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    303 KB Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)18:50 No.2383478  
    hey /cgl/
    how many of you have ever been to a rave? who is your favorite DJ? what is the good and bad about raves in your opinion?

    cosplay related because cons have raves.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)18:51 No.2383482
    Con raves are no where near the same as real raves
    >> thebigsteak 12/04/09(Fri)18:54 No.2383486
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)18:56 No.2383491
    I've never been to a conrave, I wonder how's it like...
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)18:58 No.2383498
    what are REAL raves like?
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:05 No.2383511
    >what are REAL raves like?

    More drugs.

    LOTS more drugs.

    Also, better music than the crap they DJ at anime cons. (The music is so bad it makes me wish they were just playing anime an anime con. go figure).

    Also, real raves suck. So making a crappier version of one at a con = extra suck.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:19 No.2383533
    Really? I got offered E at a D*Con rave last year.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:20 No.2383535
    if you can remember the details of a rave you're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:20 No.2383536
    By which I mean 2008.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:20 No.2383537

    Let me rephrase: More people passed out or dying from OD at real raves.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:21 No.2383538

    Maybe because d*con is a real con and not overflowing with fucking retarded ass jailbait brats, like the rest of those cesspools.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)19:25 No.2383546
    Fair enough. The music was pretty terrible, now that I think about it.
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 12/04/09(Fri)20:19 No.2383625
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    >>cosplay related because cons have raves.
    >>a rave
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:22 No.2383629
    Con dances suck balls, which is why I am always so drunk at them.

    Going to a legit warehouse rave this weekend though. My expectations are low, so that way I won't be as disappointed if it's shite.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)20:43 No.2383660
    After the first one I had no real need to go to any others. They all suck pretty bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:14 No.2383707
    There are no real raves anymore.

    If anyone used to rave in socal, you understand when i say i miss the orion, alexanderia,and masterdome.

    but omg yus dr00gz!
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 12/04/09(Fri)21:34 No.2383733
    You know, I went to a bunch of raves with some dudes from my junior college when I was 16. It was fun. We did all kinds of dancing and never did any drugs or drank. Ever. We'd have Denny's at 6 AM and make ketchup soup out of omlettes and a bowl and a bottle of ketchup after sometimes washing off the funk in the bathroom. My favorite stuff was Happy Hardcore and Gabber(I think that's what it was called) and DnB. Now I don't dance, and I love rock n roll. But I'd still in to a rave.
    >> Anonymous 12/04/09(Fri)21:36 No.2383734
    are you talking about dj gammer?
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 12/04/09(Fri)21:54 No.2383752

    No man it's a genre.
    >> hurrrr !qRAGEuvW6E 12/04/09(Fri)23:40 No.2383941
    raver here since 06, man.

    seattle has best rave scene. even local djs are gotten for sakuracon and they get the best ones.
    the kids at the con raves though.. god forbid they ever learned how to dance. goddamn. you don't fucking do a dancing circle at a rave.

    I have a fav dj here for almost every style. check 6, wheelz, muchee, iridium sky & ikari, dj soulkid, bouncy, jimini cricket, dj heavyweight, beefer, etc etc. the list could go on for forever.

    the best thing about real raves is the... fucking music. shit that's why I fuckin GO. that and rainbows. the worst thing is the people. a lot of people just go there because it's a rave or that they want drugs. they don't care about the scene or the music. candykids are pretty chill when they take their pills though. lol
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)00:30 No.2384039

    >seattle has the best scene for raves
    >implying SF bay area doesn't exist


    SoCal is probably second best. But yeah, clearly someone's never been to lovefest.

    They close down downtown Frisco. Yep.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:00 No.2385403
    I've been raving for a little over three years now. Best conrave I've been to was when DJ Takuya Angel spun at the most recent PMX, he was pretty fucking awesome. His waifu was taking video of me dancing for a long time. XD

    I have not been to any other conrave worth going to, though. I go up to the bay for Fanime every year, and I make it a point to skip the conrave and go to etd.POP instead. The last one was AWESOME. I was pretty much stuck in the HHC room- listening to Hixxy and S3rl.

    As for other genres I like... HHC obviously, Gabber, DnB, and maybe Trance depending on my mood. I listen to Gammer, Scooter, Hixxy, Deadmau5 (also FUCKING KICKASS at POP), Dieselboy, Pendulum, John Digweed and Sasha, Evol Intent, Neophyte, Scott Brown.... the list is very long.

    I'm a bigger fan of Norcal raves- San Diego has shit for parties, with most people going to these "raves" being 14 and all.

    It really pisses me off when someone asks "Are you rolling?" and I reply with "no", and their reaction is "WHY NOT!!!" I'm over the whole drugs thing at raves, but I still go because I have a bunch of rave family up in NorCal, and I like the music and dancing. That and where else am I supposed to wear my UFO's? :)
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:03 No.2385415
    >god forbid they ever learned how to dance. goddamn. you don't fucking do a dancing circle at a rave.

    Seriously. It was really awkward the first time I was asked to "glowstick battle" at a conrave. I was like bwwuuuh? and then a conga line went past. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:15 No.2385459
    God this is fucking /mu/ related but whatever, in the later 1990's (specifically 98ish) to about 2001, so 4 years roughly, I was heavily into the promoting and attendance of local underground raves. My main interests was jungle and techstep jungle (however I did have a few mixtapes of gabber and hardcore techno). A few of my friends spun jump-up or ragga jungle.

    I was able to see dom+roland and panacea spin in that time period. Maybe every "older generation" thinks lesser of the newer generation. I remember a lot of the veterans of the "scene" where very disgruntled, often after a few beers telling us how it was back in the days.

    Around 2001 in this area, Jungle basically died. The attendance to those little few venues that hosted raves switched to trance and house Dj's as that style of electronic music was more popular. Most of my DJ acquaintance's either sold their gear, or just vanished into obscurity.

    While I will admit, I do have some fond memories of going to Wafflehouse usually intoxicated and high, drenched in sweat, with about 5 other people at 6 in the morning. Or hearing stories about what I did at this "warehouse party" or that party, I have no desire to go to any of these anime raves. I enjoy and love anime, but I don't see the connection between an animated related media and a type of musical party?

    'Sides. Shit was better back in my days any'how ;)
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 12/05/09(Sat)15:22 No.2385479
    >>Scooter, Deadmau5 (also FUCKING KICKASS at POP)
    These are the only two I raged at. Especially Deadmau5.

    Been raving for about 3 years as well, sadly I never experienced Limelight or any epics like that in the past, however been attending red scarve events and white rose warehouse events for a while now. The community around here is trying to promote the underground, so you would need a symbol or article of clothing in order to find or get into a certain event.

    But yeah, I definitely go for the music and the kandi kids. And the drugs. Fuck yeah.
    >> InvalidAnon !!+EDk5/sRbhg 12/05/09(Sat)15:23 No.2385483
    If anything, your generation of ravers co-opted -a lot- of anime-related culture back in the 90's when it was still obscure.

    I'm 24 and can remember getting flyers for raves that had Bubblegum Crisis characters and Tetsuo with his bike laid out on the page next to the directions along with the bigger events having glossies printed out with anime inspired characters that were usually female.

    You say you got to hear Dieselboy spin, yet you don't remember him sampling "The Puppetmaster" from Ghost in the Shell in the intro to the System Upgrade mix that he did in 1997, or Atari Teenage Riot sampling 3x3 Eyes on the track Start the Riot?

    If you ask me rave culture has a lot to answer for when it comes to the co-opting of anime and its style in the 90's.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:52 No.2385508
    Im the Anon from above.

    I see what you mean. I did rock hook-up shirts back in '98. Also I always thought Atari Teenage Riot was bloody terrible. Alec Empire of ATR fame had one good vinyl which was Generation Star Wars and I did sorta like Low On Ice and the only artist on Digital Hardcore I ever overly liked was Christoph de Babylon. That being said however...

    Also Makai basically sampled the entire intro to Ghost in the Shell on his cut Beneath the Mask: (the sample kicks in around 2:40) I can honestly assure you, back in 1998 this record was on EVERY fucking DJ's must play list. This shit was so insanely hot I can't even begin to describe the reaction I felt back in the club, 90 degrees with no AC on and this track blasting.

    But personally I know anime was used in a lot of flyers and promotions, and a few artists sampled works from anime, but outside of me and one other fan, I don't know many from the rave scene that were heavily into anime and manga. I'm sure the internet was widely as popular and mainstream society and companies promoted anime as much as they do now, back in 1998 I'm sure there would be a lot more. But back in 1998 I was using my dreamcast for the internet, I still paid money for S&H and blank tapes for fansubs, and most of my manga was from "scanlations".
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)15:57 No.2385513
    Fuck you youngsters got me thinking about "them days".

    here's another classic fucking track:

    Panacea: Motion Sickness
    >> InvalidAnon !!+EDk5/sRbhg 12/05/09(Sat)16:08 No.2385531

    Seems like you and I are on a similar wavelength and I just don't see too many old-school ravers around like you and myself (I used to travel to Europe for raves and was a big fan of the DHR crew outside of ATR before it disintegrated) but it seems like a lot of the culture just chooses to ignore the impact that anime had directly and indirectly on electronic music as a whole.

    Before I quit DJing a few years ago, I used to spin a lot of gabber and jungle and would spend days looking for that Makai cut on vinyl because it was fucking heavy as shit, so you brought back a lot of good memories for me with that link.

    I also did the whole fansub thing back in those days, though I took it a step further and actually made them from a Laserdisc player and my old collection of Japanese LDs, since I would provide raws and then send them to another guy for the subtitling with a genlock.

    Never expected to have so many awesome memories flood back to me, but thanks for speaking up how raves really were better back in the day, since what passes for a rave these days is a joke.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)16:36 No.2385586
    >>Scooter, Deadmau5 (also FUCKING KICKASS at POP)
    >>These are the only two I raged at. Especially Deadmau5.
    Yeah, except that Scooter did NOT spin at Pop.

    Deadmau5 is SO much better mixing live than on record, if you ask me. He played really in tune with what would keep the crowd going, and I loved that he spun with his huge mouse head on. I don't see what would cause your rage, if you could explain?
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 12/05/09(Sat)16:41 No.2385589
    They're just bad artists.

    Deadmau5's techno was actually good, but now since all he does is make Electro house, its pretty washed up. Not to mention all of his songs follow the same bassline.

    Scooter is just plain shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:12 No.2385753
    I'll be going to my first Con rave at Ohayocon 2010 in two months. I was checking out the Ohayocon forums and saw they hired some DJ who goes by cynispin from Atlanta. They're going to have one night of J-Core exclusively.
    >> Anonymous 12/05/09(Sat)18:26 No.2385786

    because "J" is always the best

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