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  • File : 1257709004.jpg-(719 KB, 1024x1024, Mew_Power_by_Kaira_sama.jpg)
    719 KB Neko Ears Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)14:36 No.2310100  
    Does anyone know who in the UK makes the best Neko Ears? I don't want the band type,but the single ones. Customisable fur colour would be a benefit.

    Would love some recommendations :)

    Thanks /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)14:38 No.2310103
    ...ugly german cosplayers...oO
    >> Stripe !!0dUnrc6Rgml 11/08/09(Sun)14:39 No.2310105 make some pretty good ones
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)14:40 No.2310106
    Sorry I just grabbed a related pic. Wasn't sure how strict /cgl/ is on relevant pictures.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)14:41 No.2310111
    Thank you Stripe. That's the site I'd decided was the best but wanted to seek some experienced ear purchasers.

    Good to know.
    >> MK/Delicious Reno 11/08/09(Sun)14:42 No.2310114
    So. Much. Shoop. they look like they're made of plastic. Bad plastic.
    >> Stripe !!0dUnrc6Rgml 11/08/09(Sun)14:56 No.2310135
    Haha, no problem! I've had a couple of pairs from Sakuras and they're great quality. Plus they're actual hair clips, not the slide-in things that always hurt like hell D:
    >> Meri 11/08/09(Sun)15:04 No.2310144
    They're not shopped to much. They're pretty and did a good job. Oo
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:05 No.2310147
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:06 No.2310150
         File1257710805.jpg-(112 KB, 750x1000, ets_start_the_Mew_Mew_Power_by(...).jpg)
    112 KB
    Not a lot of shop tbh. It's from DA. Here's Ichigo. (personally I love pudding)

    Propper hair clips? Definitely get a set then. Thanks a bunch!

    When I need a collar and bell I'll be back.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:09 No.2310157
    >Not a lot of shop tbh
    You're not being honest at all. Explain why everyone has such smooth skin, even the knees are smooth.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:14 No.2310166
    omg i finally see a zakuro
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:15 No.2310170
    Because in all the other pictures they have smooth skin. BUT you're right. In the one I posted they've been gaussian-blurred within an inch of their life.

    Strange, because if you look at the rest of the gallery it's nowhere near as blurred and they still look good.

    Mints knees are really really bad lol.
    >> Meri 11/08/09(Sun)15:20 No.2310183
    japanese cosplayers are always using photoshop, but if the germans do it's totally wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:22 No.2310185
    I see PS applied here too (eyes for a really obvious example) but really, OP image is blurred or filtered to death...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:24 No.2310188
    Anyone does it, it's wrong. Honestly though, I don't give a shit what the Japs do considering they wear platform shoes to be the "correct" height despite it looking obviously retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:26 No.2310199
    The Japanese aren't actually good cosplayers at all. They're always hugely innaccurate and generally look like crap and their over-shopping shows they realise this. It's just a shame that most westerners have so much yellow fever they mistake a fuckton of photoshop for good cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:26 No.2310200
         File1257711999.jpg-(37 KB, 334x338, 1249496655262.jpg)
    37 KB
    The girl in green is pretty hot.
    More pics?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:29 No.2310207
    PS in general is not wrong, but it is wrong when it is so obvious. It just looks bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:46 No.2310249
    Actually the japanese are good cosplayers. They cosplay who ever the hell they want despite being to short, wrong skin, color, to fat, to skinny, etc. They don't care about looking like the character but more so embodying that character and having fun. If their actually accurate though then even more power to them.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)15:48 No.2310254
    german cosplayers do so as well
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)16:07 No.2310291
    shoop aside, I'd stick my penis in them
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)16:14 No.2310312
    Desperate virgin males generally would.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)18:16 No.2310823
    jesus christ, what sort of fail shoop is that? they're all... jagged.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)18:19 No.2310843
    Looks like they put some cheap filter over the whole thing or did a smart blur.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)18:24 No.2310859

    Can someone post original pic?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)18:27 No.2310869
    smart blurred to death. They're so smooth they look like dolls
    >> Anonymous 11/08/09(Sun)19:27 No.2311026
    Holy surface blur Batman!!
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)05:04 No.2312587
         File1257761054.jpg-(209 KB, 1024x1024, mewmew.jpg)
    209 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)11:38 No.2312880
    Thanks. They look better in the original. Not so uncanny valley.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)12:40 No.2312943
    >uncanny valley

    I don't think this means what you think it means.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/09(Mon)15:36 No.2313238
    you're right, I totally misused it. sorry bout that.

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