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  • File : 1257890464.jpg-(82 KB, 425x593, 1199486205534.jpg)
    82 KB Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)17:01 No.2316663  
    What's this board about? I've never ventured too far from /b/ so you please need to please please tell me please?
    Thanks /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)17:02 No.2316674
    /cgl/ - Cocks, Gays & Lesbians

    Now leave.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)17:07 No.2316703
    /cgl/ is, as its name implies, it about cosplay and "gothic lolita" but that extends to all lolita as well. (lolita is a fashion involving poofy victorian-esque dresses and tiny hats. there are many different variations such as gothic lolita, sweet lolita, gurololi, etc.)

    "cosplay" is a combination of the words costume and play, but cosplay usually implies costumes involving anime and manga, although it has begun to encompass video game and american comic book and cartoon characters as well.

    cosplay basically involves making a costume of a character you enjoy or that is popular. most people on here make their own costumes from scratch, but some buy their costumes pre-made. cosplay is a creative hobby involving many skills such as sewing, armor-making, prop-making, and wig-styling, or, in some cases, a lot of daddy's money.

    this board is for these cosplayers to get together and discuss their costume-making skills and plans, to share things like sewing patterns and templates and good websites to buy things from (like wigs), to plan meet-ups at anime conventions (where cosplay is mostly found), and just generally to meet and talk to people in this particular hobby.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)17:11 No.2316717
    and for bitching.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)17:21 No.2316747
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)17:21 No.2316752
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)17:24 No.2316765
    but mainly, above all else, this board is about women tearing each other apart out of spite, jealousy, and outright hatred.

    and kipi.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)17:25 No.2316772
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)17:38 No.2316811
    do yu guiz has sum cp?!?!?!?!?1/1/1/!?!??!!?1/!?!/
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/10/09(Tue)17:40 No.2316819
    to add on to what >>2316703 said.

    And also just to talk about various anime conventions in the US or in the country. Thus the [insert convention name] General threads. This is possibly the only imageboard on 4chan where trippers (aka tripcode users) are tolerated.

    There are also:
    -General imagedump threads on a anime, video game, comic series.
    -Cosplay progress threads, where users discuss and show pictures of the progression of their current cosplay costumes.
    -"What should I cosplay" threads, when an random user break anonymity by posting their face picture onto /cgl/, asking suggestions what should they cosplay on their next convention
    -Discussions about aspects of conventions. (This imageboard also considered the /con/-conventions for all intents and purposes.)
    -And yes, drama. (I'm not into drama, I'm more into conventions and cosplay photography)

    It's good for a /b/tard like you to mature out of that imageboard and expand their horizons (in a good way) to other imageboards.

    Enjoy your stay.

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