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  • File : 1259655398.jpg-(436 KB, 800x600, Flexable_by_Zerodomon.jpg)
    436 KB Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)03:16 No.2373833  
    Hmm. Seems to be a lack of bulge, eh?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)03:18 No.2373836
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)03:22 No.2373839
    Your carpeting sucks.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)03:25 No.2373847
    i'm pretty sure that person was walking around the last Fanime with a sign that said "guess my gender :3"

    way to secretly be a woman but call yourself a man.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)03:29 No.2373857
    jeeze, put in a little effort. stuff it for christ's sake.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)03:41 No.2373870
    There's no way she's going to have an excuse for this.
    >> lament 12/01/09(Tue)03:52 No.2373893
    That was my first thout seeing that pic too.
    Way to read minds OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)03:58 No.2373905
    Oh, this chick again..
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)04:10 No.2373933
    What was that fancy-ass sounding medical condition she claimed she had?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)04:13 No.2373937
    Klinefelter's Syndrome.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)07:10 No.2374109
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)07:46 No.2374140
    Be annoyed at Jessica for being a lying little shitbag. Be more annoyed at the utter morons who fall for her bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)11:15 No.2374355
    The hips don't lie. I want to meet her in person just to see how far i could mess with her.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)12:46 No.2374435
    126,004 views on deviantart
    >> puritycontrol !1E07MQKaUI 12/01/09(Tue)12:57 No.2374449

    Klinefelter's Syndrome is a genetic sex chromosome disorder that only effects males.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 12/01/09(Tue)12:57 No.2374450
    Not this shit again.
    How the fuck is this even considered to be /cgl/related?
    Really, I don't care which gender this piece of shit has just stop posting it, for the sake of people eating while browsing /cgl/.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 12/01/09(Tue)12:58 No.2374451

    even forgot my sage.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)13:00 No.2374455
    "The principal effects are development of small testicles and reduced fertility. A variety of other physical and behavioral differences and problems are common, though severity varies and many boys and men with the condition have few detectable symptoms."

    .... Yeah.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)13:04 No.2374465
    what is the purpose of wearing underwear and a thong.... i just dont fucking get it >.>
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)13:04 No.2374466
    her penis is as small as a clit
    >> puritycontrol !1E07MQKaUI 12/01/09(Tue)13:06 No.2374469


    I know, right? I lol'd so hard it wasn't even funny.

    Pleased to be picking a genetic disease that can actually affect your gender. Or wait, maybe...
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)13:19 No.2374491
    Don't even go there bro..

    Anyhow, I'm a university student, showed one of her less-'offensive' pictures and showed it to my Anatomy teacher.. he clearly identified her as a female. When i told him she said she was male, he nearly fell off his chair laughing.
    >> puritycontrol !1E07MQKaUI 12/01/09(Tue)13:23 No.2374499

    I'm sorry if I offended you, I just thought it was funny she said Klinefelter's when I believed this was a girl.

    Not trying to start drama, I apologize.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)13:32 No.2374508

    links plz
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)13:39 No.2374528
    Just go to
    It's not that fucking hard
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)18:44 No.2375267
    i'm sick of seeing these threads. The person in op is a girl. a girl. I didn't spend 10 years doing anatomy studies to watch stupid teenagers with gender issues discuss again again whether or not this person is a girl. Person is a girl. Girl. There. I feel better now.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)19:44 No.2375434
    oh god what contacts are those!
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)19:58 No.2375471
    As a gay man, I can tuck mine. And I can make it go away. I can "cross dress"/"dress in drag? and even in a pair of undies people find it near impossible to tell.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)20:03 No.2375487
         File1259715827.jpg-(563 KB, 838x1192, Want_some__by_Zerodomon.jpg)
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    Bulge here
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)20:05 No.2375492
         File1259715948.jpg-(61 KB, 800x626, PILLS_HERE_by_TylerTheBox.jpg)
    61 KB
    Pills here
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)20:06 No.2375493

    She.. He.. It.. ("sheit"?) is not attractive in the face.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)20:08 No.2375497
         File1259716093.jpg-(536 KB, 1048x1004, 12503593556.jpg)
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    She stuffs her panties and badly shops out her tits.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)20:52 No.2375612
    But you will still be fat and ugly, loser.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)20:54 No.2375619
         File1259718850.jpg-(65 KB, 501x669, The_Wax_by_Zerodomon.jpg)
    65 KB
    I found the sock, gaiz.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)20:57 No.2375629
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)21:02 No.2375638
    Or a pad, lol. Has anyone pointed this out yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)21:03 No.2375642
    Yeah, I would like to see her reaction. What is she going to say, "I was wearing a jockstrap?"
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)21:30 No.2375686
    Go politely post then. I would but she's banned me.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)21:43 No.2375717
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)21:55 No.2375752
    She's so insistent on proving she's a guy, why would she decided to "tuck" now?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:00 No.2375772

    "White lining on the black panties."

    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:03 No.2375784
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:03 No.2375786

    I'm still going with "pad." She was on the rag. Ew.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:04 No.2375789
    No bulge and after watching a video on Youtube there is no way that is the voice of a 19 year old guy.

    Anyone who actually thinks she's a man is a fool.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:13 No.2375816
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:15 No.2375821

    I was applauding the screen

    The person who wrote this stuff: are you on /cgl/ and can you point out all the shit in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:16 No.2375822
    >>*Blushes and hides my bulge and panties)

    >>I am a B-O-Y <3

    loling forever
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:17 No.2375823
    oh god .... /applause
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:18 No.2375827
    wow, what a bitch. I fully support trans people I can't stand people who simply lie about that shit to get attention. this girl is scum.

    a lot of people understand if you just say you're genuinely trans. "yes, I am biologically female, but I am trans so please call me male" instead of lying about it to be an attention whore. raging so hard.

    she said it herself, she's not trans. again, just a lying attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:22 No.2375834
    Someone cap that quick before she hides it.

    I would but I'm on my cell.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:25 No.2375842
    She's just a teenage girl doing what teenage girls do best: inane shit to get attention. What's the big stick up your ass for?

    There is no such thing as a "real" transgender or a "fake" transgender. I don't know why she doesn't qualify into your idea of what a transgender is, but it doesn't fucking matter. She says she wants to be a boy, let her be a boy.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:27 No.2375850
    >There is no such thing as a "real" transgender or a "fake" transgender.

    Um, yeah, there really is.

    Go educate yourself before you come here shooting your mouth off.

    Anyone who acts like this deserves to be called on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:28 No.2375856
    Did you read what was just said? She says she is NOT trans.

    And there's a huge difference between quietly saying you're a boy and being a massive online whore.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:31 No.2375866
    I'm honestly really surprised for all the drama that she's causes that no one from her school or personal life have posted any kind of yearbook/private photos or anything against her proving that she is in fact female.

    She's just gonna continue on milking her 'yaoi-boy' status for all its worth. Someone needs to stop this madness. :/
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:31 No.2375867
         File1259724690.jpg-(94 KB, 880x730, faker.jpg)
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    don't forget that her cock is massive
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:31 No.2375868
    There was some chick on Gaia a year or so ago (found out about it from 420chan /cd/) who pretended she was a mtf trans to get attention and eventually was found out and shamed. Same situation here, or is this a dumb bitch who claims to be ftm yet dresses like a girl?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:31 No.2375870
         File1259724714.jpg-(161 KB, 1193x1362, zero.jpg)
    161 KB
    testing. sorry for hugeness and I had to patch together several caps. how's it look?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:32 No.2375871
    um, no. she's making a mockery of a genuine disorder. there is most definitely "real" trans. there are a lot of people out there who loathe themselves and feel like shit every day because they feel they were born in the wrong body, and this bitch is making a joke and an attention game out of this.

    she is blatantly lying, and it's sickening.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:33 No.2375873

    She's not FTM. She's not TRANS apparently, she just claims to be a boy.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:33 No.2375877
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:34 No.2375885
    Good point. There have been some people claiming to have been in her art class, but a yearbook photo would be very good ammunition.

    Like it says in the link above, she's not pretending to be trans at all. She is a girl pretending to be a boy. A gay boy who looks like a girl and cross-dresses as a girl, but a boy nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:34 No.2375886
    And once again I feel the urge to throw all my male clothes away.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:35 No.2375888
    I think she does it to be pretty.
    I'm she is a pretty cute boy, but she is a kind of ugly girl. She probably just does it because she want's to be pretty.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:35 No.2375889
    But... a boy dressing as a girl or a girl who identifies with a boy (to the extent of denying being female)... I don't understand what she is claiming to be.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:36 No.2375896
    nevermind, I'm stupid and forgot that pretty boys are popular among these circles

    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:37 No.2375899
    Gonna get banned so hard. 10 to 1 Aki sends out her minions.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:37 No.2375900

    She's claiming to be just a boy. That she was born a boy, is a boy, has a penis and never was female.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:38 No.2375901
    she does it because she wishes she was a kawaii gay boy, so you're sort of right.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:38 No.2375905
    She claims to be a gay boy who dresses like a girl who has a genetic disorder that makes "him" look like a girl. Basically, she's stupid.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/01/09(Tue)22:39 No.2375909
    This thread is making my head spin...
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:39 No.2375910

    Breasts? Oh Yes!

    I still lol at that whenever Aki threads come up. 10 points to the anon who came up with that one.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:40 No.2375911

    o hai Soni
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:41 No.2375915
         File1259725279.jpg-(51 KB, 605x122, lulz.jpg)
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    The minions must be busy atm.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:42 No.2375921
    I've never actually seen her claim to have Klinefelter's. Any links?
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/01/09(Tue)22:42 No.2375926
    sup. just dropping by to see what the hooplah is about and kinda wishing I didn't.

    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:44 No.2375929
    I'm pretty sure you can't get Klinefelter's that would change your body to the extent she is claiming WITHOUT severe retardation.

    Like, can't use the computer clinical retardation, not the kind she obviously displays.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:44 No.2375932

    It was on her myspace for the longest time, now it just says "Fuck off, you twit, I have a cock
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:44 No.2375933
    It was in a journal entry. I believe she deleted it, though. Something about a 'disorder that messes with my hormones and makes me look girly.'
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:45 No.2375934
    what happened to those "brave" anons who were going to punch her/grope her/rip open her shirt on the last day of Yaoicon?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:46 No.2375939

    Poking around, but it's always nice to see you around. :]
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:49 No.2375952
    Nobody deserves this, come on people
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:50 No.2375955

    Not only would that be assault, but "brave" anons on /cgl/ hahaha.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:51 No.2375959
    well, agreed, but it was obviously never gonna happen anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:52 No.2375963
    You say assault, but...

    come on, this is a free excuse to grope her tits

    She says guess my gender

    You say girl

    She says nope boy

    You can grope her tits and she can't say shit!
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:52 No.2375966
    >>2375929, no. Klinefelter's does not have any risk of severe retardation. Learning disabilities, yes, but those can be easily treated. What stands out most to me is that many men who have it are very tall with abnormal proportions. She's obviously your average female.

    And you can't "get" Klinefelter's, you're born with it and if "he" really had it, there are treatments to combat the effects of the disorder.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/01/09(Tue)22:55 No.2375971
    Such as doing hormone therapy, and if this person really was a guy and was born this way, then I'm sure with the help of his parents, he would be on T right now.

    But nothing on her looks like a man, nothing. Nada.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:56 No.2375974
    She also doesn't have parents or guardians apparently.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/01/09(Tue)22:58 No.2375983
    ...So how exactly does she support herself if all she's doing is camwhoring on dA?

    Cause that's hella interesting how someone can possible have that much time on their hands to support themselves financially 100% of the time and still be able to buy mangoes and kill time on dA and go to cons.

    How old is she again?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)22:59 No.2375989
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:00 No.2375991

    She's lying about her age too. She should be 18
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:00 No.2375992
    Doesn't she work at Taco Bell or something?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:00 No.2375995
    In most of her videos or pictures, she's doing this shit in the middle of the living. My question has been "where the fuck are her parents when she's doing this shit?" One thing was: maybe she has none or they're never home.

    I seriously want to find her parents and show this shit to them.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:00 No.2375997
    Yeah, 19. I wouldn't be surprised if she's leeching off her boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:01 No.2375998
    She just posted a pic link to what the white actually is. Yet if she were male and wearing them she'd have a bulge and probably be falling out, panties that size do not fit male bits.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:01 No.2375999
    Yay for flat chested, thong stuffing, lying DA whores!
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:01 No.2376001
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:01 No.2376007
    Everytime I see this picture, I get so angry.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:02 No.2376009

    Didn't he get sent off to the army?

    Unless that was just a face-saving lie.

    I'm guessing she does live with parents, though. Just fucking useless rednecks
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/01/09(Tue)23:02 No.2376012
    ._. lol.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:04 No.2376022
    Exactly. That shit is so tight on her crotch that there's no way a dick and balls could be in there.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:04 No.2376023

    She works at a Taco Bell somewhere in Nevado City around Grasslands in California.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:04 No.2376024
    THAT sausage

    In THEM panties

    Makes OP bulge?

    Yeah does it fuck
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:05 No.2376029
    There is no such thing as "real" trans, any more than other mentally disturbed fucktards who want to keep having plastic surgery or chop their limbs off because they find their current body disgusting.

    Don't give me this bullcrap about "boo hoo I am such an openminded person who support transgenders" when you would turn around and call someone a slut for having implants.

    By the way, she is not making a mockery of anyting. Nobody is taking her seriously except her fangirls.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:06 No.2376032
    She's old enough to be going to Yaoi-con, at least.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:07 No.2376035
    0/10. Actually, maybe 1/10.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:07 No.2376039
    Ten bucks says he "dies" within the next few weeks.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/01/09(Tue)23:07 No.2376040
    And this is what we like to call a troll, ladies and gentlemen. They have set the bait and are waiting for the hook to start pulling. Reply at your own discretion.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:10 No.2376049

    Just search it on google maps and you can find it, should be the top two.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:11 No.2376055
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:16 No.2376068
    /cgl/, one of us need to pretend to be her fan, court her, and meet her in person and get concrete evidence of her lack of peen.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:17 No.2376069
    ugh, too much effort. I just want to eat cake then go lie about my measurements in the measurement thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:17 No.2376070
    You will never out her with words.

    You need documentation.

    Surely you can just go to the city hall and request ID for her if you have her full name?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:18 No.2376072
    Apparently she lied to a few con-goers that met her claiming that her parents died.

    Among all her other lies, that one's just...pathetic. It's like she's following that horrible fad that goth teens got into of 'having a mental disorder.' "I have schizophrenia, that makes me cool, give me attention!" Except in this case it was: "My parents are dead, give me attention!"

    When it comes to all of the vendetta threads on /cgl/, the ones of Aki are one of the few that I feel are justified.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:18 No.2376073
    The people who claimed to go to high school with her can do that.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/01/09(Tue)23:18 No.2376075
    I'm pretty sure the gov't frowns on obtaining identity documents like that.

    Unless birth certificates are public record.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:20 No.2376078

    I can get a school photo of her, I'm talking to one of her exs.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:21 No.2376080
    That's what I'm slowly doing.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:21 No.2376083
    A follow-up is expected.

    Especially with name underneath.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:23 No.2376087
         File1259727790.jpg-(23 KB, 380x285, gold_star.jpg)
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    Do well and you'll get more than a gold star sticker.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:23 No.2376088

    Very interested in seeing that!
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:24 No.2376091
    I'd be more interested in dirt on the fiancé. Get his side of things, whether he knows where his pics end up, what the army think of queer members when don't-ask becomes impossible, how he likes being labelled gay when he isn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:25 No.2376093
    Surely one of her exes can give you better than a school photo??
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:27 No.2376100
    I had a friend who is transgendered who lost a boyfriend because of something like that. After a couple months of dating, the boyfriend got pissed and said if my friend didn't start "being a girl" again, he'd leave him because he didn't want to say he was gay.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:28 No.2376102
    He could have just said bisexual. :|
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:29 No.2376105

    His real name is Josh and

    That's his myspace. Enjoy
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:32 No.2376112
    An emo photoshopped Marylin Manson Wannabe.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:33 No.2376120
    Okay, guys, come on.

    As a transperson, at first, when I saw this kid and felt that they were using their gender identity just to get attention I felt a little upset too. I thought, "what the heck, this is really disrespectful to the people who actually ARE trans. It's making all of us out to be attention whores who are a joke, and making it seemingly okay for everyone to go on a trans witch hunt and try to out all the trans cosplayers!"

    But... you know what? The problem isn't this person. It's us. It's us thinking that way. This is just an attention whoring teenager, regardless of their gender and whether or not they use their gender to self-promote. Everyone, in one way or another, uses their gender in life too; or would you say those female cosplayers who wear skimpy outfits aren't using their girlyness to promote themselves?

    Honestly, I think the issue here is that we are taking this person to be sort of the "spokesperson" to all transgender people. Well, they're not! If a guy walks up to you, sets his hair on fire and then kicks you in the 'nads are you gonna start thinking "oh wow this guy makes me ashamed of being a man"? Really, now... this person is just that. A PERSON. ONE PERSON. One individual. They don't represent men, women, transpeople, cosplayers or even yaoi fans for that matter.

    Seriously, /cgl/, what do we care what this person's gender is? I think they should be entitled to identify as they will as long as they're happy and not harming anyone. Are they getting unwarranted attention? So what? How many people on DA and other corners of the internet don't get that too? Just let 'em do as they want.

    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:34 No.2376123

    I'm not at all surprised that he's just as seemingly batshit as she is. And he's 'bi,' how convenient.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:35 No.2376125
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:35 No.2376126
    no fuckin way that dude is in the army
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:36 No.2376128
    how come a boy has stretch marks! =|
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:36 No.2376130
    She should diaf quickly
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:36 No.2376131
    Moron, you missed the part where she's SAYING SHE'S NOT TRANS
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:37 No.2376134

    And OTHER people generalizing transpeople over the attitude this person exhibits are just prejudiced fucks. I don't think this person is asking to be a "spokesperson" for transpeople; in fact, they don't even seem to want any association to transfolks whatsoever.

    I think it'd really be best for everyone to just ignore it. Don't like something? Just don't look at it. Go see something else. Stop wasting your precious time over something you hate. The cosplay community would be a far better place if people started trying to do and say good instead of trying to bash other people to make themselves feel better.

    Seriously, if you're happy with yourself and your life, you really don't need that to feel good. Also, who knows? At some point in your life you might decide that your gender identity isn't that solid either. Can you imagine being harassed all the time for that? It must be horrible. You certainly wouldn't want it.

    I think all of us need to stop trying to judge everyone else so much and start being a little more critical of our own actions; we really should spend our energy trying to make the cosplay scene a nice and friendly environment for everyone, instead of doing the opposite. We would all feel much happier, safer, and a lot more free.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:37 No.2376135
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:40 No.2376141
    If you'd been a little more patient and waited for the rest of my post, you'd have seen I adressed that issue.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:40 No.2376142
    Yes, this ONE PERSON is not the one who speaks for all Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Trans people of the world, but they are setting a bad example.

    Using cosplaying as an example: It's con time. It's Expo or something. There's a large group of "lolitas" or catgirls that go to Denny's to eat. When they get there, they are obnoxious as hell. They throw stuff and do Carmeldansen in the aisle and pretty much disturb everyone else who is eating there (This is a true story, btw). Some people, I'm not saying all people, will see this group and think "wow, these anime/con kids must be really annoying." One group has ruined it for the whole community because they decided to act uncivilized in a public place.

    That's what this girl is doing. She's setting a bad example and making other transgendered people look bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:42 No.2376148
    Fuck off.

    Even if you hadn't hugely missed the point about her claims, you are judging everyone by what you do. No one is judging all trans people by her.

    We're not all gonna hold hands and sing songs when people do stuff that piss us off. Like lie, insult people and go around drawing unwarranted attention to themselves in the most annoying way.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:46 No.2376154
    lol no you didn't

    You said she didn't want to be associated with trans people.

    Doesn't stop the rest of your bullshit being irrelevant and idiotic.

    Just because you have a guilt complex, why should I indulge someone in a horrible lie?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:47 No.2376156

    The thing is, at least for me, I don't think it's the 'transgender' part of it, at all. I mean, it sucks what she's doing, but it's not the transgender part of it that bothers me.

    It's the fact that she lies. About everything. EVERYTHING. Her life is like eternally living in opposite day. I don't look at her and go: "ugh, all transgenders much be like her!" because...she's not a transgender. She's an attention whore trying to glamorize herself as a 'pretty boy.' She's not a girl who wants to be a boy, she's not even a boy who wants to be a girl, she's just a girl pretending to be a boy for the attention.

    If she was nice, approachable, and not as batshit as she is, I wouldn't have such a disliking for her. But, she truly is just an awful individual.

    As for the rest of your post, yeah, I'd love it if the cosplay world didn't bash everyone all the time. But, this is 4chan, and unfortunately 'being nice' is never going to happen. And, also, as I said before...I think this girl deserves it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:49 No.2376164
    But the problem lies precisely in generalizations! There are always going to be idiots, no matter if they're straight, men, women, gay, lesbian, etc. However, political minorities seem to feel like they have some debt to society, that EVERYONE perceived as LGBT always has to be at their best moral behavior. It doesn't work that way. Like I said, idiots are everywhere; but I'm not about to try and offend a woman whose behavior i find innapropriate by calling her a man. I'm gonna call her out on whatever is it she's doing that seems to be idiotic.

    So this is my point: it's easy to attack political minorities by going for their Achille's Heel and not respecting them, but it's precisely THIS type of behavior that I find to be extremely degrading towards said minorities. It only nurture hatred and disrespect towards them.

    What are going to be the standards for defining who is "legitimately" trans and who isn't? Who "deserves" to be outed and who doesn't? Most transpeople don't want to be outed. It's a very ansiogenic and horrible experience for them. So whatever this person is, if they identify as a boy or trans or whatnot... I really believe that for ALL of our sakes we should just respect that. You wanna talk about how much of an attention whore they are? Okay, that makes sense. But when you disrespect someone's gender identity, you open up a precedent for all of us to be disrespected, too.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 12/01/09(Tue)23:52 No.2376170
    you know what, it can't be THAT hard to track down a yearbook photo, or someone who went to high school with her.

    /b/ has been able to dig up more hard to find info then this.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:53 No.2376173
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:53 No.2376174

    Lets take it to /b/ then
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:54 No.2376175
    I honestly think that it's up to us to make the cosplay scene a better place.

    Also, what is it with the "this is 4chan, we are anonymous, there is no changing the way people act around here" attitude? It's a given that when we're anonymous we tend to behave with no regards to consequences, but why can't we strive to be better than that? And not just need the fear of reprehension to actually make us behave in a civilized manner?

    I know how ridiculously idealistic this sounds, but I really believe that even though most people won't admit to it, a lot of anonymous would prefer this to be a better place, too. This, the cosplay scene, all of it. Why not feel happy and safe instead of having to be on your toes all the time because you're afraid of being judged the same way you are judging?

    I feel like we're just imprisoning ourselves by acting this way, you know?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:55 No.2376178
    Generalizations happen, we can't just pretend that no one thinks this way because it is politically correct.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 12/01/09(Tue)23:56 No.2376179
    I would make a thread over there, but I don't know enough shit about the chick. Someone with more info go make the thread, then link it back here before it 404's.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:58 No.2376183
    But I'm not talking about pretending it doesn't happen, quite the opposite. I'm talking about being aware that it happens but effectively trying to change that. We can change the way we think, and thus create a better way of relating to other people, which will consequently make them relate better to other people and us, too. We all just want to be respected.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:59 No.2376185
    Also, thanks to all who are taking the time to read my relatively long posts and try to actually discuss the matter. It takes a lot more effort and guts than just bashing.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/09(Tue)23:59 No.2376186
    We can't change the way all humans think, and you're an idiot if you think we can.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:02 No.2376189
    You know why I come onto 4chan? To bash people.

    It sounds HORRIBLE, but I work in retail right now. I work with jerks all day and have to be nice to them. If I didn't have an outlet for all my frustration, I would be taking it out on my friends, family, etc. I have a feeling there are more people out there like me.

    So tbh, being nice on 4chan is not going to happen. Especially /cgl/. People come here to rant and rage and usually only for that.

    NOW, CONCERNING AKI. She's a girl. She is very obviously a girl and she has said that she is NOT TRANS. She is lying about being a boy and I think this is what irritates people most and I fucking agree. What an attention whore, holy fucking shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:04 No.2376191
    No, we can. We have changed so many paradigms already. If there's one thing we are, it's adaptable. We, humans, are very good with changes. Our society changes very quickly, and the only reason we're here, posting on 4chan, is because technology changed and evolved from its old paradigms too.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:04 No.2376192

    But the problem is her gender is in direct correlation with what makes her an attention whore. She wouldn't get nearly as much attention if she was just a boyish girl - but identifying herself as a BIOLOGICAL male with a ~DISEASE~ that causes 'him' to look like a pretty girl warrants every yaoi fangirl/boy a chance to gush over their ~RL FANTASY~ all while she posts provocative myspace photos with her stuffed undies and photoshopped chest (and then has the gall to hold up "GUESS MY GENDER" signs at conventions.)

    The fact is, she is a deceitful lying attention whore. She deserves to be called out on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:05 No.2376196
    Guess what I found my lovely /cgl/ers

    Aki Acosta
    13097 Sargent Jacobs Dr.
    Nevada City, CA 95959
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:05 No.2376197
    I'm waiting to see this in /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:06 No.2376199

    Take that shit to another site, like cosfu or some shit. This site used to be about original content or lurking the fuck moar. /cgl/ is not the place for your vagina monologues, LJ is.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:07 No.2376202
         File1259730477.jpg-(13 KB, 200x209, weirdthing.jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:08 No.2376204

    Bitch on Yaoi
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:10 No.2376207
    nope, the problem isn't that everyone here is mean and nasty.

    The problem is that the world is full of dicks like this who need to have some sense smacked into them.

    The only flaw with /cgl/ is that it's cowardly and so few people have the balls to actually talk to any of these horrible people and tell them why their behaviour is objectionable.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:10 No.2376209
    Yes, most people come here to bash other people because they feel they're getting bashed or disrespected or don't act out on their wishes for fear of getting it. But, you see, if we all keep playing this game, nothing's gonna change. What if people didn't give you shit at your job? Wouldn't you feel a lot happier?

    So why not work towards a world that can function without people constantly having to attack one another?
    But that shouldn't matter. Like I said, a lot of other people get loads of unwarranted attention, so focusing on this person specific means that their issue - gender, transgender, yaoi fantasies, fangirl attention, etc - touches on an issue that is personal for YOU, too. Why do you feel this to be so unfair? I think it would be nice for everyone to feel free to do the same without fear of being bashed. Maybe then this Aki person wouldn't get so much attention and wouldn't be regarded as such a special snowflake anymore either?

    But honestly, I just think no matter the reason, everyone's choices and identity should be respected. Who knows, maybe this is a very important thing of them, even if it's connected to being an attention whore. I don't think anyone's in a position to judge, and the world would be a better place if we didn't feel the need to do so in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:10 No.2376213
    How is she any more a deceitful lying attention whore than Aerith cosplayers who really act like they're Aerith?

    She is not doing anything to besmirch the names of transgendered people. All she is doing is generic dumb teenager shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:12 No.2376219

    Surely her name is Jessica and Aki is a retarded made-up name?

    Also little miss white knight, you're a fucking doormat, go back to getting beaten up by your boyfriends.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:13 No.2376220
    I completely agree with calling people out on their shit - but I don't think we have to disrespect them and their identity in the process, that's all. Actually, they are probably gonna be way more open to what we have to say if we approach them in a reasonable way and talk to them about just what it is we find so offensive and wrong about what they're doing.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:14 No.2376225

    Yes, I know that. You can use pen names when you get letters- I do it all the time and just tell whoever I'm staying with 'if you see something that says 'such and such' on it it's mine'
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:15 No.2376229
    If an Aerith cosplayer acts in-character but you later message her asking about the truth and she goes "tee hee, of course I was just acting", that's fine.

    If she honestly will not admit that she is not Aerith, goes around cons trying to trick people into saying she's not Aerith but then going "ACTUALLY I AM LOL" and can be very rude to people politely asking if she's just acting a part, then not only would she deserve this much shit as well, but probably should be institutionalized.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:16 No.2376230
    Such is 99% of the internet

    Complaining that 4chan is mean and nasty is just plain stupid. That's the reason why people come here sometimes!
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:16 No.2376232
    Choosing not to be violent does not make me a doormat, as it did not make Ghandi one either. People who make this choice are actually a lot stronger and more resilient than someone who only knows violence will ever be.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:18 No.2376236
    Ahahaha now I know you'er just trolling.

    Was a good run until then tho
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:19 No.2376239
    lol ghandi and 4chan
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/02/09(Wed)00:20 No.2376243
    Fun fact: Ghandi was incredibly racist!
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:20 No.2376245
    Comparing not giving a liar abuse to a great leader's passive resistance? Love it.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:21 No.2376249
    I'm the person who was going to make a video. I'm here and I'm waiting. Give me proof, guys.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:21 No.2376250
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:21 No.2376251
    Sorry, not a troll.

    But I've said what I needed to say. I don't want to stick around any longer because I don't enjoy this hateful mood. I really don't think this is good for anyone, not even the people who are doing the bashing... I just really hope you all don't honestly think and act like this IRL.

    Good night to all, and thank you for the dialogue.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:22 No.2376257
    That doesn't disprove anything actually...
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/02/09(Wed)00:23 No.2376261
    Wasn't supposed to, just a fun fact.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:32 No.2376290
    how can they he/she/it be making him/her/itself look bad? he/she/it is posting as anon, lawl.

    and while he/she/it did exaggerate a little, he/she/it has a point. i agree that we should just leave this Aki do whatever the hell it wants and focus on more productive things. i mean this is /cgl/ and we're not even talking about its cospalys hurr
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:32 No.2376291
    Adella was like that
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:33 No.2376294
    /cgl/ is for drama, you moron.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:33 No.2376296
    No way, it's great fun to bitch her out.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:34 No.2376298
    wtf no she wasn't
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)00:59 No.2376378

    wtf yes she was
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)01:14 No.2376407

    What is this /cgl/ WHAT IS THIS?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)01:15 No.2376412
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)01:16 No.2376414

    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)01:20 No.2376425
    I DID. I HATE YOU. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)01:21 No.2376426

    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)02:38 No.2376560
    I found her on facebook. I'm going through her friends to see if I can find out what highschool she went to.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)08:56 No.2377048
    bump for moar
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)09:33 No.2377096

    Follow up, please!
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)10:16 No.2377123
    Missed this. What was it?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)10:27 No.2377135
    Yeah me too. Screenshots anyone?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)10:36 No.2377145
    Every time an Aki thread pops up, I can't help but wonder about her parents.
    Either they are poor oblivious sods or they are just as much of an abomination as their daughter.

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