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  • File : 1258878683.jpg-(60 KB, 600x469, maguma cullen.jpg)
    60 KB Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)03:31 No.2349314  
    Twilight cosplay please?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)03:33 No.2349317
    Alright, okay, stop fucking posting that picture, it gives me cramps from laughter.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)03:33 No.2349320
         File1258878833.jpg-(91 KB, 450x665, twilight-lrc-lofi.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)03:37 No.2349333
    Oh fuck, I scrolled past this and then went back up and lol'd so damn hard.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)04:07 No.2349405
    >>2349314 I must have missed something because I have no idea why this would
    be funny
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)04:20 No.2349418
    yeh ditto
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)09:45 No.2349623
    it's just random
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/22/09(Sun)10:03 No.2349643

    >insert Penguin of d00m copypasta here<
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)10:21 No.2349660
    what you did there, i sw it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)11:54 No.2349781
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    >> No, Nein, Nyet 11/22/09(Sun)12:04 No.2349788
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    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)12:07 No.2349790
    goddamnit OP, I admit that i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)12:15 No.2349793
    on the left side - a human being
    on the right side - a subhuman monkey
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)13:10 No.2349867
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)13:11 No.2349868
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    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)13:16 No.2349872
    Maguma has one giant nigger nose

    Dont trust them big nostils over yonder
    Suck up so much air it'll make you wonder
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)13:16 No.2349874
    That Alice is really cute
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)13:40 No.2349903
         File1258915201.jpg-(87 KB, 600x800, chicagotwconbraceletwinnerTany(...).jpg)
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    Alice is my favorite character from the series. She's cute
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)13:41 No.2349905
    lul at Jasper. He's doing it so right.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 11/22/09(Sun)13:43 No.2349908
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    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 11/22/09(Sun)13:45 No.2349912
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    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)13:51 No.2349923
    Alice is. The people dressing up as her aren't.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)13:57 No.2349927
         File1258916270.jpg-(52 KB, 400x560, 400_newmoon_agreene_091106_kfr(...).jpg)
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    she's hot
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)14:24 No.2349971
    I heard New Moon is actually worth seeing. Is this true?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)14:25 No.2349976
    It got 3 out of 5 stars.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)14:28 No.2349981
    It's scary how true this is.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)14:32 No.2349987
    You can watch all the trailers and released footage and that's basically the entire movie. I saw the movie last night.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)14:42 No.2350001
         File1258918967.jpg-(77 KB, 481x535, alice-rosalie-and-esme-new-moo(...).jpg)
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    I <3 Alice
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)14:56 No.2350022

    The Twilight series is nothing more that softcore porn for teenage girls to get wet over. When I ask girls why they like it, the only response I get out of their foaming mouths is "omg the guys are like so hot and omg" They actually have no justifiable reason for liking this shit. It is as shallow as you can get.

    So no, this movie is not worth watching, unless you are a fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)14:58 No.2350024
    >Softcore pornography depicts nude and semi-nude performers engaging in casual social nudity or non-graphic representations of sexual intercourse or masturbation.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)15:02 No.2350031

    I saw it opening night with my younger sister, since it was her birthday. It was a pretty good movie - MUCH better than the first, in my opinion - yet at some points I grew bored, thinking, "Something interesting happen already, ffs." Also, it could of used more werewolf action; they were only seen fighting maybe once or twice the entire movie.

    It might be worth your time, if you want to see it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)15:03 No.2350035
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)15:08 No.2350037
    Stephanie Meyer, dumbing down a whole generation.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)15:11 No.2350041
    Eh, I can't really blame her. It's not like she took a generation of geniuses and made them retarded. She realized that she could make an assload of money by pandering to an already retarded group.

    Hating Stephanie Meyer is like hating capitalism itself.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/22/09(Sun)15:12 No.2350042

    as if most of the media didn't do that.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)15:21 No.2350061
    twilight is a blight on humanity
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)15:45 No.2350101
    ITT, girls pretending they dont love Twilight with the rest of their gender.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)16:04 No.2350121
         File1258923840.jpg-(56 KB, 340x494, 5850951.jpg)
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    Sorry, I'm in love with a vampire from a slightly less stupid series.

    Pic related, even though he doesn't have the right hair.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)16:04 No.2350122
    When you see New Moon, the mormons win.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)17:28 No.2350246
    agree with pic

    twilight is fucking teribad i tryed to watch the first move *shudder* fucking gayest shit ever >.<
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 11/22/09(Sun)17:32 No.2350251
         File1258929129.png-(319 KB, 480x378, Lestat.png)
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    The Queen of the Damned movie made me rage so fucking hard.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)17:39 No.2350257
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    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)17:43 No.2350262
    They were both okay Lestats, I just find Stuart Townsend more appealing in appearance and acting. Lestat would have been a smug bastard over having the both of them portray him if he was real, so they're both fine. :|
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)17:49 No.2350266
         File1258930171.jpg-(65 KB, 440x348, Fandral the Dashing.jpg)
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    I hate that this fag is cast to be Fandral. HE IS NOT FANDRAL THE DASHING, WHAT THE FUCK.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 11/22/09(Sun)17:55 No.2350275
    And that's all well and good, everyone has their opinions. He just wasn't doing it for me. Lestat is the blonde haired, blue eyed brat prince. Not the brown haired, hazel eyed, coked out looking rat. :/
    The makeup job in Queen of the Damned really wasn't that good, IMO. The book is always superior to the movie, but in this case, I mean it times a thousand.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)18:02 No.2350288
    Yeah, they could at least have gotten him some contacts and a wig. I didn't bother comparing the movie to the book and just took it for its entertainment value. Would've been nice to see Mekare, though. I'm just waiting for Blood & Gold or The Vampire Armand to be made into a movie but I doubt it'll ever happen. I don't think too many people would like the idea of a really old dude living in a house full of boys of all ages, even if it was just for a few scenes. :<
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)18:04 No.2350295
         File1258931052.jpg-(27 KB, 332x462, 10103813_gal.jpg)
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    I'm another that found "Queen of the Damned" a horrible take on the book, while "Interview" wasn't that bad in comparison.

    And I find Townsend SO much more handsome in "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen."

    On the Twilight saga, I actually enjoyed the series, but I'm not about to jump down your throats for not liking it, It isn't for everyone, I just know it drew me in (the characters and the love story, even though Bella is a tad annoying and the writing style is very elementary). But I can see how someone may not like it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)18:05 No.2350297
    Twilight is just a shitty version of Dorian Gray with self insertion mary sues
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)18:09 No.2350307
    I didn't like him as much in that movie but only because I don't like facial hair of a majority of men. Still, he was good in it.

    As for Twilight, I read it and got nothing from the books. It was kind of like those high school reading assignments where I didn't hate the book I had to read but I definitely wasn't enjoying it, either.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 11/22/09(Sun)18:11 No.2350309
         File1258931466.png-(310 KB, 434x454, Armand.png)
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    Yeah, after reading the book, the movie left much to be desired. Speaking of Armand, that brings me to another 'wat' moment. As much as I love the Interview with the Vampire movie, and thought the character representations were spot on, when it came to Armand I was a little confused.
    In the book he was a curly auburn haired -kid-, and then in the movie we get... Strapping, suave Antonio Banderas. That was the only 'wat' moment I had throughout the movie, though.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)18:12 No.2350312

    Same here. But man... he could still bite me any day!
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)18:19 No.2350325
    He fit the role of a vampire very well but he just wasn't Armand. I don't see why they just didn't snatch some younger looking actor up for the part. I know guys like Ewan McGregor and Johnny Depp where active back then, so they did have their options.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)18:32 No.2350345
    Oh, I forgot to mention that I do think he would make a fairly decent Ashlar looking like that.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 11/22/09(Sun)19:04 No.2350422
    faggot reads twighlight
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)19:05 No.2350425
    I was almost bummed at this too then I realize she was talking about Interview with the Vampire or something
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 11/22/09(Sun)22:18 No.2350850
    Saw it, loved it.

    ...some review in my newspaper said (somehow) this movie had less action than the first.

    I'm wondering if we saw the same fucking movie but oh well. Was actually impressed how a change of director made things a lot more interesting even if this movie is supposed to be the worst (most mopey out of the 4) and cut back on the Bella bawwwwing.

    Most people seem to forget Edward's appearances in the movie wasn't "added", it was like the book made it.

    I will say though I enjoyed it, will look forward to seeing it again.

    Not going to bother making my rant on why I like regular vampires AND Twilight vampires, it never reaches the point to anyone here anyways.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:20 No.2350858
    Nothing wrong with the Twilight vampires but it's difficult to enjoy something when most of the fans are so terrible. It's kind of like Kingdom Hearts.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 11/22/09(Sun)22:20 No.2350859
    >implying Bella is in any way a mary sue

    Man the definition of mary sue sure has changed since I last remembered it, because Bella's anything but a perfect character, god damn.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:20 No.2350860

    You have shit tastes if you think New Moon was a good movie
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:21 No.2350862
    >implying bella is anything BUT a mary sue

    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:22 No.2350870

    Do you even know what a mary sue is? A mary sue isn't a flawless character but rather an impervious character which gains ridiculous and unexplained "power ups" In any aspect. Bella's case being that no vampire can harm her or affect her in any way possible for no reason.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 11/22/09(Sun)22:23 No.2350871
    An understandable point of view, but I mean there's a fandom like that for everything....and most people I come across who are aware of it forget the books were targeted (If I remember right) teens so it's not hard to figure on its fanbase being girls upwards 13-19...and even people older than that.

    It is a chick flick/book series after all.

    Yeah the sparkle thing is pretty effed up but I think if I were in Edward's shoes as far as being forced to live like that I would probably act like far as not *wanting* to live like a monster.

    Meh, mythical creatures of all types will be rewritten and re-perspective'd every so often so I tend to not get pissy about it. I thought everyone's tolerance of ridiculousness was done once someone made turtles into pizza-eating-teenage ninjas.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:23 No.2350875
    >>2350870 all the main characters in DBZ is a Mary Sue. I always knew that Goku was a filthy whore.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 11/22/09(Sun)22:25 No.2350877
    Explain the bite mark she received and the broken leg on the first book.

    The mental aspect she has is probably the only "perfection" she has but other than that she's pretty much 'blah'. I understand where you're coming from; the whole mental 'shield' that later comes full throttle when she turns into a vamp herself is pretty much everyone going "Oh see we knew it." in a way.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 11/22/09(Sun)22:26 No.2350881
    Much better than the first one, plus it didn't have an annoying blue tint throughout the entire thing.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 11/22/09(Sun)22:27 No.2350885
    are you faggots seriously discussing this piece of shit?
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 11/22/09(Sun)22:27 No.2350887
         File1258946857.png-(99 KB, 1004x1261, 1250059692285.png)
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    >I mean there's a fandom like that for everything

    I haven't heard of Kingdom Hearts fans cutting their necks asking the lead actor to suck their blood or chasing him to the point where he took his chances (and lost) jumping into traffic rather than deal with his fans.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:28 No.2350891

    Yes they are, everyone knew that are you dense or something? The whole idea of DBZ is that Goku is the biggest mary sue this side of the universe.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 11/22/09(Sun)22:29 No.2350895
    >Nothing wrong with the Twilight vampires

    They sparkle.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 11/22/09(Sun)22:29 No.2350897
    that was painful to read...
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:30 No.2350899
    >Explain the bite mark she received and the broken leg on the first book.

    They can't harm her with their vampire powers, you know exactly what I mean twifag
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:30 No.2350901
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    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 11/22/09(Sun)22:32 No.2350905
    >I haven't heard of Kingdom Hearts fans cutting their necks asking the lead actor to suck their blood or chasing him to the point where he took his chances (and lost) jumping into traffic rather than deal with his fans.

    That's because Kingdom hearts doesn't have vampires, that's a terrible comparison.

    But I've seen fans act equally retarded and stupid about KH just like Naruto and many other 'nerdy' guilty pleasures.

    I think the problem is that everyone here thinks Twilight is *suddenly* the only thing that brings out the worst in people.

    I'll remember that the next time I hear on the news people murder for video game systems and I have to sigh wondering who's that fucking stupid.


    Except maybe for the fact Goku trains harder than anyone else, has a pure heart and that's how he is able to obtain everything he gets?

    Oh wait I just poked a hole in your argument, didn't I?
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 11/22/09(Sun)22:34 No.2350909

    Good point, but

    she's invincible in any way is stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:34 No.2350911
    >According to KOMO-TV, the ABC affiliate in Seattle, Washington, 10-year-old Codey Porter died at 3:35 p.m PST today. The boy was hospitalized on Saturday after suffering respiratory failure when he was buried, headfirst, in a sandbox. He had reportedly asked his playmates to bury him in order to recreate the attacks used by the fictional ninja from the Naruto anime's fictional Village Hidden in the Sand.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:35 No.2350915
    There are sparkling vamps in Vampire the Masquerade but I don't see people whining like bitches over that.

    If you don't like an interpretation, get over it instead of getting stuck on it. If people really hate the series so much, why do they insist on paying so much damn attention to it?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:37 No.2350919
    >Vampire the Masquerade
    stopped reading right there
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:38 No.2350926
    Oh, no you didn't. Nice try, though. :>
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 11/22/09(Sun)22:39 No.2350927
    >That's because Kingdom hearts doesn't have vampires, that's a terrible comparison.

    Wow did you honestly take that comparison literally?
    Here let me explain for you

    >But I've seen fans act equally retarded and stupid about KH just like Naruto and many other 'nerdy' guilty pleasures.

    Odds are you probably haven't, yes there are other extremely horrible fandoms out there but the Twilight fandom has reached incredible lows. More so than well...a lot of bad fandoms. Using your examples usually with Naruto and Kingdom Hearts you just see weeaboos obsessing over characters, writing their homosexual fanfiction, fapping poorly drawn fanart, and all that jazz. With Twilight you see tons of accounts of just pure madness. Robert Pattinson getting chased til the point he got hit by a taxi, twifangirls assaulting average civilians at DVD releases because they "insulted Edward", you get the idea.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 11/22/09(Sun)22:40 No.2350930

    One rare account vs many. Do the math. Yes Naruto has a bad fanbase but if crazy shit like that happens far more often in the Twilight fanbase what does that tell you about which one is worst?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:41 No.2350935

    Why do you care so much? :|
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:43 No.2350942
    Why do you care how much other people care?
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 11/22/09(Sun)22:44 No.2350948

    Because 3 non wall of text responses means I have great amounts of care?

    I kid I kid. But really someone apparently didn't understand my post, so I explained for them.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)22:46 No.2350959
    Because I live in a house full of 'real goth' morons who do nothing but proclaim their hate for Twilight by doing nothing but talking about it all the fucking time. It confuses me.
    >> Daguru !!+XW7npOcO0b 11/22/09(Sun)23:45 No.2351138
    I abhor Twilight....

    ...but, I would like to know if anyone has developed a makeup technique to replicate the sparkling effect on the skin.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)23:47 No.2351148
    I think it's called "body glitter".
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)23:48 No.2351150
    Go streaking through the holiday sections of Michaels and make sure to rub up against as many things as you can. You'll sparkle, trust me.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/09(Sun)23:50 No.2351158
    At one time Hot Topic sold official Twilight body glitter.

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