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sage for venting frustration.
!LQ6XW3vel6 12/10/09(Thu)22:21 No.2398245  rrrrrrgggghhh I just realized what this reminded me of, my anime club's new vice prez. I
decided to let someone else do the job for a while so I could relax and
not have to do so much extra work. I figured HEY these people know how
I ran the club and everyone seems really happy! surly the next person
will run the club in a similar fashion since it is working out so well!
The girl who got voted in is loud, SQEEEES at everything that even
remotely looks male and beshonen, forced us to watch Tsubasa Chronicles
(I HAD NO IDEA HOW BAD THAT WAS!), she wants us to start watching
inuyasha, she has very loud long winded conversations with people
during the anime that the club actually LIKES to watch and she leaves a
HUGE MESS every time she leaves which is always an hour early despite
the fact that when I put the job up I clearly stated that the vice
president needs to assist in "Set Up and Take Down everyday". In the
begining of the year we had 30 regulars, not we only have about 15.
really nailed it for me was when it was time for Mushishi (which damn
near ALL of the club voted on watching) she VERY LOUDLY said "EWW
MUSHISHI? AGIAN? What is wrong with you people?! its so
boooorrrriiiinnngg." She then proceeded to look up OMGKAWAIIBISHIS on
her computer (in the front of the dark room so everyone behind her was
blinded) and squeal about it with some other girl she brought to club
for the whole fucking episode. despite being constantly shooshed by the
president, media coordinator, and me.
I swear to god I will throttle her. We allow for weeabooness in our club, but she in unbearable. /rant. |