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    File : 1261283506.png-(590 KB, 1069x585, wat.png)
    590 KB Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:31 No.2416873

    Just stumbled across this gem /cgl/.

    They stole from the best Code Geass AMV (
    and turned it into a shitty mess of awkward belting and shitty, messy blocking.

    Anyone know if they won anything for this?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:33 No.2416876
    >Anyone know if they won anything for this?

    It was a variety show, and the Lelouch (Mario) was the one running it, so no.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:34 No.2416878
    P.S. They didn't "STEAL" it from a specific AMV. That song has been connected to Lelouch by the fandom for fucking ages.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:38 No.2416880
    Except it's structured and ends pretty much the same.

    Probably didn't steal it directly, but it was hardly an original idea and did not transfer to such a tiny stage well, at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:39 No.2416883
    Sage for vendettafag
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:41 No.2416886
    It's kind of hard to do a skit using that song and Emperor Lelouch and not have it inevitably end the way the series did.

    Never said it wasn't unoriginal shit, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:42 No.2416887

    agree : /
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:43 No.2416891
    I don't know who the Lelouch is or have a vendetta against anyone named Mario, just thought it was a terrible stage version of my favorite AMV ever.

    Though I can see how it probably wasn't directly from that AMV. Still doesn't excuse the belting and crap blocking.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:54 No.2416909
    It's the second time he's sung that song onstage as Lelouch.

    And they're not ripping off that AMV for fuck's sake, there are probably dozens of Code Geass AMVs using that same song because the song is practically SYNONYMOUS with Emperor Lelouch. Quit being a tool.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:56 No.2416913
    It's still a shitty unoriginal idea and transferred to stage in a Giant mess of people missing cues and bumping into each other.

    I'm beginning to think you are or are a friend of this Mario faggot that people are mentioning. I don't care who the Lelouch is, the skit is shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)23:57 No.2416915
    I think the song sux.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)00:05 No.2416926
    This shit was embarrassing to watch at NYAF, especially when Mario felt the need for a 10 minute long curtain call at the end, to which I promptly walked out laughing
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)00:06 No.2416928
    good for you

    I never said the skit wasn't shit, dumbass. I'm saying it wasn't ripping off the bland AMV you referenced.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)00:07 No.2416930
    Well, I have no beef with the guy (or even know who the hell he is) but he keeps missing the beats. I mean, isn't the song easy as hell? Why is he singing it slower than it's supposed to be?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)00:11 No.2416936
    because he's a showboat who likes to show off his ~amazing voice~, similar to when popstars are asked to sing the national anthem
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)00:24 No.2416962

    Too bad he's terrible, especially with the first song he did for the MARIO BUENO VARIETY HOUR
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)00:25 No.2416963
    >They stole from the best Code Geass AMV (

    That AMV sucks, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)02:38 No.2417203
    Damn you guys are harsh on something people tried to do for fun. They had fun, obviously people enjoyed it, end of story. Why bitch about it?

    Sorry, you're not allowed to do anything unless you are a pro. I hate people with that attitude.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)02:41 No.2417207

    Shut up Mario
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)02:41 No.2417208
    >bawww nobody should criticize anything ever
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)02:45 No.2417214

    Actually, random person doing my before bed 4chan cruise.

    Seriously though, I just think it's bullshit. I used to run open stage events and the crap we saw was legendary, but you know what? Those people had fun, and we enjoyed seeing what they brought to the stage. It wasn't ever about how amazing or spectacular you were, it was about seeing people use their creative energies and do as well as they could.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)02:56 No.2417235

    I wouldn't have minded if Mario had just done a skit at the end the way 14 other people did for the Variety Show.

    What was extreme bullshit was he felt the need to sing multiple times, host half the show, pimp his own skit the entire time while completely taking away any spotlight from other cosplayers who had just performed, clearly wrote out a long speech for Uncle Yo to say about how they're "the most dedicated and talented cosplayers ever" because of their skit, and then proceed afterwards to talk for 15 minutes about himself and how much he thought his own skit was great.

    THAT'S what's bullshit. Oh and the constant promoting of his shitty Image Anime series
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)02:57 No.2417237
    And the best they can do is almost invariably judged with the harshest eye possible.

    Your opinion on the end result is clouded by your knowledge of the time and effort that goes into even a minor production like a cosplay skit.

    The audience neither knows nor cares for the time, effort or people behind the production, all they see it the result.

    And the result here was pretty shitty.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)03:06 No.2417259
    Now this helps to sum things up greatly. People like that I don't like even more than the people that bitch about something not being up to their personal standards. :/

    I will be the first to admit my viewpoint is extremely biased on the matter. You can work for months on a choreographed group performance and all it takes is one person to fuck up to make you all look like royal assess.

    All people care for is something without flaw and completely polished, and they're entitled to that; however, I don't think those standards should be expected at an event like that. Either way, good for them that they had the knackers to do it, it's just too bad people don't understand the work that goes into it regardless of how it turned out.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)03:43 No.2417341

    That was really terrible dear god


    7:00 starts to give you an idea that he basically ran the show just to show off how great he thought he was. No other performer got to take a bow, no other performer got to make a thank you speech. No other performer got an Uncle Yo speech about how they're the most dedicated cosplayers ever (and as someone who has done skits in the past that have won best in show I can say I was fucking offended because I KNOW the work that goes into a skit and no one else makes such a huge fucking spectacle of themself the way Mario does)
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)03:45 No.2417344

    That awkward hanging around on stage waiting for more applause at the end was so reminiscent of Ambrosia's skit at Katsu
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)04:25 No.2417395
    Shit skit was absolute shit, as to be expected from Mario. I know he thinks he makes amazing skits, but I've never like a single thing he's ever done
    >> Anonymous 12/20/09(Sun)10:38 No.2417651
    So who else is in this besides Mario?

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