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  • File : 1258578428.jpg-(122 KB, 463x347, 1258512821332.jpg)
    122 KB Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:07 No.2340628  
    why does wearing panties feel SO GOOD?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:08 No.2340631
    Why are you such a faggot?

    Get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:08 No.2340633
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    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 11/18/09(Wed)16:10 No.2340638

    It doesn't. Your balls hang out the sides... It's not pleasant.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:11 No.2340639
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    is it wrong for it to feel so damn good?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:11 No.2340641
    Is that a boy?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:12 No.2340642
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:13 No.2340643

    inafter losttrap faggotry
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:14 No.2340645
    hate to break it to you chief... but its a character costume...
    its right where its should be.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:18 No.2340649
         File1258579137.jpg-(222 KB, 1210x1134, 1258383382819.jpg)
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    just what is it about panties that makes them so intrinsically arousing anyway?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:21 No.2340653
    I come here once every few months to see if there are any threads worth posting in.

    And this is the first one I see.

    You are all a bunch of fags.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:23 No.2340660
    oh u
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:24 No.2340663
         File1258579465.jpg-(101 KB, 400x400, Kampfer-Become-Girl-YAY-PANTIE(...).jpg)
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    >>2340628 why does wearing panties feel SO GOOD?
    just go with it. feels good man.

    >>2340638 It doesn't. Your balls hang out the sides... It's not pleasant.
    provided they weren't designed to snuggle your nuts, boyshorts and 99% of thongs are too narrow or have the wrong design in the gusset area. get some regular-ass bikinis or string bikinis in stretchy materials.

    >>2340639 is it wrong for it to feel so damn good?
    oh god no :)
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:28 No.2340671
    sometimes i think it feels TOO good.
    so good it must be a sin
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 11/18/09(Wed)16:28 No.2340674

    Nah it's cool. Only time I've ever worn panties was after sex with my ex because I thought it was funny.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:30 No.2340678
    >>because I thought it was funny.

    liar, you wanted to because you know it feels great
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:30 No.2340679
    Next time, wear them on your head. That's comedic gold, right there.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:32 No.2340687
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:32 No.2340689
    I've done that with my ex. My balls just danglin' as I ran around the room. Did it because she wore my clothes pretending to be me. Fun times.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:32 No.2340690
    I know it's wrong.. but... I'd fuck it.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 11/18/09(Wed)16:33 No.2340692

    I had a friend who told me that. I still say they don't. But it's probably just the material. They make panties out of better stuff than they make boxers I think. But at least I can buy a pack of boxers for $10 and women have to spend at a minimum like 4 or 5 bucks a pair.


    Right? That shit is funny sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:34 No.2340694

    be a man and say it-
    >>I'd fuck HIM

    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:34 No.2340696
    Losttrap is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:36 No.2340705
    Cosplayers aren't people.

    Least of all crossplayers.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:42 No.2340719
    >>2340628 why does wearing panties feel SO GOOD?

    Wow. if those aren't the words of a NEW FAG I don't know what is.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:44 No.2340725
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    mayhap you can explain to me this phenomena?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:46 No.2340730
    And I'm hard now.

    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:48 No.2340734
    Sup Lothos and/or Rein
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:48 No.2340735
         File1258580928.jpg-(39 KB, 463x347, 1258514268916.jpg)
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    i have had many accidents and ruined a many panties due them feeling so good...
    >> Anomynous 11/18/09(Wed)16:49 No.2340738

    This would be so hot if it wasn't a dude.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:49 No.2340739
    meowth looks REALLY aroused in that pic.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:50 No.2340740
    >>im sexually confused now
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:53 No.2340744
    the best part is that it is a dude that manged to be more attractive than most females.

    bravo OP
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:56 No.2340753
    His knees are all rosy red like he spent a lot of time on them.... HNNNNNNNNNNNG
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)16:57 No.2340755
         File1258581420.jpg-(47 KB, 512x384, 100MSD-DSC00291_DSC00291.jpg)
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    brb... gonna go shave myself and buy some purdy pink panties...
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:05 No.2340772

    Wait for me-I just need to get my coat.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:06 No.2340774
         File1258581985.jpg-(20 KB, 475x350, fuck.jpg)
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    >>this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:07 No.2340776
    Thread, plz be hear tonight.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:09 No.2340780
    is that a wet spot im seeing?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:12 No.2340789
    Attention whoring here makes seeing you in person really awkward. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:13 No.2340792
    why is that?
    im kinda use to it
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:14 No.2340800
    i can never control myself when i wear panties... i always end up very hard
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/18/09(Wed)17:14 No.2340801
    I thought I was bisexual, now I'm feeling very asexual.
    Thanks, OP
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:15 No.2340803
    Is it really so hard to notice the filenames?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:16 No.2340807
    what about you ladies out there?
    how do you feel when a guy enjoys to wear panties?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:19 No.2340823
    I would hit you so hard, that whoever pulls me out of you, must be crowned the next king of england
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/18/09(Wed)17:20 No.2340824

    Actually I couldn't care less.
    I like wearing boxer shorts too.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:20 No.2340826

    Wouldn't put it past him to post here, buddy. He has done it before
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:21 No.2340832
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:26 No.2340842
    the time be nigh when OP wont be able to pull off this look.

    till then, i fap... i hate myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:28 No.2340851
    But if he did, why would he resave pictures he already had?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:28 No.2340856
    wait so OP is a dude
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:28 No.2340857
    If he had a vagina, I'd think that pokemon was sticking out of it.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 11/18/09(Wed)17:46 No.2340887
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    Is... is this /cgl/ related? Am I missing something?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:53 No.2340899
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    I think so...
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 11/18/09(Wed)17:56 No.2340903

    Shoes are inaccurate and the dress it too bright.

    Now, it's related.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:56 No.2340904
    Why is it green?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)17:57 No.2340906
    >>2340824 Actually I couldn't care less. I like wearing boxer shorts too.

    commence reverse trapping!
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/18/09(Wed)18:00 No.2340917

    Actually they are more comfortable than panties to sleep in.
    In everydaylife I prefer panties though.

    Want to know more about my underwear?
    >> The Sweetie Man !!NB7/60/QPyT 11/18/09(Wed)18:07 No.2340929
    as a matter of fact, yes i would
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:08 No.2340932
    Thats the same question I asked when I first played GTA Liberty City Stories on PS2.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:13 No.2340941
    i cant decide if i want to fap, or if i want to be disgusted
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:15 No.2340945
         File1258586120.jpg-(75 KB, 599x461, pinkies.jpg)
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    they even feel better when they are pink too...
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:36 No.2340985
    Fap, then be disgusted afterward.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)18:42 No.2341000
    Fap while pretending someone is telling you what a naughty, dirty boy you are.
    >> i want to fuck you WANNAFUCKYOU 11/18/09(Wed)19:23 No.2341111
    hey dude if you are real i realy want to fuck you
    i love fucking crossdressed boys like you and your ass and legs look great whatever if you want to fuck with me send a to mail me
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)19:23 No.2341113
    I have nothing wrong with dudes cross dressing but these ones are weirding me right the fuck out.

    DAT FACE. D:
    >> Local /v/irgin 11/18/09(Wed)19:48 No.2341165
         File1258591720.jpg-(57 KB, 500x448, 1250455841647.jpg)
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    Forgot your image.
    >> Minette !CJdUia0Gng 11/18/09(Wed)19:59 No.2341199
         File1258592393.jpg-(961 KB, 768x1024, 125669450194.jpg)
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    Op is cute, but no trap will ever even come close to the glory that is Natalie... not even Linetrap, especially since Line decided to go on hormones. D:
    >> Minette !CJdUia0Gng 11/18/09(Wed)20:00 No.2341201
    also, he plans on cosplaying Bayonetta! O_O
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)20:05 No.2341217
    quick question: is
    OP or not?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)20:06 No.2341224
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)20:07 No.2341226
    This one has too much of a manjaw to ever be considered attractive as a trap.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)20:07 No.2341229
    hi Natalie
    >> yeababy WANNAFUCKYOU 11/18/09(Wed)20:11 No.2341236
    this is the what i am talking about
    >> Minette !CJdUia0Gng 11/18/09(Wed)20:36 No.2341291
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    derpderp see tripcode, lulzkthnx! I'm just a fan of his.

    hmmmm, he looks just fine to me.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 11/18/09(Wed)20:41 No.2341304

    No, I can definitely tell he is a man. those lips and that jaw.... No way. God dammit, though he weirds me out.
    >> Minette !CJdUia0Gng 11/18/09(Wed)20:43 No.2341314
    mey, I think he makes a great trap, and his popularity on CS and seven-chan doesn't lie either. At least he's more attractive than a lot of girls. come on now, would you rather do him, or Rosie?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)20:54 No.2341340
    oh he looks good but if you think he looks better than women, you're just being a fanboy/girl
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 11/18/09(Wed)21:05 No.2341372

    He certainly does make a great trap. That is pretty much the only tell. I look at that ass, and my brain registers it as female, which is very disturbing.
    >> WANNAFUCKYOU 11/18/09(Wed)21:10 No.2341386
    i think its not disturbing also it can be male but still i can fuck him because he has lot of things which a female have to have if you just doggy him you wont understand anything
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 11/18/09(Wed)21:11 No.2341389
    I just signed you up on about 40 gay porn mailing lists.


    >> Captain Kurotsuchi 11/18/09(Wed)21:19 No.2341409
    i'd fuck the shit out of op..
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)21:24 No.2341420
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)22:00 No.2341521
    soss on trap op
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)22:02 No.2341528
    Going off of what some other poster said in here, I'd say it's Losttrap.
    >> Minette !CJdUia0Gng 11/18/09(Wed)22:54 No.2341658
    is that a good HNNNG?

    ... yeah, sort of like Poju's stuff amirite?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)22:56 No.2341661
    The only things in Poju's stuff that look male are the cock and balls.
    >> Minette !CJdUia0Gng 11/18/09(Wed)23:03 No.2341667
         File1258603415.jpg-(88 KB, 754x627, lego_fun_snacks.jpg)
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    this is a bad thing?

    pic unrelated.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 11/18/09(Wed)23:08 No.2341674
    actually he's written a few with actual women
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)00:16 No.2341799
    >>2340917 Actually they are more comfortable than panties to sleep in.
    >In everydaylife I prefer panties though.

    funny. i prefer panties in everydaylife too ;-}

    >Want to know more about my underwear?

    what color and fabric. and if applicable, texture.
    >> Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 11/19/09(Thu)00:41 No.2341862
    >>2341674 and it's beautiful!!
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)05:25 No.2342449
    I never said it was.

    However you seemed to be suggesting that there was something masculine about his stuff. And that just isn't the case.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)14:10 No.2343031
    No ass
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/19/09(Thu)14:14 No.2343037

    Black. I only own black panties.
    Texture and fabric differs, though.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)14:17 No.2343044

    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/19/09(Thu)14:39 No.2343096

    I will stuff a sock in there first, put on my emo-pants and paint stuff on my stomach so everybody thinks I'm cool and a trap....
    And that's too much work for now *yawn*
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)14:40 No.2343098
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)15:37 No.2343207
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)16:54 No.2343442
    I don't think you need the sock. you're a dude. sorry to bother you.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 11/19/09(Thu)17:06 No.2343469
    At first I thought "yay, a thread about panties!" and then I noticed it's all about dudes in panties and my excitement was replaced by fear and disgust.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/19/09(Thu)17:25 No.2343522

    *le gasp*
    You sure?
    How am I supposed to tell this to my girlfriend?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)17:54 No.2343597
    I'm positive.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)17:55 No.2343601
    And then you masturbated.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/19/09(Thu)17:56 No.2343602

    It's still very obscure to me how you could find my dick while even I faild at that...
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)18:01 No.2343621
    why are you trying to ruin my fantasy? penises where they don't belong are hot.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/19/09(Thu)18:07 No.2343634

    Ow, sorry Anon! I'll pretend having a penis just for you, okay?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/09(Thu)18:12 No.2343644
    Tell him it's on your forehead too.. that's extra where it doesn't belong.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 11/19/09(Thu)18:15 No.2343650

    how did you know I was the last unic--- uniporn?

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