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  • File : 1260948807.jpg-(73 KB, 604x1004, gangsta.jpg)
    73 KB Because KingdomHearts isn't raeped enough... Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:33 No.2408946  
    And I quote from an individual on Gaiaonline:

    "Hello world of Gaia. I've been planning on cosplaying for awhile...but fear of bad wigs and looking horrible has kept me away, and kept me more on the fashion side...but...besides the point.

    So, me and two other of my friends decided that for Otakon '10 (A bit off, but whatever) we were going to do KH - only gangster. Because I've seen a ton of goth and scene ones. BUt I haven't come across any gangster KH. So, while this post seems longs and isn't.
    My first question is - wigs. Where do you suggest getting good ones/styling. For I am indeed naive in that aspect.
    Second - the keyblades! While I could blow money on one, I think it would be so much more fun to make would I go about that?
    And I suppose if anyone has any ideas on the costume (being all gangster and such) we have a main idea, but are still, Kairi is pretty much set.
    But me (Sora) and my friend (Riku) are slightly stuck with the shirts/upper part.
    So any suggestions would be wonderful. And we are all indeed of the female, I'm already planning on the whole having to hid the ...twins

    And then we want to make one of our friend into a paopu, if anyone would have any idea on how to go about that...haha.

    Thank you!!!"

    Enjoy the actual thread;
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:36 No.2408950
    Why are you even on Gaia. Why would you think anyone would want a headache from reading the actual thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:36 No.2408951
    I was on that forum for the longest time with a huge-ass thread on how to help cosplayers. And I got sick of answering the same questions (namely; wear to buy/how to wear wigs & how to bind).

    And I discovered /cgl/, and I never looked back...I was so glad when I could stop acting nice for those idiots who don't know how to use goddamn search engines.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:37 No.2408954
    It's a guilty pleasure for some. I just like getting shit for my avatar. :<
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:39 No.2408957
    Duckie, is this you...?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:40 No.2408959

    It's called boredom, and I really don't have much else to do right now.


    There's that too. Again, boredom.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:41 No.2408961
    No, not Duckie.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:42 No.2408964
    Whelp, nevermind then. Thought I'd at least try.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:46 No.2408968
    Same. I still have my account from 2004. I can barely look at that forum anymore. It's all newfags helping newfags. Say one wrong word and they get all butthurt, come here and attempt to troll you for being "mean."
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:47 No.2408970
    > :<
    Get out
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:50 No.2408974

    Very true, soon as it turned corporate things went down hill. Then again it was going downhill pretty fast regardless.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:50 No.2408975
    Clearly you haven't been here for very long because it is a commonly used emote on /cgl/. You poor thing! ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:51 No.2408976
    Because cgl doesn't do those smileys. It's >.< XD and the like you need to worry about.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:53 No.2408980
    It's sad how much money some of the people I know have spent on Gaia cash. The monthly collectibles were one thing but they're just pitiful.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:55 No.2408984
    I don't think it had anything to do with that. Its growth as a site led to its downfall. Back when it had a smaller userbase there were FAR fewer newfags in the cosplay forum. Now it's ALL "lol who should I cosplay" or "my first costume, help!"

    Gaiafags and /b/tards are collectively the cancer killing conventions.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)02:58 No.2408988
    Once they brought out the other items you could buy with gaia cash and well cash period the monthly items went down the shitter, they don't put any effort into those items like they used to when it was Go!Gaia. I don't know if I can say I feel sorry for them for buying into that corporate trap.

    Good point; I think that was the majority issue right there. I do think that gaia selling out to Skittles and HarryPotter hasn't helped the situation either though.

    Polite sage since I've posted so much already...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)03:02 No.2408991

    Wat? gtfo newfag
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)04:34 No.2409059

    Gaia and /b/ go hand in hand.

    Anyways, I honestly don't see the difference between the "corporate" Gaia and the old shitty one.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)04:44 No.2409067

    Eh... Good point.

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