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  • File : 1260765300.jpg-(282 KB, 1372x826, pokemons.jpg)
    282 KB jimith !wFMWw5hgxk 12/13/09(Sun)23:35 No.2403598  
    Hey /cgl/, share with me your dorkiest, most embarassing obsession/fandom.

    Pic related, it's what lofaggit did to my bed today :1
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/13/09(Sun)23:37 No.2403603
    I guess it would be my Spidey obsession, but even then its gone down. I don't have a weird obsession or anything anymore :<
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)23:39 No.2403606
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/13/09(Sun)23:39 No.2403608
    >> jactater !0K1gKfMIEc 12/13/09(Sun)23:47 No.2403630
         File1260766062.jpg-(315 KB, 800x600, 1019091929.jpg)
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    Transformers and Pokemon. Toys in general, too. I also love Nick Jr. cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)23:47 No.2403631
    Where'd you get that Leafeon?
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 12/13/09(Sun)23:49 No.2403632
    dealers hall at fanime

    Most are pokecenter or banpresto, so top tier shit

    but a couple are the cheap walmart ones.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/13/09(Sun)23:50 No.2403635
    :> You should come to NY to check out the Pokecenter/Nintendo World. You'll be happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)23:51 No.2403637
    naruto. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/13/09(Sun)23:54 No.2403645
    Hey. Faggot. Gimme that cleffa. They are at zero targets I've been to. YOU SAID THERE WOULD BE CLEFFA EGGMAN.
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 12/13/09(Sun)23:58 No.2403660
    For a long time I had a Beyblade obsession. Though that probably remains my most embarrassing thing I have ever enjoyed..

    I don't think Pokemon's super embarrassing though, everyone loves pokemon. Do want your Zubat plus..
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 12/13/09(Sun)23:59 No.2403661
    Plush, not plus.
    Fuck my spelling.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:01 No.2403670
    Holy shit Beyblade... I remember that, I think they brought it back recently or something.

    Avatar the last Airbender for me. I have a deep obsession for it and collect everything.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:02 No.2403673
    I just got into figures/nendoroid

    and probably plushies and stuff like those.
    >> M.Stoving !xU51dFlhBI 12/14/09(Mon)00:02 No.2403674
         File1260766975.jpg-(303 KB, 450x800, DSC03593.jpg)
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    "Why do you have dolls in a glass case?" -all the damn time.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:03 No.2403678
    I would say Pokemon as well
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:03 No.2403679
    Neopets' plushies

    I win
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 12/14/09(Mon)00:04 No.2403680
    I dont tell people I have this many plush dolls until
    a) they've been in my room at least twice
    b) i've casually dropped that I'm still into pokemon

    then oh btw *opens closet*
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:05 No.2403685
    I gave up on Neopets when I got banned for mentioning my mother was pregnant and how excited I was to have a new sibling.

    Lost a couple of rare paintbrushes as well
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:05 No.2403688
    Or gone on /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:05 No.2403689
         File1260767159.jpg-(9 KB, 350x263, ragnarok_online_plush_collecti(...).jpg)
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    I love these with all of my heart<3
    >> Polaris !EihVUOzAKE 12/14/09(Mon)00:07 No.2403694
    COMPLETELY unrelated but is that yours and if so where did you buy it? Do want Yako.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:10 No.2403705

    I got banned for asking people if they wanted to rp on AIM.

    I had 500k np and all my pets were painted. :( I was so sad.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:12 No.2403714
    I like anime.

    >> M.Stoving !xU51dFlhBI 12/14/09(Mon)00:17 No.2403728
         File1260767878.jpg-(54 KB, 452x600, FIG-IPN-0023.jpg)
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    I got it from AmiAmi, but sadly it was during a clearance sale, so they only had a couple left. I bought mine when it was still in stock, but now I think they are all sold out.

    Pokemon is great. I'm currently raising an UU and NU party for play against my friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:23 No.2403743
    Lulz, I got banned for saying that I had a throbbing headache. Those sly bastards must have know that I was totally talking about my non-existent throbbing cock.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:23 No.2403744
    Actually, there's more left at HobbyLinkJapan :3
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)00:26 No.2403756
         File1260768413.jpg-(84 KB, 600x500, crazy_bones.jpg)
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    Back in the day i have collected pretty much every fad you can imagine YO YO, Beyblade, POGS, Crazy Bones, pokemon, Yo gi oh, WOW TCG, Digimon ,magic the gathing.etc...... I’m a sucker for a new toy. If you can collect it then I probably had it. I’ve never really grown up lol

    I don’t know if you ever remember the kid at your school at play time selling the latest’s card of must have POG, slammer? Well that was me =S

    I still have the 4 base set of Pokémon card mint condition untouched. Basic, jungles, fouls, Team rocket.

    So to answer OPs question my obsession is I can’t stop collecting things. At the moment its toy spiders I have loads of them and one is 3 feet big! There are also fake cob webs everywhere!
    picture related Crazy Bones
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:28 No.2403766
    Tamagotchis, probably. Haven't started one up in years, but I've thought about it recently...
    >> M.Stoving !xU51dFlhBI 12/14/09(Mon)00:31 No.2403772
         File1260768670.png-(615 KB, 400x580, NeedleWormGLD1-EN-C-LE.png)
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    Good for >>2403694 then. But hurry, it's on clearance there too.

    Oh good old Yu-Gi-Oh, I need to start running my Deck Destruction and Beatdown deck again.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)00:31 No.2403776
    also would like to add nice collection OP mine is not that big and its in the loft, kind of want them now. i have some you dont have op butterfly squirtle, bulbasaur etc
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)00:34 No.2403788
    im running a skull servant deck, plant deck and volcanic burn deck.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 12/14/09(Mon)00:36 No.2403793
         File1260768968.jpg-(393 KB, 1024x768, 1260130223926.jpg)
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    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)00:39 No.2403804
    Oh you must have been the kid who cried because I would not give him my super ultimate rare charizard card.

    CRY MORE!!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:39 No.2403805
         File1260769187.jpg-(63 KB, 640x480, Photo 39.jpg)
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    Digimon dolllllls.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:40 No.2403811
    I got my first one to 102 years old before the battery died. I was devastated. ;_;
    >> Mysticalman !I0HWW0G1u2 12/14/09(Mon)00:41 No.2403813
    I'm a gigantic faggot, so it's Pokemon until the day I die, even my fucking tripfag name is based on Eusine's Trainer title from Pokemon Crystal.

    That Electivire and Mamoswine look awesome!
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)00:42 No.2403816

    nice that a sweet collection.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:42 No.2403817
         File1260769362.jpg-(50 KB, 500x500, pTRU1-4781924dt.jpg)
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    My current obsession is Pokemon, too. I've been recently accepting pokemon cards as a form of payment whenever a friend owes me money. I also have a handful of plushies and toys. The games as well, of course.
    Pic related, just bought it a few days ago.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 12/14/09(Mon)00:42 No.2403821
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:43 No.2403822
         File1260769418.jpg-(64 KB, 640x480, Photo 41.jpg)
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    And that's not even all of them!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:47 No.2403832

    Are those Dragon Quest and Monster Rancher dolls mized in there? Fuckin' choice.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)00:47 No.2403833
    I very much doubt that as I would of probably had 4 or so of them and would not or given two shits if a faggot stall one, plus I was making stupid amounts of money like £50 a time =S
    All though it did just go back into card well most of it!
    >> jactater !0K1gKfMIEc 12/14/09(Mon)00:50 No.2403848
    Oh god! Monster Rancher... So many hours have been spent in that game... Then your monster dies... >.> I cried when I was younger...
    >> M.Stoving !xU51dFlhBI 12/14/09(Mon)00:52 No.2403854
         File1260769941.gif-(11 KB, 276x110, lego08.gif)
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    >skull servant deck
    You are awesome. I could never run one because I couldn't find enough Skull Servants irl to power up KOSS.

    I save all the different Google logos.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:52 No.2403856

    I cried when my Momo died. He shot seed bullets out of his little watermelon!
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)00:56 No.2403870

    I never had that man digimon plush 2 or 3 probably by that point i was well into Pokémon card. I remember at some point I have anuth good cards that I could make a deck for each type.

    Although I only really used my colourless deck as it pawned Clefairy and Togechick is a harsh combo metronome FTW!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:56 No.2403871
    second, nice to see some DQ lovin.
    >> M- !!UatODx6KgB1 12/14/09(Mon)00:56 No.2403874
         File1260770214.jpg-(12 KB, 350x200, xfiles-01.jpg)
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    I'm a multi-genre nerd. I've always been really into The X-Files and Star Trek. X-Files was a major obsession for me when I was younger and I have boxes of related stuff.
    Pic related..these guys have been on my shelf since I got them.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)00:57 No.2403876
    lol i have a YouTube video of the deck all tho it has been improved a lot since then.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)00:58 No.2403879
         File1260770313.jpg-(76 KB, 640x480, Photo 44.jpg)
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    Indeed they are!
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)01:01 No.2403887
    I wish I was at home guys not uni then I could have taken a picture of my Pokémon card collection its pretty big.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)01:02 No.2403889
         File1260770575.jpg-(16 KB, 349x300, gundamseedpillow.jpg)
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    I have a collection of Haro items, including keychains, phone charms, pillows, this one weird pillow that vibrates and I have no fucking idea why (I didn't discover this until I got it home and put batteries in it), figurines, jewelry, and a car air freshener.
    <--Pic related, I have two of those.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 12/14/09(Mon)01:08 No.2403901
         File1260770885.jpg-(34 KB, 453x640, TOY-TOK-0674_02.jpg)
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    Current obsession: Transformers and Kamen Rider, but I am not embarassed of them.

    Pic related, it's what's shipping from Japan by the end of this month.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 12/14/09(Mon)01:13 No.2403907
    God damn it, you're english and you don't even use standard ENGLISH english or grammar, fuck I hate you.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)01:14 No.2403910
         File1260771255.jpg-(15 KB, 300x180, _1683214_potter300.jpg)
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    Oh dear just remember another thing I have collected, Lego especially harry potter Lego i have loads of it I have most of the first movie and second movie Lego sets. Oh dear I have spent so much money on tat!

    forgot picture picture related the Lego hogwarts i own.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)01:16 No.2403914

    nick. Cartoons.... fag
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)01:16 No.2403915
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 12/14/09(Mon)01:19 No.2403922
    I have a JoJo tattoo now. Fuck yeah. Luckily I can't see myself ever hating a star, and my love for JoJo hasn't died in the slightest since the day I read my first page; if anything, it's only increased.

    I also used to be such a hardcore Harry Potter fan it wasn't even funny. I woke up at 2am to get tickets to meet JK Rowling when she was near me and imported the English editions before the books hit America... fuck, I even brought back a ton of copies of Azkaban and sold them to my eighth grade class. At a markup. I'm not nearly as into it anymore but I still have a massive soft spot for all things Potter.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)01:19 No.2403923
         File1260771565.png-(229 KB, 463x600, 1242672925722.png)
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    katawa shoujo
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)01:20 No.2403924
    WHERE DO YOU FIND HARO ITEMS? I only have a keychain, a plushie (that my sweet not-boyfriend got for me), and a bumper sticker. I ADORE Haro, and I demand moar merchandise to feed my obsession.
    >> jactater !0K1gKfMIEc 12/14/09(Mon)01:21 No.2403927
         File1260771704.jpg-(73 KB, 691x1100, 13.jpg)
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    Nick Jr. Cartoons. Franklin fucking rules, so shut your WHORE MOUTH!
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)01:24 No.2403931
         File1260771866.jpg-(9 KB, 180x189, 180px-Temple_of_Venom_(Open).jpg)
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    Who here rember Mighty Max? i love that toy had loads of them

    picture related
    >> M.Stoving !xU51dFlhBI 12/14/09(Mon)01:24 No.2403932
    Man, when I was in Canada. I saw this Haro alarm clock for sale. It wasn't some chinese ripoff and it looked nice because it was official and all. It would go "Haro Haro" and flap it's flap-thingys and everything.
    I regret not buying it because it used some Japanese battery I never heard of.
    >> Arg !/cARaiCIAw 12/14/09(Mon)01:29 No.2403940

    fuuuu you have the Leafeon I've been wanting for ages. But those things go for a ton online now. Do you collect any particlar pokemon/evo line?

    My most embarassing fandom is a tossup between pokemon and Winnie the Pooh :< Specifically Eeyore. But I have more poke merch.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 12/14/09(Mon)01:30 No.2403941
         File1260772206.jpg-(93 KB, 640x480, POKEMANZ.jpg)
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    mine is also poké related and infesting my bed at the moment... but here is a pic of my 3.5 in D Ring of pokemon cards. These are just the ones that Aren't duplicates. I have 2 other boxes with over a 1000 cards in each of them plus I own 31 different Playable Decks.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)01:30 No.2403942
    Where in Canada? If it's Toronto, I might be going back up there next month; I will totally go find it, if it's still there.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)01:31 No.2403945
    FFFFFFUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuu!! dude do you have any completed sets?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)01:32 No.2403948
    I get stuff at cons and anime stores usually. You just have to dig around a little. Though I gathered most of my collection when Gundam Seed was insanely popular, so it might be a harder to get things now.
    >> M.Stoving !xU51dFlhBI 12/14/09(Mon)01:35 No.2403956
    I was staying in Mississauga, Toronto and it wasn't a far ride at all. It was some in Japanese Hobbyshop. I highly doubt it's still there, there was only one left and I saw it during the Summer of 2008.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 12/14/09(Mon)01:39 No.2403966
    of course, Though some cards do sit inside some of my decks so I do wanna get duplicates to fill in those slots instead of having little tabs to remind me. The one set I do have in complete and in duplicate is the original Rocket Series. I'm still slowly collecting more as the new cards are necessary to stay on par in battles and shit but i'm starting to organize some of them and recollect but at a slower rate.

    My friend bought me an entire booster box, 1st edition, for my barmitzvah and I got every card in the series plus more.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)01:41 No.2403971
    Omigawsh. You must be the coolest kid in the 4th grade.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 12/14/09(Mon)01:43 No.2403980
         File1260773032.jpg-(41 KB, 369x517, 99_Tyranitar_EX.jpg)
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    Hellz yeah. now get to steppin before I knock you out in 2 turns.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)01:45 No.2403985
    Nice man your collection rocks I sold all my decks a long time ago but I still have all my base set, jungles, fouls, and team rocket, I have half the gym leader set and quite a lot of the neo 1st set and about 50 promo cards =p all mint untouched. I stop collecting years ago so I don’t have any of the newer cards
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 12/14/09(Mon)01:47 No.2403992
         File1260773236.png-(907 KB, 676x870, Black_Mamba_by_Samurai_PET.png)
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    I have been an avid shipper for many years now. I quit reading the manga for a couple of months, but am now picking it back up because there is some potential hot sasuke/sakura fighting.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 12/14/09(Mon)01:48 No.2403997
    the newer cards are pretty cool looking but some of them are utter bullshit. as seen by my Tyranitar EX above. you can auto knock out any pokemon in 2 turns with it. there's also a Machamp card my friend recently got that has a 1 energy move that auto knocks out basic pokemon.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/14/09(Mon)01:48 No.2403998
    I paid way too much money for a Sasusaku doujin. Its so cute though.. That's one of my OTPs. I haven't read Naruto in a hot second, but I'm hoping they end up together.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)01:51 No.2404006
    yah I can’t be assed to collect the new cards anymore because they ban entire sets all the time shit get annoying.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)01:54 No.2404013
    dont know if you rember the Clefairy and Togechick harsh combo using metronome it kicked ass your opponents move for half the energys
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 12/14/09(Mon)01:56 No.2404018
         File1260773797.jpg-(46 KB, 822x413, 002p4b30.jpg)
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    which one??

    I am an avid collector of sasusaku doujins. With the possibility of an upcoming battle between the two of them, I am hoping the Japanese doujin artists pump out some more hentai doujins.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)02:00 No.2404027
    I still collect Pokemon cards. I mostly collect Charizards & the evolutions. I started when I got a Charizard (you know the one...) in my very first booster pack.

    I miss when Pokemon was the shit and you were a cool kid if you had like Blastoise or Charizard or Chansey or something. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)02:03 No.2404032
    >pump out
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 12/14/09(Mon)02:03 No.2404034
    yeah those combos are nasty. the only bypass that I've found is that Clefable can't copy coin flip attacks since you don't use the requirements for attacks. but yeah, i just threw in a togetic into my Misty Deck to see where it goes.

    Modified Play allows you to use all cards so that's nice.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/14/09(Mon)02:05 No.2404040
         File1260774307.png-(490 KB, 525x700, 5bdc3d22917f5796213c04cf89d5f8(...).png)
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    Wait, they have an epic battle that's about to happen? HOT.

    Also.. its um.. I actually can't remember the name, but its was one with Sakura and Sasuke doing a training mission of some sorts and they fall into a hole in the ground and they are stuck there all close together. IT WAS REALLY CUTE. Non-smutty, but fucking adorable. Sasuke was all flustered and Sakura was like, "Oh jeez....this...yea"

    Its pretty awesome. I should look for it.

    Also, just found this on danbooru and laughed for a good 10 minutes.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)02:10 No.2404062
    yeh that true forgot about coin flips, that why you get some Clefairble in there =p

    and Modified Play sweet! I like this makes me want to play pokemon now, all my cards are at home =(
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)02:14 No.2404070
         File1260774891.jpg-(42 KB, 364x500, 23430-1.jpg)
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    CLefble metronome attack is just wrong one energy to do an defending Pokémon move XD
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 12/14/09(Mon)02:20 No.2404082
         File1260775203.png-(447 KB, 511x626, mistresslineartxo3.png)
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    I have that one, it is: "Chissoku Shisou Desu" by: Fujitani

    I am one of the co-owners of the sasusaku fc, you should come on over and check out our goods:

    we have a pretty good collection of scanned doujins:
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)02:25 No.2404095
         File1260775543.jpg-(6 KB, 180x135, 180px-Ashford_Golden_Lugers_3.jpg)
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    I bought these, and I fucking hate Steve Burnside.
    >> Readmiww 12/14/09(Mon)02:38 No.2404120
    I love the Gundam MG models, except I don't have the skill to make them. So I just have the boxes on my shelves instead with the unmade model inside. Well until I can blackmail into someone to make them for me anyway.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 12/14/09(Mon)02:38 No.2404121
    yeah, it's pretty solid. But I've found some better stuff. Like a Poliwag doing 210 damage a turn.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)02:42 No.2404130
    DAM! wtf card is that?
    >> Nikopol !!w1E3mzAnLE5 12/14/09(Mon)02:48 No.2404146
         File1260776910.jpg-(40 KB, 640x912, gw_wing_zero.jpg)
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    Gundam. There was NOTHING, NO form of memorabilia that I didn't have. I was only 7, and Wing had only recently come out in the states. My mom got me a large blue tee-shirt with 'Gundam Wing' printed on the front and Wing Zero on the back; Pic fuckin' related. I still wear that shirt to this day.

    I swear to God - you name it, I had it:

    - figures
    - clothing
    - lunchbox
    - cards
    - notebooks
    - pencils
    - videos
    - books
    - food

    I fell for it like a meteor...and you can bet I was pissed when they released SEED.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 12/14/09(Mon)02:53 No.2404157
         File1260777216.jpg-(47 KB, 382x530, poliwag.jpg)
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    its a combo actually. there's a new politoad card that adds 60 damage to all poliwag, poliwhirl, and poliwrath attacks. I have 2 of them in my deck and with two of those on the field my Poliwag will do an extra 120 damage

    An original poliwag can do a max of 30 damage with three water energies but if you attach an expert belt to it, all attack damages and your HP are boosted by 20. so instead of 30 it does 90.

    combine the two damages to a whopping 210 a turn.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)02:56 No.2404163

    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)02:58 No.2404167

    nice man that politoad a little broken much? i have the old politoad card was in my water deck along with all the poliwag etc..... and squirtle wartortle ect......
    >> Nikopol !!w1E3mzAnLE5 12/14/09(Mon)03:04 No.2404184

    you know, like PEZ and shit.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 12/14/09(Mon)03:06 No.2404186
    yeah that politoad is disgustingly broken. The deck is just 4 chains of poliwag. 2 politoads, 3 poliwraths and one squirtle chain so i can throw down water energies when needed.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)03:09 No.2404190
    That the same as my water deck apart from i have the old politoad as i stop collecting ages ago, tho kind of want to get back into it now lol
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)03:11 No.2404195

    You usually piss me off, and I hide 98% of your posts...

    .....But that pokemon collection makes me kind of hot.
    >> Lai 12/14/09(Mon)03:33 No.2404229
         File1260779636.jpg-(19 KB, 205x480, Milotic.jpg)
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    Why is pokemon listed as everyones 'embarrassing obsession/fandom' Pokemon is fuckwin! I just got two badass poke-charms commissioned by a cool tater.
    >> Lai 12/14/09(Mon)03:36 No.2404232

    There's lots of fandom-food available. I see them on jbox so I have to assume there's a lot more available in stores in Japan. Evangelion Iced Coffee in a can and Ramen anyone?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)03:38 No.2404235
    Ooh ooh I have that Leafeon too! It's one of my favorites. I, too, squee over Pokemon plushies. Started with Pikachu, and has led to my currently bashing my head against a wall trying to find the original New York Pokemon Center giant Suicune that apparently disappeared off the face of the earth. I would pay an arm and a leg for one of those things.
    >> GeronKizan !!dzd0D/HaDfJ 12/14/09(Mon)03:41 No.2404239
    It's a tie between my Yugioh obsession and my early days of Sailor Moon collectibles collecting (mainly Sailor Jupiter).

    I loved yugioh so much but hated the 4kids version, that I would pay out the ass to get the Japanese Chinese to English DVDs from Hong Kong.

    And as for my embarassing Sailor Jupiter obsession, it was to the point that in high school, in my wallet I would carry around her card from the Sailor Moon CCG that came out.
    >> Yaso 12/14/09(Mon)03:58 No.2404249
         File1260781095.jpg-(47 KB, 448x640, lcch1416.jpg)
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    I used to play a ton of TCG games like Pokemon, YuGiOh, Digimon, Magic, Ani-Mayhem, and a few others. the only one I still play is Lycee, but I have to say it's probably my favorite.

    Pic related, I love me some 3 support 34's.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)03:58 No.2404250
    I...I..I want all of them!
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)04:13 No.2404257
         File1260782021.jpg-(150 KB, 800x600, playmoshelf1.jpg)
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    I know it isn't animu or anything like that related, but I still play with and collect anything and everything that is related to Playmobil. I have every large set that has come out in the last 7 years along with their smaller add-on boxes, save for the pirate ship and the pyramid.

    It's at my moms house, but whenever I visit her, I unpack all 8 moving boxes of stuff and create my own fantasy world. Fuck yeah. Plus, my mom fully supports it and buys me ones she knows I don't have.

    Picture related. It's pretty much the way my room used to be set up but with more sets in more shelves.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)04:24 No.2404269
         File1260782643.jpg-(223 KB, 640x480, 2v2y5w6.jpg)
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    I was pretty much obsessed with Beyblade throughout high school. Picture from this past summer when I took all of them out of storage with the intention of selling them.

    ...I spent waaay too much money on battling tops. OTL
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)04:25 No.2404272
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)04:27 No.2404274
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    (sorry for large photo)
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)04:35 No.2404279
         File1260783332.gif-(63 KB, 300x300, n_089.gif)
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    My dorkiest...There's been quite a few.

    My friend and I were completely OBSESSED with Nakaji from Pop'n Music. We created our own personality for him and a background story explaining why he pursued joining/creating a band. It was so damn dorky and embarrassing but fuck it; we came up with some pretty hilarious scenarios. I regret nothing. He was our precious little boy.../chokes up

    THEN THERE WAS KAIJI. Fuckin' lord. It still lives on, thriving on any tiny amount of Kaiji material/information that crosses its path. But at its prime stages, my passion for Kaiji was so uninhibited and unbridled, I was actually inspired to draw fanart after years of not doing so, I constantly brought it up in conversation that was seemingly unrelated, and I actively tried to get my friends into it. Sure, that seems like the typical thing to do but I usually don't care enough about a fandom to do any of that. Plus, all I did was look for anything Kaiji related. It also birthed a new fetish; pointy noses. I could go on but I'll shut up.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)04:36 No.2404281
    I would jump into that
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)04:38 No.2404284
    Oh goodness, Harvest Moon. I've got such a hard-on for that game. I have so many of them.
    It's so good, i can't stop.
    I can't tell anyone though since people know me as someone who only plays and watches things that involve killing
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)04:47 No.2404291
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)05:12 No.2404304
         File1260785545.jpg-(37 KB, 320x320, chelsea_logo.jpg)
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    actually I'm not embarrassed.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)05:23 No.2404314
         File1260786187.jpg-(642 KB, 1024x768, M-AmtkDiner.jpg)
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    Model railroading. Whenever the sewing machine isn't on my worktable, my models and airbrush are out and in constant use. I'm not really embarrassed by it, but considering the average person in that fanbase, hobbies don't get much more geeky than it.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 12/14/09(Mon)05:23 No.2404316
         File1260786200.png-(492 KB, 720x812, vlcsnap-2218261.png)
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    >Needle Worm

    Bah pseudo anti-meta, the only reason why Necroface and mill decks work right now because the meta is almost entirely Lightsworn. Unless its going up against LS Flamevells or LS Zombies. I like my good old Lightsabers, Fortune Ladies, and Six Samurai decks.

    Ya know as broken as YGO is I always felt that it was the least broken of the big three. YGO, Pokemon, and MTG. But then again a four year old can be beast at YGO with relative ease, I mean someone with mental retardation won nationals this year.

    As for my obsessions? Well my guilty pleasure is YGO, actually just TCG's in general. But my real obsessions go to Doctor Who and a certain silver giant that I've idolized since I was old enough to walk.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)05:25 No.2404317
    Anon; >>2404314

    H.O. scale? My father hobbied in H.O. Scale trains so I'm a bit surprised to see others into the hobby. ^^ I'm personally not a huge fan of them but I respect the hobby and making layouts was always fun for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)05:27 No.2404320
         File1260786443.png-(2.48 MB, 800x640, hpim0223.png)
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    Cosplay-wise, it would be the perfect gimmick for a Selphie cosplay if it weren't for the slight problem that I have a penis but she doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)05:27 No.2404321
    >YGO, Pokemon, and MTG. But then again a four year old can be beast at YGO with relative ease, I mean someone with mental retardation won nationals this year.

    Actually its the same with Pokemon. Some decks just play themselves and only require you to get the cards needed for the deck. You'd be surprised to see how far Chris chan (As in THE CWC) gets in the Pokemon TCG league each year. He may be a faggot cursed with autism but he's smart enough to know how to play Pokemon like a champ. I'm pretty sure he could rival Lofi or Maguma in either the TCG or the actual games themselves.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)05:35 No.2404330
         File1260786934.jpg-(406 KB, 900x696, HO-Metro.jpg)
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    Yup, I do HO scale. I only work on models for the time being though. Sadly, my apartment is far too small for any kind of layout. One day, I'd love to put something together, but first I need a place with a lot more space. It seems to be a very uncommon hobby that has been staying with older generations, but I love it all the same. The nice thing is that because most of the people interested in it are older and more experienced, there are plenty of good sources for advice on how to go about doing things.

    Polite sage because I've now triple posted about my dorky other hobby.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)05:41 No.2404336

    Awesome; glad to hear that people are still with the hobby. I was wondering if it was just my dad and a few others. ^^ In any case; ever thought of doing a table-top layout or possibly N-scale? Granted the N-scale would just end up costing you more money in the end.

    On another note; I really can't think of any dorky hobbies other than my roleplaying I write with a close friend. Cosplay I think is my "dorkiest" X3 But I really can't consider it dorky in my opinion. Then again I have been rping since 98. ._.;
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)06:19 No.2404374
         File1260789558.jpg-(48 KB, 400x376, how-thomas-the-tank-engine-wor(...).jpg)
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    Cosplay this!@
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)07:42 No.2404428
    >Chris chan better at Pokemon than Lofi, a man that wasted his entire life on Pokemon

    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 12/14/09(Mon)07:59 No.2404434
    Its not really something I'd call an obsession, but Fukumoto stuff I guess? Mainly Kaiji and Zero.
    I have stuff related to Kaiji painted on my wall, getting a Kaiji-related tattoo soon.
    Not to talk about my Kaiji and Zero cosplays Im working on right now. They have costed me a ton of money so far, for something that simple.

    Thats probably the most extreme obsession I have. - Naturally thats nothing compared to what it could be.

    Have also been obsessed with Pokemon, Pinky St. and some more things. Not so much anymore though.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)09:41 No.2404495
         File1260801675.jpg-(439 KB, 3008x2000, 1244055711642.jpg)
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    I collect pictures of cute/hot cosplay girls.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)14:34 No.2404902
    thats manly though
    >> Penguin Penny !CwVY/8O3DQ 12/14/09(Mon)14:45 No.2404930
         File1260819920.jpg-(35 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20090203.jpg)
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    I collect cow stuff. Like plushes, figures, cowprint things.
    I dont have any pictures of all of them since I cant really bring them all over to my boyfriend's place. . . theres not enough room.
    My favorite though, is my custom Cowthulhu plush that he got me for my birthday last year.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)14:50 No.2404947

    Random story: I collected Crazy Bones when they first came out, what, 12-odd years ago? Earlier this year I had a stall at a car boot sale and had my old collection for sale. A 7 year old kid told me they weren't real Crazy Bones. He totally got slapped down when I told him they were the original series from before he was born.

    God, I'm old.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 12/14/09(Mon)15:05 No.2404980
    I had nearly every starship from Lego Starwars, the trilogy.
    And I find it embarassing enough that I buy every damn FF7 spin-off. And sometimes even happen to like it.
    Also I'm a total virtual pack rat.
    I have to collect every piece of fanart I can find from a series I like (yet only if its drawn good).
    And I read fanfiction.
    Bad enough I guess.
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 12/14/09(Mon)15:06 No.2404983
         File1260821185.jpg-(133 KB, 800x638, IMG_0435.jpg)
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    does "the internet" count, or is that cheating?

    Airsoft, I guess. That's pretty dorky, I'd say.
    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)15:10 No.2404997
    very dorky
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 12/14/09(Mon)15:17 No.2405019
    It was pretty cool carrying an M2 around with one hand, though [it was wood, so there]. Besides, it's the only time you get to sound all TACTICAL without people laughing at you.
    >> InvalidAnon !!+EDk5/sRbhg 12/14/09(Mon)15:20 No.2405023
    My roommate would absolutely go apeshit over the Cowthulu plushie since he's a Cthulu fanboy.

    My cellphone collection would probably be my geekiest collection since I usually spent close to $20K a year on new phones in the past three years before I just got review units for free in recent times.
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 12/14/09(Mon)15:23 No.2405029
    >>$20K a year on new phones in the past three years before I just got review units for free in recent times.
    >>$20K a year

    I guess that was for your job/a blog/idk?
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)15:27 No.2405036
    lols yeh the picture i used are the old ones, I also had the old school one =D
    >> InvalidAnon !!+EDk5/sRbhg 12/14/09(Mon)15:27 No.2405037

    I used to make about $5K a week selling them as a dealer and ran my own shop for awhile before jumping out after my master dealers tried to fuck me over on commission percentages.

    I do run a blog for cellphone news, but the amount I spent on them was way before I joined the site.
    Since then, I can get requests for review units fulfilled easily from carrier and manufacturer PR without too much trouble.
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 12/14/09(Mon)15:30 No.2405044
    Ah, now it makes more sense. Sorry if I came across as nosy.
    >> Penguin Penny !CwVY/8O3DQ 12/14/09(Mon)15:37 No.2405059
         File1260823060.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20091214.jpg)
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    My boyfriend is a huge Lovecraft geek, so it was kinda like, a mix of two of our favorite things.
    I have a shirt that matches, found it at a con a few months later. Im lazy so you get a mirrored image.
    >> InvalidAnon !!+EDk5/sRbhg 12/14/09(Mon)15:39 No.2405064
    No worries there, friend.

    That usually trips people out that I would spend so much on them, but I like the fact that my collection details the progression of the cellphone from utilitarian communication device to the current shift into a mobile computer with communication capabilities.

    In order to keep this cosplay related, anyone know of any male cosplay that prominently features a Japanese cellphone? Want to do something with my keitai collection next year at AX if possible.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)15:45 No.2405077
    I dont know if they're Japanese phones, but L, Cloud from AC and Rolo from Code Geass all have phones that are prominent parts of their character. Though, Rolo's is more the charm attached to the phone, but still.
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 12/14/09(Mon)15:49 No.2405084
    only if you have this one from Eden of The East:
    >> InvalidAnon !!+EDk5/sRbhg 12/14/09(Mon)15:51 No.2405087
    L seems like the easiest one to do because its simple but I have long black hair and would rather wear a properly styled wig than cut it.
    >> InvalidAnon !!+EDk5/sRbhg 12/14/09(Mon)15:54 No.2405094
    Cool story: I actually emailed NEC asking if I could do a review of the prototype. No dice, but they did confirm that they would turn it into a retail model and are waiting on a Japanese carrier to show interest in order to do so
    >> Pasta !!QCk6U0RZYkb 12/14/09(Mon)16:22 No.2405123
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    I have a collector personality... it's not really embarrassing, but I spend money when I shouldn't...

    In general I collect figures from series I like but right now my focus is on One Piece stuff... and Star Trek... I love me some TOS.

    also my room looks like it belongs to a 12 year old girl, I don't have the heart to tear down my "wallpaper" after all these years of having it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)16:26 No.2405130
    I actually really like the manga version of Kuroshitsuji. Even if it's stupid, I find the characters really likeable and I cosplay them because I like the series, not because it's 'trendy'

    Also my favorite and first fandom was Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm not ashamed of this though, but I should be.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)16:58 No.2405190
         File1260827937.gif-(74 KB, 348x429, n_078.gif)
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    Fuck. Now I wanna go to SVGL and bang on some colorful buttons.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)17:07 No.2405199

    Is this for real?
    >> InvalidAnon !!+EDk5/sRbhg 12/14/09(Mon)17:11 No.2405205
    Just a tradeshow concept for now.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)17:56 No.2405298
         File1260831364.jpg-(749 KB, 2000x2000, cOLALGE.jpg)
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    Sailor Moon collection. Don't have a lot of the typical stuff like dolls/wands, but I have a buttload of other useless knicknacks.
    And trading cards. Pages and pages of trading cards.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)18:42 No.2405399
    i am obsessed with vampires. this used to be only annoying to some people because i mainly express this obsession by reading vampire novels in my room or watching buffy.

    i own a ring like the kind damon salvatore wore in the vampire diaries novels, i've worn it on and off since i was 14. i use him as my imaginary boyfriend when i'm sad about being single, but again, i rarely talk about it, except with my best friend who loves vampires, too.

    then twilight came out, and i now hate myself and want to die. seriously... the books are crappily written and took out all the subversiveness i love about stories about vampires. WTF? my mom's neighbor is a massive twitard (She's also a year older than me and has an abusive husband), and whenever i go over there my mom tries to get us to do stuff together because she thinks it's the same. everyone assumes i'll be into twilight and it embarrasses the fuck out of me.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)18:51 No.2405421
    I loved that shit with a passion
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)19:08 No.2405469
    I use to play the Neopets card game....
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)19:22 No.2405493


    we should hang out.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)19:30 No.2405503
    I cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)21:09 No.2405638
         File1260842969.jpg-(87 KB, 433x433, 3787530.jpg)
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    I wish our machine had the specific requirements to upgrade higher then Fever. I also like Sayuri very much
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)21:33 No.2405713
    She has incredibly feminine features.

    nigga u crazy
    >> silver 12/14/09(Mon)21:42 No.2405748
         File1260844947.jpg-(536 KB, 996x1990, disneycollection.jpg)
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    i'm with this guy. i get stuff that i like.

    but i do have a little bit of a thing for Disney. pics related
    >> silver 12/14/09(Mon)21:46 No.2405757
         File1260845175.jpg-(575 KB, 1228x1635, collection.jpg)
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    my other, non-Disney stuff.
    i've also got a couple more [large] snowglobes of Beauty and the Beast and Bambi, a princess frame with a family pic with Belle, and a little glass slipper. too lazy to take more pics, though. sorry (3
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:00 No.2405799
    As a 16 year old guy who doesn't look nerdy at all, and fits in quite well, try explaining to your normal friends why I have plastic anime girls in glass cases.
    You just can't.
    >> pillow 12/14/09(Mon)22:17 No.2405834
    Gravitation. The music, the characters, the retardness...ah, I love it.
    Also, posters. I have so many posters. I've kind of fallen out of buying so many damn posters but when I had more money and went to the mall more often I bought at least 3 each trip.
    I have about 75+ posters packed away somewhere and only about 21 on my walls.
    oh, oh, and evangelion.
    i've calmed down though
    I used to buy almost everything I saw that I could afford that was Eva related.
    *looks at huge pile of random eva capsule figures and posters and dvds and books and fanlove*
    also gendo.
    >> jactater !0K1gKfMIEc 12/14/09(Mon)22:18 No.2405835
    Oh I know how that goes. I too am average looking. Very hard to explain to "normies" why I have a butt load of Transformers and a ton of cartoon toys. Even more awkward when guys ask me what hobbies/interests I'm into when we first meet.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:19 No.2405839
    You must be pretty dumb then. Even for a 16 year old guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:23 No.2405847
         File1260847427.png-(940 KB, 800x698, ahahawhat.png)
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    Try being in your 20's and explaining this.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/14/09(Mon)22:26 No.2405853
    I used to have a room that kinda sorta looked like that.

    And then I threw/sold everything out. Ngl, but it felt good.
    >> silver 12/14/09(Mon)22:27 No.2405857
         File1260847676.jpg-(19 KB, 450x357, 1255837231458.jpg)
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    Jesus H. Christ in a birch bark canoe...
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:28 No.2405858
    Uh...I like Johnny's Entertainment groups like KAT-TUN and NewS....
    try being 29 and explaining why you have pictures of Japanese guys who LOOK underage all over your bedroom....
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)22:30 No.2405861
    Do i know you?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:30 No.2405863
    Is this a man's or a woman's room? I'm getting vibes of both.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 12/14/09(Mon)22:31 No.2405865
         File1260847903.jpg-(1.4 MB, 2194x2477, 12592682397.jpg)
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    Not that I like to brag or anything...
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:32 No.2405866

    120+ figures, most of which One Piece. Posters stacked on top of posters. So many plushies. And props. Everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:32 No.2405868

    Maybe? Do I know you?


    Sir, I am a woman.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/14/09(Mon)22:34 No.2405870
    You know.. I was about to lose absolutely all respect for you if that was your room, but then I saw the filename and my horror was calmed.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)22:37 No.2405879
    I gees you don’t, you would know my trip if you new me.

    Your room looks a lot like one of my friend’s room you even have the same stuffed toys on your bed as she dose.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:38 No.2405880

    That's scary. Awesome, but scary.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:39 No.2405881
    I'm sure his room is a lot like CWC's. Full of Sonic and furry shit with assplugs hiding in there somewhere.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 12/14/09(Mon)22:43 No.2405888
         File1260848589.jpg-(321 KB, 1024x768, FreemansRoom.jpg)
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    Yeah no, that's not my room. I don't have any one particular collection so I'll just post a pic I took a while back for another thread.

    Dur hurr hurr hurr
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:43 No.2405889
    I have this problem. I hate when someone I don't know is shown around the house and they come in and see my j-rock posters. It's kind of awkward. "Yeah those are all dudes."
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:45 No.2405894
    So take them down faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:48 No.2405900
    Or grow some balls.
    >> jactater !0K1gKfMIEc 12/14/09(Mon)22:48 No.2405902
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:51 No.2405914
         File1260849093.jpg-(212 KB, 857x768, DSCF1706.jpg)
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    My hobby is more productive than yours! D:
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)22:51 No.2405915
    I used to clip out any LOTR poster/picture I could find in the newspaper between 2001-2004 and put them on my wall, though.

    I have a pretty big manga collection. Not as big as other people's, but sizeable enough on its own (160+?).

    Starting to get into figures, but I have like, 10 at most, so I'm not crazy into them yet.

    Still have nearly 50 beanie babies that I refuse to get rid of.

    The shit I hoard on my computer is probably the worst. "My Pictures" is like, 21 GB. Most of it is from the 'chan, or from direct-downloading a lot of shit.
    >> Vernedead !!9LfgWTZJUAj 12/14/09(Mon)22:57 No.2405931
         File1260849456.jpg-(473 KB, 2916x1944, Room_01.jpg)
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    Sewing/Weeaboo room
    >> Vernedead !!9LfgWTZJUAj 12/14/09(Mon)22:59 No.2405937
         File1260849566.jpg-(538 KB, 2916x1944, Room_02.jpg)
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    >> Vernedead !!9LfgWTZJUAj 12/14/09(Mon)23:00 No.2405941
         File1260849639.jpg-(402 KB, 2916x1944, Room_03.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)23:06 No.2405962
    Buying low end gear at Guitar Center? :P
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)23:09 No.2405969
         File1260850147.jpg-(1.19 MB, 1920x2560, SD533128.jpg)
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    corner of my uni room
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)23:10 No.2405972
         File1260850201.jpg-(152 KB, 1280x960, bed room 2.jpg)
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    other corner of my uni room
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)23:13 No.2405980
         File1260850418.jpg-(1.23 MB, 2560x1920, SD533133.jpg)
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    And final a picture of some of the things I have collected over the years, this picture is of stuff I’m still collecting.
    >> Hypnocrotch !!zGWV0gXq6gS 12/14/09(Mon)23:23 No.2406023
    I spot World of Warcraft TCG. Did you ever figure out how to play that game? Seemed a bit confusing.
    >> grayskull !qfar2cR7t6 12/14/09(Mon)23:28 No.2406039
    Yah tell me about it I try to explain the rules it to a friend so he could play it ended up taking like 2 dam hours to explain them all WTT! Some of the rules in that game are really stupid, but I kind of like it as it’s kind of a cross between yo gi oh and magic the gathering which l play both.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/09(Mon)23:48 No.2406063
    I have a penis
    >> M.Stoving !xU51dFlhBI 12/14/09(Mon)23:53 No.2406076
         File1260852782.jpg-(367 KB, 450x800, DSC035956.jpg)
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    Ah, damn Lightsworns. I hated those bastards. I stick with a very classic theme for my cards. No new gen cards for me.

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