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  • File : 1257182002.jpg-(5 KB, 138x185, 00001t4b.jpg)
    5 KB It's official Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)12:13 No.2293682  
    Roy D Harms, CEO of Metrocon...


    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)12:36 No.2293722
    Remember kids, if it isn't 18, stay the hell away from it.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)12:37 No.2293727

    If there is hair down south, then she can put it in her mouth.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)12:38 No.2293730
    Because if someone in the con scene doesn't like you, they can scream "PEDOPHILE!" and have you run out of the scene on a rail.
    >> Kabuki Mouse !mg0D1lMhlQ 11/02/09(Mon)13:13 No.2293818
    Fucking bitches.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)19:12 No.2294699
    His own damn fault for going for an underaged girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)19:53 No.2294824
    if there's grass on the field, play ball
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)21:47 No.2295073
    or it could be that Roy treats women like shit, and this girl decided to fight back =)
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)21:49 No.2295076
    oh u.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)21:49 No.2295081

    Well of course. Women have powers. Why use a magical girl wand or a gun when a girl can just cry rape and let the lynch mobs do the rest?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)21:50 No.2295083
    Old enough to breathe, old enough to breed.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)21:52 No.2295092
    Old enough for kisses.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)21:55 No.2295105
    Websites are still down, that "update" sure is taking you awhile Roy.
    Wonder whos house the servers got carted to.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)21:57 No.2295114
    You white knights crack me up. he plead GUILTY. He took a plea bargain. Your hero is good as dead in the state of FL, and he did it to himself. You say Jessica tricked him...was he out will powered by a 15 year old??? Yeah...that makes him look WAY better.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:01 No.2295130
    She was obviously willing at the time. Crying rape after so long is like getting drunk and having sex with some ugly guy and then saying that he raped you.

    To all the males reading this, I apologize for the stupidity of my gender.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:04 No.2295141
    she was 15. He owned a convention. Of course she was willing at the time. Eventually she wised up to how fucked up the situation was. He kept her from saying anything. she moved on. When she still heard he was fucking around with girls, she made a decision. There is a reason why girls have 3 years after they turn 18 to report shit like this. You grow, you learn, and they you see exactly how fucked up someone like roy is.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:11 No.2295157
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    >You white knights crack me up. he plead GUILTY.

    He had to. For these reasons:

    1.) If this especially heinous sexual case went to trial, the jury always sides with the girl. In rape cases, there's no such thing as "innocent until proven guilty". Instead, you've got an angry mob with torches and pitchforks wanting to hang a guy by his junk.

    2.) As the case went to trial and he was found guilty by a jury of his peers, he'd be sent to some fine Florida penal institution, where a strict regimen of of anal rape, beatings, and shankings would be available to him on a daily basis. People in for sexual crimes are the very bottom of the pecking order in American prisons; convicted pedophiles moreso. And the guards look the other way; it's a perverse kind of justice at work.

    3.) He's just a con chair, so he doesn't have the kind of money to hire a really good Jew lawyer that knows some evil Jew well-poisoning legal magicks that would get him acquitted. Maybe if Roy Harms had forsaken the fanbase and run his convention for the money and nothing else (like Sakura Con and AX), he'd be able to get some Hymie Finklestein Attorney at Law to keep him from the clink and have Little Miss Prissypants made out to be a lying whore that manipulates men to feed her coke habit. But that's just not how shit is dealt.\

    tl;dr in our very perverted justice system, which is really nothing more than a bullshit contest, Roy had no other fucking choice. Quit feigning like you're some moral crusader, because in the end the American legal system is about who has the most money to hire the best bullshitters.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:15 No.2295165
    I have yet to see a 15-year-old worth going to jail for.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:20 No.2295180
    what everyone here is missing, is that he pled guilty THE DAY HE WAS ARRESTED. on tape. signed a paper. If you call the Bradenton police department, they will tell you as much. Its all public now. I doubt he even told Jamie that much.

    funny again. He had a very good lawyer, so please do try to know the situation, and the people you are even fucking talking about.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:21 No.2295182
    Then it means she wanted it and nothing was forced on her. He wasn't with her 24/7 so she could have said something to anyone at any time but she didn't. These other supposed "victims" are bound to be of the same idiotic mindset.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:25 No.2295196
    A 15 year old cannot be willing they are 15. He should have got a parental consent form.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:27 No.2295206
    Do you know how expensive those are? And they're such a hassle, too.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:27 No.2295210
    But thats normally how things go with abusive relationships. The victim is quiet for a long time, and if they are lucky eventually they run. They dont say anything to anyone, because they are afraid of the abusive partner. Did she think roy would pysicaly hurt her? I don't think so, but mentally yes. If you have ever heard one of roys sob story's, you would know what a spectacular lier and guilt tripper he is.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:28 No.2295213
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    >He had a very good lawyer

    Bullshit. If he had a very good lawyer, he wouldn't need to plead guilty. Probably was just a court-appointed public defender fresh out of law school trying to earn his stripes.

    I thought Jew lawyers were a dime a dozen in Florida.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:34 No.2295223
    She lived at home, correct? All she had to do was tell mommy and daddy and they would have taken care of it. She didn't have to see him. She didn't have to talk to him. She didn't have to do anything that involved him if she didn't want to. Stop trying to make your friend look like she was forced into silence; she wasn't.

    Also, you might want to start spell checking your posts.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:36 No.2295230
    If you want a go, get a ho.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:37 No.2295231
    This took me less than a minute to find.
    lawyer- HENRY E LEE, ESQUIRE
    doesn't look like hes right out of law school to me...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:40 No.2295241
    Im nit from flordia, but my verdict: roy needs a brain, and the girl needs her legs sewn shut.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:48 No.2295266
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    He couldn't get his client acquitted; he still sucks. Maybe he was just afraid he couldn't convince the angry mob with such things as "confession under duress" and "questioning the victim's character". What a fucking pussy!

    Then again, Henry Lee probably screwed Roy Harms into a plea deal because, again, Roy Harms is poor and doesn't run his con like a soulless money-generating corporation.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:50 No.2295280
    If you fucked a guy 10-20 years older (I don't know his real age; guessing based on pic) than you when you were 15, would you run home and tell your mom about it? Really? Also, 15-year-olds who fuck 30-year-olds generally aren't getting the attention they need at home – and have no reason to think that mommy and daddy would have taken care of shit.

    The guy committed a crime. The girl he had sex with is a victim, and it is not her fault.
    Don't feed the trolls.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:52 No.2295285
    "If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't change a thing."
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:52 No.2295286
    >>Roy Harms is poor
    Yes you can see that by using Google street view and looking at his house... eww
    >> doesn't run his con like a soulless money-generating corporation.
    You mean by having an entire staff run his show and perform in his headline events while collecting all of the profits himself as the sole employee of metrocon LLC! wow you're right!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:52 No.2295287
    Its pretty easy to tell that you don't actually know Roy. Heres a little tip for you.... he does make money from the convention. Enough to pay for a pretty pricey surgery for Jamie, buy a new car (that he cant even drive) , and keep his house stocked with computers and video games. Not to mention that he owns a house. Or does until he has to move.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:53 No.2295288
    If I felt that I was a victim, yes. And even if her parents didn't give a shit, there were plenty of other people around her at the time. Don't defend her just because she made a stupid mistake.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:55 No.2295295

    >Don't feed the trolls.

    lol, that's okay.. i'm full now anyway.. :D
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:55 No.2295296
    Not even flukeman?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:55 No.2295297
    She didn't make a mistake. She didnt break the law, he did.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:57 No.2295307
    She let him fuck her. That's a mistake in my book.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:58 No.2295310
    You're right, she didn't have to do anything, and what she did WAS a mistake, but he was the adult in the situation, and he had the knowledge and the experience to know that you DON'T FUCK 15-YEAR-OLDS. She was a child. Age of consent exists for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)22:59 No.2295314
    He is the adult he should know not to put his dick in underage poon.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)23:01 No.2295318
    She's legal somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)23:02 No.2295320
    LOL not Florida.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)23:05 No.2295328
    Males under 18 should not have sex with anyone younger then themselves or else they risk an angry parent and being charged.

    Males and Females 18 and older should avoid anyone 17 and 364 days and younger like the plague.

    Check IDs before thinking of fooling around with someone even if they look old enough. Unless they look 50 or older check the ID. If they don't look like their ID ask for multiple forms of Photo Identification.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)23:05 No.2295329
    He prolly shoulda fucked her there, then, huh?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)23:06 No.2295331
    Man I hope she was a killer lay. Or hell imagine if she never put out and he only got a handjob or something from her. All this for that.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)23:07 No.2295332
    He should have went to Alabama. Then he would have had 2 choices Marry the girl or go to jail
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)23:08 No.2295334
    She was 15 of course it was terrible
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)23:10 No.2295340
    This. It doesn't matter what she was willing to do its illegal. If you do illegal shit then you suffer the consequences even if you don't agree with them (unless someone challenges the law and wins).
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)23:14 No.2295352
    Just wait till he's listed here:;jsessionid=D6STKvnXQxCnLw5fVbP5f4Zqgm1KB5JQ74m
    >> Anonymous 11/02/09(Mon)23:25 No.2295399
    fuck I used to be embarrased about living in Florida with cosplaydeviants and kunicon... now we have con chairs who screw kids?! wtf
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)00:30 No.2295594
    yep, thats FL for you
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)00:49 No.2295659
    If there's grass on the wicket, it's time to play cricket
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)00:55 No.2295670
    Alright, I think he's a shithead for all of this but seriously at least get the facts right if you're going to bitch about it.

    1. She never claimed he raped her. The charge has NOTHING to do with rape. He's not being charged with statutory rape here.

    2. He originally plead NOT guilty. Read the record if you want proof.

    3. The official charge actually changed. He did not plead guilty to "carnal intercourse" but to " UNLAWFUL SEXUAL ACTIVITY WITH A MINOR". Activity, not intercourse. So by all technicalities he has not admitted guilt to having intercourse with her.

    4. Having sex with a 15 year old does not make you a pedophile.

    Was it wrong? YES! Definitely. I honestly don't think a 15 year old really knows what they are doing in that situation, and an adult should know better.Though I do think it's pretty effed that now he's on the same list as some sicko that sticks his hand down a 5 yr old's pants.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:01 No.2295687
    Oh wait I'm a moron lol

    So, could have been oral or vaginal - ORGANS TOUCHED! TRU FAX
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:06 No.2295704
    Honestly I don't think it's that effed up he is on the same list as other Child Molesters.

    The only ones that get screwed are when a young boy is having sex with his slightly younger girlfriend and either the parents or the girl press charges for whatever reason. Those guys get screwed.

    He is a grown man and preyed on a teenage girl. It's not like Statutory Rape is a new thing. It is well known to leave underage girls alone.

    Now if she tricked him, presented a fake ID that said she was 18 then yes then that sucks for him. Otherwise he got off easy
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:09 No.2295712
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    >4. Having sex with a 15 year old does not make you a pedophile.

    I'm sorry, but crimes against minors don't deal in grey areas. Under 18 = Child. Sex + Under 18 = Pedophile.

    Won't someone PLEASE think of the children?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:17 No.2295734
    feminists rejoice for now your old haggard asses are somewhat desirable again, even if just for a quick ejaculation, because men are legally barred from fucking youthful healthy women
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:19 No.2295740
    Pedophilia refers to those attracted to prepubescent children. There's another term for those attracted to jailbait but I can't remember what it is.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:21 No.2295744
    Medically a pedophile is a person that only likes prepubescent children.

    By law, it does mean sexual relations with any minor.

    So, if a person is thinking of the type of pedophile that likes a 10 yr old that hasn't hit puberty than I can see the disagreement. But yeah legally it does count.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:23 No.2295747

    >>In law enforcement, the term "pedophile" is generally used to describe those accused or convicted of child sexual abuse or the sexual abuse of a minor, including both prepubescent children and pubescent or post-pubescent adolescents.[14][15] An example of this use can be seen in various forensic training manuals. Some researchers describe these overlapping definitions as confusing and recommend that researchers use the term "pedophilia" specifically to identify sexual preference for biological children and avoid the legal uses of the term that may also include attraction to post-pubescent minors.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:25 No.2295756
    This is a crime only because some retarded moralfags made it so. It is a victimless crime and it is stupid that it is against the law. Fuck this worthless moralfaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:27 No.2295765
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:28 No.2295768
    Actually under 18 = minor or teen but not child.

    A child is defined as a prepubescent. As in, no pubic or facial hair or other signs of puberty like breast development. A pedophile is a person attracted to CHILDREN not teenagers, or minors as a whole. Though the law sometimes muddles this up as the above poster stated.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:29 No.2295772
    THANK YOU. For some reason I kept thinking 'ectophilia' and all I could see was that guy from Ghost Adventures rutting up on some ectoplasm.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:30 No.2295777
    I think if she pressed charges against Roy, then she should press charges against the other older men she had sex with before him.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:35 No.2295793
    But then everyone would know that she's just a cock hungry slut and not a helpless victim.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)01:41 No.2295807
    It really wouldn't matter how many older men she has slept with. She is a child and those older men know better. But Anon is right she should press charges against all those pedophiles. Hopefully none of them live in Georgia or else they will have to live in the woods.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)02:00 No.2295845
    you are fucking stupid. who cares if she's a child? it shouldn't be illegal for people to have sex. fuck you, you worthless bible/koran thumping moralfag.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)02:01 No.2295850
    >who cares if she's a child?

    People that aren't pedophiles?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)02:03 No.2295854
    oh my god an entire thread of people defending a dude for fucking a 15 year old by saying SHE WANTED IT

    holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)03:24 No.2295991
    Wikipedia. Yeah. Right. You show your FAIL in your choice of reference material, Anon. Too hard to find a real and RELIABLE source?

    This whole thing is made of FAIL. Roy's failed for being a dumbass, the cunt Jessica failed for her taste in guys she lets fuck her and you dumbfuck Anons fail because you're so obsessed with all this.

    Guess what: Roy's convicted, tried and sentenced. He didn't rape anyone. He NEVER plead guilty. He put in a PLEA BARGAIN and the judge did everything she could to ruin his life. And she did. His life is over. The show's over. Move along. Get a life. Get a clue. It's all on the public record and the links have been posted here repeatedly and yet you dumbfucks still can't get it straight.

    In other news, Metrocon is still scheduled to happen in 2010 and Florida is still here and still part of the anime community. Guess what: you FAILED here, too. Seems like you asshats can't do anything right except whine about shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)03:42 No.2296022
    15 year olds don't have the mental capacity to make sound judgements of who they have sex with. The law is the law for a reason.

    (This'll piss off every piece of jailbait here, but whatever. It's true.)
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)06:46 No.2296146
    if their decision making is so tenuous, all minors should be banned from driving cars. people can actually get hurt from that.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)07:13 No.2296161
    Yes they can, its just that not all can. And this is a case one that can't.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)07:58 No.2296184
    >>2296022 15 year olds don't have the mental capacity to make sound judgements of who they have sex with

    My argument is that you know right from wrong at that age unless you already have learning disabilities. So maybe you can't decide who you should have sex with, but you do know that sex with anyone over the age of 18 probably isn't a good idea.

    So I still think that is he's a branded sexual predator for life she should be branded a sexual idiot for life.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)08:06 No.2296190
    >>2295777 then she should press charges against the other older men she had sex with before him.

    What now? What proof is there of other older men?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)08:24 No.2296197

    don't play stupid.. you must know by now...
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)08:32 No.2296209
    Moral of the story guys and gals: Make sure it's legal before you tap that ass.

    I guarantee he knew how old she was and he didn't care. Even if she is an evil skank whore he got what he deserved by playing with fire.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)08:44 No.2296220
    the amount of people defending this sicko by saying it is a victimless crime deserve to be raped. Roy knew he was doing wrong, he CHOSE to break the law. Game Over
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)08:59 No.2296235
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:13 No.2296372
    Roy made the decision to sleep with an underage girl.. thats the bottom line. On his part, it is disgusting.

    The girl , no doubt 15, should have exercised some basic common sense and morals. If she was talked into it, seduced, pressured etc. then we can't fault her.

    but if she was a willing partner, then that speaks alot on her ability to make decisions/ Morals/ parents lack attention etc. This case really should'nt surprise anyone, there are so many underage youths already having sex, willingly with many partners.
    Now she maybe
    >> Anonymous of Los Angeles !AoT8KYCnWo 11/03/09(Tue)11:21 No.2296386
    Maybe if he wanted to go incognito he might be able to cosplay Pedobear at the next convention.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:30 No.2296399
    Hrmm Still no website announcement, hey ANON hows that OS install going?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:34 No.2296403
    To everyone who screamed that this man was innocent, and that he was being framed and attacked.

    Now that he admitted his guilt, I wonder how stupid all of you feel now?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)12:11 No.2296463
    none, because there weren't any. The anon posting that is probably Jen Crummle, who for some reason is pissed off at a guy named Aaron. Jessica was a freshman, and Aaron was a Junior when they dated. Hes only a year older then Jessica . Get a fucking life Jen.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)12:24 No.2296500
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    It goes well, thanks for asking Anon. The new drives are in, the OS is stable and we're reloading the boards and other sites from the backups.

    Things would go faster if we didn't all have real jobs and could just sit around and mess with computers all day (like so many Anons here seem to do), but it will get done when we're finished.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)12:27 No.2296506
    hope you had fun finding a new house to stash the servers, they obviously cant be at Roys anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)12:37 No.2296529

    hi Roy
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)12:50 No.2296555
    So some cum-hungry slut lets a guy fuck her, later decides she isn't getting enough attention and turns him in so she can see her own pretty face on the news, completely ruins the man's life, and all she's getting is a pat on the head and a few sessions in therapy? Isn't the US justice system supposed to involve some sort of, you know, JUSTICE?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)13:06 No.2296595
    It's taken you now 4 days to install an OS, drivers, and restore database backups? That shit can be done in 4-5 hours. You sure the delay isn't relaying the new server IP to the DNS? Sorry but I have to call bullshit on the 'job' comment, considering a normal 9-5 job would not have you working on the weekends, therefore you could have gotten it done over the weekend, or did McDonalds just not let you off your shift? Ontop of that Roy Harms doesn't have a job. He profits from Metrocon. Nice try but good excuse, it is not.

    Yes thats EXACTLY what happened
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)13:08 No.2296604
    >>In other news, Metrocon is still scheduled to happen in 2010 and Florida is still here and still part of the anime community. Guess what: you FAILED here, too. Seems like you asshats can't do anything right except whine about shit.

    See now you're just making it sound like a challenge. No one cared about Metro, just Mr. Pedocon. However if you really want to see what a bored person with public records, and access to contact every news organization in Tampa can do, well by all means.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)13:10 No.2296615
    Whups! Technofag just failed in his own rant!

    If we were just relaying an IP or updating DNS that would have been done in minutes, not hours or days. After all your technoposturing you should know that!

    Keep guessing and ranting. It amuses us.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)13:14 No.2296629
    this was all about Metro to begin with. dumb cunt tried to stop the con by having RH arrested.

    and all the news services as well as the tampa convention center and all metro guests and vendors have already been alerted and don't care. that's how Roy got a 10 second spot on Tampa television.

    old news is old.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)13:17 No.2296639
    Ummm no, Updating a Domain Name Server does not take minutes.
    >>When one changes the NS records for one's domain or the IP addresses for hostnames of authoritative DNS servers using one's domain (if any), there can be a lengthy period of time before all DNS servers use the new information. This is because those records are handled by the zone parent DNS servers (for example, the .com DNS servers if your domain is, which typically cache those records for 48 hours. However, those DNS changes will be immediately available for any DNS servers that do not have them cached. And any DNS changes on your domain other than the NS records and authoritative DNS server names can be nearly instantaneous, if you choose for them to be (by lowering the TTL once or twice ahead of time, and waiting until the old TTL expires before making the change).

    And please if you're going to try and sound smart, then please explain why you're taking 4 days to install and configure an operating system than can be done within hours.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)13:21 No.2296655
    Roy was on one news station when he was accused. He has now plead guilty and is a registered sex offender. Jessica didn't attack the convention, she even said publicly that she pressed charges in January, but it took the police 6 months to arrest him, it's just a matter of bad timing.
    Metro could be a decent show if it weren't for the people running it. anons like >>2296615 really give it a bad name, which is sad.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)13:24 No.2296665
    OOOO! Technorage! I love it! Now you're just making me wet!

    If you can't do a DNS update in minutes you're using a lame service. Granted, a some of the Interwebs might not get the update for upwards of a day or two until the A Record propogates completely, but most ISPs will generally check with fair regularity even though the default setting is 24-48hrs.

    We continue to be amused, but the pizza is gone and it's time to get back to doing real work and not playing with you. Keep technoraging and we'll laugh more at you later.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)13:26 No.2296674
    I run Metrocon? Wow! I though I was just a computer tech hired to do a job. My bad!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)13:30 No.2296692
    >>If you can't do a DNS update in minutes you're using a lame service.
    Coming from the people who are hosting 6 websites from a server in the home of a pedophile, on roadrunner none the less
    >>Granted, a some of the Interwebs might not get the update for upwards of a day or two until the A Record propogates completely, but most ISPs will generally check with fair regularity even though the default setting is 24-48hrs.
    you just repeated what I said, thanks for proving my point. You are also doing a fantastic job at dodging the question of why it's taking you so long to do such a basic computer task.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)13:43 No.2296732
    and just why should they tell you anything?

    you're obviously not bright enough to realize that you're just being led around in circles by the nose.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:02 No.2296768
    So, how hot/fugly is the JB we are talking about here?

    I mean, was it worth it? pics anyone? LOL
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:05 No.2296775

    Consensual sex with a teenage "minor" shouldn't even be a crime.
    >> Krizalid | GACKT.C !GACKTW2/pY!!d8yGuJYDV40 11/03/09(Tue)14:06 No.2296780
    wait, what does the girl look like?

    Just asking
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:07 No.2296784
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:15 No.2296805
    but it is, get over it.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:17 No.2296813

    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:17 No.2296814

    Slavery was legal, should it be so still?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:20 No.2296820
    Slavery and consensual sex with a minor are so unrelated it's not even funny. Because they were both legal at some point, you can't even deny that about sex with a minor considering you could marry and fuck them when they were twelve, so don't even act like that shit never happened. I'll admit though that the only part where their paths do relate is when they were both legal and now illegal for obvious reasons. So fuck off with your backwards logic.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:21 No.2296821
    Slavery was abolished and was changed via law. Sexual intercourse with a minor is law, Roy knowingly broke this law. Whether you, me, or god himself finds this to be a dumb law, he still broke it and is being rightfully punished.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:38 No.2296858

    It's not backwards logic.

    If something is allowed/prohibited by law, doesn't mean it is inherently good or bad, it just shows a particular point of view is enforced on all the citizens.

    >>2296805 is right in that it is ilegal (now), but that doesn't mean one can't question or be against that same law forbiding sex with minors or any other, for that matter.

    If everybody thought as >>2296805 wants us to think, nobody would have ever questioned laws that you now can take for granted, like antislavery, etc.

    Don't get me wrong, I do think it is horrible to fuck a minor (prepubescents) and it should be punished, but questioning the ilegallity of doing so with a 16 y.o. is everybody's right.

    There are 16y.o. who are more experienced than 30 y.o., as well as there are 16y.o. who are like children still, so, age alone should not be the key factor to judge if there was abuse or not, but psychological examination of the so called victim.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:40 No.2296862
    >> Oddish !!QLTi65bc3Hv 11/03/09(Tue)14:42 No.2296869

    The frig? Having sex before marriage is illegal now?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:43 No.2296871

    > I don't have arguments in a debate.

    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:44 No.2296874
    You should look at the charges they're actually:
    >>794.05 UNLAWFUL SEXUAL ACTIVITY WITH A MINOR. Second Degree Felony
    >> Oddish !!QLTi65bc3Hv 11/03/09(Tue)14:44 No.2296875
    Addendum: in the UK it's completely legal to have sex at the age of 16. In the eyes of the average US citizen, are most UK citizens who had sex at the age paedophiles or paedobait?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:47 No.2296878
    >There are 16y.o. who are more experienced than 30 y.o., as well as there are 16y.o. who are like children still
    And that's why it's a blanket law, why bother trying to determine who is mature enough to consent for sex or not, just say everyone is illegal if they're younger than a certain age and then deal with the jackasses that try to do anything with underage& after they break the law.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:54 No.2296895

    Wow sucks to be Roy

    >>If the victim of the crime was under age 18 when the crime occurred, a probationer may not work for pay or as a volunteer at any place where children regularly congregate including schools, day care centers, parks, playgrounds, pet stores, libraries, zoos, theme parks, and malls.
    This means no Cons for Mr. Metrocon

    >>A probationer may not view, access, own, or possess any obscene, pornographic, or sexually stimulating visual or auditory material, including telephone, electronic media, computer programs, or computer services.
    Wow, he can't even look at porn...

    >>A mandatory curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
    No nightlife

    >>A probationer must keep a driving log, and he is prohibited from driving a motor vehicle alone without obtaining the prior approval of his probation officer.
    He cant even drive alone...
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)14:55 No.2296898
    In the state of Florida anyone under the age of 24 can have sex with a 16 year old. Over the age of 24 you ahve to wait till they're 18.
    >> 4dalulz !!ipciy3uISN4 11/03/09(Tue)15:03 No.2296918
    The people who equate the victim's situation with a child being forcibly raped are retarded.

    The people still claiming Roy's innocence are retarded.

    The people who claim Metro is cancelled are retarded. They ALWAYS wait until the end of the year to post info. I never bother even checking the site until the new year starts.

    Roy supporters -- you look especially retarded. This is beyond feeding the trolls. You've basically got your lips wrapped so hard around throbbing trollcock that no amount of proof, logic or reason will ever help. Just give up and derail the thread with pictures of keyboard cat or something.

    To the people trolling: I'm not even mad, just...well, fucking impressed at the level of your commitment.

    And yeah, I'm retarded for posting in this thread too, but at least I saged.
    >> Xenos 11/03/09(Tue)15:08 No.2296929
    wait... there are underage girls at anime cons?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)15:09 No.2296931
    Sup /cgl/, this hit close to home. When I was 15, my history professor told me to stay after class. He was my favorite teacher and my secret teacher-crush. I was the most active student in his class, mostly because I had a huuuge crush on him. He was 34 at the time, iirc.
    Well, he sat on his desk and told me to sit next to him, and right there, he hugged me tightly and told me I was his favorite student, but he was getting scared because he was beginning to feel stronger feelings that aren't good for either of us.
    I was shitting bricks, but I felt happy. He asked me what did I thought about it, and I told him the truth, that I liked him alot. He stared at me, then gave me a kiss. It was my first, too. I was so happy, I felt really loved, so we kept in contact through phone calls, but we never had sex or anything because we both knew the risks.
    We ended up marrying in my third year of college and now we have 2 wonderful, beautiful kids. I could never be any more happier. If I could go back, I would have done the same thing.
    Sage for nothing cosplay related.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)15:18 No.2296950
    Wait, do we know if the victim was a willing partner or is everyone just assuming that?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)15:44 No.2297013
    Still waiting for JB pic.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)15:47 No.2297018
    Awww! Supa kawaii, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)15:54 No.2297034
    As a Fellow Florida Fag... THIS
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)16:39 No.2297185
    >>He asked me what did I thought about it
    Seems like you should have married your English prof.

    >>but we never had sex or anything because we both knew the risks.
    And this is why you and your now husband are smarter than Mr. Pedocon
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)16:41 No.2297196
    Go away you fucking fat bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)16:45 No.2297208
    If she wasn't at least somewhat willing he would have been charged with rape and not just carnal whatever with a fucking minor
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)16:47 No.2297211
    agreed, he isn't even registered as a kiddy rapist, he's registered as a guy who is going to try and put the moves on your daughter
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)16:48 No.2297214
    Enjoy watching your old ass husband die before you, dumb bitch.

    ~but it was true love when he touched my no no spot~ so i guess it's cool
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)16:54 No.2297226
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    Victim. There's a fucking joke.

    She moved into his house and changed her sigs to "Official Metrocon Seeing-Eye Catgirl" until she left him because he wouldn't give her all the things she wanted.

    She sat on this for 5 years before doing anything and then she made a point of doing it right before his convention.

    Relevant pic attached from the Dragon Con she invited herself along to, bed shared with Roy and all. Yeah, I call complete BULLSHIT to "rape" and "forced" anything. She knew what she was doing, gave it up willingly and then regretted it later.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)16:57 No.2297233
    Hey Jessica you still owe Henry some money so fucking pay him already.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:03 No.2297256
    Watch out Stargirl that guy's a registered kiddy diddler.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:07 No.2297271
    hi roy
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:08 No.2297275
    hi fax
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:14 No.2297295
    >>She moved into his house
    Why the fuck would he allow this?!

    >>She sat on this for 5 years before doing anything and then she made a point of doing it right before his convention.
    Again... scroll up, read her LJ, hell read the public records. This case was filed in January. Manatee County just took their time arresting him. It was meerly a case of bad timing.

    >>Dragon Con she invited herself along to
    No, he drove her, and offered her a room. he also bought that costume for her, and did a photo shoot with Mabaroshi with her. Sounds like it was mutual.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:15 No.2297301
    no duh... who do you think got him registered?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:16 No.2297305
    "but we never had sex or anything because we both knew the risks. "
    Then he's not roy
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:17 No.2297307
    Why does that remind me of Cardcaptor Sakura?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:17 No.2297308

    IT WAS RAEP!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:18 No.2297312
    So she's 21 and NOW she's pressing charges?!?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:19 No.2297319
    No-one seems to have asked the two key questions here.

    1. Was she hot?
    2. Was he hot?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:19 No.2297321
    her meds must not be working as well anymore
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:20 No.2297326
    look at the pictures yourself. The man threw his life away for THAT.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:22 No.2297338
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    she looks decent enough
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:23 No.2297343
    You have some low standards bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:24 No.2297346
    Not decent enough to have to deal with everything roy has to now.
    Hell the man cant even drive a car alone for the next three years without taking a log to his probation officer
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:27 No.2297352
    Not Worth:

    >>1. A mandatory curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

    >>2. If the victim of the sex crime was under the age of 18 when the crime occurred, the probationer may not live within 1,000 feet of a school, day care center, park, playground, or other place where children regularly congregate.

    >>3. The probationer must actively participate in and successfully complete a sex offender treatment program with qualified practitioners specifically trained to treat sex offenders at the probationer's own expense.

    >>4. The probationer may not contact the victim of his crime either directly or indirectly unless such contact is approved by the victim, the probationer's therapist, and the sentencing judge.

    >>5. If the victim of the crime was under the age of 18 when the crime occurred, the probationer may not have any contact with a person under the age of 18 unless certain exceptions apply.

    >>6. If the victim of the crime was under age 18 when the crime occurred, a probationer may not work for pay or as a volunteer at any place where children regularly congregate including schools, day care centers, parks, playgrounds, pet stores, libraries, zoos, theme parks, and malls.

    >>7. A probationer may not view, access, own, or possess any obscene, pornographic, or sexually stimulating visual or auditory material, including telephone, electronic media, computer programs, or computer services.

    >>8. At least once per year, a probationer must take a polygraph examination.

    >>9. A probationer must keep a driving log, and he is prohibited from driving a motor vehicle alone without obtaining the prior approval of his probation officer.

    >>10. A probationer may not obtain or use a post office box without getting the prior approval of his probation officer.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:28 No.2297359

    At least I asked for her in >>2296768 ...
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:31 No.2297370
    >may not have any contact with a person under the age of 18 unless certain exceptions apply.

    That is some unenforceable bullshit right there. Unless "certain exceptions" are a larger part of the service industry. "I'm sorry sir, the guy who handed you your coffee was 17, you're going away."

    I hope these are quotes from some sort of house arrest and not from a generic sex offense.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/03/09(Tue)17:35 No.2297385

    >>2. If the victim of the sex crime was under the age of 18 when the crime occurred, the probationer may not live within 1,000 feet of a school, day care center, park, playground, or other place where children regularly congregate.

    He's practically exiled from most urban areas of the state. His life as he know it is dead.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:44 No.2297424
    You better belive that the second he breaks any of those the roy haters will call his prob officer
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:48 No.2297438

    Florida has exceptionally strict sex offender laws, so much so that even the guy who lobbied to get them implimeted now thinks they might have gone to far.

    For instance, because offenders can't live near schools or parks or other places children may gather - the ONLY place they can live in Miami right now is under a bridge.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:48 No.2297440
    Time to move out of the county. Unless the laws carry over or something, do they?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:52 No.2297449
    but she does look 18+, or rather she looks like she's college aged
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:54 No.2297459
    Seriously. And a lot of teenagers look college age too, I myself do, and so do the million other kids walking around my school. Its so easy to be tricked these days.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)17:57 No.2297472
    Hes stuck with this for the rest of his life no matter where he goes
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)18:17 No.2297544
    there's plenty of places that don't care but they're far away and don't speak english
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)18:26 No.2297582
    has any Anon found his parole officer's name/infos yet?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:03 No.2297681
    this whole pile of shit is unconstitional-once a person has paid their debt to society -they should be free none of this registry bullshit
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:06 No.2297683
    First thing I though of.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:07 No.2297685

    But won't someone PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!? They are our FUTURE!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:12 No.2297691

    More like
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:14 No.2297697
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:21 No.2297718
    I think this video captures this thread perfectly
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:24 No.2297720
    the guy should go to mexico and then funnel into Brazil.

    once there, he could become an illegal immigrant in Japan-success.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:40 No.2297751
    Honestly they should just ban all the sex offenders from the state. When they have laws like that they might as well just come out and say what they are actually wanting to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:43 No.2297756
    I dotn have the source ,but one in 5 americans has some form of mental disorder. biological maturity is the only objective measure. the age of consent should be rolled back from 16 to 12/13
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:48 No.2297769
    its actually based on the whole HURR DURR -likely to recommit.

    the problem with this theory is that these tools fail to realize ALL criminals have a high recitivism rate for crimes.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:51 No.2297775


    and of course you cant point out serious facts that dont coincide with their worldview such as

    blacks commit violent crime 7x more than white people .but desegretion was totally awesome right? ..right?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:51 No.2297778
    Solution: Sex offender island!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:52 No.2297779
    It's awesome if you're black and you're not a criminal or a ghetto thug.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:53 No.2297782
    Brothel's would probably stop this shit in the first place ,but we can't have that or the christians and feminist will go apeshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:55 No.2297789
    Sex-positive feminists (i.e. the ones who aren't batshit insane) are all for legalizing prostitution.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)19:57 No.2297790
    We just need red light districts. Don't like seeing people selling themselves? Stay out of those few blocks.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)20:29 No.2297858
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    looks like its time to reopen my cafepress store!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)20:34 No.2297867
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    >none of this registry bullshit
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)20:35 No.2297870
    Orlando has that. It's called Orange Blossom Trail.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)20:44 No.2297895
    Then the rest of the country needs to follow their lead.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)20:51 No.2297911
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    Shut Up Tony!
    This man, while he may be a criminal, would fit greatly on my newest team of thunderbolts. We will call him, PedoCog!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)21:29 No.2298015
    why bother? he isn't associated with his con anymore except to you guys.

    you also open yourself up to legal action since the new owners probably won't take too kindly to their logo being associated with a sex offender. that'd be a lawsuit where you'd lose buck$.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)21:33 No.2298032
    What new owners?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)21:39 No.2298054
    that's for Anon to figure out

    do you honestly think that Roy will be allowed to keep his con with his criminal record and inability to attend?

    the last thread was full of Anons wondering who was going to buy the con. apparently more than a few of the offers have been good.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)21:42 No.2298058
    LOL "new owners" you mean new public figureheads while roy secretly runs things off the books but rakes in the profits, this is a man who has systematically avoided a real job for the past 10 years of his life do you think he'd let this get in his way
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)21:48 No.2298066
    FFFFF where's my severance package and 3 life time passes?!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:00 No.2298099
    Anon is fond of digging up dirt. and public records.

    since its against the law for him to be involved with anything to do with minors don't you think SOMEONE would know if he was "secretly running things"? like his parole officer? a Metrocon paycheck would most certainly show involvement.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:02 No.2298102
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:06 No.2298115
    you mean a personal check from Alex Craddock titled "Happy Birthday" if a bunch of dumb italian mobsters can launder money I'm sure this dirty child fucker can - he only got caught once and how many underage girls has he been with?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:09 No.2298124
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    Anon obviously knows since he's your hero!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:10 No.2298125
    >> anon is mostly Tom Croom

    fixed this for ya bub
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:14 No.2298135
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    And who might it be that you were insinuating is of the less-than-smart persuasion?

    Grow a pair, kid. "Little Penis" isn't a flattering nickname on the streets!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:14 No.2298136
    >>and Jessica Ramsey, Amy Morrisan, and Derrick the >> Polak

    fixed it for you bub
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:18 No.2298144
    Oh no not Polish Derrick... Who is Polish Derrick?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:19 No.2298148
    If you are Italian you are also a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:19 No.2298150
    Derrick Joseph Petrelli Liszczak
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:28 No.2298167
    who is this and how the fuck do you know him by his entire name when most of 4chan calls roy "Roy D Harms"

    hint: the D is Delbert
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:32 No.2298174

    Thank god for Thailand. Eh?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)22:38 No.2298185
    actually it's "Delburt" dumbfag. read the police records again.

    if you check the referring post you'd see we're not referring to Roy

    better stop fapping to futa. you're obviously going blind.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)23:58 No.2298321
    Hi Jamie. Upset that he took Jessica instead of you? He invited her to the convention so they could cosplay together. (as that photo shows)
    Because he wanted her there. He would pick her up from school early when he got lonely. When she lived at his house, it was easer for him to control her. He even brought her along when he went to busenes meetings, and to see Jamie
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)00:05 No.2298335
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    When she was 15
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)00:07 No.2298342
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    and more recent...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)00:08 No.2298343
    lol what creative spelling of the word "business"

    I'm still left wonder what her parents were doing this whole time...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)00:12 No.2298362
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)00:30 No.2298416
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)01:10 No.2298499
    Her dad was in jail, and her mom is nuts. Not much more to say there.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)01:52 No.2298564
    Fuck off Jen, High school was a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)02:04 No.2298574
    this is all high school politics and vendetta posting

    good thing this is the 200th post so this thread can finally sage off and die
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)02:12 No.2298596
    that strand was the only high school BS posted. Cant disagree with the rest though.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)02:47 No.2298701
    Hey anon, tell Henry not to contact Jessica again. Its the last warning he gets

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