to there was this scarry looking England who was trying to speak with an accent
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)12:04 No.2426070
    im small
    I have big boobs
    I have (dyed) red hair
    I still pass for 15 when im 20
    Im pretty much Legal lolicon

    ........if one more weeaboo in Forbidden Planet tells me "oh em gee you are sooooooo kawaii (pronounced Kah-why by these folk might i add) you should totally cosplay Mikuru!"
    "omg omg you should join our cosplay group!!! we're going to >insert con here< as punk versions of Naruto characters if they crossovered with Final Fantasy!!!!"

    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)12:05 No.2426071

    You sound just as bad as them on here. Underage and weeaboo less, please.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)12:10 No.2426086

    People like that make me lol and rage so hard. Finnish is one of the most difficult languages there is (if you don't believe me, do a little research) - hell, even I sometimes have difficulties with the grammar and I'm effin native Finnish. Barely no one speaks it, the pronounciation sucks balls especially for foreigners and it sounds like you're vomiting shit if you try. Fuck you Hetalia-faggots, gtf away from my language.
    >> InvalidAnon !!+EDk5/sRbhg 12/24/09(Thu)12:13 No.2426096
    I thought the only people that spoke Finnish at any length anymore were black metal bands and pro race drivers judging by how quickly English is being adopted by the Finns as the de facto language.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)12:14 No.2426099
    I believe most Scandinavian languages are hard to learn

    >>it sounds like you're vomiting shit if you try
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 12/24/09(Thu)12:19 No.2426112
    This this this.
    A bunch of danish people also suck at their own language cause its so hard.
    I facepalm at the hetalia-fags who wnat to learn it.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)12:52 No.2426149
    Honestly, I'm glad or weaboos.

    Twilight fans are so much worse.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)12:59 No.2426159
    Oh my god, this. One thousand times this.

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