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    File : 1261372138.gif-(48 KB, 271x366, eilonwy.gif)
    48 KB Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:08 No.2418810  
    ITT: Cosplays you'll NEVER be able to do, no matter how hard you try.

    Pic related-- I'm not trap material. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:13 No.2418816
         File1261372400.jpg-(77 KB, 464x750, 1180813159091.jpg)
    77 KB
    I'm a 5'3" female. so sad.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:18 No.2418834
         File1261372721.jpg-(20 KB, 299x399, 186327.jpg)
    20 KB
    I'll never be a Valkyrie ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:20 No.2418837
         File1261372829.jpg-(80 KB, 833x945, 1260206826396.jpg)
    80 KB
    i would shed fucking tears if i could see this done.

    Pic related, not manly enough, not pretty enough enough. and well... people would throw bricks at me if i tried.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:21 No.2418842
         File1261372877.jpg-(132 KB, 475x683, yokoportraitsmagazinecover.jpg)
    132 KB
    I lack the boobs and refuse to be yet another boobless Yoko.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:27 No.2418862

    I just loled for about five minutes. This idea pleases me greatly.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:28 No.2418863
    What the hell is that?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:28 No.2418864
    They would if you did it without the fish. YOU CAN DO IT. BELIEVE IN ME THAT BELIEVES IN YOU.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:31 No.2418873
         File1261373463.jpg-(114 KB, 1100x1404, Mulan.jpg)
    114 KB
    I'm the whitest bitch on the planet.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:32 No.2418878

    Don't know the character,but he's from Minami-ke I think.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:32 No.2418879
    Do her arranged marriage outfit.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:33 No.2418882
    still, very caucasian eyes/features
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:33 No.2418883
    do a geisha outfit!
    >> pillow 12/21/09(Mon)00:36 No.2418888
         File1261373779.jpg-(142 KB, 418x617, gatts01.jpg)
    142 KB
    I'm a short, chubby unmanly pale girl,
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)00:38 No.2418895
         File1261373888.jpg-(64 KB, 680x600, ggx2-slayer-02.jpg)
    64 KB
    I'm a 5'5" chubby girl ;___; I will never be pimp enough.
    >> Iris 12/21/09(Mon)00:39 No.2418899
    Just to clarify: Never able to do as to pulling it off well or impossible because of gender, physical attributes, size, etc.
    >> Daguru !!+XW7npOcO0b 12/21/09(Mon)00:55 No.2418928
         File1261374949.jpg-(52 KB, 376x600, 583_2.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Jactater !0K1gKfMIEc 12/21/09(Mon)00:57 No.2418931
    I dunno Dag, I think you could pull this off to be honest.
    >> Kisa !!0bpDL6+XJHS 12/21/09(Mon)01:10 No.2418947
         File1261375837.jpg-(65 KB, 416x555, 396334Nicholas_D_Wolfwood.jpg)
    65 KB
    Because I'll never cut my hair that short again, ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)01:14 No.2418951
         File1261376044.jpg-(224 KB, 850x1383, sample-e026903eb9069c65ab4a396(...).jpg)
    224 KB
    I'm male. :(
    >> Yaso 12/21/09(Mon)01:14 No.2418952
         File1261376052.jpg-(169 KB, 200x470, Gaap.jpg)
    169 KB
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 12/21/09(Mon)01:15 No.2418955
    Uh, wear a wig?
    >> M- !!UatODx6KgB1 12/21/09(Mon)01:15 No.2418956
         File1261376130.jpg-(34 KB, 450x632, 1130706281_esc2-kilik.jpg)
    34 KB
    buuut I'm going to try asking my bf to cosplay it so I can live vicariously through him.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)01:16 No.2418959
    fucking ditto
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)01:16 No.2418960
         File1261376197.jpg-(193 KB, 1024x768, 001_faiz1024_768.jpg)
    193 KB
    I would NEVER be able to afford the belt, much less the goddamn suit.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 12/21/09(Mon)01:17 No.2418963
         File1261376241.jpg-(197 KB, 685x1200, kongiku-muramasa-character-art(...).jpg)
    197 KB
    I am lacking in certain...departments. Such as sexy eyes and ohmygodenormous boobs.
    >> Kisa !!0bpDL6+XJHS 12/21/09(Mon)01:20 No.2418970

    My real hair is better, wigs here suck.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)01:21 No.2418971
    Order off of ebay, where you can get wigs from international sellers? I mean...shit isn't really THAT hard to get anymore.
    >> Nemo 12/21/09(Mon)01:25 No.2418976
         File1261376731.jpg-(48 KB, 452x619, Zephyrmon_FanArt_by_badass0000(...).jpg)
    48 KB
    I'm short,
    I'm too dark,
    Definitely can't style a wig well enough,
    and definitely am not well enough sewing wise to make a costume like that.

    I'd be the laughing stock of the con if I tried this.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)01:31 No.2418981

    Then make it
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)01:32 No.2418989
         File1261377142.jpg-(14 KB, 331x480, 1127_sm20.jpg)
    14 KB
    I'd love to do Sailor Saturn, or any of the sailor scouts for that matter. But I've got a long torso and normal legs, whereas they all have short torsos and ridiculously long legs. I won't cosplay a character if I don't have a similar figure.
    >> Yaso 12/21/09(Mon)01:40 No.2419002
         File1261377633.jpg-(76 KB, 357x530, Emporio_Ivankof.jpg)
    76 KB
    Also, this. But Im not tall or fat enough...
    >> Kisa !!0bpDL6+XJHS 12/21/09(Mon)01:43 No.2419011

    Seeing someone like that would really freak me out.
    >> Eri !/YbHGiyNtI 12/21/09(Mon)01:44 No.2419012
         File1261377856.jpg-(426 KB, 1050x1500, 022.jpg)
    426 KB
    Fucking Saint Seiya and you god damned armor.
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 12/21/09(Mon)01:45 No.2419015
    >> Meccha Maccho !blmJNJ3P7A 12/21/09(Mon)01:48 No.2419023
         File1261378125.jpg-(24 KB, 400x533, vsc-morrigan-std.jpg)
    24 KB
    asides from Chris Redfield, wich I always bring up.
    This Morrigan.
    Maybe if...
    No, never.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)01:54 No.2419038
         File1261378452.jpg-(68 KB, 640x360, bayonetta-screens-200904140354(...).jpg)
    68 KB
    My face is way too young looking and I'm really short.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)02:02 No.2419058
    That is the cutest thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)02:07 No.2419066
         File1261379244.jpg-(41 KB, 450x600, shizumaru.jpg)
    41 KB
    Not skinny or cute enough.
    >> Kisa !!0bpDL6+XJHS 12/21/09(Mon)02:11 No.2419075

    This doesn't seem that hard...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)02:14 No.2419078
         File1261379649.jpg-(107 KB, 279x416, Samurai Showdown 3 Shizumaru H(...).jpg)
    107 KB

    It doesn't in theory. But unfortunately, the bar is set pretty high.
    >> sonteen12 !c/Bmteb9h. 12/21/09(Mon)02:20 No.2419091
    I will be your Haruka if you cosplay this, man. Nothing is impossible.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)02:26 No.2419108
         File1261380370.png-(49 KB, 278x266, 1252124239671.png)
    49 KB
    >> Kisa !!0bpDL6+XJHS 12/21/09(Mon)02:28 No.2419117

    I think I know what my next cosplay is...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)02:30 No.2419121
    Oh hey, the only pic I've ever posted here and somebody saved it

    I was going to buy the fish next week, if it's in stock I'm totally doing this at Anime North. Without it I'd just feel stupid wearing normal clothes with my shirt open.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)03:25 No.2419195
         File1261383951.jpg-(23 KB, 300x500, T5DR_King.jpg)
    23 KB
    im not a jaguar...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)03:39 No.2419216
    Skin a furry
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)03:45 No.2419226
         File1261385124.png-(1.24 MB, 1114x867, kratos12xg2.png)
    1.24 MB
    I would look terrible bald.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)03:52 No.2419234
         File1261385558.jpg-(41 KB, 381x480, yuna berserker.jpg)
    41 KB
    I really want to be Berserker Yuna...but this is too complicated...
    >> Nikopol !!w1E3mzAnLE5 12/21/09(Mon)03:54 No.2419240

    Jia did a pretty impressive Berserker Yuna; she might have some tutorials on how she did stuff like the armor.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)03:55 No.2419241
    if i could cosplay as king and you as berserker yuna, we should fuck each other and make jaguar babies
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)04:01 No.2419248
         File1261386060.jpg-(50 KB, 800x533, Zangief-alpha3-fixed.jpg)
    50 KB
    Not skinny enough ;_;
    >> Nemo 12/21/09(Mon)04:02 No.2419250
         File1261386143.jpg-(133 KB, 500x768, Paine_Berserker.jpg)
    133 KB
    I wanted to try out Paine's...but i'm not trying it out either. Looks crazy difficult to put together
    If I find any tutorials i'll post them somewhere in /cgl/ for you though anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)04:04 No.2419256
         File1261386285.jpg-(43 KB, 595x818, page029.jpg)
    43 KB
    I'm just simply too girly in the arms.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)04:08 No.2419261
    i saw jia's yuna cosplay and it was amazing.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)04:17 No.2419273
    Speedwagon, from Jojo.

    >> Nikopol !!w1E3mzAnLE5 12/21/09(Mon)04:23 No.2419275

    dude, make a body suit of MANliness; start a trend.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)04:24 No.2419276
    Then I'll cosplay it for you. just give me like 5 years to gain the fuckton of muscle Guts has.... looks like all I'm doing is working out for the next few years.
    >> Yaso 12/21/09(Mon)04:35 No.2419289
    Cosplay him anyways, especially if you are going to Fanime.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)04:39 No.2419296
    But...I'm built like a CLAMP character...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)05:02 No.2419313
    Same, which would be good except that I want to cosplay Yuuko.
    No boobs ;___;
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)05:13 No.2419316
         File1261390382.jpg-(62 KB, 414x568, 1207457003012.jpg)
    62 KB
    I'm too tall. And i have the body of a woman, not the body of a little girl who is just bone and skin.

    Also, i just can't dance properly...even regular dances, ballet would be catastrophic.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 12/21/09(Mon)06:16 No.2419343
         File1261394190.jpg-(51 KB, 350x462, 350px-Axel_Big_(Disgaea_2).jpg)
    51 KB
    I have boobs.

    Also, anyone from Nadesico. Im not hot/cute/manly enough for any of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)07:46 No.2419375
         File1261399609.jpg-(159 KB, 322x800, albireo.jpg)
    159 KB
    I'm a short and white female. I want my Albireo (if I ever find one) to be manly.
    >> Kaji !!XCiXV9dYEbo 12/21/09(Mon)07:54 No.2419383
         File1261400049.png-(251 KB, 402x621, Pepperoncino.png)
    251 KB
    This, for obvious unnatural body reasons
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)08:10 No.2419403
         File1261401056.jpg-(23 KB, 270x453, kidd.jpg)
    23 KB

    I am a 6ft tall masculine chick with the body type of Cattleya from Queen's blade...

    Visualize that and tell me it's a good idea...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)09:09 No.2419443
         File1261404556.jpg-(60 KB, 570x413, Taran_takes_Eilonwy.jpg)
    60 KB
    This is now a Princess Eilonwy thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)09:09 No.2419444
         File1261404591.jpg-(50 KB, 640x328, ET_sword.sized.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)09:10 No.2419446
         File1261404625.gif-(96 KB, 470x332, spearpoint.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)09:10 No.2419447
         File1261404655.jpg-(64 KB, 572x418, Gurgi_and_two.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)09:23 No.2419458
    Zapp Brannigan

    I'm a short, chubby girl with a wayyy too girly face.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)10:02 No.2419486
    this is a good idea
    >> Trippy !!2lc53jEhgU7 12/21/09(Mon)10:14 No.2419493
         File1261408471.jpg-(85 KB, 435x473, arieldurp.jpg)
    85 KB
    Because I am not a mermaid.
    >> Decade !!gjbGqChDNdq 12/21/09(Mon)11:29 No.2419577
    you can always buy a decadriver and use the faiz cards. thats what I'm doing for my Kuuga
    >> BlondBomber 12/21/09(Mon)11:43 No.2419614
         File1261413787.jpg-(111 KB, 375x675, afrosamurai-ninja_ninja_115324(...).jpg)
    111 KB
    can't do it because I'm a white girl
    >> Heynonnynonnymous 12/21/09(Mon)12:51 No.2419743
         File1261417881.jpg-(59 KB, 450x258, Bad9d.jpg)
    59 KB
    Can't do, because I am extremely large and doughy.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 12/21/09(Mon)13:07 No.2419771
         File1261418837.jpg-(36 KB, 500x368, bb.jpg)
    36 KB
    Forgot to add these two.
    I want to do both, mostly Butthead though.
    Wouldnt be recognized unless I had a Beavis with me. Im not ugly enough, and I dont have a friend who is ugly enough.
    Fuck it all.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)13:21 No.2419796

    what is that from?
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 12/21/09(Mon)13:45 No.2419829
         File1261421123.jpg-(65 KB, 429x600, safer_sephiroth.jpg)
    65 KB
    I'll never be Sepher Sephiroth.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 12/21/09(Mon)13:47 No.2419833
         File1261421255.jpg-(525 KB, 1148x1600, 1258741843798.jpg)
    525 KB
    ...and of corpse never DMC4 Dante.
    Not that I'd be sad about having an unbutchy face...
    But he's so cool!
    >> JABI !Amna74sYWM 12/21/09(Mon)13:52 No.2419841
         File1261421543.jpg-(11 KB, 420x315, kraehe1301.jpg)
    11 KB
    I'll never be thin enough.
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 12/21/09(Mon)13:55 No.2419848
         File1261421737.jpg-(42 KB, 240x480, digi-tai.jpg)
    42 KB
    I look way too old to try to pass off as the character. If I did it now I'd look like a creepo
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)14:00 No.2419857
         File1261422001.jpg-(32 KB, 460x300, arnold460.jpg)
    32 KB
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 12/21/09(Mon)14:05 No.2419868

    U'd better pamp me up, I'm the one who needs dem muscles!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)14:08 No.2419880
         File1261422498.jpg-(19 KB, 240x480, Sora.jpg)
    19 KB
    I feel your pain!! I've always wanted to cosplay Sora, but I'm pretty sure I'm too old now :\
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)14:09 No.2419886
         File1261422593.gif-(64 KB, 497x416, lordgenome.gif)
    64 KB
    I am unmistakably female and tiny.
    >> G !!q+6MMzevHyb 12/21/09(Mon)14:10 No.2419887
         File1261422618.jpg-(28 KB, 240x480, tai2.a5.jpg)
    28 KB
    I mean I could do season 2 Tai but he's no where NEAR as epic as season 1 Tai.

    Freak epic blue star shirt
    Bitchin gloves
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 12/21/09(Mon)14:11 No.2419892
         File1261422691.png-(210 KB, 464x656, Sonicchannel_metal.png)
    210 KB
    It simply cannot be done by a human, the proportions don't work!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)14:17 No.2419912
         File1261423072.jpg-(143 KB, 512x384, armstrong.jpg)
    143 KB

    (Also, 5'4" female with more ass than class.)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)14:53 No.2419989
         File1261425231.jpg-(19 KB, 300x263, cdscansora.jpg)
    19 KB
    I know, right? I could probably manage 02 cosplay as well, but I (1) am getting tired of doing so many school uniform costumes and (2) think 01 outfits are way more exciting and fun. Sigh ;(
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)15:00 No.2420004
         File1261425657.jpg-(150 KB, 565x800, 371d69974c54ca064df98a74eca407(...).jpg)
    150 KB
    Do one of the younger versions. You can even keep the same outfit, if you do teenager!Genome.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)15:08 No.2420021
         File1261426128.jpg-(178 KB, 364x500, 81b139627ea0db4e.jpg)
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    Because I'm a small Asian girl. :(
    >> Red Bra !lcXkiYjWqU 12/21/09(Mon)15:11 No.2420027
         File1261426293.jpg-(103 KB, 500x667, 1243186929421.jpg)
    103 KB
    Wesker...since boobs and ass are no way associated.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)15:36 No.2420095
         File1261427801.gif-(47 KB, 363x322, chara_gamma.gif)
    47 KB
    Never gonna happen. No idea on how to make the legs =(
    >> ­ 12/21/09(Mon)15:41 No.2420114
    If you do a good Adventure 01 Sora, I'll marry you.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)15:42 No.2420116
         File1261428138.jpg-(198 KB, 1605x1363, 12609432251042.jpg)
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    I'm not a man. ; _ ;
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)15:45 No.2420129
         File1261428339.jpg-(40 KB, 576x1150, 1251773040966.jpg)
    40 KB
    I am in no way loli, nor do I have a deliciously flat chest...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)15:47 No.2420135
         File1261428429.jpg-(30 KB, 640x480, armstrong.jpg)
    30 KB
    I am a short, scrawny girl D:
    >> Dixie Wrecked !btr76hqMa6 12/21/09(Mon)15:48 No.2420142
         File1261428536.jpg-(572 KB, 1599x2319, 4-58.jpg)
    572 KB
    More than a foot too tall :(
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)15:51 No.2420145
    I think I've found a new costume to work on...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)15:52 No.2420151
         File1261428747.jpg-(44 KB, 800x534, 1252216343023.jpg)
    44 KB
    Ah, then here you go. From me to you. Hope it goes well.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)15:57 No.2420163
         File1261429039.jpg-(117 KB, 1000x565, ac2-character-renders2.jpg)
    117 KB
    Hnng I feel your pain ;_;

    (but do you guys think I'd be really odd looking if I cosplayed Altair/Ezio when I'm only 1.60m??)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:01 No.2420172
         File1261429274.jpg-(45 KB, 480x437, 4560228201918550_550.jpg)
    45 KB
    insanely detailed and I have no idea what series/game it's from, so I can't even get more reference pics if I wanted to.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:02 No.2420176
    Cosplay whoever the fuck you want, people.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:07 No.2420190
    Ah,thank you so much!
    I'll post pics up when I do this, for you anon :)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:12 No.2420201
    That's a 1/8 figure from Good Smile Company of Chua Churam (Chuchu for short, I believe) from Chu x Chu Idol, which appears to be a hentai visual novel for the PC.

    It's hard to find more info, but here:
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:12 No.2420202
         File1261429970.jpg-(128 KB, 550x535, 1and2.jpg)
    128 KB

    Oooh that means your legs will look better than the short stubby girls. You cannot be Sailor Moon's real height with legs like those. Anatomy does not work that way.
    The ONLY time your height may look different is with a group. Even then you can kneel. But you can't beat how nice long legs look. Short girls never pull it off.

    Mine: Dante. I'm a girl. I will never be that hot and manly.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:13 No.2420203
         File1261429992.jpg-(40 KB, 600x437, 874483-unknown_super.jpg)
    40 KB
    Wrong face shape, wouldn't know how to hide panty lines with material for costume (liquid latex), no idea on how to make the wolf demon

    Is there even such a thing as metallic liquid latex?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:19 No.2420215
         File1261430369.jpg-(109 KB, 890x1200, 12-fran-a.jpg)
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    physical opposite. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:59 No.2420306
         File1261432774.jpg-(180 KB, 600x834, lolololol.jpg)
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    too human
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)17:28 No.2420361
         File1261434488.jpg-(1009 KB, 2392x3188, 90.jpg)
    1009 KB
    not manry enough
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)17:36 No.2420379
    This thread is about cosplays that are impossible to do, regardless of how much you want to.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:23 No.2420491
    Can't post an image since I'm on my phone but Marina Liteyears. I am a 6'4" guy
    Maybe I can be someone's Theo or Taurus
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:58 No.2420562
         File1261439939.jpg-(188 KB, 600x780, 2009-03-02-147213.jpg)
    188 KB
    I'm pretty loli, but not close to loli enough
    >> kenjii !0Guv5/dqD2 12/21/09(Mon)19:01 No.2420568
         File1261440083.jpg-(58 KB, 320x180, ttgl05.jpg)
    58 KB
    I don't have the chest for it.

    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:15 No.2420586
         File1261440911.jpg-(413 KB, 768x1086, bayonetta-3.jpg)
    413 KB
    If I could only grow a foot and several inches and keep my current weight and head size. :<
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:30 No.2420608
         File1261441819.jpg-(40 KB, 404x616, 1258393733114.jpg)
    40 KB
    this thread seems rather silly, but as a 6'4" dude this would actually be a rather funny cosplay
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:17 No.2420674
    I'm doing this and im a small asian girl anyways
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)23:04 No.2420917
         File1261454641.jpg-(137 KB, 400x407, Kaiser Reinhard I.jpg)
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    Too fat.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)23:06 No.2420922
    If that's the only obstacle then you totally CAN do this. I know someone who lost upwards of 50 pounds, partly for the sake of cosplay. It was a lot of hard work, but he looks great and does shirtless characters now even.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)01:53 No.2421478
         File1261464796.gif-(28 KB, 277x448, morrigan.gif)
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    Because my boyfriend & brother have threatened to not only kill me, but to kill anyone who looks in my general direction.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 12/22/09(Tue)01:54 No.2421480
    Make costume, find photographer, go to a shoot without them.
    Bam, costume done and you can change out right after the shoot so you don't have to deal with so many creepers.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)01:57 No.2421491
    Boyfriend lives with me ;< he'd find out and beat me xD
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)01:59 No.2421496

    Personally, I'd beat your boyfriend's ass.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 12/22/09(Tue)01:59 No.2421499
    ...Classy gent. Ever thought about moving out?
    >> Nemo 12/22/09(Tue)02:00 No.2421504
         File1261465233.jpg-(75 KB, 574x1024, Bgcsuit.jpg)
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    Because when it comes to creating suits like these I fail,

    also, Dem Shoes! :(
    I'd brake some bone by the end of the day, guaranteed.
    >> Nikopol !!w1E3mzAnLE5 12/22/09(Tue)02:03 No.2421519

    sounds like you need a new bf (not that I'm volunteering myself or anything. I don't know you, you don't know me; shit wouldn't work out). He shouldn't feel compelled to beat you for wanting to dress sexier than normal. Tell him to learn to deal with it, otherwise he doesn't deserve you.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)02:34 No.2421631
    Why would a guy NOT want his girl to dress like that? Do it anyway, then just wear it for him "special" after a shoot. He sounds like a retard with confidence/abandonment issues.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:01 No.2421918
         File1261472513.png-(92 KB, 300x253, 929632-sfs_large.png)
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    as a girl I would never be able to pull off or even attempt to replicate that hair. Obviously would not consider doing that to my real hair, and a wig wouldn't work =/
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:04 No.2421927
         File1261472698.jpg-(18 KB, 399x299, 1212602720700.jpg)
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    Too white.
    99% of white people cannot make square-enix characters look good. (hell 99% of any-people can't do it)

    Need to be moar ashun. baaaaaw ='(
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:06 No.2421929
    I've seen white people do Neku better.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:09 No.2421935
         File1261472992.jpg-(120 KB, 1024x840, flashlessedit3.jpg)
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    Funny how most of the best final fantasy cosplays are done by nonasian people.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:10 No.2421937
    Really??? Is there hope for me after all? Post pics please, because I've never seen it done!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:11 No.2421939
    er.... neither of those two are nearly pretty enough to be doing Final Fantasy (inmyopinion)

    Good costumes, but their look is all wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:19 No.2421957
         File1261473542.png-(98 KB, 593x521, Witchrun.png)
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    Way, way skinnier than I ever really want to be.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:24 No.2421967

    just throwing this out there, but Masamune's Sephiroth really isn't all that great; he always wears his wig really far down his forehead, and he looks way too manly and rough, which he makes no attempt whatsoever to correct with makeup. Think 4ng3l when he cosplayed Axel.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 12/22/09(Tue)04:33 No.2421979
    >Think 4ng3l when he cosplayed Axel

    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:33 No.2421980
         File1261474422.jpg-(38 KB, 293x473, gaga1.jpg)
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    You could always do Rule 63.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:35 No.2421985

    he did it at one point. Just used as a comparison, because while 4ng3l is not ugly, he is not a bishounen.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:41 No.2421992
    >not ugly

    I lol'd.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 12/22/09(Tue)04:41 No.2421993
    >he did it at one point

    Damn you for making me search for that. I totally forgot that he had. But no, I got your original point, though I personally like Matt's Sephiroth over most Sephiroths I've seen, manly face and all.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)04:52 No.2422002
         File1261475521.gif-(3 KB, 92x113, sasquatch01.gif)
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    would take up way too much space, to make and to keep, and I dislike selling things I've spent too much time making.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)05:08 No.2422031
         File1261476498.jpg-(93 KB, 1024x768, ac_sephiroth_1024.jpg)
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    Because Sephiroth always looks feminine. Hurfdurf.
    (Misfired at first)
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)05:13 No.2422043

    now now, I never said 'feminine'.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)05:17 No.2422047
         File1261477064.jpg-(110 KB, 670x850, 1260079951195.jpg)
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    Too much boob and don't feel like showing that much skin. I would love to do the dark skinned one but I'm too pale. :/
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)05:32 No.2422065
    Implying calling matt's seph too rough, you're not implying you want a girly looking one.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)05:40 No.2422076

    sure, yeah; whatever

    just something more middle-ground (I'm a straight male, for the record)
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)08:15 No.2422224
         File1261487723.jpg-(55 KB, 500x343, 4861275172.jpg)
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    i wanna be white rabbit T_T
    >> Anonymous 12/22/09(Tue)08:47 No.2422266
    But you can't because...?

    Also, series is?

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