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  • File : 1259539930.gif-(10 KB, 100x100, Henry.gif)
    10 KB San Diego Do's & Don'ts Dr. Henry Killinger...unt my magic murder bag 11/29/09(Sun)19:12 No.2369569  
    Good afternoon you silly Billies.

    Yesterday I had a thread going that was very informative, enlightening, and helpful. (For real, no trolling here yet)
    I'm going to try and attend my first real convention next year at SDCC and I'll be dressing as Dr. Henry Killinger from the Venture Bros.
    That thread was so helpful that I thought we could start up a thread of tips for first-time con attendees, such as what to bring with you, what to avoid like the plague, budget constraints, etc., focusing especially on San Diego.

    Have at it, my lovelies
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)19:17 No.2369592
    Whatever you fucking do, no matter how much it hurts and aches and burns do NOT take off your shoes while at the con.

    Your feet will swell and that'll make them ache more and just generally make everything worse
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)19:22 No.2369614
    Drink plenty of water.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)19:27 No.2369637
    For San Diego tickets, the full 4-day passes are sold out already, but the day-by-day passes go on sale in mid-december.

    I'd suggest buying the days you want to go in order from "Must-have" to "could-care-less" because most people are going to try to snatch Sat & Sun first
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 11/29/09(Sun)19:30 No.2369651
    Oh god. Dr. Scholls, one week before the con. Put them in, wear them in only slightly by the time the con starts. You'll be walking on air.

    My con advice:

    - Bring your own food:
    An occasional meal out or a drink isn't a problem, but if you're expecting 3-square meals a day, it's going to get expensive. Con-food is expensive and not always the greatest quality. Because you may be going for several days, it's a good idea to bring non-perishables, and if you insist on something perishable, an ice-chest plus hotel ice (please check to make sure they have ice machines first). My shopping list includes Slim-Fast (Ensure also works), Power Bars, Trail Mix, Powered Energy Drinks, and a TON of bottled water.

    I'm gonna break this up into advice per post.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)19:30 No.2369655
    Love is not private... Love is to be shaaaared
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 11/29/09(Sun)19:33 No.2369669
    Actually, scratch that:

    This is an AMAZING guide:
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)19:34 No.2369670
    Just like Acne!
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)19:36 No.2369679
    Ladies: bring mace

    I shit you not. These lonely, pathetic, horny people are being surrounded by young, fairly attractive people who share some of their interests. Add that and the possibility of alcohol at the hotel & you've got a recipe for either neckbeard grope or hambeast glomp sexual harassment.
    >> Dr. Henry Killinger...unt my magic murder bag 11/29/09(Sun)19:42 No.2369697
    If you're planning a costume that completely covers your head, like a bigass creature suit or something, wear a camel-pack underneath like cyclists do to keep yourself hydrated.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)19:47 No.2369705
    The "But I'm In Character" excuse stops the very fucking second you make physical contact with someone. They made a costume from the same source as you? Awesome, get a picture, and ASK THEM if they'd feel comfortable with a hug or a play-fight scene, and accept the answer "NO" when you hear it the first god damn time.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)20:04 No.2369736
    as soon as you get your program, plan your day.

    It sucks walking around being overwhelmed with everything that's going on and missing the stuff you wanted to see most. Set alarms on your phone so you don't forget where you're going
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)20:08 No.2369746
    PROTIP: Furries are not people. Light them.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 11/29/09(Sun)20:20 No.2369771
    No way, planning the day of the con? You gotta get online and get that crap together so you can get your stuff signed, know when's when, then have your entire con on an excel sheet.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)20:27 No.2369793
    Also, when the one days go on sale, they will sell out in this order:

    Good luck.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)20:32 No.2369804
    you'll also want to hire a personal assistant and buy a blackberry for the con, along with the shock-collar app that will electrocute you if you miss a scheduled bathroom break
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 11/29/09(Sun)20:35 No.2369808
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    You'll be glad you did. Just sayin.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)20:43 No.2369825
    If you expect to get a halfway decent seat for any panel, make plans to be there at LEAST 45 mins early.

    If it's worth seeing, there will be a line
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)21:24 No.2369947
    If you want good seats for the masquerade, expect to spend all Saturday in line.
    No joke.
    Though when Ballroom 20 fills up they show screenings in the "overflow" rooms, and although you aren't there the camera guys tend to have the best view of all, so it's not like you're missing out. I would almost say it's better than being there live.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)21:33 No.2369984
    Don't bother getting a hotel room through the convention, when reservations open up on the website. It's too much of a hassle. Instead, look for a cheaper hotel that's along the trolley line. You may not be right across the street from the con, but the trolley stops right in front of the convention center, and you can ride it to and from your hotel. Plus, it'll be cheaper.

    Also, keep practicality in mind when planning costumes. It's crowded like a sardine can, with very few places to sit down. SDCC isn't where you want to wear a large cumbersome costume, or a costume with uncomfortable shoes.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)21:53 No.2370039
    no naked and hug people dressed as anime you like
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 11/29/09(Sun)22:03 No.2370065
    >Oh god. Dr. Scholls, one week before the con. Put them in, wear them in only slightly by the time the con starts. You'll be walking on air.
    THIS SO, SO VERY MUCH! Feels like you're walking on baby geese!

    Generally at SDCC you're going to find a more mature audience. Yaoi paddles and all of that nonsense is not tolerated.

    With regards to food, I agree with Mr. Freeman in a way (San Diego food can be expensive, especially in the Gaslamp quarter), though there are a lot of places nearby the convention center that you can pick up $5.00 meals such as Ciro's or Ralph's. Also at that Ralph's (at least for one of the years) they will give you a gift certificate if they like your costume enough to take a picture of it.
    Oh if its your first time to San Diego, friggin' buy some Carne Asada Fries and share them with friends. Lolita's or Los Primos will do you right.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)22:07 No.2370080
    >Oh if its your first time to San Diego, friggin' buy some Carne Asada Fries and share them with friends. Lolita's or Los Primos will do you right.

    This cannot be understated, Carne Asada fries are like a local delicacy here, and is plenty of (unhealthy) goodness for the price. The two places Sagey listed are great, but most other hole-in-the-wall Mexican joints will be able to hook you up was well.
    You also can't go wrong with the California Burrito.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 11/29/09(Sun)22:16 No.2370111
    >the trolley stops right in front of the convention center, and you can ride it to and from your hotel. Plus, it'll be cheaper.

    If you look around for hotels/motels in Little Italy, Mission Hills and Old Town, you will generally be very close to a Trolley Line. The trolley will take between 5 and 10 minutes to land you right in front of the convention center.
    >> Brick Tamland 11/29/09(Sun)22:16 No.2370116
    And In-N-Out. Can't forget that. Also, give me a minute after dumping pokemans to really read this thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)22:19 No.2370131
    hole-in-the-wall Mexican joints >>> ANY OTHER "MEXICAN" RESTAURANTS
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)22:20 No.2370133
    I'd wait until your last day to go to ANY mexican restaurant

    The last thing you want is the runs in a $400 costume that took you 8 months to make
    >> Brick Tamland 11/29/09(Sun)22:22 No.2370147
    >The last thing you want is the runs
    I've never understood this. Maybe I have a cast iron stomach.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)22:22 No.2370148
    oh fyi yes you are in San Diego
    don't go to Mexico.
    you will get kidnapped and raped.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)22:28 No.2370179
    what do you think will be a popular costume at this year's SDCC?

    iron man?
    >> Brick Tamland 11/29/09(Sun)22:33 No.2370198
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    Oh hey. I said most of this in the other thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)22:34 No.2370205
    AA Harley
    >> Dr. Henry Killinger...unt my magic murder bag 11/29/09(Sun)22:35 No.2370209
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    Mr. Tamland has been a most valuable source of information to me and my endeavors thus far. His expertise should not be taken lightly.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)22:39 No.2370224
    To be fair, though, most of it is just common sense.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 11/29/09(Sun)22:39 No.2370226
    Dr. Killinger, you should also know that SDCC loves and welcomes Venture Bros. You'll probably find a VB panel or at least one that involves it, as well as a bunch of VB cosplayers. Visit the usual sites for cosplay and keep an eye out when you get to SDCC for Venture Bros cosplayers for photo opportunities, etc.
    >> Dr. Henry Killinger...unt my magic murder bag 11/29/09(Sun)22:42 No.2370234
    Thank you for the heads up, Mr. McSagerson. I mentioned it in my previous thread, but I'll bring up here that I'm planning on incorporating a floating demon head which will be released from my magic murder bag... perhaps I can find a Dr. Venture to unleash it upon...
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)22:47 No.2370249
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    do not know how I feel about that
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 11/29/09(Sun)22:48 No.2370254
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    Also, a friend and I are more than likely going to be there in Venture Bros cosplay of some kind, and we'd love to get pictures with Dr. Killinger! We just don't know what yet -- most of the Venture costumes we want to do aren't suited for that con at all (big wings, or heels, etc).

    It'd be really cool if someone would cosplay this with you, by the way, Dr. Killinger. Haha.
    >> Brick Tamland 11/29/09(Sun)22:49 No.2370259
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    Not necessarily.

    Also, Hall H. Expect that to be full entirely always. They don't clear out rooms ever, so expect people to stay in there all day, some go and see what they want in leave but just so you know, ya know?

    And this, get your maps, your programs, etc. Familiarize yourself with everything. And don't use the restrooms on the actual floor, they're usually filled with people so use the ones near the Pavilion where you get your passes or those around that level.
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 11/29/09(Sun)22:51 No.2370265
    >They don't clear out rooms ever

    Actually, after the bullshit Twilight fangirl fiasco last year, they've said they're going to start clearing out panel rooms after panels are over from now on. Or that's what I've heard anyway.
    >> Brick Tamland 11/29/09(Sun)23:07 No.2370328
    Let's hope it's just for retarded fangirl panels. Not that I want any more of those, but I liked catching the Disney/Miyazaki, D-9, 9 panels and not having to leave.
    >> Dr. Henry Killinger...unt my magic murder bag 11/29/09(Sun)23:16 No.2370353
    I am delighted to report that I have found a coat that will work with my intentions. As much squabbling and bickering as there was in the previous thread, I did a bit of digging and found that it is referred to as a "Howie Coat".

    I will be placing my order soon
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)23:34 No.2370413
    FYI SDCC allows cosplay but doesn't really welcome it. There are hardly any costumes worn there until around the time for the masq.

    If you want to wear your animu costume to such a professional atmosphere con then just know that you'll be one of the biggest losers there and will no doubt be ostracized into a weaboo designated area of the con, which is located somewhere on the second floor of the con center next to the animu viewing rooms and away from everything worth seeing.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)23:39 No.2370420
    The con is too crowded for costumes really. There is nothing worse than some idiot who can barely move in a bulky costume blocking traffic while everyone stops for pictures. There's just no room for that at SDCC.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)23:40 No.2370421
    >There are hardly any costumes worn there

    At San Diego Comicon? Are you fucking high?
    There are almost as many people in costume as in regular clothes.

    Maybe you just happen to be into stupid shit that no one cares about hard enough to dress for
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)23:40 No.2370422
    >could care less
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)23:42 No.2370429
    >SDCC loves and welcomes Venture Bros. You'll probably find a VB panel or at least one that involves it, as well as a bunch of VB cosplayers.

    I believe Sagey before you, Mr. random dumbshit anon
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)23:50 No.2370443
    While it's true you won't see a lot of cosplay in the dealers room, it's kind of hard not to see it everywhere else. This is most likely because people forget to make pockets in their costumes and don't want to carry a bunch of shit they just bought around with them in costume.

    You're fine in San Diego
    Enjoy yourself
    >> Anonymous 11/29/09(Sun)23:52 No.2370447
    Of course there is cosplay there, all 4 days too.

    Anime costumes not so much, but there's a lot of western cosplays.
    >> Brick Tamland 11/30/09(Mon)00:00 No.2370471
    I'm still amused at "dealers' room" when referring to the exhibit hall because before coming here I've never heard it referred to as such.

    Also, you'll see cosplay everywhere. Everywhere. Cept for the really crowded aisles around the DC/Marvel booths, unless they're actually in/at the booth.

    >Maybe you just happen to be into stupid shit that no one cares about hard enough to dress for
    I remember in a post SDCC thread some girl was complaining because some neckbeards didn't know what the hell she was besides some school girl from an animu and she raged because of it.

    Nice, hope everything turns out well.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)00:06 No.2370482
    You must understand, people who live far away from the border don't know real mexican food.
    Taco Bell doesn't count, any good mexican food shouldn't give you intestinal problems.

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